Home Natural farming Puppy's paw fracture. Fracture of a paw in a dog: symptoms, diagnostic methods, treatment. How long does it take for a broken paw in dogs to heal?

Puppy's paw fracture. Fracture of a paw in a dog: symptoms, diagnostic methods, treatment. How long does it take for a broken paw in dogs to heal?

The dog is quite active and mobile by nature; any four-legged friend simply loves to organize fast races and jump for his favorite ball over any obstacles. But unfortunately, sometimes in the process of such entertainment or other situations, a dog can dislocate or break a paw. Therefore, it will be useful to know what to do if a fracture or dislocation of a dog’s paw takes you by surprise. This article will help you understand how to distinguish these injuries and how to act in a particular case.

Dislocated joints - first aid for a pet

Dislocation in a dog can be congenital or acquired. Here we will consider only the second option, since the owner can usually notice a congenital defect even in puppyhood, it is associated with disorders in the musculoskeletal system and the dog simply will not be able to move normally. But an acquired dislocation in a dog can easily occur at home: for example, small puppies are left unattended on the sofa and fall; dislocations are also common when, or the dislocation occurs due to an unsuccessful jump from a great height.

As you can notice the presence of a dislocation, your four-legged friend will quickly stop using the damaged limb, moving on three healthy legs. At the same time, he may whine if his injured paw is touched; strong clicks and an unpleasant grinding sound often appear in the limb when the bones touch each other in the wrong position. The site of the dislocation becomes very swollen, and a dark hematoma (bruise) may form. For an animal, a dislocation is quite painful, so there may be a complete loss of appetite and, as well as a refusal of usual games, noticeable lethargy.

The most important thing in such a situation is to immediately limit the dog’s mobility; you need to apply ice, a piece of frozen meat or something cold to the damaged paw. After this, you must definitely take your four-legged friend to the veterinarian, since only a doctor can set the limb. An x-ray may also be required. You can’t delay this, because after just a couple of days the joint tissues will slowly begin to form scars and surgery will be needed to correct the dog’s dislocation. If even more time passes, even an experienced veterinarian may not be able to save the limb.

Limb fracture

It often happens that a paw injury is more serious when the bone is severely damaged. A paw fracture can be open or closed; in any of these cases, it is important for the dog owner to act carefully and in a timely manner. When a fracture occurs, the dog, of course, limps heavily and experiences pain; it does not use the broken limb, which changes its usual appearance, taking on irregular bends. With an open fracture, broken edges of the bone may be visible from the wound, and bleeding is possible.

If a fracture occurs, the dog may become too aggressive due to pain, so before providing first aid it is imperative to put on a muzzle or secure the animal’s jaw with a bandage. The fact is that an injured pet can even bite its own owner (a common occurrence due to pain), if the latter, through careless action, causes even more pain to the broken paw. Then you need to try not to fix the broken paw too tightly by tying it to a board or any flat object to ensure the immobility of the limb. In case of an open fracture, bone fragments cannot be set on your own; you can only remove visible debris from the surface of the wound and apply a weak, non-pressure and necessarily sterile bandage over the open injury. The pet must be transported to the veterinary clinic immediately, and the dog must be in such a position that there is no stress on the broken limb (for example, a lying position, or the dog can be carried in your arms).

Keep an eye on your four-legged friends and do not hesitate to visit the veterinary clinic if your dog accidentally injured a limb, because a dislocated paw or fracture is a very serious matter. A visit to the doctor will not be superfluous, even if there is no visible dislocation or other injury - it could be a bone crack, or a so-called “impacted” fracture, when the bones literally fit into each other. Timely treatment and proper first aid will help restore the limb and soon your pet will again be able to enjoy games and active running.

Often, a pet becomes not just everyone’s favorite, but also a full member of the family, so owners try to carefully monitor their health. But, unfortunately, even with proper care and supervision of the animal, an accident can occur, which can lead to various injuries. The most common injuries in dogs are broken paws.

The Dobrovet company employs experienced traumatologists who can not only identify the severity of a dog’s fracture, but also prescribe effective treatment even in cases where the injury was caused by pathological changes in bone tissue. The high qualifications and professionalism of our veterinarians will ensure your pet a quick recovery, an easy rehabilitation period and minimal consequences from injury.

How to diagnose a fracture in a dog

First of all, you should know that the cause of bone fractures in dogs can be not only physical impact on the animal, but also hidden changes in the body. Causes of the first category are bruises, falls, hitting a pet with a moving vehicle, the consequences of a fight or blow, and even gunshot wounds. In this case, the occurrence of injury is obvious, especially if the fracture is of an open type.

In the second case, when the dog’s fracture occurred due to metabolic disorders, severe illness and other pathologies, the primary symptoms (lameness, swelling, etc.) may be absent. You should always monitor your pet's behavior: refusal to eat, painful perception of touch, nervousness and other deviations may occur due to the presence of injury. A visit to a specialist and an x-ray will help determine the presence of a fracture.

The presence of a fracture in an animal may be accompanied by the following symptoms:

  • Painful sensations
  • Changes in the shape of the joint (especially noticeable when a dog’s paw is broken)
  • Bone crepitus (sound caused by bone fragments rubbing against each other)
  • The presence of severe swelling at the site of injury
  • Mobility of the limb outside the joint

Thus, if you notice that your pet is limping heavily and is not supported by a limb, both when moving and at rest, this may indicate that the dog has broken a leg. Frequent, intermittent and shallow breathing, whining during movement and restlessness express symptoms of rib fractures. Hemorrhage, concussion, and nosebleeds may accompany a skull fracture. Involuntary bowel movements, paralysis of the limbs and a number of other symptoms suggest the presence of a pelvic fracture. A painful reaction to touching the tail may indicate injury, and given that the tail is essentially the end of the spinal column, a fracture can be very dangerous.

Of course, your pet cannot express in words that it hurts, but it will be able to report the presence of a problem one way or another - just monitor its well-being more often.

First aid for a fracture in a dog

It is extremely important to first limit the movement of your pet, after which it is advisable to give an anesthetic drug to reduce discomfort. Such measures will be useful both in case of a broken limb or tail of an animal, and in more severe cases when the spine or skull is damaged.

If you are dealing with an open fracture, when the skin is damaged and bone fragments are visible, it is necessary to stop the bleeding as quickly as possible. After this, you need to treat the wound with an antiseptic to reduce the risk of inflammation and infection. It is important not to damage the tissue or touch bone fragments.

If you discover a fracture of a dog's front or hind paw, or tail, you can fix the limb before going to the veterinarian. To do this, you need to apply a splint to the damaged surface, making a bandage using a stiff material, cotton wool and a bandage. Such actions will not only relieve the pet’s acute pain, but will also help in further therapy. But even the correct behavior of the owner cannot replace an inspection by a qualified specialist. It doesn’t matter whether the dog’s paw is broken or the spine is damaged, successful therapy requires consultation with a veterinarian. Remember that an improperly fused limb can lead to such far from minor complications as lameness or changes in limb length, and severe injuries are simply life-threatening for your pet. Experienced veterinarians at the Dobrovet clinic will provide the necessary assistance and prescribe competent therapy, as a result of which your pet will be healthy and return to a full life in a short time.

Treatment of a fracture in a dog

The treatment regimen for a dog fracture depends on the location, anatomical nature, degree and characteristics of the fracture and the direction of the fracture line relative to the bone axis. There are two main types of fractures: closed, when the integrity of the mucous membranes, muscles and skin is not compromised, and open, when the wound communicates with the fracture zone, there is damage to the above soft tissues and bone fragments can be visible in the hole in the wound. In more complex cases, bone fragmentation may occur, when there are several individual fragments of varying sizes: from several centimeters or less. In addition, in young animals, a “greenstick” fracture occurs, when the tubular bone is broken, but the periosteum remains intact.

During the initial examination, the veterinarian must order an x-ray or ultrasound to determine whether one or more fractures are present in a particular case and to provide the clearest picture of the damage. Depending on the location of the fracture, the severity of the injury, the anatomical features and neurological status of the animal, surgical or conservative therapy may be prescribed.

The conservative method of treating fractures includes such actions as applying fixing (splint, plaster) and supporting (Ehmer or Robert Jones) bandages, ensuring rest and proper care of the pet. Such measures can be prescribed when diagnosing a crack in the bone, closed fractures without displacement, and a number of other simple cases.

The surgical method of treatment involves the surgical connection of fragments and splinters with subsequent fixation by installing special devices (external and intramedullary osteosynthesis).

Fixation of the bone can be carried out:

  • Elizarov's apparatus

The application of this method is to fix bone fragments to metal rings using special knitting needles. In this way, the bone will be securely fixed without additional dressings, and the risk of damage while wearing the Elizarov apparatus is minimal. This method is used on large and medium-sized dogs.

  • Kishner apparatus

Widely used for fixing the spine, pelvis, hip, jaw and other places where installation of the Elizarov apparatus is impossible. It is a structure made of special self-tapping rods, which are attached to the fixing rod using nuts.

  • Using polymer materials and knitting needles

This method is similar to the Kishner apparatus, but instead of rods, thin knitting needles are used, and the fixing rods are made of quickly hardening plastic. Light weight and ease of use make it possible to fix fractures in small dogs, as well as other animals, in this way. Removal of pins can be done without anesthesia

  • Internal fixation

Intramedullary (passing through the bone canal) osteosynthesis, which includes internal fixation of the bone using pins, wires and other devices that cannot subsequently be removed. Such operations are considered the most complex type of fracture treatment.

Today, there are many ways to effectively treat fractures of varying severity, which consists of reliable fixation of fragments in the correct position for the entire period of therapy necessary for fusion and restoration of the bone structure, and healing of wounds on the body. Qualified trauma surgeons at the Dobrovet clinic perform complex operations so that by eliminating your pet’s fracture, his suffering will come to an end and he will return to a full life as soon as possible.

In addition to eliminating fractures, our clinic offers a wide range of services in the field of veterinary medicine: drug or surgical treatment of various diseases of vital organs, pyometra and other ailments in dogs and cats, castration, vaccination, etc.

The dog broke its back leg. I don't know what to do. Broken bones are visible from the outside. What to do?


With an open fracture, the animal suffers damage to the skin and muscle tissue. Protruding bone can be seen from the wound. The bone fragment is not always visible, but the wound is easy to see. With such a fracture, there is often massive bleeding, which poses a danger to the dog. The positive side is that the symptoms are so obvious that animal owners immediately recognize the damage and immediately seek help.

The causes of a fracture are significant mechanical effects or pathology of bone tissue. The latter fracture is caused by calcium deficiency and requires a special approach to treatment. In addition to restoring the integrity of the bone, it will be necessary to eliminate the causes that caused the fracture.

Urgent care for a fracture

First of all, the pet is supposed to fix its jaws. This will become an indispensable condition, even when there are no obvious signs of aggression. The owner of the animal is capable of accidentally causing pain to the pet when trying to bandage the paw, isolate the victim, or immobilize the victim. The dog will bite back, and instead of helping the animal, you will have to help yourself.

If necessary, it is possible to record the location of the injury. If the dog moves the broken limb, do not touch the injury site. A splint made from the first available material is applied to the broken limb. Use a stick, a lath, or a plastic stick. The splint is fixed to the limb using gauze or elastic bandage. The purpose of fixation is to create the most comfortable and gentle conditions for a broken limb during transportation to a veterinary clinic.

If the dog has an open wound, it is recommended to apply a sterile gauze bandage to the injury and secure it with a bandage. A characteristic sign of a fracture is deformation of the limb and unnatural position.

If you notice the described symptom in your pet, do not try to return the bone to its normal position and restore the shape of the limb. Before transporting your dog to the veterinarian, you should not touch the broken limb again. Secure the limb as is.

Transportation to the veterinary clinic

Transporting a dog with a broken leg to a veterinary hospital is carried out taking into account a number of rules:

  1. The pet should be transported to the hospital in a gentle position that is comfortable for the victim. Make sure your dog sits down so that there is no stress on the broken area.
  2. A small dog can be transported in a box.
  3. If there is a suspicion that the dog has damaged its spine, it is better to call a doctor at home, and immediately. Until the doctor arrives, they try to keep the dog in the same position.
  4. It is acceptable to place the dog on a flat surface and secure it in a lying position using bandages. Do not straighten the animal's legs.
  5. If your pet shows signs of bleeding, a tourniquet or tight bandage is applied above the wound.
  6. If you have a long way to go to the hospital, call your veterinarian first by phone. The doctor will give recommendations on what to do to reduce pain and how to transport the animal correctly. Find the coordinates of the nearest veterinary hospital in the telephone directory or the Internet.

Fracture treatment

Upon arrival at the clinic, the doctor will first take care of reducing the dog’s pain from the injury. Painkillers and sedatives are administered. If there is an open wound, the doctor will perform surgical treatment.

The nature of the fracture cannot always be determined by its appearance; the doctor will prescribe an x-ray to clarify the condition of the fracture and the amount of assistance needed. In some cases, a plaster cast will be sufficient for treatment; in others, surgical intervention will be required.

Treatment consists of restoring the correct position of the bone, removing small bone elements and restoring the integrity of the soft tissue. Surgical treatment consists of bone reconstruction using metal screws, wires or plates. The operation is effective and not cheap. Sometimes prosthetics are performed on the damaged joint. Healing of the fixed bone occurs after several weeks - the exact timing depends on the individual condition of the animal and the severity of the fracture.

Animal care

To ensure a quick recovery, it is necessary to provide complete rest to the pet. The animal must be kept in a warm, dry and clean place.

  1. During illness, the dog will be inactive, and rapid weight gain is possible. It is important to provide your dog with a light diet.
  2. As prescribed by the doctor, the pet is given sedatives and painkillers, and, if necessary, laxatives.
  3. To accelerate tissue regeneration, appropriate medications are prescribed.
  4. In complex forms of the fracture, constant monitoring of the pet by a veterinarian will be required.

Removal of metal pins or plaster is carried out based on the results of x-ray diagnostics, taking into account the condition of the animal. Physical activity should be carefully monitored and increased gradually.

In most cases, the dog in the house is not just a guard. She becomes a full member of the family. Caring owners try to monitor the well-being of their pet. Unfortunately, this is not always possible. Dogs are incredibly active and restless, so owners often encounter various situations that can harm their pet’s health. One of the most common injuries is a broken paw in a dog. What does an owner need to know to properly help a pet? How to visually identify a broken paw in a dog and when to sound the alarm?

Why do fractures happen?

According to “canine” surgeons, there are only 2 main reasons leading to fractures of the animal’s limbs:

  • injuries;
  • pathology.

In the first option, a fracture of a dog’s paw occurs due to mechanical impact on the bone. This could be a bruise, an animal falling from a height, a strong blow, unsuccessful landings during training, or a fight with relatives. A compound fracture of a dog's hind leg is caused by a collision with a car, moped or bicycle. The cause may be the paws getting pinched by parts of a moving mechanism, falling into a trap and trying to escape from captivity. A separate line includes crushed fractures caused by bullets in service or hunting animals.

The second option is a consequence of deterioration of mineral metabolism due to poor nutrition or the age of the dog. The cause of the pathology can be osteoporosis, various neoplasms, the presence of destructive processes in bone tissue, and various inflammations.

Types of fractures

Depending on the severity and some other factors, the following types of fractures are distinguished:

  1. Unfinished (crack). The easiest option, which is almost impossible to detect without special diagnostics.
  2. Hammered. Most often, this happens when a dog's front paw is fractured after jumping from a height. The weight of the body falls on the paws, and the bones cannot support it. Such an injury is not accompanied by severe damage to internal tissues, but requires the constant attention of a specialist.
  3. Closed without bias. A fairly severe injury, accompanied by fever, redness and swelling at the site of injury. But the bone is held in place.
  4. Closed with offset. Very similar to the previous version. However, parts of the bone move out of place and among themselves. Such a fracture is dangerous due to the presence of significant internal injuries and hematomas.
  5. Open. A very serious situation, accompanied by significant tissue damage and bleeding. Such a fracture of a dog’s paw is clearly visible visually, because part of the broken bone cuts through the skin and protrudes outward. An open fracture is often accompanied by rupture of muscles, ligaments and joints, lymphatic vessels and blood loss.

What other types of fractures are there?

According to the direction of the fracture in relation to the axis of damage, there are:

  • longitudinal;
  • oblique;
  • spiral;
  • transverse;
  • marginal.

Depending on the force of the impact and the size of the fragments, injuries can be:

  • finely fragmented;
  • coarsely fragmented;
  • crushed;
  • fragmented.

How can you tell if your dog has broken its paw?

Quickly and without additional diagnostics, owners will be able to detect only an open fracture. It is simply impossible not to notice him. A fragment of a broken bone cuts through the skin and protrudes out. In this case, bleeding is sure to occur. A closed displaced fracture is also quite easy to see. The dog's paw will change its usual shape. It will be painful for the animal to stand on it. A dense lump will be visible or palpated at the fracture site.

Symptoms of fractures

Common signs of a broken paw in a dog look like this:

  • the animal holds the limb suspended, limps or does not step on the injured paw at all;
  • the sore spot thickens and swells;
  • the foot is in an unnatural position, bent or dangling;
  • when you move the sore paw, you can hear the characteristic sound of fragments rubbing against each other (bone crepitus);
  • the pet whines pitifully when trying to touch a limb.

In addition, the dog is lethargic, lies down all the time, refuses food, and has a fever. The symptoms of a broken paw in a dog are quite eloquent, and an attentive owner will detect them immediately. Even if you notice just one or two signs from the list, there is a reason to visit the veterinary clinic.

How to give first aid to a dog?

The first thing that owners need to remember is that the injury will not go away on its own. Therefore, the sooner you deliver the animal to the clinic, the better. When providing assistance, it is necessary to act competently and not aggravate the situation. First of all, you should put a muzzle on your pet or tie something around its mouth. Judging by the reviews of the owners, even the friendliest dog can bite your hand in pain, and then you will have to pay attention. She will do this not because she doesn’t love you. She's just in a lot of pain.

If you have an open wound, it is very important to quickly stop the bleeding. This is done using a tourniquet. It is applied slightly above the wound and tightened tightly. A belt, rope, scarf, scarf, twisted bandage or other similar materials are suitable for a tourniquet. It is very important to place a cloth or napkin under the tourniquet. If you tighten it directly on the paw, you can damage the skin and only add to the suffering of your four-legged friend.

Now you need to clean the wound from dust and dirt. A solution of Furacilin, Miramistin, hydrogen peroxide, Chlorhexidine and other antiseptics is suitable. Never use alcohol or other alcohol-containing products. The dog may simply die from painful shock.

To prevent the entry of new dirt and infection, it is better to lightly cover the wound with a clean scarf or bandage it loosely. Also, the animal’s paw should be immobilized if possible. This will prevent the dog from moving the limb, so as not to aggravate its condition. To do this, you can apply an improvised splint from scrap materials. A student's ruler, a fairly wide stick, a small board, strips of plastic or thick cardboard, and other similar materials will do just fine.

Your pet should be transported to the hospital at rest. You can put the animal in the car, in the back seat. If the dog is small, it is permissible to place it in a rigid carrier or on the laps of its owners. It is important to ensure that the injured limb remains at rest and is not stressed. You should not try to straighten the protruding bone or use any ointments or other medications.

How can a veterinarian help?

Treatment for a broken paw in a dog begins with diagnosis. The veterinarian will anesthetize the damaged area, conduct a visual examination, and be sure to take an x-ray. To better assess the complexity of the fracture, x-rays are often taken in different projections. To determine internal damage, your doctor may suggest an ultrasound or MRI.

Surgical intervention

A broken paw in a dog is treated surgically in more than 90% of cases. After anesthesia and the use of special drugs for muscle relaxation, the doctor realigns the displaced bones and applies a special fixing bandage. It limits movement and promotes speedy healing of the wound. The use of gypsum is very limited. It is extremely difficult to force a dog to take care of the cast and the paw itself. The animal tries to remove the bandage by any means and may receive additional damage.

Because bone injuries in animals rarely occur accidentally, they can be very complex, often open and splintered. The highest quality is achieved when the fragments are correctly and tightly assembled and securely fixed. All this is possible only with surgical intervention.

Operations to fuse bones are called osteosynthesis. When performing them, a veterinary surgeon often uses various devices: staples, screws, knitting needles, screws, pins, wires and plates. The latest “squeak” in veterinary surgery is the use of polymer, rather than metal, retainers.

Special designs are also used during operations:

  1. Ilizarov apparatus. It consists of knitting needles and special metal rings that secure the bones.
  2. Kishner apparatus. It is a structure made of a metal rod and self-tapping rods. It is used when installation of the Ilizarov structure is impossible. This happens in small dogs or when complex problems arise. Modern medicine uses plastic rods and less traumatic self-tapping screws in the form of needles.

When the mentioned structures cannot be used, the pin is installed directly inside the bone. He will remain there forever. In this case, the qualifications of the surgeon must be the highest.

Healing and rehabilitation period

The fixation is usually removed after 30-40 days, and if the dog is old, the healing period can last up to 2 months. To prevent wound infection, the animal is additionally prescribed a course of antibacterial drugs.

In order for the fracture to heal better, the animal should be limited in movement. You can put him in a cage for a while. They begin to walk the pet only after 3-4 weeks. If your dog tries to bite or lick the injured area, you can use a special restraint collar.

During this period, your pet can be given special vitamins and additional minerals. This will help the bones heal faster. To speed up tissue regeneration, physical procedures can be performed, for example, ultraviolet irradiation. However, they should only be prescribed by a doctor.

Having carefully studied the reviews of experienced dog owners, you can understand that with proper treatment, dog paw fractures heal relatively quickly and without consequences. If the doctor did everything correctly, your pet will forget about the injury in a couple of months at most and will delight you with its activity and cheerfulness for a long time.

Considering the mobility and activity of our four-legged friends, it is no wonder that they get injured quite often. In addition, this is often facilitated by the carelessness of the owners and insufficient care, which leads to a number of diseases. In any case, a fracture in a dog is a rather complex pathology, and in some cases critical, requiring a special approach and medical care.

First of all, such injuries are divided into two types, based on their origin:

  • Traumatic fractures– the reasons for their appearance are related to the influence of external factors.
  • Pathological fractures- they arise due to existing pathologies in the animal, and external factors have a minor impact - for example, a dog with osteoporosis can get a fracture after unsuccessfully jumping even from the sofa.

There are also several types of fractures, which are distinguished by severity and other factors:

  • Crack in the bone– the mildest form of fracture, which cannot be detected without special diagnostics. The animal's behavior does not change, only the dog begins to move more carefully if the paw bone is damaged. If there is a crack in the rib or spine, then the pet tries to avoid contact, and when trying to pet it, it wriggles to the side. Despite the ease of this pathology, there is always a risk of complications. For example, if you start training a pet that is limping, then if it moves awkwardly, the bone in the area of ​​the crack may not be able to bear the load, and then the pet is at risk of a more serious fracture. As soon as the dog begins to limp, it is necessary to take it to the veterinary clinic and have an x-ray taken. This is the only way to find out whether the animal has a normal bruise or whether a crack has formed in the bone.
  • Impacted fracture– a more serious pathological condition than the previous type, requiring mandatory attention and therapy. Quite often, this damage requires surgical intervention. In this case, we are not talking about severe damage to the internal tissues, the bone is fixed independently, but the animal needs timely help, since the dog may get worse in the first hours after receiving the injury. The most common cause of an impacted fracture is a dog jumping from a height, when landing, the entire body weight is transferred to the front paws. More often they occur in representatives of large and giant breeds, as well as puppies whose bones have not yet fully formed and become stronger.
  • Closed fracture not aggravated by bone displacement– in this case, the damaged bone remains in place without moving. This type of injury is considered severe, as it often causes increased body temperature, swelling and hyperemia at the site of injury. With this damage, there are obvious symptoms that allow you to promptly seek medical help without waiting for possible complications.
  • Closed type accompanied by displacement– the symptoms are similar to the previous case, but in this case the bone leaves its normal location. This phenomenon is easy to detect, since the bone rests against the skin. This type of injury is dangerous because it can lead to internal bleeding and other complications.
  • Open– a complex pathology, as a result of which significant damage to both internal and external tissues is observed. It is not difficult to detect the injury, since bone fragments break through the skin and stick out.

In addition to the above types of fractures in dogs, there are other injuries. One of the most difficult is a spinal fracture, accompanied by serious pathological conditions. Most often, the lesion affects the thoracic or lumbar region. Also, dogs are often diagnosed with a femoral neck fracture, the symptoms of which are similar to a closed fracture and the animal feels severe pain.

Naturally, the signs of fractures in dogs depend on the type of injury, but most often the paws are affected. In this case, the following symptoms are possible:

  • the pet moves without relying on one of its paws;
  • since the dog feels pain in the injured limb, when trying to examine or palpate the paw, the dog may pull it away, yelp, bare its teeth, and may even bite the hand;
  • often severe swelling forms at the site of injury and a hematoma appears;
  • a paw with a fracture is deprived of symmetry in relation to the second, healthy limb;
  • a piece of bone is visible through the skin (with a closed, displaced fracture).

A spinal fracture has its own, severe signs - the dog ceases to feel the hind limbs, cannot stand on them (except for damage to the sacral region, here the dog can stand up and move), physiological processes are disrupted - the dog is not able to defecate normally, urination may be difficult or involuntary and etc.

If a dog has a broken jaw, then the pet cannot eat, pain is felt with any movement of the jaw, and there may be asymmetry of the muzzle.

First aid

As you know, sometimes a lot depends on the provision of first aid, including the life of the animal, so it is extremely important to carry out the event correctly:

  • Jaw fixation. This can be done using a muzzle or by wrapping the dog's face with a regular bandage. This should be done even in a situation where the pet does not show aggression and behaves quietly. After all, with any touch, which is inevitable in the future, the dog may inadvertently, under the influence of a painful shock, bite the people helping him.
  • Fixation of the injured area. This event is held on an as-needed basis. If there are signs of a fracture, then you should not feel the damaged area. If the ribs are injured, the animal's chest is rewound using a wide bandage or strips of fabric. The bandage should be tight, but compress the bones and not impede breathing. If a limb injury occurs, a splint made from available materials is applied to it. A jaw fracture is dangerous because there is a possibility of the tongue sinking or difficulty breathing due to the fact that blood accumulates in the throat. In this case, it is necessary to clear the airways, but this must be done very carefully to avoid dislodging the broken bone. It is recommended to fix the jaw with a frame - wire and a regular bandage can be used. But if you can get to a medical facility in 5-10 minutes, then you should not waste precious time on the construction of special fixing devices. Veterinarians warn that you should not try to correct the situation yourself, trying to push the bone back into place!
  • Careful transportation. It is necessary to transport your pet using a gentle position, which is selected based on the nature of the damage. The dog should be sat or positioned in such a way as to minimize the load on the broken part of the bone. A puppy or small dog (for more comfortable transportation) can be placed in a hard one. If you have symptoms indicating a fracture of the spinal column, you should be as careful as possible. If possible, you should call your veterinarian at home or an ambulance, which exist at many veterinary clinics. Their vehicles have all the necessary equipment to transport a seriously injured animal. Until doctors arrive, you should try to keep the dog from moving and maintaining its original position. If this does not work, then you can place the pet on a hard surface, for example, a sheet of plywood and secure it with bandages. The same device is suitable for transporting a wounded animal to the clinic if there are no other options.

If the injury leads to bleeding, it is stopped by applying a tourniquet or tight bandage slightly above the injury.

Treatment of fractures in dogs by specialists

Treatment of cracks and closed fractures without displacement is carried out using conservative methods. This is if the paw, tail or ribs are damaged. In this case, the dog is kept at rest and splints or support bandages are applied.

If it is necessary to connect fragments or parts of bone, then an operation called osteosynthesis is performed. To carry it out, various devices (Elizarov, Kirschner), polymers, knitting needles, etc. can be used, depending on the damage, the size of the pet and other factors. With the help of this surgical intervention, reliable fixation is achieved, and the bone tissue quickly and correctly grows together.

The situation looks more complicated if a fracture of the spinal column, pelvic bones or skull is diagnosed. In this case, everything is decided by the severity of the pathology and the diagnostic results. Specialists are doing their best to connect and fix the damaged bone, and dog owners have an equally important mission - to provide all the conditions for the fastest fusion of bone tissue. The pet should not receive stress and be at rest most of the time.

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