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Updating the BIOS on a Gigabyte motherboard is performed in case of problems, to obtain support for new hardware and improve operating efficiency, etc. You should not flash the BIOS unless absolutely necessary if the computer is working normally.

BIOS - the basic output-output system, is a microcircuit with microprograms that check and configure the computer hardware and ensure loading of the operating system. On modern computers, the traditional BIOS interface is being replaced with a modern UEFI interface. The BIOS chip is located on the computer's motherboard.

BIOS chip manufacturers periodically release updates that fix bugs and improve the BIOS code for greater compatibility and efficiency. In some cases, it makes sense to update the BIOS firmware to fix problems or improve compatibility with new devices connected to the computer.

Please note that updating the BIOS will void the warranty. Gigabyte company draws attention to the fact that in this case, you bear full responsibility for possible problems or failure of the equipment. If you do not dare to do the BIOS firmware yourself, contact the service center specialists or a computer workshop.

Please note a necessary condition that must be followed when updating the BIOS: during the process of updating the BIOS, a power outage can lead to irreversible consequences. Therefore, make sure that an uninterruptible power supply is connected to the computer while flashing the BIOS to prevent unexpected power outages.

Why did I update the BIOS on my computer?

Several years ago, the motherboard on my computer failed. This happened, as always unexpectedly, at the most inopportune moment. I had to do a forced upgrade on my PC, I had to replace almost all the computer hardware.

A certain configuration was assembled based on a motherboard manufactured by the Taiwanese company Gigabyte from parts available in a computer store. The motherboard has a BIOS from AMI - AMI BIOS UEFI.

Gigabyte motherboards support DualBIOS technology. There are two BIOS chips on the motherboard: the main one and the backup one. If the main chip fails, the BIOS will be restored from the backup copy. In this case, the computer will continue to work. Otherwise, without a backup BIOS, the motherboard would need to be replaced if it is not possible to replace the failed chip.

One day, after turning on the computer, I saw a message: “The Main BIOS is corrupted. The system will be recovered from the Backup BIOS...". This message is translated into Russian: “The main BIOS is corrupted. The system will be restored from the BIOS backup. Do not press the power and restart buttons, wait a few minutes for the process to complete. The main BIOS is being updated."

The BIOS was restored quite quickly, the operating system booted and continued normal operation. But, the next time the computer was turned on, the BIOS was restored from the backup copy.

I realized that it is necessary to update the BIOS firmware to a new version. To make the right choice, pay attention to the chipset revision (mine is rev.1.1), which can be seen directly on the motherboard or on the motherboard box.

Using specialized programs, for example, you can obtain in advance some information about the BIOS version installed on your computer. I had version F2, but it is no longer available on the official website. The latest available BIOS version for my motherboard is F8.

The official Gigabyte website offers three options for updating the BIOS microcode of motherboards:

  • Updating the firmware directly from the BIOS using the Q-Flash utility (perhaps the safest method).
  • Updating the BIOS using the proprietary @BIOS utility from Windows.
  • Updating the BIOS using a DOS utility that needs to be written to external media.

The first two methods are the easiest to use. Beginner users may experience difficulties when using Q-Flash in the UEFI BIOS interface. Therefore, in this article we will look at the easiest way: using the @BIOS utility to flash the BIOS on a Gigabyte motherboard.

Updating the BIOS on a Gigabyte motherboard using the @BIOS utility

The @BIOS utility runs directly from a running Windows operating system. Flashing BIOS to a new version occurs in graphical mode.

First you need to download @BIOS from the official Gigabyte website. Unpack the archive and install the program on your computer.

When updating the BIOS, you should be careful:

  • You need to make sure that the BIOS version matches the motherboard model.
  • Do not interrupt the BIOS flashing process.
  • Make sure that there is a source of electrical power that must be used to prevent a power failure from the electrical network.
  • During the update, the Windows operating system must run stably on the computer.
  • Close programs and connections.

To update the BIOS on a Gigabyte motherboard, follow these steps:

  1. In the Start menu, find GIGABYTE in the list of programs, click on it, launch the @BIOS program. The utility window will display information about the motherboard model, BIOS version and manufacturer. On the right side of the @BIOS window there are buttons:
  • Update BIOS from GIGABYTE Server - updating the BIOS from Gigabyte servers.
  • Update BIOS from File - updating the BIOS from a file previously downloaded to the computer.
  • Save Current BIOS to File - saves the current BIOS to a file.
  • About @BIOS - information about the program.
  1. Save the current BIOS to a file on your computer (just in case). Click on the “Save Current BIOS to File” button, select a save location, wait until the operation is completed. If the BIOS is damaged, then there is no point in saving it.
  2. Click on the "Update BIOS from GIGABYTE Server" button.

  1. In the window that opens, select the server from which you want to download the new BIOS firmware. By default, the closest server from the user is offered for selection.

  1. Confirm your choice to download the BIOS version. The window contains information about the motherboard model, chipset revision, and BIOS version selected for updating. I note that for some reason this window showed the BIOS version F7; the latest version F8 was installed on the computer.

  1. The file with the new BIOS firmware is being downloaded to the computer.

  1. Next, a message window will open warning you that the screen will freeze for a while while installing the BIOS. They ask for your consent to update the BIOS. Click on the "OK" button.

  1. Then the process of updating the BIOS to the new version will begin, which will take some time.

  1. After the firmware process is completed, a window will open with the message: “BIOS update complete! You must restart your system to apply the new changes. (Reboot is highly recommended for current BIOS update)."
  2. Follow the recommendations, click on the “Restart Now” button.

After restarting the computer, the BIOS will update to the new version.

Conclusions of the article

If necessary, the user can update the BIOS firmware to a new version on the Gigabyte motherboard using the @BIOS utility. You should be careful when updating the BIOS firmware.

Let's look at how to properly update the Gigabyte BIOS on your computer or laptop. This procedure will optimize the system and eliminate any errors that may arise.

Gigabyte is a popular Taiwanese company that develops and produces hardware components for computers and laptops (motherboards, video cards, peripherals, cases, graphics accelerators and other products)

TodayGigabyteis the largest manufacturer of motherboards. The corporation's market share is 38% (according to 2017 data). Mainly boards are produced for processors fromIntel(75%), the rest are used in computers with processors fromAMD (25%).

To maintain normal processor operation and eliminate errors, the manufacturer recommends regularly updating the BIOS for boards from Gigabyte.

Let's take a closer look at how to prepare your computer for updating the system menu and how to select the desired firmware version.

Why update?BIOS?

BIOS is the main system menu of the computer. Translated, the abbreviation stands for “basic input-output system.”

Using BIOS, you can control your computer even if it does not have an operating system installed.

You can also view or change settings for hardware components.

BIOS is the built-in program of the motherboard, so this menu is available on all computers and laptops with processorsIntelAndAMD.

The system menu needs to be updated at least once every few months, as the developer regularly makes adjustments and new features.

This allows increase productivity computer without harming the board , eliminates possible bugs or errors.

Also, it is always easier to work with an updated BIOS version.

The old version's system menu is difficult to use for regular users.

New versions are much easier to interact with, and some firmware even support mouse control.

The following data is updated in the menu:

  • Built-in drivers for interaction of connected components;
  • Menu interface. The arrangement of tabs, design and appearance of the main menu may change from version to version;
  • New features may be added;
  • Improvement of the security system;
  • Updating local networks;
  • Other firmware.

New BIOS components are usually indicated by the manufacturer next to each firmware version:

It is necessary to update the BIOS if you have recently noticed low speed of your computer, problems have begun to appear. system errors or the PC turns off spontaneously.

Also, if you purchased a more powerful processor and the installed motherboard is compatible with it (the sockets are the same), for normal interaction of the components you will only need to update the BIOS.

Please note that most updates do not bring major changes. If you regularly install new system menu firmware, your computer will always work stably and you will not encounter problems with the board.

Preparing your computer

Installing a BIOS update is a fairly simple process that even a novice user can handle.

At the same time, it is necessary to be aware of all warnings and recommendations, since in any case there is a danger of disrupting the functioning of the system.

If you do everything according to the instructions, no problems will arise.


  • You can download BIOS updates only from the manufacturer’s official website gigabyte . com . Otherwise, you can damage the system with a virus or erroneous code, and only a specialist can roll back the update. Also, the board often comes with a disk with a program that automatically searches for the latest updates;
  • It is not recommended to install beta or trial versions of the firmware;
  • The firmware version must match your motherboard version. Failure to match these parameters will result in a fatal installation error;

A difference in at least one character between the model and firmware is unacceptable. The only exception is in cases where developers fromGigabyteare releasing a general update for the boards. For example, your PC uses a motherboard modelGA- B73- D3 A, and the update is suitable for devices in the seriesGA- B73- XXX. In this case, the update can be installed.

  • Never download assemblies modified by other users , even if these installers contain new features or a changed interface;
  • During the installation of the update, make sure that the laptop is connected to the power supply. . Losing the power source and shutting down the computer may cause the installation to fail;
  • Before installing updates, you need to clean your PC hard drive from temporary files and other “garbage” . The drive must have sufficient free space (at least 1 GB). Also, the disk should not have bad sectors. If they are, defragment them.

Working with disk

1. To clean up your hard drive, go to the “This PC” window and right-click on the drive icon.

2. Select "Properties" from the drop-down list:

3. In the new window, click on “Disk Cleanup”:

4. Wait for the window with the list of parameters to be deleted to load.

Check the box for various temporary files, error data, reports, thumbnails, cache, trash contents. Click OK to complete the action. Removal may take a long time.

To carry out defragmentation (redistribution of sectors and the logical structure of the disk as a whole), go to the “Tools” tab of the “Disk Properties” window.

First, run a utility to check your disk for errors, and then run defragmentation.

All tasks will be completed automatically.

After working with the hard drive, restart your computer and proceed to update the BIOS.

View versionBIOS

Before downloading the firmware, you should find out what version of BIOS is installed on your computer.

You can do this as follows:

  • Look in the instructions for the motherboard;
  • If the documentation indicates only the general series of the board family, and not the exact model, or you do not have documentation, download and install the Everest utility;
  • Launch the application and open the tab on the left side of the window "Motherboard" or "Motherboard";
  • On the right side of the window, detailed information about the board will be indicated, in particular the version of the installed BIOS.

The firmware number is designated as a serial number or a set of numbers. For example,GIGABYTE GA- B73-1613 or simply 1613.

Firmware selection

Step 1. Remember or write down the current BIOS version of your computer.

Step 2. After that go to Gigabyte.ru and select your country or region. This is necessary to display information in your language. Next, you will be redirected to the official page of the site.

Step 3. The site menu is displayed at the top of the window. Go to the tab "Support". In the new window, click on the field "Select Product Category". Select from the list "Motherboard":

Step 4. In the new window, enter the socket number, chipset or board model. You can view this information in the Everest utility. Next, click on the search key and wait for a list of results with available updates to appear.

Step 5. A tab will open with detailed information about your motherboard. Open the “BIOS” item as shown in the figure below. A table with the latest updates will appear.

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