Home Useful tips Shilo Alexey Nikolaevich biography. Alexey Shilo has been appointed General Director of the Center for Branded Transport Services, a branch of Russian Railways. Pegov Dmitry Vladimirovich

Shilo Alexey Nikolaevich biography. Alexey Shilo has been appointed General Director of the Center for Branded Transport Services, a branch of Russian Railways. Pegov Dmitry Vladimirovich

You can’t hide an awl in a bag...

“By order of the President of JSC Russian Railways Oleg Belozerov, Sergei Tugarinov was appointed as the new General Director of the CFTO, Vice President of JSC Russian Railways Salman Babaev left the Company.”

This news was predicted by many participants in the railway transportation market, but real events are developing according to a completely different scenario.

Once upon a time, before 1996, clientele(Well, who else are we for railway workers?!) The so-called trucks (not dump trucks, but cargo pick-up and delivery persons at stations) were in charge. Then the Currency and Tariff Committee, responsible for settlements with freight forwarders, suddenly grew to a full-scale Corporate transport service center. And so, since 1996, the CFTO has been snatching more and more tidbits from trucks and drivers. Today it is a full-fledged vertical on a par with the Central Traffic Control Directorate. But the famous trucks are no longer there, they then here(in CFTO), then there(in CD).

The concentration of management in the central bank and the central financial department led to serious conflict of interest when serving clients. This became especially noticeable when the cargo base was compressed. Between building 6 and building 35 along the famous narrow Kalanchevka, the distance is no more than a kilometer, and between the two directorates the distance is like between the banks of the wide Volga - neither bridge nor swim. For example, the CD develops schedule threads, and the CFTO sells them. The CFTO plans transportation, and the CD “log-controls” them. The CFTO takes control of the car parks, and the CD manages them as it wants. And today each of you knows and sees enough such examples.

Therefore, today after reading the news that appointed General Director of CFTO personnel mover Alexey Shilo, there was a small hope that between these directorates they would begin peace talks. The cargo owner will finally become Client, and not the clientele... and then you look and “ Client - King“will again become not a forgotten slogan, but a reality. I want to believe...

In any case, new blood at Kalanchevka, house 6 will stir up this stagnant swamp: GU-12, ETRAN, tariffs, discounts, “marketing”, accounts receivable, ELS, and much more...

Now global.

Separation of the positions of vice president and general director contradicts lined up new president of JSC Russian Railways Oleg Belozerov control designs, in which the heads of functional directorates were vice presidents. This approach, according to Belozerov, optimized the management structure and staffing levels of the management team. Of course, the Master is the Master, but in this case such a decision indicates a possible revision of the design adopted in 2015.

In addition, for Salman Babaeva Such a decision in today's conditions is more likely to weaken positions than increase in status. The loss of operational control over the central directorate will lead to a decrease in his personal influence on the adoption of important operational decisions regarding the organization of the transportation process and interaction with clients.

Positions of the First Vice President Anatoly Krasnoshchek at the same time significantly intensify. It was Krasnoshchek who lobbied in 2015 for the creation of a special Department for managing the business block “Railway Transportation and Infrastructure” and the appointment of the head of this Department Alexey Shilo.

It should be noted that the positions of the second month leaving JSC Russian Railways Sergei Maltsev in terms of influence on the process of organizing transportation, it is strengthening, since his relationship with Anatoly Krasnoshchek is much better than with Salman Babayev.

Salman Babayev himself is no stranger to the railroad personnel roller coaster. In 2005, he already left the CFTO to lead the most important event in the industry - the creation of OJSC Freight One. Maybe the “iron oligarch” will surprise us again?...

Shilo Alexey Nikolaevich

Director of JSC Russian Railways for commercial activities - Head of the Center for Branded Transport Services (CFTS)

In 2000, he graduated from the Ural State University of Transport with a degree in transportation organization and management in transport (railway). In 2001 – majoring in economics and management at a railway transport enterprise.

He began his career in railway transport in 2000 as a station duty officer at the Kurya station of the Sverdlovsk Railway. Then he worked as head of the Chaikovskaya station, deputy head of the Perm-Sortirovochnaya station, head of the Perm-2 station, deputy head of the Perm branch of Sverdlovsk Railways, first deputy head of the Tyumen branch of Sverdlovsk Railways, first deputy head of the transportation service of Sverdlovsk Railways, in senior positions in the Sverdlovsk and Gorky traffic control directorates, Deputy Head of the Central Traffic Control Directorate (Development).

February 2015 – Head of the Department for Management of the “Railway Transportation and Infrastructure” business block of JSC Russian Railways.

February 2017 – General Director of the Center for Branded Transport Services, a branch of JSC Russian Railways.

May 2017 - Director of Russian Railways OJSC for commercial activities - General Director of the Center for Branded Transport Services (CFTS).

Chabunin Anatoly Mikhailovich

Deputy General Director – Director for Internal Control and Audit

(issues of internal control and internal audit)

Born in 1960 in the Novosibirsk region.

In 1990 he graduated from the Novosibirsk Institute of National Economy with a degree in finance and credit.

He began his career as a worker at the Novosibirsk Elektrosignal plant. After military service, he worked in the financial department of the administration of the Chanovsky district of the Novosibirsk region, in the branch of the Federal Treasury in the Chanovsky district, CJSC East Siberian Contract Corporation, head of the budget and financial department of the Ministry of Energy of the Russian Federation, head of the financial and economic department of the Federal Energy Agency, head of financial department, deputy head, head of the Federal Road Agency.

2013–2015 – Deputy Head of the Federal Service for Financial and Budgetary Supervision.

September 2015 – appointed Director of JSC Russian Railways for Internal Control and Audit.

October 2015 – appointed vice president of JSC Russian Railways.

November 2017 - appointed Deputy General Director - Director for Internal Control and Audit of JSC Russian Railways.

Charkin Evgeniy Igorevich

Director of Information Technology of JSC Russian Railways

In 1999 he graduated from the Financial Academy under the Government of the Russian Federation with a degree in economist, finance and credit.

2002–2003 – Head of the Projects Department in the field of information technology of OJSC Mining and Metallurgical Company Norilsk Nickel.

2003–2006 – senior positions in the information technology department of the Moscow branch of Severstal-Group CJSC.

2007–2009 – senior positions in the information technology department of the general directorate of OJSC Severstal.

2009–2012 - Director of Information Technology of OJSC Severstal.

2012–2014 – Director of the Information Technology Department of the State Corporation Rosatom.

2014–2015 – Director of Information Technology of LLC Management Company “Metalloinvest”.

Since December 28, 2015 – Director of Information Technology of JSC Russian Railways.

Pegov Dmitry Vladimirovich

Director for Passenger Transportation of JSC Russian Railways

In 1992, he graduated from the Leningrad Electromechanical College with a degree in maintenance, repair and operation of traction rolling stock. In 1997, graduated from the St. Petersburg State Transport University with a degree in locomotives (electric locomotives and electric trains). In 2013, graduated from the Higher School of Economics with a degree in jurisprudence.

He began his career in railway transport in 1994 as an assistant driver of an electric train at a locomotive depot, then worked as an electric train driver, a driver-instructor for locomotive crews (for high-speed traffic), and deputy head of the motor car depot of the St. Petersburg - Moskovskoye Oktyabrskaya Railway - a branch of OJSC " Russian Railways". In 2004 he headed this depot.

June 2009 – Head of the North-Western Directorate of High-Speed ​​Transport, a structural subdivision of the Directorate of High-Speed ​​Transport, a branch of JSC Russian Railways.

February 2010 - headed the Directorate of High-Speed ​​Transport - a branch of Russian Railways, supervised the launch of the first high-speed trains "Sapsan", "Allegro", "Lastochka" and the development of high-speed transport on the Russian railway network.

2014–2017 - Head of the State Unitary Enterprise "Moscow Metro".

May 2017 – Director of JSC Russian Railways for Passenger Transportation.

Sanko Valentin Mikhailovich

Director for Energy Complex of JSC Russian Railways

In 1990 he graduated from the Leningrad Order of the Red Banner of Labor Financial and Economic Institute. N.A. Voznesensky.

Candidate of Economic Sciences.

1998–2001 - General Director of JSC Vologdaenergo.

2001–2005 - General Director of OJSC Northern Energy Management Company.

May 2005 – General Director of OJSC OGK-6.

2009–2012 - Advisor to the General Director of OJSC RAO ES of the East.

2014–2015 - Advisor to the General Director of JSC "High-Speed ​​Railways", Advisor to the President of JSC "Russian Railways"

December 2015 – Director of Transenergo, a branch of JSC Russian Railways.

In April 2016, he was appointed director of JSC Russian Railways for the energy complex.

– Alexey Nikolaevich, what factors, from your point of view, will have a key impact on loading this year? Which of them should ultimately outweigh?
– Traditionally, we carry a lot of raw materials. Almost half of all transportation in our country is provided by two categories: coal and oil cargo. The situation with transportation of coal industry products is quite good. Since the fourth quarter of last year, there has been a steady increase in exports. This is due to favorable prices on world markets. And including the events that occurred in Australia, where coal-mining regions suffered due to massive flooding. Naturally, this affected world fuel prices. In particular, for thermal coal the price increase was almost 65%.
Our clients also responded, coal production is growing, and today we are presented with significant volumes for transportation (at the end of five months of 2017, 149.3 million tons, which is 12.8 million tons, or 9.4% higher than in 2016). Currently, we estimate the growth in export transportation of coal products at 16% compared to the initial period of 2016. For now, this trend will continue, but I believe that by the end of the year the growth rate will slow down somewhat. In general, we plan to reach a growth rate of 6–7% in 2017. Also, the situation with petroleum products is still favorable for us. It is associated with a certain stabilization of prices on foreign markets. After the conclusion of an agreement between the OPEC countries in December last year, there was a decline in production and a certain balance was established. Therefore, this year we are transporting oil with a slight increase.
Based on the results of five months, the increase in loading of oil cargo amounted to 1.2 million tons, or 1.3%. And in one more item the growth turned out to be higher than our forecasts – fertilizers. At the end of five months, loading amounted to 23.8 million tons, which is 1.6 million tons, or 7.0%, higher than last year. We didn't count on him. The main increase in loading volumes occurred in Ukraine, which increased their purchases from Russia due to the difficult situation with its own producers. At the same time, it was expected that from March 1, protective duties would be introduced on the import of Russian fertilizers, and Ukrainian farmers purchased fertilizers for future use - for warehouses. Anti-dumping duties came into force only on May 21 of this year. In general, we plan to end the year with an increase in loading of approximately 2.5% compared to last year.

– Does this mean that peak periods of demand for rolling stock will appear again this year? Is it possible that the operating companies will not be able to provide the required number of cars for loading? And does JSC Russian Railways have the opportunity to influence the situation with the provision of rolling stock to cargo owners?
– The holding monitors the situation with the availability of cars quite carefully. We have even developed a methodology for determining the optimal fleet of cars on the network.
Today, according to mathematical calculations, we can say: there is enough fleet on the network. But it is necessary to understand that when it comes to providing freight owners with wagons in certain regions, other factors are also important. Today, operators own the bulk of the fleet. They are interested in long-term contracts with a high share of margins. And operators are often reluctant to allocate wagons for any new volumes of cargo. Therefore, we do not exclude the occurrence of a local deficiency.
We already observed such situations in April, when wagons were not fully allocated for the transportation of construction goods. There have been complaints about the lack of supply of wagons from manufacturers of industrial raw materials and salt. These are not very large volumes, nevertheless, such facts exist.
What solutions does JSC Russian Railways offer? First of all, we are improving technology and reducing the turnover of wagons. Various options for improving the use of the fleet are being considered jointly with both the operator community and shippers. Not long ago, the Far Eastern Railway held a meeting with clients and made a number of, as it seems to me, important decisions, including the formation of technological routes from empty cars.
This measure allows us to speed up their return for loading. Accordingly, operators will be able to use the freed-up part of the rolling stock for other transportation.
In addition, state authorities have decided to subsidize the production of new cars. Thus, this year, the network of JSC Russian Railways has already received 22.3 thousand units of new, mainly innovative cars, and the write-off of cars with expired service life amounted to less than 20 thousand units, accordingly, today the balance of write-off and production of new cars is already positive . Therefore, we expect that issues related to even local shortages will be completely excluded.

– With an increase in coal loading, some market experts express concerns that the lack of infrastructure capacity will become a limiting factor for transportation, including export. In your opinion, how likely, and most importantly, how critical is such a scenario?
“We believe that if the average daily loading on the network exceeds 3.5 million tons, then the situation with transportation on certain routes will become difficult. We are not saying that the network will stop, but there will be a fairly large share of traffic that is not supported by rolling stock. Naturally, we are doing everything to prevent this. First of all, we work with clients to smooth out loading peaks. In our country, for example, construction cargo is traditionally in greater demand in the summer, and in the second half of the year, when contracts are concluded, all competitions and tenders take place. In this regard, the Federal Freight Company has implemented a good initiative.
It enters into a so-called “winter-summer” contract with many shippers. It fixes volumes and rates, and this allows us to shift some of the construction cargo just from peak periods - from August-September - to the calmer winter months. I believe that the implementation of similar proposals from other operators will bring positive results and we will be able to avoid tension during peak periods of demand for transportation.
As for the actual maintenance of the infrastructure and its use, the technologies here are being refined year after year. Today we are even at the Eastern training ground, where the situation is traditionally difficult in the summer, and we are repairing more, and delivering more and faster. And in general, transportation at the Eastern range in the direction of ports and border crossings increased by 6.9% compared to last year.
There is also growth in other export directions, but it is too early to say that we have already reached the limit. There are reserves, and primarily in our joint work both with the production unit and with users of our services.

– One of the most significant tools for competing with alternative modes of transport is considered to be simplifying access to infrastructure for Russian Railways customers. What is CFTO doing in this direction? Is it possible to further simplify access to infrastructure without harming the company?
– Perhaps the most striking event of 2017 is the launch of the Freight Transportation electronic trading platform. This is not just some kind of electronic shell that allows the shipper and the car operator to find each other. This is not an “exchange” of carriages in its pure form. The platform is a place where it is very easy for a client to receive a comprehensive transportation service in a transparent competitive environment. The project implements functions of easy access and simplified customer identification. For example, at the very first bank payment that the client makes, we can receive all the information about him necessary to conclude a transportation agreement. If the client has not yet had a single personal account, it will be assigned automatically. And, as soon as the client finds a suitable transportation option for a particular date, his request is automatically approved.
After this, the client has the opportunity to electronically track all stages of transportation, make payments and receive financial documents.
Naturally, we do not stop there and will further develop the electronic trading platform. Our goal is for the client to be able to select the full range of services offered not only by the parent company Russian Railways, but also by other market participants. For example, the services of the terminal and warehouse directorate or our subsidiaries - RZD Logistics, TransContainer, GEFCO, etc. This will be a set of options. The client can simply select with one click the set that interests him and receive a comprehensive service.
And as proof that this procedure is really simple, I can say that since the launch of the project, 96 clients who have never transported goods by rail before have contacted us through the electronic platform and received services. Previously, it was difficult for them to figure everything out and use transportation, but through the platform the procedure is simplified. Therefore, we attract clients that we simply did not have before.

– Unfortunately, the fleet supply on the Russian Railways electronic platform is still small and does not have time to satisfy all the requests of cargo owners. And if the client needed more cars on a particular route, but there were none at the site, what would they be told in this case?
– Indeed, in the two months that the site has been operating, not as many operators have joined it as we would like.
Nevertheless, we have a clear program of action. We are expanding the list of types of rolling stock, which will further attract car owners. If there are certain difficulties with gondola cars, then covered rolling stock and tanks are not used in large quantities and can be placed on the site. In addition, we are now working on measures to economically stimulate owners.
And we must not forget that the platform is an open platform of increased customer interest, where you can compete and fight for new directions, and this should attract small operators. After all, the client on the site does not choose a specific owner of the car for his transportation, he sees a set of several positions for a specific date of transportation in the direction he needs, different in price and quality. He doesn’t know whose carriage it is, but he sees a number of offers and chooses from them the one that interests him. From the point of view of availability, we want the client to receive a truly optimal offer, so the project has a very great future.

– The CFTS has an institute of key account managers. Can we say that this unit managed to attract additional volumes of cargo to the railway? How could this system be improved? What problems would you identify in relationships with key clients?
– Today we have 34 such managers, with only 10 in Moscow, the rest work in close proximity to the client, in the regions. These personnel cover those enterprises that provide approximately 59% of the entire network loading.
When meeting with clients, we often ask how comfortable it is for them to work with these specialists. The reviews are very good. But there is still work to be done. At the last meeting with shippers, which was chaired by the company's president, a proposal was made to give such managers additional powers. What is the essence of the initiative? There are situations when a manager sees how a client’s problem can be solved and understands that this will benefit both parties.
But at the same time, he is still forced to spend time coordinating the decision with his managers. For example, operational issues that key clients would like to resolve with the “attached” manager are related to adjustments to shipment schedules or the approval of certain requests. Or, for example, there are issues related to the formation of receivables to one degree or another, but they are already directly tied to the financial result of the holding. Now managers do not have such powers, but some rights can be expanded by unconditionally increasing the responsibility of these specialists and improving the system of their motivation.

– What other managers are currently missing to promptly resolve issues?
– I believe that it would be useful to have specialists who monitor the operational issues of the subsidiaries and affiliates of the holding itself in case the interests of our divisions and dependent companies intersect in one project, as well as specialists who interact with rolling stock operators. We are working on this now.

– Literally on the eve of the business forum “Strategic Partnership 1520” in Sochi, a number of leaders of the Baltic states spoke about the restrictions imposed by Russian Railways on cargo addressed to them. Did they really show up in May?
– There are a number of goods that exporters would like to additionally present for transportation to the Baltic states. The demand for coal transportation increased by almost 50%. Favorable economic conditions in this area also play a role in this. But there are technical limitations in the operation of border crossings; there is a schedule of technological work in this area, which we traditionally carry out in the summer.
What do we offer in this situation? Alternative routes for sending cargo. For example, through Kaliningrad - in May we opened a special site there. Coal is traveling to Kaliningrad today, where it is reloaded onto the European standard gauge. In addition, we are negotiating with Finnish ports. And our Finnish colleagues reacted with interest to our proposals, although they have more stringent environmental requirements.
So customers have a choice among marine terminals. But the network’s capabilities in the summer specifically in the Baltic direction are not unlimited.

– Does the ban on the operation of the fleet of a number of Russian operators in Ukraine have any negative consequences for loading volumes?
– This makes certain adjustments to our work. The decision of the Ukrainian side does not appear as a significant factor in reducing loading, but as an element of uncertainty in the work. Those wishing to send cargo to Ukraine today have the opportunity to choose from almost 1,100 operators. And the cars of the owners who are subject to the restrictions will be used for domestic transportation. Due to the fact that the ban was unexpected and the deadline for changing the rolling stock operator was too short, part of the cargo remained for shipment in June. And it is primarily Ukrainian consignees who suffer from this.

– Do you plan to discuss with your colleagues in Sochi the further development of transit transportation within the framework of a joint project of the Russian Federation, Belarus and Kazakhstan – the United Transport and Logistics Company?
– There will be a meeting on UTLC. The company is showing very good results this year. We would like to discuss the possibilities for expanding the transit corridor from Asia to Europe. There are proposals for export cargo from Belarus to be sent through the transit corridor within the framework of UTLC. We will also propose to consider the possibility of extending this corridor through Belarus and Lithuania to Kaliningrad.
In addition, it is possible to expand the functionality of existing transit routes by transporting specialized refrigerated containers. Since May, competitive tariff rates have been established for them. The cost of transporting food products on transit routes will become more competitive.

Tanks win over long distances

Alexey Shilo has been appointed General Director of the Center for Branded Transport Services, a branch of Russian Railways.


By order of the President of JSC Russian Railways, Alexey Shilo was appointed General Director of the Center for Branded Transport Services (CFTS), a branch of JSC Russian Railways.
Salman Babaev, who previously headed the CFTO, will continue to work as vice president for commercial activities.
The Corporate Transport Service Center is a separate division of Russian Railways OJSC. The main task of the branch is to generate revenue for the company's budget through the sale of services related to the transportation of goods and the use of public railway transport infrastructure. The CFTO includes 16 structural divisions throughout the Russian Federation. The total number of employees is about 11 thousand people.

Shilo Alexey Nikolaevich was born on July 21, 1978. In 2000, he graduated from the Ural State University of Transport with a degree in “Organization of transportation and management in transport (railway)”, in 2001 – with a degree in “Economics and management in a railway transport enterprise.”

He began his career in railway transport in 2000 as a station duty officer at the Kurya station of the Sverdlovsk Railway. Then he worked as the head of the Chaikovskaya station, deputy head of the Perm-sortirovochnaya station, head of the Perm-2 station, deputy head of the Perm branch of Sverdlovsk Railways, first deputy head of the Tyumen branch of Sverdlovsk Railways, first deputy head of the transportation service of Sverdlovsk Railways, in senior positions in the Sverdlovsk and Gorky traffic control directorates, Deputy Head of the Central Traffic Control Directorate (Development).

Since February 2015, Alexey Shilo at JSC Russian Railways held the position of head of the Department for Management of the “Railway Transportation and Infrastructure” business block.

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