Home Fruit trees Abstract on the discipline “Mathematics on the topic “This is an amazing number seven.” The sacred meaning of the number seven The origin of the number 7 for children

Abstract on the discipline “Mathematics on the topic “This is an amazing number seven.” The sacred meaning of the number seven The origin of the number 7 for children

What does the ancient science of numerology say about the meaning of the number 7?

7 – symbolizes mystery, as well as the study of the unknown and invisible. These are the seven ruling planets, the seven days of the week, the seven notes of the scale. It is not for nothing that the seven days of Divine creation, the seven notes of harmony represent seven as a perfect number. According to popular belief, the seventh son of the seventh son is endowed with incredible magical powers. Seven unites the integrity of 1 with the ideality of 6 and forms its own symmetry, making it truly a psychic number.

Seven is the number of luck, the most magical and sacred number, personifying wisdom, holiness and secret knowledge. This line of inconsistency can be continued. Here are such personality traits as diligence and a poetic soul, a penchant for analytical thinking and strong intuition, rich imagination, a lively, vivid imagination. 7 is a sign of nature's interest in human development.

With this number, composers and musicians, writers and poets, philosophers and hermits, thinkers and hermits are born and raised. Their inspiration requires solitude and loneliness. This is their need and their element. With the number 7 they become bright personalities, people of worldwide renown. 7 conceals the ability to direct talent into the field of science, into the world of art or philosophy, into religious activity. But the success of their activities largely depends on a deep analysis of the results of what has already been achieved and on real planning for their future. 7 is a symbol of everything mysterious and magical, this is the most interesting and most mysterious number. Owners of 7 are talented, emotional and inquisitive, have a good sense of humor and a penchant for invention.

Motto of the number 7: Understanding. Number 7 is an introverted number.

Positive qualities of a seven: Number 7 is independent and loves solitude and meditation. The seven has skillful hands, it is inclined to observation, research, analysis and scientific thinking, has an aptitude for technology and inventiveness, the seven has very skillful hands. Number 7 is charming, intelligent and insightful, and has a sense of self-worth. Also, a characteristic quality of the number 7 is perfectionism.

Negative qualities of a seven: the number seven loves arguments and sarcasm, she is very proud, about seven you can say “on her own mind.” Number seven is reserved and overly suspicious of others, and loves self-examination. She is sometimes unreasonable and overly positive. Often the number 7 is not at all capable of self-expression.

Number colors 7 : pearl, pale red, purple, grey-pink, violet.

Favorable opportunities for number 7.

Number 7 First of all, she is her own mistress. Number 7 always strives to test the value of all activities at all levels of life.

Number seven never takes any idea or plan at face value. Number seven will always ask itself the question “why”, and this question will give it an answer that others could not reach.

Number 7 is a thinker by nature. It cannot find peace until it connects the unknown with the known. Thanks to her analytical mind, she constantly comes across facts that are inaccessible to others. Therefore, the number seven is more likely than others to become a discoverer or inventor, and sometimes even a religious figure or occultist. For number seven, power lies in knowledge.

The number seven is often extremely unadapted to everyday life; it sometimes has difficulty expressing its own thoughts; the number 7 is silent and secretive by nature. But as soon as the number 7 finds its way in this world, its loneliness disappears, and people themselves are trying to make a path for themselves to its wisdom.

Empty dreams are not for the number seven, it does not like to waste time in vain, and its thirst for knowledge does not allow this. But at the same time, number 7 loves secluded places where you can be alone and reflect. Number 7 dreams of beauty and romance; she has a very keen sense of everything occult and metaphysical.

The number seven is a lucky number and is governed by the law of attraction (like attracts like). He gives the number seven its inner strength, which in turn seeks help and support for the number seven. Number 7 loves to take risks, although it has a very cautious and calculating nature.

Number seven in human relationships.

Number seven a good comrade whose talent and achievements are always admired by those around him. Number 7 is balanced and well-mannered, quick-witted and intelligent, she has a sense of self-esteem, sometimes demanding, but always ready to help a friend.

It may seem to many that the number seven lives a somewhat aloof life. Because of her exacting nature, number 7 is not always easy to get along with people, trying to get to know them as best as possible, but with people close to her she is always kind and charming. She always needs to look dignified and maintain composure. The number seven is capable of losing its attractiveness to others, living in conditions of constant confusion and chaos.

Number seven sometimes finds it difficult to adapt to existing circumstances. It is difficult for her to change and adapt to a specific situation, and if she is forced to do this, she can withdraw into herself for a very long time. Number 7 usually does not recognize its sensitivity and emotionality, the need for love and understanding, but it is in dire need of them.

You should not ask number 7 questions directly, most likely you will not get an answer and will greatly anger her. It is better to wait for the moment when she herself is ready to open up to you. Meanwhile, the number seven itself loves to ask questions, and evasive answers never satisfy it. She can often be a skeptic, demanding proof in everything. This trait can also help her succeed in business, but will worsen family relationships. Number 7 should give others the same trust that she wants to be given to her and generally try to understand other people and be understood by them.

Number seven loves a good environment, a woman under the number 7 will always strive to have a good home, with all the details that come with it.

Number 7 does not like having a lot of people at home, and she will only be interested in those who have common intellectual interests with her. Often the number seven is the head of the family, although this is not always easy for her. She must choose a companion to match herself - someone interested in books, sophisticated, seeking knowledge. Number 7 should be careful about marriage with large relatives, since in this case he may develop hostility towards the family hearth.

Number seven has enormous emotionality and sexual energy, but her self-control allows her to live alone. At the intersection of its restraint and unbridled emotions, the number 7 can demonstrate very bizarre character traits. For a happy marriage, she needs the attraction of her soul and mind.

Number seven is demanding when it comes to nutrition. The right combination of physical activity and rest is very important for her. It is worth considering that some parts of the body of the number 7 are especially sensitive, these are the spleen, tonsils and spine.

Many may consider the number seven to be stingy. The Seven loves to spend money and time on themselves, but often forgets about the needs of others. She is not able to take care of the whole world, because her role is to teach. But if number 7 is convinced of the benefits and expediency of any undertaking, then it will sacrifice a lot for this.

Sycheva Lidiya 8-B grade

Mathematics is the most precise and abstract of sciences, operates with only ten numerical digits, but at the same time describes the entire Universe. I was interested in the numbers of mathematics, especially the number 7.




On the topic: “The history of the number 7”

Completed by: student of 8 “B” class.

Municipal educational institution secondary school No. 9 Sycheva Lidiya

Mathematics is the most precise and abstract of sciences, operates with only ten numerical digits, but at the same time describes the entire Universe.

History of numbers

Primitive people, having not yet invented numbers, counted with their fingers and toes. By bending and straightening their fingers, people performed addition and subtraction. Therefore, there is an opinion that counting in tens comes from the number of fingers and toes.
Then, in the process of evolution, people began to use knots on a rope instead of fingers. The history of the emergence of numbers included sticks, pebbles, or notches on the bark. This made counting much easier, but it was not possible to show and count large numbers in this way. That's why people came up with the idea of ​​representing numbers with signs

History of the number 7

The history of the number 7 dates back to the times of ancient Egypt. It was the Egyptians who chose 7 gods to worship, based on the fact that they saw seven planets in the sky. And they connected their entire history and religion with this mysterious number, believing that it would bring them an eternal and happy life. The purpose of the number seven is directly related to the Bible, and almost all religions existing in the world. The origins of its origin go deep into the Jewish nation. It was 7 that was designated by the word “savah”, and carried a deep meaning. The Jewish people believed that this figure filled and brought prosperity. Seven has always brought prosperity and extraordinary luck. The number 7 is held in high esteem and respect among many peoples. This fact is confirmed by well-known proverbs and sayings:
- Seven times measure cut once;

Rather than sending seven people, it’s better to visit it yourself;

Too many cooks spoil the broth;

Seven troubles - one answer;

One with a bipod, seven with a spoon;

Seven do not wait for one thing;

Don't get to know a friend in a year, but get to know a friend in seven years...

The meaning of the number 7 is in many ways intertwined with the previous 6, endowing the efficiency and perseverance inherent in the six with the successful result of the one. Those. all the undertakings of the Seven will invariably lead to a beneficial outcome.

7 in Pythagorean doctrine

The number 7 in numerology takes an honorable leading place. This happened not because 7 is supposedly a symbol of luck. Because the concept of luck with hard, purposeful work is controversial

The Japanese believe that a person is given seven good fortunes from the seven good gods throughout his entire life. Everyone knows the story of the Seven Wonders of the World. Seven seas, seven notes, seven days of the week... And it’s not for nothing that the word family contains this mystical number in its name. So, seven denotes luck and the perfection of nature

The meaning of the number 7 in human destiny

Number 7 gives a penchant for analytical thinking, the power of intuition, poetry and a wealth of imagination. People of art are born with this number: composers, musicians, poets and philosophers. But together with social intuition, the contradictory number seven forces creative people to seek solitude, otherwiseinspiration can leave them. In addition, their success largely depends on the ability to analyze what has already been achieved in order to plan their future.

For people who were born on the 7th, 27th, 17th, etc. positive character traits prevail over negative ones. These are talented people with developed intuition; they draw knowledge from the experience of mankind and successfully apply it in their activities and careers.

They will succeed in the field of teaching, analytical work of investigative agencies, and perhaps even become intelligence agents. They are excellent connoisseurs of art and their hands grow as they should, so people of number 7 can become experts in jewelry or engraving. Those born under the number 7 should know that all their endeavors will be successful and not be afraid to put their ideas into practice.

Perhaps some will call these people closed and stingy. But this is far from true. They simply select friends according to their interests and hobbies; they do not need a large social circle. Friendship is something valuable to them. These people do not like large numbers of people in their own home.

They are not spared by wealth, and qualities such as natural charm and beauty often help them achieve it. As a rule, a person-seven may not see visible results. earlier than 25 years. In the future he is ableincrease what has been achieved, but the correctness of priorities is important here. If we remember that 7 is a combination of 6 and 1, then we can derive a certain formula: work (six), which is brought to a result (one)symbolizes a successful outcome of any work andundertakings in whichyour efforts are invested.

Number 7 in historical light

Among all numbers, it occupies a special place. She is both seven-me and seven-me. It is in the seven colors of the rainbow and the seven days of the week. In seven musical tones and in the seven main chakras of the human body. Before you cut once, you definitely need to measure 7 times. Treasures are hidden behind seven doors and seven locks. Only Flower of Seven Flowers can fulfill any desire. Even wisdom is learned in seminaries, and the nuclear power of a state is forged nowhere else but in Semipalatinsk. The great Indian god, the dancing Shiva, had seven arms. The running boots gallop briskly with leaps and bounds.

For those who pursue good fortune, there is no more faithful companion than the lucky number 7.

Neuroscientists consider this figure to be a kind of equivalent of the maximum amount of “working memory” in the brain.

Scientists from the Institute for Nonlinear Science in California (BioCircuits Institute at the University of California, Institute for Nonlinear Science) in the course of their research came to the conclusion that the number 7 has some magical meaning for the brain.

According to experts, seven is a kind of equivalent to the maximum amount of “RAM” in the brain, so any meaning associated with seven is easier to remember. In particular, we are talking about seven-digit telephone numbers.

Testing the statement about the mystery of seven is simple: ask a friend to make a list of 10 words, and then have him try to reconstruct it from memory. Almost 90% of people will immediately remember only seven out of ten words, experts say.

The number 7 is associated with the number of synapses in the brain and the specifics of the relationships between them. The author of the theory, Mikhail Rabinovich, published his article in the scientific publication Physical Review Letters. His theory states that, despite all the complexity of the mathematical models that describe the processes in the human nervous system, everything comes down to the number 7, reports PhySorg.com.

By the way


Number 7 is one of the most amazing numbers. According to religious beliefs, she controls time and space. All peoples of the world have always paid special attention to this figure.

In Egypt, the number 7 is a symbol of eternal life and belongs to the god Osiris. It is also considered a symbol of creativity.

The Sumerian king Lugulannemundu, who ruled 2500 BC, built a temple of the goddess Nintu in the city of Adab, which had 7 doors and 7 gates. After construction was completed, 7 bulls and 7 sheep were slaughtered to consecrate the temple.

In Ancient Greece, the number 7 was considered a symbol of the son of Zeus, patron of the arts Apollo, who was born on the seventh day of the month, and his lyre had seven strings.

Islam talks about the seven gates of heaven and the seven stages of hell. There are 7 known prophets - Adam, Noah, Abraham, Moses, David, Jesus and Magomed.

During the pilgrimage to the holy Mecca, pilgrims make 7 circles around the sacred stone of the Kaaba.

They say that the spirit of the deceased hovers around the grave for 7 days. A newborn baby is given a name within seven days of birth.

There are 7 unforgivable sins: rage, greed, envy, gluttony, lust, selfishness, laziness.

The number 7 is often found in various proverbs, sayings, aphorisms, etc. For example, Baku is located on seven hills, there are 7 days in a week, “measure seven times, cut once”, “ascend to the seventh heaven”, onions are considered a “panacea for seven misfortunes”, 7 domes are erected for seven beauties... From seven flowers - red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, violet - consists of the main palette, 7 tones (notes) make up the musical range, etc.

Undoubtedly, in ancient times the number 7 acquired its mystical properties thanks to the seven planets visible to the naked eye - the Sun, Moon, Venus, Mars, Mercury, Jupiter, Saturn, which are always at the same distance from each other and rotate in the same orbit. For this reason, 7 forms the basis of the idea of ​​​​the eternal harmony of the Universe. This figure was considered sacred as an image and model of the divine structure and acquired important significance for astrologers. She was considered a divine monad, arising from the addition of two, also considered sacred, numbers -3 and 1: 3+3+1. In this regard, the Egyptians began to worship 7 bright celestial bodies as gods. The Phoenicians revered the 7 cabirs (gods in Greek mythology), the Persians revered the 7 sacred horses of Mithras (the sun god in ancient Eastern religions). According to Arabic legends, 7 angels cooled the Sun with ice and snow so that it would not incinerate the Earth, and 7 angels set the Sun in motion every morning.

There were 7 famous treasuries, 7 cities rich in gold. There are also 7 wonders of the world. The Romans celebrated the seventh day of the week - Sunday - as the festival of the Sun...

The number 7 constantly accompanies a person in all cycles of his life path. In the seventh month, the baby's teeth begin to emerge. After 14 months (7x2) he begins to sit, and after 21 (7x3) he begins to walk. After 35 months (7x5) he stops suckling at his mother's breast. At the age of 14 (7x2) a person begins to fully develop, and at 21 (7x3) he stops growing.

There are other known facts related to the number 7. For example, the duration of pregnancy in women is 280 days (7x40). In the animal world, similar cases also occur - mice breed through 21 (7x3), hares and rats - 28 (7x4), cats - 56 (7x8), dogs - 63 (7x9), lions - 98 (7x14), rams - 147 (7x21) days. The incubation period for chickens lasts 21 (7x3), and for ducks - 28 (7x4) days.

It is impossible to obtain the required number by multiplying others or when multiplying by another number, the result is outside the top ten. In this regard, this figure is not similar to others (for example, 9 = 3x3, 8 = 2x4, 6 = 2x3, 10 = 5x2, etc.).

The special attention that has been paid to this figure since ancient times is also associated with the Earth’s satellite, the Moon. It was a common belief among primitive peoples that the life cycle on Earth depended on the waxing and waning of the Moon. The classical astrologer Ptolemy said that the celestial body closest to the Earth, the Moon, influences everything: its appearance and sunset lead to an increase or decrease in the water level in rivers, ebbs and flows, and people and plants also change. Each new moon leads to a renewal of nature, a surge of strength in people, as if each time the Moon feeds them with its power...

The lunar cycle consists of four phases, each of which is divided into 7 days. The Sumerians based their calendar on the lunar cycle. Each month of this calendar consists of four weeks, each of which has 7 days. Days are added to the end of the cycles to fill the time when the Moon is not visible in the sky.

In Babylon, every seventh day, marking the completion of a certain stage of the lunar cycle, was dedicated to the moon god Sin (in Sumerian-Akkadian mythology, Sin is the god of the moon and in the Sumerian city of Ur was called “Nanna” - “luminous”). This day was considered dangerous, bringing misfortune. Therefore, the seventh day of the week was intended for rest and, in order to avoid facing danger, no one worked. According to occultists, the human body is renewed every 7 years. They think that diseases develop according to a seven-day cycle. It turns out that the number 7 controls cycles and rhythms such as birth, development, aging and death. For these reasons, 7 is the number of perfection. Each stage of human development, each lunar phase is completed in 7 days. Any 7 objects consist of completed seven cycles. For example, 7 planets, 7 days of the week, 7 colors of the spectrum, 7 components of a person’s face, 7 holes in his body, etc. Occultists consider the properties of this number to be the secret rhythms of life.

They say that in Dubai they are going to install all 7 wonders of the world in life size. They will also build the Leaning Tower of Pisa and the Taj Mahal, surrounding it all with the “Great Wall of China.” Inside the huge pyramid there will be residential apartments and offices. Restaurants and coffee shops will operate in the gardens of Babylon. The Alexandria Lighthouse, Taj Mahal and Eiffel Tower will house residential complexes. From a bird's eye view, this complex resembles the silhouette of a falcon soaring in the sky. And this bird is one of the symbols of the United Arab Emirates. However, given the global financial crisis, a duplicate of the Wonders of the World is unlikely to appear in the coming years.

It became widespread relatively recently. But its origin belongs to one of the most ancient knowledge about the symbols that form a special language in which some primitive tribes communicated.

Modern numerology gives preference simplified numerical and alphabetical notations. They are based on the theories of the famous ancient Greek mathematician and mystic Pythagoras of Samos, who gained recognition in 550 BC. e.

This legendary philosopher and his followers reduced all numbers to numbers from 1 to 9. This series is the initial set of values ​​from which all others come.

Various systems have been developed to obtain elementary numbers. But a fairly well-known and simple method has become the addition of all the digits in a row of a given number. If the result was a figure greater than 10, then these values ​​were added together.

This is where the calculation of digital fate codes in numerology came from, the numerical values ​​of names and documents that help find answers to important life questions, predict future events and reveal the secrets of a person’s character traits.

You can get your own life code by adding the day, month and year of birth. For example, the date of birth is January 12, 1992. To add the numbers 12011992, then you get 25. After that, 5 is added to 2, which gives the number 7, which will be a life code human destiny.

The birthday number is an unchanging unit; it accompanies an individual throughout his life and represents a vibrating influence that exists from the moment a person is born. But in theory, two people with the same birthday code should be very similar in every way. Such coincidences are rarely observed.

The fact is that the number of the date of birth only reveals the inherited character traits of a person, which consist in his ability to manage emerging circumstances; they act as a guiding factor rather than a dominant one. However, it is this code that is of paramount importance, since it is impossible to act against one’s own natural inclinations. If you resist the natural flow of life, you can encounter a lot of obstacles in areas where the powers of a person’s name are contained.

In numerology, any name has its own vibrating meaning, which is formed when the letters of the name are translated into numbers. It is necessary to reduce the resulting amount to an elementary value from 1 to 9.

The numerical code of a name is the expression of a developed human personality, the key to his aspirations and achievements. This value is used to determine a person’s character, predict his future, when choosing a place of residence, a business partner, marriage and friendship. It is important that this number merges with the birthday number or you will have to adapt to it. Natural tendencies and influences are important in the development of personality, so that the name expresses the whole essence of a person and his true character. This also applies to moments when a person receives recognition, fame and discovers his own abilities.

According to this table, the digital values ​​of the letters of the Russian alphabet:

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

It is important that the numerical value of the name is combined with the real character of the person. This brings harmony to his life and protects him from troubles. It’s bad if these concepts contradict each other, which creates a natural imbalance and ruins a person’s life.

Take, for example, the name Osina Inga Petrovna, which, according to the table, consists of a set of numbers 71161164186297361. Their sum is equal to the value 70. Thus, the numerical code of the woman’s name is 7.

This example shows that Inga Petrovna Osina, born on January 12, 1992, has code values ​​for the number of her name and date of birth that completely coincide and correspond to seven. Let us consider in more detail the specific influence of this figure on a person.

Seven is one of the most significant numbers in numerology. It is under the auspices of a non-standard, specific planet of the solar system - Saturn. It is this planetary patron who endows the owners of this number with a large number of non-standard and outstanding qualities.

In world culture, the symbolism of the number seven comes down to divine, magical and mystical purpose. Vedic numerology speaks of seven as a lucky odd number of fate, meaning a close connection with solar energy and sacred sources.

Seven denotes a strong, active personality of a revolutionary type of character. It endows the owner with bright qualities, ambition and perseverance, sometimes bordering on stubbornness. He is attracted by novelty and the possibility of self-affirmation. The Seven is collected, cold-blooded and easily overcomes the obstacles that arise on the way to the desired goal.

Personality of the Seven Man

In numerology, the number 7 is obtained by adding two basic meanings of the Universe - numbers three and four:

  • Troika is a symbol of the world, human soul and time. Synthesis of past, present and future.
  • Four - ideal stability and integrity, but in some cases pessimism and stagnation.

In combination, these numbers endow the seven with great value and the strongest potential, but at the same time create negative and contradictory vibrations in it.

The meaning of the number 7 in numerology as a key personality code speaks of the calling of such a person to reveal the secrets and mysteries of the universe. Areas of interest for someone living with this fate code: love and hate, questions of existence and non-existence, life and death, teachings about reincarnation, magic and the mystical laws of the universe. Such people trust only their intuition and their own eyes, so they devote most of their time to observation and accumulation of knowledge, obtaining reliable information and collecting facts, which they generously share with others.

Such people make good people teachers, healers, speakers, philosophers and authors of popular literature. Being in public for a long time weighs them down, and communication tires them. They prefer to spend their free time alone with a good book or contemplating beauty.

Sevens have few close people, but a large number of good acquaintances. Their students achieve high positions and successes because mentors help them achieve their goals while still learning themselves.

Weak sides:

Stones: Amazonite, hematite, cat's eye, tiger's eye, moonstone, pearl and rose quartz.

Personal life

Number 7 people are introverts and individualists. These are secretive and silent individuals, especially in areas of their private life. The main feature of the fate of such a person is loneliness associated with spiritual practices and growth. Despite this, they strive to overcome their own isolation and are in search of love and understanding.

Relationships of seven with people whose birth dates are 1, 7, 10, 16, 19, 25 and 28 are not bad. In romantic unions, the number seven influences a person’s idealism and helps to find one love that can be carried throughout life. She is always in search of harmony with her partner, spiritual, intellectual and sexual intimacy.

Seven likes to rush things, which scares people away. She becomes attached so quickly that every minor disappointment causes serious mental trauma. Ideally, relationships develop with representatives of the date of birth under the number 25.

The meaning of the number 25 is similar to the number seven, but these people are more characterized by materialistic inclinations. However, under the influence of the number 7, which gives the sum of 2 and 5, they become softer, more romantic, smarter and seek peace of mind with their partners.

Thus, a person with a destiny code of 7 will help tame the greed for money, material gain for the representative of the number 25 and will begin to cultivate a love of lofty things.

Children born under the number 7

Babies born under the digital code 7 bring great joy to their parents. They impress with their prudence from an early age. These children are great dreamers. They love solitude, when they can completely indulge in their dreams:

  • Children of seven have a precocious sense of compassion for the people around them. Their responsiveness and flexible nature make them favorites of educators, teachers and classmates. They are not the most successful students at school, but their innate perseverance, hard work and diligence help them cope with all tasks. Parents of such children can rest assured about them.
  • The only problem with sevens is their tendency to be introverted. But this can be solved through frank conversations and helping kids formulate thoughts. This is the only way to relieve a child’s fear and anxiety of society and people who may be a burden to him.

Spiritual path

In a spiritual sense, the seven is very developed. It is believed that such people are led through life by Angels, and their path is never accidental. Number 7 strives for knowledge and tries to understand the essence of things. Such aspiration is encouraged from above, because knowledge opens up a person’s inner world and helps him look at himself from the outside.

These people know how make up your own mind to problems and will not argue with a person whose opinion differs from theirs. Sevens welcome everyone's choice in their own special path, albeit different from others.

It won't be boring with seven. The influence of Saturn causes a craving for self-development. She finds herself in different fields of science. She is fascinated by everything mystical, inexplicable and mysterious. Moreover, the seven subconsciously knows which skills will be useful to her to realize her special highest goal.

Attention, TODAY only!

Seven- one of the most amazing numbers. Mysterious number seven! No matter how they consider it: sacred, divine, magical, and happy.

Seven is the number of spiritual order, sacred number. According to the Holy Scriptures, seven is a perfect number. It rules time and space.
All peoples of the world paid special attention to the number seven.

In Egypt, seven is a symbol of eternal life, the number of the god Osiris. According to

legends, at seven o'clock at night the boat of Ra, dead, sails to the Serpent Apophis
passes through seven halls and seven doors to reach Amerti. Except
Moreover, seven is a symbol of creation (as in Christianity).
In Ancient Greece, seven was the symbol of Apollo.

Apollo is a symbol of beauty, the patron of the arts in ancient Greek mythology, the cult of this Greek god came from Asia Minor

Apollo was born on the seventh day
month, his lyre had seven strings. In legends you can find seven
Hesperides, seven circles of hell, seven gates, seven daughters of Astarte, seven Cyclopes,
Niobe's seven children, Pan's seven pipes

The number seven is mentioned in the Old and New Testaments 700 (!) times. In Islamic
tradition there are seven brides and seven lands, seven gates of heaven and seven
steps of hell, seven prophets (Adam, Noah, Abraham, Moses, David, Jesus,
Mohamed). During the Hajj to Mecca, pilgrims must circumambulate seven times.
sacred stone of the Kaaba. The soul of the deceased spends seven days near the grave. On
On the seventh day, the newborn receives a name.

The ancients knew seven planets and attached great importance to each of them.
MENORAH, OR MINORAH (Hebrew - lamp) is one of the most ancient symbols of Judaism, a metal candlestick with seven clay or glass lamps.

The shape of the menorah goes back to the seven-branched candelabrum described in the Bible, personifying the seven churches of Asia Minor and symbolizing the seven planets and seven days of Creation. For example, the Jewish philosopher Philo believed that the menorah symbolizes the seven planets, which are the highest objects accessible to human perception. He argued that the gold from which the menorah is made and its light symbolize the Divine light, or logos.

This is the most famous and detailed image of the temple Menorah that has survived to this day.

The seven-branched candlestick symbolizes the seven sacraments. The Orthodox Church, those grace-filled gifts of the Holy Spirit that are poured out on believers thanks to the Redemptive Feat of Jesus Christ.

These seven lights also correspond to the seven spirits of God sent into the whole earth (Rev. 5:6), the seven churches, the seven seals of the mystical book, the seven angelic trumpets, the seven thunders, the seven bowls of the wrath of God, which are narrated by the Revelation of John the Theologian.

Of all the possible correspondences of the number seven, the most important for believers is the correspondence with the seven sacraments of the Church: Baptism, Confirmation, Repentance, Communion, Blessing of Anointing, Marriage, Priesthood, as encompassing all the grace-filled means of saving the human soul; from birth to death of a person. These means became possible only thanks to the coming of Christ the Savior into the world.

Thus, the light of the Gifts of the Holy Spirit contained in the seven sacraments of the Church, and the light of Orthodoxy as a doctrine of truth - this is what the seven lights of the church’s seven-branched candlestick primarily mean.

Over your shoulder, where the seven-branched candlestick burns,
And where is the shadow of the Judean wall,
The invisible sinner languishes
Under the consciousness of eternal guilt.

Polygamist, poet and beginning
The beginning of all and the end of all ends
. . . . . . . . . . .Anna Akhmatova
(1963) . . . . . . . . . . . .

In folk wisdom, “seven” is assigned the role of a divine number.
Seven seals, seven bowls of wrath, seven thunders, seven golden candlesticks,
seven heads of the beast, seven colors of the rainbow, seven notes, seven heroes, seven
gnomes, seven days of the week, seven winds, seven Pillars of Wisdom, for the family
mountains, seven spans in the forehead, seven Fridays in a week, seven, seven, seven... number
surrounding us everywhere - the seventh of November, a day off for all Russians.

Rome is built on seven hills. There are seven days in a week. Buddha sat under a fig tree with seven fruits. The spectrum consists of seven primary colors. In music there are seven tones (notes) of the scale.

We find the number “7” in the Bible, which states that God created everything on Earth in seven days. And then - seven sacraments, seven gifts of the holy spirit, seven ecumenical councils, seven stars in the crown, seven wise men in the world, seven candles in the altar lamp and seven in the altar lamp, seven mortal sins, seven circles of hell.

Seven deadly sins:

Excerpts from the end of the 19th century.

World-famous jewelry designer Stephen Webster presented an exquisite collection of rings “The Seven Deadly Sins”.

Stephen Webster in his boutique.
The designer commented about his idea of ​​​​creating such rings:

« In the context of the 21st century, the very idea of ​​the seven deadly sins can't help but be fascinating, and it's no longer punishable by death.
And everyone knows what each of the sins is, but not everyone knows about each of the punishments in hell from the old devil, and that each sin is characterized by a certain color. It's time to return to the original idea of ​​sin, but this time from a jewelry perspective…».



Each of the seven handcrafted cocktail rings tells the story of one of the oldest and darkest dogmas of Christian teaching and is a stylized depiction of ancient vices: pride, greed, envy, anger, lust, gluttony and laziness.
Source turneinfo.ru

Seven is the most mysterious and supernatural number, it is
the most important in magic. According to tradition, the seventh son of the seventh father has
magical abilities.

7 Wonders of the World))
The first mentions of the 7 wonders of the world are found in the writings of Greek authors.
The first list of wonders of the world is attributed to Herodotus. The list appeared in Ancient Greece in the 5th century BC. uh...

Later the list expanded to seven wonders. In the 3rd century BC. e. a new list of miracles has appeared.

TEMPLE OF ARTEMIS AT EPHESUS - a majestic temple in honor of Artemis, goddess of the moon, patroness of animals and young girls. The temple was built in 560 BC,

The supporting structures of the temple consisted of about 120 marble columns.
Two hundred years later, in 356 BC, the temple was burned to the ground. In pursuit of glory, Herostratus set fire to the temple, believing that in this way he would become famous.

Years later, Alexander the Great visited Ephesus and ordered the temple to be restored to its original location.
The Temple of Alexander existed until the 3rd century AD. Gradually, the bay in Ephesus was covered with silt and the city lost its importance. The temple was plundered by the Goths and later flooded. Today, only a few foundation blocks and one restored column remain from the temple at Ephesus.

THE COLOSSUS OF RHODES- a giant bronze statue, about 33 meters high, which stood in the port city of Rhodes.

Rhodes is an island in the Aegean Sea, off the coast of modern Turkey. The statue was made in gratitude to Helios, the sun god, for his intercession during the siege of the city by Greek soldiers. It took 12 years to build the statue, but 50 years after completion, the Colossus collapsed.
During the earthquake it broke at the level of the knees. So it lay there for more than 900 years, and people went to Rhodes only to look at the wreckage of the defeated god.


The mausoleum is located in the city of Bodrum in Turkey.
In 352 BC. e. King Mausolus died in the city of Halicarnassus (Asia Minor). Following the customs of those times, the king's corpse was burned and the ashes were placed in a funeral urn. According to legend, the king’s wife Artemisia, who had an extraordinary love for him, decided to perpetuate the memory of her wife by building a great tomb. The mausoleum was an unusual and majestic brick structure, lined with marble inside and out. The height of the mausoleum reached 60 meters. On the ground floor there was an urn with ashes. Sacrifices were kept on the second floor. The next floor was a multi-stage pyramid, and it was crowned with figures
Mausola and Artemisia.
The mausoleum stood for about 1800 years in the middle of an empty city until the 15th century, when it was dismantled by the crusaders.


A lighthouse, about 150 meters high, built at the entrance to the bay of the Egyptian city of Alexandria, on the island of Pharos. The lighthouse of Alexandria was built in 299-279 BC. e. under Pharaoh Ptolemy II of Egypt. The largest and most beautiful lighthouse was located at the crossroads of sea roads, and was well known to all sailors.
The lighthouse stood for almost a thousand years, but in 796 it was severely destroyed by an earthquake. The Arabs who came to Egypt tried to restore it, and by the 14th century. the height of the lighthouse was only about 30 m. At the end of the 15th century. Sultan Qait Bey erected a fortress on the site of the lighthouse, which still stands today.


They were built by order of Nebuchadnezzar for his beloved wife Amytis, who yearned in Babylon for the green hills of Media.

The palace was built on an artificially created platform, raised to the height of a four-tiered structure.
Hanging gardens were laid out on earthen terraces resting on vaults.
In carts drawn by oxen, trees wrapped in wet matting and seeds of rare plants, herbs and bushes were brought to Babylon. Gradually amazing gardens grew and beautiful flowers bloomed. To irrigate the greenery, day and night, hundreds of slaves supplied water from the Euphrates in leather bags.
The Hanging Gardens were destroyed by the constant floods of the Euphrates.


In search of a creation that would be worthy of being called a miracle, the Greeks looked at all the temples of Hellas. But, alas, not a single temple received this award. And only the statue of Zeus, and not the temple itself in which it was located, was recognized as a miracle. The Temple of Zeus with his statue was the main shrine of Olympia. The creator of the statue was Phidias. The length of the temple in which the statue was located reached 64 meters, width - 28, height - 20 meters.
Zeus, sitting at the end of the hall on a throne, supported the ceiling with his head. The head and topless figure of Zeus were carved from ivory. The cloak thrown over his shoulder, Zeus's hair and beard were sculpted from gold. The golden wreath of olive branches on the head of Zeus served as a sign of the peacefulness of the formidable god. In one hand the god held a statue of the winged goddess of victory Nike, the other leaned on a rod ending in the figure of an eagle.
Zeus was so majestic that when Phidias completed his work, he approached the statue and asked: “Are you satisfied, Zeus?” In response, there was a clap of thunder, and the floor at the feet of the statue cracked. Zeus was pleased.

GREAT PYRAMID OF GIZA- the most ancient of the Seven Wonders of the World.

In addition, this is the only miracle that has survived to this day.
The Great Pyramid was built as the tomb of Khufu, known to the Greeks as Cheops. He was one of the pharaohs of ancient Egypt. His tomb was completed in 2580 BC. Later, two more pyramids were built at Giza, for Khufu's son and grandson, as well as smaller pyramids for their queens.

Neuroscientists consider the number 7 to be a kind of equivalent to the maximum amount of “working memory” in the brain.
Scientists from the Institute for Nonlinear Science in California (BioCircuits Institute at the University of California, Institute for Nonlinear Science) in the course of their research came to the conclusion that the number 7 has some magical meaning for the brain.

According to experts, seven is a kind of equivalent of the maximum amount of “RAM” in the brain, so any meaning associated with seven is easier to remember.
The number 7 is associated with the number of synapses in the brain and the specifics of the relationships between them.
The author of the theory, Mikhail Rabinovich, published his article in the scientific publication Physical Review Letters. His theory states that, despite all the complexity of the mathematical models that describe the processes in the human nervous system, everything comes down to the number 7.

According to occultists, the human body is renewed every 7 years. They think that diseases develop according to a seven-day cycle. It turns out that the number 7 controls cycles and rhythms such as birth, development, aging and death. For these reasons, 7 is the number of perfection. Each stage of human development, each lunar phase is completed in 7 days. Any 7 objects consist of completed seven cycles. For example, 7 planets, 7 days of the week, 7 colors of the spectrum, 7 components of a person’s face, 7 holes in his body, etc. Occultists consider the properties of this number to be the secret rhythms of life.

Number 7 in proverbs and sayings:

Seven feet under the keel.
Seven times measure cut once.
Seventh water on jelly.
Work until you sweat.
Seven troubles - one answer.
Seven do not wait for one.
To sip jelly seven miles away.
One with a bipod, and seven with a spoon.
Seven nannies have a child without an eye.
Seven Fridays a week.
Seven spans in the forehead.
A secret sealed with seven seals.
For a beloved friend, seven miles is not a suburb.
For a mad dog, seven miles is not a circle.
It's better to be covered in sweat seven times than frost once.
September hour - seven weather conditions here.
Seven deaths cannot happen, but one cannot be avoided.
Beyond the seven seas.
On the seventh sky.
By leaps and bounds.
Onion from seven ailments.
— rather than sending seven people, it’s better to visit yourself;
- one with a bipod, seven with a spoon;

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