Home Useful Tips The parable about the teacher at the school fgos. Wise parable “Full bank. Everyone has his own path

The parable about the teacher at the school fgos. Wise parable “Full bank. Everyone has his own path

A parable can be called a philosophical instructive story, which necessarily contains moral edification. People listening to such a story perceive the wisdom hidden between the lines with their hearts, think about the meaning of life, about their mistakes and correcting them, learn goodness.

Parables about the disciples and teachers

Quite often, the basis of legends is cases that actually happened in people's lives. A special place is occupied by parables about students and teachers. They directly trace the instructive character inherent in all such stories. Here the parable is a parting word from the teacher to the students.

Many such legends can be found in the descriptions of the lives of Christian ascetics. The parables about the teacher and students make you think about philosophical topics and teach good. Let's take a look at some of them.


Once the disciples asked the elder:

Why do bad inclinations of a person easily take possession of him, while good ones are fickle?

What happens if a diseased seed is buried in the ground, and a healthy seed is left in the sun? the teacher asked.

A sick seed will germinate, give a bad sprout and an unhealthy fruit, and a healthy seed will die without soil, - the disciples answered.

That's what people do. They hide their vices and sins deep in their souls so that no one can see them. There they will grow up and destroy a person in his very heart. And good deeds are often paraded and boasted by people, thereby ruining them, instead of keeping them deep in their souls and cultivating virtues.

The parables about disciples and teachers help fight against human weakness.

The disciple came to the elder and said:

Father, here I am with you, I repent of my sins, every time you instruct me with advice, but I do not correct myself. What is the use of my visits to you, if afterwards I again indulge my weaknesses?

The elder answered:

My son, bring two pots, one empty and the other with honey.

The disciple did what the elder said.

Now pour honey from one pot to another several times.

The disciple did it.

Now look into an empty pot and smell it.

The disciple fulfilled this request and said:

Teacher, the pot smells like honey, and there isn't much left at the bottom of it.

This is how my instructions remain in your soul. And the Lord will not turn away from you if you keep in your heart at least the first fruits of righteousness.

The parables about the disciples and teachers can help a person find the true path in life, subject to his attention and obedience.

Praise and abuse to the dead

A young monk came to the famous elder and asked him to show him the path of cultivation.

This night, ”the elder replied,“ go to the cemetery and praise the dead buried there before dawn, and then you will come to me and tell me how they will receive your praise.

In the morning, the monk said:

I have fulfilled your command, father! I loudly praised these dead people all night long, dignified them in every possible way and attributed many virtues to them.

And how did they show you their pleasure?

No way, teacher, they kept silence all the time, I didn't hear a single word from them.

This is very surprising, but then you do this: go there again tonight and abuse them as hard as possible before dawn. Then they will surely speak.

The next day, the monk said:

As soon as I denounced them, as soon as I did not dishonor them, I did not reproach them. But they still didn't answer ...

Then the elder said:

You have stepped on the first rung of the ladder to the angelic life. It is called obedience. You will reach the pinnacle of this life on earth only when you become as indifferent to insults and praises as these dead people.

The parables about the teacher and students can also show the impossibility of positive changes if the listener does not have a desire to fulfill what he has heard.

Several monks came to the Monk Anthony and asked him to give them advice for the salvation of their souls. The elder said to them:

Fulfill the Gospel, live according to the commandments of the Savior, and if they hit you on the right cheek, substitute the left.

Inoki replied that they did not have the strength to do this.

If you cannot do this, the teacher continued, then at least do not repay evil with evil.

But even this turned out to be beyond the power of those who came. Then the elder said to them:

If you are unable to fulfill any of what I have said, what else can I advise you? It only means that you need more prayers that will help your weakness, and not advice.

And so that everything said in this article does not remain sterile, as in the above story, in the end here is another parable about a teacher and a student.

Use the treasure now

The young monk turned to the teacher:

Father, my heart has already been cleansed of temptations and filled with love for the world. What's the next step?

The elder took the disciple to a sick man for confession. After listening to the dying man, he asked him in front of his disciple:

What's in the chest in the corner?

Clothes that I have never worn. I always thought that this garment needed some special occasion, but as a result, it smolders in this chest.

When they left, the elder said to the disciple:

Remember the chest. If there are treasures in your heart, use them in time, right now. Otherwise, they will be lost.

Psychotherapeutic parables for teachers.

Get the courage - make a try.

Once the king decided to put all his courtiers to the test in order to find out which of them is able to occupy an important state post in his kingdom. A crowd of strong and wise men surrounded him. "O you, my subjects," the king addressed them, "I have a difficult task for you, and I would like to know who can solve it." He led the audience to a huge door lock. “This is the largest and most complex castle in my kingdom. How many of you can open it? " Some courtiers only shook their heads negatively. Others, who were considered wise men, began to look at the castle, but soon admitted that they could not open it. Since the wise failed, the rest of the courtiers had no choice but to admit that this task was beyond their power, that it was too difficult for them.

Only one vizier approached the castle. He began to carefully examine and feel, then tried to move it in various ways, and finally, with one jerk, he jerked it. Oh, miracle, the castle has opened! It was just not completely latched on. It was only necessary to try to understand what was the matter and act boldly.

Then the king announced: "You will get a place at court, because you do not rely on what you see and hear, but rely on your own strength and are not afraid to make an attempt."

Symphony of life.

Life is like a symphony, and each of us is an instrument playing his own unique part in this beautiful piece of music. No instrument can play a melody written for another. Everyone is important and necessary to achieve harmony.

If we. As instruments, we play our melody, disagreeing with other instruments, thus we create disharmony, hinder the euphonious performance of the Earth Symphony. If an instrument loses the notes it should play and forgets what it should play, then most likely it will play along with others. But this game will no longer be his unique game. He will not find true happiness and joy by performing parts written for others. If the instrument is out of tune, then it will not be able to play any part harmoniously. You need to tune the instrument every day and play your part on it. Do you know your party? Do you perform it? Are you not fake?

Bird on a branch.

Once a tired bird sat down to rest on a branch. She enjoyed her safety and the view. She sang and played with other birds. But she did not have time to get used to this branch, to reliable support under her feet and safety, when a strong wind blew in and began to swing the branch from side to side with such force that it seemed that it was about to break. But the bird was not in the least worried, because it knew two important truths. Firstly, even if there is no branch, it will be able to take off - two of its own wings will ensure its safety. Secondly, there are many other branches around, on which it can find a temporary refuge.

History - parting words.

One Persian story tells of a traveler who, with great difficulty, wandered along a seemingly endless road. He was all hung with all sorts of objects. A heavy bag of sand hung behind him, a thick wineskin of water wrapped around his body, and in his hands he carried a stone. An old millstone dangled around his neck on an old, frayed rope. Rusty chains, for which he dragged heavy weights along the dusty road, twisted around his legs. On his head, balancing, he held a half-rotten pumpkin. With groans, he moved step by step forward, clinking chains, mourning his bitter fate and complaining of excruciating fatigue.

In the scorching heat of the afternoon, he met a peasant. "Oh, weary traveler, why did you submerge yourself with these fragments of rocks?" - he asked. "Really stupid," the traveler replied, "but I still haven't noticed them." saying this, he flung the stones far away and immediately felt relieved. soon he met another peasant: "Tell me, tired traveler, why do you suffer with a rotten pumpkin on your head and drag such heavy iron weights on a chain?" he asked. "I am very glad that you brought this to my attention, I did not know that I was bothering myself with this." Kicking off his chains, he threw the pumpkin into a roadside ditch so that it fell apart. And again I felt relief. The peasant returning from the field looked at the traveler in surprise: “O tired traveler, why are you carrying sand in bags behind your back, when, look, there is so much sand in the distance. And why do you need such a big wineskin with water, because a clean river flows next to you, which will continue to accompany you on the way! ". "Thank you, kind man, only now I noticed that I am carrying with me on the way." With these words, the traveler opened the wineskin, and the rotten water poured out onto the sand. Lost in thought, he stood and looked at the rising sun, the last rays of the sun sent him enlightenment: he suddenly saw a heavy millstone on his neck and realized that because of him he was walking hunched over. The traveler untied the millstone and threw it into the river as far as he could. Free from the burdens that burdened him, he continued on his way.

The parable of the heavy burden

One wanderer used to take some souvenir from the place where misfortune happened to him. His path was long, and the bag in which he carried all the souvenirs was getting heavier, and the pain in his shoulders was still unbearable. One day, at a crossroads, he met wandering actors. They asked the wanderer why he had such a heavy bag. He took one souvenir from the bag and told the story connected with it. The actors were inspired and immediately presented the story in a dramatic manner. Soon the wanderer himself joined the performance, playing himself in the drama of his life.

When all the performances associated with each of the souvenirs were played out, the wandering actors suggested that they make a monument to the difficulties that the wanderer met on the way. Soon the monument was ready, and the traveler realized that he could leave it here as a symbol of his freedom.

Thanking the actors, the wanderer continued on his way, feeling a special light inside him, for he had thrown off a huge burden from his shoulders.


Target : approximation of the content of the parable to the inner "I" of a person (function of a mirror).

One day a man got lost in the forest, and although he was heading along several paths, each time hoping that they would lead him out of the forest, they all led him back to the same place from where he started.

There were still a few paths to try, and the man, tired and hungry, sat down to consider which path to take now. As he pondered his decision, he saw another approaching him.

traveler He shouted to him: “Can you help me? I'm lost." he sighed with relief: "I'm lost too." when they told each other what had happened to them, it became clear to them that they had already walked many paths. They could help each other avoid the wrong paths, which one of them had already passed. Soon they laughed at their adventures and, forgetting their weariness and hunger, walked together through the forest.

Life is like a forest; sometimes we get lost and don't know what to do. But if we share our experiences and experiences, the journey through life will not be so bad, and we can find better ways.

The parable of the shepherd who was not afraid to try

One caliph had a vizier died. Then the caliph decided to hold a competition among applicants for the vacant seat. He announced that the vizier would be the one who could open the stone door in the palace garden.

Many came to this door, but as soon as they saw it, they lost all desire to try to do something with it. After all, the door was locked with a huge lock, and besides, it was so heavy that it seemed: it literally rooted into the ground. It was completely impossible to open it. A shepherd walked past the garden. Seeing a crowd of men, noisily discussing something, the shepherd decided to find out what was happening here. They explained it to him.

And the caliph appointed the shepherd vizier, because he was not afraid to try.

The parable of love

Once upon a time, there was an island on Earth where all spiritual values ​​lived. But one day they noticed how the island began to sink under the water. All the valuables boarded their ships and sailed away. Only Love remained on the island. She waited until the last, but when there was nothing more to wait, she also wanted to sail off the island.

Then she called Wealth and asked for him on the ship, but Wealth replied: - There are a lot of jewels and gold on my ship, there is no place for you here. When Sadness's ship sailed by, she asked to see her, but she answered her:

Sorry, Love, I'm so sad that I need to be alone.

Then Love saw the ship of Pride and asked for her help, but she said that Love would break the harmony on her ship.

Joy floated nearby, but she was so busy with fun that she did not even hear the calls of Love.

Then Love completely despaired. But suddenly she heard a voice somewhere behind:

Come on, Love, I'll take you with me.

Love turned around and saw the elder. He drove her to land, and when the old man sailed away, Love caught herself, because she forgot to ask his name. Then she turned to Knowledge:

Tell me, Knowledge, who saved me? Who was this old man?

Knowledge looked at Love:

It was Time.

Time? - asked Love. - But why did it save me?

Knowledge once again looked at Love, then into the distance, where the old man sailed away:

Because only Time knows how important Love is in life.


Sufi Bayazid spoke about himself like this:

“In my youth I was a revolutionary. In prayer I asked God for only one thing:

"Lord, give me the strength to change this world."

Having lived for half a century, I realized that during all this time I had not managed to change a single soul. Therefore, I changed my prayer: "Lord, give me the opportunity to change at least people close to me - my family and friends, and this will be enough for me."

Now that my days are numbered, I pray like this: "Lord, give me the strength to change myself."

If I had prayed like this from the beginning, I would not have wasted my life.

Sufi parable

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  • Butterfly lesson Once a small gap appeared in the cocoon, a man who happened to pass by stood for many hours and watched a butterfly trying to get out through this small gap. A long time passed, the butterfly seemed to abandon its efforts, and the gap remained as small. It seemed that the butterfly had done everything it could, and that it had no more strength for anything else. Then the man decided to help the butterfly, he took a penknife and cut the cocoon. The butterfly came out at once. But her body was weak and feeble, her wings were transparent and barely moved. The man continued to watch, thinking that the butterfly's wings were about to spread out and get stronger and it would fly away. Nothing happened! For the rest of its life, the butterfly dragged its weak little body, its unstretched wings on the ground. She was never able to fly. And all because the person, wishing to help her, did not understand that the effort to get out through the narrow slit of the cocoon is necessary for the butterfly so that the liquid from the body passes into the wings and so that the butterfly can fly. Life forced the butterfly to leave this shell with difficulty so that it could grow and develop. Also in the upbringing of children. If the parents do his work for the child, they will deprive him of his spiritual development. The child must learn to make the efforts that are so necessary in life, which will help him overcome all difficulties that will help him to be strong.

    The parable of the wise education Somehow an old wise man came to one village and stayed to live. He loved children and spent a lot of time with them. He also loved to give them gifts, but gave only fragile things. No matter how hard the children tried to be neat, their new toys often broke. The children were upset and cried bitterly. Some time passed, the sage again gave them toys, but even more fragile. Once the parents could not resist and came to him: - You are wise and wish our children only good. But why are you giving them such gifts? They try their best, but the toys still break and the children cry. But the toys are so beautiful that it is impossible not to play with them. “It will take quite a few years,” the elder smiled, “and someone will give them his heart. Maybe this will teach them how to handle this priceless gift a little more carefully?

    Five qualities of a pencil The kid looks at his grandmother writing a letter and asks: - Are you writing about what happened to us? Or maybe you write about me? Grandmother stops writing, smiles and says to her grandson: - You guessed it, I'm writing about you. But what is more important is not what I write, but what I write with. I would like you, when you grow up, to become like this pencil ... The kid looks at the pencil with curiosity, but does not notice anything special. - It is exactly the same as all the pencils that I have seen! - It all depends on how you look at things. This pencil has five qualities that you need if you want to live your life in harmony with the whole world. First: you can be a genius, but you must never forget about the existence of the Guiding Hand. We call this hand God. Always commit yourself to His will. Secondly, in order to write, I have to sharpen my pencil. This operation is a little painful for him, but after that the pencil writes more subtly. Therefore, be able to endure pain, remembering that it ennobles you. Third: if you use a pencil, you can always erase what you think is wrong with an eraser. Remember that correcting yourself is not always a bad thing. This is often the only way to stay on track. Fourthly: in a pencil, it is not the wood from which it is made and not its shape that matters, but the graphite inside. Therefore, always think about what is happening inside you. And finally, fifth: a pencil always leaves a trace behind it. Likewise, you leave behind traces of your actions, and therefore think about your every step. As father is, so is son The wealthy merchant had an only son. His wife died when the boy was only five years old. The merchant became both a father and a mother for him, raising his son with love and care. He gave him a good education and chose a beautiful girl as his wife. The young daughter-in-law was annoyed by the presence of her father-in-law in the house. She saw in him an annoying obstacle that prevented her and her husband from living freely. She insisted that her husband receive all property rights. The husband objected to her: "Do not worry, because I am the only son, and I will inherit all the property of my father." But she could not calm down. Day after day, she started this conversation, and in the end, the son said to his father: "Father, you are already in years. It must be difficult for you to cope with business and deal with all the monetary calculations. Why don't you give me the management of the trade. and income? " The merchant, experienced in worldly affairs, agreed and gave his son all the rights to dispose of the property and the keys to the safe. Two months later, the daughter-in-law decided that the old man should vacate his room with a veranda, as he was interfering with her with his coughs and sneezes. She told her husband: "Dear, I have to give birth soon, and I think that we have the right to occupy a room with a veranda. I think your father will be more comfortable living under a canopy in the backyard." The husband loved his wife very much, and, considering her very intelligent, he always fulfilled all her desires. The old man was settled in the courtyard, and every evening the daughter-in-law brought him food in an earthen bowl. The day came when a son was born to the young. He grew up as a smart, playful and affectionate child. The boy loved to spend time with his grandfather, and listened with great joy and pleasure to his funny stories and jokes. He did not like how his mother treated her beloved grandfather, but he knew that she had an adamant disposition and his father was afraid to contradict her. Once, after sitting on his grandfather's lap, the boy ran into the house and saw that his parents were looking for something. More than an hour had passed since lunch. He asked what they had lost. The father replied: "Well, your grandfather's earthenware bowl has gone missing somewhere. It's late, it's time to take lunch to him. Have you seen it anywhere?" A five-year-old child replied with a sly smile: "So I have it! I took it, and now it is safely stored in my chest." "How! Did you put the bowl in your chest? Why? Go and fetch it," the father ordered. The boy replied, "No, Dad, I need her. I want to keep her for future. Wouldn't I need her to carry you lunch when you get old like your grandfather? What if I can't get one like this?" “The parents were numb. They realized their mistake, and they felt ashamed of their behavior. Since then, they began to treat the old man with care and respect.

    Mustard seed

    One day the Buddha met an elderly woman. She cried bitterly because of her difficult life and asked the Buddha to help her. He promised to help her if she brought him a mustard seed from a home that had never known grief. Encouraged by his words, the woman began to search, and the Buddha went his own way. Much later, he met her again - the woman was rinsing linen in the river and humming. The Buddha approached her and asked if she had found a home in which life was happy and serene. To which she replied in the negative and added that she would look even later, but in the meantime she needed to help wash the clothes for people whose grief was heavier than her own.

    Parable "On education"

    A young woman came to the sage for advice.

    Sage, my child is one month old. How should I bring up my child: in severity or in affection?

    The sage took the woman and led her to the vine:

    Look at this vine. If you don’t prune it, if, feeling sorry for the vine, you don’t tear off the extra shoots from it, then the vine will run wild. Having lost control of the growth of the vine, you will not wait for the sweet tasty berries. But if you hide the vine from the sun and its caress, if you do not carefully water the roots of the vine, it will wither away and you will not get sweet tasty berries ... Only with a reasonable combination of both can you grow amazing fruits and taste their sweetness!

    Just as a reasonable combination of affection and severity contributes to the upbringing of a normally socializing personality, so the interaction of specialists in the social and psychological service in a general educational institution is aimed at preventing various crisis conditions in children and adolescents.

    The parable of the eagle

    One day, while walking in the woods, a man found an eaglet. He took him home and left him to live in a barn, teaching him to eat food for chickens and behave like them. One day a naturalist came to the owner who wanted to find out how an eagle, the king of birds, could live in a barn with chickens. “I fed him the same thing as chickens, and taught him to be a chicken, he will never learn to fly,” explained the owner. "He's no longer an eagle and behaves like a real chicken." "Nevertheless," the naturalist insisted, "he has the heart of an eagle, and he can learn to fly." Taking the eaglet carefully in his arms, he said: “You were made for the sky, not for the earth. Spread your wings and fly. " The eaglet, however, was confused; he did not know who he was and, looking at the chickens pecking at their food, jumped down to join them again. The next day, the naturalist took the eagle in his arms and climbed with him to the roof of the house. “You are an eagle,” he urged him again. Spread your wings and fly. But the eaglet was frightened by his unknown self and the new world that lay before him, so he jumped down again and went to the chickens. On the third day, early in the morning, a naturalist brought the eagle up a high mountain. He stood facing the sun, lifted the king of birds high above him and, encouraging him, said: “You are an eagle. You are made for the sky. Spread your wings and fly. " The eagle looked around. Until now, he has never flown. And suddenly something happened that the naturalist had been waiting for him for so long: the eagle began to slowly spread its wings and, issuing a triumphant cry, he finally soared under the clouds and flew away. Perhaps the eagle still remembers the chickens with sadness and sometimes even visits its barn. But it is clear to everyone that he will never return to his former life. He was an eagle, although he was kept and raised like a chicken.


    Butterfly lesson

    Once a small gap appeared in the cocoon, a man who happened to pass by stood for many hours and watched a butterfly trying to get out through this small gap. A long time passed, the butterfly seemed to abandon its efforts, and the gap remained as small. It seemed that the butterfly had done everything it could, and that it had no more strength for anything else.
    Then the man decided to help the butterfly, he took a penknife and cut the cocoon. The butterfly came out at once. But her body was weak and feeble, her wings were transparent and barely moved.
    The man continued to watch, thinking that the butterfly's wings were about to spread out and get stronger and it would fly away. Nothing happened!
    For the rest of its life, the butterfly dragged its weak little body, its unstretched wings on the ground. She was never able to fly.
    And all because the person, wishing to help her, did not understand that the effort to get out through the narrow slit of the cocoon is necessary for the butterfly so that the liquid from the body passes into the wings and so that the butterfly can fly. Life forced the butterfly to leave this shell with difficulty so that it could grow and develop.
    Also in the upbringing of children. If the parents do his work for the child, they will deprive him of his spiritual development. The child must learn to make the efforts that are so necessary in life, which will help him overcome all difficulties that will help him to be strong.

    The parable of the wise education

    Somehow an old wise man came to one village and stayed to live. He loved children and spent a lot of time with them. He also loved to give them gifts, but gave only fragile things. No matter how hard the children tried to be neat, their new toys often broke. The children were upset and cried bitterly. Some time passed, the sage again gave them toys, but even more fragile.
    One day, the parents could not stand it and came to him:
    - You are wise and wish our children only the best. But why are you giving them such gifts? They try their best, but the toys still break and the children cry. But the toys are so beautiful that it is impossible not to play with them.
    “It will take quite a few years,” the elder smiled, “and someone will give them his heart. Maybe this will teach them how to handle this priceless gift a little more carefully?

    Five qualities of a pencil

    The kid looks at his grandmother writing a letter and asks:
    - Are you writing about what happened to us? Or maybe you write about me?
    Grandmother stops writing, smiles and says to her grandson:
    - You guessed it, I'm writing about you. But what is more important is not what I write, but what I write with. I would like you, when you grow up, to become like this pencil ...
    The kid looks at the pencil curiously, but does not notice anything special.
    - It is exactly the same as all the pencils that I have seen!
    - It all depends on how you look at things. This pencil has five qualities that you need if you want to live your life in harmony with the whole world.
    First: you can be a genius, but you must never forget about the existence of the Guiding Hand. We call this hand God. Always commit yourself to His will.
    Secondly, in order to write, I have to sharpen my pencil. This operation is a little painful for him, but after that the pencil writes more subtly. Therefore, be able to endure pain, remembering that it ennobles you.
    Third: if you use a pencil, you can always erase what you think is wrong with an eraser. Remember that correcting yourself is not always a bad thing. This is often the only way to stay on track.
    Fourthly: in a pencil, it is not the wood from which it is made and not its shape that matters, but the graphite inside. Therefore, always think about what is happening inside you.
    And finally, fifth: a pencil always leaves a trace behind it. Likewise, you leave behind traces of your actions, and therefore think about your every step.

    As father is, so is son

    The wealthy merchant had an only son. His wife died when the boy was only five years old. The merchant became both a father and a mother for him, raising his son with love and care. He gave him a good education and chose a beautiful girl as his wife.
    The young daughter-in-law was annoyed by the presence of her father-in-law in the house. She saw in him an annoying obstacle that prevented her and her husband from living freely. She insisted that her husband receive all property rights. The husband objected to her: "Don't worry, because I am the only son, and I will inherit all the property of my father." But she could not calm down. Day after day she started this conversation, and, in the end, the son said to his father: "Father, you are already in years. You must be difficult to deal with business and deal with all the monetary calculations. Why don't you give me the management of the trade and income? " The merchant, experienced in worldly affairs, agreed and gave his son all the rights to dispose of the property and the keys to the safe.
    Two months later, the daughter-in-law decided that the old man should vacate his room with a veranda, as he was interfering with her with his coughs and sneezes. She told her husband: "Honey, I have to give birth soon, and I think we have the right to occupy a room with a veranda. I think your father will be more comfortable living under a canopy in the backyard." The husband loved his wife very much, and, considering her very intelligent, he always fulfilled all her desires. The old man was settled in the courtyard, and every evening the daughter-in-law brought him food in an earthen bowl.
    The day came when a son was born to the young. He grew up as a smart, playful and affectionate child. The boy loved to spend time with his grandfather, and listened with great joy and pleasure to his funny stories and jokes. He did not like how his mother treated her beloved grandfather, but he knew that she had an adamant disposition and his father was afraid to contradict her.
    Once, after sitting on his grandfather's lap, the boy ran into the house and saw that his parents were looking for something. More than an hour had passed since lunch. He asked what they had lost. The father replied: "Well, your grandfather's earthenware bowl has gone missing somewhere. It's late, it's time to take lunch to him. Have you seen it anywhere?" A five-year-old child replied with a sly smile: "So I have it! I took it, and now it is safely stored in my chest." "How! Did you put the bowl in your chest? Why? Go and fetch it," the father ordered. The boy replied, "No, Dad, I need her. I want to keep her for future. Wouldn't I need her to carry you lunch when you get old like your grandfather? What if I can't get one like this?" The parents were numb. They realized their mistake and felt ashamed of their behavior. Since then, they began to treat the old man with care and respect.

    Mustard seed

    One day the Buddha met an elderly woman. She cried bitterly because of her difficult life and asked the Buddha to help her. He promised to help her if she brought him a mustard seed from a home that had never known grief. Encouraged by his words, the woman began to search, and the Buddha went his own way. Much later, he met her again - a woman was rinsing linen in the river and humming. The Buddha approached her and asked if she had found a home in which life was happy and serene. To which she replied in the negative and added that she would look even later, but in the meantime she needed to help wash the clothes for people whose grief was heavier than her own.

    The parable "On education"

    A young woman came to the sage for advice.

    Sage, my child is one month old. How should I bring up my child: in severity or in affection?

    The sage took the woman and led her to the vine:

    Look at this vine. If you don’t prune it, if, sparing the vine, you don’t tear off the extra shoots from it, then the vine will run wild. Having lost control of the growth of the vine, you will not wait for the sweet tasty berries. But if you hide the vine from the sun and its caress, if you do not carefully water the roots of the vine, it will wither away and you will not get sweet tasty berries ... Only with a reasonable combination of both can you grow amazing fruits and taste their sweetness!

    Just as a reasonable combination of affection and severity contributes to the upbringing of a normally socializing personality, so the interaction of specialists in the social and psychological service in a general educational institution is aimed at preventing various crisis conditions in children and adolescents.

    The parable of the eagle

    One day, while walking in the woods, a man found an eaglet. He took him home and left him to live in a barn, teaching him to eat food for chickens and behave like them.
    One day a naturalist came to the owner who wanted to find out how an eagle, the king of birds, could live in a barn with chickens.
    “I fed him the same thing as chickens, and taught him to be a chicken, he will never learn to fly,” explained the owner. "He's no longer an eagle and behaves like a real chicken."
    "Nevertheless," the naturalist insisted, "he has the heart of an eagle, and he can learn to fly."
    Taking the eaglet carefully in his arms, he said: “You were made for the sky, not for the earth. Spread your wings and fly. "
    The eaglet, however, was confused; he did not know who he was and, looking at the chickens pecking at their food, jumped down to join them again.
    The next day, the naturalist took the eagle in his arms and climbed with him to the roof of the house. “You are an eagle,” he urged him again. Spread your wings and fly. But the eaglet was frightened by his unknown self and the new world that lay before him, so he jumped down again and went to the chickens.
    On the third day, early in the morning, a naturalist brought the eagle up a high mountain. He stood facing the sun, lifted the king of birds high above him and, encouraging him, said: “You are an eagle. You are made for the sky. Spread your wings and fly. "
    The eagle looked around. Until now, he has never flown. And suddenly something happened that the naturalist had been waiting for him for so long: the eagle began to slowly spread its wings and, issuing a triumphant cry, he finally soared under the clouds and flew away.
    Perhaps the eagle still remembers the chickens with sadness and sometimes even visits its barn. But it is clear to everyone that he will never return to his former life. He was an eagle, although he was kept and raised like a chicken.

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