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Pulsa de nura rite description. “For every observed there is an observer” - LiveJournal. Rites of excommunication and curses

“Pulsa de-nura is a figurative expression in Talmudic literature, meaning “painful punishment at the level of the non-physical, essential world”

In Talmudic and Kabbalistic literature

Metaphysics consistently uses the concept of “light” to describe the manifest presence of God, His attributes (justice, truth, harmony) or His emanations, spiritual entities (angels, spirits, souls). The scattered light is to the righteous (Psalm 97), The people walking in darkness have seen a great light (Isaiah 9).

From here follow the metaphysical concepts of “darkness” - “an invisible, frightening or incomprehensible manifestation of God for a person” (after all, the Day (of judgment) of the One will be darkness, and not light! - Amos 5) and “fire” - “unbearable, superhumanly strong or the painful presence of God” (for the One, your God, is a consuming fire, he is a zealous God - Deut. 4:24; and the dignity of the One looked like a consuming fire - Ex. 24:17).

(poetic interpretation of the foundations of Judaism, c. 4th century AD) uses the concept of “fire consuming (every other) fire” (Hebrew אש אוכלה אש‎, esh ohla esh) to describe the absolute, unbearable for all material, purification spiritual essence:

“Moshe came to a river consisting of fire, devouring fire, into which the angels plunge before appearing before the Most High, Blessed be He” (Psikta Rabbati 20).

In the same midrash, the (spiritual) light of the Creator protects Moshe from the (spiritual) fire of the angels. Thus, the relationship of metaphors is preserved: light protects, fire strikes.

Early Kabbalistic literature - the collections of Hekhalot (2nd century onwards) - also use "fire consuming (every other) fire" as a metaphor for a level of spirituality intolerable to matter and the shortcomings of the mortal body: Hanoch (Enoch), before becoming an angel - secretary (metatron) of the Creator, sees a countless army of the spiritual world, consisting of fire devouring fire.

The medieval liturgy (piyutim) calls the Creator himself “fire devouring fire.”

Following the tradition of anthropomorphism (speaks the language of people - Berachot 31b), the sages of the Talmud often describe the Creator of the Universe as a king, and his spiritual creatures - angels - as ministers and courtiers. Like the courtiers of that time, angels are often sentenced to "corporal" punishment, which is described as flogging with "fiery rods" - pulsey de-nura. Of course, tradition understands such a description allegorically, as an attempt to convey the inexpressible in human language.

In the stories of the sages, the already mentioned metatron Hanoch, the archangel Gabriel (Gabriel) and even the prophet Eliyahu (Elijah) are subjected to such punishment.

In the rhetoric of the sages, this phrase is also used in relation to people, to describe spiritual anger or reproach:

“If Levi were here, he would beat you with fiery rods!” says R. Huna to your colleague" -Bava Metsia 47a

Here Pulsey de Nura is not a ritual, but an expression.

The book “Zohar” - a Kabbalistic commentary on the Torah - gives the following explanation for the words “and tremble before My sanctuary” (Lev. 19:30 and 26:2): “by the power of this trembling permission was given for the fiery rod (puls de-nura) to lash those sinners who do not keep the commandments of the Torah."

The well-established expression “rods of fire” was applied to people in the Middle Ages. One of the largest Kabbalists of Provence, RaABAD (R. Abraham ben David; the modern term “Kabbalah” was invented by his son, R. Isaac the Blind) says about his opponent Maimonides: “if (the sages of antiquity) were alive, they would flog him with fiery rods."

It should be emphasized that in all the sources mentioned this expression is not associated with a curse or with any earthly action.

Rites of excommunication and curses

Jewish tradition is familiar with the phenomenon of the “curse of the righteous.” In the Bible (II Kings 2:24), the prophet Elisha (Elisha) “cursed in the name of the Most High” the teenagers who mocked him, and they were immediately torn to pieces by bears.

The Talmud (Moed Katan 16b) attributes to God the words: “I rule over men, but who rules over Me? Righteous! After all, I make a decision, and he cancels it.” Midrash (Tanhuma Vayera ch. 19) says: “the righteous observe the injunctions of the Almighty, and the Almighty implements their decisions.”

About one of the first Kabbalists, R. Shimon bar-Yohai (2nd century AD), they say (Talmud, Shabbat 34a) that, emerging from the cave where he was hiding from the Romans, he found the informer who betrayed him, and turned his gaze to a pile of bones.

With the development of “practical Kabbalah” at the end of the Middle Ages, references and descriptions of mystical prayer rituals appeared, designed to bring down the wrath of the heavenly court on the guilty person. In accordance with basic monotheistic ideas, this ritual does not “control” God’s wrath, but represents, as it were, an appeal to the court of Divine justice.

Information about the method of conducting such a ritual is not disclosed, and the Kabbalist, if he decides to perform it, does so at his own discretion and under his own responsibility. Tradition emphasizes that a person who calls upon another the wrath of the court comes under its close attention, and if the “victim” is innocent, the punishment falls on the one who called it.

Naturally, these rituals are close to the concept of herem - excommunication from the religious community, known since biblical times and attested in the Talmudic era.

Herem was not a means of invoking heavenly (or earthly) wrath on the excommunicated person, but a purely earthly statement of a person’s fundamental incompatibility with a given community.

At different times, outstanding Jewish philosophers were subjected to herem on an ideological basis, from Rabbi Eliezer, son of Hyrcanus (1st century) to Baruch (Benedict) Spinoza (17th century).

In the 18th and 19th centuries, mainly in Hasidic circles, the concept of kfidah - “the wrath of the righteous” - took root. A person who has been struck by qfida must apologize to the righteous, otherwise he will be in trouble.

By the beginning of the 20th century. The combination of kfida and herem finally received the name pulse de-nura.


Former Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon died on Saturday, January 11, 2014. The politician has been in a coma for the last eight years. He was 85. What really happened to Sharon? Jewish curse? And the backstory is this... Night. Cemetery. Black candles are burning. Ten bearded Jewish men sway in prayer. One in a white robe. The rest are in black. What do married adults do in a cemetery at night? What are they praying for? ABOUT DEATH. Fellow Jews. May the perpetrator of crimes against the Jewish people perish. Amen.

The prayer is over. All. The sentenced person will not live more than 30 days. But if the sentence is unjust or made on a false accusation, death will return for each of those who prayed. And there will be no salvation from it.

The prayer “Pulsa Denura” has its origins in ancient Jewish times. Translated from Aramaic, these words mean “strike with a fiery whip.” According to legend, the prophet Eliyahu possessed the secret of resurrection after death and intended to reveal it to his people. The stern Jewish god was angry with the elder. Only he, the Almighty, decides the fate of people and disposes of their life and death according to his will.

The Almighty called upon the “malchei habal” - the tormenting angels, and they punished the daring prophet with 16 blows of the fiery whip. The mystery of resurrection went into the earth with the cursed prophet. And the prayer-curse remained in the traditions of the Jewish people and has survived to this day. No Islamic or Christian religion knows such a prayer-spell.

The Jewish religion has traditionally developed in such a way that a Jew cannot be put to death. This is commanded from above. This is justified historically in constant wars to exterminate the people of Israel. But there is one very old law of early Judaism, “Din Rodef,” which justifies the death penalty for a Jew who betrayed the people of the Torah and gave the land to the enemy.

Ultra-religious branches of Judaism and Kabbalists wield the power of this prayer. But the responsibility for killing an innocent person is so great that “Pulse Denura” was used extremely rarely - once or twice a century, and not every time. Realizing the inevitability of the sentence, the damned were given time to correct their crime, and were given a chance to live if the mistake could still be corrected.

The game was open - the damned was announced that he was sentenced to death. In addition, religious law dictates that this curse should only be used against one's fellow tribesmen. That is why the curse ritual was not applied to either Stalin or Hitler. The only exception was Yasser Arafat. Coincidence or halakhic pattern, no one will answer now. Official confirmation of the “Denur Pulse” against Arafat has not yet been presented. It is absolutely clear from the testimony of the ritual performers that “Pulse Denura” was performed according to Trotsky. Less than 40 days had passed when he was struck by an ice ax.

Times and customs. In the fast-moving twentieth and apocalyptic twenty-first, time seems to have contracted into a spiral. And now one “Pulse Denura” follows another with a gap of 10 years.

In October 1995, a prayer-curse was performed publicly, in the presence of the media, for the twice Prime Minister of Israel, war hero, military general, “bulldozer” Yitzhak Rabin. He was given 30 days to live. On November 4, Rabin was hit in the back with three nine-millimeter shots from the ultra-religious Yigal Amir. He received the fourth from intelligence agents in an ambulance. A control shot, but a bad one. Rabin died in the hospital.

And the backstory is this. On one of the Russian radio channels in Chicago, “Echo of the Planet” (available on the Internet aloud, time from 7 to 10 a.m. with Chicago money, from Monday to Friday, I invite you to listen) there is a Kabbalist and far-right religious speaker, our commentator on Israel, Avigdor Eskin, who speaks every Wednesday , who served time in an Israeli prison for ultra-rightism and now lives almost permanently in Moscow due to the threat of a second imprisonment. I don’t share his ultra, but I can’t help but take off my hat to his encyclopedic erudition, charisma and peculiar piranha devotion to the Israeli people. A man who has lived abroad since the age of 17, has retained a brilliant Russian language, is aware of all events in the world, and carries out enormous educational and religious work.

I met Avigdor at his author meetings in Chicago. He captivates with his personal charm and simply kills with his encyclopedicism. During his imprisonment, he continued to report from prison. One could hear Arabic and Hebrew spoken through the prison telephone. (Report with a noose around Fuchikov’s neck). It is unacceptable to me how he refracts the knowledge given to him, but I cannot help but respect his freedom to express and propagate his ideas. Avigdor has his own website, a lot has been written about him, he himself writes a lot. Anyone interested can always find information about it on the Internet.

What does Avigdor have to do with Pulsa Denura? Here's what it is. In the summer of 1995, Avigdor approached the famous Kabbalist Rabbi Yosef Dayan with the initiative to perform the “Pulsa Denura” according to Yitzhak Rabin. Dayan, a native of Mexico who immigrated to Israel, an old follower of Kahane and a member of the subsequently banned KAH party, enjoys enormous authority in far-right religious circles. He gave his consent and gathered 8 more religious Jews to perform the ritual. According to Avigdor’s recollections, all participants were aware of the enormous responsibility for the act. And Avigdor himself was ready to accept death in retribution. Avigdor Eskin officially took responsibility for organizing Pulse Denura, but the authorities were unable to imprison him due to the lack of a corresponding article in the legislation of the State of Israel. Let's move on.

After the ceremony, it was necessary, according to tradition, to bring his verdict to Rabin's attention. Dayan went to Rabin's residence, guarded like a citadel. He was not allowed close to the residence, but where the police allowed, near the residence, in the presence of journalists, Dayan announced the contents (of course, not its secret part, read at night) of “Pulse Denura” and answered the journalists’ questions. He named the prime minister's life span and explained to the media for what crimes against the people Yitzhak Rabin was sentenced to death. (It is interesting that the murderer Yigal Amir, sentenced to life imprisonment, already in prison married a Russian Aliyah woman, Larisa Trembovler. The marriage was officially registered, but the family can only have children through artificial insemination). Already interested?

The year is 2005. In the month of July 2005, the next (I don’t know Hebrew) “Pulsa Denur” takes place. According to Ariel Sharon. Of course, this became known to the damned Sharon, but he was a non-superstitious person, quite secular, and laughed at these obscurantisms in front of the media. Oh? He was given 180 days to live. This was known from the media throughout the world. A certain Italian, the owner of a small pizzeria, sends Ariel a personal letter, in which he informs Ariel of the ancient Italian folk amulet against curses - to pull oneself by the causal place, and at the same time invites him to come eat pizza at his restaurant. Let's laugh together. Sharon was much better at putting his hands to it than pulling his genitals, I remember the political tension of those days of eviction from the territories.

On January 4, exactly 180 days after the Denur Pulse, Sharon receives an email announcing the arrival of the Hour of the Ox. On the same day, he is struck by a blow (a blow from a fiery whip?) and the unbending Sharon becomes a vegetable.

Skeptics may laugh, I will join you, but with caution. (Pah-pah, mind me.) But not a single believer or even slightly religious Jew will laugh at this story.

Kabbalism is one of the most complex and intricate sciences; it has many stages of initiation, a lot of knowledge closed to the layman, a lot of mysterious and sacred things. (And why did our professional blonde Madonna stick her head in there?)

I want to return to the poor prophet Eliyahu, who possessed the secret of resurrection from the dead. I would like to find his grave and ask about the secrets of the resurrection and the secrets of the prayer curse. Can't find it. Don't ask. Poor Eliyahu the sage - Rabin, Sharon of Jewish antiquity.

He is often asked to “remove” a noisy neighbor or a hated competitor, but he replies that he does not deal with such trifles. He ideologically considers himself to be in the far-right camp, but most Jewish far-right extremists and even representatives of the settler movement do not share the views of 62-year-old Kabbalist Rabbi Yosef Dayan because of his very unusual methods of political struggle. He twice cursed Israeli prime ministers, shortly after which their political careers were abruptly interrupted for some reason.

The police and intelligence services failed to bring him to justice due to the lack of an appropriate article. Having asked the reader to be warned in advance that it would still not be possible to fully understand the topic and having compared it with solid state physics, Yosef Dayan agreed to tell something. He told our readers about the mysteries of the Denur Pulse curse, and also told us why Sharon is in a coma, what can happen to someone who curses without reason, why the curse only affects Jews and why he will not curse Olmert.

– So, what is “Pulsa Denura”?

– First of all, I must say that this is not the first interview that I give on this topic. I know that the reader will receive an abridged version. I wrote a book about Pulsa Denura because it is important to me that people at least understand the principles. Since it is impossible to convey all the details in an interview, I would like to acquaint readers with the most basic points. “Pulsa Denura” is first and foremost a prayer. And like any prayer, it may or may not be accepted by the Almighty. But there are two types of prayer: prayer-blessing and prayer-curse. A curse is also a prayer. After all, prayer is a verbally expressed request. The word “prayer” in Hebrew comes from the word “talk.” So I can pray while cursing someone. And here the “Pulse Denura” ceremony appears...

“They say this is a dangerous business.”

- Certainly. According to Jewish halachic law, a false witness is punished with the same punishment that he intended for another. The thief, according to the law, must return the stolen goods plus the value of the stolen goods. If it turns out that the testimony is false, then the false witness must pay everything. And when a murder case is tried and a witness lies and accuses someone of committing a crime, then he deserves the death penalty as for murder. And this is logical and fair. The situation is similar with Pulse Denura. When you ask something very bad to happen to someone, it is as if you are bringing him to trial. You are the witness saying, “I know he did something wrong, and You, the supreme judge, the only judge, condemn him!” And if I ask for an undeserved punishment for him, then I can bring this punishment on myself. So this is not a child’s toy at all, and they won’t just do it. I don’t know how many times they did “Pulse denura”. But I did it twice: to Rabin and Sharon. And one of the greatest rabbis, Chafetz Chaim, did “Pulse Denura” for Trotsky.

- Why Trotsky?

– Because he brought great misfortune to the Jewish people. The entire Russian revolution, of which he was an integral part, was aimed at alienating Jews from religion. The motto of communism was: “...neither god, nor king, nor hero.” It was a misfortune. So, of course, there was a reason. We want a hero, a god, and a king.

– What is your role in the “Pulse Denura” ceremony?

– I am not an author or an organizer, I am just a performer. I can’t name my leaders. There are great rabbis who did the ceremony at night. They asked me to do this in the morning in front of Rabin's house.

– The Torah says: “Do not curse the deaf and do not put obstacles in front of the blind.” Absolute ban. It's as if I'm testifying against you in a public trial when you're not there and you can't defend yourself. And if you are deaf and I curse you, how can you say that this is not so? Therefore, when we made “Pulse Denur” for Rabin, we wanted him to know about it. You could just tell him about it, but that wouldn't be convincing. Therefore, it was necessary to hold the ceremony again - and during the day, so that he would be aware. It was the eve of Judgment Day. They didn’t let me get to Rabin’s house, so I went as close to the house as the security services would allow me and called the journalists to tell him everything.

The same thing happened with Sharon. The rabbis performed the ceremony at night and asked me and other rabbis to repeat it during the day. Sharon knew about this. He even asked his assistants how quickly the curse worked. They told him (I don’t know where they got this from) that in a few years. Sharon replied: “Then I still have time.” Apparently his consultants were as competent in religious matters as they were in disengagement.

– When a person knows that he has been cursed, can he change anything?

– The gates of repentance are open to everyone. If a person repents and undoes his bad deeds, then the curse will not work. For if a person repents even after a sentence has been passed on him, he is already a different person. This is an important rule of Judaism.

– But how long does it take for the curse to take effect?

– What I can’t explain is how and over what time it acts. Don't know. But I remember that a French television correspondent asked me about Rabin: “What will happen after the ceremony?” I replied: “Rabin will die.” He asked me again three times, I repeated the answer three times. Then he asked: “When?” I replied: “Within a month.” Exactly 30 days later, Yigal Amir shot Rabin...

And when Sharon was hospitalized for the second time, a Spanish television correspondent called me, and it turned out that, as I had expected, this happened exactly 180 days after the ceremony. Perhaps this is a coincidence.

– But Sharon is alive...

“The fact is that at the ceremony we did not ask for his death. We asked him for all the curses that are in the Torah and the Book of Prophets. My mother-in-law, who was kicked out of her three-story house in Neve Dkalim during the disengagement, today lives in a 40-meter plasterboard box. She says that Sharon is not alive because he is not wanted here, but he is not dying because he is not wanted there.

– What is “Pulsa denura”?

- There is a text. Part of it is secret. This is what is read at night. Naturally, a different text is read publicly. The text is very strong, mostly in Aramaic. The man in white - the leader - says the paragraph, and the rest repeat after him. Each participant must write the text in their own hand. There are secret combinations of letters that have a specific meaning in Kabbalah. Typically, the ceremony involves 10 Jewish men – a minyan.

– How long does the procedure take?

- Differently. In the case of Sharon, for example, we had a problem. We were delayed for an hour and a half: the host of the ceremony refused to participate in it, because, they say, Sharon is not a Jew. If a person is not a Jew, then he cannot do this. We called an influential rabbi in Safed. They turned on the car speaker so everyone could hear the conversation.

– Isn’t Sharon a Jew?

– The fact is that his mother was from the Subbotnik sect. Later she converted. But we were concerned about whether she converted before Ariel Sharon was born or after. If after, then he is not considered a Jew. Finding out took an hour and a half. As a result, it was established that she converted before his birth.

– Why can’t “Pulse Denur” be made for a non-Jew?

– The fact is that the text of the prayer contains the words: “those who do not keep the commandments of the Torah.” But non-Jews are not obligated to fulfill the commandments of the Torah, so it is dangerous to impose “Pulse Denura” on them.

– Is it not possible to replace the words “commandments of the Torah” with “commandments of the Koran,” for example?

- No. The essence of the rules cannot be changed.

– And they told me that “Pulse Denura” was done for Stalin...

- No, no and no! People often ask me why I don’t do “Pulse denura” for Arafat, Saddam Hussein or Ahmadinejad. But this is only possible in relation to Jews.

– What prompted you personally to hold this ceremony for Rabin and Sharon?

“Both were going to cause great harm to the Jews and transfer the lands of the Land of Israel to the Arabs. In particular, Rabin signed the Oslo Accords. And what have we gotten since then? Murder, murder and murder! Explosions, terrorist attacks. We didn't know this before. And not only in Israel. As for Sharon, he not only carried out the disengagement, but also forced everyone, including the United States, to participate in it. Do you really think that if you give an Arab what he wants, he will suddenly love you? Sharon, who had been a soldier for many years and then a politician and prime minister, knew that these agreements would not work. After all, he himself created settlements so that it would be impossible to give the land to the Arabs. And suddenly he decided to destroy these settlements and throw families onto the street...

– But Sharon wanted to give away part of it in order to preserve the main thing.

- This is a big lie! He was going to give everything. And if he hadn’t collapsed into bed, he would have continued. You can't let Arabs do whatever they want. They receive electricity and food from us, we give them work, and they kill us. Why? Because we are occupiers! What have we occupied? I claim that Gaza is ours even more than Tel Aviv!

- But there is a large population there. What to do with it?

- Relocate. There are 22 Islamic states. Look what a huge territory they occupy. But people don’t want to, they say that moving the population is not politically correct. But it needs to be done. This is a question of self-identification. If we have complete democracy today, then tomorrow the Arabs will be in the majority.

– Have you ever been tormented by remorse after what happened to Rabin and Sharon?

– When Rabin was shot, I went to dance. It was very scary then, many were sent to prison...

– Weren’t you afraid to do this?

“We were afraid, but we had to do it.” Recently there was a program on TV about Lieutenant Colonel Roy Klein. During the Second Lebanon War, in a building that was under fire, he treated the wounded son of a friend of mine. A grenade was thrown into the room, and there was no longer any way to throw it away. Roy Klein threw himself on the grenade and covered it with his body. Didn't he understand what he was doing? He knew very well that he would die. We will all die. But will one die or four will die? He did not think about his children, who were left orphans, and about his charming wife, who remained a widow. You have to do what you have to do.

– Could it happen that you place a curse on someone else?

- Maybe. But I don't deal with small fish. It is Prime Minister Olmert who is doing the most damage at the moment. But I don't think it will be necessary for him. He himself will resign.

Former Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon died on Saturday, January 11, 2014. The politician has been in a coma for the last eight years. He was 85.

Sharon took part in all of Israel's wars, which is why he was loved by Jews and hated by Palestinians.

“All together, we have known for many years that terror is a dangerous thing for local, regional and international stability,” he said.

"I am a Jew, and it is my historical duty to protect the Jewish people. I feel this responsibility for the survival of the Jewish people. We are not going to accept any decision of anyone else about the security of the state of Israel. This is our role and only our role," - he noted.

In Judaism, the presence of God is interpreted as the presence of a blessed, saving light or a consuming fire, depending on different situations. Hence the concept of the Jewish curse puls de-nura, which is translated as “strike of fire.” Such a curse is understood as an intangible - at the level of spiritual essence - punishment of the sinner.

In the Talmud and Kabbalistic literature, the punishment of guilty angels is depicted literally as flogging with fiery rods, which is a metaphorical description of divine punishment for the understanding of its essence by ordinary people. It is with this process that the pulse de-nura is associated.

On whom can the consuming divine fire descend?

In Kabbalistic practice there is a special ritual with the help of which a person condemning him can bring down the wrath of God on the head of a sinner. It will be expressed in a spiritual fire that is unbearable for a person, literally devouring from within. Only an absolutely sinless, sincere Jew who takes full responsibility for this act can send such a curse.

The wrath of God will fall on the head of the unjustly accused if the damned turns out to be innocent. For this reason, it is not customary for the Jews to “throw around” the curse of the pulse de-nura “right and left.” In accordance with basic religious ideas, such a curse is nothing more than an appeal to God's judgment. If God considers the cursed person guilty, he will be punished. Otherwise, it will fall on the head of the slanderer.

How exactly the ritual of cursing the pulse de-nura occurs is a secret not accessible to the general public. Pulsa de Nura can only fall on a Jew. Gentiles - or goyim - a priori cannot be subjected to such punishment. According to the concepts of orthodox Jews, non-believers generally do not follow the path of comprehending the highest divinity of essence and wisdom, therefore the heavenly light is incomprehensible to them.

This is the peculiarity of the punishment itself. The Jew, on the path of his spiritual growth, comes closer and closer to God, gradually rising, step by step, to ever greater spiritual heights. Gradually, more and more information is revealed to him about the colossal infinite wisdom of God. If too much is revealed to a person at once, he simply cannot stand it. The fire will incinerate the soul and feelings.

According to Jewish law, the curse of the pulse de-nura can only apply to people who rise spiritually and grow. It does not have a negative nature, but is presented as “given to man beyond the measure of his understanding and capabilities.” Naturally, such abuse of power leads to dire consequences.

The most famous damned

There are suggestions that Leon Trotsky was cursed by Rabbi Hafetz Chaim. Doubts are raised by the fact that the curser himself died before Trotsky, while the pulse of de-nura should act within a year after uttering. But Eyal Ragonis definitely suffered from it.

This 37-year-old man was an ordinary architect who designed and supervised the construction of a luxury luxury complex. Ragonis angered the Jews for erecting this secular building on holy land, on the site of the oldest Jewish cemetery, and this is a violation of the laws and a great sin. The architect died of a heart attack 2 weeks after applying the de-nur pulse.

These days, Jews around the world celebrate Rosh Hashanah - the Jewish New Year. In the Holy Land, on the eve of this bright holiday, news about former Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon, who has been in a coma for eight years, hit the front pages of local newspapers.

Reporters found out that the ex-prime minister underwent a planned operation - they replaced the tube through which nutritional fluids enter his body. And at the same time, journalists remembered the ancient Kabbalistic curse Pulsa de Nura, which, as many are still sure, was the cause of Sharon’s illness. After all, preachers of Kabbalah - this mystical teaching in Judaism - often impose pulsa de nura on unwanted politicians just before the New Year.

Ariel Sharon was Israel's head of state from 2001 to 2006. The decisions he made during that period still cause heated debate. He came to power as a supporter of the harshest methods against the Palestinians. However, then he changed his position and made a number of concessions, including the withdrawal of Israeli troops from the Gaza Strip in August-September 2005 and the liquidation of some Jewish settlements, which earned him the dislike of many right-wing Israelis.

One of Sharon's main haters is Rabbi Yosef Dayan. In 2004, on the eve of Rosh Hashanah, he publicly threatened to impose a pulsa de nura on the prime minister. And later he carried out his threat. It is believed that Sharon is Dayan's second victim. The first was Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin. The curse was placed on him just on Rosh Hashanah.

Immediately after Dayan voiced his threat to Sharon, Israeli police began an investigation against the rabbi. Mysticism is mystical, but about a month after Dayan and his comrades cursed Rabin in the presence of journalists, the prime minister was shot by student Yigal Amir. However, then the police did not find any signs of incitement in Dayan’s actions.

"Pulsa de Nura" translated from Aramaic means "strike with fire." According to Kabbalists, participants in such a ritual do not call for any practical actions. They only turn to the Almighty with a special prayer in the hope that he will speed up his judgment on the sinner whose actions threaten Israel. Kabbalists believe that if the one on whose name punishment is invoked is guilty, then he can die.

And if he turns out to be innocent in the face of the Almighty, then all those who performed the curse ceremony may die. The one against whom the pulsa de nura was committed is openly announced in front of witnesses that he is sentenced to death, and a period of correction is given.

Naturally, the list of politicians cursed through pulsa de nura is not limited to Sharon and Rabin. Moreover, we still need to look for a politician in Israel who has not been threatened with this Kabbalistic punishment at least once. True, not all of them are cursed “according to the rules.” Be that as it may, among the noted pulsa de nura are, for example, ex-Defense Minister Shaul Mofaz and Uri Lupoliansky, who was the mayor of Jerusalem from 2003 to 2008. The latter angered those who believed in the curse by not interfering with the gay pride parade in the Holy City. However, both Mofaz and Lupoliansky were not affected by the pulse de nura - at least not yet.

But Saddam Hussein and Yasser Arafat are dead. In Arab countries, there is a widespread version that both the leader of Iraq and the leader of the Palestinians were once cursed through the pulse de noura. This does not really fit with the claims of many Kabbalists that the ritual is carried out only against the “great sinners” of the Jewish people. Nevertheless, some Arabs believe that the ritual also affects them: after all, they are related people.

One thing is good: the pulse de nura can be removed. By the way, Kabbalists also recommend carrying out the ritual of removing the curse on the eve of Rosh Hashanah or Judgment Day - Yom Kippur.

“Strike of fire” by Ben Kolomoisky June 24th, 2014

The Jewish world was shocked by the news that against Benny Kolomoisky, allegedly the sponsor of the bloody events in eastern Ukraine, Jewish rabbis conducted the terrible cabalistic rite of Pulse de Nura.

The simple rite of Pulse de Nura (פולסא דנורא), “painful punishment at the level of the non-physical, essential world,” for all its simplicity, is a mystical death for the one against whom it is directed. A terrible punishment for the separation of the soul from the body, according to the teachings of Kaballah, will befall the sinner within 30 days.


Spiritual Jewish teachers recited the Pulsa de Nura at the Rosh Pin cemetery in 2005, against Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon.

The reason for the curse was the withdrawal of settlements from the Gaza Strip and the northern West Bank. Despite Sharon’s statements: “I am protected by specialists, and I am confident in their competence,” just 180 days later the Prime Minister, for no apparent reason, fell into a coma, from which he did not recover for the rest of his days.


The ceremony is performed on a full moon, in a cemetery, by ten rabbis, and, in a rare occurrence, was filmed on amateur camera.

They meet at night at the grave of the righteous and read out terrible lines in Aramaic.

Everyone present is dressed in black, with the exception of the rabbi leading the ceremony, who wears white robes.

The reason why they risk carrying out an ancient and terrible spell is that the culprit sheds the blood of his fellow believers and violates the law of Dean Rodef, i.e. gives the land of Israel into the hands of enemies.

The mystical teachings of Judaism allow such a ritual to be performed only in exceptional cases.

The ten Jews gathered turn to the Almighty with an appeal to the Supreme Court. They demand protection from the enemy of the Jewish people, they ask to separate the soul of the condemned from the body. Among the words of “Pulsa de Nura” there are also accusations that this Jew is betraying the people of the Torah.


A fiery blow is a whip with two ends. A terrible curse can overtake those who pronounce it if the Almighty considers the condemned innocent. That is, the “fiery execution” will strike in any case, the only question is who exactly will be punished. For this reason, Pulsa de Nuru is carried out at most a couple of times a century.

It must be said that such a spell to separate the soul of a sinner can only be carried out by rabbis of God’s chosen people, and only on a Jew by nationality.

Such rituals are never performed for non-Jews or non-Jews by blood.

Israel takes rumors of a curse ritual so seriously that Israeli Rabbi Yossi Dayan was investigated by the West Bank and East Jerusalem Police Department on charges of incitement to murder. A native of Mexico who immigrated to Israel, Dayan was a member of the banned KAH party. They say that Rabbi Dayan participated in two rites of exorcism: against the prime ministers of Israel - Yihak Rabin

and Ariel Sharon. And both ministers are already dead.


There are no analogues of the “Fire Lash” in any of the world’s religions - neither in Islam nor in Christianity, where the commandment “Love your enemies” prohibits the primitive human desire to take revenge on the offender. By the way, a church curse in Orthodoxy is anathema, and is by no means a wish for death on a sinner.

The declared anathema only publicly separates a person from the Church, as if recording his falling away from the “flock of Christ.” After repentance, the one who was anathematized will be able to freely return “to the ranks” of Orthodox Christians. This happened with the great Russian writer Leo Tolstoy.

Proof of this is the numerous evidence of Tolstoy’s ardent desire before his death to visit Optina Pustyn and meet with the great elder Nektary of Optina. On the morning of October 29, Lev Nikolaevich approached the gates of the monastery monastery twice, but did not dare to go inside, depriving himself of spiritual forgiveness.

The priest didn’t even make it to the dying Tolstoy’s bedside. Who knows, if Lev Nikolayevich had managed to overcome his internal obstacles, now we would have before our eyes a vivid example of his complete rejection of Orthodoxy, and then his return to the church fold.

The Jews themselves talk about Pulsa de Nura reluctantly and with caution, not understanding such curiosity and excitement around the terrible cabalistic rite. Believing Jews know that for unauthorized conduct of the Pulse de Nura they can face eternal torment of hell.


Despite the fact that the ritual is carried out in a cemetery, on a full moon, the one who is sentenced to death will definitely find out about it in the light of day. And from the moment the condemned person is announced that the Pulse de Nura will be carried out against him, the “countdown” starts.

The sinner may be horrified, repent, and try to make amends for his crimes. Then perhaps he will remain alive. However, the history of such cases does not yet know. So Benya Kolomoisky, they say, has already learned that his soul will soon have to leave his body. At performances he appears confused and stutters. Maybe I just didn’t get enough sleep, or maybe it’s true that the terrible spell is already starting to take effect.

You can count on one hand the number of Jews who were sentenced to spiritual death by their own fellow believers. In addition to Yitzhak Rabin and Ariel Sharon, the ritual against whom was even filmed, Leon Trotsky was also sentenced.

As everyone knows, he ended his days after 40 days, from a blow to the head with an ice pick. Never before has the one against whom, according to rumors, the “Strike of Fire” was read, escaped a quick and painful death.

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