Home Perennial flowers History of Avdeevka. History of Avdeevka At night, the quarry lives a different life

History of Avdeevka. History of Avdeevka At night, the quarry lives a different life

Today, September 24, in the area of ​​the Joint Forces operation, during enemy shelling, one serviceman was injured incompatible with life. The JFO Headquarters reports. The circumstances are being clarified by the working group of the military law enforcement service of the Armed Forces of Ukraine. Let us recall that, as reported on September 23, the armed formations of the Russian Federation and its mercenaries violated the ceasefire 24 times.

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“Donetsk Maldives” is the famous Avdeevsky sand quarry, which, being flooded, became a vacation spot. Before the war, the quarry was one of the most accessible, popular and beautiful places of summer leisure for residents of densely populated Donetsk, Avdeevka and many other cities and towns. It’s a very hot summer in Donbass: both local residents of Avdiivka and people who left ORDLO visit the famous beaches of the quarry, despite its proximity to the demarcation line.

The quarry is famous for its clear water, which changes color from light turquoise to rich pearlescent depending on the weather and depth of the place. White sand practically does not cloud the water, so the bottom is visible even at a depth of 4 meters. The quarry, although small at first glance, is very deep. Underwater springs constantly fill it with water.

Near the quarry there is a “zero” line, but the beaches are full

Before the war, Donetsk residents could easily be divided into those who visited the quarry and those who dreamed of swimming there. In 2015-2016, during the hostilities, the “zero” line passed next to the quarry, and it was practically empty, locals say. But in 2017, people began to return to Avdeevka, displaced people arrived, and the popularity of the sand quarry gradually returned. Residents continue to come here to relax at their own risk, says the deputy head of the 15th fire brigade of Avdeevka Semyon Zonenko.

It’s dangerous, shelling is frequent, local authorities are worried that people won’t get hurt, people travel at their own peril and risk

Semyon Zonenko

“It’s dangerous because shelling is frequent. But recently, even near the quarry it has become more or less calm, although it is located next to the demarcation line. Because of this, local authorities are worried that people will not get hurt. People travel at their own peril and risk,” said Semyon Zonenko.

Before the war, it took 30 minutes to get to the quarry in Avdeevka from Donetsk

Before the war, you could go “swimming at the quarry” by minibus from Donetsk, it was a matter of 30-40 minutes. Now this pleasure is available only to residents of the territory controlled by Kyiv: it is almost impossible to get there and back from the occupation in one day, says the deputy mayor of Avdiivka Lyudmila Mezherina.

Everyone goes to the quarry, before there was a direct connection with Donetsk, now you have to go through checkpoints for 5 hours

Lyudmila Mezherina

"Here (in Avdiivka and the controlled part of Donbass - ed.) IDPs live from Donetsk, Makeevka and so on. They definitely go to the quarry. But to come specially, for example, from Donetsk, is very difficult and expensive. Previously, there was a direct connection with Donetsk, but now you have to go through checkpoints, the trip takes up to 5 hours. It’s very hot now, +35, people are tired, because there is practically no shade near the quarry, there is open space here. You can only find shade if you bring an umbrella!” – said Lyudmila Mezherina.

Living in Avdeevka is already a risk, so why not go to the beach

The emergency services have placed signs around the entire reservoir prohibiting swimming, employees are distributing leaflets, but the beaches are still full. Those who have the opportunity go to the quarry beach in the heat.

Just being in Avdeevka is a risk, locals say. So what’s so special about it is going to the beach. A much greater risk is getting sunstroke.

At night the quarry lives a different life

Locals call the quarry “Blue Lakes”. At night it lives its own life, there are no less people here, everyone is doing what.

“Some smoke weed, some lie around drunk, some make love both in the water and on the sand... Some became ill in the same water or not far from it. Someone walks around dressed, someone walks around without clothes, naked. By morning, the nightclub is spreading out, and people are again going to the beach to sunbathe and swim with their children, or pregnant ladies,” this is how one of the vacationers described the visit to the night quarry in his public page.

Despite such a large number of vacationers and the proximity to the front line, in recent years there have been no accidents here. The last drowned person was in 2013, even before the war, rescuers say. But local residents tell scary stories about the huge number of drowned people and bodies that were thrown into the quarry during the battles, that the bottom has been strewn with “candles” since the 90s.​

​In the 90s, they poured cement into a basin to create a “candle”

Local residents remember that in the 90s they came to the Avdeevsky quarry “for a showdown,” and there were shots and cement remains on the sand. They put people in a basin and filled their feet with cement, and then threw them into the water, so they are still standing under water. They are called “candles”.

Entrance to the quarry is now free. On a “voluntary” basis, they only ask for money for cleaning the areas. People walk around the cafe and collect 10 hryvnia. Before the war, the trading business and cafes in the quarry area flourished. Everything closed in 2015-2016, and only now it has begun to recover. Now people are complaining about the service: only two dry toilets and a complete lack of beach equipment. It is impossible to find shade, there are no trees, “lunar landscape”, “planet Kin-dza-dza” - visitors joke.

“Stavki,” as they say in the Donbass, are also located in nearby villages, but their water and sand cannot be compared with the Avdeevsky sand quarry, and the residents of Avdeevka are rightfully proud of this landmark.

Rest zone " Blue Lake"is located in a picturesque corner.

The main highlight Avdeevsky sand quarry- azure spring water. What else could you dream of on a hot summer day? There is no doubt about the quality of the water and the purity of the sand: bacteriological control is carried out every week. The beach is equipped with dry toilets, changing rooms, and trash cans. The medical worker on duty will always provide first aid if necessary. On the shore Avdeevsky sand quarry There is a rescue service and a public address system, which ensures the safety of vacationers.

The reservoir is currently being stocked with fish. The nearest plans include the construction of a bathhouse complex.

Opening hours: 24 hours a day.

The cost of entry to the territory of the Avdeevsky sand quarry is 10 UAH/person, 50 UAH/car.(2010)

Phone: +38-050-271-27-25

GPS coordinates of Avdeevsky sand quarry- N 48 09" 21"

Avdeevsky sand quarry on the map

The sanitary service of the Yasinovatsky district has been monitoring the water quality in Avdeevsky quarry reports TRK UNION.

“Every water contains microbes, but the contamination of water is determined based on their variety, not quantity. Based on the results of recent water samples, we have determined that Avdeevsky sand quarry there are no microbes hazardous to human health"

The quality of the sand also meets the requirements of the SES, the chief sanitary doctor is convinced. According to him, the only things to be afraid of here are the scorching sun and heat strokes.

Alexander Porkhal, chief sanitary doctor of the Yasinovatsky district:
“It is impossible to say that everything is equipped at a very high level, but there are basic conditions for recreation here”

The owner of the reservoir, Alexander Grigoriev, said that "Blue Lake" The reeds were cleared, and the beach was increased by five meters. There is a rescue service and a public address system on the shore, which, according to him, ensures the safety of vacationers.

Alexander Grigoriev, owner of the reservoir:
“Every day, throughout the day, beach workers monitor its cleanliness. The garbage collected during the day is taken to specially designated places."

Vacationers, the main advantage Avdeevsky sand quarry They consider its convenient location, and the disadvantages include paid entrance. According to the entrepreneur, ten hryvnia per person is a symbolic fee. Leaving your car on the beach costs 50 hryvnia. The owner of the reservoir says that this money is spent on improvement Avdeevsky sand quarry, infrastructure development and salaries for beach workers.

The long-awaited summer has arrived. The beach season is already open and you are looking forward to the weekend. I think that there are few people who do not dream, sitting in a stuffy office space, sweltering from the heat, to find themselves on the seashore or ocean, with a towel in their hands and beach slippers on their feet.

Beach in the steppe?

Unfortunately, not everyone can afford a vacation in the summer: either there is a lot of work, or you are scheduled for the fall. It's a shame. And we wait with bated breath for the weekend to fully enjoy our legitimate vacation.

Very close to the city there is a beach recreation area - the famous Avdeevsky sand quarry “Blue Lakes”. A picturesque place, blue water, sand underfoot. Here it is! What more could you ask for? And what beautiful photographs you will get! Arriving there, you can forget about work and everyday problems, quickly change clothes and sit on the sandy beach, close your eyes and plunge into the world of relaxation and carefree pastime.

Avdeevsky sand quarry is an artificial lake, which has become a favorite vacation spot for city residents, as well as for the population of nearby villages and towns.

Improvement and services

The beach area is equipped with a toilet. Hidden under the canopy of the indoor cafe, you can have a snack. And if you want to feel like you’re at a resort, rent a sun lounger and hide under an umbrella.

Many people don’t like to lie on the sand with a book and bask in the sun - especially for active holidaymakers, so that they don’t get bored, there will always be a company of beach volleyball fans. You can also play football - and there is such entertainment here. Don't be afraid that you will be left without a golden tan, because by moving you will tan even faster and better. Just don’t forget to apply a special sunscreen with a protective UF filter selected for your skin type. It's better to prevent burning in advance.

Entrance and entry into the territory of the Avdeevsky quarry is paid. On weekdays, the fee is 10 hryvnia per person and 50 hryvnia per car, and on weekends, prepare 20 hryvnia per person and 100 hryvnia per car.

If you go on your own, you can get there by public transport - buses 136 and 105 from Donetsk will help you with this.

We wish you a pleasant stay!

Rest at the Avdeevsky sand quarry. What it looked like in 2011:

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