Home Potato Where is the icon of the deliverer from troubles located? Tashlin Icon of the Mother of God “Deliverer from Troubles.” Disappearance of an icon after the revolution

Where is the icon of the deliverer from troubles located? Tashlin Icon of the Mother of God “Deliverer from Troubles.” Disappearance of an icon after the revolution

According to legend, the miraculous icon of the Mother of God the Deliverer has the special grace of helping in salvation from troubles, dangers and difficulties in life. The Most Holy Theotokos is alone, but Church tradition testifies that She provides help in different areas of life through her various miraculous icons. Many people have a favorite image of the Virgin Mary that is especially close to their hearts.

Prayer before the icon of the Mother of God “Deliverer” is an appeal to the Queen of Heaven in troubles and circumstances for deliverance from difficulties and dangers. In this icon, the Mother of God is depicted holding in her right hand the Child Christ, who blesses those praying.

This image is truly miraculous, and there has been evidence of wondrous signs from it for several centuries.


The icon was painted on Holy Mount Athos. Its author is unknown, but the first mention in historical sources dates back to the 19th century, which suggests that the time of its creation was the 18th century. The image of the Most Holy Lady belongs to the “Hodegetria” iconographic type - in Russian this Greek word is translated as Guide or Showing the Way. Type - these are icons united by one composition, clothing and pose of the Virgin Mary and the Infant God. There are three main iconographic types, the creator of the first icons of which is considered to be the holy apostle and evangelist Luke. Many other miraculous icons, for example, Tikhvin, Smolensk, Kazan, also belong to the iconographic type of Hodegetria.

In the icon, believers appear the Mother of God with the Infant Christ seated on Her left hand. On the head of the Most Pure Virgin there is a crown, or rather, a decorated royal crown, which, according to Byzantine tradition, tapers somewhat downwards. Both the outerwear and the head cover - maforium - are bright red, scarlet or crimson, symbolizing, like the crown, the Royal dignity of the Lady of Heaven and Earth. Little Christ sits with his legs straight and blesses with a gesture of his right hand the one looking at the icon. In his left hand, Christ holds a rolled up scroll, symbolizing the presence of the fullness of knowledge in the hands of God and a purpose hidden from people: after all, no one except the Mother knew that the Baby Jesus was the Son of God, who came into the world to save all people. There are subtypes of the “Deliverer” icon, where the Baby rests his head against the Mother’s head, but always holds his head straight.

The theological meaning of the “Deliverer” icon is similar to other images of Hodegetria. The Mother of God, with a gesture of her right hand, points those praying to Christ, Who is the Way, the Truth and the Life. She reveals to people the Royal Infant of God, showing that only through faith in Christ can one find the true path of life, the road to the Kingdom of Heaven. And the earthly path must be walked with dignity in order to achieve salvation.


This image of the Mother of God was originally created on Holy Mount Athos - one of the most fertile places on Earth, a Greek peninsula inhabited since ancient times by monks and under the protection of the Mother of God. The icon has several revered lists.

The fate of the first, famous image of the “Deliverer” has been known since 1841. The image stayed with the monk Martimian, a monk of one of the Athos monasteries. In his homeland, in Sparta, a disaster occurred - a destructive invasion of locusts. According to the testimony of pious people, the prayer of Father Martimian and all the inhabitants of the city before the image of the Mother of God saved him from possible destruction of the harvest and the danger of famine. Then they called the icon “Deliverer”. And then the number of pilgrims to it from all over Greece became so great that Father Martimian considered it best to return the shrine to the Holy Mountain, and himself to get rid of the temptation of vanity due to the veneration of his prayers - so he returned to live in solitude on Athos. Leaving for another world, this monk bequeathed to transfer the icon to one of the newly founded monasteries. One way or another, it is known that in 1889 the Athonites donated the icon to the New Athos Simon-Kananitsky Monastery in Abkhazia, founded in 1875 by monks from Russia. On the very first day of the holiday in honor of this icon, the sea washed up on the shore near the monastery more than a ton of fish - so the Mother of God, through her icon, showed a miracle, feeding the brethren of the poor monastery for more than a month - saving them from hunger.

The Russian Orthodox Church established a celebration of the “Deliverer” icon on October 17 - in memory of the miraculous deliverance of Emperor Alexander III and his family, including the future holy passion-bearer Tsar Nicholas II, during a train wreck near the Borki station. On the eve of this incident, the entire family of the emperor visited the very New Athos monastery where the “Deliverer” icon was kept, and Alexander III himself took part in the foundation stone of a new temple, where the icon was eventually moved. After praying in front of this image, the imperial family was returning home by train to St. Petersburg, when they got into a train accident: many people died, but they were the ones who were not injured. The news of this miracle quickly spread throughout Russia, and the icon became especially revered.


Many people know the miraculous “Sovereign” icon of the Mother of God, which appeared on the day of the overthrow of the monarchy in Russia - March 15, 1917. But only a few believers know that in the small pious village of Tashla in the terrible year 1917, on October 8 (old style), before many persecutions of Christians and bloody civil strife, the icon of the Mother of God “Deliverer of Troubles” appeared to three girls. Moreover, the Mother of God herself blessed the village with a spring that flowed at the site of the appearance of the new shrine.

Nowadays the image is carefully preserved in the ancient Holy Trinity Church, built in the village at the end of the 18th century. Residents preserved it during the years of persecution and the Great Patriotic War.

The image was revealed to a native of the village of Tashla, Ekaterina Chugunova. Since this happened quite recently, a century ago, living evidence of the appearance of the miraculous icon has been preserved. Catherine said that she saw the icon in a dream and recognized the place where it lay. Together with her believing friends Fenya Atyasheva and Praskovya Gavrilenkova, she went to the Tashlin ravines to excavate the icon and fulfill the will of the Most Holy Theotokos to find the image. They said that passers-by laughed at the girls - they were digging in an abandoned place, in a ravine, what did they imagine?.. But, indeed, at some point the Face of the Mother of God appeared from under the ground - “no more than a piece of notebook paper,” as the Tashlin residents say. When they raised the icon from the ground, a spring began to flow from this place.

The image was brought to the Trinity village church, the priest served a prayer service in front of the icon, and the village residents began to approach it in prayer. Several miracles were soon witnessed. The Most Holy Theotokos also pointed out the spring to people: one day the image disappeared and was discovered on a spring that had been forgotten after the discovery of the icon. Then the tradition of pilgrims and those praying in front of the icon “Deliverer from Troubles” arose to plunge into the source, congratulating each other: “With the shrine!” After the icon was found at the source, the image was again, accompanied by the ringing of bells, brought into the temple and placed in an icon case (a special floor frame for the icon with carved patterns and decorations in the form of small domes, angels, crosses at the top). Since then, on October 21, a local feast of the appearance has been celebrated miraculous image of the "Deliverer".
 People who did not fear God, who were building a “bright future” instead of the Kingdom of Heaven, decided to destroy both the spring and the temple. A cattle yard was built near the holy spring, and the source itself was regularly filled with manure. They closed, but did not blow up the Trinity Church. Selfless Tashlin residents saved the miraculous icon, passing it from house to house secretly. The temple reopened during the war. Without fear of bombing, people here prayed to the Mother of God for the deliverance of the Russian Land from enemies.

And today the Mother of God, with Her Grace, does not leave Tashla and the Samara diocese. This is one of the most revered shrines in the Volga region: healing water is collected here every day - after prayer to the Most Holy Theotokos, it is used as a spiritual medicine. They plunge into the spring and, according to the testimony of pious people, they often see the Mother of God above it with little Christ in her arms. There is another simple, small, but undeniable miracle: rainbows are very common above the chapel with the spring.


What is a miracle? Disruption of the usual course of events: a disease that quickly went away, or an incurable disease that suddenly disappeared; a wonderful coincidence of circumstances: the need for your qualifications right here and now, in a well-paid job; getting rid of mental anxieties that a person himself cannot cope with without the help of a psychotherapist, and with her too. Here are a few modern miracles performed in front of the “Deliverer” icon:

    • A young man from Tolyatti was healed of HIV-AIDS after praying in front of an icon and bathing in a spring. Having learned about the disease, he was horrified, but suddenly he heard about the shrine of the region. Here he prayed a lot, and after the trip he went for tests - and they were all normal.
    • Many people recover from diseases of the joints, from infertility, from skin and eye diseases;
    • A man suffering from a trophic leg ulcer came from Kyiv to the source to visit the icon. I learned about miracles from my Togliatti son, but was afraid to swim so as not to wet my foot. While they were living in Tashla, his leg hurt. In the evening, sitting at the table with his son, he put his foot on a stool and asked for holy water. While passing the water, the son accidentally spilled it right on his leg. The father was terribly angry - but suddenly the pain in his leg went away, and for the first time in many years he slept peacefully.
    • A young man who suffered in the Chechen wars came to the source with company. He could only walk on crutches. And after swimming, while talking with friends, he didn’t even notice how he carried these crutches in his hands. The friends were the first to come to their senses - the man suddenly walked on his own! And the guy raised his crutches up with joy.


For more than a century, many believers have turned to the “Deliverer” icon with requests for help. Indeed, we come to pray, most often, in sadness or trouble - let us not forget to thank the Mother of God and live a spiritual life in order to please the Mother of God. Of course, the Mother of God accepts all prayers to Her. In front of the “Deliverer from Troubles” icon they ask for help

    • in difficult life situations,
    • in sudden dangers and troubles,
    • healing from serious and incurable diseases,
    • in case of sudden attacks by enemies and intrigues of ill-wishers,
    • if necessary, to protect the family,
    • in military operations - to strengthen the will, purify thoughts, courage
    • in sudden natural disasters,
    • if you are unable to get rid of sins, passions and vices on your own.

Prayer in front of this icon gives hope for the best. Trust in the Lord, faith in the help of His Mother is the key to spiritual life and deliverance from all misfortunes. Truly, melancholy, depression and despair are mortal sins, as the Church says. They can break a person more than the everyday difficulties themselves, to which we often attach too much importance.

The prayer before the “Deliverer” icon is required to be read by its admirers on the day of remembrance of the icon, October 17, and at any time. In case of danger, immediately turn to the Mother of God with prayer - especially since the Church does not prohibit reading online. You can also pray in your own words.

The prayer to the icon of the Mother of God “Deliverer” in Russian is given below. This is the well-known prayer “My Queen Offering” with the addition of petitions for deliverance from dangers.

“My Queen, the Most Blessed, my hope is the Mother of God! Receiving and caring for orphans, wanderers, the Representative, the grieving Joy, the unjustly offended Patroness! You see my misfortune, you see my sorrow - help me as a weak person, feed me as a stranger. You know my offense, deliver me from it as you wish. I have no other help except You, no other Representative before God, no good Comforter but You, O Mother of God! Save me and cover me forever and ever.
Mother of God, our help and protection, when we ask - be our Deliverer, because we hope in You and pray to You with all our souls: be merciful and help, take pity on us and deliver us from troubles, bend down to Us from Heaven and hear us and our sorrowful Accept the prayers brought to You with tears, and as You wish, calm and please us, who love Your Beginning Son and our God. Amen".

Through the prayers of the Most Holy Theotokos, may the Lord protect you!

This shrine attracts thousands of believers who come from year to year to see it - the icon of the Mother of God “Deliverance from the Troubles of the Suffering.” After all, it gives people what they so need: hope of salvation from pain, misfortune and suffering. They bow before the “Deliverer” icon with a prayer for the health of children, for liberation from addictions and recovery from serious illnesses.

History of the icon

One of the most mysterious stories associated with the icon of the Most Holy Theotokos “Deliverer from Troubles” is an incident that happened to it in Arzamas. It was there, at the St. Nicholas Convent on Cathedral Square, that the shrine was received in 1997. It was brought by two women, one of whom discovered a blackened board, something similar to an icon, in her barn.

For a long time, the icon “Deliverer from the troubles of the afflicted” remained in the storerooms, where shrines that are not used in church services are stored. But one day the abbess of the Orthodox monastery returned the relic to the temple, ordering the Virgin Mary to pray before it. Prayer after prayer, a bright spot appeared on the black tablet. By 2001, the blackness began to gradually disappear, revealing the icon to the human eye, only its name still remained a mystery. And only after the visit of a Riga nun, who recognized in Azamas the icon “Deliverance from the troubles of the suffering,” by the summer of this year the dark veil finally fell from the shrine and revealed the name, confirming the truth of the nun’s words.

Celebration of the icon

History says that the celebration in honor of the holy face was originally held on April 4th. However, due to the fact that in 1866 there was an attempt on the life of Emperor Alexander II, even despite the fact that it was not possible to shoot the ruler, the celebration was postponed to another day. Since then, the icon of the Mother of God “Deliverer” has been honored on October 17 according to the old style. This is not a random number, because it was on the 17th that Emperor Alexander III and his family were lucky enough to survive during an accident at Borki station. It was believed that the icon of the Mother of God “Deliverer from Troubles” contributed to the salvation of the imperial family. Now, according to the new calendar, the day of the shrine is celebrated on April 30 and October 30.

Tashlin icon “Deliverer”

According to history, the Tashlin icon “Deliverer of Troubles” was brought to Russia in 1917. She traveled a long way from Athos (a sacred place, a land under the protection of the Mother of God herself) to the Samara region. There, according to church notes, the Blessed Virgin came to one native of the village of Tashla, named Ekaterina Chugunova, every time she slept.

She took the resident to the ravine, claiming that there, underground, near the village, the icon “Deliverance from Troubles” was buried. When the woman passed near that place, the face of the Mother of God appeared before her, held by two angels, lowering the image into the ravine. Catherine told the church about the dreams and immediately found the shrine, lifting it from the hole where a miraculous spring later appeared. The Tashlinskaya Icon of the Mother of God “Deliverer from Troubles” was taken to the Holy Trinity Church, where a prayer service for the relic took place. A well was built near the miraculous spring, and even when it was abandoned, water continued to flow there. In 2005, after church persecution, the Tashlin icon returned to the temple, the well was restored, and to this day people come to him asking for healing.

The meaning of the icon of the Mother of God “Deliverer”

The icon “Deliverance from the troubles of the afflicted” is of considerable importance for believers, since, based on the name, it saves at all times from any human problems and adversities. The Mother of God holds the Child in her hand, and her head is surrounded by a crown - the Queen of Heaven. She brings hope and faith in the best, and her image saves her from tragedies and troubles.

What does an icon help with?

The “Deliverer from Troubles” icon helps everyone who turns to it.

She helps in times of despair, maintaining faith in the soul, gives blessings for a long and happy marriage

In addition, the icon really delivers, as the name says, and protects the person praying from sinful thoughts. It supports the image of the Most Holy One and during periods of suffering helps to heal the eyes from possible diseases. The Mother of God protects from harmful habits and helps to renounce them.

Akathist and prayer to the icon “Deliverance from the troubles of the afflicted”

The very first akathist to the icon “Deliverance from the troubles of the afflicted” appeared with the goal of neutralizing the influence of enemies and honoring the Mother of God, who protects from death and troubles. The second song, addressed to the Virgin Mary, praises her as the protector of man and the leader of the inhabitants of Heaven - the angels. The third akathist to the icon glorifies both the Most Holy Virgin and Her son.

The prayer to the icon “Deliverer from the troubles of the afflicted”, unlike the akathist, is performed not only on the days of the celebration of the shrine, but is read in difficult times under difficult circumstances, when a person truly needs salvation:

Mother of God, our help and protection, whenever we ask, be our deliverer, we trust in You and always call upon You with all our souls: have mercy and help, have pity and deliver, incline Your ear and accept our sorrowful and tearful prayers, and as you wish, calm and give joy to us who love your Beginning Son and our God. Amen.

Icon of the Mother of God "Deliverer"

The Icon of the Mother of God "Deliverer" before it was brought to the New Athos Simon-Cananite Monastery in the Caucasus, was located on Holy Mount Athos with the resident of the Russian Panteleimon Monastery, Schemamonk Martinian (+ 1884). The pious schema-monk received this icon from the ascetic Theodulus.
The holy icon has been famous for its miracles since ancient times. By praying before this icon in 1841, the inhabitants of Sparta (in Greece) got rid of locusts.

From the Panteleimon Monastery, according to the will of Schema-Archimandrite Macarius, this icon was transferred to Russia on July 20, 1889 for the New Athos Simon-Kananitsky Monastery opened in the Caucasus, and a festival was established in its honor on October 17. When the first celebration in honor of this icon took place at the Simon-Kananitskaya monastery, a storm washed up more than a ton of fish on the shore near the monastery.

The Icon of the Mother of God “Deliverer” was carried by Emperor Alexander III on the train, returning to the capital with his family after a vacation in the south. As you know, the royal train met with a disaster, but the emperor himself and his household miraculously remained alive and unharmed. Members of the royal family associated their miraculous salvation with the patronage and intercession of the Most Holy Theotokos. In memory of the miraculous salvation of the Russian emperor and his family, the celebration in honor of the icon of the Mother of God “Deliverer” was established on April 17.

Icon of the Mother of God "Deliverer"

On the icon, the Most Holy Theotokos is depicted holding on her right hand the Infant God, blessing with her right hand.
Some ancient images on the maforia of the Virgin Mary depict five-pointed stars - pentagrams. Since ancient times, the pentagram has meant “Chosenness, duty, loyalty.” Unfortunately, starting from the 16th century, the pentagram began to be used by Masonic organizations, and subsequently by communist ones, which led to the emergence of an ambiguous attitude towards this ancient pious symbol.

Icon of the Most Holy Theotokos “Deliverer”, which depicts the saints Apostle Simon the Canaanite and healer Panteleimon holding the icon of the Mother of God against the backdrop of the New Athos Simon-Canaanite Monastery.


Before the icon of the Most Holy Theotokos “Deliverer” they pray for the healing of those suffering from demonic possession, from an invasion of locusts, for the healing of mental and physical infirmities in times of disaster, for the sending of grace-filled power in resolving difficult circumstances.

Prayer to the Most Holy Theotokos in front of Her icon called “Deliverer”

Oh, Mother of God, our help and protection, whenever we ask, be our deliverer, we trust in You and always call upon You with all our souls: have mercy and help, have pity and deliver, incline Your ear and accept our sorrowful and tearful prayers, and as You wish, calm and rejoice us, who love your Beginning Son and our God. Amen.

Troparion to the Most Holy Theotokos in front of Her icon called “Deliverer”

Troparion, tone 4
Like a bright star, asking for Divine miracles your holy image, O Deliverer, illuminating the rays of your grace and mercy in the night of present sorrows. Grant us, O All-Blessed Virgin, deliverance from troubles, healing of mental and physical ailments, salvation and great mercy.

Akathist to the Most Holy Theotokos in front of Her icon called “Deliverer”

Kontakion 1
Forbid our enemy to embitter us and, of course, separate us from our Lord, and teach us to sing to You cheerfully:

Ikos 1
Many angels, according to Your command, our Mother, are taking up arms for our deliverance threateningly. Accept this prayer:
Rejoice, you who send angels to our salvation; Rejoice, Queen of the heavenly ranks, granting us their heavenly help.
Rejoice, thou who commandest us as an angel to protect us; Rejoice, you who defeat our enemies with the army of Angels.
Rejoice, Deliverer, who saves us in need from grief, troubles and death.

Kontakion 2
Those in need see so much and much of Your help to those who sincerely call upon You, and are thus instructed to sing to Your Son unceasingly: Alleluia.

Ikos 2
Many people understand that the world has given You Your Son as the Deliverer of the needy, and we also sing to You:
Rejoice, Mother of the needy; Rejoice, consolation to those who suffer.
Rejoice, healing of the sick; Rejoice, unreliable hope.
Rejoice, Deliverer, who saves us in need from grief, troubles and death.

Kontakion 3
The power of the Most High was bestowed upon You to help and save the world and us, who are perishing in troubles. And who is not delivered by You, and who does not sing to Your Son: Alleluia.

Ikos 3
Having an incomprehensible love for the human race, what sighs did you not accept, what tears did you not wipe away, and whom did you not force to call upon Thee, crying out:
Rejoice, those in need will soon be heard; Rejoice, consolation to the sad and sorrowful.
Rejoice, quick salvation for those who are perishing; Rejoice, liberation of the captives.
Rejoice, Deliverer, who saves us in need from grief, troubles and death.

Kontakion 4
A storm of misfortunes is upon us, save us who are perishing. To our deliverer, who tamed the destructive storm on earth and accepted our song: Alleluia.

Ikos 4
Hearing to mankind, give birth to all Your wondrous love for Christians and Your powerful deliverance from all the evil ones that come upon them, learning to sing to You:
Rejoice, deliverance of the human race from troubles; Rejoice, the storms of life have ceased.
Rejoice, O despondency to the Perisher; Rejoice, Giver of joy after our sorrow.
Rejoice, Deliverer, who saves us in need from grief, troubles and death.

Kontakion 5
More like a godly star, dispelling darkness and darkness in sinful hearts, and in Thy light; in love they will see the Lord and sing to Him: Alleluia.

Ikos 5
Seeing Your unexpected deliverance from various troubles, the people of Russia joyfully sing to You:
Rejoice, our Helper in troubles; Rejoice, what is worse is the taking away of our sorrows.
Rejoice, our sorrows are driven away; Rejoice, consolation in our sorrows.
Rejoice, Deliverer, who saves us in need from grief, troubles and death.

Kontakion 6
They preach Your help and love, Mother, healing, consolation, joy and salvation from troubles by You, and sing to Your Highly Powerful Son: Alleluia.

Ikos 6
The light of salvation has shone for us in the darkness of destruction that surrounds us, and has instructed us to sing to You:
Rejoice, dispelling the darkness of sins; Rejoice, you who consume the darkness of sin.
Rejoice, you who enlighten the darkness of my soul; Rejoice, you who encourage souls with the light of joy.
Rejoice, Deliverer, who saves us in need from grief, troubles and death.

Kontakion 7
Those who want to give in to ultimate despair, the troubles that lie on us everywhere, think about You, the Deliverer, and we are encouraged and comforted, singing to Your Son: Alleluia.

Ikos 7
He showed us His mercy in a new and unexpected way, accepting us under Your sovereign hand, and from here we cry out to You:
Rejoice, O Queen of Sovereignty; Rejoice, you who have accepted us under Your power.
Rejoice, Thou who hast given us Thy protection; Rejoice, thou who has slain our enemies.
Rejoice, Deliverer, who saves us in need from grief, troubles and death.

Kontakion 8
A strange miracle for the doomed and countless in need, they suddenly receive salvation and deliverance from You, the All-loving One, singing to God: Alleluia.

Ikos 8
All who are in the darkness of sorrows, all who are overwhelmed by the storm of misfortunes, come to the good refuge and our help, the protection of the Virgin Deliverer, crying to Her:
Rejoice, source of joys; Rejoice, banishment of sorrows.
Rejoice, troubles have diminished; Rejoice, Giver of all peace.
Rejoice, Deliverer, who saves us in need from grief, troubles and death.

Kontakion 9
All human beings praise Thee, everyone sings Thee, who brings manifold deliverance, instead of sorrows, giving joy to those who sing: Alleluia.

Ikos 9
Vetia of many minds was distraught, seeing Your quick and miraculous deliverance from the troubles of the afflicted, and fell silent to us, singing to You:
Rejoice, you who surprised the world with miracles; Rejoice, you who strengthened us with miracles.
Rejoice, you who destroyed godlessness through miracles; Rejoice, having confounded your enemies by the power of God.
Rejoice, Deliverer, who saves us in need from grief, troubles and death.

Kontakion 10
Although you have saved every human soul, caring for it with all your love, until you teach it to sing to Your Son: Alleluia.

Ikos 10
As a wall, protecting the Christian world and protecting every soul from enemies, Your icon, the Deliverer, appeared in the Orthodox world and became glorified by miracles. To you the people of God sing:
Rejoice, our Teacher, who chose the Holy Mount Athos as her lot; Rejoice, our Redeemer, who blessed New Athos with Your blessing.
Rejoice, our joy, who showed the sign of the unbreakable union of Your earthly inheritances through Your icon; Rejoice, our eternal joy, who favored the young New Athos monastery with wonderful care.
Rejoice, Deliverer, who saves us in need from grief, troubles and death.

Kontakion 11
They bring unceasing singing to You, who have been delivered by You and who have again found joy through You, and to Your Divine Son they sing joyfully: Alleluia.

Ikos 11
Appear to us as a luminous and radiant luminary in the darkness of sin, Your icon, the Deliverer, instructing us to sing to You:
Rejoice, thou who deliverest us from famine; Rejoice, you who drive away harmful nature from the plant world.
Rejoice, saving crops and forests and all that grows from destruction; Rejoice, consolation to the grieving farmers and blessing to their labors.
Rejoice, Deliverer, who saves us in need from grief, troubles and death.

Kontakion 12
Grace, from Your icon, the Deliverer, flowing, abundantly giving streams of healing and enlivening hearts with joy, conquers everyone by the will of singing to You, Mother, and to Your Son and God: Alleluia.

Ikos 12
We sing of the healings, we sing especially of the resurrection of the youth Anastasia, and we sing hymnically:
Rejoice, you who raise the dead; Rejoice, you who revive dead hearts; Rejoice, you who take away from death and eternal fire.
Rejoice, our posthumous hope and protection.
Rejoice, Deliverer, who saves us in need from grief, troubles and death.

O our All-Singing and All-Beloved Mother, have mercy now and have mercy, delivering us from the fierce and hopeless sorrows that exist, teach us to heartily sing to God who forgives us: Alleluia. This kontakion is read three times, then ikos 1 and kontakion 1.

The Mother of God icon “Deliverer from Troubles” became famous for its miraculous properties in the second half of the 20th century. Icons, gaining fame, become the property of all Christian believers. Lists are written from them, and they go to churches, glorifying our Lord Jesus Christ and the Most Holy Theotokos.

The icon of the Mother of God became famous for its miraculous properties

O Mother of God, our help and protection, ever be our deliverer, we trust in You and always call upon You with all our souls, have mercy and help, have pity and deliver, incline Your ear and accept our sorrowful and tearful prayers, and as you wish, calm and make us happy , loving Your beloved Son, to Him be glory, honor and worship, with the Father and the Holy Spirit, forever and ever.

The history of the ancient miraculous icon “Deliverer from Troubles”

The “Deliverer from Troubles” icon of the Mother of God has two vivid stories. The Arzamas image of the Mother of God appeared in the early 1990s in the city of Arzamas. One woman in the garage found a package; when she unwrapped it, she saw a board that had become very blackened by time; looking closely, she realized that it was an icon depicting the Mother of God and the little Christ.

The woman brought the icon to the monastery, where the abbess, reverently accepting this gift, instructed the sisters to put this image in order and hang it among the existing shrines.

It was the Mother of God icon “Deliverance from the troubles of the afflicted.” The nuns were surprised by mother’s order, because practically nothing was visible on the icon, but mother blessed with the words: “This icon will be renewed.”

And indeed, the icon of the Most Holy Theotokos “Deliverer from Troubles” itself miraculously began to restore its colors. Suffering Christians began to come to her to worship with prayers and receive help from the Heavenly Mother in their requests.

The Tashlin icon of the Mother of God “Deliverer from Troubles” has a more ancient history. The village of Tashla, Samara province, is known to every knowledgeable Orthodox Christian. The appearance of this image was predicted by John of Kronstadt 20 years before this miracle. At the end of the 18th century, a temple in honor of the Holy Trinity was built in the village.

The Tashlin icon “Deliverer from Troubles” is associated with the name of Ekaterina Chugunova, a woman who voluntarily renounced marriage in the name of God and became a cell blueberry. This is what the cell attendants who taught literacy were called.

One day, on the eve of the October Revolution of 1917, the Mother of God appeared to Catherine three times in a dream with instructions to dig up Her icon, but she was afraid to do it. And so, walking from the temple, Catherine saw in reality the angels who carried the image of the Mother of God, and descending into the ravine, the phenomenon disappeared.

Having shared this dream and vision with his friend Fenya, they went to this place together on October 21. On the way, the phenomenon repeated itself. Having begun to dig the earth in a ravine, they found there the icon of the Mother of God “Deliverer from Troubles”, in the presence of a gathering of village residents.

At this place a healing spring gushed out, which is still active today, despite the fact that the revolutionaries filled the spring with manure, the spring gushed nearby. Over time, the first spring was cleared, and now there are two healing springs in the village of Tashlino.

Now in the village of Tashlino there are two healing springs

The meaning of the icon of the Mother of God “Deliverer”

The meaning of the icon is “Deliverance from the troubles of the afflicted,” which helps, as evidenced by numerous entries in the parish register. A pilgrimage began to the miraculously found icon. Before the Red Revolution there were repeated manifestations of icons.

The icon provided strong support to believers during times of persecution and atheism

The priesthood sees a connection between two images of the Mother of God - the “Deliverer” and “Sovereign” icons. Since both of them appeared at about the same time, and future events brought huge troubles for the state. Therefore, “Deliverance from Troubles” is an icon that provided strong support to believers during times of persecution and atheism.

What do they pray to the holy image for?

Times have changed little spiritually. Illnesses, sorrows, troubles, problems, unfortunately, are relevant in the life of a modern person, as before. Therefore, the prayer before the icon of the Mother of God “Deliverance from the troubles of the afflicted” does not lose its saving mission. The image was preserved by two cell attendants and was passed from hut to hut, because the Bolsheviks were hunting for it for destruction.

Times have changed little spiritually

How the icon “Deliverer from the troubles of the afflicted” is helped by Father Eugene, dean of the Tashlinsky Holy Trinity Monastery: “Before her, the demoniac, those with serious illnesses were healed, and those who asked to manage the misfortunes of everyday life received deliverance from them and spiritual joy in response to their fervent prayers "

Icon of the Mother of God “Deliverer from Troubles” - help in everyday difficulties

Continuing the story of how the icon of the Mother of God “Deliverer from Troubles” helps, Father Evgeniy shared the story of the Russian-American Galina, who was already suffering from the 4th inoperable stage of oncology when she arrived in Tashlino. For any person there is no greater difficulty than the loss of health.

She lived for a week in the monastery, constantly praying before the miraculous icon of the Mother of God “Deliverer from Troubles” and plunging into the healing spring. Leaving for America, she took the oil blessed at the prayer service, some water and an image of the Virgin Mary. Six months later, her letter arrived at the monastery - a certificate of complete healing.

It is noteworthy that, having venerated the Tashlin icon of the Mother of God “Deliverer,” the deputy also received healing from a joint disease (fingers did not bend, problems with the spine). USSR Minister of Agriculture Yevgeny Gromyko. His words after the healing were: “It was as if something came out of me.”

The Mother of God helps everyone, regardless of their position in society. Every believing soul is not left without Her heavenly attention and protection.

Download the text of the prayer before the icon “Deliverer from Troubles”

The miraculous icon of the Mother of God “Deliverer” was so named on the basis of Christian belief relating to the ability of the Mother of God to deliver from troubles everyone who turns to her with sincere prayer. Even the prayer canon dedicated to the Queen of Heaven contains the following text: “Mother of God, Lady, hasten and deliver us from troubles.” Another name for the image is “From the troubles of the suffering.”


The icon is quite small in size, about the size of a notepad (14x13 cm). The image is on the board. When the icon was discovered on Mount Athos, the surface of the board was completely dark. However, the face was hung on the wall and they prayed in front of it with special care. Over time, the surface of the icon began to brighten (as if someone had cleaned it), and a clear image of the Virgin Mary with the Child of God appeared on it. The surprised inhabitants of the Holy Mountain carefully examined the covering of the tree and realized that there was practically no paint on it, and the image they saw seemed to be right on the board.

The image represents the Mother of God “Hodegetria” holding her Son with her left hand. The Baby has the fingers of one hand folded in a blessing gesture, and the other palm holds a scroll lowered down. A filigree robe was made for the icon of the Mother of God “Deliverer”, and it itself was placed in a copper case covered with gold.

In the 19th century, icon painters of the New Athos monastery created their own version of the image, which depicts its history, connecting the Old and New Athos monasteries. There is an image of the Cathedral of the New Athos Monastery, the Apostle Simon the Canaanite and the Great Martyr Panteleimon (both saints seem to be holding the image of the Mother of God “Deliverer” on both sides). The icon was found in this version much more often than in its original form.

History of appearance

One of the first mentions of the icon is that in 1840 in Greece it helped overcome a locust attack. Further, until 1889, the image of the “Deliverer” remained on Holy Mount Athos, but then it was transferred to the New Athos Simon-Kananitsky Monastery (Caucasus). Almost three decades later, the face of the Mother of God was lost and found again in a completely different place.

The first appearance of the “Deliverer from Troubles” icon in the village of Tashla (Samara Region) occurred in October 1917. It was discovered by cell attendant Ekaterina. At that time she lived in a neighboring village and, having seen the Mother of God in a dream indicating the location of the icon, the girl decided to go in search. But before that, she told two friends about her vision, so the three of them went to the Tashlin ravines.

During the journey, Catherine was haunted by a vision of angels in white robes carrying an icon of the Mother of God before them. They reached the right place, and, to the incredulous laughter of the gathering crowd, began to dig. Finally, having found the image, the girls pulled it out, and at that moment a spring began to flow from the place that the icon covered.


Priest Vasily Krylov (he also lived in Musorki) took the icon to the Tashlin Trinity Church. On the way there the first miracle happened. A woman who had been ill for thirty-two years touched the icon and immediately felt much better. Delighted people placed the image in the center of the temple on a lectern for public worship.

But when the Tashlin priest Dmitry Mitenkin appeared, the icon miraculously disappeared. Her second appearance happened in December of the same year, at the same spring. And again it is unclear how, but she was never given into the hands of Father Dmitry. The priest, who fell to his knees, began to publicly cry and repent of his unbelief and doubts regarding the found image.

Only after this they managed to take the icon, and since then, until today, it has not left Tashla. The spring also works; there is a bathhouse on it, to which believers come in large numbers to receive healing from their ailments.

One of the copies from the image was made for the Samara Intercession Cathedral. Another early copy of the face (most likely dating back to the beginning of the 20th century) is located in the cathedral of the New Athos Monastery. During the Soviet Union, it was transported to Maykop, but then in the 90s (20th century) it was returned to its rightful place.

What to pray for

Many Orthodox Christians rush to ask Our Lady for help. And she helps. But above all, this applies to people who are pure in spirit and do not doubt their faith. Most often people turn to the “Deliverer”:

  • for help in getting rid of addiction;
  • for liberation from suffering caused by illness;
  • for help in times of trouble;
  • for relief from mental sorrows.

But in any case, you need to remember the sincerity of your intentions. This will allow prayer to be heard.

Day of Honor

The celebration of the Day of the “Deliverer” takes place on October 17. This day correlates with the rescue of Alexander III, who was in a train wreck while traveling by rail. The emperor’s family was also saved by prayers to the icon of the Mother of God “Deliverer”.

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