Home natural farming How to get rid of earth flies in the garden. How to get rid of ground flies. Preventive measures against the appearance of flower flies or sciarids

How to get rid of earth flies in the garden. How to get rid of ground flies. Preventive measures against the appearance of flower flies or sciarids

Annoying small midges cause concern as soon as warm days come. They swarm over the beds in the garden, over the grass in the meadows, mercilessly biting people and animals. They belong to the order Diptera, family Simuliidae. They become carriers of pathogens of a number of dangerous infections - anthrax, tularemia.

What does an earth midge look like

Outwardly, midges look like miniature flies, reaching a size of 6 mm. The most attractive places for the accumulation of midges are swamps, silted banks of reservoirs and rivers, meliorative canals.

They cannot stand the cold, so they are active during the warm season. Among all the variety, there are species of earth midges, the larvae of which harm plants. For humans, the greatest harm is brought by species that feed on blood. Often thick swirling clouds of midges rise at sunset, preventing summer residents from doing their usual things. Females attack warm-blooded females, while males feed on flower nectar.

A variety of midges, the bite of which can cause severe allergic manifestations, is sometimes also called an earthen flea.

These representatives of the dipterous insect family require flowing water for reproduction, since females, when laying eggs, stick them to objects immersed in water - leaves, stones. With wintering, the development cycle can last about 10 months.

Insect bites – School of Dr. Komarovsky

Bite and consequences

The bite of a small black midge, demonstrating swiftness and bloodthirstiness, delivers trouble to a person. She bites, unlike a mosquito, not piercing the skin, but cutting it. This moment usually goes unnoticed, since a substance that has an analgesic effect enters the bloodstream. At the same time, this enzyme delays the process of blood clotting.

The characteristic symptoms after an attack and bite of a midge are always pronounced, since a very itchy swelling forms on the affected area, which gradually increases and becomes painful. When receiving multiple venomous bites, some people develop symptoms that are characteristic of high fever poisoning. This is due to the fact that in the saliva of insects there is a hemolytic poison. Particularly severe suffering is bites in the eye, which must be treated as soon as possible by contacting a medical institution.

The consequences of bites may also be some more symptoms, depending on the individual characteristics of the organism:

  • development of hyperemia (circulatory disorders);
  • the appearance of papules on the surface of the skin;
  • occurrence of tachycardia.

When attacked by many bloodsuckers, the adequacy of reactions and coordination of movements can be disturbed, which has a negative impact on productivity, which drops sharply.

Mosquito bite in the eye

The greatest suffering causes a bite that falls in the eye. At first, a person feels that there is something like a mote under the eyelid, causing discomfort. Then there is tearing, slight itching, redness.

After a few hours, the eye swims, unbearable itching begins, pain appears. If there is a tendency to allergies, a midge bite in the eye leads to dizziness, shortness of breath, a feeling of heaviness and pain in the chest. Such manifestations must be properly treated, therefore, a visit to the doctor should not be postponed.

During the entire time until the swelling subsides, you should try not to rub your eyes so as not to cause additional foci of inflammation. Anti-inflammatory ointments are usually prescribed, as well as antihistamines that prevent the development of allergies.

Treatment of bites

Despite the fact that the bite of the black midge causes severe itching, you should not comb the affected area.

After a moment of relief when scratching, the burning and itching intensifies even more, and the redness spreads further along the skin.

The most dangerous condition occurs if, after a bite in any place, and especially in the eye, the temperature rises, chills begin.

This may indicate an allergic reaction that requires immediate medical attention, since such a manifestation must be treated with effective means. It is advisable to immediately take an antiallergic drug.

A more severe manifestation of the bite becomes simulidotoxicosis - a toxic-allergic painful condition, which, along with an increase in temperature, is characterized by the following symptoms:

  • chills;
  • weakness;
  • joint and muscle aches;
  • excruciating headache.

In such a situation, the doctor should treat the victim. To lubricate the skin from swelling around the affected eyes and on other parts of the body, the Golden Star is used in the form of an ointment. Elokom and Allergodil preparations will help relieve itching. Reduce allergic manifestations caused by the bite of a bloodthirsty earth midge, "Suprastin" and "Tavegil".

Prevention - means

For preventive purposes, you can stock up on a bottle of tea tree oil, which should be with you when traveling to the country house, ponds, and the forest. To protect yourself, it is enough to apply the product to all areas of the skin that remain open. The sharp smell emitted by the essential oils of cloves, mint, and lavender can scare away midges.

Enhances the body's resistance to dangerous attacks of midges taking vitamin B1. If you decide to organize a vacation in nature or in the country, then you should adhere to the following rules:

  • avoid places near water bodies, as well as areas where tall grass grows;
  • clothing should consist of trousers with elasticated bottoms and a T-shirt with a high collar and long sleeves with tight cuffs;
  • if you have to go fishing, then mosquito nets will help prevent the dangerous bite of a blood-sucking midge;
  • the tent is selected with mosquito nets;
  • at home, you can get rid of midges with the help of fumigators included in the electrical network.

Spirals are used on the open veranda, which, when smoldering, emit smoke that repels midges. For application to clothing and unprotected skin, there are quite effective pharmacy aerosols, ointments, emulsions, balms, gels - Raptor, OFF, Gardex Extreme, Mosquitall.

Video: Gnus - folk methods of struggle

If you love house plants, then you have probably come across this problem more than once. Small, but nasty earth flies or mosquitoes start up in the ground. They behave arrogantly, fly everywhere, climb into the face, and multiply very quickly. What to do with adversaries?

Personally, I am rather indifferent to house plants, I have only two of them: an orchid presented by a friend and an adenium brought from Thailand. Both sit in dry soil, and dry soil is not suitable for breeding midges. Midges need moisture.

But my husband has a strange weakness for plants: he tries to plant everything he can reach in a pot, from a watermelon or avocado seed to a trillion cacti that have occupied all the windowsills. Seryoga regularly waters his green favorites, and even very much, and midges periodically appear in the always moist soil. Unlike green friends, they don’t cause tenderness at all, so I periodically become a witness to attempts at moshkotsid, sometimes very inventive. It is about them, as well as their effectiveness, that I want to tell you.

Mosquito repellent

The use of chemical weapons against mosquitoes is not covered by any convention.

There was another attempt - to use a fumigator, which was charged with plates or a jar of Raptor, because both were available. The fumigator worked in an unventilated room for several hours and even seemed to impress the midges, but after airing they came from somewhere again. Perhaps this tool is not a “lethal weapon”, or maybe the midges managed to sit out the gas attack in the ground. In any case, the attempt was considered unsuccessful.

garlic water

Seryoga did not calm down and continued to look for other means of struggle. He read somewhere that garlic tincture helps, prepared it by spoiling a bunch of garlic, and after that he regularly sprayed all the flowers and earth with a spray bottle. The smell at the same time was simply divine, especially when the tincture turned a little sour, but this did not touch the midges at all. Garlic water turned out to be a shitty idea, so I won’t voice the recipe for its preparation.

It turned out to be useless against midges. But vampires will bypass for 3 miles!


Every man is an engineer at heart. Seryoga is no exception, and the idea of ​​making a trap for midges delighted him and immediately prompted him to take action. Luckily, this flight of engineering came at a fraction of the cost to the household: a plastic bottle cut in half and some scotch, plus something sweet to make roaming bait.


Everyone knows that alcohol helps in many life situations. For example, it perfectly disinfects! And when wiping the main optical axis with a moderate amount of it, it significantly improves mood, but the main thing here is not to overdo it.

When refueling a full tank, all-wheel drive is activated

Serega has a lot of alcohol: he bought through acquaintances at the distillery, since then delighting everyone he can reach with the same quality of berry tinctures, but at the same time he almost never uses it. Among other things, he has a five-liter canister of alcohol, defined as “technical” only because it “stood in plastic for a long time.” And since the “technical” is in abundance, it was decided to try it in the difficult task of fighting midges.

96 degree alcohol, after pouring it into a pocket spray bottle from under toilet water, was sprayed over the pots infected with midges. The jubilant cries during this process perfectly characterized the success of the event: the midges did not like it at all, to such an extent that they almost instantly died.


As a control shot in the head of the enemy, ordinary fire ash was used, which Seryoga brought in a jar from one of our summer trips, and then safely forgot in the loggia for several months. It gives an alkaline background when watering flowers, which the flies and their offspring living in the upper layer do not like at all, but at the same time it serves as an excellent fertilizer for plants.

The main thing is not to overdo it, because in high concentrations it can ruin both the beneficial microflora in the soil and the plants themselves. A few pinches of ash were poured into each pot, and it was distributed over the surface of the soil as evenly as possible.

Ash-covered soil of an infected pot

Until the problem was solved, I asked people for advice on several forums. There were many answers, and some of them coincided with the options that I described above. There were others, for example, sticking matches into the ground with their heads down, or using special chemicals such as AKTARA, VDG and Thunder. Since we are at home, I did not want to use these products: suddenly a leaf of a plant that has grown with these chemicals will get to her. Fortunately, this was not needed, alcoholism, or rather, just alcohol killed all the midges.

I hope my material will help someone in the fight against small but vile earth flies.

ground fly- This is a dangerous two-winged insect (see photo), which can be the main cause of damage to a vegetable or fruit crop. The appearance of this pest in the garden or garden is very easy to identify, since changes in plants begin to appear almost immediately. First, the leaves turn yellow, and sometimes even the leaves turn red, after which they completely dry out together with the stem and rhizome. As a result, fruits and vegetables attacked by flies finally die.

Despite the fact that the described pest has several varieties (we will talk about them later), they all appear in early May. These winged creatures do not tolerate cold, but in one summer season they manage to lay a huge number of larvae. The size of earth flies can reach ten millimeters.

The fight against such two-winged insects is a lot of trouble, therefore, before getting rid of them, you should be patient. In no case should one hesitate in this situation, since, as practice shows, earth flies multiply very quickly. Sometimes it even happens that one summer there are very few of them, but the next year the whole garden is dotted with them.

From this article you will learn what the described pests are and what to do if they appear.

Types of ground flies - how to get rid of?

The earth fly is divided into species depending on what plant it feeds on. For example, a pest that prefers onions is called onion, carrot - carrot, cabbage - cabbage. Of course, there is a specific approach to each type of fly, which means that it will not work to get rid of all varieties at once with one tool. Below we will consider all possible options for dealing with each category of winged insects at home.


Carrot fly is one of the most dangerous garden pests. It is this species of flies that is unpredictable. This summer, only a few individuals can be found on the site, and already in the next summer season there will be a whole darkness of them. At the same time, scientists have not yet found an explanation for such an incomprehensible phenomenon.

The carrot fly is relatively small. The length of her body varies from five to seven millimeters. By itself, this creature is black, but its wings are always transparent. As for the larvae, the fly lays them directly in the root crop, in which they are subsequently stored until the arrival of spring. With its onset, the fly offspring make their way into the fresh air and begin to spoil the carrots, while actively multiplying.

You can identify a carrot fly by the following signs:

  • the green tops of carrots sharply began to turn yellow and acquire red and purple hues;
  • even with regular watering, the plant began to dry and die;
  • root crops are slightly gnawed and have a bitter taste.

If you are sure that your summer cottage was attacked by an earth fly, immediately take measures to destroy it in order to preserve the carrot crop as much as possible. Fortunately, the chemical industry does not stand still and today has produced a huge amount of various insecticides against this pest. The most effective of them are:

  • "Cyperus";
  • "Shar pei";
  • "Inta-vir";
  • "Fitoverm";
  • "Decis Profi";
  • "Arrivo";
  • "Actellik".

The above means should be used to spray infected plants. This procedure should be carried out when the air temperature does not exceed twenty degrees, for example, in the morning or evening. At the same time, before using any drug, be sure to read the instructions for use, since it is individual for each insecticide.

If chemical methods are not suitable for some reason, you can go the simpler way using folk remedies. The table below lists all the substances that can kill a carrot fly at home.


How to apply?

mustard powder

With this component, it is enough to fill up all the areas between the beds with planted carrots. Instead of mustard, it is also allowed to use tobacco dust.

millennial or wormwood

One of these plants just needs to be planted next to the carrots. It is also recommended not far away to lay out the leaves and stems of tomatoes.

onion or garlic paste

This tool must be used for daily spraying of carrot tops. To prepare it, take two hundred grams of peeled onion or garlic, as well as two liters of slightly warmed water. Finely chop the vegetable and combine with the second indicated component. Next, leave the workpiece for a day, and then pass through gauze and dilute with another eight liters of water.

coniferous extract

Before spraying the plant, two hundred milliliters of pine needle extract must be mixed with two liters of water.

tops of tomatoes

From it you need to prepare a decoction. To do this, four kilograms of tomato tops are taken per ten liters of water. Boil the ingredients for thirty minutes. Then the broth is infused for three hours and filtered, and before use it is additionally mixed with clean water in a ratio of 1:3, respectively.

To prevent the appearance of a carrot fly, try to plant carrots as early as possible. This will allow her time to get stronger. Do not fertilize the beds with fresh manure, as this smell attracts the described pests. It is recommended to plant onions next to a bed of carrots. The aroma of this plant repels the carrot fly. Equally important is the watering of the vegetable. It is not necessary to pour it strongly, and it is better not to water the carrots in the first half of August.

We hope these tips will help you avoid the appearance of a two-winged insect, and the carrot harvest will delight you every year.


The onion fly harms the garden no less than the previous variety. However, she looks different. This type of pest has a gray color, and their size can reach one centimeter. This species of ground flies is considered the largest.

The described pests begin to lay their larvae in May and usually leave them under the upper scales of the onion, and sometimes on the soil near the plant and even between its leaves. The fly offspring sneaks inside the vegetable and literally eats the entire inside, while turning into adults.

It is easy to understand that an onion is struck by a ground fly by its development. In this case, changes appear in the development of the plant:

  • growth slows down;
  • feathers turn yellow and acquire a grayish tint;
  • all greenery dries and withers;
  • the bulbs become soft and begin to smell like rot.

You can get rid of onion flies both by chemical means and folk remedies. In the first case, the insecticide "Bazudin" has proven itself well. It is used to process the entire area with onions, and only in the last ten days of May. All that needs to be done to permanently destroy the earth fly is to mix thirty grams of granulated "Bazudin" with a half-liter jar of sawdust and a small amount of sifted sand. With the resulting mixture, cover the area with carrots with a thin layer.

Folk remedies give equally good results in the fight against onion fly, so if you prefer to treat the garden with natural substances, this pest control option is ideal for you. We propose to consider several effective methods that will really help solve the described problem.


How to apply?

saline solution

It is used for watering onions when the length of the feathers reaches eight centimeters. To prepare this remedy, two hundred grams of ordinary salt is taken per ten liters of water.

wood ash

Before dusting the plant, ash (200 g) is mixed with tobacco dust and black pepper (1 tsp each).

tobacco solution

This tool destroys the larvae of the ground fly. For its manufacture, tobacco dust (200 g) is taken per three liters of hot water. Before use, the resulting composition must be infused for three days, after which it is supplemented with liquid soap (1 tablespoon) and red or black ground pepper (1 teaspoon). The liquid is then sprayed onto the soil and onion feathers.

Try to plant an onion plant in different areas every year or simply alternate it with another crop. You can also do this, as in the case of carrots. If it is planted next to the onion, then it may be possible to avoid the appearance of two varieties of ground flies at once: onion and carrot.


The cabbage fly is a doubly dangerous enemy of the summer cottage. If the previous types of pests feed on a certain vegetable crop, then the diet of the cabbage fly consists not only of cabbage. She also prefers radishes, turnips and radishes. Moreover, such an insect can breed both in late spring and in mid-summer. In the latter case, the flies are considered late.

Before turning into adults, the larvae of the described insects eat not only cabbage leaves, but the entire root. It is impossible to ignore the occurrence of a cabbage fly, since it is possible to lose the entire crop present in the garden.

To destroy this category of pests, it is recommended to use the insecticide "Phosbecid". It is taken in the amount of five milliliters per ten liters of water. The resulting solution is used in this way: one square meter is sprayed with 100 ml of liquid. It is better to use such a tool in early June.

As for folk remedies, wood ash, pre-mixed with ground pepper (100 g and 1 tsp, respectively), is well suited for killing cabbage flies.

No less well helps and tobacco solution. We described his cooking recipe earlier in the case of the onion fly.

If you plant cabbage as early as possible and at the same time make a high hilling, then it may be possible to avoid the appearance of a ground fly.

Take care of every vegetable and fruit crop, and then your garden and vegetable garden will never be attacked by various pests.

Here is a common housefly. Agree, no one will look at her and find out what kind of insect is in front of him. And in vain. After all, room is a generalizing definition. Indoors, completely different flies can fly, and some of them are even dangerous.

Flies: preliminary acquaintance

Let's start with something that is noticeable even to the naked eye: the size and color of real flies. Even if you do not delve into their varieties, one thing can be said for sure: insects flying around the house and annoyingly sticking to a person are different. That is why the housefly is just a generalization.

There are, for example, inconspicuous black individuals, the most common, sitting up windows and buzzing right under the ear in the morning. And there is an emerald color - even a little dapper, iridescent in the sunlight. But such beauty is deceiving, because the green fly is otherwise called the meat fly, and it is she who most often feeds on corpses and lays her eggs in decaying flesh. On the one hand, an insect-orderly, and on the other, its specialization is too disgusting and dangerous, although it is precisely the cadaveric species of the insect that are useful.

About the house fly: who is she

In general, the term "housefly" can be considered in two ways, approaching both from the position of an inhabitant who encounters hordes of nasty insects every summer, and from the position of a biologist researcher. Views will be fundamentally different:

  • From a biological point of view. The housefly is a separate species with its own description. Lives in close proximity to a person, is a constant neighbor throughout the summer period. The house fly is large, but not the largest, dark gray in color. It has a soft proboscis that cannot bite. Her food apparatus is a sucking type, designed to absorb liquid food. Often they are called "sewer flies" for their special love for sewage.
  • From a layman's point of view. Housefly (housefly) - any two-winged insect living in a human dwelling. After all, no one will look closely who is in front of him: a melon fly, a cherry fly, a raspberry fly, or some other. If it flies and lives at home, then it is a room. This approach is also correct, because an ordinary person will not delve into the various types of flies, of which there are about one and a half hundred species.

But today we will change our view and try to understand the diverse and interesting world of these insects.

Pest flies that live nearby

Among insects there are garden pests: melon fly, raspberry, cherry fly, onion and cabbage fly. They should not be confused with Drosophila fruit flies, which, although they are close relatives, do not bring direct harm, as they feed on rotten fruits and berries.

This is interesting! Any fruit fly, unlike a fly, is a unique object of biological research: its genome largely coincides with the human one. Most of our diseases have an analogue in the environment of these seemingly useless small insects. This is why the fruit fly is a valuable object to study.

Another pest that is dangerous on a larger scale is called the Hessian fly. Its larvae feed on cereals, preferring wheat and rye. The Hessian fly looks more like a mosquito, not without reason it is called the "bread mosquito". According to legend, it came to our country with fodder brought by Hessian mercenaries back in 1776. It has taken root, got used to it, causes great damage to domestic agriculture. The Hessian fly is dangerous because if the attack is not stopped in time, it will easily ruin the entire cereal crop.

Forest pest - mushroom fly. Her children are known worms to all of us, hopelessly spoiling mushrooms, boletus, russula, etc.

These insects are harmful and dangerous, but there are even worse. Let's get acquainted with the bloodthirsty flies that bite.

Flies that bite: are they dangerous?

Among the flies there are poisonous and biting. Of the first, the tse tse fly (African fly) is considered the most popular. About her, at least in passing, but everyone heard. Lives in the hot climate of Africa, settles near swamps and swampy places. It feeds on the blood of cattle, but will not miss the opportunity to bite a person. And if this happens, the victim will fall ill with a deadly disease that destroys the central nervous system and immunity.

tsetse fly

The African fly is the common name for the entire genus, in which there are 23 species. Everyone is dangerous and nothing good will come from meeting with such an enemy. Outwardly, the tse tse looks more like a horsefly than a house fly: it also folds its wings on top of each other and has a characteristic stinging proboscis. Living in the wild, she bites small animals, moving closer to humans - livestock and people. The disease carried by the African fly is called "sleeping sickness" and leads to paralysis and death.

However, there are among the ordinary ones that bite. You will be surprised, but it is not the usual housefly that attacks, but its bloodthirsty counterpart - the Stinger. Outwardly, the views are no different, except for the structure of the proboscis, but no one will pay attention to this.

This is interesting! Throughout the summer, Zhigals live near livestock. These are blood-sucking flies: they bite cows, sheep, pigs and other domestic animals without touching a person. By the onset of cold weather, biting pests move into apartments and attack people in search of food. That is why it is believed among the people that by the fall the flies “go wild”, become angry before death and begin to bite.

Zhigalka is one of the most unpleasant species, because along with bites it can introduce an infection, which will cause sepsis. She is also a carrier of anthrax. And if the definition of "poisonous" does not suit her, then "dangerous" for sure.

Another unpleasant representative of the fly tribe is the Wolfart fly, which is the causative agent of myiasis in livestock and humans: it lays larvae directly on the skin, after which they penetrate into the body and cause extensive inflammatory foci. Wolfart fly attacks mainly sheep and goats.

Deer bloodsucker

Until now, getting acquainted with the world of flies, we have seen only the negative. Is there something positive about these insects? Let's answer this question too.

Flies that are beneficial: are there such

Sewers are the best place for insects to live. Fly larvae work here with might and main, destroying waste products. Given that feces are the source of many infections, this is a useful and necessary work. That is why it cannot be said that the dung fly is a useless pest.

Now about carrion, or meat flies. There are a large number of them. In addition to the well-known green, there is a blue meat fly, a striped fly (it is also a gray meat fly). Most of them are viviparous: they lay maggots directly into dead flesh. They are considered to be nurses. By the way, the gray one is a big fly, it is larger than many of its relatives and immediately catches the eye.

There are also fly predators. For example, ktyr is a fly that destroys mosquitoes and midges. For a person, it is not at all dangerous, but a small midge noticeably suffers from this assistant. The hoverfly fly is a cute creature that does not look like relatives. It has very predatory larvae that feed on small, soft insects, mostly aphids. Adult individuals outwardly resemble wasps. The photo shows how attractive the hoverflies are. The wasp fly is close to them.

Spanish fly - poisonous beetle

But what about the Spanish fly, which many have heard of. The insect has its own, interesting history. It is believed that it causes strong sexual arousal. Surprisingly, the Spanish fly has nothing to do with flies. This is a beetle, and a very beautiful emerald, iridescent color. The spanish fly belongs to the blister family: when attacked, it releases a liquid that strongly irritates the surface tissues. The insect smells like mice. On its basis, the Spanish Fly preparation is produced, which is still considered an aphrodisiac. The tool was also used to enhance potency, but it turned out that it had a bad effect on the kidneys and liver. Currently, "Spanish Fly" is one of the most famous drugs that cause sexual desire.

There are a lot of flies, and they are all different. We talked about only some species, including melon fly, African fly, cabbage fly, stinger fly and others. There is also such an insect as a cicada, which is often confused with the heroine of the story. And it's understandable why. The cicada looks like a fly, although in fact it is not. This is a beautiful, large insect that can sing. The chirping of the cicada can be heard both at night and during the day. She prefers hot climates. Belongs to the order Hemiptera. And although the cicada resembles a fly, it leads a completely different lifestyle.

In addition to those listed, there are many more types of insects. For example, swedish fly, red fly, mangrove fly, ground flies, black soldier fly and others. These constant, close companions of man have left their mark even in culture: the phraseological unit “white flies”, denoting falling snowflakes, is directly related to the insect and is quite poetic. We think it’s worth reconsidering your squeamish attitude and getting to know them better. And, perhaps, you will discover a lot of interesting things.

We are surrounded by a diverse world of insects: from small spider bugs that are not even visible to large bright butterflies that delight the eye. And among this great variety of creatures there are flies - small winged insects, completely ugly in appearance. They are not favored because of their annoyingness and importunity, but, worst of all, they are carriers of various microorganisms and bacteria that can cause various diseases: from simple poisoning to tuberculosis and typhoid. We are surrounded by a large number of species of flies that need to be able to recognize, so as not to be confused with other insects that are harmless to humans.

Fly classification

There are 40 thousand species of flies in the world, which can be conditionally divided into three large groups:

  • village: live in close proximity to humans, in the wild they are not able to survive; house flies;
  • semi-village (optional-village): they can live both next to a person and in the wild; blow flies;
  • pasture: live in the droppings of cattle on pastures, fly into settlements; dung flies;

Gray blowflies are lovers of corpses

Flies are also divided into those that feed:

  • fruits and berries: melon and garden;
  • vegetables: lily, cabbage, garlic, cucumber, sprouts;
  • flowers: peony;
  • blood of animals and people: black (April),;
  • rot and carrion: green, domestic, dung, gray meat;
  • other insect pests: hoverflies, hoverflies;

Garden flies harm fruit and berry crops

What types of flies are most common

The world of flies is diverse, which, in addition to the structure of the body and the life cycle, have one common property - importunity. Whatever the insect: dangerous or relatively safe for humans, it will be very difficult to get rid of it. What is it that attracts flies to us? These creatures have a well-developed sense of smell, they are attracted by various sweet and not very aromas (but the most pleasant smell for most of them is the aroma of rot), which they fly to. We cook a lot of dishes with all kinds of tastes and smells - it is they that attract these insects so much that they make them travel quite large distances compared to their size and fly into our homes.

The alluring aroma blocks everything for flies, sometimes even the instinct of self-preservation, so many people answer the question “How many species of flies do you think exist?” answer: "one - importunate."

The house (or room) fly lives exclusively in close proximity to a person's dwelling, where there is a lot of food and household quickly rotting waste. Existence away from people for this type of insect is impossible, therefore, in the warm season, they are always nearby: they live in our kitchens, where food and their waste are stored, fly in through open windows to stay for several hours, and it is quite difficult to drive them out.

House flies are considered the most annoying

House flies do not have piercing-sucking mouthparts, so they cannot bite humans, but this does not make them completely harmless. These insects have three pairs of limbs, each with small sucker tentacles, to which various bacteria and microorganisms adhere, and then they are carried by flies to food. Creatures of this species are completely unremarkable: they have a gray-brown body with nondescript wings, but very bright red eyes. They occupy almost the entire head, the lower part of which is yellowish, and the upper part is sandy in color. The head has antennae and an oral cavity.

House flies have huge red eyes

Flies have two pairs of wings: the first is used for flight, the second (it is called halteres) is used to maintain balance. It is the halteres that make the sound we call humming.

House flies are diurnal insects that fall asleep at nightfall and wake up when the sun has already risen. They are active only in the warm season, in autumn, with the onset of the first cold weather, they fall into hibernation.

On average, houseflies live 3-4 months. First, an adult female lays eggs (about a hundred in one clutch), from which a larva appears after 8–50 hours (depending on the climate). This is a small worm up to 13 mm long that lives in animal feces and household waste. Approximately once a week the larva molts; after the third, the outer shell of the worm hardens, falls off, and the creature turns into a chrysalis. After 3 days, an adult is born, which becomes sexually mature after 36 hours. During its relatively long life, one fly can lay up to 10,000 eggs.

The larva of a fly looks like a small chopped off worm

These insects eat the same as humans, but prefer liquid or semi-liquid food, as they are unable to bite. To eat solid foods, flies secrete saliva, which is able to dissolve substances of various hardness.

The housefly can be found throughout Russia, but the closer to the south, the milder and warmer the climate and the more this insect. It is very difficult to fight him, but it is possible. The most effective are ordinary insect screens, which can be placed in window and door openings, and sticky tapes, which have a certain kind of smell that attracts flies - they sit on the tape, stick and can no longer fly away. The use of fumigators and various chemical baits is not recommended, especially if there are pregnant women, children or pets in the house, as these products release harmful substances into the air.

Sticky tape should be changed every 2-3 months or as soon as it becomes full of flies.


Hoverfly flies (or sirphids) look very similar to wasps. Even the behavior of these insects is identical: syrphids can freeze in place during the flight, continuing to flap their wings, but they are completely harmless to humans - they do not bite like wasps.

Hoverfly flies got their name from the sound that is produced during the work of their wings - it is very similar to the murmur of water.

Hoverfly flies are found mainly in fields, orchards and orchards, where there are many umbrella and complex-flowered plants. Like all insects, they are most active during the daytime during warm seasons, and hibernate in the winter.

Hoverfly flies are harmless creatures

Hoverfly flies have a small body covered with alternating black and yellow stripes. They have only one pair of transparent wings and huge brown eyes. Hoverflies have a long proboscis, which they use to obtain nectar; They don't bite people or animals.

The wasp's body is more segmented

Syrphids feed mainly on plant nectar, but they can also eat aphids, eggs of various insects and spider mites. Human food does not appeal to them at all.

Wasp-like flies lay 150–200 eggs at a time; masonry is done mainly in the habitats of aphids, which are very convenient for the larvae to hunt. They appear 2-4 days after laying eggs and look like small worms chopped off from behind. The larvae feed on their own, becoming more voracious every day; so, in 2-3 weeks of their life they are able to eat more than 2 thousand aphids. Then the larvae turn into pupae, from which, after 7–10 days, an adult appears.

Hoverfly larvae are very lazy, but their hunting for aphids looks quite interesting: as soon as the victim is noticed, the worm rises, begins to sway from side to side and after a few moments very quickly pounces on the prey, instantly absorbing it. To get yourself more food, you need to move. To do this, the larva "rolls" the mass of its body from one end to the other, thus moving in space.

Hoverflies do not live long: on average, 1–1.5 months, but even in such a short life they bring a lot of benefits to the garden and garden, eating a variety of insects. Many summer residents create favorable conditions for the life of hoverflies so that they settle on their territory and save them from pests. You don't need to get rid of sirphids.

The green (or carrion) fly is rightfully considered one of the most beautiful insects: it has a neat, glossy emerald-colored body, large brown eyes that go well with a pair of smoky wings. All its paws have tentacles to which bacteria and microorganisms stick, which this fly carries over long distances.

The green fly has an incredibly beautiful color

It is a pity that such a beautiful creature feeds on carrion and rot, so it must be driven away and even destroyed, and not admired, as we would like. The carrion fly lives on the corpses of animals, in household waste and in feces, but is sometimes found on flowers with a very strong sweet smell.

Green flies are also found on flowers with a pronounced sweet aroma.

Green flies lay up to 180 eggs in the same place where they feed - in rotten food and bodies. Females try to hide their eggs as deep as possible so that when the larva is born (and this happens after 6-48 hours), she has a lot of food. At the stage of larvae, flies stay from 3 to 9 days, after which they crawl into the soil, where they turn into pupae. After another 10-17 days, an adult fly appears, which gets to the surface.

You should not allow the appearance of carrion flies in your house, since they will bring on their paws a huge amount of bacteria from corpses and feces, which will cause at least poisoning and intestinal diseases. The most effective means against these flies are insect nets and regular duct tape, which smell pleasant to the flies. If you don't have pets at home, you can buy a flycatcher plant.

Flycatcher is a very beautiful plant that feeds on the blood of insects.

Fly elnitsa-bee

Ilnitsy-bee-bee species belong to the family of hoverflies, only they do not look like wasps, but like bees. They have a rather large body - on average, 1.5 cm in length, the abdomen is rather "chubby" than these flies and resemble bees. The body is brown in color with large reddish-yellow spots on the sides. Unlike other flies, silt flies are covered with very fine hairs - even the eyes and limbs are covered with hair.

Another name for bee silt is tenacious silt

Bee-eaters live near plants with strongly smelling flowers, the nectar of which they feed on. Adults are absolutely harmless to both humans and insects, so there is no point in specifically breeding them, and there is also nothing special to destroy them.

Ilnitsy lay their eggs in various sewage, so getting eggs or larvae into the human body (for example, from unwashed hands or food) can lead to infection with intestinal diseases (for example, enteritis).

The larva is born 18–48 hours after laying eggs, its body length reaches two centimeters, but the special breathing tube with which the worm breathes can stretch as much as 10 cm. This is due to the fact that the larvae live in sewage, and breathe only clean air.

The silt flies are most active from July to October; in cold weather, these flies hibernate.

The bee has a more hairy and segmented body

Since only the eggs and larvae of the bee fly can harm a person, wash your hands thoroughly after coming from the street, rinse the food and make sure that rotting household waste does not accumulate at home, where the silt could lay its eggs.

Ktyri are large predatory flies that destroy other insects: mosquitoes, midges, beetles and even bees. They feed exclusively on flying organisms, do not harm either a person or his crop, so the ktyrs should not be scared away or even destroyed - although they are ugly in appearance, they are good helpers in the fight against pests and blood-sucking insects.

Ktyr can fight even with a hornet

These flies look really not very attractive: a small dark brown body completely covered with hairs, huge brown eyes, a sting with poison that they inject into their prey. Incredibly long compared to the body, the limbs are also covered with hairs. It is with them that the ktyri catch their prey in the air. Long powerful wings of dark brown color with small light stripes help to keep themselves and their prey in flight.

Ktyrs lay their eggs in various decaying materials: wood, soil, and so on. As soon as the larvae appear from the eggs, they immediately begin to destroy small insects that are nearby. Often one larva becomes a victim of another (and an adult can eat its own kind).

Ktyrs live, like all flies, for 2–2.5 months, they are active in the warm season. They are found in cities, and in gardens, and away from people.

The tsetse fly is the most dangerous fly on the entire planet Earth, which lives, fortunately, in Africa. She is a carrier of the so-called sleeping sickness, from which one can die if timely medical assistance is not provided. This fly feeds exclusively on the blood of animals and humans.

Bernhard Grzimek (zoologist and conservationist) in his book “There is no place for wild animals” said that it was thanks to the tsetse fly in equatorial Africa that habitats of large wild animals were preserved, almost untouched by humans.

The female gives birth to larvae, which immediately become pupae, in a dark place, closer to the soil. It is there that the pupae will develop for several days until they turn into adults.

the tsetse fly is very beautiful, although the color of its back is unremarkable - gray

Tsetse flies are unusually beautiful: the chest of the insect is reddish-gray, covered with longitudinal dark brown stripes, a yellow-gray abdomen, a gray back with a black and milky pattern, a long branched proboscis, transparent powerful wings, which the insect folds one on top of the other and on which it is clearly visible coffee color drawing. But do not be fascinated by this creature - they are dangerous for humans.

The wings of the tsetse fly have an unusual "hatchet" pattern.

If you go to Africa, be sure to get vaccinated against sleeping sickness.

We are surrounded by countless different insects: some of them harm humans, some, on the contrary, help with various pests and save the crop. You need to be able to distinguish friends among all insects and not kill them, but create favorable conditions for their life. Chemical agents, of course, are better at destroying various insects, including aphids, but they are not as safe for humans as, for example, hoverflies. Use those helpers that nature itself gives you.

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