Home Indoor flowers Benefits and harms of pomelo for the body: calorie content, daily intake. Pomelo: how to use, benefits and harms of pomelo for health Yellow pomelo fruit beneficial properties and harms

Benefits and harms of pomelo for the body: calorie content, daily intake. Pomelo: how to use, benefits and harms of pomelo for health Yellow pomelo fruit beneficial properties and harms

Pomelo is the largest fruit in the citrus family. It has an unusual taste, combining sweet, bitter and sour shades.

Most of the pomelo is inedible - it is the peel and a thick layer of white, bitter pulp that protects the edible part from damage.

There are three types of pomelo: white, red and pink:

  • white pomelo softer and improves digestion;
  • red pomelo contains more vitamin C and potassium;
  • pink pomelo the sweetest and contains many seeds.

Regardless of the variety, pomelo has a positive effect on the body, improving its functioning.

Composition and calorie content of pomelo

The medicinal properties of pomelo are due to its composition, which contains vitamins, minerals, flavonoids, fiber, pectin and enzymes.

The composition of pomelo as a percentage of the daily value is presented below.


  • C – 102%;
  • B1 – 2.27%;
  • B6 – 1.8%;
  • B2 – 1.59%;
  • B3 – 1.1%.


Calorie content of pomelo – 38 kcal per 100 g.

Pomelo, like all citrus fruits, strengthens and restores the body. The vitamins in pomelo allow the fruit to be used in the treatment and normalization of the functioning of individual body systems.

For muscles and bones

Potassium in pomelo is important for fluid balance in the body. It ensures muscle elasticity, prevents stretching and tearing of ligaments, and also relieves cramps.

Potassium will help prevent osteoporosis by improving bone mineral density. It facilitates the absorption of minerals needed to maintain strong and healthy bones.

For the heart and blood vessels

One of the best properties of pomelo is its ability to normalize and maintain blood pressure levels, thanks to potassium.


  • relieves tension from blood vessels;
  • improves blood circulation;
  • prevents the development of atherosclerosis;
  • reduces the risk of heart attacks and strokes;
  • minimizes the load on the heart.

In addition, pomelo prevents the formation of “bad” cholesterol in the body and prevents the appearance of plaques in blood vessels.

Pomelo can act as a prophylactic against. The abundance of vitamin C in the composition helps absorb and absorb iron.

For nerves and brain

Pomelo is used as an antidepressant. It will help not only calm down and get rid of anxiety, but also cope with depression.

For teeth and gums

To maintain oral health, vitamin C is important, which is present in abundance in pomelo. Regular use of pomelo will relieve bleeding gums and strengthen teeth.

For the gastrointestinal tract

For kidneys and bladder

One of the distinctive properties of pomelo is to protect the urinary tract from infections. The high level of vitamin C in pomelo increases the amount of acid in the urinary system. This protects against infection and kills harmful bacteria.

For skin

Pomelo improves blood circulation, so skin cells are saturated with oxygen. This prevents the appearance of wrinkles and eliminates the signs of aging.

Pomelo protects the skin from the harmful effects of ultraviolet rays. It fights acne and pimples, accelerates the healing of wounds, burns and cell regeneration.

For hair

Vitamins C and B1 in pomelo are good for hair. They make them healthy, strong and beautiful.

The fruit eliminates thinness, fragility and brittleness of hair, strengthens its roots and prevents hair loss, making hair thicker. It soothes the scalp and fights bacteria that cause dandruff.

For immunity

Vitamin C is necessary for the health of the immune system. Pomelo helps the body fight viruses and infections, which reduces the risk of colds and flu, and also makes the disease easier.

With the help of pomelo you can fight free radicals and increase the activity of leukocytes. Pomelo increases the growth of antibodies and immune cells. It helps in the treatment of cancer and prevents the formation of cancerous tumors.

Pomelo during pregnancy

It is useful to eat pomelo during pregnancy. It contains folic acid, which has a good effect on the development of the fetus.

Recently, unusual large fruits began to appear on the shelves of markets and shops. This is a pomelo or pamela, sometimes called pompelmus, sheddock. It immediately won the hearts of people with its delicate taste and pleasant aroma. What is this? Where did the fruit come from? Let's figure it out together.

Pomelo fruit. It is believed that it appeared in China (sometimes Malaysia is considered its homeland), only at the end of the 17th century it first came to Asia, Indonesia, and then appeared in Europe. In its historical homeland it is still recognized as a symbol of prosperity, prosperity, prosperity. It is customary to present it as an expensive gift. Maybe that's why the Chinese kept them away from foreigners.

Pomelo hybrid or not

Many people consider pomelo to be simply very large, but it is a separate group of citrus fruits. Pomelo is not a hybrid, but a completely independent fruit that is gaining increasing popularity.

The tree is evergreen, reaches a height of 15 meters, and produces crops all year round. The citrus has a thick, dense four-centimeter peel, colored light green, yellow, and pinkish. Weighs from one kilogram to six to ten kilograms.

Types of pomelo:

  • Red broom. This variety has fruits with a pleasant bitterness, red flesh, sour taste, oval shape, reminiscent of a small grapefruit, greenish rind. By crossing a pomelo with a grapefruit.
  • Pink. The inside of this type of fruit is juicy, pink in color, and has a sweetish taste.
  • White. The fruit reaches impressive sizes. Shape, flesh white, sweet.

How many calories are in a pomelo

It is small, per 100 grams of fruit pulp - 31 - 32 kilocalories, 35 - including the peel.

Calories in pomelo as a fruit:

  • one bowl of fruit pulp contains 70 calories;
  • when adding citrus to a salad, one serving will contain 29 calories;
  • with daily consumption of 160 grams - 50.

In China, they use it in the preparation of desserts, thereby reducing the calorie content of dishes. Dried peel is also used in cakes and pastries as a flavoring agent.

In England they make marmalade from it. Due to its low energy value, pomela is a good substitute for expensive, fatty desserts.

Composition of the product

What is the composition of pomelo fruit?

The fruit is well protected. The pomelo peel is 2-4 centimeters thick, has a pleasant aroma, and contains bioflavonoids and essential oils. Under the skin of the fruit there is a white porous shell, in which there are 10-11 large slices of pulp.

100 grams of product contains:

  • Proteins – 0.8 -1.0 g.
  • Fats – 0 gr.
  • Carbohydrates – 9.0-9.8 g.
  • Dietary fiber – 2 gr.
  • Water – 90 gr.

The energy ratio of BZHU is 7/2/92.

In addition to the main composition, the fruit contains micro and macroelements: potassium, phosphorus, iron, magnesium, calcium, copper, manganese, zinc.

It amazes with its multivitamin complex: a large amount of ascorbic acid, vitamins B12 (cyanocobalamin), B2 (riboflavin), B6 ​​(pyridoxine), B1 (thiamine), B9 (folic acid).

In addition, there are glycoside, limonin, pectin, lipase (an enzyme that breaks down fats). Although the energy value of pamelo is small, it is a unique product in many respects.

The product contains sugar, but at the same time it... What is the secret of this fruit?

What are the benefits of pomelo?

The fruit is useful for people suffering from cardiovascular diseases. Regular consumption strengthens the walls of the heart muscle, reduces the risk of myocardial infarction, and improves the contractile activity of the heart.

The presence of vitamins, including ascorbic acid, improves vascular elasticity, normalizes blood pressure, improves immunity, and helps fight viral respiratory infections.

Calcium strengthens bones, normalizes the nervous system, relieves depression and fatigue.

Brain function improves due to the presence of phosphorus.

Thanks to the properties of the pomelo fruit, it eliminates cholesterol plaques and improves blood circulation.

Shaddock is used to prevent the development of cancer, since limonoids inhibit the division of cancer cells. American scientists noticed that with constant consumption of the pulp there was a more pronounced effect than with taking medications.

Metabolism accelerates, so a diet that includes it is used for weight loss. Promotes the rapid breakdown of proteins and fats.

Useful during significant physical activity, as it gives a surge of energy.

Used for asthma, prolonged cough, tendency to edema.

The characteristics, beneficial properties, and composition of the fruit allow it to be used as a remedy against atherosclerosis.

Benefits for women

The benefits of pomelo for women are truly enormous. Bioflavonoids contained in pomelo peel have a positive effect on the hormonal levels of the fairer sex and normalize the amount of estrogen.

If you are not allergic to citrus fruits, the product reduces the manifestations of toxicosis and helps protect against panic before childbirth. Folic acid (necessary in the first weeks of pregnancy) helps to properly form the placenta and fetal tissue. In the last months of pregnancy, women experience increased thirst. Drinking juice in small quantities will help cope with this problem, while reducing the amount of fluid consumed. This will prevent swelling.

It is important for women to be beautiful and youthful at any age. Problems with stool are instantly reflected on the skin, so eating fruit pulp (contains fiber) helps cleanse the intestines of toxins. The skin becomes smooth and velvety.

The vitamins and minerals contained in pompelmus help strengthen the hair roots, making them beautiful and healthy.

Benefits for men

The fruit is good for men.

Eating pomelo increases sexual activity and is an excellent aphrodisiac. Scientists have proven a beneficial effect on the process of spermatogenesis in men.

In Asian countries, it is believed that if a man receives a sheddok as a gift, he is wished longevity and masculine strength. Thanks to vitamin C, blood vessels are strengthened and blood flow to the pelvic organs is increased. Eating the fruit has a beneficial effect on intimate function, so pamelo is used as a means for potency.

It’s also worth knowing that the pulp reduces the symptoms of poisoning, so it can be useful for fighting a hangover after a good feast.

Pomelo - what is harmful to health

As you can see, the benefits of consuming this citrus product are great, but pomelo can also cause harm.

Contraindications for consuming pomelo:

  • Definitely not for those who are allergic to citrus fruits.
  • With exacerbation of stomach and duodenal ulcers.
  • For existing diseases: colitis, hepatitis, nephritis, urolithiasis, high acidity due to gastritis.

Considering that consumption can be harmful to human health, you need to consult a doctor to see if it is possible to eat it in your case.

You need to consume fruit correctly in small portions, especially if you are a beginner. Despite the fact that we know what it tastes like (sweet, pleasant), you don’t need to eat the whole fruit at one time, divide it into 4-5 meals.

You can eat it as an independent dish or as part of salads; the fruit can become a decoration on cakes and pastries; its peel is used.

Pomelo originates in China, and to this day, is a symbol of well-being and prosperity. It was known as early as 100 BC.

At the end of the eighteenth century, the seeds of the strange fruit were brought to India. Europeans were able to become acquainted with pomelo only in the 19th century. Pomelo is now cultivated in Thailand, Taiwan, Indonesia, Israel, Vietnam, Japan, California and the Tahiti Islands.

In the east there is a tradition to give it for the New Year. The Chinese also use pomelo in religious ceremonies.

In our country, pomelo is simply used in cooking, less often in cosmetology and folk medicine. As it turned out, not only with the help of lemon can you cure a cold, lower the temperature and improve the condition of the patient’s immune system. Most citrus fruits, including pomelo, have these properties.

Pomelo is a hybrid of which fruit?

Some people believe that pomelo is a type of grapefruit. But this statement is incorrect, on the contrary, grapefruit is a degenerate descendant of pomelo. The fruit has another close “relative” - sweetie (oroblanco or pomelite), which is a hybrid of white grapefruit and pomelo.

In European countries, pomelo is often called “shaddock”, since a captain with the same name brought the seeds of this fruit there. Also Citrus can be called pomela, pamela or pompelmus.

Pomelo belongs to the rue family, subfamily citrus. The fruit peel comes in pale green, orange and yellow colors. The inside of the pomelo is red, white, yellow or green.

Ripe citrus has a juicy and sweet taste, without the bitterness inherent in grapefruit.

Chemical composition and calorie content

An exotic fruit called “pomelo” has excellent quality characteristics in terms of calorie content and composition.

The fruit itself has practically no calories, but it contains a lot of useful substances that can not only dull the feeling of hunger, but can also easily cope with the rapid breakdown of protein deposits and accumulated fat. Leading nutritionists often recommend introducing it into the diet of precisely that category of people who have been struggling with obesity for a long time. By eating pomelo with other dietary products, the body can be transformed and brought into shape very quickly. Also, a feeling of lightness in the body, satiety and lack of discomfort during a complex diet becomes noticeable very quickly.

Calorie content per 100 grams is 38 kcal.

1 peeled pomelo weighs approximately 609 g (231.4 kcal).

1 slice = 190 g (72.2 kcal)

The nutritional value: carbohydrates – 8.62 g, proteins – 0.76 g, fats – 0.04 g.

Also contains dietary fiber and ash.

Pomelo is 89% water.

Vitamins: B1 (0.034 mg), B2 (0.027 mg), B6 ​​(0.036 mg), C (61 mg), PP (Niacin equivalent) - 0.22 mg.

Chemical composition: potassium, phosphorus, magnesium, calcium, sodium, iron, zinc, copper, manganese.

Fruity peel pomelo is rich in bioflavonoids.

Useful and healing properties

Scientists have discovered spermine in the chemical composition of pomelo - it protects cells from damage and slows down their aging. Studies have shown that this substance can prolong life.

Healing properties of pomelo:

  • It has a beneficial effect on the digestive system, thanks to the lipolytic enzyme contained in the fruit, which accelerates the breakdown of proteins.
  • Increases immunity. Used as a prophylaxis against influenza and other colds.
  • Strengthens the cardiovascular system due to its high potassium content.
  • Bioflavonoids have a beneficial effect on the functioning of the pancreas and prevent the formation of cancer cells in the mammary gland. Therefore, it is useful for girls and women to eat not only the pulp, but also the peel of the pomelo, since these beneficial substances are concentrated in it.
  • Lowers blood pressure.
  • Prevention of malignant tumors.
  • Improves the condition of asthma.
  • The fruit has a low glycemic index and is therefore safe for diabetes. Its juice helps reduce blood sugar.
  • Prevention of atherosclerosis (pectin).
  • Used in dietary nutrition (low-calorie).

For women Pomelo is not only a storehouse of health, but also of youth. In winter, fruit juice is an excellent cosmetic product. If you regularly wipe the skin of your face and body with it in cold weather, then by spring it will look younger and become visually refreshed. For oily skin, it is better to use the juice in its pure form; for dry skin, dilute it with boiled water in equal proportions.

Helpful advice for men: Chewing fruit pulp slowly relieves hangovers.

Use during pregnancy and breastfeeding

You should not abuse sheddock during pregnancy, as this can lead to heartburn due to an increase in the acidity of gastric juice. Pampering yourself with citrus 2-3 times a week will be enough.

Benefits of pomelo for pregnant:

  • Gives strength and increases performance.
  • Perfectly quenches thirst.
  • Thanks to the presence of calcium (4 mg), it strengthens teeth and bones well.
  • Preventative against constipation.
  • Strengthens blood vessels and makes them elastic.
  • Improves mood.

When breastfeeding You should gradually introduce the fruit into your diet, observing the baby’s reaction. It is better to do this when the baby is 3 months old. If there are no allergic reactions, then you can safely eat pomelo. Doctors believe that what is good for the mother is also good for the child.

Harm and contraindications

Since the fruit itself belongs to the citrus subsection, the number of contraindications is similar. The first is the possibility of an allergic reaction due to individual intolerance, or due to overeating. After all, as they say, everything is good in moderation. Pregnant women should especially pay attention to the point “abuse of citrus fruits”, because not only the health of the mother, but also her child is at stake.

Avoid eating pomelo, as well as other citrus fruits, is needed for stomach problems such as acid-base imbalance, ulcers, gastritis, nephritis and other exacerbations.

It is better to avoid this delicious fruit for people suffering from urolithiasis or any form of hepatitis.

On my own pomelo cleanses the liver(due to the high activity of the enzymes included in its composition), so for this reason an additional load is created on the affected organ. Eliminate fruit from your diet if you have liver disease and its complications.

Regarding whether it is worth giving pomelo to children, you can take into account that citrus fruits, as a rule, should be introduced into the children's diet last, like cabbage, legumes or corn. Although the fruit is very nutritious, its composition is rich in vitamin C and others, the child’s body is not yet adapted to such food. Before the age of one, it is better not to introduce pomelo into the diet of children.

Also, eating fruit may not have a positive effect on the body in case of diseases that are associated with sudden changes in pressure. Pomelo lowers blood pressure.

So, to summarize, under what circumstances and characteristics of the state of the human body can pomelo be harmful?

Main contraindications and restrictions on the use of pomelo:

  • acute and chronic diseases of the gastrointestinal tract (in this case, you should not abuse the fruit so as not to aggravate the disease);
  • It is not advisable to consume citrus for colitis, ulcers, hepatitis, nephritis;
  • should not be used in the diet of people with low blood pressure;
  • contraindication for children: It is not recommended to consume pomelo until the child is 1 year old.
  • tendency to allergies.

How to choose?

The first thing you need to pay attention to when choosing a pomelo is its smell. The richer the citrus aroma, the juicier its taste will be.. The peel of a fresh ripe fruit should be smooth, with a beautiful shine and slightly soft. It is better to choose a heavy fruit (so that there is more juice in its pulp) of medium size

It will be useful to know that fresh pomelo can be stored at room temperature for no more than a month. The peeled fruit must be placed in the refrigerator, where it can remain for about 3 days.

Fruit for weight loss

The fruit is considered dietary. It is often introduced into their diet by people who want to lose weight. Pomelo quickly causes a feeling of satiety, thanks to the content of plant fibers, saturates the body with essential vitamins and minerals.

With daily use of pomelo for breakfast you can see real results (weight loss combined with skin tone) after 2 months.

How to clean a broom:

  • Vertical cleaning method.

First, cut off the tops at the top and bottom of the fruit. Make cuts approximately 1.5 cm deep (this is the approximate width of the crust) along the slices. Pieces should be separated from top to bottom.

  • Spiral cleaning method.

You need to make a cut in a spiral from top to bottom. After tearing the peel at the bottom of the citrus, tear it off along the entire circumference.

The white layer under the peel can be peeled with your hands or with a knife.

The film is conveniently removed if you place the slices on a cutting board and easily pry off the film by running the tip of a knife along the narrow part.

How do you eat pomelo?

Pomelo is eaten as an ordinary fruit, for breakfast, afternoon snack, and as a dessert. Add to salads, use as a filling for baked goods and pies, and add to sauces.

Pomelo goes well with meat, fish dishes, spicy and sweet. Jam and marmalade are made from the peel.

  • Few people know, but pomelo juice is extremely useful during colds, the complication of which is an inflammatory process in the throat. Half a glass of juice, diluted 50% with warm water, is not used for oral consumption, but for gargling.
  • The juice of the exotic fruit is also very effective for exacerbations of bronchitis. Only in this case, the glass of pomelo juice should not be diluted. You just need to heat it to 100 degrees and give it to the patient to drink. This simple trick will help get rid of phlegm and wheezing in the throat, which will significantly speed up the healing process.
  • Pomelo salads are very tasty, healthy and nutritious. Its pulp is so nutritious that it helps fight atherosclerosis. The recipe for preparing the dish is quite easy and simple: fruit slices are peeled and film-free, then, for better absorption, lightly sprinkled with vegetable oil. You can add other ingredients as desired. The benefit of regularly eating salad is that it will also help get rid of cholesterol plaques that tend to form on the walls of blood vessels.

Citrus fruits are fruits from the tropics, distinguished not only by their amazing aroma, but also by their wonderful taste, which adults and children enjoy so much. Tangerines and oranges, familiar to everyone, are no longer considered exotic, but pomelo is a wonder for almost everyone, because this fruit has only recently appeared on store shelves. What is pomelo fruit, its beneficial properties and contraindications, how to use the fruit correctly - you definitely need to know this so as not to harm your health.

What is a pomelo and what does it look like?

The homeland of the exotic fruit is hot regions; it is here that the pomelo fruit is grown, the beneficial properties and contraindications of which were studied many years ago. In appearance, the exotic resembles a large orange, although the shade can be light green or dark orange. The shape may also differ - some fruits look like a large pear, others are round.

What is a pomelo? This is a fruit with dense thick walls and delicious juicy-sweet pulp. There may be a slight bitterness, but this most often depends not on the degree of ripeness of the fruit, but on its variety.

At home, the fruits can reach a good ten kilograms, while in stores you can buy relatively small fruits - about one kilogram. Among citrus fruits, this giant is considered to be the largest. Another advantage is its shelf life. If you leave it in a warm room, it will not spoil for at least a month; in the refrigerator it will remain without signs of spoilage for even longer.

Exotic pomelo, benefits and harm

When planning to enjoy a fragrant pomelo, the benefits and harms should be carefully studied, because this fruit has not only useful, but also quite dangerous properties. What benefits does the fruit have? There are not so few of them:

  1. a huge amount of minerals and vitamins in the composition;
  2. antioxidant content;
  3. presence of fiber;
  4. contains acids that are necessary for the good functioning of certain organs;
  5. low calorie content;
  6. contains essential oils.

While studying the advantages that the pomelo fruit has, its beneficial properties and contraindications, it is imperative to find out the negative aspects of this fruit. People who have stomach problems should not get carried away with eating exotic foods - it is quite possible to get a side effect in the form of heartburn and bowel problems.

What are the benefits of pomelo, and for what health problems should you use it?

Knowing the benefits of pomelo, you can easily cope with many health problems. The only thing that needs to be taken into account is that only ripe fruits can be eaten, otherwise, instead of a beneficial effect on the body, you will get an unpleasant surprise.

You can eat the fruits if you have the following health or well-being problems:

  1. at risk of cancer;
  2. with early aging (antioxidants contained in fruits can prevent the appearance of wrinkles);
  3. for intestinal problems;
  4. with low stomach acidity;
  5. if you are overweight;
  6. for hypertension.

It should be remembered that you need to eat not only the core, but also the peel - it contains essential oils that can have a beneficial effect on the condition of the skin and hair. Another remarkable property of the fruit is to increase tone, invigorate, and even improve performance and mood.

A little about how pomelo grows

Having seen such a giant in the store, many are interested in how the pomelo grows. The homeland of this exotic is Malaysia, but now it can be found in China, Israel, Thailand and Japan. It almost never grows in the wild; most often the fruits are grown on huge plantations.

The fruits grow on fairly large trees of the same name. Typically, fruits have a heterogeneous color, lighter on one side. This happens due to the fault of the sun, which cannot illuminate the giant balls from all sides.

Interestingly, in China this plant is considered a symbol of prosperity and its fruits are usually given as a gift for the New Year. This giant will certainly bring happiness and joy in the near future. In Thailand, he is revered no less and is sacrificed to the gods on major holidays. On some tropical islands, indigenous people use the fruits for rituals and ceremonies.

A few tricks on how to choose a pomelo

Few people know how to choose a pomelo in order to get only benefits from it. There are a few tricks on how to do this correctly:

  1. The fruit ripening period occurs in February, so they should be purchased no later than March;
  2. the peel must certainly be shiny and dense, without signs of rotting or damage;
  3. be sure to smell the fruit - a pleasant citrus aroma should emanate from it;
  4. Do not purchase fruits whose color is too uneven - most likely they will be unripe.

If you still manage to purchase an unripe fruit, you should not rush to throw it away - you can put it in the refrigerator, in a few days it will be ready for consumption. If you leave it at room temperature, ripening will also occur, but it will also begin to deteriorate much faster.

How to clean a broom correctly

Another question that will certainly arise for those who first picked up this exotic product is how to clean the broom. The size of this giant should not be intimidating - getting rid of its peel is quite simple.

To remove the peel, you need to arm yourself with a small knife and make a small cut. You won't need a knife anymore - you can finish the job with your hands. The peel peels away from the pulp much more easily than most citrus fruits.

If the peel is not removed, there is a risk that the fruit is not yet fully ripe. There is no need to try to clean it - most likely, after that you will only have to throw it away - the taste of unripe fruit is quite unpleasant. It is better to give up trying to remove the peel and let the fruit ripen. Since the cut has already been made, be sure to wrap the giant in food-grade polyethylene film - this will protect the fruit from rotting and speed up ripening. After a few days, you can take the fruit out of the refrigerator and try to peel it again - most likely, the peel will easily separate from the pulp.

Things to remember before eating pomelo

Those who have never tried this exotic fruit will be interested in how to eat pomelo. This will not pose any particular difficulties, especially if the peel has already been completely removed and it is obvious that the fruit is fully ripe. Before you start eating the fruit, you definitely need to remove the seeds - usually there are not very many of them, about five in each slice.

The membranes separating the pulp lie quite loosely; they should also be removed - they are too hard and dense, so they are not eaten. How to remove membranes correctly? Here, too, you can’t do without a knife - just make a small cut on each slice and release the pulp. It's very easy - it almost doesn't touch the partitions.

How to eat the fruits? You can enjoy it in its pure form, without cooking, but the fruit will be no less healthy in salads, marmalades, and savory snacks of Asian cuisine. Skillful housewives use them in pies fillings and even in homemade jam.

You should not rush to throw away the peel - it can also be used in cooking. By letting the peel infuse in good vodka, you can get a wonderful alcoholic drink with an exquisite aroma. You can add this valuable part of the fruit in compotes or even add it to tea - it is not only healthy, but also very tasty.

Pomelo fruit, beneficial properties and contraindications - you definitely need to know what surprises may be hidden in this exotic fruit in order to prevent complications or unpleasant manifestations. For those who are just about to feast on the giant, you should remember that if you are allergic to citrus fruits, it is strictly not recommended to eat the fruits - this can lead to rashes and even swelling of the throat. If you do everything correctly and do not neglect contraindications, then wonderful exotics will certainly bring only benefits.

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Pomelo has gained popularity throughout our country. Citrus fruit has interesting taste and healing qualities. Asian countries are considered to be the homeland of pomelo, where the fruits are treated with respect and are often given to relatives as a present. Citrus is especially popular among the Chinese and Thais; the fruits and peel are often used in medicine.

Use of pomelo

In European countries, crafts made from pomelo peels are often found. You can also fill the bowl with fruit zest yourself and place it in your bedroom near your bed. In this way, the quality of sleep will noticeably improve, waking up will become much easier, and you will be provided with a morning mood and a boost of vigor.

Pomelo is widely used in the culinary world as the main ingredient in various dishes. Citrus goes well with other ingredients in salads, fish and meat appetizers, and baked goods. The zest is often used as an additive to hot drinks or jams. It is highly recommended to try pomelo-based fresh juice.

Calorie content of pomelo

Despite the large size of citrus and its rich chemical composition, pomelo is a low-calorie fruit. Per 100 grams of pulp there are about 25-40 kcal.

The calorie content of pomelo varies due to the sweetness of the fruit. There are 3 types of pulp: white, pink and red. The low calorie content is due to the fact that citrus consists of 90% liquid.

Chemical composition and benefits of elements

  1. Ascorbic acid. It has been scientifically proven that pomelo effectively strengthens the human protective shell. It is this citrus that contains the largest amount of ascorbic acid. Thanks to vitamin C, the body is not at risk of various infectious and viral diseases.
  2. Essential oils. If you managed to catch the virus during the off-season period, pomelo will quickly help you overcome cold symptoms and get you back on your feet. The process of speedy recovery is determined by the high content of essential oils. They actively strengthen the immune system.
  3. Coarse fibers. The substances are like food feed that moves through the intestines. Dietary fiber acts as a sponge; as it moves, it collects undigested food residues and toxins. The body undergoes a process of absorption with further purification.
  4. Lemonides. Pomelo in general has a beneficial effect on all human cells and organs. Citrus pulp raises vitality, improves mood and strength. Lemonides, in turn, help normalize productivity, alertness and performance. The presence of phosphorus in citrus is responsible for brain activity.
  5. Calcium. Thanks to this mineral, all bone tissue in the human body is strengthened. Calcium has a positive effect on the quality of hair.
  6. Antioxidants. It's no secret what properties such enzymes have. Antioxidants perfectly cleanse the body of old toxins and toxic compounds. As a result, a person maintains youth and good physical activity.

Benefits of pomelo

  1. Pomelo has been scientifically proven to be effective in combating a variety of heart ailments. Citrus perfectly prevents the vascular system from various diseases. In addition, pomelo normalizes blood pressure and prevents the formation of thrombosis.
  2. Doctors say that pomelo effectively resists cancer. Citrus fights the formation of new malignant cells. Many people confuse grapefruit with pomelo, but there are still obvious differences.
  3. In the first case, they can be distinguished by the size and color of the peel. In the second, the pomelo has a characteristic pleasant aroma. Grapefruit is much smaller and the peel is brighter. It is also worth considering that the pomelo pulp is sweeter and has no bitterness.
  4. Experts have proven that sweet citrus effectively copes with ailments of the respiratory tract and lungs. In addition, pomelo is good at removing harmful toxins during poisoning. Citrus is recommended to be consumed when you are very thirsty; it quenches the need for water.
  5. Experts recommend including pomelo in the daily diet for people who suffer from diabetes. Systematic consumption of fruits stabilizes blood glucose levels.
  6. Citrus has proven itself to be an effective remedy for the early stages of gastritis. Pomelo copes with a number of stomach ailments. It is recommended to take the zest of the fruit as the basis for the remedy. Prepare a decoction and take it regularly.
  7. At the first signs of a cold, pomelo peel can relieve nasal congestion and alleviate the condition in general. It is enough to spread the peels in a small room. Do not forget to also consume the pulp of the fruit, it is rich in ascorbic acid.
  8. Pomelo is recommended for use by those individuals who want to burn extra pounds. Along with exercise and proper nutrition, weight loss will take a little time. It is also worth noting that the diet will not adversely affect your body.
  9. Citrus is actively involved in protein synthesis and effectively burns fat. As a result of such processes, natural metabolism improves. Combined with exercise, calories melt before our eyes.
  10. Pomelo has proven itself well in the cosmetic world. Various products are made based on the fruit. Citrus juice is especially useful for nourishing and moisturizing the skin; the composition is effective against oily sheen. The juice normalizes the functioning of the glands, thereby normalizing the production of subcutaneous sebum.
  11. If you systematically wipe your skin with this composition, the effect will be obvious almost after the first use. The epidermis will acquire an even tone and elasticity, shine will disappear, and tissues will be renewed at the cellular level.
  12. Citrus fruit is valuable for the central nervous system. Pomelo copes well with depression and stress. It has been proven that citrus contains serotonin, which is responsible for positive human emotions. Not only the pulp can lift your spirits, but also the pleasant smell of the zest.

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Benefits of pomelo for children

  1. Pomelo, like any citrus, is a highly allergenic product. Therefore, be careful if you give fruit to your child for the first time. It is prohibited to include pomelo in the diet of children under 1 year of age. Next, carry out the manipulation in small portions.
  2. It is strongly recommended that you consult your pediatrician before you start adding a new fruit to your menu. Monitor your baby's condition in the first days of taking pomelo. If no reactions are observed, feel free to give the fruit daily.
  3. Don't forget about seasonal fruits. The child’s body is still more accustomed to receiving the necessary microelements from ordinary apples and pears. Be sure that such fruits will not cause harm to the baby’s body, as they are hypoallergenic.

The benefits of pomelo for girls

  1. It has been proven that pomelo acts as an antioxidant and is good at cleansing the body of toxins. As a result, the skin regains its original structure and beauty. This is important for all representatives of the fair sex.
  2. If you suffer from constipation, citrus fruit will cope with such ailment in the shortest possible time. Such problems often affect a person’s appearance, causing the complexion to become expressionless. Use pomelo daily if there are no contraindications.
  3. Citrus pulp has a beneficial effect on the skin, renewing tissue at the cellular level. In addition, pomelo juice brings considerable benefits. It is enough to use the composition as a tonic; it is suitable for any skin type. Fresh pomelo is often used as a base for various masks.
  4. It is also recommended to use the juice on dry areas of the epidermis, in which case the damaged areas will be provided with proper hydration. In addition, you can use the zest of the fruit to wipe cuticles and nails. As a result, the nail fold takes on an even shape, and the plate, in turn, becomes strong.

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Pomelo selection

It is important to understand that a fully ripened fruit contains the entire chemical composition of the most important elements. Nutrient enzymes are formed and complement each other, bringing invaluable benefits to the human body.

  1. First, take the pomelo in your hand; the fruit should be heavy, despite its relatively small size. Smell the citrus, a quality product is fragrant.
  2. Feel the peel, the hard shell will not work, only the soft one. The ripe fruit has a light yellowish tint without signs of green or, on the contrary, redness.
  3. The most successful months for buying pomelo are considered to be the periods from mid-winter (January) to early spring (March). The thing is that in these months the fruits ripen.
  4. Before paying, please inspect the peel for damage. If there are noticeable dents, cuts or other defects on it, refuse to purchase.
  5. If after purchasing you do not plan to use the pomelo immediately, prepare a suitable place for it and a ventilated wooden box. The temperature should be room temperature, look for a dry room. You can keep the fruits in the refrigerator for no more than 3 days.

Pomelo damage

There are certain contraindications to the use of pomelo, failure to comply with which will lead to harm to the human body. Let's look at everything in more detail.

  1. You should not eat fruit if you have hepatitis, colitis, nephritis, increased stomach acidity, allergies and individual intolerance to citrus fruits, duodenal and stomach ulcers.
  2. You should not use pomelo during an exacerbation of chronic ailments of the digestive system. Citrus contains many acids, which often cause irritation of the mucous membranes and, as a result, heartburn.
  3. To determine if you have an allergy, think back to previous experiences. If there are unpleasant symptoms when eating oranges or lemons, then you should not eat pomelo.
  4. Overeating pomelo causes redness on the skin and diarrhea. During pregnancy, you should not consume the fruits, so as not to cause individual intolerance in the unborn baby.

In China, it is generally accepted that the pomelo is a symbol of wealth, well-being, prosperity and health. Therefore, it is customary for indigenous people to give each other citrus fruit for various celebrations. According to tradition, pomelo is most often presented to relatives and friends on New Year's Eve; the fruits are presented in a wicker basket.

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Video: about the benefits and harms of pomelo


Pomelo: how to use, health benefits and harms of pomelo

Pomelo is an excellent fruit that will appeal to almost everyone, both adults and children.

It has not only a pleasant citrus taste, but also low calorie content, which will undoubtedly be appreciated by both people losing weight and maintaining their weight.

You can eat pomelo as an independent mono-product, or as part of fruit salads, decorations for ice cream, making candied fruits...

Pomelo is a seasonal fruit; it appears in our stores in winter, which, of course, has a positive effect on its use as part of “winter diets” and as a vitamin supplement in winter.

You can learn how to choose a pomelo, how to use it, as well as the health benefits and harms of pomelo by reading the article.

Pomelo - what kind of fruit?

Pomelo is an exotic citrus fruit native to China. Pomelo also grows actively in Malaysia, Israel, Vietnam and Thailand.

Pomelo has several names: Pomelo, Pompelmus and Shaddock. By the way, Shedok Pomelo is named after the captain of the English ship Shaddock, who brought pomelo seeds to the West Indies in the 17th century from the Malaysian archipelago.

The pomelo fruit is the largest among all citrus fruits. The average weight of a fruit is from one to three kilograms; these are the fruits that are best stored and transported to other countries. Although, in the growing area, the weight of a pomelo can reach ten or more kilograms.

Outwardly, the pomelo resembles a grapefruit, while it is somewhat larger, also distinguished by a softer and more pleasant taste. The fruit is round, slightly elongated towards the stalk, which makes it look a little like a huge pear.

The fruit is covered with a thick peel, the thickness of which can reach two centimeters, which ensures high safety of the fruit.

Inside, the pomelo is divided into large slices, wrapped in a harsh film - a partition. Inside the lobules, especially in a ripe fruit, there are seeds, the size of which depends on the stage of fruit ripening. The larger the seeds, the greater the stage of ripening, or even overripening, of the fruit.

The taste of pomelo is sour-sweet, with a slight, barely noticeable taste of bitterness. It is much sweeter and less bitter than grapefruit, but at the same time has a milder “citrus” taste than oranges or tangerines.

The color of ripe fruits ranges from pale green to yellow. The fruit pulp is less juicy than other citrus fruits. Also, the juiciness of the fruit depends on its stage of ripening: the younger the fruit, the more juice it contains. An overripe fruit has a “drier” and tougher pulp structure, which also affects the taste. Due to the dryness of the fruit, it will be extremely difficult to squeeze juice out of the pomelo.

How to choose Pomelo

When choosing Pomelo, there are no special secrets or subtleties. Usually it is enough to carefully examine and touch the fruit to draw a conclusion about its ripeness.

At the same time, do not forget that for long-term preservation, and the delivery time from the country of origin to our stores can stretch from several days to several weeks, the fruits, as a rule, are collected slightly unripe, treated with special means, and wrapped in film or mesh for preservation.

However, citrus fruits do not have the ability to ripen, as does, for example, tomatoes. Therefore, there is no need to store such citrus at home in the hope that it will ripen soon.

And so, when choosing a broom, you need to pay attention to the following:

  1. Take a close look at the fruit you want to purchase. Its skin should be dense, elastic, without dents, rotten or broken spots, and without thickening. Ideally, the crust will have a uniform color.
  2. Feel the fruit with your hands. If to the touch you feel the presence of strange thickenings on the body of the fetus, or in some places it is pressed under pressure, it is better to refuse such a purchase.
  3. Rock the fruit in your hands. If it seems to you that it is too light, and this can be compared with other pomelo specimens, this indicates that the fruit is not ripe, and you will most likely buy a thick crust framing an unripe fruit instead of tasty and juicy citrus. The larger and heavier the fruit, the greater the likelihood of its ripening, which has a positive effect on the taste of the purchased Pomelo.

Health benefits and harms of pomelo

When using pomelo, despite the obvious advantages, there are also contraindications. For example, due to the fact that pomelo is a citrus fruit, its fruit contains a lot of acid, which is contraindicated for people suffering from diseases of the gastrointestinal tract and high acidity.

Basic chemical composition of pomelo

Calorie content – ​​from 25 to 39 calories per 100 grams of peeled fruit slices.

Mineral composition: potassium up to 235 mg/100 g calcium 26-27 mg/100 g phosphorus 22-26 mg iron 0.3-0.5 mg sodium 1 mg

Ethacrynic acid 20-25 mg

Vitamin complex: vitamin C 30-53 mg/100 g beta-carotene up to 30 mg/100 g vitamin B1 0.04-0.07 mg/100 g vitamin B2 0.02 mg/100 g

Vitamin B5 0.2-0.3 mg/100 g

Positive properties of pomelo

The basis of the beneficial properties of pomelo that bring health benefits is its mineral and vitamin composition. Large amounts of potassium, calcium, phosphorus and vitamin C when consuming pomelo bring benefits to our body:

  1. Normalizes blood pressure and the functioning of the cardiovascular system.
  2. The presence of potassium improves the condition of hypertension and prevents the formation of blood clots in blood vessels.
  3. Natural vitamin C has a positive effect on strengthening the immune system, reducing the likelihood of colds and viral diseases. Especially in the winter season.
  4. Eating pomelo increases vitality, improves mood, and helps fight depression and improves performance.
  5. The presence of calcium helps strengthen bone tissue, promotes wound healing, and accelerates the healing process in long-term illnesses.
  6. As mentioned earlier, pomelo is an excellent assistant for losing weight and carrying out fasting days and mono diets. The low calorie content and increased metabolism will be appreciated by everyone who is losing weight.
  7. Pomelo also has a little secret: it is an excellent aphrodisiac that improves intimate function and increases sexual activity in men. In addition, consuming this citrus during a hangover will reduce the symptoms of poisoning and bring you back to normal faster.
  8. The fruit is also useful for older people, who, like no one else, need additional portions of vitamins.

Despite the obvious benefits of eating pomelo, in some cases the fruit can cause harm to the body.

Pomelo should not be used:

  1. In case you are allergic to citrus fruits.
  2. It should not be consumed by nursing mothers: you may not yet know how your child’s body reacts to citrus fruits.
  3. Pomelo should not be given to children under one year of age - the child may be allergic to citrus fruits. Older children are also given pomelo in small quantities, for the same reason.
  4. Avoid eating pomelo if, after eating, you feel heaviness in the stomach, heartburn, or other unpleasant sensations.
  5. You should not use pomelo if you suffer from diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, stomach ulcers, or increased stomach acidity.

How to use pomelo

Usage options depend on your fantasies.

Pomelo can be consumed in its peeled form, like a regular tangerine, orange or grapefruit, or used in various salads, or in the preparation of meat dishes that contain citrus fruits.

Pomelo is often used to decorate ice cream and sorbets; it is great for making fruit fondue (the sweet and sour taste of pomelo goes well with melted chocolate).

How to quickly and easily clean a broom

Before consuming pomelo, you first need to peel it and remove the film that covers the pomelo slices.

Cleaning a broom is not as difficult as it seems at first glance.

First of all, it is necessary to remove the protective film from the fruit in which each fruit is packaged individually.

After this, carefully cut off the upper, elongated part of the fruit with a knife.

Next, you also need to make cuts with gentle movements right along the peel along the entire fruit, as was done in the photograph. If you see that the area near the stalk (the elongated upper part of the fruit) is slightly rotten or damaged, cut off a little more.

As a result, after you have made cuts throughout the fruit, it can be easily peeled (also see photo of the pomelo).

After you remove the peel, the fruit easily, or almost easily, breaks into two parts.

To simplify the process, watch the video in which I explain in detail, and most importantly, show how to quickly and easily clean Pomelo.

As you can see, you can peel this citrus fruit without any difficulties.

As I already said, Pomelo can be consumed either in the form of peeled slices, just like regular tangerines or oranges, or you can prepare a variety of dishes from it.

I can offer you several options for pomelo salad recipes

Fruit salad with pomelo:

Ingredients: banana – 1 pc., kiwi – 1 pc., apple – 1 medium size, tangerine – 1 pc., pomelo – half the fruit, yogurt – one glass.

Apple - peel, cut into cubes, place on the bottom of the salad bowl. Drizzle one to two tablespoons of yogurt on top.

Banana – peel the shell, cut into slices, place on top of the apple. Also add 1 - 2 tablespoons of yogurt.

Kiwi – peel, cut into slices, place on top of the banana. Drizzle with yogurt.

Mandarin duck – peel, arrange the slices in another layer of lettuce. Add yogurt again.

Pomelo - peel, remove the skin from the segments, leaving only the juicy part of the segment, divide the segment into small pieces and place on top of the salad.

You can eat this salad with pomelo right away. You can’t keep it for a long time, since the fruit gives juice, and the salad, if left standing for a long time, especially at room temperature, can turn into a sweet mess.

The video below shows one of the options for fruit salads with pomelo:

Ingredients: 1 medium-sized smoked breast, half a pomelo, a spoonful of crushed nuts, a few lettuce leaves, mayonnaise or olive oil (to taste).

Tear the chicken breast into small pieces, you can cut them into cubes.

We peel the pomelo slices from the film and divide them into small pieces.

Tear the lettuce leaves into small pieces.

Mix all this, season with mayonnaise or olive oil. Sprinkle chopped nuts on top.

This salad is suitable for any feast, and for a regular lunch with the whole family.

Salad with pomelo and shrimp:

Ingredients: shrimp – 15 – 20 pieces, depending on size, half a pomelo fruit, 2 eggs, olive oil, a little lemon juice.

Boil the eggs, peel and cut into strips.

Boil the shrimp and remove the shell.

We clean the pomelo and divide the slices into small pieces.

Mix all this, add a little lemon juice, one teaspoon will be enough, season with olive oil. If desired, the salad can be decorated with mint or lettuce leaves.

Pomelo as an independent product

Pomelo is also perfectly used in its usual form: peeled, peeled, seeds removed, and eaten, receiving not only pleasure, vitamins, but also a very small amount of calories.

Pomelo can also be consumed during fasting days

Due to its low calorie content, pomelo, like many fruits, is excellent for fasting days and short mono-diets.

Just in case, I remind you that no matter how much you want to lose weight, any mono diet should not last more than three days. You can read more about diets on our website Sizhu-doma.ru. It is imperative to stop the mono-diet if you feel unwell, your health condition worsens, or weakness and malaise appear.

For a fasting day: we use pomelo without restrictions for one day. As a rule, two large fruits will be enough for one day.

With the help of a pomelo, you can lose at least 2 - 3 kilograms of weight in a couple of months, if you eat a pomelo twice a week instead of the usual dinner. Thus, there will be no feeling of hunger, and your body will receive low-calorie and fortified food.

If you only need half of the fruit for consumption or preparing a salad, peel only the necessary part from the film.

The remaining part of the fruit should be placed in a plastic bag and put in the refrigerator. This way you can avoid the film from drying out, and dry film is very difficult to peel off, and save the slices for a long time.

In principle, Pomelo that does not have damage to the peel can be stored for a long time, especially if you store it in the refrigerator.

If you have never tried Pomelo, try it, I am sure you will like it, and you will discover a little exotic, even if there is bitter frost and multi-meter snowdrifts outside.

Useful articles about nutrition and diets:

How many times a day should you eat to lose weight What is proper nutrition and how to stick to it Fasting days for health


Pomelo - benefits and harm

Pomelo is not as popular in our country as other citrus fruits. But still there are admirers of this fruit. They value sheddock (the second name of the product) for its interesting sweet and sour taste with a slight bitterness, a subtle aroma slightly reminiscent of the smell of a banana, and dryish pulp.

The peel of the fruit is also used - it is dried and added to tea. If we touch upon the question of the benefits of pomelo, then we can be convinced that it deserves to be on our tables.

What is special about pomelo?

This fruit originally grew in Malaysia, Fiji and Tonga, in the southeastern part of Asia. Even 100 years BC. e. pomelo was common in China. The delicacy came to Europe much later - in the 14th century.

And he was nicknamed Shaddock in honor of Captain Shaddock from England, who brought pompelmus seeds to the West Indies in the 16th century. Today, the fruit is cultivated in many Asian countries, including Japan, Thailand, India, Vietnam, etc.

Pomelo has one peculiarity - it is the largest representative of the Citrus genus. The most massive fruits weigh up to 10 kg, their diameter reaches 30 cm. Sheddock has a relatively thick peel - 2-4 cm.

The color of the ripe fruit is yellowish-green, the flesh is mostly white, and the shape is spherical or pear-shaped. The Thongdi variety has a dark green skin and pink interior.

Chemical composition of pompelmus

Shaddock is very attractive in terms of its calorie content - only 38 kcal per 100 g of product. For those losing weight, this is the best option, because pomelo quickly creates a feeling of satiety.

If we consider the quantitative composition of the fruit, we can see that it is not very rich. But the following makes its contribution to the overall balance of necessary substances:

  • beta-carotene - 30-100 mg;
  • vitamins B1, B2, B6;
  • vitamin C - 61 mg (this is 2/3 of the daily requirement);
  • vitamin PP – 0.22 mg;
  • proteins – 0.76 g;
  • fats - 0.04 g;
  • carbohydrates - 8.62 g;
  • dietary fiber – 1 g;
  • macroelements: potassium, phosphorus, magnesium, calcium, sodium;
  • trace elements: iron, manganese, copper, zinc.

Pomelo is also rich in essential oils, which give off a characteristic aroma. These components are very valuable for the body.

Benefits of pomelo

As you may have noticed, sheddock is rich in vitamin C, which has a beneficial effect on the immune system. Now specifically about the beneficial properties of pomelo:

1. Saturates the body with vitamins and minerals, and this has a good effect on its work: metabolic processes occur faster, and well-being improves significantly.

2. It has a better effect on the condition of the heart and blood vessels. The fruit can reduce high blood pressure and smooth out the functioning of our “engine,” in particular, stabilize its rhythm.

3. Consume one pomelo every day and you will strengthen the myocardium. This is possible thanks to a sufficient amount of potassium.

4. The product prevents the development of thrombosis, strengthens blood vessels and makes them elastic.

5. Shaddock removes excess cholesterol, thereby preventing the development of atherosclerosis.

6. Essential oils concentrated in pomelo slices have a detrimental effect on viruses and bacteria and thereby speed up recovery. And vitamins A and C help them with this.

7. Shaddock relieves inflammation well, so if you have a cold, you shouldn’t exclude it from your diet.

9. Pomelo helps eliminate the symptoms of poisoning and facilitates the rehabilitation period.

10. Pompelmus has antioxidant properties. It removes half-life products and free radicals from the body. Helps prevent cancer.

11. Improves well-being during chemotherapy, promotes accelerated recovery after serious illnesses and surgical interventions.

12. The fruit is very useful for pregnant women. Shaddock normalizes metabolism and relieves symptoms of toxicosis.

13. The presence of folic acid makes pompelmus useful for pregnant women, because it has a good effect on the formation of the fetus, especially its central nervous system.

14. Pomelo improves performance because it stimulates blood supply to the brain.

15. Improves concentration and memory.

16. Restores vitality, gives energy, improves mood and keeps the body in good shape. Useful for those who work hard physically and athletes.

17. Reduces the rate of accumulation of adipose tissue cells, which helps to effectively fight excess weight. For pregnant women, this property is also important, as it allows you to gain at least a kilogram and provide the fetus with normal weight.

18. Restores the functioning of the pancreas.

19. Perfectly quenches thirst, which is especially pleasant during the hot season. In this case, pomelo is superior to orange and grapefruit.

20. The peel of the fruit is also useful. It is rich in vitamin P, which has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the stomach and intestines.

In cosmetology, sheddock also has its place of honor. Based on its extract, wonderful products are made for hair, face and body.

Pomelo wraps allow you to correct body contours, tighten the skin and smooth out cellulite tubercles.

Harm to pomelo and contraindications

First of all, those who suffer from allergies to citrus fruits should avoid this product. The consequences can be different - from a minor rash and itching of the skin to a swollen throat and suffocation.

People with the following diseases should also avoid pompelmus:

Caution should be exercised in use if you have bronchial asthma.

Do not forget about the golden mean, because only moderate amounts of pomelo will be beneficial. You can eat no more than half of an average fruit per day.

Even in a healthy person, an excess of pompelmus in the body can cause problems: insomnia, diarrhea, kidney failure.

You should not indulge yourself with this fruit on an empty stomach. It is better to leave the sheddock as a dessert, then its enzymes will also help digest heavy food.

The useful product has a peel of the same color without any stains, its thickness is approximately the same throughout the entire fruit. The top of a good pomelo is dense, not exceeding 1 cm in diameter. The aroma is pronounced citrus, the fruit size is medium.

Before use, be sure to wash the sheddock to remove the layer of paraffin. Most of the valuable substances in the pulp are preserved for three days after cutting.


Pomelo: benefits and harm, nutritional value, composition, use of pomelo in cosmetology

Pomelo is an incredibly healthy and tasty fruit from the citrus family. It was eaten several centuries ago - the first mentions of pomelo were found in ancient manuscripts of China. By the way, in this Asian country the fruit in question was revered as a symbol of prosperity and prosperity. If we talk about pomelo exclusively from a medical point of view, then it can be described as a vitamin bomb, the benefits of which are invaluable in the spring-winter period.

Composition of pomelo and its calorie content

Nutritional value 100 g:

  • Calories 38 kcal
  • Proteins 8 g
  • Fat 0 g
  • Carbohydrates 6 g 7.5%
  • Dietary fiber 1 g
  • Water 1 g

The fruit in question contains an incredible amount of vitamin C - it is enough to consume only 150 grams of pomelo to completely cover the daily requirement of vitamin C for the human body. This giant citrus contains antioxidants, fiber, and beneficial microelements.

It is curious that the calorie content of pomelo is very low, which attracts those who want to lose weight to the fruit - with excellent quenching of thirst and hunger, extra pounds will not appear on the body. In addition, pomelo helps cleanse the body and accelerates the breakdown of fats.

Pomelo: the benefits of giant citrus

The fruit in question can be classified as medicinal, because it:

If the citrus fruit in question is eaten regularly, the body's stamina will increase and mood will improve. Pomelo can also neutralize and remove toxins from the body, is an effective remedy for scurvy, has the ability to alleviate the condition of people with cardiovascular diseases, and significantly reduces the risk of tumor formation.

Interesting! In China, in general, not only the pulp of the pomelo is actively used, but also its flowers, unripe fruits, and skin. These parts of the plant are dried and ground into powder, which is then used to treat coughs, indigestion and swelling of various origins.

Not only the pomelo pulp has beneficial properties, but also its peel, which is rich in vitamin P, essential oils and bioflavonoids. The peel will help in the fight against diseases of the stomach, intestines and pancreas, although it will not replace drug therapy. An infusion from the peel of the citrus in question, which is pre-dried and crushed, tones the body and strengthens the immune system.

Harm to pomelo, contraindications for use

Pomelo, like all fruits from the citrus family, is a pronounced allergen and therefore should be used with extreme caution by those people who are predisposed to allergic reactions. It is worth limiting the amount of pomelo consumed in case of diagnosed stomach and duodenal ulcers, hepatitis, nephritis and colitis, or increased acidity of gastric juice.

Please note: despite the great benefits of the fruit in question, you should not consume it in large quantities, as this can lead to digestive upset, which will manifest as diarrhea.

Doctors say that pomelo should be excluded from the diet if a person is undergoing treatment with any medications. This statement is connected with the fact that the citrus in question can either worsen or enhance the therapeutic effect of medications, which can lead to a long course of the disease or to significant manifestations of side effects.

The use of pomelo in cosmetology

Pomelo pulp is an effective cosmetic product - for example, a mask made from the pulp of this citrus fruit will provide freshness to your facial skin and rid it of toxins coming from the environment. It is not difficult to prepare a mask - you need to mix part of the pomelo crushed into puree, the same amount of honey and half the amount of lemon juice. The finished mixture is applied to previously cleansed facial skin and left for 15-20 minutes. You only need to wash off the mask with warm mineral water, and after drying the skin, be sure to use a moisturizer. You can simply treat your facial skin (pre-cleaned, of course) with small amounts of pomelo juice - it has the ability to cleanse the surface of the skin from dead cells, and this helps to renew it.

Pomelo is a very tasty citrus; it is loved even by those who deliberately limit the consumption of fruits from the same family. And if you use it in moderation and use its beneficial properties wisely, then pomelo can be constantly present on the table.

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