Home Trees and shrubs Ribbon embroidery of butterflies and dragonflies Mk. Master class on ribbon embroidery of floral pictures. The poppy core is made from a circle of fabric

Ribbon embroidery of butterflies and dragonflies Mk. Master class on ribbon embroidery of floral pictures. The poppy core is made from a circle of fabric

Ribbons: red, black, white 2 mm wide.
Threads: black (for body and antennae).

Trace the contours and mark the outlines of the red zero of the wings.
Fill the insides of the wings with red ribbon embroidery.
Embroider the outer parts of the wings with black ribbons in two overlapping rows.
Make white details on black embroidery.
Sew the front edge of the front wings using an encircled basting stitch, and cover the remaining wings with a Palestrina stitch.
Embroider the body and antennae with black thread.

Danaida Chrysippus

Ribbons: white, golden, beige, width A mm; black 2 mm wide.
Threads: brown (for the body), black (for the antennae).

Trace the outlines.
Complete the inner parts of the front wings with beige ribbons.
Embroider the hind wings with gold ribbons.
Embroider the outer edge of the front wings with black ribbons, and embroider white details on top of them.
Sew the front edge with small basting stitches using 2mm wide black tape, and edge the remaining wings using a palestrina stitch.
Embroider the body with brown threads, the antennae with black threads.

Patterns for embroidering butterflies

Below are patterns for embroidering small butterflies. The sizes of the patterns can be changed depending on the chosen fabric with a uniform weave.

Start embroidering butterflies from the front edge of the front wings, you sew both front wings, then move to the back wings.
The body should be embroidered with single brown ribbons entwined in straight stitches or twisted knots with fine silk threads.
Embroider the antennae with thin black thread, a long straight stitch and a short backstitch at the top.

We embroider pansies with ribbons

This master class is ideal for beginning needlewomen who have decided to embroider a picture with their own hands using satin ribbons for the first time. Thanks to step-by-step actions and photos with detailed descriptions, anyone can embroider these wonderful flowers on their own.

Before you start embroidering flowers, you must first draw them on the fabric of your choice:

To make it more convenient for you to work later, all the seams and stitches used to create this picture are marked in this figure.

It is also better to prepare all the materials necessary for work in advance:

  • you will need a small piece of fabric 20X20cm.
  • two needles: one for ribbons, and the second for working with threads.
  • lilac threads.
  • 1 m 6 mm green satin ribbon.
  • about 20 cm of yellow ribbon.
  • approximately 50 cm of wider yellow tape.
  • 50 cm is the same thickness of the purple ribbon.
  • and 70 cm 12 mm lilac ribbon.
  • hoop.
  • a pencil or chalk that you will use to apply the design to the fabric.

To choose the right materials for your future painting, and also to understand how the tapes differ from each other, you can watch a short video:

Video: materials for embroidery with ribbons

Beginning needlewomen can be advised to watch a video clip that shows how to correctly thread a ribbon into a needle:

Video: how to thread a ribbon through a needle

So, after you have inserted the ribbon, transferred the design to the fabric and tucked it into the hoop, you can proceed directly to the embroidery itself:

Pansies can be embroidered in various ways. After watching a short video, you will see one of them:

Video: master class on embroidering pansies

Embroidering a basket with lilacs

The previous ribbon embroidery of pansies was quite easy. Now let's try to complicate the task a little.

After carefully reading our master class, you will be able to embroider a basket with lilac branches with ribbons:

Let's start by preparing all the necessary materials:

  • scissors;
  • lighter;
  • hoop;
  • needles;
  • basis for the picture;
  • threads;
  • satin ribbons.

Of course, you can buy ready-made prints for embroidery with ribbons, but since our design is not very complex, we will mark its contours on the fabric with our own hands.

Then, having threaded the material into the hoop, we can begin embroidering lilac branches. We will need to bring a needle and ribbon and a needle and thread to the front side.

Using a needle and thread, we will have to make several stitches on the ribbon: first 2 along it, then 1 across, again 2 along and 1 more across.

By carefully pulling the thread, you tighten the ribbon, and you will get one small lilac flower. Having done this, you will need to bring the needle to the wrong side and secure the thread there.

In this way you will need to make the required number of flowers. The main thing is not to forget to fasten the thread on the wrong side every time.

You can choose the size of the branches and their number yourself. However, please note that embroidered branches look prettier if you embroider them with ribbons of different colors.

Following our step-by-step instructions, you have embroidered a bouquet of lilacs, and now you need to decorate it with green leaves. You can do this in two ways:

  • sew on leaves using curl stitches;
  • or cut them out of a thick green ribbon and, after finishing the edges with a lighter, simply sew the resulting leaves in the right places.

At this stage we will embroider a basket for our bouquet with our own hands. First we will need to make large horizontal stitches, like in the photo shown.

We will then need to make vertical stitches so that they intertwine with the horizontal stripes to form a "checkerboard pattern".

To make it easier for you to imagine how to do this, you can look at the photo with the finished basket.

This is what the finished work looks like, made using the ribbon embroidery technique. In this picture, the embroidered lilac branches are made using different colors and shades. Some leaves are also made two-color, but the basket itself, on the contrary, is monochromatic.

Separately, I would like to note that lilacs can be embroidered in different ways. Our master class told you about perhaps the simplest of them.

However, in order for inspiration to come to you, you can familiarize yourself with some finished paintings. On them you will see hand-embroidered lilac branches.

Photo gallery with finished works:

Bouquet of lilacs in a vase

Flower arrangement of roses and lilacs

Beautiful bouquet embroidered with multi-colored ribbons

"Gentle Miracle"

Large bouquet of lilacs

Lilac embroidery with thin ribbons

Roses and lilacs

You can also watch a video of a master embroidering lilacs:

Video: learning to embroider lilacs with ribbons

In most cases, professionals use ready-made pictures for embroidery, as this greatly facilitates their work. But this does not mean that without a special picture you will not be able to embroider the bouquet you like.

After all, ribbon embroidery is not just one of the types of needlework, it is rather a way of self-expression. You can feel like an artist creating a real masterpiece with your own hands from the very beginning to the end.

Embroider a butterfly using ribbons

Ribbon embroidery allows us not only to create beautiful pictures, but also to add additional details to them. For example, you can decorate paintings with various flowers embroidered with satin ribbons using butterflies of different colors and sizes.

Let's try to decorate the paintings by embroidering beautiful butterflies on them:

Apple butterfly ribbon embroidery

This is the pattern we will embroider:

For work we will need black threads and ribbons (white, black and red).

  • Any ribbon embroidery begins with threading a ribbon and securing it to the fabric. In addition, before starting work, you need to transfer the design onto the fabric and thread it into the hoop;
  • Having finished with these preparations, you will need to embroider the inside of the wings with red ribbons;
  • The outer parts of the wings are embroidered with black ribbons in two rows using an overlap;
  • White details are then embroidered on the edges of the wings;
  • The tops of the front wings are finished with wrapped basting stitches and the remainder of the wings are finished with Palestrina stitch;
  • At the very end, the antennae and body are embroidered with black thread.

Ribbon embroidery of Danaid Chrysippe

The shape and appearance of this butterfly is slightly different from the previous model. In order to embroider this beauty we will need:

  • black and brown threads;
  • black, white, beige and gold ribbons.

Let's get started:

You can also make a ribbon butterfly in an easier way. To do this, you just need to watch a short video:

Video: embroidering a butterfly with satin ribbons

Butterfly satin stitch embroidery patterns enable the embroiderer to reproduce the image of a beautiful insect on fabric. The work is not difficult, but it brings maximum pleasure to the craftswoman and aesthetics to any product. On which this design will be embroidered.

Satin stitch embroidery is a very exciting activity that simply cannot help but interest you. This article will be especially close to needlewomen. Smooth surface is an opportunity to convey all your feelings and emotions, only on canvas. Having mastered the technique, you will learn how to make unusual and stylish things. For example, design home textiles, children's and adult clothing, and also personally invent new decorative elements that will cause amazement and delight among guests who come to your home.

Base fabrics for satin stitch embroidery can be completely different. In this case, the fabric is not as important as, say, in cross stitch. So, the craftswoman chooses the material based on what she is going to do. If this is bed linen, then, as a rule, silk, calico or satin will be the most appropriate. When purchasing, carefully examine the fabric on both sides and ask the seller for its exact composition. You will need this to know if special care will be needed.

If you are going to sew, for example, spring outerwear, then drape will do. Before you start embroidering, you need to straighten the fabric and steam it. This is necessary so that after embroidery there is no distorted and uneven pattern.

When purchasing embroidery threads, as a rule, pay attention to the thickness of the fabric. If your choice is on a thin material, then cotton or silk threads are suitable. Floss threads are universal. They are suitable for absolutely any base, since their thickness can be adjusted at any time. If you decide to decorate outerwear made of thick material, then woolen threads are suitable for you.

Needles for satin stitch embroidery do not have a specific size. Therefore, they can be completely different. The main thing is, when purchasing, do not forget to take into account the thickness of the fabric and threads.

Let's take into account thin materials, for example, silk, then needles of 1-3 numbers are suitable; cotton, wool - numbers 4-8; drape - numbers 9-12.

The main types of stitches that can be found most often:

straight stitch, line and stem stitches, back and forth needle stitches, knot stitch, fan stitch, top stitch.

Butterfly satin stitch embroidery patterns.

You will need: a needle; threads of the thickness you need; textile; hoop; thimble.

This technique will allow you to play with colors and stitch sizes.

The main types of surface: shadow, flat, fan, and also Vladimir. Having mastered these types, you can easily complete this drawing.

In the diagram you can see step by step how to embroider an insect wing.

The samples presented above can decorate absolutely any thing. This could be a tablecloth or a kitchen napkin. Also, you can decorate any children's or women's item. For example, a blouse, blouse or dress. Your wardrobe will be filled with new life, refreshed and become stylish and relevant again. Since folk motifs have not disappeared from fashion catwalks for many seasons.

By slightly increasing the size of the butterfly or flower (they can be combined, as in the photo below), we get a wonderful picture. It can be used to decorate a room or be prepared as a gift for people close to us.

In today's master class we continue the theme of 3D thread embroidery. This type of embroidery requires more effort and perseverance than regular embroidery. But the result will exceed your wildest expectations! To master embroidery techniques, you need to know many different techniques, one of which we will talk about today.

As a rule, needlewomen switch to volumetric embroidery when they master the usual technique of cross stitch or satin stitch thread embroidery. For beginners, we recommend using special embroidery designs on which you paint the finished design. Such embroidery kits are sold in all specialized stores. They are affordable.

As a rule, such kits contain the design itself, applied to the canvas, embroidery threads and instructions for use. All you need for embroidery is to embroider the design printed on the canvas with threads of the desired color. As a result, you get a real picture. When you become a little more comfortable with embroidery using ready-made designs, you can begin more complex volumetric embroidery.

In order for such a beautiful butterfly to appear on your canvas, you will need threads and ribbons, which we also purchased from a specialized store. Everything is very simple. But you still need a little patience.

Please note that the picture I embroider is painted on canvas, and in color. this way it is easier for you to select the colors of threads and ribbons.

First, let's embroider the butterfly's body and antennae. To do this, use two turns of thread around the needle. The body of the butterfly consists of two colors of thread.

Add dark thread into the veins between the knots and at the ends of the antennae. I recommend adding gray thread for shadows on the butterfly's body.

Now let's move on to the wings. We will need water-soluble fabric and organza ribbon. Place the ribbon between two layers of fabric and stretch it onto the hoop. The diameter of the hoop can be the smallest.

Apply the design to the fabric. Use a ready-made template or draw it yourself.

Now insert the thread into the needle for the butterfly outline. Make the first injection with a needle in the center between the wings. Pass the needle through all layers of fabric. And then we will lay out the stitches in the same way.

Then bring the needle out from the bottom in the middle of the inside of the wing. Follow the outline with a running stitch, grabbing one millimeter of fabric with the needle. Try to make stitches gently, without unnecessary tension.

Then move to the outside of the wing and fill in the outline with a backstitch. You will get a lattice like this.

Change the thread in the needle to a soft light color and stitch the specks inside the wing using a French knot in one turn. Add a couple of straight stitches to outline the veins on the wing. Add beaded flecks to the top of the wing. Secure the knot to the back of the wing.

Take scissors and carefully cut along the outline of the embroidery.

Then place the piece in a bowl of cold water and wait until the fabric dissolves.

Master class Kanzashi butterfly, dragonfly and ladybug

Master class Kanzashi butterfly, dragonfly and ladybug

The kanzashi technique is often used to create original hair decorations. Basically, all kinds of flowers are made from satin ribbons. Today we will talk about making wonderful butterflies, ladybugs and dragonflies with our own hands. There are many techniques on the basis of which such accessories can be made. In kanzashi, the principle of making products from pieces of ribbon is taken as a basis. Following the step-by-step MK, as well as photo and video examples, you can easily repeat similar products after experienced needlewomen.

Kanzashi butterfly

Before starting the master class (MK) on creating a butterfly kanzashi, prepare the following materials and tools for work:

The kanzashi butterfly will be created from small pieces of ribbon. At first. We take a small piece and chop it together with the second one. These parts need to be bent into an airplane shape, as in the photo, and secured at the bottom with a needle. We do this to avoid seam divergence. Next, at the cut site you need to glue a rhinestone to hold the borders. If you don’t have rhinestones, you can skip this step when adding the elements, just hold the seams with your fingers. We singe the lower part and squeeze the seam with our hands. As a result, we get the next element, as in the photo. Now, you need to fold it evenly, press it with tweezers and cut it. In order to determine the amount of tape to be cut, fold it as follows, as shown in the photo or video:

The lower part is trimmed and singed. If you didn't use rhinestone, just use your hands to press the seam down along the bottom to keep it in place. Next, the first of the wings must be attached in such a way as to determine the amount of material to be cut from the second.

We continue the master class and form a petal with a fold. There should be 3 similar folds in total for subsequent insertion of the petal.

Please note that you need to glue a small petal into the center of the petal with a fold. Glue is applied along the bottom of the part, after which the fold widens and the petal is carefully placed inside. The next step is to glue the petal with a fold into the large element. In this case, the glue is applied to the seam, so that it is on the underside of the seam and a little on the side parts. Do this carefully so that you do not end up with excess glue. In the place where the petals begin, it is necessary to fix the rhinestone.

At the bottom, we make round petals. If you are not familiar with the technique of creating them, the MK video will tell you how to do it. You can make them triple and fix the rhinestone on the finished element. At the next stage, the master class moves on to creating a ponytail.

You need to take a needle and thread and stitch the workpieces at equal intervals. Please note that the butterfly wings located in the upper part must be pierced and all three parts captured. The needle is pulled out in the center of the tail, a bead is put on and goes in the opposite direction. Next, the process needs to be pulled together and three knots made. At the bottom of the butterfly's wing gathering area, apply a bead of glue to capture all the wings and smooth them out.

Now, our butterfly must acquire a body. We take a pin and string one small bead on it, a rondelle, another large bead, a cap, five beads. We perform the same actions with the next pin. Next, you need to insert the first and second pins into the rondel, string a large bead, rondel, and beads along the entire remaining length of the pin. The ends must be rounded using round nose pliers for this purpose. As a result, you should have a butterfly body, as in the photo.

In the center of the wings, carefully glue the created body.
The thread comes out from the bottom of the rondel that is located at the top. We make a circle around it and draw a thread on the bottom of the other side. Thus, you need to hide the thread among the rondel and the bead. Similarly, we draw the thread on the second rondel.
The remaining ends of the threads are tied with three knots.
We take lace, in the center of which there should be no holes. The folds are straightened, and the kanzashi butterfly is glued to this material. After which, each of the wings is fixed on the lace. An elastic band or other special fastening is sewn at the bottom, depending on what your butterfly will serve as a hairpin, a decorative element on a headband or hoop, etc.

This completes the master class. This delightful butterfly can also be made from satin ribbons in contrasting shades. Experiment, make your butterflies in an original and unique style. The video tutorials at the end of the article will show you more options on how to make butterflies from satin ribbons.

Video: Making a kanzashi butterfly


Another option for a hairpin is the kanzashi dragonfly.
We will need:

  • ribbons of a suitable shade;
  • lighter or candle;
  • base for hairpin;
  • beads;
  • glue.

The master class begins, as usual, with cutting satin ribbons into squares. You need to make round petals from white ribbons. Next, the square blank is bent obliquely. The next step is to wrap the sharp corners of the resulting triangular figure in the middle of the right corner. We take the resulting element and connect it along the central line. We delete what is unnecessary. The cut areas must be scorched with a candle or lighter. As a result, you should get a round petal, from which the wings of the kanzashi dragonfly will be formed. In total, you need to make four petals for the wings.

Next, the dragonfly must acquire a body. To create the body, we create a sharp-shaped petal. The square segment is folded in half several times. The corner is cut and singed with a lighter. This way we get a part for the dragonfly body. In total, we create three blanks. The round petals are connected to each other using glue. In the photo you can see this process. Then, using glue, attach the dragonfly wings to the base of the clip. Sharp-shaped elements are placed on top, thus creating the body of the dragonfly and covering the area where the rounded petals meet. All that remains is to decorate the dragonfly with beads with your own hands.

This is the kind of wonderful dragonfly you should get.

Video: Hairpin in the shape of a dragonfly


The final master class (MK) is devoted to creating a ladybug from ribbons.

This ladybug is quick and easy to make. One of the longest processes is fixing rhinestones on ribbons. So, to make it, prepare:

  • satin ribbon (from four to six centimeters wide);
  • small black rhinestones;
  • narrow satin ribbon (six millimeters);
  • beads;
  • Super glue;
  • glue gun;
  • thick thread.

The ribbon ladybug begins by creating a petal with a sharp kanzashi shape, which then needs to be singed and turned out. It turns out one wing. In total we make two such inverted elements. Next, prepare a narrow ribbon, roll one part, singe it and make a head for the ladybug with your own hands. The tail is made from the second segment. Using hot glue, we fix the wing petals to each other. After that we glue the head and antennae. We make the antennae from two pieces of thread, the length of which is equal to one centimeter. All that remains is to attach the tail and stick the rhinestones on the wings.

This ladybug will look great as a hairpin or brooch. Just choose a special mount for it.
A few more video lessons will show you how to create similar crafts using the kanzashi technique in an interesting style.

Video: DIY Kanzashi ladybug

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