Home Indoor flowers Belladonna properties. Belladonna officinalis (belladonna): composition, useful and medicinal properties of belladonna. Cure for insomnia

Belladonna properties. Belladonna officinalis (belladonna): composition, useful and medicinal properties of belladonna. Cure for insomnia

Strawberries planted in autumn develop rapidly, are accepted, and grow. Already in early spring, it will be possible to harvest the first crop from the corresponding varieties. If strawberries are planted in spring, then the harvest, even remontant varieties, can be tasted not earlier than mid-summer or late summer. So, how to properly plant strawberries in the fall in open ground - the subtleties of the process and its features will be described below in the article.

When and how best to plant strawberries in the fall?

The first thing to decide is the place and time of landing. The most suitable period for autumn planting is September. At this time, the earth is still warm, well warmed up, but not hot from the sun, as in July. But, in addition, there are 2 full months left before winter, this time is quite enough for the seedlings to start, take root well and get ready for wintering.

The place for strawberries should be open, light, sunny. The more sun gets on it in the spring, the faster and sweeter the harvest will be. Experiments have shown that mostly sour strawberries grow in the shade, even if the variety is sweet. Lack of heat and moisture also negatively affects the taste of the berry.

Don't plant strawberries after potatoes, cabbage, eggplant, cucumbers or peppers. But after cereals, beets, garlic, herbs or carrots, strawberries are taken quickly and give bountiful harvests.

Well, and the last point that should be clarified, primarily for inexperienced gardeners and gardeners - almost any soil for autumn planting of strawberries is suitable. The fact is that breeders have bred a mass of all kinds of varieties for different types of soil, so that with the correct selection of the variety, problems with the growth and development of seedlings will not arise. But, even if the variety is not picked up under the ground, the right fertilizers and care will correct the situation.

How to prepare the soil and seedlings?

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Before planting strawberries, the soil should be thoroughly fertilized. In autumn, the amount of nutrients in it is underestimated, so that the plants develop quickly, it is worth improving the quality of the land. This is done about 2 weeks before planting. As a rule, 5 kg of rotted manure is taken per square meter. But this is a conditional figure. The fact is that the type of soil, its composition and quality play an important role. The more fertile the land, the less fertilization is needed.

You can choose the type of fertilizer yourself based on the type of soil and your own preferences. During the application of manure, you need to carefully dig up the ground so that it mixes well with the ground.

A week before planting strawberry seedlings, it needs to be prepared. To do this, all sprouts are examined for diseases, rot - bad ones are removed. Then you need to treat the roots with fungicides and put the seedlings in a dark, cool place.

What are the landing features?

Already fertilized soil needs to be well leveled, then make rows. If we are not talking about a plantation, but a plot for personal consumption, then it is better not to leave large distances between the rows. It will be enough and 30-40 cm. The same distance is made between individual holes in a row. Of course, if a large plantation is being made, then the distance between the rows is about 50-80 cm, so that it is convenient to move around.

Two sprouts are planted in one hole. Thus, they achieve the volume of the bush. It grows large, but the plants do not interfere with each other. The roots are dug in as deep as possible so that they do not freeze in winter. After planting strawberries in open ground, the ground is watered. This is done carefully so as not to damage the seedlings. There should be enough moisture, not a lot.

The last thing to note is that strawberries grow well on agrofibre. If the gardener has a desire to plant it on this material, then you need to carry out all the same manipulations that were described above, just before planting, cover the beds with agrofibre in one layer, then make holes in it for planting sprouts (above the holes) and then plant culture.

Planting strawberries in autumn on agrofibre allows you not to mulch the ground. Moisture does not evaporate from the ground so quickly, weeds cannot break through to the surface, thanks to which the crop can not be weeded and the weeds can not be removed.

How to care for strawberries?

Care for strawberries planted in autumn is very simple. She needs rare watering if the rains are not enough. It is necessary to remove weeds that may appear between the bushes and occasionally weed (if the plant is not on agrofibre). Before the first frosts, it is worth removing all excess sheets around the bushes, cutting off the antennae.

The last thing you need is insulation for the winter. Frost-resistant varieties do not need this, but an elementary film shelter should be made unstable to frost before the first snow falls. Then the film is removed and a layer of snow is thrown over the strawberries. This manipulation is not necessary, but it is recommended for insulating special, expensive or rare varieties. Although usually sprouts are taken without it before the first frost and calmly endure the winter.

Observance of some tricks allows you to get a bountiful, rich harvest already in the first spring after the autumn planting of strawberries.

  • The distance between the holes and the rows depends a lot on the strawberry variety. Sprawling varieties like "Gigantella", "Albion", "Chamora Turusi" take up a lot of space, so the distance between their bushes should be at least 40-50 cm. And for small, compact varieties, 30 cm will be enough.
  • If the planting of strawberries in the fall is not carried out on agrofibre, it is advisable to pour a layer of sawdust, straw, peat on the ground between the bushes before winter - mulch it. This will insulate the ground above the roots of the plant and protect them from many pests and diseases.
  • An alternative to the film as insulation before the first snow can be a thick layer of straw, poured directly over the green seedlings. Only the straw is not harvested until the end of winter.
  • Seedlings must be locally grown. If you take sprouts that have been grown in a warm climate and plant them in a cold region, they will most likely not accept.
  • Garden strawberries should be replaced every 4 years. This is the optimal period of her life, then it is worth removing the old bushes and planting them in their place or on any other, young seedlings.

It is no coincidence that strawberries are considered the queen of berries, because they are one of the most delicious and healthy. Residents of most Russian regions are lucky, since climatic conditions make it possible to grow large and juicy fruits from year to year. But, unfortunately, in order to grow a rich harvest, you have to work hard.

As you know, this berry you can, observing special rules , and . Let's figure out when it is better to plant and transplant it.

Gardeners plant strawberries in the spring or fall.

Strawberry planting can be done in autumn and spring.

In both cases, there are advantages, but also disadvantages that can be avoided only by following certain rules and technologies.

Spring planting

In the chernozem soil, the strawberry yield will be greater.

Many summer residents choose the spring planting of strawberries. Winter has passed, the snow has melted, frosts are no longer expected, so you can safely deal with seedlings, because nothing threatens the berries.

Strawberry varieties are chosen such as early, mid-early and late. They differ in the time of fruiting.

Strawberries are planted mainly on a flat and uneven surface (slope with a slope of no more than 3 degrees). Lowlands are not suitable for breeding, the berries in this case will bear fruit worse. As practice shows, the yield is greater in light chernozem podzolized soils rich in humus. The plant loves a sufficient amount of moisture.

Basic landing rules

Do not plant strawberries next to potatoes.

  • the soil should be moist, not wet;
  • before planting, the soil must be harrowed and cultivated;
  • if the soil is weak, then it should be fertilized;
  • the soil should be free of weeds;
  • do not plant a berry next to a potato, as the pests of this crop (Colorado potato beetle, etc.) also feed on strawberries;
  • the acidity of the soil should not exceed 6.5 on the pH scale;
  • planting is carried out only on prepared soil, that is, you need to remove last year's foliage and debris that could accumulate over the winter;
  • after planting, the berry is fed three times a year - before the harvest, after the harvest and before the cold weather.

When landing, follow the following technology

Dig up the soil before planting.

  • Prepare the soil (dig up, break up tubers, level, cultivate, fertilize if necessary).
  • The holes are dug about 20-30 cm deep, depending on the variety, with an average diameter of 25 cm.
  • Use a one- or two-line planting method.
  • The optimum distance between furrows is 50-60 cm.
  • When planting, the root collar is positioned at ground level.
  • It is impossible to cover the growth bud with earth, as the plant will die.
  • Sometimes used in the future, or fungicide. Follow the indicated dose on the package.
  • Berry tubers are inserted neatly into the ground, after which they are covered with manure or humus.
  • After that, the roots of the strawberries are buried and each bush is watered abundantly.
  • Young seedlings are recommended to be watered abundantly during the first 2 weeks.

Autumn planting

Still, it is worth noting that most summer residents are of the opinion that spring is not the best time to plant strawberries ... Many people prefer autumn. Let's figure out why?

Despite the fact that the weather is extremely unstable in autumn, frosts may appear early, this is the optimal time for planting berries. The best numbers for planting are considered from August 15 to mid-late September.

In autumn, strawberries are planted from mid-August.

As you know, strawberries are a berry that loves moisture.... Frequent autumn rains evenly and richly moisturize the soil, so the roots take root better and grow faster.

If you are worried that frost can kill the strawberries, then you can insure the berry with a covering material. Today, many models of agrofibre are sold with increased operational capabilities, which will protect the plant from atmospheric precipitation, while allowing enough air and moisture to pass through.

Landing technology

  • The berry is planted after the summer heat has subsided.
  • For planting, prepare the soil - dig up, level, remove debris, clear of roots and weeds.
  • If necessary, the soil can be fertilized with manure or humus.
  • Strawberries should not be planted in frost, rainy weather.
  • The optimum temperature for planting berries is not lower than 10 degrees.
  • Experienced summer residents are advised to use the landing lunar calendar.

Manure is suitable as a fertilizer.

In terms of planting sequence, strawberries are planted in the same way as in spring.

  • Distance between furrows the average is 50 cm, between plants - 30 cm.
  • Wells dug up to a depth of 30 cm, with a diameter of up to 25 cm.
  • Roots should be sprinkled with manure or humus for optimal feeding.
  • After the root collar gently sprinkle with earth and watered.

A closed planting of strawberries will protect the plant from frost.

A similar sequence is followed in the case of also closed planting, that is, using agrofibre. 15 cm slots are made in it, where each seedling is then placed.

Usage covering material in the fall- a great way to protect plants from inclement and frosty weather, providing them with the optimal amount of moisture and air for normal growth. In addition, some types of agrofibre (for example) are capable of protecting the crop from harmful insects and weeds in the future.

How and when to transplant strawberries

Strawberries are a very tasty and healthy berry with a big drawback - they need to be transplanted periodically. The transplant is usually carried out in the summer or autumn, following the sequence described above.

  • Summer strawberries can be transplanted into July-August, after the completion of the fruiting process.
  • In autumn you can work with strawberries until the end of September depending on the region of Russia.

After planting, the berry needs to be watered 3 times a week. In order to enjoy a new rich harvest next year, it is better to choose fertile soil for seedlings, by no means in the lowlands.

After planting, the strawberries require watering.

Top dressing

To do this, use manure, humus, vermicompost, ash,. Many gardeners have their own strawberry “nutritional shake” recipe. For example, they often add to manure or humus saltpeter, superphosphate, nitrophosphate, mullein, ammonium sulfate and other components that improve the performance of plants and protect them from harmful weeds and insects.

For feeding, you can use humus.

Each year, strawberries should be fed at least 3 times a year- in spring, summer and autumn. Only in this case the plant will last a long time and will please with a rich harvest from year to year.


Properly planted strawberries will yield a large harvest.

If you do not know when to plant or transplant strawberries, then it is better to listen to experienced gardeners and choose autumn. If you can't do it in the fall, then don't worry, and stop in the spring. By following simple planting guidelines, you are guaranteed to get a good harvest.

Strawberry transplant video

Every self-respecting summer resident grows strawberries on the site. In order for it to grow ripe and tasty, it needs proper care. Guided by this instruction and taking into account all the features when planting, you can count on a high yield.

Choosing planting material

In order for strawberries to grow well in a new place, it is important to choose the right material for planting. First you need to buy a seedling, which can be found in the nursery, or try to grow it yourself. As a rule, purchased seedlings are of two types:

Important! When buying planting material, the main thing is the heart: if it is large, then the harvest will be good. And those who are going to grow seedlings on their own will have to cut off peduncles from the mother bushes every year, as well as extra sockets, leaving only 2-3 strong ones. Once strong roots have formed, the plant should be detached from the bush and transplanted into a container. The main thing is that the seedlings are young.

Preparing the soil

Strawberries can be grown in areas with medium loam. If there is groundwater in the garden area, then the plants are planted in high beds. Sandy soil will be the worst for strawberry growth.

  1. Strawberry cultivation should be carried out as follows: autumn digging of the soil, which cannot be neglected. With the onset of spring, the beds need to be loosened with a shovel or pitchfork by 30-40 cm(This is exactly the depth needed by the root system). If there is loam on the site, sand, peat or sawdust should be added to the garden bed. This increases the fertility of the soil.

Reference! It is best to plant strawberries higher so that groundwater does not reach it. The bushes do not need stagnant moisture, otherwise the root system will simply rot. If the composition of the soil is different, then it is imperative to make a drainage system from rubble or other material.

  1. Spring weeding is needed to prevent weeds from clogging the plant. After weeding, it is better to cover the bed with dark material or film. After a week, you can remove the film, and remove the emerging seedlings with a cultivator.

Reference! In the spring, experienced gardeners put mulch in the strawberry garden, which prevents weeds from growing.

Important! Fertilizers are best applied in autumn or early spring.

  1. You can disinfect strawberries with fungicides, although gardeners respect potassium permanganate solution more. For example, a phytosporin solution will introduce beneficial microorganisms into the soil, which in turn will improve plant growth.

All of the above procedures are best done no later than two weeks before planting strawberries.

Landing distance

Since strawberries are hardy plants, they bloom unevenly. It should be planted in an area with constant access to light.

If there is a tree nearby, the crown of which shades the plant, the fruits will be small. The soil should be cultivated, without weeds.

The beds should be prepared one and a half months before planting so that the earth settles. If the soil is weak, then the strawberries are planted to a depth of 20 cm, and on good soil, the depth should be up to 30 cm.

When planting a plant in a hole, you need to straighten all the roots and sprinkle with damp earth, and then water. The distance between the beds should be 30 cm, and between the rows up to 50 cm. If the strawberry is of a late variety, then the distance between the rows should be set aside up to 80 cm so that the mustache does not get tangled.

Choosing the time

Usually, strawberry bushes begin to be planted in spring or fall.

Spring planting will vary by region. When the temperature has reached 10-15 degrees Celsius, summer residents are engaged in seedlings.

For example, for residents of Siberia, strawberries should be planted in the second half of May, and for residents of southern regions - at the end of April. Autumn planting begins in late summer and ends in late October. And as experienced gardeners advise, spring planting is considered optimal than autumn planting.

For those summer residents who live in areas with little snow, it is best to plant strawberries in the spring. The main thing is that there is more light for her, and there are no drafts.

According to gardeners, the optimal planting time is evening or another cloudy day.

Planting methods

There are several ways to plant strawberries:

Trapezoidal beds

This method is necessary for those who do not have a drainage system.

To do this, you will have to manually lift the earthen platforms. The beds must be made in 3 rows at a distance of 5 meters from each other.

The edges of the beds are strengthened with branches. This will further facilitate harvesting.

After that, the beds need to be covered with a foil with holes to ensure ventilation.

Film tunnels

They are good to use when the weather changes frequently.

Therefore, gardeners put protective film tunnels over the beds.

The film will protect plants from: UV, retain moisture and keep strawberries from drafts.

The downside is that you constantly have to monitor the level of humidity and temperature inside such a tunnel.

Plastic bags

They are filled with a substrate rich in fertilizers and moderately moisturized.

Cross-shaped holes are made in the beds, where healthy young seedlings are planted.

Then you need to bring drip irrigation and create the necessary lighting for the plant.

It is convenient to move such a bed.

Vertical bed

To create such a bed, you need to have with you: burlap, a building mesh, a large-diameter plastic pipe, old tires and boxes or pots, thanks to which you can make a pyramid.

Such a bed will save space in a small area and give a beautiful view. The inconvenience of such beds arises with watering, and the vertical position will require additional devices.

Landing in open ground

Strawberry seedlings are planted in the spring after frost or in the fall - before frost. Anyone who is going to plant them in a greenhouse can do this earlier. This usually happens after 2 months after planting the seeds. Before planting seedlings in the ground, they must be kept in the sun.

When replanting seedlings, you need to make sure that their roots are not entangled. Also, we must not forget about their core, which should be above the soil. Then fertilize. After a while, you need to weed the beds and do not forget about watering.

How to plant seedlings?

First you need to determine the state of the bushes. Their appearance should be formed and have 3 healthy leaves, as well as a strong root system..

The best option would be a squat rosette with a large central bud.

Strawberries grow best in black soil. As gardeners advise, seedlings should be in the southwest and in an enclosed area.

Seedlings are planted in such a way that the root system is straightened. Not a single spine should be bent. Before planting it in the soil, within two days the strawberry bushes are not moved to a cool or shady place, and the mustache of the seedlings is transferred to any container with water.

Attention! When planting seedlings, the root system needs to be upright. If the soil is dry, it should be watered immediately and humus added.

How to plant under black covering material?

Such material is black film 100 microns thick. If you use a thinner material, the weeds will break it.

They put such material directly on the beds. Along the edges it is pressed with bricks and covered with a small layer of earth.

Then in the black material it is necessary to make slots and dig holes in them. Then plant the seedlings.

If the bushes are not squeezed, the mustache of the plant will take root under the film. And it's not worth worrying about the fact that the strawberries will be cramped, since the material is capable of stretching.

In winter, the covering material is removed.

Gardeners claim that thanks to the black material, strawberry yields are increased. This is due to the fact that it heats up due to the sun's rays, which contributes to the rapid growth of berries.

The disadvantage of such a shelter is poor watering. Since the slots in the material are small, water does not seep well into the ground. Therefore, you will have to take care of the irrigation system under the material.

Carefully! It is not recommended to use black material for more than 4 years, otherwise the yield will decrease.

How to plant with seeds?

It is not uncommon for summer residents to buy strawberry varieties without a mustache. And in order to grow delicious berries, you will have to grow it using seeds. To plant strawberries with seeds, you need to do a little preparation:

  • Put the seeds on a napkin and soak them in the amber mixture for a month. Store them in the refrigerator.
  • Then purchase flower soil at any gardening store.
  • Find a plastic container and fill it halfway with earth.
  • Spread 50 seeds on the surface of the ground and water.
  • Cover the container with a lid and store it in a warm place for 8 days, remembering to water every three days until shoots appear.
  • At the end, plant the soil with seedlings in the same way as seedlings.

We put in a greenhouse

Some gardeners consider growing strawberries in greenhouses a tradition.

There you can provide the plant with the necessary conditions due to the greenhouse effect.

For example, Dutch cultivation technology has gained popularity among most gardeners who grow strawberries in greenhouse conditions.

To do this, you need to plant seedlings in polyethylene bags. In addition, the greenhouse, especially if it is large, is suitable for industrial conditions if the strawberries are sold.

But the acquisition of a greenhouse will require certain costs from a person, and for this you will need to spend money on:

  • Seedlings;
  • Peat;
  • Equipment;
  • Electricity;
  • Irrigation system.

Planting strawberries in spring

Since the bushes have formed a strong root system in the fall, spring planting is considered optimal. The plant managed to adapt on the spot after winter and got stronger.

Due to the fact that the earth has collected melt water, the plant should not be watered often in spring.

The downside of spring planting is that annual plants do not bear fruit well. According to gardeners, if you plant a berry in the spring, you can expect a good harvest next year.

Spring landing time

For the growth of strawberries in spring, a certain temperature is needed, which occurs at the end of April, when the earth has warmed up to 12 degrees, as well as sunlight. In the southern regions of the country, they begin to engage in spring planting from the end of March, but in the north, closer to the end of spring.


Before planting the plants in the ground, the seedlings are taken out for a week in the shade, but so that it is warm there. This will allow the strawberries to adapt to outdoor conditions. Then you need to weed the bed and remove all the weeds. Some gardeners even disinfect their beds to get rid of the pests that are hiding there.

Before planting seedlings in open ground, you need to add a little peat to the ground so that the rosettes of the plant can take root.

It is equally important to say that the variety of strawberries depends on the time of planting. There are winter-hardy varieties and thermophilic ones. Therefore, the planting procedure in the spring may vary from month to month.

As gardeners advise, you should not delay planting and you need to start it earlier in order to prepare the beds and plant a plant in them. Having adapted to a new place, you can expect a good harvest in the future.

Planting in autumn

For the southern regions of the country, September is considered the optimal month for planting strawberries. Having excellent planting material, the plants will root perfectly.

Gardeners argue that autumn planting is bad for future yields.

Despite the fact that the bushes will take root, they will not prepare well for the winter and will lay few buds. In general, the fall planting adversely affects the growth of strawberries, and it is only necessary in order to get more whiskers next year. And with the arrival of spring, all flower stalks are removed and a healthy mustache is left.

Autumn landing time

Two weeks before the onset of autumn, when the temperature dropped to 15 degrees, gardeners are preparing to plant strawberries. This is usually done on a cloudy day or in the evening.


When planting strawberries in the fall, you need to choose a day. After examining the root system and cutting off the dried ones, you can start planting. You can add a little peat and dry sawdust to the prepared bed. In some cases, summer residents cover the planting with agrofibre, thanks to which the plant can survive the winter.

Timely feeding of seedlings is a positive step in caring for a plant.

Care after landing

After all the strawberry planting activities have been completed, do not forget about leaving.

One of the important activities is watering the plant. Some gardeners are doing the right thing and buying a watering system for their garden. However, not everyone can afford it.

Removing weeds and killing insect pests will help keep the berries healthy.

The presence of humus and mulch in the beds will help to avoid the appearance of weeds.

Attention! It is not recommended to grow strawberries in one place for 5 years, and it needs a transplant.

Possible landing errors

Despite the fact that many gardeners grow strawberries, they all make a number of mistakes when planting, and then complain that the weather has affected the yield.

Basically, more mistakes are made by inexperienced gardeners, and in order to avoid them in the future, you can read a lot of literature or find some answers in this article.

  • Strawberries should not be planted near crops that require frequent watering and nutrients (mostly fruit trees).
  • Watering must be carried out depending on the weather conditions: for example, in the heat it will have to be watered more often.
  • Tall trees will not let in enough light for the berries to grow.
  • Strawberries should be planted away from diseased plants.
  • The soil where cabbage, raspberries or garlic grows will have a negative effect on the growth of strawberries. The best option would be to plant beans, carrots, parsley or peas next to the red berry.

Frequently Asked Questions

Among summer residents, there are often questions to which they are looking for answers. Among such questions are the following:

Useful video

Find out more in the video below:


Planting and caring for strawberries is not an easy task. But if you follow the instructions and carry out digging, watering and fertilizing, in the end you can get a good harvest that will delight all family members.

The belladonna plant is a strong poison and at the same time an effective medicine for many diseases.... There are many myths and legends around him. There are other names for it: belladonna, sleepy stupor, mad cherry, witch's grass. The last name of the plant was due to the belief that witches used it to prepare an ointment that allows it to fly. Today belladonna is widely used for medical purposes. Preparations of traditional medicine are prepared from it, and also used in folk recipes. It should be remembered that the careless use of sleepy stupor leads to severe poisoning and, in many cases, death. Therefore, it is necessary to remember the features of this plant and the rules for its use.

What is belladonna

Belladonna vulgaris is a perennial herb.... Under favorable conditions, it can grow up to two meters in height. It belongs to the nightshade family.

The stem of the belladonna is quite dense, branched and thick. Has a green or purple color. Leaves of broad-lanceolate form are attached to it with petioles. Closer to the top of the plant, they have a rich green color. The lower leaves are slightly lighter. The maximum sheet length is 20 cm.

Belladonna owes its power to a well-developed root system. The diameter of the rhizome can reach 8 cm. Long large roots extend from it.

Large single flowers become a striking feature of belladonna... The diameter of each of them can be up to 3 cm. They grow exclusively from the axils of the upper leaves. They resemble a bell in shape, have a five-toothed bowl. Painted in a dirty purple color. The inner part of the flower has a dirty yellow tint.

Young plants enter the flowering phase from the beginning of August. If the belladonna is more than a year old, then its flowering can start in May and last until the end of the growing season.

After flowering, a large fruit is formed. It vaguely resembles a cherry. The berry has an attractive sheen. It is painted in a dark violet-blue color. Inside it is a large number of seeds. The pulp has a sweetish taste. However, it is deadly poisonous.

The use of such berries is especially dangerous for children. It is enough to eat just one berry for irreparable health consequences. For an adult, a dose of 10 grams is considered lethal.

Where can you find belladonna

Sleepy stupor is especially widespread in mountainous regions.
... Occurs at altitudes up to 1000 meters. It can often be found in the Caucasus, the Carpathians, and also in the Crimea. It grows not only in Russia, but also in the USA, Asia, South America and Pakistan.

Most often, you can find belladonna on the outskirts of roads and on the edges of forests. It can be a single plant or whole thickets. Prefers loose soil rich in humus. Since belladonna likes high humidity, sometimes it can be found on the banks of rivers.

For use in medicine, it is irrational to look for places where belladonna grows and collect it. It's easier to cultivate it on purpose... In our country, the Krasnodar Territory specializes in this. Since this plant can be found infrequently in the wild, it was decided to include it in the Red Book of Russia.

What is included

The poisonous plant belladonna has a complex chemical composition. The greatest danger and value at the same time are alkaloids.... According to research by scientists, their maximum concentration is observed in the roots of the plant. Fruits contain the least of these substances. The plant contains the following types of alkaloids:

  1. Atropine. Once in the human body, this substance reduces the performance of the salivary and sweat glands, increases the frequency of contraction of the heart muscle, reduces muscle tone, lowers the acidity of gastric juice, and leads to respiratory excitement. In medicine, it is used to treat the gastrointestinal tract, urinary and cardiovascular systems.
  2. Hyoscyamine. Under the influence of oxygen, it is oxidized and converted into atropine.
  3. Scopolamine. This alkaloid has an antispasmodic and ganglion-blocking effect, and is capable of expanding peripheral vessels. It is used to treat Parkinson's disease.
  4. Kuskgigrin.

In addition, belladonna leaves were found to contain phenolcarboxylic, oxalic, leucatropic acids, flavanoids, aliphatic hydrocarbons and some other substances.

The danger of belladonna

Atropine, which is part of the plant, becomes a strong poison when the permitted dosage is exceeded.... Belladonna poisoning can have irreparable consequences. Among the main symptoms of the problem are the following:

  1. Unpleasant sensations in the mouth, including burning and dryness.
  2. Distortion or complete loss of voice.
  3. Change in skin color, the appearance of rashes on it.
  4. Dilation of the pupils. They stop responding to bright light. Partial loss of vision occurs.
  5. Dyspeptic disorders.
  6. Violation of the rhythm of the heart, a decrease in blood pressure.
  7. Headache.
  8. Increased body temperature.
  9. Puffiness.
  10. Discoordination of movements.
  11. Convulsions.

If such symptoms are found, you must immediately call an ambulance. Perform a gastric lavage before the doctors arrive... To do this, use a weak solution of potassium permanganate or sodium chloride. After that, you should take several tablets of activated carbon or other sorbent.

First aid should be provided as early as possible. In severe cases, death occurs already 3 hours after the ingestion of belladonna poison into the body.

Belladonna, a delicious-looking berry, often attracts children. Therefore, going to the forest, explain to your child that you cannot eat any berries and plants.

What is belladonna used for?

Despite the fact that belladonna is poisonous, it is widely used for medicinal purposes. On the basis of the leaves of the plant, tinctures, extracts and other preparations are prepared.... They are used to treat peptic ulcers, tuberculosis, epilepsy and other serious diseases. Belladonna-based remedy has good anti-inflammatory and analgesic properties.

Belladonna preparations have found application in ophthalmology. It is used to dilate the patient's pupil. This helps to conduct a full examination and make an accurate diagnosis.

Belladonna preparations are used to treat the following diseases:

  1. Bronchial asthma, severe cough.
  2. Muscle and joint pain.
  3. Abnormalities in the work of the liver and biliary tract.
  4. Deposition of kidney stones.
  5. Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.
  6. Violation of the urinary system.
  7. Neuralgia.
  8. Chronic gastritis.

Applying the juice of the plant externally allows you to get rid of age spots on the skin. In addition, the use of products based on belladonna improves performance, activates the brain, and stimulates physical activity.

Belladonna is often used to treat intoxication. It is used for mushroom and chemical poisoning.

Sleepy stupor has found application in homeopathy. On its basis, special dragees are made, which are designed to relieve the patient from toothache.

In what form do I use belladonna

The belladonna flower is used in medicine in all kinds of forms. It is used to prepare:

  1. Tinctures.
  2. Broths. Applied strictly in accordance with the dosage calculated by the attending physician.
  3. Solutions for lotions. They are used to treat skin diseases as well as joint problems.
  4. Atropine sulfate. It is atropine secreted from the plant. It is produced in powder form.
  5. Dry and thick belladonna extract.
  6. Collection. Tall parts of the plant that are rolled up in the shape of a cigarette. This remedy is used to treat bronchial asthma.
  7. Pills. The following drugs are distinguished:
    • Bellataminal. It is recommended to relieve increased irritability, insomnia, vascular dystonia.
    • For the treatment of stomach diseases, "Bekarbon" is used. It reduces the acidity of gastric juice and relieves spasms.
    • Bellalgin. Used as a pain reliever during spasms in the gastrointestinal tract.
    • Bepasal. It is used in the treatment of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.
  8. Suppositories. The most widely used drugs are "Anuzol" and "Betiol". They are used to treat hemorrhoids and cracks in the anus.

It is strictly forbidden to use the above drugs without a doctor's prescription.... The dosage is calculated individually, based on the disease and the patient's condition. Before starting treatment, carefully read the description of the drug and how it is used. Remember that self-medication is extremely dangerous for your life.

Contraindications and side effects

Since the belladonna flower is a poisonous plant, preparations based on it must be taken with caution. The main contraindications include:

  1. Pregnancy and breastfeeding period.
  2. The presence of glaucoma.
  3. Childhood.
  4. Serious pathology of the cardiovascular system.
  5. Hypertension.
  6. Intestinal atony, ulcerative colitis, intestinal obstruction and some other gastrointestinal diseases.
  7. Acute form of atherosclerosis.
  8. Bleeding.
  9. Individual intolerance.

People suffering from kidney disease, diaphragmatic hernia and hyperthyroidism can use such drugs only when absolutely necessary. Such treatment should take place under the mandatory supervision of a specialist.

Sometimes the use of drugs with belladonna can lead to side effects. Headache, speech disorders, increased drowsiness, poor appetite, dry mouth, dizziness, sleep disturbance are often observed. It is necessary to use the drug with extreme caution in hot weather.... This can provoke heatstroke.

An overdose of such drugs is dangerous. Symptoms include:

  1. Attacks of nausea and vomiting.
  2. Ischemia.
  3. Reducing sweating.
  4. Tachycardia.
  5. Impotence.
  6. Hives.

If such symptoms are found, the drug should be discontinued. Gastric lavage will be required. After that, be sure to consult your doctor. The doctor will be able to correctly adjust the dosage or stop taking the drug altogether.

Growing belladonna

Since belladonna is rarely found in Russian forests. It can be grown in your summer cottage... This process differs little from the cultivation of other plants. It is enough to adhere to the basic recommendations:

  1. Belladonna should be planted on fertile soil. It is best to choose low-lying areas for this, where a sufficient level of humidity is maintained. Belladonna grows well on light soils with good air permeability. The best predecessors for her are winter crops. You cannot grow it after potatoes or tomatoes.
  2. Before sowing, the soil must be plowed to a great depth, since the plant has a powerful root system. Fertilizer is desirable. Manure will do. One hectare of land will need about 30 tons.
  3. Seeds must be embedded in soil that is warmed up to a temperature of at least 20 degrees. One hectare will need about 8 kilograms of seeds. The planting depth is not more than 1.5 cm. If the soil is very light, during this distance it increases to 3 cm.
  4. Seedlings are small and develop rather slowly. They must be protected from drought, frost and pests. In the first year of life, the plant produces very few flowers and fruits.
  5. Care consists in regular watering, weeding and loosening of the soil.

It is not difficult to grow this plant. If you follow all the recommendations, you can grow a plant rich in alkaloids. All that remains is to properly prepare the raw materials, and it will be possible to prepare medicines.

How belladonna is harvested

For the manufacture of medicines, the roots and leaves of the plant are used. For the remedy to be effective, the belladonna flower must be properly harvested and dried.

Raw materials can be harvested up to five times per season... The first collection is carried out at the very beginning of flowering. It is at this time that the maximum amount of valuable substances accumulates in the leaves.

It is possible to collect the leaves only by hand. Even with industrial procurement, the use of any mechanized means is not possible. First, all large leaves are torn off. Small ones can be plucked only after they fully develop. In order to facilitate the harvesting process, some businesses cut whole plants. The foliage is separated only after drying.

After the leaves are collected, they are dried. For this, a kilogram of leaves is laid out on one square meter of the surface. Drying is carried out in a well-ventilated area. The leaves should not be exposed to direct sunlight. According to the accelerated technology, drying is carried out in specialized dryers, where the temperature is maintained at +40 degrees. The concentration of alkaloids in the veins of the leaf is much higher than in the pulp. Therefore, for the preparation of medicines, it is necessary to use the entire sheet without residue.

The roots of the plant can only be harvested in the third year.... They are dug up, cleaned of the earth. The root collar and all branches, the diameter of which is less than a centimeter, must be cut off. The remaining rhizomes are cut into pieces no more than 10 cm in size. The roots are dried in a well-ventilated area.

After the raw material has dried out, it is cleaned of all impurities. After that, it can be used for its intended purpose. Storage must be organized separately from other blanks.

Traditional medicine recipes

You can prepare belladonna-based products yourself. Simple recipes come in handy for this:

  1. Broth. Ten grams of dried belladonna rhizome is steamed in a glass of boiling water. The prepared mixture is boiled for 10 minutes. After it has cooled down a little, it is filtered. This tool is used to prepare compresses on the joints..
  2. Tincture. Belladonna leaves in the amount of 10 grams are poured with a glass of alcohol. For a week, this mixture is hidden in a dark place. Filter it before use. It is taken orally to treat cholecystitis or kidney stones.
  3. A decoction for Parkinson's disease. Mix 30 grams of crushed dry rhizome and 100 grams of crushed activated carbon. The resulting composition is poured into 750 ml of white wine of any dry variety. Boil over a fire for 10 minutes. The resulting product is filtered.
  4. Powder. The dried leaves of the plant are ground into a fine powder. A teaspoon of such a product must be set on fire and the resulting smoke inhaled. It helps well in the treatment of bronchial asthma. For the treatment of gastritis, it is consumed internally. Wherein you can not use it more than fits on the tip of the knife.
  5. Tincture for insomnia. One part of belladonna leaves is poured with ten parts of vodka. Such a composition must be kept for three weeks in a dark place. Taking it 15 drops, twice a day, you can get rid of sleep problems.

When preparing such funds, you must carefully monitor the dosages. Any mistakes are fraught with serious consequences for your health. You can use such medicines only after consulting your doctor. He also determines the dosage, based on the patient's age, state of his health and the characteristics of the course of the disease.

Belladonna is a poisonous perennial. But if used correctly, it can be a real salvation from many diseases. Before starting such a treatment, consult a specialist, carefully study all the features of this plant and weigh all the advantages and disadvantages.

Belladonna is a poisonous perennial plant of the Solanaceae family. Its other names are belladonna, rubra, belladonna belladonna, mad berry, sleepy stupor, wolf berries, witch's herb, etc. The plant belongs to strong narcotic poisons, its use for medical purposes is based on the atropine alkaloid contained in the plant, which has a relaxing effect on muscles , stimulating cardiac activity, lowering the secretion of glands and dilating the pupils of the eyes. These medicinal properties of belladonna have found wide application in the manufacture of drugs for the treatment of various diseases.

Belladonna (belladonna) - a poisonous plant with medicinal properties

belladonna or belladonna ordinary - plant photo

Botanical characterization and chemical composition

Description: belladonna ordinary grows up to a meter in height, has a thick and straight stem with branchy greenish, less often purple shoots. Belladonna leaves are large, pointed with small glands. The flowers are brownish-purple, located in the axils of the leaves, have a bell-shaped shape.

Ripe berries are similar in shape to cherries, but have a purple-black color and are poisonous. The root system is well developed, in the first year of life it is pivotal, later it branches.

Chemical composition: poisonous belladonna contains alkaloids (atropine, hyoscyamine, scopolamine), phonolcarboxylic and oxalic acids, non-cyclic hydrocarbons, flavonoids and trace elements.

Distribution area

In the wild, the plant can be seen in Asia, North Africa, Europe, grass is found on the slopes of the Carpathians, Crimea and the Caucasus. Loves loose soil with humus, grows in beech forests, hornbeam and fir groves, oak plantings, on forest edges, clearings, along water bodies. For the medical industry, belladonna is grown in the warm and humid climate of Ukraine and the North Caucasus. Leaves are harvested, less often the roots of the plant.

it looks like belladonna in natural habitat

Proven medicinal properties of belladonna

The plant has the following beneficial effects on the human body:

  • Antispasmodic;
  • Neurogenic;
  • Anti-inflammatory;
  • Pain relievers;
  • Antiseptic;
  • Antidepressant;
  • Cleansing.

Herbal medicines

What pathologies are treated with belladonna

Antispasmodic action - relaxing smooth muscles, belladonna relieves spasms of the bronchi, stomach, gallbladder, genitourinary system, uterus.

Speeds up the heartbeat - which is positive when the heart rate slows down and is not desirable for tachycardia.

Stimulates breathing - stops coughing and bronchospasm, stimulates the center of breathing, but in case of an overdose, it can lead to its paralysis.

Dilates the pupils - which is used by ophthalmologists for diagnostic examinations.

Belladonna is used in homeopathy to eliminate spasms of internal organs, heart pains, as well as to treat parkinsonism, abscesses, gout, mastitis.

Belladonna preparations - recipes

belladonna leaves and roots are medicinal raw materials

Decoction of roots - take tsp. crushed roots, pour 250 ml. water and boil over low heat for 5 minutes, let it brew, filter and use externally as an anesthetic for joint diseases, neuralgia, gout.

Belladonna tincture - the leaves are placed in a container, poured with vodka (in a ratio of 1:10), insisted in a dark place for three weeks. Take up to twice a day, 15 drops with water. Helps with nervous agitation and insomnia.

With Parkinson's disease:

  • crushed belladonna leaves in the amount of 30 gr. (mixture of fresh and dry) mix with 100 gr. activated carbon.
  • add dry white wine (750 ml.) and put on fire.
  • Boil over low heat for 10 minutes.
  • strain and take three times a teaspoon for three days, combine well with a small amount of nutmeg and chew calamus root.


  • With an increased heartbeat;
  • Hypertension;
  • Glaucoma;
  • Atony and intestinal obstruction;
  • Bleeding;
  • Pregnancy and lactation period;
  • Individual intolerance.

Use in traditional medicine

Hemorrhoid ointment

Produced in finished form, it contains belladonna extract, propolis, shark liver. The tool has an antispasmodic and analgesic effect, stops bleeding, relieves pain, burning and swelling of the rectum.

Tincture for the stomach

Take belladonna leaves (2 tbsp. L.) And pour vodka (200 ml.). Insist in a dark place for a week. The filtered agent is taken 10 drops with water. Helps relieve pain, cramps, colic and diarrhea.

Infusion with pressure

An alcoholic infusion of belladonna is a part of Zelenin and Valocordin drops - these agents have an antispasmodic and soothing effect that can lower blood pressure.

Asthma powder

To treat this pathology, belladonna leaves are ground to a powdery state and taken at the tip of a knife three times a day for a week. Inhalation of the smoke from the burnt powder helps a lot.

Decoction for use in gynecology

candles with belladonna help relieve inflammation and painful periods

Aqueous extract of belladonna is included in the suppository, they relieve inflammation, have an antiseptic and analgesic effect. They are used before childbirth to relax the muscles in the uterus.

The danger of belladonna poisoning

Poisoning symptoms

With mild poisoning, after 20 minutes, dry mouth, difficulty speaking and swallowing appear, then the heartbeat increases, the voice becomes hoarse, the pupils dilate, photophobia, strong excitement and even hallucinations begin.

In severe poisoning, mental disorders occur, a person loses orientation, seizures appear, body temperature rises, shortness of breath, blood pressure drops, and death is possible.

belladonna fruits are especially dangerous for children, because juicy fruits can attract their attention and, if eaten, they will get severe poisoning

First aid

If signs of belladonna poisoning appear, you should immediately call an ambulance, put an enema at home, drink a few glasses of a weak solution of potassium permanganate or activated carbon.

Treatment for poisoning

While the poisoned person is waiting for medical help, he needs to rinse his stomach with a weak solution of potassium permanganate and give an enema. This will prevent the poisons from continuing to be absorbed into the walls of the stomach and will cause a gag reflex. Then drink activated charcoal - 20 crushed tablets with a glass of water. If your heart rate is increased, take heart drops.

pharmachologic effect

medicines with belladonna have an antispasmodic, antiseptic and analgesic effect, which allows them to be used to treat many diseases

Release form

The use of plant-based medicinal products in medicine is carried out in the form of tinctures, ointments, tablets, pills, and other dosage forms.

Belladonna tincture - has an antiseptic effect for the treatment of gastrointestinal pathologies. Apply according to the instructions for 10 drops with water up to 3 times a day.

Belladonna extract - available in the form of tablets that help in the treatment of gallstone pathologies, ulcerative lesions, bradycardia, cholecystitis.

"Besalol" - the drug is made in tablets. It has an antiseptic effect in case of gastrointestinal tract disorders, stool disorders and poisoning.

"Bekarbon" is a tablet preparation that relieves pain and intestinal spasms.

"Belloid" is a form of dragee production. Indications for use are functional disorders of the central nervous system, hyperexcitability, insomnia, allergic manifestations.

Suppositories "Anusol" - suppositories with belladonna extract, have an analgesic effect, help with hemorrhoids and cracks in the anus.

Belladonna extract - recipe in Latin:

Rp .: Supp. Cum. extracto Belladonnae 0.015.

D.t. d. No. 10 in scat. orig.

S. 1 candle 2-3 times a day.

the form of release of preparations with belladonna is diverse and has a wide range of applications

Indications for use

The medicinal properties of the plant help in the treatment of the following diseases:

  • Cancer growths, prostatitis;
  • Bronchitis, bronchial asthma;
  • Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, ulcers, gastritis, colitis, intestinal colic;
  • Disorders of the functions of the endocrine system and thyroid gland;
  • Pathologies of the nervous system, depressive conditions, neuroses, insomnia;
  • Vegetovascular dystonia;
  • Inflammation of the genitourinary system, hemorrhoids;
  • Poisoning (mushrooms, drugs, antidepressants);
  • Cholelithiasis pathologies, cholecystitis, bradycardia;
  • Joint ailments;
  • Neurodermatitis.

Method of administration and dosage

The plant in medicine has found wide application in the treatment of various diseases, but one should not forget that the plant is poisonous and when preparing recipes, do not allow deviations from the recommended dosages and norms. Instructions for use are included in the packaging of each drug, and in order not to harm the body, it must be strictly observed.

belladonna is a poisonous plant, therefore it must be used with great care

Side effects

It is necessary to use the plant extremely carefully and according to the doctor's prescription, strictly in compliance with the dosages. Otherwise, there may be side effects in the form of tachycardia, difficulty urinating, dry mouth. With severe abuse of belladonna, clouding of consciousness, hallucinations, and motor excitement may occur.

Application during pregnancy and lactation

The plant has a contracting effect on the smooth muscles of the uterus, which can provoke a miscarriage or early labor. During the period of breastfeeding, belladonna can lead to irreversible consequences on the nervous system and brain of the baby.

Drug interactions

Possible simultaneous administration of belladonna drugs with other drugs.

Conditions and shelf life

Store medicines with belladonna in a dark, dry place out of the reach of children at a temperature not exceeding 25 degrees. The shelf life of each drug is individual.

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