Home Preparations for the winter The meaning of the word kronos in the dictionary-reference book myths of ancient Greece. Kronos - the myth of Kronos and his children Zeus son of Kronos and Rhea

The meaning of the word kronos in the dictionary-reference book myths of ancient Greece. Kronos - the myth of Kronos and his children Zeus son of Kronos and Rhea

Chronos- in Greek mythology, the personification of time; According to one version of the myth, Chronos generates fire, water and air. Since the names Chronos and Kronos are similar in sound, the ancient Greeks attributed control of time to Kronos.

Cron(Kronos) - Greek god of time, father of Zeus. (corresponds to Saturn in Roman mythology)

Three pairs of ancestors of the Greek gods are known: Uranus (sky) - Gaia (earth); Kron (time) - Rhea (earth); Zeus the Thunderer - Hera - the keeper of family and marriage foundations.

Uranus and Gaia gave birth to three hundred-armed, fifty-headed creatures - the Hecatoncheires and three round-eyed giants, the Cyclops. Frightened by such strength and power. Uranus tied them up and threw them into Tartarus.

The next generation of Uranus and Gaia were the seven daughters of the Titanides and six sons of the Titans, the youngest of them being Cronus. Gaia, grieving for her children languishing underground, persuaded the Titans to rebel against their father, and gave Krona a crooked sword made of durable metal, or perhaps diamond. All the titans, except Oceanus, attacked his father. Krohn accomplished the most important thing - he deprived his father of productive power.

Kron reigned in space. The time when he was the "lord of the sky" was the golden age of mythological history. People in those days lived like gods, “with a calm and clear soul, not knowing grief, not knowing labor,” according to Hesiod.

Cronus married his sister the Titanide Rhea (consanguineous marriages were common in mythology). The previously freed Hecatoncheires and Cyclops were again thrown into Tartarus. Gaia's mother warned Cronus that he, in turn, would be deprived of power by his own son, so he began to devour all the children born to Rhea.

The name Krona comes from the Greek word "chronos" - time, and he himself is the personification of all-consuming time. Everything is born and disappears in time, so Kron’s children are born and destroyed by him. Representatives of a new generation of Greek gods Hestia, Demeter, Hera, Hades (Roman Pluto), Poseidon were born and disappeared in the womb of their father. When it was Zeus's turn to be born, Rhea went to the island of Crete and there, in a cave on Mount Dikte, she gave birth to a son, who was destined to become the ruler of the Olympian gods. And instead of another baby, Kron received a stone wrapped in swaddling clothes:

Zeus, guarded by the Curetes, grew up, became powerful and cunning. He called upon the Titanide Metis, daughter of Oceanus, for help, received a magic potion from her, mixed it with Kronus’s drink, which forced the parent to vomit up the stone and all the previously swallowed children. In union with newfound sisters and brothers

Zeus began a war against Cronus and the other children of Uranus - the Titans.

This struggle between the Kronids and Uranids was terrible and persistent. The Titans were powerful and formidable opponents. Zeus brought the Cyclops out of Tartarus, who shackled him with thunder and thunder, but they did not bring a quick victory. The war had already lasted ten years, and no one's advantage was visible.

Then Zeus brought the Hecatoncheires out of the bowels of the earth. They tore entire rocks from the mountains and threw them at the titans as they approached Olympus, where the Kronids settled.

This long-term battle, when everything in nature groaned, trembled and burned with fire, was called the Titanomachy. This myth apparently reflected ideas about natural disasters that changed the landscape of the planet.

But then the titans wavered, the reign of the insane and impersonal cosmic elements came to an end, and the time of the reasonable humanoid deities of the Olympians came. The formidable power of the titans was broken.

3evs chained them all, including Kron, and threw them into Tartarus, and set the hundred-handed men as guards.

Thus ended the reign of Cronus. Much later, the Orphics created a myth about how Zeus returned Cronus from Tartarus and made him king of the “islands of the blessed,” located at the edge of the earth, beyond the Ocean, where only the dead lived.

Chronos-time as imagined by Salvador Dali - Time flows
Reprinted from the site http://myfhology.narod.ru/

1.7.4. Children of Crohn: Hestia, Demeter, Hera, Hades, Poseidon, Zeus

Kron was not sure that power would remain in his hands forever. He was afraid that his children would rebel against him and would subject him to the same fate to which he doomed his father Uranus. He was afraid of his children. And Kron ordered his wife Rhea to bring him the children that were born and mercilessly swallowed them. Rhea was horrified when she saw the fate of her children. Cronus has already swallowed five: Hestia *2, Demeter *3, Hera, Hades (Hades) and Poseidon *4.

He vomited out the first stone, which he devoured last.

Zeus placed this stone on the wide-road land

In the most sacred Python, in the valley just below Parnassus,

So that it would always stand there as a monument, it would be a wonder for mortals.

Their brothers and sisters the Uranids, who are madly

My father put me in prison, but he brought me back to freedom.

Rhea did not want to lose her last child. On the advice of her parents, Uranus-Heaven and Gaia-Earth, she retired to the island of Crete, and there, in a deep cave, her youngest son Zeus was born. In this cave, Rhea hid her son from her cruel father, and instead of her son she gave him a long stone wrapped in swaddling clothes to swallow. Krohn had no idea that he had been deceived by his wife.

Meanwhile, Zeus grew up in Crete. The nymphs Adrastea and Idea cherished little Zeus; they fed him with the milk of the divine goat Amalthea. The bees brought honey to little Zeus from the slopes of the high mountain Dikty. At the entrance to the cave, the young Kuretes struck their shields with their swords every time little Zeus cried, so that Kronus would not hear him cry and Zeus would not suffer the fate of his brothers and sisters.

Zeus When he was born, Ray’s mother resorted to cunning.

She handed the stone in diapers to her husband and said:

“Swallow, insatiable one, the last son.”

Cronus swallowed the stone instead of the baby, and mother Ray

She took it to Crete and hid it there in the Dictaean cave. Screams and crying of the baby

The sounds of tympani were drowned out, and Zeus was fed with goat's milkAmalthea .

The future ruler of Olympus grew up quickly, and, having matured, he called for help

Titanide Metis , my aunt. She, having prepared an emetic potion,

Krona brought it to him. Kron drank that potion and vomited the stone first,

Then all the swallowed children, alive, beautiful and bright.

The offspring of Cronus and Rhea were born approximately (if you trust the myths) in the following order: Hestia, Demeter, Hera, Hades, Poseidon, Zeus. Moreover, Zeus had a twin brother - ugly Pan. In addition, Pluto is also considered the daughter of Cronus and Rhea (or Oceanus and Tethys).

Please note that the birth of Kron's offspring is given in myths in the reverse order than the birth of the titans. In the offspring of Uranus, first male images follow, then female ones; in the offspring of Crohn, first female ones, then male ones.

This sequence will be useful to us later. But we will begin deciphering the images in a different, reverse order.


Considering that Kron is carbon dioxide, and Rhea is a stream of a mixture of elements that react violently with air, it is possible that their interaction led to the release of pure oxygen. For example, chemists claim that sodium and potassium oxides, when interacting with carbon dioxide, release oxygen. And sodium and potassium and their oxides could well be contained in Rhea’s formula.

Let us recall other reactions for the production of oxygen. They are associated with cooling and heating of gas, splitting of natural compounds, etc. All these processes could well have taken place on Earth, which was turned into a giant blast furnace. In addition, physicists and chemists believe that the main reactions of the mantle that determine the fugacity of oxygen are mineral reactions involving iron, since this element dominates in the mantle (which is not Eurybia, “who had an iron soul”). So Crohn's gray iron sickle could also be a factor in the formation of volatile oxygen.

According to myths, it turns out that his twin brother, the freak Pan, was born together with Zeus. My decoding: Zeus - atomic oxygen, Pan - molecular oxygen (today it is obtained with the participation of hydrogen peroxide). The mad cry of Pan or Aegipanus is thunder, a phenomenon associated with the expansion and contraction of oxygen.

But, in addition, Ctesias is mentioned in the myths:

Acquirer, hypostasis of Zeus in the form of a snake, home everyday cult. Ctesias is the patron of storerooms, protector from thieves, and sender of wealth.

I can't give an interpretation to this image yet. But during the preparation of cellars for winter to store vegetables, many village residents either make a fire in the cellar or light a blowtorch in it. Both combustion processes are associated with the access of oxygen.

Initially, the accumulation of oxygen, which was previously in a bound state in the bowels of the Earth, could occur during reactions of the breakdown of substances in isolated caves and natural grottoes. Because in order for oxygen to “explode”, conditions were necessary for the gradual accumulation of gas. But if the accumulation had a critical mass, its release could be accompanied by an earthquake and the ejection of earth rocks (stones), and the formation of clouds of steam and smoke (diapers). Thus, the “stone in diapers” swallowed by Kron could become a figurative reflection of the earthquake.

The baby Zeus, accumulating in the cave, experienced both expansion and contraction. This could cause the gas to rumble. These were the cries of the baby, which were drowned out by the tympans. The tympans are also an image. There is such a disease in horses - bloating. It's called tympany. A tympanum later became known as a musical instrument, a drum that produces sounds similar to the rumbling of the depths. But underground tympanums are swellings of gases in the bowels of the Earth. They became accompanying images of the work of Hephaestus.

Based on the proposed version that Zeus is oxygen, it is possible to deduce the increased ability of gas to react and form new compounds of substances through oxidation. Oxygen can do THIS with almost all chemical elements with the exception of a few, which led to the interpretation of the image as a womanizer and a sexual rogue. Although powerful. After all, Zeus became the ruler of lightning, which for some reason is associated with Perun; in fact, Perun is a shock wave generated by the compression and expansion of gas or oxidation-combustion processes. After all, it is often said in myths that Zeus had “lightning and thunderstorms.” In addition, Zeus collects clouds and sends rain, and oxygen is one of the main participants in the formation of water on the planet and, not primarily, in the atmosphere.

Already some ancient Greek philosophers associated Zeus with air, although their voices were overwhelmed by the canonical perception of him as a powerful god and demands for a rejection of naturalism of perception.

But the ancients, nevertheless, knew that this air was neither the ether nor the sky as a whole. The ancients knew very well about the layered structure of the Earth's atmosphere. Zeus filled only a certain niche of it, including creating in the sky something like a new atmospheric screen that prevented particles of a certain spectrum of solar radiation from penetrating to the Earth's surface. Whether this is good or bad is another question. Perhaps this was the reaction of living nature - the restoration of balance in the conditions of the formation of a radiation belt around the Earth. But the fact that such a “screen” deprived us of part of the global information of the cosmos is also a fact. In addition, breathing air oversaturated with oxygen causes rapid aging of the body. This is how man himself brought mortality into his life.

The layers of the atmosphere are known to be classified according to temperature differences. The layer distribution diagram is as follows:

This “layer cake” is a series of spheres nested within each other (how can one not recall the Russian nesting doll as a symbol of the universe). The four layers of the atmosphere - troposphere, stratosphere, mesosphere, thermosphere were, I think, known to ancient people. Ovid also mentions the belts of the celestial sphere, but before the release of oxygen from the bowels of the Earth.

As you rise from the Earth's surface, the air temperature decreases, but only to a certain height. The upper boundary of the troposphere is 10- 17 km (10 - above the poles). The average temperature of the troposphere is minus 50-75 degrees. Next, up to 35 km , comes the stratosphere, where the temperature stays at about zero degrees, and then rises. Even higher, in the mesosphere, at altitude 90 km the temperature drops again, but to 100-130 degrees. In the outer shell of the atmosphere, the temperature increases. This is already the thermosphere. It does not have a clear boundary; it smoothly transitions into outer space.

The layering of the atmosphere is the result of heating the earth's surface from below and solar radiation from above. But there is also intermediate heating of the stratosphere. It is the ozone layer that absorbs ultraviolet radiation from the Sun.

I think the ancient Greeks also knew about the ozone layer.

Reflecting on this question turned me to the image of Athena.

Zeus + Metis = Athena

Metis - ByHesiod daughter of Ocean and Tethys, according to Akusilaus she is the daughter of Nyx and Erebus, a wise goddess, lived near the stream of Ocean, the first wife of Zeus. While still very young and living in Crete, where he was hidden from Kronos, Zeus became inflamed with passion for his teacher Metis. She initially treated him with maternal care, but, realizing how serious his intentions were, she began to avoid Zeus, taking on various images. On her advice, as she saysApollodorus , Zeus gave Kronos a drink, thanks to which he vomited up all his swallowed children.. Having become the wife of Zeus, Metis became pregnant. Zeus learned from Gaia a prophecy that this time a girl would be born, but the next one would be a son who would overthrow his father. Therefore, the Thunderer lured his wife onto the bed, tricked her into shrinking in size, and suddenly swallowed her. After a certain time, his daughter Athena emerged from the head of Zeus, inheriting the wisdom of her mother.

Hesiod adds some details:

Metis-Wisdom became the first wife of Zeus; Most of all she knows between all people and gods . But the time has come for her blue-eyed maiden Athena To give birth to the world, how cunningly and skillfully he clouded her mind With flattering speech Kronid sent her into his own womb, Following the cunning persuasion of Earth and Heaven-Uranus. So they taught him to do it, so that among the immortals Royal power did not go to someone else instead of Zeus. For she was destined to bear wise children, Virgin Athena first, blue-eyed Tritogenea, Equal strength and wise advice to Father Thunderer; After Athena, she still had to give birth to a son - With a super-powerful heart, ruler of the gods and earthly men. Previously, however, Kronion sent her into his womb, So that she would tell him what is evil and what is good.

If we assume that Metis was an oceanid, then she was the personification of water with the presence of hydrogen and sulfur compounds. Today such water is found on Earth. By the way, she is called Matsesta, you see, the names are similar (Matsesta - Matista - Matida - Matsida - Matsita - Metida?). A solution of hydrogen sulfide in water is called hydrogen sulfide water or hydrosulfide acid. The son who could be born to Metis first could turn out to be a compound of sulfur and oxygen - SO, SO2 or SO 3. When sulfuric anhydride is dissolved in water, a large amount of heat is released and, if a large amount of sulfuric anhydride is added to water at once, an explosion may occur. If Metis gave birth to it and remained an oceanid, then in combination with water it would explode. And the transfer of the reaction to a gaseous state prevented another global earthly cataclysm. Likewise, the numerous transformations of Metis may have been associated precisely with different aggregate states of matter. It turns out that the ancient civilization experimented with the substance, learning its properties, and chose the least safe version of the gas for the reaction (in the form of a fly).

Thus Athena was born - sulfur dioxide SO 2 or sulfuric anhydride SO 3.

The reaction between sulfur dioxide and oxygen is highly exothermic, i.e. occurs with the release of heat and only in the presence of catalysts. And according to myths, it is known that the birth of Athena is associated with the action of Hephaestus or Prometheus - the phenomena of the underground depths, their heating. When the vapor of sulfur trioxide condenses, a colorless, ice-like mass is formed. It can gradually turn into crystals. Both of these modifications smoke when exposed to air. Sulfur trioxide ignites phosphorus.

It remains to prove that sulfur dioxide or sulfuric anhydride is present in the Earth’s atmosphere “above the head of Zeus.” It really is there and, if I’m not mistaken, is responsible for absorbing ultraviolet radiation.

Kron ancient mythology, Kron Security Ltd.
Kronos, Cron(ancient Greek Κρόνος) - in ancient Greek mythology - the supreme deity, according to another opinion titan, the youngest son of the first god Uranus (sky) and the goddess Gaia (earth). Initially - the god of agriculture, later, in the Hellenistic period, he was identified with the god personifying time, Chronos (ancient Greek Χρόνος from χρόνος - time). The period of Cronus' rule was considered a golden age.
  • 1 Etymology
  • 2 Kronos and Zeus
  • 3 Later tradition
  • 4 See also
  • 5 Notes
  • 6 Links


The etymology of the name Kronos is unknown. The Greeks themselves of later times, due to the consonance of the names, compared it with Chronos-time. It is unknown whether this name is of Greek origin. Only the sickle - an ancient attribute - speaks of their nature. The Ionians had a holiday, at least in a number of Ionian cities, but the originality of its connection with Kronos is questionable, so the god Kronos, being a character in myths, at the same time finds himself on the periphery of religious cults and beliefs.

Uranus, fearing to die from one of his children, returned them again to the bowels of the earth. Therefore, Gaia, exhausted from the burden, persuaded Kronos, the last born, to castrate Uranus. Kronos became the supreme god.

The sickle with which he castrated Uranus was thrown into the sea by Kronos at Cape Drepan (Sickle) in Achaia. This sickle was kept in a cave in Zancle (Sicily).

Castration of Uranus by Cronus. Giorgio Vasari and Gerardi Cristofano, 16th century, Palazzo Vecchio, Florence

According to Pherecydes of Syria, Kronos defeated Ophion and was the first to be crowned. According to another version, Kronos was the eldest son, and therefore became king.

A golden age began under him. Kronos was afraid of Uranus's prediction that one of his children born to him by Rhea would overthrow him, and therefore swallowed them one by one. So he swallowed Hestia, Demeter, Hera, Hades and Poseidon. From the union of Kronos with the nymph Philira (whom he later, fearing Rhea's jealousy, turned into a mare), the centaur Chiron was born.

Kronos and Zeus

Rhea, pregnant with Zeus, not wanting to lose her last child, gave birth to him in a deep cave in Crete and hid him there, and allowed Kronos to swallow a stone (Baitil). This stone was later shown at Delphi. Also, the legend with the stone was associated with the Petrah cliff above Chaeronea. This stone is called Agadir. When Kronos realized that he had been deceived, he began to look for Zeus all over the earth, but the Kuretes prevented him from finding the baby, and when Zeus cried, they knocked their spears on their shields so that Kronos would not hear the cry of little Zeus.

Saturn (Rubens)

When Zeus grew up, he started a war with his father. After a ten-year war, Kronos was overthrown by Zeus and imprisoned in Tartarus.

According to one legend, Zeus fought for power with Kronos in Olympia and won. According to the Orphics, Zeus, on the advice of Nyukta, gave Cronus honey to drink, he fell asleep and was castrated (castrated). According to the version, he was castrated by Zeus, and Aphrodite was born from his seed (usually Uranus appears here). After the Titanomachy, Zeus imprisoned Kronos and the titans who came to his defense in Tartarus.

Zeus overthrew his father, freed his brothers and sisters from his womb, forcing Kronos to vomit up the children he had swallowed, and reigned over the world, making his brothers and sisters Olympian gods (Hestia - the goddess of the hearth, Hera - the wife and queen of the gods, Demeter - the goddess of the fields and fertility, Hades - the god of the underworld of the dead and Poseidon - the god of the seas).

According to a later version of the myth, Kronos was subsequently relocated to the “islands of the blessed.” Hence, in the minds of the ancient Greeks, the “kingdom of Kronos” corresponded to the fabulous “golden age”.

Later tradition

Kronos is buried in Sicily. Was a god in Arabia. He was identified with the Phoenician god, to whom infants were sacrificed. A temple was built for him at Olympia. Sacrifices to Cronus were made at Olympia on the top of Mount Cronius on the spring equinox in the month of Elathion Basil.

The XIII Orphic hymn is dedicated to him.

Kronos corresponds to the Roman Saturn. According to legend, which identified Kronos with Saturn, he was defeated by Zeus and fled to Italy (see Saturn). Kronos reigned in Libya and Sicily and founded Hierapolis.

The image of Kronos (Saturn) devouring his children was reflected in fine art (Rubens, Goya).

Cron, a task scheduler in UNIX operating systems, is named after Kronos.

see also

  • Petbe


  1. Myths of the peoples of the world. M., 1991-92. 2 t. T.2. P.18, Lubker F. Real dictionary of classical antiquities. M., 2001. 3 volumes. T.1. P.392-393
  2. Zaitsev A.I. Greek religion and mythology: a course of lectures / Ed. L. Ya. Zhmudya. - M.: Academia, 2005. - P. 63. - 208 p. - (Classicus: Classical educational book). - 5100 copies. - ISBN 5-7695-1681-X.
  3. Hesiod. Theogony. 154-185
  4. Pausanias. Description of Hellas VII 23, 4
  5. Callimachus, fr.43 Pfeiffer, art.70
  6. Ferecides, fr. B4 Diels-Kranz = Tertullian. About the crown 7
  7. Diodorus Siculus. Historical Library V 66, 4
  8. Hesiod. Theogony. pp. 497-500; Pausanias. Description of Hellas X 24, 6
  9. Pausanias. Description of Hellas IX 41, 6
  10. First Vatican Mythographer II 3, 3
  11. Gigin. Myths 139
  12. Pseudo-Apollodorus. Mythological Library I 1, 3-5; 2, 1 next; Nonn. Acts of Dionysus XXIV page 228
  13. Pausanias. Description of Hellas V 7, 10; VIII 2, 2
  14. Orphica, fr. 154 Kern = Porfiry. About the cave of nymphs 16
  15. First Vatican Mythographer II 4, 1
  16. Clement. Protreptic 30, 3
  17. Nonn. Acts of Dionysus XL 403
  18. Plutarch. About superstition 13
  19. Pausanias. Description of Hellas V 7, 6
  20. Pausanias. Description of Hellas VI 20, 1
  21. Polemon, fr.102 Preller


  • Encyclopedia of Ancient Mythology: Kronos

Saturn, the sixth planet from the Sun, bears its name from ancient times. The Romans gave this name to the planet, dedicating it to their god.

The Greeks also professed the cult of Saturn, but they called him Kronos. Italy, where Saturn was especially revered, was once even called the land of Saturn.

Kronos (Saturn) is a very ancient god. Myths attribute its appearance to the time of the birth of the world.

Uranus and Gaia, the father and mother of Kronos, were the first gods to emerge from the primordial chaos. In the beginning, Gaia-Earth, Eros - Love and Tartarus were born. Gaia-Earth gave birth to the sky Uranus. Myths say that Gaia and Uranus loved each other very much and they had children - huge titans and titanides. The youngest of the titans was Kronos. And everything would be fine, but after Kronos, Gaia gave birth to three terrible monsters - the Cyclopes. Uranus hated them so much that as soon as they were born, he immediately hid them in the bowels of the earth.

Castration of Uranus by Cronus. Giorgio Vasari and Gerardi Cristofano, 16th century, Palazzo Vecchio, Florence

Kronos, Kronos - one of the Titans, the son of Uranus and Gaia. At the instigation of his mother, he castrated Uranus with a sickle made of durable metal or even diamond in order to stop his endless fertility. After this, the Titans became the supreme beings in space. The time when Cronus was the "lord of the sky" was the golden age of mythological history. People in those days lived like gods, “with a calm and clear soul, not knowing grief, not knowing labor,” according to Hesiod.

Having reigned in his father's place, Cronus took his sister Rhea as his wife. However, according to the prediction of Gaia’s mother, his own son was to deprive him of power, so as soon as Rhea’s children were born, Cronus immediately swallowed them, wanting to avoid the fulfillment of the prediction. One day, Rhea deceived Cronus by placing a stone wrapped in swaddling clothes in place of the youngest son of Zeus, which was swallowed by Cronus.

Zeus was secretly nursed in a cave in Crete. Guarded by the Kuretes, he grew up, became powerful and cunning. Having matured, he, on the advice of his wife Metis, gave Cronus a magical drink, thanks to which Cronus vomited into the world the brothers and sisters of Zeus - Poseidon, Hades, Hera, Demeter and Hestia. Under the leadership of Zeus, the children of Cronus declared war on the Titans, which lasted ten years. This struggle between the Kronids and Uranids was terrible and persistent. The Titans were powerful and formidable opponents. Zeus brought the Cyclopes out of Tartarus, who had bound him with Peruns and thunder, but they did not bring a quick victory, no one’s advantage was visible. Then Zeus brought the hundred-armed men out of the bowels of the earth. They tore entire rocks from the mountains and threw them at the titans as they approached Olympus, where the Kronids settled.

This long-term battle, when everything in nature groaned, trembled and burned with fire, was called the Titanomachy. This myth apparently reflected ideas about natural disasters that changed the landscape of the planet.

When the terrible hundred-armed men intervened in the battle, the titans trembled, the reign of the insane and impersonal cosmic elements came to an end, and the time of reasonable humanoid deities - the Olympians - came. The formidable power of the titans was broken. 3evs chained them all, including Kron, and threw them into Tartarus, and set the hundred-handed men as guards. According to the Orphic tradition, Cronus subsequently reconciles with Zeus and rules on the islands of the blessed, at the ends of the earth, beyond the Ocean, where only the dead live - hence the concept of Cronus’s reign as a happy and fertile time.

Among the children of Kron, his son from the nymph Philyra, the wise centaur Chiron, also stands out.

Folk etymology has brought the name Kronos closer to the name of time - Chronos. In Roman mythology, Cronus is known as Saturn, who was perceived as a symbol of inexorable time.

Kronia festivals were dedicated to Cronus, and in Rome - Saturnalia, during which masters and servants exchanged their duties, and unbridled carnival-type fun reigned.

Having received power, Kronos also received a prediction from his father that Kronos’ son Zeus (Jupiter) would do the same to him when his time came. And even Kronos, the lord of time, cannot cope with destiny.

Apparently, even the lords of fate have their own destinies. You can't fool genetics.

And if Zeus (Jupiter) was destined to repeat the act of his father, then their similarities did not stop there. Even the planets themselves, dedicated to these gods, turned out to be similar in many characteristics.

Both planets have a somewhat flattened appearance, and this is more pronounced for Saturn than for Jupiter. Jupiter has an orange color, Saturn looks paler - light yellow, and its light is much weaker in brilliance. Like Jupiter, Saturn is a gas planet and consists mostly of hydrogen with a small amount of helium. The planet's atmosphere is covered with a layer of clouds, but the winds blow much faster than on Jupiter. It has been found that wind speeds on Saturn can sometimes reach 1,800 km/h in places, although the planet's outer atmosphere usually appears calm and serene.

Even Jupiter's famous mark, the Great Red Spot (like a birthmark on the human body), was "inherited to Jupiter from his father." Unless for Saturn it is not so large and not such a bright shade.

Saturn has its own amazing feature that distinguishes it from all other planets in the solar system - it is a density that is less than the density of water. If he were a ball, he would also float in a basin of water from a playing child.

The encyclopedic dictionary “Slavic Mythology” says that TIME is the most important category. It has the same meaning as space in the mythological picture of the world. There is a representation of life and natural time. Natural time represents astrological cycles. This is a solar day, or a year and time of growth and maturation of plants. Life time is correlated with natural time. There is a wise folk riddle. Who we are talking about: In the morning he is on four legs, in the afternoon - on two, and by the evening he is already on three. Guess: A person at different periods of his life. Morning is childhood, afternoon is maturity, evening is old age. Time, like space, has its own boundaries. This is midnight and noon. They correspond to points in the lunar and annual cycles. They are considered unclean, dangerous times. Astrologers talk about this in such a way that the principle of Saturn at the level of biophysics may well be called the keyword BOUNDARY! Saturn is the last of the planets accessible to the naked eye. And it is precisely this location that indicates the limit of the capabilities that a person has. And if the time, according to astrological calculations, is fertile, it brings happiness to a person, success, health, wealth. And “bad” times correspond to grief, need, illness and failure.

In the same “Slavic Encyclopedia”, fate is defined as the life path destined from above for a person. He determines the main moments of life, including the circumstances of his death. Fate, in the understanding of the ancients, is a kind of sentence of a certain court, which is carried out by the highest deity or his deputies - special spirits of a specific fate.

The concepts of “time” and “fate” are intertwined very closely. What is fate if not a succession of periods of difficulty and prosperity? The “thing” is striped.

Saturn is the lord of the rings and stripes. Saturn's cloud covers appear as dozens of cloud belts stretching along parallel lines. And the number of these belts is much greater than that of Jupiter.

But besides such “stripes,” Saturn has a completely unusual “calling card” - these are rings around the planet’s body, which, if desired, can even be seen through a telescope from Earth.

And, of course, as befits a ruler, Saturn is surrounded by his own retinue. In addition to the gramophone-record-like rings of small solid particles surrounding it, there are at least 28 satellites circling around it.

Thanks to its picturesque rings, Saturn looks like the most extraordinary planet in our solar system.

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Comments (15 comments)

    God is Time

    God is Time. For him
    Our world is permitted speech.
    And the path from the firing point
    Until the point of darkness there are only even and odd.

    And the watchmaker is a stern priest,
    In orbit, adjusting the magnifying glass,
    Mumbling: “The matter... unimportant-
    ki... if God is in the mortar..."

    Just a handful of seconds -
    And everything is erased to dust.
    And those seconds will be cut short
    It's not loneliness that's the chopping block.

    Turn over on your left side
    And the heart will respond with pain,
    It’s as if God is fighting here -
    As a child in the abyss of a well.

    Kronos is buried in Sicily. Was a god in Arabia. He was identified with the Phoenician god, to whom infants were sacrificed. A temple was built for him in Olympia. Sacrifices to Cronus were made at Olympia on the top of Mount Cronius on the spring equinox in the month of Elathion Basil.
    The XIII Orphic hymn is dedicated to him.
    Kronos corresponds to the Roman Saturn. According to legend, which identified Kronos with Saturn, he was defeated by Zeus and fled to Italy. Kronos reigned in Libya and Sicily and founded Hierapolis. The image of Kronos (Saturn) devouring his children was reflected in fine art (Rubens, Goya).

    • The fairy tale is a lie, but there is a hint in it...

      KRONOS (Cronus, Chronos, Saturn) - in ancient Greek mythology, the great god of Time, one of the Titans, the son of Uranus and Gaia. His mother persuaded Kronos to castrate his father in order to stop his endless fertility and take the throne himself; she also predicted that Kronos would also be defeated by his own son, which is why he began to eat his children as babies (hence the image of “Time” devours his children"). However, his wife Rhea managed to slip a cobblestone wrapped in cloth instead of the youngest son of Zeus, and secretly nurse the baby himself in a Cretan cave. The matured Zeus, at the teaching of his wife Metis, gave Kronos a magical drink, and he vomited his previously swallowed children into the light (an image of the “reversibility of Time”), and the children, under the leadership of Zeus, declared war on the Titans, which lasted 10 years. According to Orphic myths, Kronos reconciles with Zeus and remains the ruler on the island of the blessed (an image of the “blessed time”); according to other sources, Kronos and the rest of the titans were thrown into Tartarus by the victors, and to protect them, Zeus took the “hundred-handed” men out of Tartarus and left them near the entrance. In Greece, the holidays of “kronia” were once dedicated to the god Kronos, and in Rome - “saturnalia”.

      • We need to think more about the activities of today's authorities. The reduction in the number of homeless children is explained by the fact that, under the cover of the special services, orphans illegally end up on the tables of influential people in Russia, such as Putin, Rotenberg, Sechin...

        Putin began his activities of selling children abroad for organs from Orphanage No. 1 of St. Petersburg, while still the right hand of Mayor Sobchak, thanks to which he already made a huge fortune for himself $$.

        • A few minutes after the information about the signing of the “anti-Magnitsky law” by the Russian President, the hashtag “Putin eats children” went to the top on Twitter. He is currently in first position.

          • In 2011, the authorities not only make systematic attempts to change the situation of the Russian people, but also continue to worsen their situation. As a result, Russia is the only country in Europe where there are more than 14 deaths per 1,000 inhabitants annually. This figure, however, is the best since 1992, but one and a half times lower than in the late 80s. The size of Russia's resident working-age population decreased from a historical high of 90.3 million people in 2006 to 88.6 million people in 2010.

            In 2012-2017 The decline in the working population will exceed 1 million people annually. It was during this period that numerous generations of the 1950s. R. will be replaced in the labor market by small generations born in the mid-1990s. By 2026 it will decline to 77.1 million people, which will mean social collapse.

            The majority of the population lives in a state of poverty that is turning into poverty. According to the latest data from Rosstat, in Russia:

            With an income below 3422 rubles. per month (i.e., in extreme poverty) 13.4% of the population live;

            With income from 3422 to 7400 rubles. 27.8% of the population live in poverty per month;

            With an income from 7,400 to 17,000 rubles. per month (in poverty) 38.8% of the population live;

            10.9% of the population with income from 17,000 to 25,000 rubles. per month can be called “rich among the poor”;

            At the level of average income - with an income from 25,000 to 50,000 rubles. per month - 7.3% of the population live;

            The wealthy include citizens with an income of 50,000 to 75,000 rubles. per month. Their number is 1.1% of the Russian population;

            T.n. “rich” make up 0.7% of the population. Their income is estimated to be over 75,000 rubles. per month.

              • Raising funds to kill Putin

                Fundraising has begun online to kill Putin.

                An unknown sniper is ready to shoot the Prime Minister. But only for good money. The man demands $6,890 for a decent sniper rifle and “other expenses.” Oddly enough, the funny Internet page with threats didn’t stay quiet for even an hour: the anti-Putin site had already been removed out of sight. According to the sniper, FSB agents are to blame for everything.

                Copy of text:

                I fought in both the first and second Chechen War, I was a sniper. I have extensive experience and combat training. 24 confirmed kills and over 30 unconfirmed.

                I AM READY TO KILL VLADIMIR PUTIN If Putin does not die before 2012, then he will again become the President of the Russian Federation, and not for 8 years, but for 12, Putin is selling our national resources to Europe, America, and other rabble, dividing resources between Jews (Jews) , Chechens (Caucasians), Oligarchs, and the common people live in poverty, we are held as slaves, we are promised that we will live well, but on the contrary, we are getting poorer, remember Putin’s promises given to him in 2000, nothing of what he promised for the people, he didn’t deliver, it’s time to put an end to this.

                To kill him, you need to collect an amount of 191,542 rubles to buy a 50-caliber rifle, ammunition, and some expenses. Given the Maximum range of a bullet, 1800 meters, it would not be difficult for me to shoot Vladimir Putin. This Rifle penetrates 70_mm thick armor from a distance of 1 km

                TIME TO KILL
                YANDEX – Wallet

                MAIL.RU – Wallet
                1012 2001 1197 4732

                FUND RAISED
                42.800 Rubles
                REQUIRED AMOUNT
                191.542 rubles
                1. RIFLE – BARRETT M95
                3. OTHER COSTS

                Yandex money

                RUSSIA IS FOR RUSSIANS
                DEATH TO BLACKS
                The tree of liberty must be watered from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants. [Thomas Jefferson]

                Meaning of the word kronos

                F. Brockhaus, I.A. Efron. encyclopedic Dictionary

                Kronos (KronoV) - in Greek myths, the youngest son of Uranus and Gaia, one of the Titans. Having castrated and dethroned his father, he married his sister Rhea, who bore him Hestia, Demeter and Hera, Hades, Poseidon and Zeus. According to Hesiod, under K. there was a golden age. When it was predicted to him that one of his children would deprive him of his power, he began to devour them immediately after birth; Rhea, however, managed to save the youngest, Zeus, by giving his father, instead of the newborn, a stone wrapped in shrouds (depicted on the marble altar on the Capitol). When the boy grew up, K., who again spewed out the devoured children, was deprived of the throne and thrown into Tartarus with the other titans. The view of K. as the most ancient god of harvests (as a result of which the sickle is his attribute) is contrasted with the opinion of his non-Greek, perhaps Phoenician, origin and the transfer of his cult from Crete to Greece. Ancient art usually depicts him as a bearded old man (similar to Zeus), often with the back of his head muffled, with a sickle in his hand, etc. The Romans identified K. with their god of crops, Saturn.

                Modern explanatory dictionary

                KRONOS, in Greek mythology, titan, son of Uranus and Gaia; Having castrated his father, he became the supreme god. Overthrown by his son Zeus into Tartarus. The Roman Saturn corresponds to it.

Kronos(or Cronus), in Greek mythology one of the Titans, according to another version the supreme deity. The period of the leadership of Kronos was considered the Golden Age

Family and environment

Kronos is the youngest son of the first god Uranus-Sky and the goddess Gaia-Earth. According to Diodorus, Kronos was the eldest son and therefore became the head of the gods. According to Pherecydes of Syria, Kronos defeated Ophion and therefore had the right to reign.

His wife was the Titanide Rhea, sister of Kronos, who bore him Zeus, Hestia, Demeter, Hera, Hades and Poseidon. From the union of Kronos and the nymph Philyra, the centaur Chiron was born; later, fearing Rhea’s jealousy, Kronos turned Philyra into a mare.

The sister of Kronos is considered to be Aphrodite, who appeared from blood mixed with the seed of Uranus, which fell into the sea. Other brothers and sisters of Kronos are the Cyclopes, Erinyes, Hecatoncheires, Horus and Oreads, the Titans (Hyperion, Iapetus, Crius, Kay, Oceanus) and the Titanides (Dione, Mnemosyne, Rhea, Tethys, Phoebe, Theia, Themis) and many other gods and creatures born of Gaia and Uranus.


Uranus hated his children from Gaia for their ugliness and power, and fearing to be overthrown by one of his children, he imprisoned them in the bowels of the Earth. Gaia, tormented by the weight of her children, decided to stop the endless fertility of her bloodthirsty husband. She forged a sickle and asked her children which of them was ready to help her in this event. Kronos agreed to fulfill his mother's will. With this sickle he castrated Uranus. Kronos threw the sickle into the sea at Cape Drepan in Achaia.

After this, Kronos began to rule over the gods and people. The Golden Age began under him. But Kronos was also afraid of his children, Uranus predicted the same fate for him - to be defeated by his son from Rhea. And Kronos made the same mistake as his father, he decided to get rid of all his children. He swallowed every child that Rhea showed him; she did not dare to resist her husband. But one day Rhea decided to deceive Kronos.

Rhea gave birth to Zeus in a deep cave in Crete and hid him there; instead of a baby, she brought a wrapped stone to Kronos and he swallowed the decoy. When Kronos realized that he had been deceived, he began to look for the baby throughout the land, but when the baby cried, the Kuretes banged their spears on their shields so that no one would hear his cry.

And so the matured Zeus decided to free his brothers and sisters and take revenge on his father. Metis helped her future husband, she gave Kronos a magical drink that caused nausea and Kronos threw out all his swallowed children. After which Zeus overthrew the weakened Kronos to Tartarus. But the titans came to the defense of Kronos and the Titanomachy began - a war that lasted for ten long years. After the victory, the titans were also sent to prison in Tartarus, where they were guarded by the freed Hecatoncheires (hundred-handed). However, according to a later version (according to the Orphics), Kronos reconciled with Zeus and was sent to rule on the islands of the blessed; most likely, this is where the concept of the reign of Kronos as a happy and prosperous time arose.

Name, epithets and character

Initially, Kronos was the god of agriculture; later, in the Hellenistic period, he was identified with the god personifying time, Chronos (time), due to the consonance of their names. The etymology of the name Kronos is unknown. It is unknown whether this name is of Greek origin. The Ionians had a holiday, at least in a number of Ionian cities, but the originality of its connection with Kronos is questionable, so the god Kronos, being a character in myths, at the same time finds himself on the periphery of religious cults and beliefs.

In Roman mythology, Kronos is known as Saturn, who was perceived as a symbol of inexorable time. According to legend, which identified Kronos with Saturn, he was defeated by Zeus and fled to Italy. He was identified with the Phoenician god, to whom infants were sacrificed.

Cult and symbolism

Kronia festivals were dedicated to Kronos, and in Rome - Saturnalia, during which masters and servants exchanged their duties and unbridled carnival-type fun reigned.

Kronos was also a god in Arabia. A temple was built for him in Olympia. Sacrifices were made to Kronos at Olympia on the top of Mount Kronius on the spring equinox in the month of Elathion Basil. Kronos reigned in Libya and Sicily and founded Hierapolis.

In culture and art

The XIII Orphic hymn is dedicated to him. The image of Kronos (Saturn) devouring his children was reflected in fine art (Rubens, Goya).

In culture and art

A marine reptile was named in honor of Kronos - Kronosaurus - a giant pliosaur of the Early Cretaceous era.

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