Home Roses Elementary school courtesy scenes. A feast of courtesy in elementary school. Scenario. The heart is alive by grace

Elementary school courtesy scenes. A feast of courtesy in elementary school. Scenario. The heart is alive by grace

In a magical land, in a small fairytale town, the young wizard Artie lived. He was still quite small, but possessed incredible strength!

It was Politeness. This power was endowed by his parents - good wizards.

What was it about this power? But, for example, the young wizard wanted a new toy. It was then that he applied his strength. He will come up to his parents and say: “I behaved very well. And in the magic garden, the teacher praised me. Conjure me a toy! " And at the end he added a polite spell "PLEASE!"

The baby pronounced this spell, and immediately a chest with toys appeared - the parents could not resist its extraordinary power. But Artie was only allowed to pick one toy from the chest. Otherwise, the chest could take some of its magical power for itself.

Everyone in town loved Artie - both adults and children. When he walked down the street, everyone was happy and laughing, because for every inhabitant of the magical town, the boy had his own polite spell:

- HELLO, Mr. Baker! How are you doing? The boy asked happily.

- THANKS, Auntie Matilda, your pies are very tasty!

- GOOD NIGHT, Grandpa Samson, tomorrow I will come to you to fix my shoes!

- He must have the gift of Politeness! - people were surprised, - What a polite boy!

And everyone felt cheerful and easy in their souls. Because people were just beginning to understand what Politeness is and still did not know how to say polite incantations. Although the words were very simple, the townspeople had not yet guessed about their great Magic Power. Therefore, power was considered rare.

But one day Artie almost lost his Politeness.

The kid got used to the fact that everyone already loves him, and began to forget to say polite spells THANKS, HELLO, PLEASE.

I felt the Power of Politeness that they had forgotten about her, took offense and left wherever my eyes were looking. Lost. She really doesn't like being forgotten, especially little boys.

And there was a rumor in the fairytale town that Artie had lost the gift of Politeness. The parents were worried and decided to talk to the baby. And he began to be rude and snap back. Mom and Dad were upset. They realized that things were really bad, their little son's magic gift disappeared.

They summoned the most important, the Kind Sorcerer, who was kinder than anyone in the whole fairytale town. Children, adults, and even forest animals came running - everyone was so worried about the young wizard!

- How are you doing, Artie? - the kindest Wizard asked, smiling.

- What do you care? - snapped the kid.

- Everything is clear, said the Good Wizard, - the boy simply forgot all the polite spells, so Politeness was offended.

- What to do? How can we return Politeness to our Artie, so that she doesn't take offense anymore? - the parents threw up their hands.

- And here everything is magically simple, - smiled the Wizard, - you need everyone around to say polite words. They are quite simple, but the power in them is incredible! You can easily learn this magic. Ask for something and add PLEASE at the end. And when they give you something, say "THANKS". Say "HELLO" out loud in the morning and "GOOD NIGHT" in the evening. The Power of Politeness will immediately begin to act and everyone will be happy and good!

- Simple as that! - the residents of the city were delighted and happily clapped their hands, - now we can also become polite, and we will have the most polite city!

This is the story that happened in a fabulous city. The Magic Power, of course, returned to the young wizard Artie. She was very wise and perfectly understood that in order to become a real hero, you need to go through many tests.

The inhabitants of the fairytale city finally learned to use polite spells and became the owners of the Force of Politeness. They did as the Good Wizard taught them and were simply amazed at how everything around them changed at once. And the power of polite spells has survived to this day.

The purpose of the matinee is to expand the knowledge of schoolchildren about polite and kind words and their application in life events.

The class is decorated with sheets of polite words. On the desk:

Politeness is a coin
which is worthless to the giver,
and the receiver is pleased
Eastern wisdom

Holiday progress

Teacher: Good afternoon, dear guests! We are very glad to see you!

We dedicate our today's holiday to politeness. What is it to be polite?

(Answers of children are heard)

Presenter: A polite person is always attentive to people. He tries not to cause them trouble, not to offend others in word or deed.

Host: Sometimes guys behave rudely, it seems to them that in these cases they act like adults ... But this is not so.

Go find out, go understand

He's all in one miserable day
I almost brought him to tears.
His name is - it stands like a tree stump,
As if it had grown into the ground.
- Look, do not drink raw water! -
Neighbor advises.
One glass, then another
Andryusha drinks back.
Go find out, go understand
What happened to a guy about eight years old?
- You will come to dinner at three o'clock, -
His mother told him.
He muttered: - I know myself ...
And he showed up at five.
- Well, what about you, Andryushenka?
And the son confessed to her:
When I disobey you
I look older!

Presenter: Guys, to be polite, what words do you need to know?

The presenter conducts a game "Dictionary of polite words."

  1. Even a block of ice will melt
    From a warm word / thanks/
  2. The old tree stump will turn green
    When he hears / good day/
  3. If you can't eat anymore,
    Let's tell mom we / thanks/
  4. The boy is polite and developed,
    Says meeting / Hello/
  5. When we are scolded for pranks
    We speak / forgive me please/
  6. Both in France and in Denmark
    Say goodbye ... / Goodbye/

Host: But these are not simple words, but "magic". And now you will be convinced of this.

A knock on the door to the classroom is the entrance of slovenly dressed boys in caps.

1st: Ha! They have a holiday! What should you do if you are polite?

2nd: we know the rules of courtesy even without them.

If you came to friends -
Don't say hello to anyone
The words "please", "thank you"
Do not tell anybody.
Turn away and ask questions
Don't answer anyone
And then no one will say
About you, that you are a chatterbox.

Teacher: Do you guys agree?

/ After the answers of the children, the boy is “disenchanted” by taking off his headdress /

If a friend for his birthday
I invited you to my place,
You leave a gift at home -
It will come in handy yourself.
Try to sit next to the cake,
Do not enter into conversations:
You are during a conversation
Eat half the candy.

/ "Disenchanting", finding errors /

If to dad or mom
An adult aunt came
And leads some important
And a serious conversation
Needed from behind discreetly
Sneak up on her, and then
Shout out loudly, right in your ear:
“Stop, give up! Hands up!"

Teacher: Agree? / Children's answers /

Girls should never be
Nowhere to be noticed
And keep them out of the way
Nowhere and never.
They need to substitute a leg,
Scare from around the corner ...

Teacher: What do you say to that? / Children's answers /

And girls should be able to politely invite to dance.

Children dance a waltz to the music of I. Strauss

Hello! - you tell the person.
- Hello! - he will smile back.
And probably won't go to the pharmacy
And it will be healthy for many years.

What do we say "Thank you" for?
For everything they do for us.
And we could not remember -
Who was told how many times?

I'm sorry I won't be anymore
Accidentally smash the dishes
And interrupt adults
And what he promised - to forget.
But if I still forget -
Sorry, I won't be there anymore.

Cancel, or something, the word "please" -
We repeat it every minute.
No, perhaps that without "please"
We feel uncomfortable.

They wish us a "Good journey!"
It will be easier to go and walk.
Will lead, of course, a good journey
Also good for something.

Good day! - you were told.
- Good day! - you answered.
How two strings were tied -
Warmth and kindness.

Everyone has known these words for a long time.
You see, they are both simple and not new.
But I'll repeat it anyway:
- Good people, be healthy!

Children sing the song "Good afternoon" / sl. V. Suslova, music. J. Dubravina /

Rumble, knock. Chicken runs through the door, runs around the circle.

Towards - Hare, Chicken. The chicken knocks down the Hare. The hare falls.

Chicken: Chicken! Why did you knock the Hare off his feet and not even apologize?

Ko-ko-ko! What bad manners.

Chick: I'm in a hurry!

You baked the pies yourself,

The guests were invited ...

The chicken sees the pie table and immediately sits down at the table.

Chicken: I'll taste your pies now, Auntie Chicken.

Hare: The ignorant, without knocking, ran into the house, didn't wipe his feet, didn't say hello.

Chicken: If you don't know how to behave - don't go to visit!

Guys, how should you behave at a party? / children's answers /

Chicken: Educators were found!

Instead of a treat - one lesson!

And why is everyone raising me?

Chicken sings the song "Play-pee-pee-food" / sl. N. Peskova, music. M. Libina /

I will go to the forest, I will live alone!

The scenery of the forest appears. The chicken makes a hut. A bear appears.

Bear: Hey Chicken, whose hut is this?

Pushes Chicken, he falls, climbs into the hut and breaks it.


It is impossible without an invitation
To enter someone else's house.
You broke my hut house.
Learn to behave -
Then come visit!
I don't want to be like him.
I will always be kind and polite.

Children perform the song "If you are kind" / sl. A. Khayta, music. B. Savelyeva /

Staging of S. Marshak's poem "A Lesson in Politeness"

A bear of about five or six
Taught how to behave:
- Away, bear, you can't roar,
You can't be rude and swagger
You need to bow to your friends
Hats off to them
Do not step on the paw.
No need to chomp and yawn
And who yawns deeply
He must cover with his paw
Open mouth.
Be obedient and be polite
And give way to passers-by
Respect the old
And the grandmother the bear
Into the fog and ice
See you home.
So a bear about five or six years old
Taught how to behave.
Even though he looked polite,
He remained bearish.
He bowed to his neighbors -
Foxes and bears.
I gave way to my acquaintances,
I took off my hat in front of them,
And to strangers came
With your whole heel on your paw.
I poked my nose where it was not necessary,
Trampled grass and crushed oats.
Piled belly
In public on the subway
And old men, old women
Threatened to break a rib.
A bear of about five or six
Taught how to behave
But, apparently, the educators
Wasted time.

Teacher: Yes, the bear was taught to do the right thing, but it still takes time for the bear to become polite. Now let's play. You have to be very careful. Listen, do not be distracted, if you agree, then answer: “This is me, this is me, these are all my friends,” and if not, keep quiet.

The presenters ask the riddles in turn.

Which of you, waking up cheerfully,
"Good morning" will say firmly?

Which of you, tell me, brothers,
Forgetting to wash?

Which one of you is okay
Bag, books and notebooks?

Which one of you is in a close tram
Is it inferior to the elders?

Which of you is silent as a fish
Instead of a kind "thank you"?

Who wants to be polite
Doesn't hurt kids?

Listen, good, - I said to the doll, -
Stop dressing up, this is self-indulgence.
You have already become a big girl,
And you don't know anything at all.
"Hello" when meeting adults they say
Thanks for the gifts and help.
The old men in the tram give way.
Be you the same - and you are the same
Children will call him a polite girl.

Teacher: Guys, how can you show kind feelings to others?

/ Children's answers /

If you are polite
In my soul, not for sight,
On the bus you will help
Climb up a disabled person.

And if you are polite
Then, sitting in the lesson,
You won't be with a friend
Crack like two magpies.

And if you are polite
Will you help mom
And offer her help
Without asking - that is, yourself.

And if you are polite
Then in a conversation with an aunt,
Both with grandmother and grandfather
You won't interrupt them.

And if you are polite
Then you are in the library
Nekrasov and Gogol
Take not forever.

And if you are polite
Then return the book
In a neat, not smeared
And the whole binding.

And if you are polite
To the one who is weaker
You will be the protector
Before the strong, do not be shy.

Let's be with you seriously, not for the game,
They are polite and kind to all animals and people.
So that our world becomes like an apple tree in bloom.
Give, give to passers-by warmth and kindness.

Let's be polite and kind always-always-always
And then trouble will never touch us!

So as not to offend anyone,
One must respect each other.
And do not be rude, and do not tease,
And say hello.

And if you ask somewhere
Be very, very polite
Don't complain about a bad life
And say the magic please.

Host: There are many glorious deeds ahead of us, but above all we must grow up to be real people: kind, courageous, sympathetic, polite.

Presenter: And don't forget to give people smiles.

The song "Smile" / lyrics is being performed. Plyatskovsky, muses. V. Shainsky /

Then I want to say goodbye to you,
Before we part
And go home
I want to say goodbye
At the same time, wishing you
To be kind you
They have not forgotten the magic words,
To kind words
You spoke with your friends.

Everyone (in chorus): Thank you for your attention.

See you! Goodbye!


To educate the ability to be affectionate, to activate gentle, affectionate words in the speech of children.
- draw the attention of children to how good deeds help to overcome difficulties


Promote the desire of children to use "magic words" in speech

Strengthen the concept of "politeness", "kindness" in children

Teaching children to be kind

Preliminary work: talking with children about etiquette, reading and memorizing sayings and proverbs about "politeness", talking about how we can show our mood with the help of facial expressions

Materials and equipment:

Emotion masks

Two signs ("The Road of Good Deeds", "The Road of Bad Deeds"

Apple tree with apples

Petals of different colors (40 pieces)

Gift Chest



Baba Yaga

Fairy of courtesy

The Queen of Roughness (off-screen)

Holiday progress

(children go into the hall and sit on high chairs)


Good day! - you were told

Good day! - you answered.

How two strings were tied -

Warmth and kindness.

Leading: Guys, look how many guests we have. Let's say hello to them and smile. The guests smile back at you. Our smiles immediately became brighter.

Leading: Guys, we received a letter from the Fairy of Courtesy. Let's read it.

(the host reads the letter)

"Dear Guys! I was captured by the evil queen of Rudeness. Help me, help me out of trouble. Fairy of politeness. "

Leading: Children, what are we going to do? Shall we go to the rescue of the Fairy of Courtesy? (Answers of children). So they decided to free the fairy? Aren't you afraid of difficulties? (children's answers)

Baba Yaga runs in

Baba Yaga: Come on, move over! Look, sat down!

Baba Yaga: pushes the children (guests), sits down.

Baba Yaga(to children): Why are you goggling at me? It's me Baba - Yaga!

Leading: What are you, Baba Yaga impolite!

Baba Yaga: What does it mean to be polite?

Leading: Guys, explain to Baba Yaga what it means to be polite.


Means to be attentive to people

Speak polite words

Takes care of people close to you

Make way when walking towards

Make way for girls and adults

Give thanks for help

Do not be rude

Try to do what is pleasant for others.

Leading: Baba Yaga, do you know the words of courtesy?

Baba Yaga: Of course I know!

Leading: And we will check it now! Get up in the circle and we will play the game "Ball". I take out my magic ball of thread.

I / y "Ball"

Move: This ball must be passed to each other in a circle so that everyone grabs the thread and at the same time says a polite word.

Children play, Baba Yaga repeats words after children and gets confused.

Baba Yaga: Well done boys! You did a great job! But Baba Yaga failed!

Baba Yaga: Wow, what are you! How angry I am with you!

Leading(to children): What should we do? How to appease her? Seems to have come up with it! We will put Babu Yaga on a magic chair and compliment her.

D / u "Magic chair".

Move. Baba Yaga sits down in the center on the "magic chair", the others say kind, affectionate words and compliments about her. You can hug a sitting person, stroke, kiss.

Baba Yaga: Wow, good - how! Thank you for your words! Please tell me where are you going?

Leading: We are going to rescue the Fairy of Courtesy, she was stolen by the Queen of Rudeness!

Baba Yaga: I will be very grateful to you if you allow me to fly with you.

Leading: Babu Yaga is not even recognizable, she has become so polite. Do you guys agree to take her with you?
(Answers of children)
Leading: Hurry, take seats under my magic umbrella, and we hit the road!
Music sounds melodic at first, then scary.

“I am the Queen of Rudeness and you have entered my kingdom! I have captured the Fairy of Courtesy, and now all people on Earth will be rude and impolite. But, she can be freed by completing my three assignments. "

Leading: What are we going to do? Aren't you scared? Would you like everyone on earth to be polite? (children's answers)

The presenter leads the children to the masks - rudeness, joy, happiness, grief, crying, seriousness, fear, fright)

Leading: Guys, look at the masks and choose the one that best suits the Queen of Rudeness. We did not see the queen, but we heard her voice. (Children find a mask and explain their choice.)

Leading: And now, we will play the game "The sea is worried ..." and try to depict any of these masks. (Baba Yaga also takes part in the game)

Children play with musical accompaniment. After the game, the children hear the voice of the Rudeness Queen.

“So, the first task: to help out the fairy, you need to choose the right path. Look for this path! "

Leading: Guys, look, there really are two roads - this is the road of bad deeds, and this is the road of good deeds. Which path do we need to go (children's answers)

Baba Yaga: And I have chosen and will follow the road of bad deeds. Who is with me?

Leading: What are you, Baba Yaga, listen to what the children will tell you.

Children explain why they have to follow the road of good deeds.

"You have chosen the right path, but here is the second task: there will be an enchanted tree on your way, try to disenchant it"

Leading: Look guys, really - a tree. And I seem to know how to cast a spell on him: I need to tell poems about politeness and rules of behavior and magic apples will appear on him. (Children recite poetry and apples appear on the apple tree)

1. "Weird things"

Strange things happen to me:

I am upset - everyone is upset!

And grieved people meet

And sadly the trees sway ..

I smile - the grief ends!

Everywhere funny faces meet.

Everywhere the trees sway with laughter!

But why does this happen?

2. "Quarreled."

We had a fight with a friend

And sat down in the corners.

It's very boring without each other!

We need to make peace.

I did not offend her-

I only held the bear

Only with a bear ran away

And she said: "I won't give it up!"

I'll give her a bear, I'm sorry

Give her a ball, give her a tram

And I will say: "Let's play!"


Why are you shedding tears, meadow?

My flower has withered

The brightest, the lightest

Visible from everywhere.

Maybe from my land

He couldn't drink water?

Maybe a sunburn

Wounded a fragile petal?

Do not grieve, friend-meadow,

Your flower was beautiful

But it happens sometimes

Very fragile beauty.

It's not your fault

You are rich in black earth.

Flowers will grow again -

Your sons and daughters.


Never gets tired

Rises before all others,

Ready to shine for everyone

Word - Good Morning.

It gives a lot of strength

Knocks on the window with the sun.

Laziness will disappear from that one,

Who will start their day with him!


There are many benefits from a servant:

He'll clean his boots

Cook, wash,

He will even read the tale.

He is always at hand

With him, not life, but beauty:

But a reliable, faithful friend -

Better even a hundred servants!

6. WHAT I AM Proud of

I'm proud of my mom -

Good, beautiful most;

Daddy - strong and big

Nothing is scary with him;

I'm proud of my older sister -

For me she is a mountain;

Younger little brother -

He does not part with the book;

I'm proud of my friend Pashka,

I study with him in the class.

He writes poems and fairy tales -

Pashka has a talented brain.

I'm proud of all the good ones

And I'm not ashamed to be proud.

You can achieve a lot

If you are proud of others!


Everyone in the family is at odds with me:

I argued with my brother all day

And he was rude to his sister.

I have ruined the unity.

There is a roar in the house, an angry resentment,

What should I do, I don't know

How to revive unity?

We cannot live without it.

I accept the decision

Urgently ask for forgiveness.

Both my sister and my brother

They will gladly forgive me.


Beauty lives everywhere:

In a drop of rain, in a star,

In the bright sunshine

In the ringing, mischievous streams,

In the colors of the rainbow, in the birch,

In a fragrant lush rose,

In the dark night - on the moon,

And in winter - on the window.

Beauty lives in a smile

In the fragile, delicate sounds of the violin

In my mother's kind eyes,

In daddy's strong arms.

Beauty is here and there

Opens doors for us.

Her world is like magic,

There is nothing more beautiful than him!


The heart should be kind

This is how it was made

To give love and light

All around for decades.

The heart can get sick

The heart will stop singing

If there is no compassion in him,

Sensitivity and understanding.


Modesty adorns us

Every moment and every hour.

Where can we get it,

We want to become more beautiful!

At the market? In the shop?

In her heart and soul she

It's a pity, it's often not visible!


A good man walks on the ground,

In a backpack carries goodness,

Offers everyone in a row

Everyone is happy to take a gift.

And goodness does not diminish

There is enough of him in the backpack,

But it's not hard to carry

Only evil presses on the shoulders!

“Well done! Here is the third task. Lay out flowers of courtesy in a magic meadow, and then I will return your fairy to you. "

Leading: Guys, rather here, we are in a magic glade. Lay out courtesy flowers! What color will you take the petals? (pink, delicate, bright, sunny, joyful). Explain why (children's answers)

Baba Yaga: I also want to lay out a flower (lays out a dark color flower).

Leading: Children, look Baba Yaga laid out a flower, but does it look like a courtesy flower? What would you call it? (Flower of rudeness) Why? (because the flower has petals of dark, gloomy, sad, sad tones)

Baba Yaga: Yes, indeed, your flowers are prettier.

"So, you have completed all my tasks, get your Fairy of Courtesy"

Leading: Here comes the courtesy fairy!

A fairy appears with a chest in her hands.

Fairy- Hello guys! Thank you for helping me out of trouble. You are not afraid of a difficult journey, you have completed all the tasks of the evil queen. Only well-mannered, polite children could overcome rudeness. Guys, I have a magic chest for you, there is a surprise in it, but you can only open it with the help of magic words.

Baba Yaga tries to open the chest.

Baba Yaga: Yes, I'll open it anyway! Hey chest, open up!

Leading: Guys, what magic words and poems about magic words do you know?

Children recite poetry

1. "Hello" -

You will tell a man "

“Hello,” he smiles back.

And it will be healthy for many years

2. They wish us a good journey

It will be easier to ride and walk

Will lead, of course, a good journey

To something kind too

3. The word "please"

We repeat every minute

But, perhaps, without "please"

We feel uncomfortable

4. For what we say "Thank you".

For everything they do for us.

And we couldn't remember

Who was told how many times.

5. Good morning! The birds are singing

Kind people get out of bed.

All the darkness hides in the corners

The sun has risen and is on business.

6. Good afternoon! - you were told

Good afternoon! - you answered.

How two strings were tied-

Warmth and kindness.

7. Good night! - says the silence

Everyone can hear it now

Speaks in silent words:

Sleep, I'll stay with you all night

8. Be kind, - I say this in secret

Be kind - and do not expect candy for this.

Be kind - without playing and while playing

If you can, be kind enough.

9. Being kind is not easy at all.

Kindness does not depend on growth.

All people are happy with kindness

And in return, she does not demand a reward.


Kindness lives on

Only in a good heart are children.

Baba Yaga: Wow, the chest opens

Hey guys swoop in

And grab the presents!

Shove them in your pockets!

Leading: You can't say that, otherwise the chest will close again. And the guys are great, none of the chest took anything

Fairy: For your endurance and patience, and politeness, I give you a chest with a treat.

Baba Yaga: Thank you, Fairy of Courtesy for the treat!

Fairy: It's time for me guys to get back to my good deeds. Goodbye!

The fairy leaves.

Leading: Guys, it's time for us to go back to kindergarten. I think you learned a lot yourself and taught Baba Yaga to be a polite old lady!

Baba Yaga: Thanks guys! Now I will be kind and cultured

Children say goodbye to Baba Yaga.

Leading: Get up all under my magic umbrella. Fly home (melodic music)

Leading: Here we are at home. Today we talked about politeness, about polite words. But being polite is not only about speaking polite words, but also trying to please other people. Remember this for the rest of your life

Leading: Come to me and take the suns.

Give everyone in the sun - a Part of light, kindness.

Give words of love and tenderness to people like flowers!

Leading: Guys, say goodbye to our guests.

Leading: Until next time.

Alevtina Tkacheva
Summary of organized activities "Courtesy lessons from Malvina"

Today politeness, respect, etiquette, culture, rules of conduct undeservedly receded into the background. Children's assertiveness, communication with adults "on equal terms", turning into impudence, more and more causes not condemnation, but a smile on the part of the parents.

A very difficult task for educators is to develop in preschoolers the need to observe the rules of etiquette. This is more difficult to achieve when children around them do not always see the correct behavior of adults.

I represent summary of joint organized activities for the preparatory group. The open lesson was prepared and conducted as part of the Teacher of the Year 2018 competition in the Educator of the Year nomination at the municipal level.


integrated lesson

on social and communicative development

On the topic: « Courtesy lessons from Malvina»

for children of the preparatory group for school

Prepared by the teacher A.A. Tkacheva


Target: Learning by students of a set of specific rules of behavior in public places.


Educational: To acquaint students with the rules of conduct in public places; teaching the culture of behavior; reinforce children's knowledge of courtesy.

Developing: Develop the ability to correctly assess yourself and others in various situations. Develop speech, communication skills in students.

Educational: To cultivate respect for the people around.

Occupation type: Consolidation of the studied material.

Equipment: Decorative hearth, fairy tale hero dolls "The Adventures of Pinocchio", golden key, boxes, bell, two easels, cut pictures (two sets) with magnets, hats for children dolls, soft modules for playing with obstacles, ICT: situational slides, videos, treats.

Course of the lesson:

Children sit on chairs, enters the hall Malvina with large boxes, because of which he can not see anything.

Malvina: Pinocchio! Pierrot! It's time for lesson! (nobody is answering)

Malvina puts boxes,looks around and says in surprise:

Malvina: Hello guys! Oh, how many of you are here! And your guests ... Hello, dear guests!

Did you recognize me? (Answers of children)... Yes I - Malvina... And what is your name, I do not know. Let's get acquainted? And the magic golden key will help us to do this.

Malvina takes a golden key from the boxes and starts the game, paying attention to the expressions "very nice" and "nice to meet you".

Game - greeting "Nice to meet you"

Malvina: I'll start, my name is Malvina. (Children call their names, passing the key in a circle).

Malvina: Let's get to know each other! Guys, did you happen to see my friends? I have to start lesson, but they are nowhere to be found ... (children answer, Malvina sees puppet toys hanging on the fireplace)

Malvina: (scared) What happened to them?

A video with Karabas-Barabas appears on the screen.

Karabas-Barabas: (Laughing) Don't look for your friends Malvina! They are now in my power. You are so all polite, neat, well-mannered, and your comrades are rude and uncivilized. Not "Hello" do not you "Goodbye" nobody will tell! I just need these.

If you want them back, prove that you can re-educate them. Until then, stay with your dolls! (Laughs)

Malvina: (Holding her head) What to do now? I came up with it! And let you guys play the role of puppets in our theater, show this Karabas-Barabas what we are polite, cultured and well-mannered. What do you think it means to be polite? (children's answers)

Polite a person is an educated person with good manners, who does good deeds, knows how to respectfully and tactfully communicate with people.

Malvina: That's right, what good fellows you are! Let's play with you a game called « Polite words» .

I will call you actions, and you will perform them, but only if you hear "Magic words"... Be careful!

Game text:

Stand in a circle, please.

Hands up, please.

Put your hands down.

Lower your hands, please.

Turn right, please.

Turn left.

Face me, please.

Jump twice, please.

Nod your head.

Shake the hand of the neighbor on the left, please.

Smile, please.

Give yourself a pat, please.

Malvina: Well done guys, how attentive you are! Now let's see how many magic words you know. To do this, you need to complete the sentences that you are about to hear.

The game "Complete the sentence"

Talking to friends is not too lazy

Smiling ...

(Good day)

Goodbye to each other

We'll say ...


Don't blame each other

Better soon ...


How beautiful it is

Good word ...


When you are to blame, you are in a hurry to say

Please, please-


Never interfere in someone else's conversation

And you are better than adults ...

(Do not interrupt)

Even a block of ice will melt

From a warm word ...


The old tree stump will turn green

When he hears ...

(Good day)

If you can't eat anymore,

Let's tell mom we ...


The boy is polite and affectionate

Says meeting ...


When we are scolded for pranks

We say ...

(Please forgive me)

Both in France and in Denmark

Saying goodbye ...


If a friend meets a friend

Friends shake hands with each other

To a greeting in response

Everyone says ...


I wrote a letter to my mother

I answered yesterday

And at the end he transmitted

To all friends ...


If with a friend or a friend

The separation was long

When we meet, we say:

"How old and ..."

(How many winters)

If you met someone

According to the laws of etiquette,

So that the conversation goes up the hill,

We ask: "How…"


Our world is tired of evil

So that he becomes kinder

We are not too lazy to speak

At the meeting …

(Good day)

Masha knew a lot of words,

But one of them is missing

And it's like a sin

It is spoken most often.

This word follows

For a gift, for lunch,

This word is spoken

If thank you.


Malvina: What good fellows you are! Tell me and you "Magic words" do you often use? (Answers of children)... I see who you are polite and cultured... Guys, what kind of person is called cultured? (Answers of children)... That's right, a cultured person is an educated, well-mannered, responsible, sensitive person. He respects himself and others, follows the rules of conduct. Now we will remember these rules.

Situational pictures - slides with examples of cultural behavior.

Malvina: now you will see different situations. You need to describe it. Tell what rule of conduct you considered there. Can I do this or not?

Rules of conduct at the table Give way to elders

Don't be greedy Don't eat on public transport

Don't interrupt adults

Malvina: Well done. And now we will complete such a task. Let's split into two teams. Each speed team must collect pictures and tell what the rule of behavior is in this picture. (Children compete to collect pictures)

One of the pictures about friendship and help.

Malvina: Guys, tell me, are you friendly? (Answers of children)... What does it mean to be friends? (Answers of children)... Now we will check if you can come to the rescue of your friends.

The game "Help a friend"

Dense forest. We can only overcome it with the help of friendship.

We need to overcome this forest with you. But you need to get through it so as not to touch a single object. Children are divided into pairs. One of the pair is blindfolded. Large toys are laid out on the floor between two chairs. The second child of the pair needs to lead the partner from one chair to another so that no toys are knocked down.

Malvina: Guys, you did a great job! You are all so friendly and well-mannered!

A video with Karabas-Barabas appears.

Karabas-Barabas (Looks through the spyglass): Look, how educated! how many they know polite words, the rules of conduct are discussed! Good, Malvina, I'll give you your friends, try to re-educate them. And I'll see what you get out of it!

Malvina: Oh, guys, before he changes his mind, I'll run and take my friends! And for your help I want to give you magic golden keys. They will open the door for you to the country courtesy. (gives out gifts)... Thank you! Goodbye! (Leaves).

Holiday progress

Teacher... Hello! Welcome to the "Thank you, hello, please" courtesy party! Hello!

"Hello!" -

Bowing down, we said to each other,

Although they were completely unfamiliar.

"Hello!" -

What special things did we say to each other?

Just “hello”, because we didn't say anything else.

Why, then, has the sun added to the world by a drop?

Why, then, has there been a drop of happiness in the world?

Why has life become a little more joyful?

Guys, what does this word mean, "hello"?

Children express their point of view.

Children. This means that we wish the person to be healthy.

Teacher. Yes, that's right, well done! Now let's split into two teams and compete for a bit, let's start our courtesy contest.

With the help of a teacher, children are divided into two teams, come up with names for the team, choose captains.

Teacher. Let me introduce you to the jury members.

Jury presentation.

Teacher... Let's start our competition with a warm-up. I will say the first part of the proverb, and the teams must finish them in turn. For the correct answer, the teams will receive one point. So, are you ready?

Students... Yes!

Teacher... I bow my head ...

Team 1... ... will not hurt.

Teacher... From polite words ...

Team 2... ... the tongue will not dry out.

Teacher. Honestly and a wild head ...

Team 1... ... humbles.

Teacher. In someone else's house, do not be perceptive, but be ...

Team 2... ... friendly.

Teacher. Where they sit, sit there, and where they don't order, there ...

Team 1... ... don't look.

Teacher... Speak without thinking what to shoot ...

Team 2... ... without aiming.

If the team does not know the answer, the right to answer is transferred to the other team.

Teacher... Well done! While the jury is summing up the interim results, I would like to tell you something. Did you know that in different countries people greet each other in different ways? Do you know how the Indians greet each other?

Shows a pre-prepared student who sits on the floor and takes off his shoes.

Teacher. And this is how they greet each other in Japan.

Shows a pre-trained student who shows low, medium, and small bows.

Teacher... And look how they do it in Tibet.

Shows a previously prepared student who takes off his hat with his right hand, puts his left hand behind his ear and sticks out his tongue.

Teacher... Are the teams ready? Then we start our first competition.

Please listen to the reportage we received. It is called "At the Table".

Everyone is at the table. It's a shame you don't see the inspired faces of the eaters. Dishes start to move, plates become flying. Bang! Someone fell from the chair, unable to withstand the tension of the moment.

"A-a-a," Olechka shouts in horror, covering her face with her hands. From the other end of the table, leaning on it with his whole body, a well-mannered boy Tolya with a formidable weapon - a fork in his hands - stretches. A dangerous moment! Jerk! Phew! The danger was over. Olga is intact, but the fork was directed straight into her eye! But Tolya with a virtuoso movement hooked on a tidbit of meat and pulls it across the table. Carrying his prey, he knocks over the gravy boat and gets into the salad with his sleeve. I have already stuffed the whole piece of meat and half of the fork into my mouth. Well done! The sword swallower! Vitya convulsively clutches the spoon in his fist, like a sledgehammer with which he will now hammer the pile. What is he doing? He's trying to catch a slippery fish out of the jar with a spoon! Such a maneuver! Ah ah ah! Vitya drops the fish into ice cream. The original dish is fish with ice cream. Bon appetit, Vitya!

So, you are given time to discuss and say what mistakes were made by the guys at the table.

After the discussion, the teams name the mistakes to the jury representatives. The jury representative writes down the answers. Then the answers are voiced. For each correct answer, the team receives one point.

Teacher... It's time for the next competition.

Listen to the poem "Very Polite Turkey" first.

Prepared pupils read in advance.

Student 1.

Suddenly showed up in the house

Very Polite Turkey.

Student 2.

Thirty times a day

At least often, he shouted:

Hey, you ignoramuses!

Come in, or something, for a visit -

Learn politeness!

Student 3.

I myself, - Turkey shouted,

Doctor of Polite Sciences.

And my wife is an example

Wonderful manners:

Even when she sleeps

It can be seen that she was brought up!

Student 4.

Do not be shy, Donkey!

Come in, sit down at the table!

Why are you silent like a fish?

Say: "I'll come, thanks!"

Student 5.

Don't be a pig, Pig, -

My family is waiting for you!

I would only wash it before

You are your pig's snout!

Student 6.

As he did not fight, however,

Nobody went to Turkey -

Neither Cow nor Dog,

Neither Khavronya nor Donkey!

Student 7.

Turkey turned blue with anger:

Do not go, insolent, to visit!

All work wasted in vain!

All of them are bald-noodles!

Its greatness:

Have not learned, you bastards,

Moral standards!

Teacher... Let's now discuss the behavior of the Turkey.

The teams name the mistakes that Turkey made. The jury representative writes down the answers. Then the answers are voiced. For each correct answer, the team is given a point.

Teacher... Now our next challenge. Guess who in Russia they said: "Bread and salt"?

Team 1... Dinner.

Teacher... "Tea and sugar?" -

Team 2... Drinking tea.

Teacher... "The sea under the cow?" -

Team 1. Milkmaid.

Teacher."Catch for fish?" -

Team 2... The fisherman.

If the team does not know the answer, the right to answer is transferred to the other team. For each correct answer, the team receives one point.

Teacher... We are starting the next competition "Tactfulness". Teams should show each other prepared scenes. The members of the opposing teams need to explain what is wrong in the shown scene and correct the mistakes. Teams can be invited to play the following scenes:

1. Nastya came to visit Valya and said: “Oh, little parrot! I also had one, only died. They do not live long, they are very gentle. "

2. Katya entered the classroom. Her eyes were red. "What's the matter? Come on, we’re friends. What's wrong with you? ”Everyone in the class shouted.

Teams act out sketches. Then they express their opinion about whether the heroes of the scene did the right thing, what is their mistake. The results are summed up. The jury announces the results of the competition.

Teacher... And now the "Tower of Polite Words" competition. The teams take turns saying a polite word, and the captain draws a brick on the board, you cannot repeat yourself. Whose tower is higher - he wins.

The teams complete the task. The jury sums up the results of this competition.

Teacher... And now the final competition of captains. It's very short. I announce a musical pause, during which the distinguished captains will try to name the golden rule of politeness.

A musical pause is played for team members and spectators. The captains, while the music is playing, consider the answer. Then they voice their options. For example:

- Do not do to others what you do not wish for yourself.

Don't tell others what you don't want to hear yourself.

The jury evaluates the answers. The chairman of the jury announces the overall result.

Teacher... Guys, I propose to end our holiday with verses. I will say the beginning, and you will say the end.

Teacher... The old tree stump will turn green when he hears ...

Students... ...good day!

Teacher... Open your mouth often to say ...

Students... ...please!

Teacher... On a fine day, or a rainy day, tell your friends ...

Students... ...Hello!

Teacher... Dear guys, our holiday - the courtesy contest - is over. But I hope that you will always be polite, and not only at the holiday and will not forget the golden rules of politeness. Goodbye, all the best to you!

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