Home Diseases and pests The modern Nebo-U radar entered service with the Western Military District radio engineering unit. Radar station "sky-ue" Tactical technical characteristics of the radar

The modern Nebo-U radar entered service with the Western Military District radio engineering unit. Radar station "sky-ue" Tactical technical characteristics of the radar

The Ulyanovsk Mechanical Plant (part of the Almaz-Antey VKO Concern) presented the 1L119 Sky-SVU radar at the Army-2017 forum .

The Nebo-SVU radar station (1L119) is designed for automatic detection, measurement of coordinates and tracking of a wide class of modern air objects: strategic and tactical aircraft, aircraft missiles of the ASALM type, small-sized targets, stealth targets, in particular, those made using technology "STEALTH"

The world's first mobile radar 1L119 meter wavelength with digital spatio-temporal processing of radar signals provides automatic detection, measurement of three coordinates and tracking of a wide class of modern and promising air objects - strategic and tactical aircraft: aircraft missiles of the ASALM type, small-sized targets (warheads GZKR), subtle targets, including those made using Stealth technology, as well as recognition of target classes, determination of state ownership (OGP), direction finding of active jammers.

Distinctive features of the 1L119 radar from similar stations of this class are:

— the presence of a solid-state active phased active antenna array (PAR) with analog-to-digital conversion of received signals;

— fully digital primary spatial-temporal signal processing;

— flexible adaptation of the signal processing system to the interference environment and the technical condition of the station;

— highly efficient digital selection of moving targets (MTS), ensuring stable guidance of air defenses in intense hydrometeorological formations and intentional passive interference;

The station includes:

— antenna-hardware post (AAP) on the ChMZAP 9907.2 semi-trailer;

— diesel power plant (DES) ED 2×30-T400-1RA1M4 (or ED 2×30-T400-1RA1M6) on the chassis of the Ural car or ED 2×30-T400-1RA1M5 (or ED 2×30-T400-1RA1M7 ) on the chassis of a KamAZ vehicle;

— spare property ZIP-O.

Additionally, the station is equipped with an external indicator post (VIP) in a KK6.2 container on an all-terrain vehicle "Ural-532361" or in a separate container (boxes), as well as additional equipment for pairing the radar with the customer's air defense equipment and spare parts and accessories for carrying out unit repairs method.

The VIP container is equipped with rest areas, which allows for a constant rotation of crew shifts for continuous operation of the radar, especially in field conditions

Digital control of the spatial position of the antenna radiation pattern eliminates the need to change the angular position of the speaker panel in the vertical plane. This technical solution ensures the detection of not only aerodynamic air defenses flying at altitudes not exceeding 30,000 m, but also ballistic ones, which in flight can reach altitudes of up to 150 km.

One of the advantages of meter wave stations is the ability to detect VOs manufactured using Stealth technology or having a small effective scattering surface (ESR). Even in the operating mode of the Sky-SVU radar with 50% radiation power, an unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) with ESR = 0.1 sq. m is detected and tracked at ranges of more than 100 km.


CharacteristicRadar 1L119Radar 1L13
Detection range of fighter-type air targets (EOP 2.5 m2), km, not less: at flight altitude
100 m25
500 m60
10000 m270 250
20000 m360
Upper limit of the detection zone: in the duty mode of regular all-round visibility, not less
in height, km40
by elevation angle, degrees15
in target tracking mode
in height, km140
by elevation angle, degrees45
Coordinate measurement accuracy:
by range, m100 400
in azimuth, angular min.20 40
by elevation angle (for angles greater than 5), degrees1,5
Noise immunity:
local object suppression coefficient, dB45 45
interference visibility coefficient, dB30
ANC suppression coefficient, dB24
Blind speed protectionavailable
Type of output informationanalog, coordinate, traceanalog, coordinate
Number of tracked targets, not less100 60
Data update period, s20, 10 and 510
Average time between failures of radar equipment, hour, not less600 250
Number of transport units, pcs.2 (3 with VIP)(without HC*)

Decimeter radar module RLM-D (L-band) of the interspecific mobile radar 55Zh6M "Sky-M"

In network-centric wars of the 21st century, long-range radar detection of promising tactical fighters of the 5th generation and their stealth missile weapons is considered the fundamental basis for building reliable defensive tactics for both the ground and air components of the air forces of any state, including military air defense, and naval strike groups of the Navy. From the 80s - 90s. last century, technologically developed regional and global superpowers are making enormous efforts to develop mobile high-potential AWACS radar systems, as well as highly sensitive systems for electronic reconnaissance and passive location based on active and passive phased arrays, as well as ring phased arrays with an all-angle view of the airspace. An equally important task is also the early detection of high-speed supersonic and hypersonic air attack weapons with a small radar signature, which include: warheads of ballistic missiles of various classes, small-sized guided combat “equipment” of M26 missiles of the Swedish-American MLRS GLSDB (represented by modified small-sized UAB GBU -39SDB) and other precision weapons.

For these purposes, the Armed Forces of Russia and China use a number of stationary and mobile radar systems that have excellent energy and throughput capabilities and operate in the meter, decimeter and centimeter wavelength ranges. Stationary systems include: missile attack warning radar systems of the “Voronezh-M”, “Voronezh-DM”, “Voronezh-SM” types (so far only in the project), as well as new Chinese projects of early warning radars with unknown codes. The stations are capable of detecting and tracking aerospace elements of high-tech equipment with an ESR of 0.1 m2 at ranges from 3 to 5 thousand km. The most common Russian RTV and air defense stations “Protivnik-G”, “Gamma-S1”, “Podlet-K1”, 96L6E and “Gamma-DE”, as well as the Chinese JY-26 and YLC-2V are considered mobile. These radars are more often used as attached target designation means for long-range air defense systems S-300PM1/S-400 and S-300V4 and HQ-9, interfaced with the latter through data buses of automated control systems for a mixed anti-aircraft missile brigade of type 9S52 "Polyana-D4M1" " The distinctive capabilities of these radars are: fast deployment time, different ranges of operation and unification with universal towers for working on low-altitude targets. For example, the decimeter L-band radar (frequency 1-2 GHz) 59N6M “Protivnik-G” is designed for long-range detection and tracking of aerospace objects at altitudes up to 200 km (low-orbital section); the station can provide target designation to air defense systems, as well as to more accurate combat-mode centimeter radar stations of the Gamma-S1 type. The latter may well be adapted for the tasks of target designation and illumination of anti-aircraft missiles with ARGSN and PARGSN.

Station 48YA6-K1 “Podlet-K1” can be considered a radically improved low-altitude detector 76N6. The target detection ceiling is only 10,000 m, and the range is 300 km. At the same time, a solid-state PFAR operating in the centimeter X-band makes it possible not only to accompany on passage, but also to capture low-altitude cruise missiles with a small radar signature. Despite the capabilities of working on ballistic objects, the elevation field of view from -2 to +25 degrees indicates that the station is “tailored” for locating and ensuring the launch of missiles exclusively against low-altitude targets. In other words, Podlet-K1 is the only multifunctional low-altitude radar of its kind, which has no analogues in the world. As for the maximum speed of escorted objects, the 49Ya6-K1 has a limit on this parameter of 1200 m/s (for hypersonic EOS with speeds ≥5M, “Approach” does not work). The Protivnik-G radar has a tracking speed limit of 2200 m/s. But unlike Podlet-K1, it operates in the DM range and does not allow automatic acquisition of air targets with an accuracy of three to five tens of meters.

Despite the excellent visibility characteristics in low-altitude and medium-altitude sections of the VO up to 10 km (tropospheric section), centimeter operating range, the ability to track up to 200 VTs on the pass, and also capture some of them for precise auto tracking, the multifunctional radar "Podlet-K1" cannot used as an independent radar. Its viewing sector in elevation reaches only +25 degrees, and therefore a large, invisible “dead zone” funnel with a huge 310-degree sector is formed above the radar. To cover it, you need radars such as VVO 96L6E, etc.

The radar complex that complements Podlet-K1 in the stratospheric and exo-atmospheric areas of space is the 96L6E all-altitude detector. This complex is used as the main attached target designation device in the divisional level of the S-300PS/PM1 and S-400 Triumph air defense systems and has the highest tactical and technical characteristics. The VVO 96L6E has an upper limit of the detection zone - more than 100 km, has a maximum speed of a tracked target - 10,000 km/h, and is also capable of tracking 100 air targets with an ESR of up to 5 m2 at a distance of 400 km. It is worth noting that the VVO 96L6E, which has a multi-beam antenna array, shows very flexible hardware capabilities for forming a radiation pattern in the elevation plane, and therefore is able to interchange with Podlet-K1 in the tasks of detecting low-altitude air targets.

Chinese standby radars also keep up with domestic products. And the most interesting example from the Middle Kingdom is the JY-26 long-range radar detection radar. The station was first presented at the International Aerospace Exhibition in Zhuhai in 2014, and a year later the entire Western press and the Internet exploded with scandalous reports about the detection of stealthy F-22A fighters over South Korea by radar data. The Raptors were deployed to the South Korean Osan Air Base in the spring of 2013 to demonstrate Seoul's support in disagreements with Pyongyang over the nuclear missile program of the Democratic People's Republic of Korea, as well as as part of the US-South Korean Foal Eagle exercise. .

The detection of the F-22A "Raptor" by Chinese JY-26 radars is truly stunning for the West, because even taking into account the placement of the JY-26 at the eastern tip of Shandong Province (protruding 300 km into the Yellow Sea), the F-22As were detected at a distance of 250 -300 km. After all, it is well known that “Raptors”, which have an EPR within 0.07 m2, can be detected by modern ground-based radars of radio engineering troops at a range of no more than 120-150 km. American and British experts claim that the JY-26 operates in the meter and decimeter ranges (VHF/UHF - from 136 to 512 MHz), which provides good advantages in detecting long-range small targets due to better propagation of low-frequency waves in the airspace. But a big role here is still played by the high energy potential distributed between the 512 receiving and transmitting modules of the active phased array of the JY-26 station. If we are guided by such range indicators, then we can say that a “fighter” type target with an ESR of 3 m2 can be detected at a distance of 600 to 750 km. For comparison, even the domestic meter range radar detector with 55ZH6U “Sky-U” is capable of detecting a target with a similar radar signature at a distance of no more than 420 km, and this is with a pulse power of 500 kW. It follows that the JY-26 should have a pulse power of more than 800 kW.

Chinese advanced radar-AWACS JY-26

Other radio-technical anti-stealth equipment can be considered passive electronic reconnaissance stations. One of the best domestic RTR stations and passive location is “Valeria”. An antenna post equipped with a passive ring phased array, rising on a telescopic tower to a height of 20-25 m, makes it possible to take bearings of near and far radio-emitting air objects at distances of up to 500 km and altitudes from the earth’s surface to 40 km. Due to the fixed ring antenna array, the rate at which information about radio-emitting targets is updated does not exceed half a second, which is an advantage over standard rotating radars. SRTR "Valeria" operates in the meter, decimeter, centimeter and millimeter wavelength ranges, which allows locating radio communication sources in the UHF/VHF ranges, airborne radars of tactical and strategic aviation (including those operating in the broadband mode of “low interception capability” LPI and PPRF), radio altimeters of tactical and strategic cruise missiles, as well as active radar homing heads without revealing their own coordinates. "Valeria" will easily detect the radiation of onboard radars AN/APG-77 and AN/APG-81 (installed on the F-22A and F-35A/B/C) in any operating modes, and will also record the radiation of their onboard tactical information exchange modules on Link-16 JTIDS and IFDL channels.

A similar Chinese electronic reconnaissance and passive location station is DWL-002. Information about the product appeared in May 2014, after participation in the 9th International Exhibition of Military Electronics (CIDEX-2014). The Chinese analogue, like the Valeria SRTR, has the highest sensitivity even to the weakest radiation sources, which makes it possible to find bearings not only of air targets with operating radar equipment, but also in complete radio silence. How does this happen? In addition to the radiation from powerful surveillance and multifunctional radars of radio engineering and air defense troops, an enemy aircraft can irradiate a huge number of other radiation sources, which are meteorological radars, UHF mobile GSM communication towers, etc. The radiation from them is reflected in the same way as any other radio signal, and will certainly be detected by the DWL-002 passive antenna. Thus, not a single airborne aircraft will pass unnoticed near the antenna post of “Valeria” or DWL-002, but with the difference that it will be detected from a much closer distance than with the radar turned on.

Electronic reconnaissance and passive location station DWL-002 of the Chinese Armed Forces. As can be seen in the photo, one station is equipped with 2 receiving antenna posts

As is known, passive location stations, in contrast to active radars, are usually represented by several antenna posts located on the ground, which operate in the meter, decimeter and centimeter ranges. This configuration involves accurately determining the coordinates of enemy radio-emitting objects when it is not possible to use the standard pulse method for determining the range to an airborne object, which is used by standard radars. This method is called difference-rangefinder. At least 3 spaced apart passive antennas are required to calculate two values ​​of the difference in distances between each post and the target (based on the difference in signal arrival time), as well as to determine the point of intersection of the hyperbolas of the resulting time differences with the spatial location points of the passive antennas. A similar method is also used in the Kolchuga-M passive reconnaissance station.

Despite the numerous advantages of all the above-mentioned radio-technical and radio-electronic reconnaissance means, they are capable of providing a warning time before the approach of numerous ultra-small high-precision hypersonic elements (speed 6-7M) of only 1.5 - 2 minutes, which is extremely insufficient to timely bring all operating units to combat readiness in network-centric coordination, anti-aircraft missile brigades of the Aerospace Forces and military air defense divisions. Additional mobile radar equipment with significantly higher energy qualities is needed, which would make it possible to notify the anti-missile unit in a certain area of ​​the theater of the approach of Mach 7 aircraft 4-5 minutes before their approach.

In this regard, there is no equal to the promising multi-element interspecific radar complex 55Zh6M "Sky-M", which combines the qualities of early warning systems, early warning systems, and target designation radars for anti-aircraft missile units. According to a source in the Russian Ministry of Defense, during 2016, 5 Nebo-M radar systems were transferred to the Aerospace Forces. The first kits began to arrive in the Air Force at the end of 2012. Thus, as of 2017, RTV has more than 10 Sky-M sets. The complexes are in service with RTV units in the Eastern and Western military districts.

Having passed field tests in 2009, the Nebo-M radar complex was successfully sent for state tests, but far from being fully equipped. Only the meter radar module RLM-M, the decimeter radar module RLM-D, as well as the control cabin of the RLC KU were completely ready; The RLM-S centimeter module was then at the preliminary design level. But even with this composition, Nebo-M was distinguished by parameters that were unique in its class. Thanks to the high energy parameters of the meter and decimeter modules, even in surveillance mode, the target detection range with an EPR of 1 m2 reached 550 - 600 km, which became a record figure among all modern AWACS radars. RLM-D (as a single element) is one of the most powerful mobile radars in the decimeter range, and, like other modules of the Nebo-M complex, is equipped with its own generator with a power of 100 kW. The module is represented by a multi-element solid-state APAA with a phase shifter built into each PPM: this step makes it possible to use the station both in circular scanning mode and in sector viewing mode for more thorough and long-range observation of a missile-hazardous direction.

The sector mode of operation is distinguished by an even higher pulse power of the PPM radar modules, which made it possible to increase the instrumental range to 1800 km: at such a distance, Nebo-M is capable of detecting launching operational-tactical ballistic missiles and medium-range ballistic missiles. The speed limit of detected and tracked targets has reached 5000 m/s. A target with an ESR of 0.1 m2 (an IRBM or IRBM warhead) can be detected at a range of 600-650 km, and 0.01 m2 - 300-350 km. Thus, the Nebo-M complex is a record holder both in terms of multifunctionality and in terms of early target designation parameters (2-5 minutes) for the S-300V4 and S-400 Triumph anti-aircraft missile systems linked to the aerospace defense system.


The promising missile attack warning system (MAWS) of the Russian Aerospace Defense Forces is based today on high-potential meter 77Ya6 Voronezh-M radars, their modernized versions 77Ya6-VP Voronezh-VP, as well as decimeter versions 77Ya6-DM Voronezh- DM." Stations of this family are built on the basis of lightweight modular elements of block-container composition; and, unlike such gigantic structures as the Daryal-U radar, installation of all the necessary elements usually takes no more than 18 - 24 months. Since the entry into combat duty of the Voronezh-M station in the village of Lekhtusi, Leningrad region, in February 2012, the East Kazakhstan region has already received 7 similar radars. This year it is planned to “launch” 2 “Voronezh-DM” stations in Yeniseisk and Barnaul, as well as 1 “Voronezh-VP” station in Orsk. A network of 7 stations has formed a fairly dense radar field around Russia in all missile-hazardous air directions at distances of 4200 - 6000 km and altitudes from 150 to 4000 and 8000 km. The viewing sectors of Voronezh stations in the European part of Russia overlap, which eliminates the presence of invisible “gaps” in the southwestern, western and northwestern air directions, and the record throughput of each Voronezh radar of 500 targets allows you to maintain control over the tactical situation even at the moment of a massive strike by enemy aerospace attack means. But this only applies to exoatmospheric hypersonic weapons, since the lower limit of the viewing area for 77Ya6 is about 100 km. All aircraft operating at altitudes up to 50-70 km are not included in the Voronezh target list.

The issue of the radio horizon cannot be neglected. Even if the 77Ya6-DM were adapted to work against low-altitude and medium-altitude targets (from 15 to 20 km), the radio horizon for them would be only 400 - 550 km, which does not give stationary Voronezhs absolutely no advantages over advanced ones mobile radar type "Sky-M". In other words, the Nebo-M radar complex is the only mobile electronic reconnaissance device capable of performing the functions of an early warning system for low-altitude and medium-altitude “equipment” of supersonic or hypersonic missiles and aircraft, while providing a decent approach warning time, as well as the ability to quickly transfer to one or another area of ​​a missile-hazardous VN. Are there many similar areas in our state? Not so many, but still available!

Firstly, this is the northeastern air direction (VN), which has always been one of the weakest points of our aerospace defense. The Daryal-U meter radar-early warning system operates in this direction. Like any other radar, the Daryal station has significant energy losses at the edges of the scanning sector, which means a loss of range, and the right edge of the radiation pattern (DP) just approximately “covers” the northern aerospace boundaries over the Laptev Sea, East -Siberian and Kara seas. It turns out that the sky over the northern parts of Siberia and Yakutia is practically not visible by the Pechora Daryal, and there are still 2 years left before the Voronezh-VP radar in Vorkuta (with a viewing sector increased to 120 degrees) is introduced into the “anti-missile link”.

In such a situation, an excellent solution could be to place 3 Nebo-M radar systems along the northern seas washing the Russian Federation. The first one can be deployed near Norilsk. The second, in the vicinity of Tiksi: here it will not only serve as a radar for early warning systems and AWACS of the northern air borders of our country, but also act as an early warning and target designation tool for an anti-aircraft missile brigade and air defense aviation covering the main air base of the “Arctic forces” "Tiksi". As you know, this year Tiksi will begin to gradually transform into a strategically important air harbor for the Russian Aerospace Forces in the northern strategic direction. Tu-160 strategic missile-carrying bombers and Tu-22M3 medium-range missile carriers can also be deployed to this air base. It would be more expedient to deploy the third in the vicinity of Anadyr. Firstly, a squadron or air regiment of MiG-31BM will also be stationed here; secondly, the sector mode of operation of the Nebo-M complex will be able to cover the aerospace sector over the strategically important hub of the US Air Force - the Elmendorf-Richardson joint air base (Alaska), which may well host tactical and strategic aviation with hypersonic high-tech weapons .

The second very unpredictable air direction where the Sky-M complex may be in demand is the southwestern airborne aircraft. In this direction, there is a particularly high activity of tactical and strategic reconnaissance aircraft of the US Air Force, based at Turkish and Arabian air bases, and in the future, tests of Turkish operational-tactical ballistic missiles of the Yildirim family will be increasingly carried out. This is also the ever-increasing military threat from Georgia, which plans to station a large contingent of the Joint NATO Armed Forces at the Vaziani military base, consisting of armored units and several batteries of the Patriot PAC-3 or SAMP-T complexes.

In addition, it is known that the commands of the US and British Armed Forces usually strengthen their ground contingent with promising modifications of the GMLRS multiple launch rocket systems, which are equipped with M30 and XM30 guided missiles with a range of up to 70-95 km. A similar decision was already made last year to strengthen the group of British Ground Forces sent to Estonia. In addition to the MCW-80 “Warrior” infantry fighting vehicle, the “Challenger-2” MBT, the MQ-9 “Reaper” attack drones, as well as a contingent of a reinforced battalion (800 people), London will send the M270A1 MLRS launcher to this Baltic country. Adjustable shells with a caliber of 227 mm pose a serious threat to Russian Army units in the border Leningrad and Pskov regions. They are no less dangerous than ATACMS; primarily due to the small radar signature of 0.04 m2. The Gamma-S1 radar will be able to detect such projectiles at a distance of approximately 100 km, the Nebo-M complex - at a distance of 200-250 km in sector mode and about 160 km in all-round viewing mode. As a detector of small targets, Nebo-M is many times ahead of the Israeli EL/M-2084 radar of the Iron Dome complex.

The RLM-SE centimeter radar module is the main element that gives the Nebu-M the highest versatility. RLM-SE can carry out the acquisition of air targets, their acquisition for precise auto tracking with accurate target designation for anti-aircraft missile units and fighter squadrons of air defense aircraft. The module is a deeply improved version of the 96L6E all-altitude detector and the Gamma-S1 multifunctional radar detector.

Returning to the southwestern VN, it is worth noting that it is very logical to deploy the Nebo-M radar system at the 102nd military base in Gyumri. Here it will become a worthy response to the Israeli Green Pine station acquired by Azerbaijan, and will also be able to control vast areas of airspace over Turkey, Iraq, Syria and Georgia. Any unauthorized actions by NATO and Israeli tactical aviation in the Middle East will be immediately recorded by the crew in the control cabin of the radar control complex.

The most important distinguishing feature of the Nebo-M radar compared to various standby radars is also the ability to detect exo-atmospheric targets at an altitude of 1200 km, which is 6 times higher than that of the Protivnik-G radar. This is an advanced radar concept with pronounced anti-missile qualities, capable of detecting, tracking and even capturing medium-range ballistic missiles outside the Earth’s atmosphere. And despite all the emphasis placed today on the creation and promotion of standard surveillance or multifunctional radars with a range of 300-400 km, soon RTV units will no longer be able to do without complexes such as Nebo-M. After all, progress in the design of hypersonic elements of high-tech weapons will sooner or later impose more severe rules of warfare.

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(NNIIRT). It was produced in versions for air defense troops and for ground forces. In the air defense version, the antenna system is more complex, the installation and dismantling time is significant, and the station’s capabilities are greater. In the version for ground forces, the antenna system is simplified to increase mobility.


country's air defense troops.


Meter wave radar for ground forces.


"Sky-M" 55ZH6M (export version of "Sky-ME" 55ZH6ME) - a new three-band complex with separate radars of centimeter (modification of radar 64L6 "Gamma-S1"), decimeter (modification of radar "Protivnik-G") and meter ranges (modification Radar "Sky-SVU"). The estimated start of deliveries to the Russian Armed Forces is 2012.

In service with other countries

The "Sky-IED" is in service with Iran.

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Excerpt characterizing Heaven (radar)

-What's the matter? The fact is that the French crossed the bridge that Auesperg defends, and the bridge was not blown up, so Murat is now running along the road to Brunn, and today they will be here tomorrow.
- How is it here? How come they didn’t blow up the bridge when it was mined?
– And this is what I’m asking you. Nobody, not even Bonaparte himself, knows this.
Bolkonsky shrugged.
“But if the bridge is crossed, it means the army is lost: it will be cut off,” he said.
“That’s the thing,” answered Bilibin. - Listen. The French are entering Vienna, as I told you. Everything is very good. The next day, that is, yesterday, gentlemen marshals: Murat Lann and Belliard, sit on horseback and go to the bridge. (Note that all three are Gascons.) Gentlemen,” says one, “you know that the Tabor Bridge is mined and counter-mined, and that in front of it is a formidable tete de pont and fifteen thousand troops, who have been ordered to blow up the bridge and not let us in.” But our sovereign Emperor Napoleon will be pleased if we take this bridge. The three of us will go and take this bridge. “Let’s go,” others say; and they set off and take the bridge, cross it and now with the entire army on this side of the Danube they are heading towards us, towards you and towards your messages.
“No more joking,” said Prince Andrei sadly and seriously.
This news was sad and at the same time pleasant for Prince Andrei.
As soon as he learned that the Russian army was in such a hopeless situation, it occurred to him that he was precisely destined to lead the Russian army out of this situation, that here he was, that Toulon, who would lead him out of the ranks of unknown officers and open the first path for him to glory! Listening to Bilibin, he was already thinking how, having arrived at the army, he would present an opinion at the military council that alone would save the army, and how he alone would be entrusted with the execution of this plan.
“Don’t be kidding,” he said.
“I’m not joking,” continued Bilibin, “there is nothing fairer and sadder.” These gentlemen come to the bridge alone and raise white scarves; They assure that there is a truce, and that they, the marshals, are going to negotiate with Prince Auersperg. The officer on duty lets them into the tete de pont. [bridge fortification.] They tell him a thousand Gascon nonsense: they say that the war is over, that Emperor Franz has appointed a meeting with Bonaparte, that they want to see Prince Auersperg, and a thousand Gasconades, etc. The officer sends for Auersperg; These gentlemen hug the officers, joke, sit on the cannons, and meanwhile the French battalion enters the bridge unnoticed, throws bags of flammable substances into the water and approaches the tete de pont. Finally, the Lieutenant General himself appears, our dear Prince Auersperg von Mautern. “Dear enemy! The flower of the Austrian army, the hero of the Turkish wars! The enmity is over, we can give each other a hand... Emperor Napoleon is burning with the desire to recognize Prince Auersperg.” In a word, these gentlemen, not for nothing Gascons, shower Auersperg with beautiful words, he is so seduced by his so quickly established intimacy with the French marshals, so blinded by the sight of Murat’s mantle and ostrich feathers, qu"il n"y voit que du feu, et oubl celui qu"il devait faire faire sur l"ennemi. [That he sees only their fire and forgets about his own, which he was obliged to open against the enemy.] (Despite the liveliness of his speech, Bilibin did not forget to pause after this mot to give time to evaluate it.) The French battalion runs into tete de pont, the guns are nailed down, and the bridge is taken. No, but what’s best,” he continued, calming down in his excitement by the charm of his own story, “is that the sergeant assigned to that cannon, at the signal of which the mines were supposed to be lit and the bridge blown up, this sergeant, seeing that the French troops running to the bridge, he was about to shoot, but Lann pulled his hand away. The sergeant, who was apparently smarter than his general, comes up to Auersperg and says: “Prince, you are being deceived, these are the French!” Murat sees that the matter is lost if the sergeant is allowed to speak. He turns to Auersperg with surprise (a real Gascon): “I don’t recognize the Austrian discipline so vaunted in the world,” he says, “and you allow a lower rank to talk to you like that!” C "est genial. Le prince d" Auersperg se pique d "honneur et fait mettre le sergent aux arrets. Non, mais avouez que c" est charmant toute cette histoire du pont de Thabor. Ce n"est ni betise, ni lachete... [This is brilliant. Prince Auersperg is offended and orders the arrest of the sergeant. No, admit it, it’s lovely, this whole story with the bridge. This is not just stupidity, not just meanness...]

Radar for detecting and tracking air defense objects

55Zh6 "Sky"- three-dimensional radar of the meter range. A decree of the Council of Ministers of the USSR at the beginning of 1975 ordered the development of two unified three-coordinate radars of the meter wave range for the country's air defense forces in a transportable version (radar 55Zh6 "Sky") and for the air defense of the ground forces in a mobile version (1L13 " Sky-NE"). In the same 1975, another Resolution of the USSR Council of Ministers was issued, in which the “Sky” R&D project was included in the list of the most important works of the five-year plan. Along with the development work, the research project "Ugol" was assigned to study the possibility of creating a three-coordinate radar in the meter range.

The development of the 55Zh6 radar within the framework of the Nebo research and development work was carried out by the Gorky NIIRT (Gorky, now Nizhny Novgorod, since 1991 - NNIIRT), the chief designer is Alexander Zachepitsky. State tests of the 55Zh6 radar began at the Kapustin Yar test site in 1982.

The 55Zh6 radar complex was put into service in 1982. For the development of the radar in 1987, the NIIRT team was awarded the USSR State Prize.

The radar 55Zh6 "Sky" was produced by the Gorky Television Plant (JSC Nitel, Nizhny Novgorod).

Two deployed radars 55Zh6 "Sky"(http://nitel-oao.ru/)

The radar is designed to detect, identify, measure three coordinates and track air targets, including aircraft manufactured using stealth technology. It is used in air defense forces as part of an automated control system or independently.

The radar operates in the meter wavelength range and combines the functions of a range finder and altimeter. In this range of radio waves, the radar is little vulnerable to homing projectiles and anti-radar missiles operating in other ranges, and these weapons are currently absent in the operating range. In the vertical plane, electronic scanning with an altimeter beam is implemented (without the use of phase shifters) in each range resolution element. Noise immunity under conditions of active interference is ensured by adaptive adjustment of the operating frequency and a multi-channel auto-compensation system. The passive interference protection system is also built on the basis of correlation auto-compensators. For the first time, to ensure noise immunity under conditions of exposure to combined interference, spatio-temporal decoupling of protection systems against active and passive interference has been implemented.

Radar 55Zh6 "Sky" in the Russian Armed Forces

As of the 2010s, the 55Zh6 “Sky” radar is in service with air defense units and formations of the Russian armed forces.

Composition of radar 55Zh6 "Sky"

The 55Zh6 "Sky" radar kit includes:
- number of transport units - 7-8 van-semi-trailers (on three semi-trailers - an antenna-mast device, on two - equipment, on three trailers - an autonomous power supply system)
- a remote device transported in containers.

Radar deployment time - 22 hours
MTBF - 150 hours
Power consumption - 100 kW

Antenna type- PAR Antenna dimensions- 16 x 3.24 m Wavelength range- meter Viewing area:- in range - 600 km / 1200 km (maximum) - in azimuth - 360 degrees - in elevation - 16 degrees - in altitude - 75 km Zone for measuring three coordinates of a fighter type target:- in range (at altitude): - 65 km (300 m) - 300 km (10,000 m) - more than 400 km (20,000 m) - in elevation - 16 degrees - in altitude - 60 km Target coordinate measurement accuracy:- in range - 400 / 500 m (according to various data) - in azimuth - 24 arcmin - in altitude - 750 / 850 m (according to various data) Sub-interference visibility coefficient of the SDC system- 45 dB Working conditions:- ambient temperature - from -50 to +50 degrees C - wind speed - up to 35 m/s Type of output information- coordinate points The amount of information provided to the automated control system- at least 300 coordinate points Period of a full rotation of 360 degrees (rate of information update)- 10 s

Radar 55Zh6 "Sky"(http://nitel-oao.ru/)

Model of the radar complex 55Zh6 "Sky"
(Museum of JSC "Nitel")


55Zh6 "Sky"- the initial basic version of the radar.

55Zh6-1 "Sky"- modernized version of the radar. Some sources call it 55Zh6U "Sky-U".

Last year, the Russian Aerospace Forces received 5 new mobile radar systems designed to detect aircraft, helicopters and ballistic missiles at medium and high altitudes, including aircraft built using Stealth technology - 55Zh6M Nebo-M. It is not surprising that one of them became a lookout in Crimea, covering the peninsula with radar defense within a radius of 400 kilometers.

Today, the number of Nebo-M radars in the Aerospace Forces has reached ten complexes, in addition to the no less advanced Nebo-U stations, as well as the Nebo-SVU stations in service with the Ground Forces. There are practically no special differences in technical characteristics between these radar stations of the meter wave range family. In the air defense version, the antenna system is more complex, the installation and dismantling time is correspondingly increased, and the station has more capabilities. In the version for the Ground Forces, the antenna system is simplified to increase mobility. But the general similarity is a high quality in determining the three coordinates of targets. These radar systems are characterized by short tracking times for high-speed targets, a high rate of updating and issuing information, including on high-speed and maneuvering targets, long detection ranges of ballistic missile launches, and large ceilings in the ballistic target tracking mode.

The development of the radar complex based on the Nebo-M design and development work has been carried out at the Nizhny Novgorod Research Institute of Radio Engineering in Nizhny Novgorod since the 1990s. A prototype of the integrated integrated secondary radar (CSRL) was fully manufactured in 2008. At the same time, the first stage of preliminary testing of a prototype radar 55Zh6M, consisting of a meter-long radar module RLM-M and a control cabin KU RLC, was completed with positive results.

A year later, field tests were carried out and a prototype of the radar 55Zh6M was presented for state testing, complete with RLM-M (meter radar module), RLM-D (decimeter radar module) and KU RLC (control cabin of the radar complex) with a built-in secondary radar module (KVRL). And in 2010, the Ministry of Defense signed a contract for the supply of the first serial Nebo-M complex.

But this radar was presented to the general public only in 2012 at an exhibition of equipment dedicated to the 100th anniversary of the Russian Air Force in Ramenskoye near Moscow under the name 55ZH6ME “Sky-ME” (export version). Experts immediately appreciated its advantages, among the visible ones was amazing mobility for a complex of this level. The technical characteristics were even more surprising.

“Initially, the Nebo-M radar systems began to enter service with the air defense units of the Western Military District and were tested in the so-called “ring” of Moscow’s air defense,” says military expert Boris Dzherelievsky. “Their effectiveness during combat duty, starting in 2012, exceeded even the expectations of the military department, which was “spoiled” by other radar innovations. Therefore, new orders for “Sky-M” followed, the number of which has already increased to a dozen and, as far as we know, this is not the limit in the supply of these complexes to the troops.

Never before has a radar of this level possessed exceptional maneuverability, allowing the complexes to be used within an entire military district in an extremely short time. It is no coincidence that at least one Nebo-M complex was delivered to Crimea, from where it is capable of independently controlling air and space not only over the territory of the peninsula, but also almost the entire Black Sea, looking far beyond the horizon. And in tandem with stationary radars, these capabilities increase many times over.”

High mobility of the Nebo-M complex is ensured by placing each radar module on the chassis of a separate off-road vehicle - a four-axle tractor BAZ 6909-015 from the Bryansk Automobile Plant. Each module is provided with a built-in power supply with a power of 100 kW, the equipment is placed in a rotating container. The hydraulic system greatly facilitates the process of rolling up and unfolding antenna arrays and horizontal platforms. Thanks to radio control channels and information exchange between modules, inter-cabin cable connections are completely eliminated, and the automatic navigation and topographical system uses GPS and GLONASS systems, providing almost centimeter accuracy.

All this together makes it possible to literally roll up a very massive complex in just a quarter of an hour and relocate it to any location, either under its own power or by rail. And after 15-20 minutes, deploy it to a new position and start working. In the same Crimea, where the Nebo-M complex is currently on combat duty for air defense at Cape Tarkhankut (the westernmost point of the peninsula), it may no longer be there. This, of course, is only a theoretical assumption (if it is possible to scan the sky within a radius of 400 kilometers with this radar complex, there is no particular need to move), but its mobility allows the radar complex to be placed anywhere in Crimea within one night.

The Nebo-M radar complex belongs to interspecific stations at high and medium altitudes and is not by chance considered the most advanced in its class in the world; its effectiveness is comparable to several similar radars. The complex is capable of analyzing information at operating altitudes about small hypersonic and aerodynamic targets in difficult weather conditions. The target detection zones are impressive - the range is 600 kilometers, the elevation angle is 70 degrees, and the altitude is up to 600 kilometers. Just one turn of the radar allows you to see all targets in the air and outer space, automatically determining their identity using the “friend or foe” system. The complex is capable of simultaneously tracking up to 200 target tracks, giving their coordinates to the starting positions of medium- and short-range anti-aircraft missile systems.

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