Home Roses Dyspeptic reactions. Dyspeptic symptoms - what are these symptoms? – Intoxication dyspepsia. Dyspepsia, what is it, symptoms, treatment The concept of dyspepsia syndrome includes

Dyspeptic reactions. Dyspeptic symptoms - what are these symptoms? – Intoxication dyspepsia. Dyspepsia, what is it, symptoms, treatment The concept of dyspepsia syndrome includes

Dyspepsia is a set of disorders of the digestive system. This combination of symptoms is characteristic of many diseases and borderline conditions.

The syndrome occurs in 30-40% of people. If we take into account one-time manifestations of this condition, then we can say that almost every person is familiar with dyspepsia.

Reasons for development

Most often, dyspepsia develops as a result of a lack of digestive enzymes, which causes incomplete absorption of nutrients, or gross errors in nutrition.

The cause of digestive system disorders may be an unbalanced diet or erratic eating without a specific regimen.

Disruption of the functions of the gastrointestinal tract organs can occur without their organic damage, then they speak of functional dyspepsia. But it happens that a lack of digestive enzymes is the result of damage to the digestive organs. Then dyspepsia is a symptom of the underlying disease.

The cause of functional dyspepsia can be overeating, frequent stress, constant extraneous actions during meals, mental and neurological diseases.

Organic diseases that cause this condition include:

  • acute or chronic gastritis;
  • peptic ulcer of the stomach or duodenum;
  • benign and malignant tumors of the stomach;
  • diseases of the gallbladder and biliary tract;
  • pancreatic diseases;
  • taking certain medications for a long time;
  • endocrine diseases;
  • pregnancy.

Dyspepsia in young children is usually caused when the quantity or composition of food does not match the capabilities of their digestive system. This is facilitated by overfeeding the baby and untimely introduction of new foods to food. In addition, immaturity of the gastrointestinal tract also contributes to the development of dyspeptic syndrome.

In older age, dyspepsia is associated with hormonal imbalance during adolescence.


There are 3 types of functional dyspepsia.

  1. Fermentative dyspepsia. Its occurrence is facilitated by the predominance in the diet of foods containing large amounts of carbohydrates. Such products lead to the development of fermentative microflora and cause fermentation in the digestive tract. These include flour and sweet foods, legumes, cabbage, peas, fruits, honey and others. In addition, it is caused by fermentation products, for example, kvass, pickled vegetables, and mash.
  2. Putrid dyspepsia. Its development is caused by excessive consumption of protein foods, especially those that require long-term digestion. Putrefactive microflora begins to develop in the intestines. Such products include red meats, sausages, pates and other products.
  3. Soap or fatty dyspepsia. Occurs when consuming foods containing refractory fats in large quantities. This is pork, lamb lard and products containing them.

Types of dyspepsia that develops as a result of enzyme deficiency:

  • cholecystogenic – when bile secretion is impaired;
  • hepatogenic – for liver diseases;
  • gastrogenic – in case of disruption of the secretory function of the stomach;
  • pancreatogenic – with a deficiency of pancreatic enzymes;
  • enterogenous – in case of disturbances in the secretion of intestinal juice;
  • mixed.


Symptoms depend on the type of digestive disorder. But there are common signs that are characteristic of all species:

  • pain of varying intensity, feeling of heaviness, fullness in the upper abdomen;
  • constant belching for a long time;
  • nausea;
  • heartburn in the epigastric region and behind the sternum;
  • irregular frequent bowel movements;
  • increased gas separation, increased gas formation in the intestines.

If there is a lack of digestive enzymes produced, the patient develops the following symptoms:

  • frequent loose stools;
  • decreased appetite;
  • rumbling in the stomach, flatulence;
  • nausea, discomfort in the mouth.

Signs of functional dyspepsia depend on its type.

Thus, fermentative dyspepsia is manifested by severe flatulence and rumbling in the stomach. In addition, signs of this type of disorder include frequent pain in the upper abdomen, frequent stools with liquid, foamy stool with a sour odor.

Symptoms of fatty dyspepsia include a feeling of fullness and heaviness in the abdomen, flatulence, and belching. The pain intensifies after eating. The patient's stool is copious and contains remnants of undigested food.

Symptoms of putrefactive dyspepsia indicate intoxication of the body. The patient suffers from severe headache, nausea, weakness, and general malaise. The stool is frequent, with dark liquid stool that smells rotten.

Symptoms of dyspepsia in children at an early age are quite pronounced. The baby constantly spits up and is capricious. He has a swollen tummy, frequent stools with greenish stools, no appetite, and disturbed sleep.


Diagnostics includes a doctor’s examination, laboratory and instrumental research methods.

The patient is prescribed a general blood and urine test, and sometimes a biochemical blood test. To determine the type of dyspepsia, the patient's stool is examined. In some cases, a fecal antigen test or breath test is performed. It is used to determine the type of microorganisms that cause disturbances in the digestive system.

To select the correct treatment method, it is necessary to conduct a study of all organs of the digestive tract. The patient undergoes endoscopy of the stomach, intestines and esophagus, during which a piece of mucosal tissue is taken for examination. This study allows us to determine the presence of Helicobacter pylori infection and some diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.


Treatment of dyspepsia that has a functional form, for example, fermentative dyspepsia, first of all involves fasting the patient for 1 - 1.5 days. Then food is gradually introduced into the diet. It is very important that the patient follows a diet and a special diet. In addition, you need to adhere to the drinking regime. You need to drink at least 1.5 liters of water per day.

If the condition has developed as a result of a deficiency of digestive enzymes, treatment begins with treatment of the underlying disease that led to this condition. After this, the patient is prescribed enzyme preparations and medications that replenish the missing substances.

In some cases of treatment, antacids (reducing stomach acidity), antimicrobial drugs, and prokinetics (drugs that improve the function of the digestive organs) are used.

Dyspepsia as a cause of dysbiosis development

Quite often, dyspepsia causes dysbiosis, and it needs to be treated comprehensively. Therapy should work in two directions: firstly, it is necessary to eliminate the symptoms, and secondly, restore and maintain the balance of the intestinal microflora. Among the products that have two actions at once, Redugaz is distinguished. Simethicone, one of the components contained in the composition, fights abdominal discomfort and delicately frees the intestines from gas bubbles, weakening their surface tension throughout the intestines. The second component, prebiotic Inulin, helps avoid the re-formation of gases and restores the balance of beneficial bacteria necessary for normal digestion. Inulin inhibits the growth of bacteria that cause gas, so re-bloating does not occur. Another plus is that the product is available in a convenient form in the form of chewable tablets and has a pleasant mint taste.

Dyspepsia is a condition in which an adult or child experiences a disruption in the digestive process. Dyspepsia is defined if a person has disorders of the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, but there are no morphological changes.

How does dyspepsia manifest?

Dyspepsia syndrome is a symptom complex that is observed in both organic and functional lesions of the gastrointestinal tract. At organic dyspepsia pain occurs in certain seasons (usually in autumn and spring), and more often occurs at night. The person suffers from severe pain and may lose weight.

Depending on the exact cause of disorders of the gastrointestinal tract, different types of dyspepsia are determined. Intestinal , pancreatic , hepatic , gastric dyspepsia - the result of dysfunction of one of the parts of the digestive system.

Putrid , fermentation , fattydyspepsia - the result of nutritional disorders. Fermentative dyspepsia in children and adults, this is a consequence of poor digestion of carbohydrates. Because of this, fermentation processes in the colon sharply increase. This phenomenon can even occur in infants. Depending on the characteristics of the course, acute and chronic dyspepsia of this type is determined. A patient suffering from this disease experiences general weakness of the body, periodic rumbling in the abdomen, changes in appetite (both decreased and increased), and gases with a pungent odor are often released. Another characteristic symptom is diarrhea , while stool can appear up to 4 times a day. The patient's stools do not contain mucus or blood; they are light in color and mixed with gas bubbles.

Putrid dyspepsia in children and adults it develops if there is a violation of protein digestion. As a result, putrefactive decomposition of proteins occurs, which most often takes place in the large intestine. There are acute and chronic forms of the disease. If the disease is chronic, then the patient in this case is overcome by constant persistent diarrhea. Putrefactive intestinal dyspepsia is manifested by bloating, constant belching, which has the smell of rotten eggs. Feces are dark in color, can be either liquid or mushy, and have a putrid odor. If the symptom is severe, signs of intoxication of the body are noted.

Gastric dyspepsia syndrome often occurs in children due to the discrepancy between the composition or volume of food and the capabilities of the child’s gastrointestinal tract. As a rule, dyspepsia occurs in children in the first year of life. In children it is determined simple dyspepsia when only the functioning of the digestive system is disrupted, and toxic dyspepsia when a child experiences changes in metabolic processes.

Sometimes also diagnosed parenteral dyspepsia , which develops against the background of other diseases.

A child who has symptoms of dyspepsia spits up very often, vomits, and has frequent bowel movements (about 8 times a day). There may be an admixture of white lumps and greenery in the child’s stool. The baby suffers from bloating and poor appetite. As a result, there is a decrease in body weight.

Toxic dyspepsia manifests itself due to the influence of the same reasons as simple dyspepsia. Very often this symptom manifests itself in weakened children. Toxins are absorbed in the child’s body, so indigestion with toxic dyspepsia leads to liver damage and symptoms of intoxication. With severe diarrhea, water-salt metabolism is disrupted and dehydration occurs. The development of the disease is rapid. The child's body temperature rises, the frequency of bowel movements increases, and they become watery. If toxic damage progresses further, it is possible to develop collapse And . At parenteral dyspepsia The same symptoms are observed as with simple dyspepsia.

Functional dyspepsia in children it is determined after they reach one year of age. A child in this condition experiences pain or discomfort in the epigastric region. At the same time, no organic diseases were detected during the study.

Very often, women expecting a child experience the so-called dyspepsia during pregnancy . This phenomenon usually occurs due to acid reflux, which is the flow of acid from the stomach back into a woman's esophagus. As a result, heartburn and indigestion during pregnancy are noted. Sometimes the symptoms of indigestion are minor and do not bother the expectant mother too much. However, acute symptoms of indigestion in some cases cause significant discomfort. With dyspepsia in pregnant women, not only indigestion or indigestion may occur, but also heartburn and pain in the abdominal area. Sometimes indigestion leads to nausea and even vomiting. But most often, indigestion during pregnancy provokes a constant feeling of fullness in the stomach after eating. Such symptoms can occur in any trimester, but the discomfort worsens in the last months of pregnancy. After childbirth, all symptoms of dyspepsia disappear.

Why does dyspepsia occur?

What is intestinal and stomach dyspepsia is well known to those who are sick peptic ulcer , gastroesophagoreflux disease , stomach tumors and other ailments of the digestive system.

Intestinal and stomach dyspepsia can develop against the background of disturbances in the nervous regulation of the motor functions of the stomach and duodenum. The manifestation of toxic dyspepsia is often associated with infectious intestinal diseases.

If a person has been diagnosed with functional gastric dyspepsia ", then such phenomena are associated with disorders of the gastrointestinal tract, pathological processes in the intestines, dysbiosis, etc. Functional gastric dyspepsia manifests itself under the influence of a number of factors that aggravate these processes. Thus, gastric or intestinal dyspepsia is often observed in those who are used to eating food very hastily. A person chews food very poorly, so it does not mix enough with the digestive enzymes of saliva. Also, food is poorly digested by those who are accustomed to overeating. In some cases, the phenomenon of dyspepsia is observed in those who consume certain foods that are poorly digested by the gastrointestinal tract. In some cases, the consumption of carbonated drinks, alcohol, and drinks containing caffeine also negatively affects the functions of the gastrointestinal tract.

Another factor that provokes dyspepsia is stressful situations. During severe emotional shocks, hormones are released And cortisone , which promotes blood flow to the muscles rather than the digestive system. In addition, in a state of stress, a person swallows a lot of air in the process of absorbing food, which also worsens the digestion process. You should not engage in physical exercise immediately after eating, as stress causes a redistribution of blood flow.

In addition to these factors, the occurrence of functional dyspepsia is provoked by smoking, heavy alcohol consumption, and infectious diseases that affect the gastric mucosa. Sometimes the condition is aggravated by high air temperature and increased atmospheric pressure.

Manifestations of fermentative dyspepsia are often observed in a person if he has switched to food that is unusual for him, as well as if he has consumed a large amount of plant fiber. Manifestations of putrefactive dyspepsia are sometimes associated with intestinal hypersecretion, which occurs as a consequence of inflammatory-necrotic processes.

Very rarely there are manifestations fatty dyspepsia . This condition develops after eating fatty foods by those who suffer from diseases of the liver, biliary tract or pancreas.

How to get rid of dyspepsia?

Before prescribing treatment to help relieve the symptoms of dyspepsia, a full examination is carried out to determine the causes of this symptom. Differential diagnosis of gastric dyspepsia is also carried out. After a complete examination, the attending physician can determine what form of gastrointestinal dyspepsia the patient has and prescribe the correct treatment.

If a patient is diagnosed with fermentative dyspepsia of the stomach, he is, first of all, prescribed special fasting days, as well as compliance with a special protein diet. diets . In this case, the consumption of carbohydrates should be limited. If the patient's condition gradually normalizes, his diet expands. It is practiced to take vitamins, adsorbent drugs, and enzyme preparations.

To get rid of putrefactive dyspepsia, it is necessary to follow a diet in which carbohydrates predominate, while proteins are limited at the same time. It is very important to eat fractionally, that is, eat at least 6 times a day in small portions. If the patient is bothered by pain, he may be prescribed painkillers.

Treatment of dyspepsia in children with its simple form is carried out on an outpatient basis. However, you should definitely ask your pediatrician about how to treat dyspepsia. It is important to eliminate the cause that provoked the development of this condition. Therefore, when asked what to do if children have indigestion, the doctor answers unequivocally: first of all, the correct one is important. A child who needs treatment for indigestion is prescribed a water-tea diet for 6-12 hours. At this time, you can give your baby very weak tea, a 5% glucose solution, or an isotonic sodium chloride solution. In the first days, it is important to limit the amount of food consumed. In addition to diet, taking enzymes and vitamins is indicated. After consultation with a doctor, you can practice treatment with folk remedies using herbal decoctions (dill seeds, plantain grass, etc.).

Toxic dyspepsia should be treated only in a hospital. Rehydration therapy is carried out for one day or a water-tea diet is practiced. The patient is given fluid orally or intravenously. Plasma replacement solutions are administered, and later saline solutions. After hydration therapy has been carried out, the child is fed exclusively breast milk or sour milk formula for one week. In the process of complex treatment, enzyme preparations, vitamin complexes, etc. are prescribed. If the disease is severe, the patient is prescribed glucocorticoids and gamma globulin.

In general, treatment of dyspepsia should involve treatment of the disease that provoked the manifestation of this symptom. In order to prevent the development of this condition, it is important, first of all, to pay special attention to the diet, regimen and eating habits, and to promptly treat all gastrointestinal diseases. As a rule, we are talking about a favorable prognosis, but sometimes it develops against the background of chronic dyspepsia. enteritis , dystrophic changes in the liver .

More than half of the world's population suffers from diseases of the digestive tract. Impaired stomach ability to digest food causes dyspeptic disorders, accompanied by unpleasant symptoms.

A large number of people do not seek medical help because the signs of the disease appear after a significant period of time and are not particularly bothersome. This means that there are many more cases of dyspeptic disorders than recorded by statistics.

Dyspeptic disorders are a phenomenon of disruption of the functioning of organs involved in digestion, in which there is difficulty in the process of digesting food. This condition can be caused by infection, poor diet, or nervous shock.

Under the influence of negative factors, a deficiency of enzymes is formed in the body for the breakdown of food, its processing and absorption of nutrients by blood cells.

To understand what dyspeptic stomach disorders are, it is necessary to study in detail the causes of their occurrence and the symptoms of their development.

What are the causes of dyspeptic disorders

Dyspeptic disorders have the peculiarity of manifesting themselves both as an independent ailment and as a syndrome of another disease.

Among the causes leading to dyspepsia are the following:

  1. Violation of healthy eating. This often happens due to a monotonous diet with a predominance of foods from one group - for example, only carbohydrates (fats or proteins). The cause of the disease may be overeating or fast, hasty eating.
  2. Nervous and mental disorders, stress, depression. A person’s emotional state has a significant impact on the development of this disease; it has been proven that stressful situations cause an exacerbation of symptoms.
  3. Pathological disorders of the gastrointestinal tract– one of the main prerequisites for the development of dyspeptic phenomena. Occurs against the background of the formation of an excess amount of hydrochloric acid.
  4. Medicines. Long-term use by an adult of medications from the anti-inflammatory group (Ibuprofen, Piroxicam, Indomethacin), antibiotics (Erythromycin, Amoxicillin), as well as drugs such as Fosamax, Glucophage, Xenical irritates the gastric mucosa, which subsequently leads to stomach upset.
  5. Previous infections or diseases associated with them (salmonellosis, giardiasis).
  6. Heredity. Scientists have identified a gene that carries information about digestive disorders.
  7. Deviations in the functioning of the biliary system. An insufficient amount of bile cannot cope with the breakdown of fats, which leads to digestive disorders.
  8. Bad habits– smoking, excessive alcohol consumption.

Diseases that may cause signs of dyspepsia:

  • gastroenterology: gastritis (with any change in acidity), gastric ulcer, gastroduodenitis (inflammation of the lining of the stomach and duodenum);
  • biliary diseases: cholecystitis, stone formation or removal of the gallbladder;
  • allergies to food, intolerance to certain elements of their composition;
  • intestinal obstruction;
  • pancreatitis - a violation of the production of pancreatic enzymes;
  • diabetes;
  • tumors of the stomach or other digestive organs (benign, malignant);
  • malabsorption syndrome - a violation of the process of absorption of nutrients due to pathologies of food digestion;
  • viral hepatitis.

Often, the development of dyspepsia is facilitated by several factors that cause disturbances in the digestive processes. In adolescents, the cause of the disease is hormonal changes inherent in the development of the body. Changing hormone levels have a negative impact on the production of enzymes needed to digest food.

How do symptoms of disorders appear?

The symptoms of dyspeptic disorder manifest themselves clearly, so when examining a patient, it is not difficult for a specialist to establish the correct diagnosis based on such signs.

In adults, disorders are accompanied by the following symptoms:

  • the appearance of pain in the abdomen. Occur periodically, last a short period of time, do not depend on food intake;
  • difficulties with defecation: constipation or, conversely, loose stools;
  • heartburn, nausea, vomiting;
  • bloating, flatulence;
  • heaviness in the stomach, a feeling of rapid satiety and fullness with a small amount of food taken.


It is expressed by the appearance of an unpleasant burning sensation in the sternum; some patients note a sour taste in the mouth. The reason is the increased level of acidity of gastric juice.

Heartburn is caused by a change in diet: rarely eating in large portions, not chewing enough, eating in a hurry, eating fatty, spicy or fried foods.

Stressful situations, nervous outbursts, smoking, and excessive consumption of alcoholic beverages contribute to the appearance of such discomfort. Some medications can cause heartburn, including anti-inflammatory drugs, as well as those containing caffeine and nitroglycerin.


In case of dyspeptic disorder, belching often occurs along with heartburn. The air accumulated in the esophagus spontaneously exits through the mouth with a characteristic sound. Such deviations are caused by digestive disorders, stagnation of food masses, which leads to excessive gas formation in the intestines.


As a rule, it occurs in the morning before breakfast, and intensifies after it. Some patients feel sick after every meal. This condition is accompanied by general weakness, pallor, increased salivation, and sweating.

Nausea may be followed by vomiting. Vomiting is not a common occurrence with this disease, but after it occurs, relief occurs.

The degree of manifestation of symptoms is expressed in each patient individually. In the presence of damage to the esophagus, dyspeptic disorder is accompanied by painful sensations when swallowing food, and in case of indigestion in the stomach - nausea, bloating and belching.

Diagnosis and treatment

The effectiveness of treatment of dyspepsia depends on a correctly established diagnosis and the appointment of adequate therapy.

To do this, a number of diagnostic studies are carried out:

  1. Health information. When talking with the patient, the doctor finds out from him the fact that he currently has, or has previously suffered, infectious diseases, inflammatory processes of the digestive organs.
  2. Studying the symptoms of the disease. Determination of the moment of the first signs of the disease, their intensity, time and connection with food intake.
  3. Laboratory research.

Diagnosis of the disease is carried out in gastroenterology and includes the following procedures: clinical blood test, general analysis of stool (for the presence of blood), endoscopy.

To confirm the diagnosis, it is possible to carry out computed tomography, examination of biological material for the presence of pathogenic bacteria, and ultrasound examination

Various methods are used to treat dyspepsia: diet, medications, traditional medicine.

In your diet, you must adhere to the rule of moderate food intake, exclude foods that cause heartburn or fermentation in the stomach, and diversify your diet.

Among physical activities, walking is useful to activate the intestines; it is recommended to limit exercises on the abdominal muscles.

Medications for dyspeptic disorders include painkillers that relieve spasms, stimulate food digestion, and reduce stomach acidity.

Folk recipes for healing dyspepsia use a variety of medicinal plants, from which various infusions, tinctures and drinks are prepared. But before using this method, you must consult your doctor.

Predictions and prevention

Provided that the disease was detected at an early stage, it can be cured quickly enough with the help of diet and medications; in the presence of concomitant diseases, treatment should be comprehensive.

In the absence of treatment for dyspeptic disorder, complications may develop: sudden weight loss due to lack of appetite, in advanced cases - damage to the mucous membrane of the esophagus at the junction of it with the stomach.

The following preventive actions are aimed at reducing the risk of disease:

  • observe the rules of hygiene: wash your hands before eating, carefully handle food before eating;
  • create a balanced diet menu, while excluding foods that cause heartburn;
  • monitor the shelf life of products;
  • stop drinking alcohol;
  • remember that physical activity should be moderate.

In conclusion, it is worth noting that if a person has a hereditary predisposition to diseases of the digestive system and notices the periodic appearance of characteristic signs, he needs to go to a medical institution for an examination.

With timely diagnosis, initiation of treatment and compliance with all doctor’s recommendations, dyspeptic disorders can be effectively treated, but have the ability to return again. To reduce the risk of recurrence of the disease, you must follow proper nutrition and monitor your health.

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Throughout life, any person has experienced some unpleasant sensations associated with the gastrointestinal tract. Such changes can be caused by errors in nutrition and excessive overeating.

Such violations can occur from time to time or be regular. The most important reason for such conditions is dyspeptic symptoms or disorders.

In order to correctly establish the line between the natural function of digestion and identify the first symptoms of what has arisen, we recommend reading this article.

A number of symptomatic manifestations that occur in the human body as a result of digestive dysfunction are called dyspeptic syndrome in medicine.

This process is accompanied by various functional disorders of the gastrointestinal tract. Usually the patient complains strongly about inadequate digestion of food, and slow bowel movements are observed.

Patients also complain of severe abdominal pain and flatulence, a feeling of heaviness after eating.

Dyspeptic symptoms are classified as pathologies that are dependent on stomach acid. The mechanism of development of the disease is often due to damage to gastric secretion and impaired motility.

Due to the aggressive influence of gastric secretions on the gastrointestinal tract, the patient experiences a specific reaction.

When patients are diagnosed, they wonder what it is?

If we characterize dyspepsia in other words, then this is a phenomenon that develops not only as a result of gastrointestinal diseases. This means that the process may be caused by specific disorders in the functionality of other organs and systems.

Accordingly, dyspeptic symptoms are a disease that affects most of the population. It applies not only to adult patients, but also to children.


There are many conditions leading to the development of dyspeptic symptoms:

  • Reflux disease, when the contents of the intestines are thrown up into the esophagus.
  • Chronic gastritis, which worsens and subsides from time to time.
  • Pathologies of the gallbladder and biliary system.
  • Gallstones.
  • Ulcers.
  • Formations of any nature, both malignant and benign.
  • Diseases of the pancreas.
  • Endocrine disorders.
  • Changes in stomach acidity to the low side.
  • Intoxication, viruses, purulent pathologies.
  • Intestinal obstruction.
  • Infections and liver diseases.
  • Regular use of antibiotics or antiviral agents, for example ergoferon, arbidol.

Considering the initial cause of stomach disease, it can be infectious or non-infectious.

There are also provoking factors that will sooner or later lead to the development of dyspeptic symptoms:

  • Errors in nutrition. Abuse of low-quality products, incorrectly selected diet.
  • Excessive production of gastric juice or increased secretion.
  • Taking medications. Antibiotics, contraceptives, and hormonal agents can contribute to disruption of the digestion process.
  • Nervousness, irritability and stress are also of great importance.
  • Alcohol abuse, smoking habit.
  • Love for coffee and black tea.

Symptoms and types of dyspeptic phenomena

Such disorders make themselves felt very often. Symptoms appear depending on the cause that led to this dyspeptic phenomenon.

However, there are certain signs that may cause dyspepsia:

  • The patient is worried about a state of internal heaviness; he regularly complains of severe pain in the gastrointestinal tract. In addition, there may be severe belching, after which temporary improvement occurs.
  • A strong burning sensation in the upper abdomen and behind the sternum may make itself felt. After a meal, heartburn bothers me. In addition, gas formation and flatulence are observed.
  • Patients experience loss of appetite, indigestion is manifested by a rapid feeling of fullness. Diarrhea also makes itself felt.
  • Nausea and vomiting are also a concern. There is rumbling in the stomach, and an unpleasant taste appears in the mouth.
  • The stool may be very frequent and of a liquid consistency. It contains parts of undigested food.
  • The patient complains of a general deterioration in his own health, is worried about weakness, loss of strength, and has problems sleeping.

ABOUT putrid dyspeptic symptoms are said in cases of symptoms of poisoning. This makes itself felt by belching, heartburn, vomiting, and abdominal pain. With this diagnosis, the stool is characterized by a darkish color.

When fermentation In dyspeptic conditions, gases and flatulence are often observed in the intestines. In this case, the pain may not bother you at all. The stool has a foamy consistency, and the excrement is light in color.

This condition is used when antibiotics and antivirals are taken incorrectly. For example, in case of an overdose of ergoferon.


In order to determine the cause and treatment of dyspeptic symptoms, it is necessary to carry out certain comprehensive diagnostic measures.

Along this path, the patient will have to go through several specialists, starting with the therapist. This doctor decides where the patient should go next: a gastroenterologist, an infectious disease specialist, etc.

Taking into account the clinical features of the disease, the following manipulations may be prescribed:

Before starting treatment for dyspeptic symptoms, the patient must adjust his diet, because without this, all therapeutic measures will be in vain.

If you are diagnosed with dyspeptic symptoms, then you need to rebuild your life and introduce the following habits into it:

  • Do not be in a horizontal position after a meal for about an hour.
  • Don't eat too much before going to bed. The last meal should occur no earlier than three hours before bedtime.
  • You need to sleep with your head elevated.
  • It is necessary to avoid wearing tight clothing that restricts the body, and also to abandon such accessories.
  • Follow a therapeutic diet. Remember that the number of meals should be about five times. These are three main meals with two snacks.
  • All smoked and fried foods should be completely removed from the menu. You should also give up irritating drinks: tea and coffee, soda.

Dyspeptic symptoms are treated according to the following plan:

  • Compliance with the principles of diet.
  • Taking pharmacological drugs.
  • Unconventional methods.

Therapeutic nutrition consists of excluding certain foods from the menu. Everything hot, spicy, sweet and the like is strictly prohibited. Steam all food. Ideally, you should give preference to cereals, as well as dairy products. Don’t forget that, despite eating 5 meals a day, you should never overeat.

Therapy for dyspeptic symptoms also involves taking medications. The following treatments are used:

  • Painkillers to relieve pain.
  • Blockers of gastric juice production.
  • Preparations to reduce acidity.
  • Antibiotics for toxic damage.
  • Sorbents, if there is a fermentation process.
  • Enzymes for better digestion of food.
  • Medicines to restore motor function.
  • Antacids for ulcers.

Preventive actions

Any illness can be prevented. To prevent the development of dyspeptic symptoms in you, you must adhere to the following principles:

  • Maintain a balanced diet, meals should happen at the same time.
  • Avoid stress and strong emotional turmoil.
  • Eliminate bad habits.
  • Play sports and monitor your health.

If you have a tendency to develop dyspeptic syndrome, you should forget about fast food, weight loss diets, your diet should be filled with various healthy foods.

Of course, the balance between all consumed substances is important: proteins, carbohydrates, fats. It is important to drink plenty of clean water throughout the day.

The presence of dyspeptic symptoms may be indicated by upset stool, abdominal discomfort, and nausea. Do not delay going to a medical facility. The sooner you do this, the better it will be for you.

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Dyspeptic disorders occur in most people. This is a complex pathological condition that accompanies many gastrointestinal diseases, and can also manifest itself due to errors in diet and emotional overload. It is very important to diagnose the disease in time in order to properly approach its treatment.

What is dyspepsia

Dyspepsia is a complex of painful symptoms in the stomach, which is often accompanied by indigestion.

This disease is acid-dependent and manifests itself in most people with increased secretory function of the digestive glands. Dyspeptic syndrome may indicate the presence of a certain gastrointestinal pathology or be an independent disease. A sudden release of hydrochloric acid into the stomach occurs for various reasons. Dyspepsia can occur in both adults and children. In the first case, the symptoms are especially acute, while in the second they may be periodic and not appear so clearly.

The structure of the digestive system shows the close proximity of all organs. Dyspepsia is often caused by pathology near the organs located near the stomach.

What is dyspepsia - video

Dyspeptic syndrome is divided into functional and organic. The first type is characterized by the presence of certain symptoms in practically healthy people. The second type of disease appears against the background of other gastrointestinal pathologies. Functional dyspepsia has the following classification:

  1. Ulcer-like syndrome. In its manifestations, this type is similar to gastric ulcer, but does not have characteristic defects of the mucous membrane.
  2. Dyskinetic. Symptoms occur immediately after eating. And they are often accompanied by intestinal manifestations: flatulence,...
  3. Non-specific. Has mixed symptoms of the forms listed above. Practically does not occur in children.

There is also the following classification of dyspeptic syndrome:

  1. Alimentary species. It develops against the background of errors in the diet and the predominance of one or another product in the diet. This type is divided into:
    • fermentative form - occurs when there is a significant amount of carbohydrate food in the diet;
    • putrefactive - develops when consuming large amounts of protein, especially stale protein;
    • soapy or fatty - occurs when there is a predominance of fats in the menu.
  2. Toxic. Occurs against the background of various food poisoning, as well as during intoxication with toxic substances. Divided into the following subtypes:
    • intoxication - manifested by both stomach pain and intestinal upset;
    • intestinal toxicosis - develops against the background of suppression of normal microflora and the introduction of pathogenic ones.
  3. Neurotic. It manifests itself against a background of increased anxiety and other psychological disorders.
  4. Simple. May have mixed symptoms of several types. However, it does not manifest itself too sharply. There are mild symptoms.
  5. Biliary. Associated with the release of bile into the stomach. This process causes characteristic symptoms. Accompanied by gallbladder dysfunction.
  6. Enzymatic. Develops due to insufficient amounts of digestive enzymes. Divided into:
    • gastrogenic type - occurs when the production of hydrochloric acid and enzymes in the stomach is disrupted;
    • enterogenous - develops as a result of a violation of secretion in the intestine;
    • pancreatogenic - is a consequence of a lack of pancreatic enzymes;
    • hepatogenic - occurs when the production of bile by the liver is impaired.

Causes and development factors

Dyspeptic syndrome may have the following causes:

  • infections that enter the stomach when eating poor quality food;
  • chronic gastritis with increased secretory function;
  • chronic pancreatitis and cholecystitis;
  • cholelithiasis;
  • chronic enterocolitis and sigmoiditis;
  • taking certain medications: antibiotics, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, hormonal contraceptives and acetylsalicylic acid.

A provoking factor can be foods that increase the acidity of gastric juice and promote hypersecretion, causing heartburn, pain and burning in the epigastrium. These primarily include sour, fatty and fried foods, as well as fast food.

Main symptoms of the disease

The distinctive signs of pathology directly depend on its form. The alimentary species is characterized by:

  • flatulence;
  • pain in the abdomen;
  • belching;
  • feeling of fullness in the stomach.

The toxic type has the following symptoms:

  • nausea;
  • vomiting;
  • burning in the epigastrium;
  • diarrhea;
  • increase in body temperature.

Neurotic dyspepsia manifests itself:

  • increased nervousness;
  • burning in the stomach;
  • nausea;
  • lump in throat;
  • alternating diarrhea and constipation.

The biliary type is characterized by:

  • burning in the epigastrium;
  • change in stool color;
  • morning sickness;
  • pain in the right hypochondrium;
  • diarrhea.

Enzymatic dyspepsia manifests itself:

  • nausea;
  • heaviness in the stomach and a feeling of fullness;
  • vomiting;
  • diarrhea with the remains of undigested food.

Differences in symptoms of organic and functional dyspepsia - table

Type of diseaseCharacteristic symptoms
Organic dyspepsia
  • pain in the epigastrium that is constant;
  • burning in the stomach;
  • heartburn;
  • recurrent diarrhea;
  • general unsatisfactory condition;
  • nausea;
  • vomit;
  • change in stool color;
  • the presence of undigested food residues in the stool;
  • pain on palpation of the abdominal organs;
  • flatulence.
Functional dyspepsia
  • emotional instability;
  • feeling of a lump in the throat;
  • nausea that occurs during increased anxiety levels;
  • vomiting immediately after eating;
  • ineffective urge to defecate;
  • abdominal pain that worsens after emotional stress;
  • burning in the stomach.

Diagnostic tests

In the presence of dyspeptic manifestations, a whole range of diagnostic studies is prescribed:

  1. FGDS. It is a method of examining the gastrointestinal tract using a special endoscope - a thin tube with a camera, which is placed through the oral cavity into the esophagus and stomach to obtain a detailed picture of the mucous membrane. This reveals microscopic changes, as well as ulcers, erosions and polyps.
  2. Colonoscopy. This method is similar to the previous one, however, with it, an endoscope is inserted through the rectum and thus any changes in the mucous membrane are diagnosed. In this case, it is possible to differentiate dyspepsia from intestinal cancer and other functional diseases.
  3. Biochemical blood test. Using this method, the level of liver parameters is determined, as well as the presence of the Helicobacter pylori bacterium in the blood.
  4. Irrigoscopy. Using an X-ray examination of the stomach and intestines, the condition of these organs is determined. The procedure is performed using liquid barium, which the patient must first swallow. It is this substance that is radiopaque and, enveloping the mucous membranes, allows one to obtain a detailed picture of the organs.
  5. Ultrasound. Ultrasound examination can detect chronic pancreatitis, liver changes and the condition of the gallbladder.
  6. Stool examination. It is carried out to determine hidden blood and microorganisms that can cause dyspeptic disorders.

Drug treatment of dyspeptic disorders and first aid

First aid for acute manifestations of dyspeptic syndrome is to eliminate symptoms. This is especially important if there is an infection. In this case, you should take adsorbents that will help remove the causative agents of toxic dyspepsia from the body, as well as excess amounts of hydrochloric acid. These drugs include Enterosgel and activated carbon. If diarrhea occurs, then you can take Smecta.

Drug treatment of dyspeptic disorders depends on the manifestation of characteristic symptoms. The following groups of drugs are most often used:

  1. Intestinal antibiotics and antidiarrheals. Among the antiseptics that are used for toxic dyspepsia, Alpha Normix is ​​distinguished, acting directly in the stomach and intestines. Antidiarrheal drugs are used for prolonged diarrhea. Most often these are Loperamide and Smecta.
  2. Antiemetic drugs. Used for persistent nausea and vomiting. These drugs block the vomiting center in the brain and eliminate unpleasant symptoms. These include: Cerucal and Motilium.
  3. Remedies for heartburn and burning in the stomach. Antacids help neutralize the aggressive components of hydrochloric acid and have an enveloping effect on the mucous membrane of the esophagus and stomach. The most commonly prescribed are Maalox, Rennie and Gastal.
  4. Antispasmodics and motor stimulants. They help eliminate pain in the abdomen and accelerate the movement of food through all parts of the gastrointestinal tract, preventing fermentation processes. These include Trimedat.
  5. Prebiotics and probiotics. Stimulate the growth of beneficial microflora and regulate intestinal function. The most popular of this line of products are: Linex and Hilak Forte.
  6. Proton pump blockers. Used for hypersecretion of the digestive glands. These medications block the secretion of hydrochloric acid, lowering the acidity of the stomach. Most often prescribed: Omez and Nolpaza.
  7. Enzymes. Promotes high-quality digestion of food in case of insufficient pancreas function. Pancreatin, Mezim and Creon are used.

Medicines used for dyspepsia - gallery

Alpha Normix is ​​an intestinal antibiotic
Smecta eliminates diarrhea and dyspeptic symptoms in the stomach. Motilium blocks the vomiting center in the brain.

Gastal envelops the gastric mucosa, relieving burning sensation Trimedat eliminates pain in the stomach and intestines Hilak Forte restores intestinal microflora
Omez blocks the release of hydrochloric acid Mezim improves the quality of digestion

Diet food and list of prohibited foods

Dietary nutrition in the presence of dyspepsia helps regulate digestion and prevents the occurrence of pain and flatulence.

  • To do this, exclude all foods that can cause hypersecretion and fermentation processes in the intestines. These include:
  • fresh fruits, especially apples, grapes and citrus fruits;
  • fresh vegetables: eggplants, tomatoes, mushrooms, cabbage, legumes and onions;
  • spices;
  • soda;
  • alcohol;
  • semi-finished products;
  • baking;
  • fatty and fried foods;
  • fast food;
  • ice cream;


List of prohibited products - gallery
Fruits enhance fermentation processes in the intestines Vegetables have a negative effect on the irritated gastric mucosa Spices increase the secretion of hydrochloric acid
Alcohol is harmful to the digestive organs. Convenience foods increase secretion and fermentation. Baking contributes to heartburn and flatulence.

Confectionery products cause a burning sensation in the stomach Fatty dishes increase dyspepsia Fast food negatively affects the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract

  • Ice cream is not consumed due to its low temperature Sauces provoke increased secretion Lemonades irritate the mucous membranes of the gastrointestinal tract
  • dairy and fermented milk products;
  • porridge from buckwheat, millet and oats;
  • vegetable stew of zucchini and potatoes;
  • steamed fish cutlets;
  • bananas and persimmons;
  • jelly;
  • rosehip decoction;
  • vegetarian cabbage soup;
  • noodle soups;
  • pasta.

Dairy products help eliminate burning and pain in the stomach Cereal porridges improve the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract Vegetable stew is well digested
Steamed cutlets are very healthy Bananas promote bowel function
Persimmon has an astringent effect, eliminating heartburn
Kissel coats the stomach Rosehip decoction reduces inflammation Mashed potatoes are not a secretion stimulant
You can add chicken to cabbage soup. Vermicelli soup can be seasoned with herbs.
Pasta does not have a negative effect on the gastrointestinal tract

Traditional methods of treatment

Traditional medicine methods are often used to treat dyspeptic disorders. The most effective recipes:

  1. Anti-inflammatory collection that has an antispasmodic effect. To prepare the decoction you will need the following herbs: chamomile, mint, calamus and licorice. They should be taken in equal quantities and mixed. 1 tbsp. l. The mixture must be poured with 350 ml of boiling water and put on low heat. After boiling for 10 minutes, cool and filter. Then take a quarter glass 3 times a day 20 minutes before meals for 10–14 days.
  2. Remedy for stomach pain. To prepare it you will need 1 medium potato. It must be peeled and grated, then squeeze the juice through cheesecloth into a glass. Add 0.5 tsp to it. honey and lemon juice. Mix everything thoroughly and heat slightly. Take 3 times a day 10 minutes before meals, warm, for a week.
  3. A collection that regulates the functioning of the stomach and intestines. To prepare it you will need mint, chamomile and St. John's wort. They should be mixed in equal quantities. Take 1 tbsp. l. mixture and pour 300 ml of boiling water. Cover with a lid and let stand for about 30 minutes. Then filter and take a quarter glass 3 times a day, half an hour before meals, for 10 days.

Chewing flax seeds is very beneficial for the stomach and intestines. During this process, beneficial mucus is formed, which, when swallowed, has a beneficial effect on the condition of the mucous membrane of the digestive organs. Pain, burning and other unpleasant symptoms are eliminated. To do this, you should consume 1 tsp of flax seeds on an empty stomach. within a month. They need to be chewed thoroughly.

Calamus has a mild choleretic effect Lemon reduces nausea

Treatment prognosis and possible complications

When determining the cause and type of dyspeptic disorder, as a rule, the prognosis is favorable if you approach treatment comprehensively and follow all the doctor’s instructions. Consequences can only occur if the cause of the syndrome is a stomach ulcer, which, if not treated in a timely manner, can lead to bleeding.

The same applies to pancreatitis and cholecystitis. In the first case, there is a risk of self-digestion of the organ, as a result of which you can end up on the operating table. This condition can be fatal.

Preventive actions

Cholecystitis, accompanied by cholelithiasis, is also fraught with danger. This pathological process can cause blockage of the bile duct, as a result of which the organ will have to be removed.

  1. Prevention of dyspeptic disorders is as follows:
  2. In the early diagnosis of gastrointestinal diseases: cholecystitis, pancreatitis, gastritis, ulcers, enterocolitis.
  3. Reducing the level of anxiety, stress and emotional overload.
  4. A balanced diet excluding foods that increase acidity.

I find it helpful in avoiding snacks and quick meals.

Perennial flowers


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