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Department of Quantum Mechanics. Quantum mechanics


Subject1. Resolvent (Green's function) Hamiltonian in quantum mechanics. T-matrix. Lippmann-Schwinger equation. Relationship between the T-matrix and the scattering amplitude. Graphical representation of the Lippmann-Schwinger equation. Born approximation. Examples. Spectral representation of the T-matrix

Subject2. Analytical expression for the scattering amplitude for the separable potential. Limiting case of zero radius potential. Born amplitudes for singular potentials. Hilbert's identity. Unitarity condition. Unitarity condition for partial amplitudes. Argand diagrams. Scattering phases. Analytical properties of the scattering amplitude. Classification of scattering amplitude poles (bound states, virtual states, Breit-Wigner poles).

Subject3. Threshold values ​​of partial amplitudes. Scattering length and effective radius. Bound states with low binding energy. Scattering on a hard sphere at low energies.

Subject4. Jost functions and S-matrix. Analytical properties of Jost functions. Levinson's theorem. Analytical examples: rectangular well potential and Hultén potential. Limit transition to the Coulomb potential.

Subject5. Nucleon-nucleon potentials: central, tensor and spin-orbit potentials. Derivation of an analytical expression for the Yukawa potential. 1-boson exchange potentials. Approximation of zero radius forces. Condition for the existence of a bound state n.p. systems. Absence of excited states of the deuteron.

Subject6. Triplet and singlet states in a system of 2 nucleons. Projection operators. D-wave in deuteron. Tensor operator. Rarita-Schwinger formula. Static electromagnetic moments of nuclei.

Subject7. Quadrupole moment of the deuteron. Magnetic moment of the deuteron. Deuteron photodisintegration. Exchange currents in deuteron. Electromagnetic form factor.

Subject8. Classification of meson states in the quark model. Cornell potential. Representations of the SU(3) group for baryons. Potential of type string junction. Hyper-radial approximation. Semiclassical estimate of the masses of light and heavy baryons.

Subject9. Spin functions of three fermions and representations of the permutation group S 3 . Jung's schemes. Calculation of hyperfine corrections to the masses of N and baryons.

Subject10. The approach of eikonal. Representation of the impact parameter. Scattering on a hard sphere at high energies. Potential and shadow scattering.

Subject11. Time-independent perturbation theory. Non-degenerate case. 2-level problem. Renormalization of the wave function. Examples; harmonic oscillator and quadratic Stark effect.

Subject12. Linear Stark effect Zeeman effect in the hydrogen atom. Van der Waals forces. Variational methods.

Subject13. Time-dependent potentials. Interaction view. Nuclear magnetic resonance. Spin magnetic resonance.

Subject14. Dyson series. Transition probability. Examples: constant disturbance, harmonic disturbance

Subject15. Propagator as transition amplitude. Feynman's formulation of the path integral. The evolution operator and its matrix elements in coordinate representation. Calculation of the evolution operator for a free particle

Subject16. Gravity in quantum mechanics. Gravity-induced quantum interference. Gradient transformations in electromagnetism. Bohm-Aharon effect and path integral. Magnetic monopoles and charge quantization.



  1. L.D. Dandau and E. M. Lifshitz, Quantum mechanics, non-relativistic theory, Fizmatlit, 2008
  2. L.D. Dandau and E. M. Lifshitz, Relativistic quantum mechanics, Fizmatlit, 2008
  3. F. Dyson, Relativistic quantum mechanics, ICS 2009


    J.J Sakurai, Modern Quantum Mechanics, The Benjamin/Cummings Publishing Company, Inc. 1985

    R. Newton, Theory of wave and particle scattering (Mir, 1969)

    L.P.Kok, J.Visser, Quantum Mecanics. Problems and their solutions, Coulomb Press, Leiden 1987

At the subatomic level, particles are described by wave functions.

The word "quantum" comes from the Latin quantum(“how much, how much”) and English quantum(“quantity, portion, quantum”). “Mechanics” has long been the name given to the science of the movement of matter. Accordingly, the term “quantum mechanics” means the science of the movement of matter in portions (or, in modern scientific language, the science of movement quantized matter). The term “quantum” was coined by the German physicist Max Planck ( cm. Planck's constant) to describe the interaction of light with atoms.

Quantum mechanics often contradicts our common sense concepts. And all because common sense tells us things that are taken from everyday experience, and in our everyday experience we have to deal only with large objects and phenomena of the macroworld, and at the atomic and subatomic level, material particles behave completely differently. The Heisenberg uncertainty principle precisely outlines the meaning of these differences. In the macroworld, we can reliably and unambiguously determine the location (spatial coordinates) of any object (for example, this book). It doesn't matter whether we use a ruler, radar, sonar, photometry or any other measurement method, the measurement results will be objective and independent of the position of the book (of course, provided you are careful in the measurement process). That is, some uncertainty and inaccuracy are possible - but only due to the limited capabilities of measuring instruments and observation errors. To get more accurate and reliable results, we just need to take a more accurate measuring device and try to use it without errors.

Now, if instead of the coordinates of a book we need to measure the coordinates of a microparticle, for example an electron, then we can no longer neglect the interactions between the measuring device and the object of measurement. The force of influence of a ruler or other measuring device on a book is negligible and does not affect the measurement results, but in order to measure the spatial coordinates of an electron, we need to launch a photon, another electron or another elementary particle of energies comparable to the measured electron in its direction and measure its deviation. But at the same time, the electron itself, which is the object of measurement, will change its position in space as a result of interaction with this particle. Thus, the very act of measurement leads to a change in the position of the measured object, and the inaccuracy of the measurement is determined by the very fact of the measurement, and not by the degree of accuracy of the measuring device used. This is the situation we are forced to put up with in microcosm. Measurement is impossible without interaction, and interaction is impossible without influencing the measured object and, as a consequence, distorting the measurement results.

Only one thing can be stated about the results of this interaction:

uncertainty of spatial coordinates × uncertainty of particle velocity > h/m,

or, in mathematical terms:

Δ x × Δ v > h/m

where Δ x and Δ v- uncertainty of the spatial position and velocity of the particle, respectively, h- Planck's constant, and m- particle mass.

Accordingly, uncertainty arises when determining the spatial coordinates of not only an electron, but also any subatomic particle, and not only the coordinates, but also other properties of particles - such as speed. The measurement error of any such pair of mutually related characteristics of particles is determined in a similar way (an example of another pair is the energy emitted by an electron and the period of time during which it is emitted). That is, if we, for example, managed to measure the spatial position of an electron with high accuracy, then we at the same moment in time we have only the vaguest idea of ​​its speed, and vice versa. Naturally, in real measurements it does not reach these two extremes, and the situation is always somewhere in the middle. That is, if we were able, for example, to measure the position of an electron with an accuracy of 10 –6 m, then we can simultaneously measure its speed, at best, with an accuracy of 650 m/s.

Due to the uncertainty principle, the description of objects of the quantum microworld is of a different nature than the usual description of objects of the Newtonian macroworld. Instead of spatial coordinates and speed, which we are used to describing mechanical movement, for example, a ball on a billiard table, in quantum mechanics objects are described by the so-called wave function. The crest of the “wave” corresponds to the maximum probability of finding a particle in space at the moment of measurement. The movement of such a wave is described by the Schrödinger equation, which tells us how the state of a quantum system changes over time.

The picture of quantum events in the microworld, drawn by the Schrödinger equation, is such that particles are likened to individual tidal waves propagating along the surface of the ocean-space. Over time, the crest of the wave (corresponding to the peak probability of finding a particle, such as an electron, in space) moves through space in accordance with the wave function, which is the solution to this differential equation. Accordingly, what we traditionally think of as a particle, at the quantum level, exhibits a number of characteristics characteristic of waves.

Coordination of wave and corpuscular properties of microworld objects ( cm. De Broglie's relation) became possible after physicists agreed to consider the objects of the quantum world not as particles or waves, but as something intermediate and possessing both wave and corpuscular properties; There are no analogues to such objects in Newtonian mechanics. Although even with such a solution, there are still plenty of paradoxes in quantum mechanics ( cm. Bell's theorem), no one has yet proposed a better model for describing the processes occurring in the microworld.

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