Home Blanks for the winter Russian language projects in secondary school. The project "Russian language in the modern world". Key stages of the project

Russian language projects in secondary school. The project "Russian language in the modern world". Key stages of the project

Minor members of the proposal
Russian verb in the topic of cooking

It's fashionable to be literate!
The verb in Russian in the topic of cooking.
Noteworthy punctuation marks.
We call on the verb
Borrowing foreign language affixes and their productivity
Borrowed words in Russian
Punctuation marks and their role in writing
Why are aliases needed?
Sounds argue: who is more important?
Studying the processes of formation of animal names as a condition for the development of the cognitive interest of schoolchildren
Own names of grade 5 students
Numeral name as part of speech
Interesting ways of word formation
Historical phraseological units and their role in the formation of the culture of speech of a modern person
What kind, tribe
Book and electronic dictionary. Pros and cons.
Russian vocabulary of our time
Linguistic tale of the gerunds
A linguistic tale about the prefixes PRI- and PRE-
Linguistic analysis of street names
Linguistic magazine "Parade of letters of the Russian alphabet"

Mini-collection of proverbs "About the Motherland".
Mini-collection of proverbs "About the family".
Mini-collection of proverbs "About friendship".
Monograms in modern Russian
Write me a letter...
Our pets and Russian phraseology
Homonyms in Russian
Basics of telecommunications etiquette.
Where did the diploma in Russia come from?
Believe me, not so difficult sentence is difficult
The proverb is not said for nothing.
Vocabulary cognitive game
Portrait of one word "Horse"
Suggestions with treatment
Consoles that come in pairs
The origin of the Russian language and the first spelling.
Travel to the country "Syntax"

Topics of projects in Russian language grade 6

Each Russian language project topic for grade 6makes the student think and show creativity, while doing research work, learn how to search for the necessary information, analyze it, and make comparisons.

"Colored" adjectives in the work of N.V. Gogol's "Evenings on a Farm near Dikanka."
32 or 33? (about the letter E)
ABC of the native land
The emergence of Slavic writing in Russia.
The verb is the most lively part of speech
Speaking correctly, beautifully is prestigious!
It's fashionable to be literate!
Borrowed vocabulary in the names of sea transport.
Borrowed vocabulary vocabulary in the names of colors
Learning literacy of schoolchildren within the same class
Adjectives in place names
Adjectives in titles of works
Adjectives in plant names
Artificial languages
The history of the origin of the Russian surname.
The history of our writing
How does the internet affect the language?
How does social media affect the language?
How they taught to read and write in Russia.
Red speech with phraseological units
People and manuscripts.
The place of the Russian language among other subjects in our school.
The world of school nicknames
Youth jargon & slang.
The name of a person's character traits in comparison with animals in Russian (cunning, like a fox ...).
Our friends are dictionaries.

German borrowings in Russian.
Formation of words using prefixes
Formation of words by way of addition
Features of the language of SMS messages
Features of the language of modern media (on the example of a local newspaper, a news site on the Internet)
From the old alphabet to the modern alphabet
Where do adverbs come from?
Passport words
Passport word "head"
By letter and spirit
Portrait of the word "soldier"

Adjectives for shades of color in Russian.
Adjectives denoting shades of color and derived from nouns.
The origin and meaning of the surnames of my classmates.
City travel Adjective
Russian language in our life
Ways of greeting in our life.
Statistical class portrait
Stereotypical combinations of subject and predicate in the texts of works of art.
Declension in Old Russian
Types of speech errors in schoolchildren
The use of participles in texts of different styles.
Phraseologisms with numerical categories.
Phraseologisms - linguistic nuggets
What is good speech?
What's in my signature for you?
Encyclopedia of the word "Bogatyr"
Encyclopedia of the word "Cat"
Encyclopedia of the word "Dishes"
Encyclopedia of the word "Boots"
Encyclopedia of the word "Dog"
Encyclopedia of the word "Magpie"
Encyclopedia of the word "Teacher"
Encyclopedia of the word "Orange"
The language of folk signs.

Data topics of projects in the Russian language in the 7th grade imply an exciting research activity of schoolchildren not only in the field of the rules of the Russian language, but also in other areas of human activity where knowledge of the Russian language is required.

The relationship of sciences. Mathematics in Russian.
Speaking correctly, beautifully is prestigious!
It's fashionable to be literate!
Dialects in Vyatka
Dialects of our village
Menagerie in which phraseological units live

Artificial languages
The use of Old Slavicisms in the works of A.S. Pushkin.
History of proper names.
Culture of electronic communication
Laconism of prose: functions of verbal lexicon in a literary text (on the example of the story of A.P. Chekhov "Death of an official")
Vocabulary of the Russian language. Youth jargon and its function.
The names of urban objects in our speech.
German loanwords in Russian
Appeals in Russian speech etiquette.
Communication in the Online era
Onomastics of the names of stores in our city
Reflection of the names of Slavic pagan gods in the etymology of some words of the modern Russian language.
Reflection of the Russian national character in phraseological units
Reflection of adolescent passion in their speech.
Reflection of the pagan worldview of the Slavs in the language (phraseology, proverbs, sayings, onomastics).
Congratulations as a genre of speech
Congratulations as a genre of speech
Celebration of Service Units of Speech
The transition of a word from one part of speech to another
Colloquial vocabulary in the fables of I.A. Krylov.
Rebus - "gymnastics of the mind"
The most common word in Russian
Slavic alphabets, their origin and relationship.
Ural surnames.
What do our names mean?
This is a difficult simple letter "I".
The language of folk signs.
A linguistic portrait of a personality.
Language features of advertising slogans.

The topics and topics of the 8th grade Russian language projects are quite interesting in the study and are not straightforward.

The wealth of Russian phraseological units
Introductory words and punctuation marks with them
A.S. Pushkin in the development of the modern Russian language.
Vladimir Ivanovich Dal and his works
The influence of the media on the speech of a modern student.
The question of the origin of the terms "Rus", "Russia", "Russian" ...
Expression of the nominal part of a compound nominal predicate
Literacy is the key to a professional career.
Groups and signs of isolated minor members of the proposal.
Dialogue with text
What are the rules for?
For the purity of the Russian language!
Why study Russian?
Russian language game "Casting TV presenters".
Studying the Russian language abroad as a way to familiarize yourself with the culture of Russia.
Proper names in proverbs and sayings.
The use of tracing lexical units in the speech of modern schoolchildren.
Study of one-part sentences.
History of writing.
How does the internet affect the language?
The key to the word "exclusive"
Linguistic mistakes in advertising: reasons and goals.
We will be literate!
The name of objects of material culture (clothes, shoes, household items, etc.) in Russian and their connection with the words of the primary languages.
Non-verbal communication
Uncertain personal suggestions
Generalizing words for homogeneous members and punctuation marks for them.
Segregation of definitions and applications.
Separate definitions.
Detached members of a sentence in tables.
The address and punctuation marks with it
Homogeneous and heterogeneous definitions in tests.
Homogeneous members of the sentence and punctuation marks with them.
One-part and two-part sentences.
One-piece sentences
One-part sentences in the work of the poet-countryman Mikhail Mokshin.
One-part sentences in the comedy by N.V. Gogol "The Inspector General"
One-part sentences with a leading predicate.
Features of the vocabulary (syntax) of electronic messages (letters, SMS, etc.)
Features of the use of words with a figurative meaning.
Features of the language of SMS messages.

Suggestions with introductory constructions.

The ideas of the ancient Slavs about color and their reflection in language and literature.
The origin of people's surnames.
Psychological picture
Russian language ... History, culture and pride
The most common word in Russian.
A collection of exercises for specific personal suggestions.
Predicate. Simple verb predicate
Declination of 2nd person pronouns.
The word "one" as part of speech
Dictionary of obsolete words (based on the story of Alexander Pushkin "The Captain's Daughter").
The current state of the question of the origin of writing among the Eastern Slavs.
Compound verb predicates
Compound nominal predicates

Types of predicates
Top names of my neighborhood
Lost letters of the Russian language.
Phraseologism as a fragment of a schoolchild's linguistic picture of the world.
School Notes
The language of folk signs.

All the listed topics of projects in the Russian language of the 9th grade are of a deeper nature and will be quite interesting in the student's own search and research activities.

Compiled below research topics in the Russian language for grade 9 implies that students conduct research not only within the Russian language subject, but also in literature, journalism, linguistics, foreign languages, political science, etc.

Compliance with orthoepic norms by schoolchildren.
Stylistic functions of synonyms (antonyms) in works of fiction.
Stylistic use of professional and terminological vocabulary in works of fiction.
The fate of the "great and mighty"
Similarities and differences in the names of dances in the current dictionaries of V.I. Dahl and S.I. Ozhegova.
Thematic groups of freseologisms.
Types of polysemy in Russian and the hierarchy of meanings (direct and figurative).
Toponyms of Moscow and Moscow Region.
The use of clericalisms and cliches in the speech of my peers and older people.
Phraseologisms with a numeral component-name in Russian.
The artistic nature and function of the grotesque in Gogol's Petersburg Tales.
Purity of language
Stamps and stereotypes in modern public speech.
Etymology of the names of the months in the calendars of different peoples.
The language of advertising.
Language features of advertising texts.
Proper names in Russian proverbs and sayings.
Names, surnames, patronymics in different languages ​​of the world.
Artificial languages
Time category in English and Russian.
The category of the number of a noun in English and Russian.
Communicative function of the teenage questionnaire
Family kinship vocabulary (based on Dahl's dictionary)
Linguistic geography. How many languages ​​are there in the world?
The names of urban objects in our speech
Nonpersonal forms of the verb in English and Russian.
Appeals in Russian speech etiquette
Ways of learning the Russian language using the Internet.
Speech and etiquette.
Russian speech etiquette - greetings.
The power of the word (language as a means of influence).
Spheres of functioning of English loanwords in Russian.
Phraseological turns that characterize a person
Encyclopedia of one word.
Language manipulation in advertising and the consumer.
The art of having a conversation.
The history of the emergence of Russian names.
History of the Russian alphabet.
Scientific discoveries of A.A. Shakhmotov.
Basic laws of orthoepy of the Russian language.
Features of a numeral name as a part of speech.
The transition of nouns from proper to common nouns.
The reasons for borrowing in modern Russian.
The origin of Russian names.
The role of phraseological units in the modern Russian language.
The role of euphemisms in modern Russian.
Syntactic and lexical means of expression.
Structural features of Russian metaphors.
Trails and functions.
The use of euphemisms in everyday speech.
Functional styles.
The functioning of linguistic means in the communicative registers of speech.
Etymology of phraseological units and catchphrases.
Language as a way of cultural existence. Sound and meaning (based on the analysis of one or two poems).
Concept ... in works of Russian literature (experience of compiling a dictionary).
Proper names in proverbs and sayings.
Case history. Prepositions and cases.
History of participles and participles.
How they taught to read and write in Russia.
Lexical components of the image of Petersburg in F.M. Dostoevsky.
Lexical components of the image of the Motherland in the lyrics of S. Yesenin.
Linguistic and aesthetic features of the "word-of-mouth" of the futurists.
Linguistic mistakes are all around us.
Linguistic geography. How many languages ​​are there in the world?
People and manuscripts.
The place and role of neologisms and occasionalisms in the lyrics of V. Mayakovsky.
The name of objects of material culture (clothes, shoes, household items, etc.) in Russian and their connection with the words of the primary languages.
Some questions of the culture of speech of the modern Russian language.
Features of precedent text-headings (based on the material of the newspaper "Zapolyarnaya Pravda").
Features of the syntactic structure of M. Tsvetaeva's poems.
Features of the language of "skaz" in the works of M. Zoshchenko.
Features of the language of "skaz" in the works of NS Leskov.
Where do adverbs come from?
Reflection of the pagan worldview of the Slavs in the language (phraseology, proverbs, sayings, onomastics).
The ideas of the ancient Slavs about time and their reflection in language and literature.

The ideas of the ancient Slavs about color and their reflection in language and literature.
Origin of interjections.
The role of phraseological units in the Russian language.
The role of participles in works of fiction.
The originality of the speech characteristics of the characters in the dramatic works of A.P. Chekhov.
Declension in the Old Russian language.
Slavic alphabets, their origin and relationship.
Empty words.
Derivative types of complex Russian surnames.
The current state of the question of the origin of writing among the Eastern Slavs.
Phraseologisms and idioms in Russian
Functioning of one-part sentences in texts of different styles of the Russian literary language.
The expediency of using borrowed vocabulary in the language of the media.
What is good speech?
Experiments in the field of words (on material, fiction, journalistic literature, the language of the media and the Internet ...).
Etymology of words-exceptions to the rules of Russian spelling.

Municipal educational institution

"Secondary school number 4"

In Russian

"Russian language: yesterday, today, tomorrow ..."

Performed: Stepanchenko L.A., teacher of Russian language and literature, secondary school №4, Luga

Explanatory note ………………………………………… 3

Project passport ………… .... …………………………………… 6

Appendices ……………………………………………………… 12

A developing society needs modern

educated, moral, enterprising

people who can take on their own

solutions capable of cooperation, possess

a sense of responsibility for the fate of the country.

From the concept of modernization of the Russian


Explanatory note

Design and research activity is not a new phenomenon in pedagogy. But the new educational standards prescribe a system-activity approach, therefore, the method of design and research activity becomes focused on the independent activity of students, involves solving a problem and is aimed at obtaining a result. This result can be seen, applied in everyday life, it must have practical, theoretical and cognitive significance.

The main goal of school education is the development of a student as a competent person, that is, he must not only master a certain amount of knowledge and a system of skills and abilities, but also master competencies: communicative, linguistic, linguistic, cultural. The project method, in harmony with other innovations and traditional methods, will help teachers and students achieve this goal.

We are faced with the task of teaching students to solve the problems they face on their way. This is facilitated by project activity as an efficient, effective technology that is directly related to the interests and personality of the child.

The purpose of the project activity is to develop initiative, creativity, ingenuity, thoughtful attitude to practical work (analysis of one's own thought process).

In the process of working on a project, each student sets a goal for himself, plans his activities and monitors the result, participates in the creation of research projects, acquiring the skills of project competence.
Finding the necessary information, processing and using it to solve the assigned tasks, he develops information competence.
The student works in a group, interacting with other students, analyzing and adjusting his activities, assumes various social roles.

Various types of projects are used in the work: research, search, creative, play, role-playing, social. By the number of students, project participants: personal, paired group. By the time of work on the project: short-term, medium-term, long-term. Stages of work on a project: problem, design, information search, product, presentation, portfolio.

Working on projects puts the level of teaching at a higher level. Students enrich their vocabulary, improve speech and thinking activity, communication skills and abilities. Students learn to highlight the main and secondary information, to choose the appropriate tone of speech when reading aloud. The project method helps learners see and understand metasubject connections. If the design and research activities are properly organized, this will contribute to the development of creativity and independence of students. They will learn to independently search, select, analyze and use information from different areas of knowledge, acquire the ability to understand the causes and logic of the development of language processes.

By studying linguistic phenomena, students will learn to put forward hypotheses, determine the goals and objectives of the project, choose research methods, create a plan, program, organize activities for the implementation of the project. Such work serves the development of communicative, linguistic, linguistic, cultural competence, that is, the formation of personality competence.

Situations of verbal communication, modeled in joint work on projects, make it possible to increase the speech culture of students, the assimilation of language norms is much more effective. The organization of work involves the creation of a creative team. Various types of activity are possible: individual, sectional, mass.
Each type of activity has its own characteristics. Individual work is the independent work of students with primary sources, additional literature, the implementation of specific tasks, creative work. Group activity brings together students working in a particular direction, topic. This allows you to solve the problem from different points of view. Working in groups involves conducting research, discussing abstracts, defending projects and proposals. Olympiads, excursions, competitions, conferences.


Project name:

"Russian language: yesterday, today, tomorrow ..."

Academic subject: Russian language

Project idea

A deep study of the Russian language, fostering respect for the native language, understanding the processes taking place in the language is impossible without knowing the history of the language, without understanding its role in society, without realizing it as a living phenomenon. However, the Russian language program is focused mainly on the understanding by students of theoretical information on the main sections of linguistics and their mastery of functional literacy.

The implementation of the proposed project makes it possible to fill this gap. It directs students to study the history of the Russian language, to study its interaction with other languages ​​at different stages of the development of Russian society, to comprehend the current state of the language, makes them think about the future of their native language. The project is aimed at educating not only competent linguists, but also patriots of the country.

Project type:

    educational, over-subject and inter-subject;

    design work (for dominant activities);

    research work (in the subject-content area);

    consultation of project participants, independent activities of students (by the nature of project coordination);

    group (by the nature of contacts);

    24 people (by the number of participants).

Customer of the project:

MOU "Secondary School No. 4" of the city of Luga, Leningrad Region

Project participants

Grade 9 students.

Project questions:

Fundamental question

What "tomorrow" is the great, mighty Russian language awaiting?

Problematic issues

    Is the development of the language related to historical events?

    Foreign language vocabulary: clogging or enrichment?

    Can we find synonyms for all words?

    Slang and slang: evil or good?

    How to be literate?

Study questions

    Why keep our speech "pure"?

    What is youth slang?

    What are jargon?

    What are dictionaries for?

    Can we find synonyms for all borrowed words?

Topics (questions) of independent research:

    History of the Russian language. Development. Transformations.

    "Yesterday" of the Russian language. The influence of the Mongol-Tatar yoke on the development of the Russian language.

    Borrowings in modern Russian.

    "Both boring and sad ..." (youth slang and jargon).

    "Saying" no "to the Russian language?" (research on the state of the modern Russian language).

Description of the activities of the participants

Research methods:

    analytical reading;

    search, contextual analysis;

    study of monographic publications and articles ;


    questioning, survey.

Project product

Group projects (abstracts and presentations)

Project object:

Language, its history, development, problems.

Project subject:

Project activities aimed at increasing interest in the language, as well as organizing search and research activities with students.

Didactic goals of the project

1. Formation of skills of independent work.

2. Formation of creativity.

3. Development of cognitive activity.

4. Development of communication skills.

5. Formation of critical thinking.

Methodical tasks of the project

1. To teach to work with various sources of information, to briefly and scientifically express thoughts.

2. Demonstrate the relationship of the Russian language with other sciences.

3. To teach to draw conclusions, argue and prove them.

4. Teach students to use the information correctly.

5. Form self-education skills;

6. Form teamwork skills;

7. To develop the ability to formulate a problem and find ways to solve it;

8. Build self-control skills.

Project hypothesis:

If you study and introduce the collected material into the lesson system, as well as organize search work with students, teach them how to properly design project folders, multimedia presentations.

The project will develop students' ability to independently work on a problem, make it possible to gain solid knowledge of the subject, form a persistent cognitive interest in the subject and positive motivation for learning.

Thanks to the project, students will develop their creativity and improve their communication skills.

The project will allow you to form a positive image of your native language, teach you to love it, be proud of it.

The proposed approach to teaching is effective in creating psychological comfort in the classroom, when teacher-student cooperation and a student-centered approach are considered priority areas.

The project is of practical value, because the collected and systematized material can replenish the didactic piggy bank of the study, the fund of the school library, it can be used in the classroom and in work on other projects, because the topic has not yet been exhausted.

Work evaluation criteria

See Appendix 1

Control is carried out:

      by observing and analyzing completed assignments (in the process of students' work);

      on the final defense of the project.

Key stages of the project

    Introductory lesson (1 hour)

The project begins with a discussion with the students on the topic of the project (for this, the teacher's presentation is used). Students complete a questionnaire containing a triad of questions. For parents of students, the teacher offers a booklet explaining the use of the design methodology in the study of this topic, and containing questions to which the students will seek answers.

    Forming groups and setting goals for creative work in groups (1 hour)

After familiarizing themselves with the instructive instructions provided by the teacher, students are divided into 5 groups based on their interest in any of the problems. Pupils jointly think over a work plan, choose methods and forms of presentation of results. In a collective discussion, criteria for evaluating the work are developed. The teacher recommends a list of resources on the topic of the project while leading a conversation about copyright compliance.

Discussion with each group of students about the goals, progress and expected result of the work.

    Completing assignments on the topic of the project (2-3 hours of independent work of students in groups for 3 weeks).

Students work on individual assignments, the criteria for evaluating student work are being clarified, and they are being corrected. The teacher advises groups, assists in finding resources. The guys are looking for an answer to the fundamental question, formalize the research results and prepare to defend their research papers. In the course of work, students fill out self-assessment and mutual assessment forms. (see Appendix 2)

    Conducting a scientific and practical conference (1 hour)

Experts from school teachers and parents are invited to the conference. During the conference, students' work is evaluated according to criteria developed with their participation.

    Summing up the results of the project (1 hour)

A survey is conducted among the project participants to determine the degree of achievement of didactic goals.

Form of presentation of the results of students' independent research:

The trainees presented multimedia presentations and messages. (Recommendations for creating presentations. See Appendix 3)


    Partial search




The intended result:

    persistent interest in the Russian language;

    knowledge of the history and culture of the language;

    the ability to establish links between the past and the present;

    ability to think creatively and reason;

    the ability to solve practical problems through observation, comparison;

    the ability to engage in research activities individually and in creative groups;

    the ability to reflect on one's educational and cognitive activity.

    creation of a material product that is designed, manufactured (presentation, abstract);

    the process of cognition and how much the students' confidence in their abilities, their self-esteem has grown.

Technical equipment:

Computer, Microsoft Office Power Point, multimedia projector, screen.

Annex 1

Expand the criteria into three components of the quality of education, as well as three levels of competence formation:

    2 - above average

    1 - medium

    0 - below average

Competence indicators

Surnames of students

Subject-informational component (maximum value - 6)

1.Knowledge of basic terms and factual material on the project topic

2.Knowledge of existing points of view (approaches) to the problem and ways to solve it

3.Knowledge of sources of information

Activity-communicative component (maximum value –14)

4. Ability to highlight the problem and justify its relevance

5. Ability to formulate a goal, objectives

6. Ability to compare, contrast, generalize and draw conclusions

7. Ability to identify causal relationships, give arguments and illustrate with examples

8. Ability to correlate the obtained result (final product) with the set goal

9.Ability to find the required information in various sources

10.Performance of competent, emotional and fluent speech

Value-orientational component (maximum value - 8)

11. Understanding the relevance of the topic and the practical significance of the work

12. Expressing your own position, justifying it

13. Ability to assess the reliability of the information received

14. Ability to effectively organize individual information and time space

Maximum possible number of points: 28

    Assessment "satisfactory": 12 to 17 points (42%)

    Score “good”: from 18 to 24 points (65%)

    "Excellent" rating: from 25 to 28 points (90%)

We propose to introduce penalty points, for example, for late execution of certain stages of the project.

In the final assessment of the educational process, the student must clearly see:

    what were his successes in mastering the educational material in general;

    at what level he learned it;

    what are his skills and abilities;

    what is the assessment of his creative activity;

    to what extent he is able to show his personal attitude to the studied material.

Project evaluation

(during defense)

Criteria for evaluation


Team members

Performance (15 points)

Answers to questions (15 points)

Design process

Intellectual activity (10 points)

Creative activity (10 points)

Practical activity (10 points)

Ability to work in a team (10 points)

Achieved result (15 points)

Registration (15 points)

85 - 100 points - excellent

70 - 85 - good

50 - 70 - satisfactory, needs improvement

Less than 50 - you need to continue to work in order to achieve a positive result.


Guys, we ask you to evaluate the work in the project "Russian language: yesterday, today, tomorrow ... "

1. What new have you learned, what have you learned while working on the project?

2. What in the project did you like more and what less, in comparison with the usual training sessions?


Thanks for answers!

Application form.

1. What can you tell us about your project? _____________________________________________

2. What is the most important thing that you learned from this? Why?___________________________________________________________

3. What was easy or difficult to do? Why? ___________________________________________________________

4. What changes do you want to make? __________________________________________________________

5. Have you met all of your goals? ___________________________________________________________

6. How has your planning helped the success of the project? ___________________________________________________________

7.What did you learn about yourself by completing this project? ___________________________________________________________

8. How did your thinking influence your learning? _________________________________________________________

9. What are your goals for the future? ____________________________________________________

10. How can you apply the acquired knowledge in new conditions? __________________________________________________________

Appendix 2

Self-assessment sheet.

    I use my time wisely

    I set goals.

    I define in advance the sources that I may need to achieve my goals.

    I make notes about the educational process in my student diary.

    I persist when I face obstacles or problems.

    I ask for help when I need it.

    I am doing my assignments.

    I set high standards for my work.

    I review my work after completing it.

    I am willing to improve my work when needed.

    I explain how I learn from my successes and failures.

Peer review sheet.

Name of the group member _____________________________________________________

I helped my group:

1. define goals

2. define tasks

3. chart approaches

4. suggested new ideas and directions

5. volunteered to tackle difficult problems

6. looking for facts

7.found and share resources

8. helped to compare facts and opinions

9. enthusiastically responded to the work of others

10. summarized the points of view expressed in the discussion

11 simplified complex thoughts

12. asked questions for the future

13. Keeping the discussion on track

14.Helped to create a work schedule and set priorities

15. helped to divide tasks correctly

16. helped to find the necessary changes and encouraged the group to make these changes

17 stimulated discussion, offered different points of view

18.worked on bridging the differences

19. looked for other solutions

20. helped his group to make the right, informed decisions

I. a brief description of presentations

A presentation is a set of slides (pages), designed in accordance with some accepted style. The sequence of the slide show may change during the presentation.

Each slide can include

● various forms of information presentation (text, tables, diagrams, images, sound, video)

● animation of the appearance of objects on the slide and animation of changing slides.

The title slide should contain the title of the presentation, its author.

The second slide may represent the outline of the presentation, the main sections or questions that will be addressed.

Try to stick to the principle: one slide, one thought.

Presentations are convincing when a thesis and several of its proofs are given on one slide.

Conclusions should always be presented succinctly on a separate slide.

Objects on slides can be immediately present on the slides, or they can appear on them at the right time at the request of the speaker, which enhances the clarity of the report and draws the audience's attention to the object or text that is being discussed at the moment.

II. Stages of creating a presentation

Planning a presentation

● setting goals

● audience study

● formation of the structure and logic of material presentation

Presentation development

    vertical and horizontal logic

    filling slides with information

    customize animation

Rehearsing the presentation

Before the presentation, be sure to do a rehearsal. On it, you can understand where difficulties may arise, feel the real timing of the presentation, and correct mistakes noticed along the way.

III. Considerations when designing presentations?

1. The order of displaying objects on the screen is as follows:

● slide title (information announcement)

● basic information

● additional (explanatory, illustrative, navigational) information.

2. The main material (the main semantic load) must be highlighted so that it is the first to catch the eye when showing the slide. Selection can be done by the size of the object, color, special effects, the order of appearance on the screen.

3. The supplementary material is intended to highlight the main point of the slide. Graphics can be used as additional information.

4. It is important to consider that IT IS FORBIDDEN write on slides ALL what are you going to say. Only the most important theses, the most necessary ("speaking") data, as well as, highly desirable, graphic material should be included on the slides: diagrams, illustrations, photographs are always better perceived by the audience.

5. The material on the slide should be spaced as evenly as possible over the entire area, leaving no large empty spaces.

6. The text placed on the slide must be clearly visible (contrasting against the background) and readable (large enough).

7. DO NOT use multiple fonts on a slide. It is optimal to use different styles of the same font for semantic highlighting.

8. When setting up animation for the order in which objects appear on a slide, remember that any special effect must be justified. Overloading with special effects is distracting and annoying.

9. For the consistency of perception, the presentation is made in the same style. It can be either a single background, or some element repeating on each slide.

10. Audio can be added to the presentation. The sound scheme of a presentation has three levels:

● the lowest level - the sound accompanying special effects, the appearance of objects on the screen, is intended to draw attention to the objects that appear.

● second level of sounds - audio files attached to the slide. This type of sound can serve as a commentary on the contents of the slide and replace the text, leaving more space for graphic information.

● the third level is the sound inserted into the presentation, which is distributed throughout the demonstration process.

Project Description

Good afternoon. Grade 6-A presents to your attention the project work.

Many of us have heard phraseological turns of phrase in the speech of adults more than once, but we ourselves rarely use them and often do not understand the meaning of the phraseological unit we have heard. But phraseological unit is an important expressive unit of the Russian language. Phraseological turns - a special layer of the Russian language, part of the culture of our people - should return to the speech of children and enrich it. A Russian person should be able to use this means of expression. Based on this, we formulated the theme of the project - "Phraseologisms in our speech." The creative name of the project: "Oh, these phraseological units."

We conducted a survey among students and teachers of our school. We will show you the results now. They asked such questions….

Conclusions of the survey ... ..

So, phraseological units are stable combinations of words that are close in lexical meaning to one word.

Try to guess the phraseological units from the pictures:

During our project, we learned that the sources of the occurrence of phraseological units can be different:

1) native Russians

2) Old Church Slavonic

3) Latin and Greek 4) Western European

We know that Ancient Greece gave rise to the development of civilization. See what phraseological units originate from ancient mythology ...

From the Bible, the Gospel, for example, such a phraseological unit as "manna from heaven" came about ...

The following expressions originate from Ancient Russia….

One of the tasks of our project was to find literary, author's phraseological units. As it turned out, many poets and writers themselves come up with new interesting expressions that become winged. For example, getting acquainted with the work of Ivan Andreevich Krylov, we found a lot of interesting catchphrases.

There are also many catchphrases from the satirist Mikhail Saltykov-Shchedrin ... ..

I see that you are tired. I propose to spend a short phraseological exercise ...

We continue our work. It must be said that such a phenomenon as phraseology or idioms is not only in the Russian language. For example,

In the English language there are such phraseological units that correspond to our ...

while working on the project, we learned that the FR. there are synonyms, antonyms, homonyms….

What do you think is the favorite expression of our teachers? ...

At the students? ...... at the parents? .....

So, while working on the project, we learned about 100 phraseological units. We were convinced that you need to know the meanings of phraseological units in order to use them appropriately in your speech. Found out the origin of some expressions. We learned that they have synonyms and antonyms. We learned to work with information (choose the information you need, analyze, generalize, draw conclusions). Have acquired the skills of working in a group.

We are sure that we have convinced you that phraseological units should be used in speech, because they make it brighter and more expressive.

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"Russian language project"

Project work of students 6-A class GBOU SOSH # 60 in Sevastopol

Project Manager:

teacher of Russian language and literature

Leshchenko O.V .

Oh, these phraseological units!

And what are they up to?

Tasks of our project:

Become acquainted

To know

with new phraseological units and their meanings

the history of the emergence of phraseological units

Conduct survey and analyze the results

What is the role of phraseological units in our speech?

Teacher answers:

  • They decorate our speech, make it more expressive
  • Make you think, reflect on the meaning of what is said
  • Emotionally enrich our speech

Students' answers:

  • Decorate our speech
  • Helps to express your thoughts accurately

The research results showed:

  • The concept of "phraseological units" is familiar to a small number of students. About two-thirds of the students find it difficult to name any phraseological unit.
  • Only one tenth of the surveyed students use phraseological units in their speech.
  • Only a few of the surveyed students understand the importance of phraseological units in speech.
  • School teachers are familiar with the concept of "phraseological units", use them in their speech, give many examples and believe that

phraseological units are an integral part of our speech.

Phraseologisms these are stable combinations of words that are close in lexical meaning to one word

  • Guess phraseological units

Lead by the nose

Shedding crocodile tears

To plug in the belt

Sources of phraseological units

1) native Russians (clumsy work, green street) ;

2) Old Church Slavonic (seek and find) ;

3) Latin and Greek (Augean stables, do your bit);

4) Western European (blue stocking, throw down the glove)

Phraseologisms that came from myths

Ariadne's thread - something that helps to find a way out of a predicament.

Achilles' heelvulnerable spot.

Sword of Damoclesimpending, threatening danger.

Two-faced Janus - Two-faced person.

Interesting fact

  • The center of the world in another way it is called Omphal. This is the stone that marked the center of the world. According to legend, it was he who was swallowed by the god Kron instead of the baby Zeus.

Manna from heaven -

something extremely necessary, desirable, expected.

According to the biblical story, every morning God sent the Jews during their exodus from Egypt through the desert to the land of promised food - manna. The emerging expression "manna from heaven" began to be used in the meaning of something valuable, rare. When they are looking forward to something cherished, they say the phrase "wait like manna from heaven."

Russian phraseological units:

  • "Without a penny" - having no money at all.
  • "Talking Tongue" - to talk a lot and not to the point.
  • "Pip your tongue" - It is not necessary to say so in any case, so that these words do not turn out to be prophetic.
  • "Throw to the wind" - to waste.
  • "Hang by a thread" - be threatened by something.

Down the sleeves -

to be reluctant to work, to work somehow, with laziness

In Ancient Russia, outerwear with exorbitantly long sleeves was worn; not rolled up, their ends fell to the knees, or even to the ground. Naturally, without raising such sleeves, there was nothing to think about work. Close to this expression is the second, the opposite in meaning and, one might think, born later: "Work up your sleeves" that is, decisively, fervently, with full diligence.

Phraseologisms from Krylov's fables

  • "And Vaska listens, but eats" - a person who is indifferent to reproaches, remarks, criticism expressed in his address and continues to do his job. (Fable "The Cat and the Cook").
  • "And the casket just opened" - a problem that seemed difficult, unsolvable, turns out to be easily solved ... (The fable "Casket").
  • "What gets away with thieves, they beat the thieves" - what can be done high in rank, you cannot do low in rank ... (Fable "The Little Raven").
  • "The stigma is in your fluff" - to be involved in something criminal, unseemly. (The fable "The Fox and the Marmot").

Phraseologisms from M.E. Saltykov-Shchedrin


Lexical meaning of phraseological unit

hold a stone in your bosom

The name of the tale

harbor malice

not an inch to yield

"Wild landowner"

do not give away

stand one's ground

"Wild landowner"

enforce their requirements

my hut is on the edge

to breed on beans

unwillingness to take part in any business

"Wild landowner"

"Dried vobla"

to guess

nowhere to stick your nose out

"Dried vobla"

nowhere to go

mad chamber

"Wise gudgeon"

have a lot of mind

look at both

"Wise gudgeon"

be careful

"Wise gudgeon"

Let's rest!

Let us stand up like an arshin was swallowed. - Let's vote with both hands. - Let us bend into three deaths. - Let's jump like a hare. - Let's back up. - Let's look into each other's eyes. - Let's put a good face on a bad game. - We'll beat each other with our foreheads. - Let's make a helpless gesture. - And now - hands in trousers. - Let's hold our nose to the wind. - Let's lather each other's head. --But there is no truth at the feet, take your places. We continue to work.

Phraseologisms in other languages

  • English phraseological units:
  • "To kill two birds with one stone" - kill two birds with one stone. (Kill two birds with one stone)
  • Hungry as a hunter " - hungry as a hunter (hungry as wolf)
  • « Rolling in money " - ride in the money (chickens do not peck money)

We learned that phraseological units have homonyms, synonyms and antonyms

Let the cock go - out of tune to produce a melody.

Let the rooster go - set something on fire.

Mind chamber -seven spans in the forehead

Head on shoulders - bright head.

Two of a Kind - one field of berries.

Forge swords into plowshares - sheathed the sword.

At least a dime a dozen - the cat cried.

Rolling up my sleeves - carelessly.

Make porridge - to fix the mess.

Heavy on the rise - easy to lift

Favorite phraseological unit

Teachers - not dawn.

Students - like water off a duck's back.

Parents - Nick down.

Phraseologisms decorate our speech, make it expressive and vivid

Yudintseva Svetlana Sergeevna,

teacher of Russian language and literature

the highest qualification category

Creative projects

at the lessons of the Russian language and literature

Creativity is the moment of creation

future in the present.


Recently, the word "project" has firmly entered our life and is most often associated with bold and original undertakings in the field of intellectual or practical human activity, symbolizes the novelty and non-standard approach to solving problems.

Project activity is a pedagogical technology focused on the application of factual knowledge and the acquisition of new knowledge through self-education. The method gives scope for the creative initiative of students and teachers, implies their friendly cooperation, which creates a positive motivation for the child to study. "I know why I need what I know. I know where and how to apply this knowledge." These words may well serve as a motto for participants in project activities.

Among modern pedagogical technologies, in recent years, the project activity of students is becoming increasingly popular, because she is personality oriented; characterized by an increase in interest and involvement in the work as it is done; allows you to implement pedagogical goals at all stages; Allows you to learn from your own experience, on the implementation of a specific case; brings satisfaction to students who see the product of their own labor.

The purpose of project learning is to create conditions under which students:

1) independently and willingly acquire the missing knowledge from various sources;

2) learn to use the acquired knowledge to solve cognitive and practical problems;

3) acquire communication skills by working in groups;

4) develop their research skills (the ability to identify problems, collect information, observe, generalize);

5) develop systems thinking.

Creative projects in Russian lessons

In grades 5-6, I suggest that students create "Encyclopedia of one word." Students of grades 7-10 are also happy to do this task.

Project type: creative.

Problem: we do not know well the history of some words, their genealogy, but this is so interesting.

Why: There is a lot of information, but it is located in various sources, which makes it difficult to work with the word.

What to do? Compile an encyclopedia of one word, collecting information about the word from various sources.

How? Using quasi-research activities

Result: collection of student works

First step- immersion in the project. The teacher should arouse children's interest in the topic of the project, outline the problem field, highlighting the accents of significance. The teacher, together with the students, will determine the goal and objectives of the project - finding ways to solve the project problem.

Second phase- planning of work to solve the problems of the project. When defining assignments for each student, we use a differentiated and individual approach, taking into account the educational capabilities, interests, inclinations of students. This also reveals the personality-oriented aspect of project activity.

Together with the students, we draw up a rough outline of a one-word encyclopedia:

Meaning of the word

Origin of the word

Single-root words (close and distant relatives)

Synonyms (if any)

Antonyms (if any)

Phraseologisms and aphorisms with this word

The life of a word in dictionaries of foreign words (this task is interesting for high school students)

Interesting facts from the life of the word

Parsing words (phonetic, morphemic, morphological)

The life of a word in a sentence (parsing the sentence in which the given word is included)

The life of this word in other dictionaries

The life of the word in folklore (proverbs, sayings, riddles, ditties)

The life of the word in literature (poems, fairy tales, stories)

Crossword with this word

Acrostic, associations, rhymes

Illustrations for the word

The encyclopedia's outline is approximate, and students can either subtract or add pages in their work.

Stage Three- implementation of activities. It is at this stage that students show great independence in finding information on the topic, selection, analysis, systematization, and generalization of the material. Of course, students must master all the methods and technologies that they use in independent work. The teacher constantly monitors whether the progress of the activity is normal, what is the level of independence, because when preparing a project, not only the result of the work is important, but also the process of acquiring new knowledge and skills.

Fourth stage- presentation of the project. It is at the presentation that the feeling of completeness appears. This stage is necessary for analyzing what has been done, self-assessment and evaluation from outside, demonstration of results.

For the One Word Encyclopedia, students choose their own words. In recent years, encyclopedias of words have been compiled: calendar, friendship, love, homeland, birch, kitten, clock, musketeer, winter, worldview, teacher ...

After all the individual projects have been submitted, the turn of the group project begins - the design of the collection "One Word Encyclopedia".

Undoubtedly, an important result of the students 'work is the evaluation of the results, where the project participants share their opinions, the teacher assesses the students' activity, creativity, quality and volume of sources used.

Having considered in detail the work on one project, let's name the topics of other creative projects In Russian:

Collection of creative works "The Joy of Life". This is a printed edition of the best essays on various topics.

Project "Ode to the Book"

Collection of creative works "How Our Word Will Respond"

Projects "Diary of Santa Claus", "Winter Fun"

Collection of creative works "Our beloved animals"

Encyclopedia of the name

On literature it is possible to carry out the following creative projects:

My Silver Age (Grade 11)

My Pushkin

Friendly, family and love relationships of the heroes of the novel by Leo Tolstoy "War and Peace"

Project "Basic Notes" for literary works. For example, NV Gogol "Nevsky Prospect": "Two roads from Nevsky Prospect."

Konstantin Georgievich Paustovsky said: "The impulse to creativity can just as easily fade away as it arose if left without food." Creative projects in the Russian language and literature are the very food for creativity.

Project theme

"The Russian language is interesting!"

Direction: Russian language and literature

Completed by: Zakharov Alexander, student of grade 5

Head: Zakharova Tatiana Valentinovna,

Russian language and literature teacher

MOU "Shinshinskaya secondary school"

Morkinsky district of the Republic of Mari El





Goals and objectives, hypothesis, relevance, abstract, summary, subject of research, object of research, work plan for the implementation of the project, expected results, mechanism for achieving the goal of the project, project perspective.

    Main part.

1.Great, mighty and beautiful Russian language.

2.1 Interesting facts related to the letters of the Russian language.

2.2. Words of the Russian language that are interesting for morphemic parsing.

2.3. "Record holders" of the Russian language.

2.4 Long words with additional properties.

2.5. The most amazing facts from the field of the Russian language.

3. Conclusion.



Objective of the project:

Awaken students' interest in learning Russian.


    Collect a lot of fascinating and useful information about the Russian language.

    Create a presentation and a laptop "The Russian language is interesting!"


Russian is a distinctive and interesting language.


In our time, when students spend more time at the computer, when derogatory slang dominates in children's communication, there is a serious need to induce a desire to master the literary language..And entertaining linguistics contributes todevelopment of interest in the language.


This project makes it possibleget acquainted with fascinating materials from the field of the Russian language that will helparouse interest in the language.


Interesting facts help to delve into the secrets of the Russian language, help to understand the uniqueness of the Russian language.

Subject of study:

Study the literature and Internet resources on the topic "Interesting information from the field of the Russian language."

Object of study: fascinating and useful information from the field of the Russian language.

Project implementation work plan:

    Preparatory: - choice of a topic and its concretization (relevance - definition of goals and formulation of tasks).

    Search and research:

Appeal to parents with a request to get involved in the work of the project;

Correction of terms and schedules;

Search and research activities.

    Broadcasting and decorating:

Working on the presentation

Project design

Creating a laptop

4. Finalization of the project, taking into account comments and suggestions:

Writing a project protection script

5. Final: project protection.

Expected Result:

In the course of project activities, acquire the skills of search and research work, get acquainted with interesting facts from the field of the Russian language,deepen knowledge, enrich vocabulary, develop ingenuity, ingenuity, and foster a linguistic flair.

Mechanism for achieving the goal of the project:

This project is significant. The material can be used by students of the school in Russian language lessons. The project can be used during class hours and extracurricular activities, in preparation for the Olympiads.

1.Great, mighty Russian language.

Modern Russian language is the national language of the Russian people, a form of Russian national culture.

Russian language is included in the groupSlavic languages , which form a separate branch in the Indo-European family of languages ​​and are divided into three subgroups:

    eastern (Russian, Ukrainian, Belarusian);

    western (Polish, Czech, Slovak, Lusatian);

    southern (Bulgarian, Macedonian, Serbo-Croatian, Slovenian).

Modern Russian literary language is the language of fiction, science, print, radio, television, theater, school, and state acts. Its most important feature is its normalization.

Russian language performs threefunction :

    national Russian language;

    one of the languages ​​of interethnic communication of the peoples of Russia;

    one of the most important world languages.

The Russian language is one of the most remarkable languages ​​in the world in terms of the variety of grammatical forms and the richness of the vocabulary. He has always been a source of pride for Russian writers who loved their people and their homeland.

MV Lomonosov found in the Russian language "the splendor of the Spanish, the liveliness of the French, the strength of the German, the tenderness of the Italian" and, in addition, "the richness and strong brevity of the Greek and Latin languages ​​in the images."

A.S. Pushkin characterized the Russian language as a language "flexible and powerful in its turnovers and means ...", "receptive and sociable in its relations to foreign languages ​​..."

"Great, mighty, truthful and free" - these words were used to describe the Russian language by I. S. Turgenev.

The native speakers of the Russian language rarely think about its uniqueness and originality, however, interesting facts from the field of the Russian language will help us draw attention to this.

2. Interesting facts from the field of the Russian language.

2.1 Interesting facts related to the letters of the Russian language.

It would seem what is so interesting about the letters. But as it turned out, there are many interesting facts:

    In Russian, almost all words with the first letter "A" are borrowed. Words on the "A" that have arisen in our country are very few in modern usage - "AZBUKA", "AZ" and "ABOS".

    There are only 74 words in Russian starting with a letterTh ... But most of us only remember wordsiodine , yoga andYoshkar-Ola .

    The only words in Russian with three lettersE in a row islong-necked (and others on -neck: for example,crooked -, short -).

    Ё is a mysterious and interesting letter. First, it was invented in the 18th century by the Russian writer N.M. Karamzin. In 1797 he first used this letter in the wordtears ... Secondly, it is used to denote a percussive sound, which in the same morpheme in an unstressed position is transmitted by the letter e:black is black. Thirdly, this is the only letter of the Russian alphabet, which is sometimes replaced by the letter e in books.

The monument to the letter "Yo" is the pride and history of Ulyanovsk. Next to the Museum of History and Local Lore, in the depths of NM Karamzin's park, on November 3, 2005, a monument to the letter "Yo" was opened, 2.05 meters high and weighing more than three tons. The monument is a triangular prism made of red granite with an indented letter "E" in the form of a letter, only greatly enlarged. Author and initiator of the project for the installation of the monument to A. Zinin. (Annex 1)

    Surprisingly, there is one word in Russian where "O" is used seven times. This is "DEFENSE".

    Еръ is a "mute" letter that did not denote any sound and served as a "hard sign", which, according to tradition, was written at the end of words after hard consonants until the spelling reform of 1918. However, at the same time, "eer" took more than 8% of the time and paper in printing and cost Russia more than 400,000 rubles annually. A real letter-embezzler, not otherwise! (Appendix 2)

    Most words with a letterF in Russian - borrowed. Pushkin was proud that in "The Tale of Tsar Saltan" there was only one word with this letter -fleet .

    There are words in Russian inNS ... These are the names of Russian cities and rivers:Ygyatta, Yllymakh, Ynakhsyt, Ynykchansky, Ytyk-kyul. (Appendix 3)

2.2 Words of the Russian language that are interesting for morphemic parsing.

1.In Russian there are words with prefixes unique for the languageand- ( total, total ) anda- ( maybe ; outdated."But the eighth will not be lucky" ) formed from the unionsand anda .

2.In Russian there is a word with a prefix unique for the languageNS- - nook .

3.The only word in the Russian language that does not have a root istake out ... It is believed that in this word the so-called zero root alternating with the root -them - ( get it ). Earlier, until about the 17th century, this verb looked liketake out , and it had a material root, the same as intake off, hug, understand (cf.shoot, hug, understand ), but later the root -nya - has been reinterpreted as a suffix -Well - (how inpop, blow ). (Appendix 4)

4. The only monosyllabic adjective in Russian isevil .

2.3 "Record holders" of the Russian language

1.In the 1993 Guinness Book of Records, the longest word of the Russian language is calledX-ray electrocardiographic , in the 2003 edition -superbly discerning .

2.In the 2003 edition of the Grammar Dictionary of the Russian language by A.A.Zaliznyak, the longest (in letters) common noun in the dictionary form is the adjectiveprivate business ... Consists of 25 letters.

3.Longest verbs -reexamined , substantiate and internationalize (all - 24 letters; word forms-receiving and -vis- 25 letters each).

4 the longest nouns aremisanthropy and excellency (24 letters each; word forms-ami- 26 letters each, however,misanthropy practically not used in plural. h.).

5 the longest animate nouns -eleventh grader and clerk (21 letters each, word forms-ami- 23 letters each).

6. The longest adverb recorded by the dictionary isunsatisfactory (19 letters). However, it should be borne in mind that from the overwhelming majority of quality adjectives inth / thadverbs in-O / -e, which are not always fixed by the dictionary.

7 The longest interjection included in the Grammar Dictionary isgym-hello(15 or 14 letters depending on the hyphen status).

8.Word respectivelyis the longest preposition. It consists of 14 letters.

9 longest particleexclusively... Consists of 13 letters.

2.4 Long words with additional properties

1.Longest monosyllabic words : "Casual" (8 letters); "To your heart's content", "splash", "open up", "toss up", "float up", "shake in", "passion" (7 letters);

2.Longest two-syllable word : "Passion" (11 letters);

3 the longest words in whichall letters are not repeated (without the use of cases and plurals): "reluctance", "prosperous", "paper spinning" (16 letters), "quadrangle", "four-pole", "four-inch", "energy pulsation", "congratulatory", "providing", " servile "," highly specialized "(15 letters);

4. The longest word, where the letters are in alphabetical order - "wildness" (8 letters)

5.Longest anagram words : "Timber industry" - "salt industry" (18 letters), "old regime" - "indissolubility" (15 letters);

6.Longest mirror anagrams : "Telex" - "skeleton", "aport" - "path", "bocage" - "jacob", "raven" - "norov", "disco" - "oxide", "runets" - "tsenur" (all 5 letters each);

7 the longest palindromes : "Apocopa", "kinonik", "rotator", "tartrate" (7 letters);

8 the longest eponymous words which have become common nouns: “mitrofanushka” (12 letters), “hermaphrodite” (11 letters), “Groenendael”, “derzhimorda” (10 letters);

9.Longest metagrams with fixed variable letter ("Generators" ): "Attractiveness" - "pretentiousness" - "possessiveness" (the chain consists of 3 words each with 16 letters);

10 the longest word that hasantonym (noun): "disproportionality" (21 letters; antonym - "proportionality", 13 letters);

11.Longest equal area antonymic pair common nouns: "doubtful" - "persuasiveness" (14 letters each);

12.Longest conversion (can be both a noun and a verb): "pestered" (10 letters);

13 the longest charades (non-trivial): "barge building" = bar + gesture + swarming, "metro building" = meter + sharp + swarming (13 letters);

14.Longest charade provided that it is allowed to rearrange the letters of the word : "Attraction" = tone + sword + shooting range + axis + spruce + garden + sweat (21 letters).

2.5 Y amazing facts from the field of the Russian language.

1.Words bull and bee - single-rooted. The fact is that in the works of Old Russian literature the word bee was written as "bchela". The alternation of ъ / s is explained by the origin of both sounds from the same Indo-European sound U. If we recall the dialectal verb "buch", which means "roar, buzz, buzz" and is etymologically related to the words bee, insect and bull, then it becomes clear what was the general meaning these nouns - making a certain sound.

2. I and food not just similar in sound, not just words of the same root: they are initially the same thing. Moreover: namelyI - the initial designation of food, what is eaten (in the old way -eat ).
How did food turn into poison? Etymology answers this question as follows. In the old days, enemies were often dealt with at a meal. They put a deadly potion in the treat and said something like this: "Taste our treat."
Over time, the word became so intimidating that it had to be replaced. Changing the meaning of a word
I- at first food, then - bad, bad food , after - poisoned food and finally poison could have happened under the influence of the emotional coloring of speech. And the old wordI remained in the language (it is thrifty) with a new meaning for itself:a substance that can cause body poisoning or termination.

3. Everyone knows the meaning of the expression "The first pancake is lumpy" This means that the first attempt in a new business is unsuccessful. But not many people know about the origin of this phrase. In Russia, this proverb would be written like this: "the first pancake is coma", through A. But who are the comas? It turns out that our ancestors called bears comas, which were highly respected by all Slavic peoples. And it was supposed to feed the bears with the first pancakes in the spring, when they just wake up after hibernation, which just fell on the Maslenitsa week, which was formerly called Komoeditsa. - to relatives, and the fourth - to me. " With the advent of Christianity, the proverb has undergone a change. Was a pancake coma - became a lump. But when does the pancake crumple? When they turn it over. But it's no secret that in the old days in Russia, pancakes were simply baked in the oven, without turning it over, it was impossible, and it was not necessary. By the way, today we do not bake pancakes, we fry them in a pan, although we still say that we bake. The process has changed, the word remains. So, the first pancake is lumpy, not because of an unsuccessful overturn, but because of the fact that it is lumpy in the throat. Why? But because the first pancake, which was baked during Oil Week, was traditionally given for the peace of the soul. And when a person remembered his deceased parents or other relatives, this pancake would get a lump in his throat. And in the cities, the first "Pancake week" pancake was given to the beggar, so that he remembered all the dead.


Interesting facts from the field of the Russian languageAre not only dry numbers of the number of letters or words. This is the data behind which the history of the people is hidden - complex and not always peaceful. Every great writer and poet considered it his duty to preserve and increase the linguistic heritage, and Vasily Shukshin expressed his attitude to the Russian language in the following words: “We have endured and preserved the great Russian language from all historical catastrophes and kept it pure. It was passed down to us by our grandfathers and fathers ... Believe that everything was not in vain: our songs, our fairy tales, our incredible severity of victory, our suffering - do not give it all for the smell of tobacco. We knew how to live. Remember this. Be a man ... "

Learning Russian will help us speak and write better, choose the most accurate and necessary words for expressing thoughts. “The word is the dress of all facts, all thoughts,” said Maxim Gorky. I urge

cherish and love the word. After all, the Russian language begins with it.

My hypothesis is thatRussian is a distinctive and interesting languagefully confirmed.

My work can be used as additional material in Russian language lessons, class hours, in preparation for the Olympiads.

List of used literature

    Russian language. Grade 5: textbook for general education institutions / T.A. Ladyzhenskaya et al., Moscow: Education, 2011http :// dnevnyk- uspeha. com/ interesnye- fakty/ interesnye- fakty- o- russkom- jazyke.

    Appendix 2

    Appendix 3

    Appendix 4

    take out (school program)

    Parts of the word "take out": you / well / be
    Part of speech: verb
    The composition of the word:
    you- prefix,
    Well- suffix,
    th - the ending
    take out- the base of the word.

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