Home Berries The most famous people in history. The most famous person in the world - who is he? Who ranks first among the most famous people on the planet? Most Significant People

The most famous people in history. The most famous person in the world - who is he? Who ranks first among the most famous people on the planet? Most Significant People

Elena Meleshina

The script of the holiday Easter ringing»

Scenario Designed for preschool children.


To form friendly relations between children of older and younger preschool age.

Enrich children's knowledge about Easter holiday.

Instill a love for the history of your people.

The people have preserved many customs and rituals associated with Easter celebration. On Everyone goes to Easter, visit each other, christen, congratulate on holiday, wish the owners happiness and prosperity, present each other with colored eggs and Easter cakes. From bright Sunday begin festive festivities, which used to last the entire Bright Week. On Easter everyone is allowed to climb the bell tower and ring the bells. Therefore, on this day, it is always solemnly joyfully worth the bells ringing

presenter: We have lost many traditions, but celebrate easter no because it is based on the brightest impulses of the soul.

The sun smiled softly

Mother earth is already awake

Everywhere life and miracles

Spring day is rich, luxurious

Velvet is thrown on the sunbeds

Forests turn green.

caregiver: Children, today we celebrate Easter holiday. I congratulate you on this very bright and joyful holiday Let the bells ring today, let the songs sound, let everyone have fun.

Children: Drops drip loudly,

In front of our window.

The birds sang merrily

Easter came to visit us.

Children: Bell church chimes

Over Russia is heard

And in the groove everything is alive

A cheerful stream winds.

children: Under the chant of prayers Easter

And under ringing of bells

Spring is flying to us from far

From the midday regions

children: Brighter morning east,

How warm in spring celebration!

A sprout reaches for the light,

Praises the joy of light Easter.

The melody of the Ukrainian folk song sounds "Vesnyanka",children become in a round dance and sing: “Oh, water runs in a stream

1st Lead: Among the people there were many signs associated with Easter. The hunters fired into the air, believing that in this way they would ensure a successful hunt for themselves, the girls called their suitors. Children looked at the dawn and sang songs to the sun.

gel: sun, bucket

Look out the window

Sunshine dress up

Red ride.

2nd Lead: Folk festivals were accompanied by Easter is always a round dance.

round dance "I walk with loach"

1st Lead: Christ is risen. And the earth was resurrected. Back in the old days the first day Easter called Holy Sunday.

children: The sun's ray is like a thread

Between heaven and earth

They will believe - they will live

People are a friendly family.

2nd Lead: On this day called the bells are especially solemn. This the ringing is called the blessing.

The dormant bell woke the fields

The sleepy earth smiled at the sun

Blows rushed to the sleepy skies

Silent valley drives away sleep

Somewhere behind the road freezes ringing.

(bell ringing in the recording)

children: Good at the bell tower

ring the bells,

To the holiday was longer,

So that the soul can sing.

children. : Like an angel's song

This marvelous chime,

Bright anthem of Sunday

Sounded from all directions.

children: That's Easter has come to us

Holiday sweet for me!

Brought a lot of joy

And he took away sorrow.

children: Over meadows and fields

The sun is shining above us.

long-awaited spring

Us a day Easter brought!

2nd Lead: Can't imagine Easter without colored eggs. It was customary to paint them on Holy Thursday. What a joyful, bright feeling a red testicle awakens in us! The child rejoices at him, just beginning to live, the old man rejoices, having met so many times Easter in your lifetime.

children: How I love Easter holiday!

Getting ready for Thursday

Grandma paints eggs

I will help her too.

On a fragile, thin shell

For people, for beauty

I paint with a brush quietly:

Cross, sun, flowers.

In light Sunday holiday

I will give to my friends

On the testicle, congratulations,

And I'll say: "I painted it myself!"

1st Lead: At the sight of a red egg, the bright night of the Resurrection is remembered and red, that is, joyful, jubilant ringing of bells. AT Easter week it is customary to give each other testicles. Our guys also cooked for their friends easter testicles and how they did it now will tell.

Stepa: To his friend Egorka

I'll draw a moth.

Without paternal let no spanking

His life will be easy.

children: Well, I'm Olya's girlfriend

I'll paint everything with beans.

She will have a rich groom,

Cute, fluffy.

children: And the neighborhood twins

Let's draw the sun.

Let's look more often

The sun is at their window!

caregiver: Guys, do you want to see a fairy tale "Kolobok"

Easter Bun

1st presenter: Once upon a time there were poor grandfather and woman.

2nd host A: Very poor.

1st presenter: They didn't have a hen - pockmarked.

2nd host A: Oh, it wasn't.

1st presenter: She didn't lay their testicles.

Leading (together): And they could not bake Easter cake!

2nd host:Grandfather says to grandmother:

Children: What, dear, are we on Easter to break the fast?

children: Oh, I don't know, honey. After all, our flour has long since ended.

children: Come on, woman, let's not lose heart, but pray to God that we sweep the barn, scrape the barn; maybe at least it will pick up a bun.

1st presenter: So, they did: they swept the barn, scraped the barrels, kneaded the martyr on the water, salted it with a teardrop.

2nd host: Thank God.

1st presenter: They baked a lean bun and put it on the window.

Leading (together): Get cold until morning.

2nd host: And in the morning Kolobok woke up before everyone else.

children: Something grandparents can not hear. They’re sleeping, they messed around with me yesterday, they even overslept mass. I’ll sway to the church while they sleep, I’ll sprinkle holy water at the priest’s, at least I will console the old people with this.

1st presenter: Gingerbread Man jumped off the windowsill to the ground and let's go to the church. Yes, not on the road, but straight through the forest. The wolf is facing him.


children: What are you, Wolf, because I'm not consecrated yet. It is swept along the barn, scraped along the barrel, mixed with water, salty with a tear, but not yet consecrated. Wait for me here.

children: Kolobok, Kolobok, I'll eat you.

children: What are you, Bear, because I'm not consecrated yet. It is swept along the amba, scraped along the barrel, mixed with water, salty with a tear, but not yet consecrated. Wait for me here.

children: FROM happy holiday to you, Kolobok. How far have you gone, my sweetie?

children: I, Fox, am in a hurry to church.

children: Where, sweetie? I didn't hear something.

children In the church of God, sprinkle with holy water.

children: I have become somewhat deaf. Come closer to me, my postnenky, closer.

children: I, Lisonka, am in a hurry to go to church, sprinkle holy water at the priest, and you wait for me here.

2nd host: Kolobok rolled into the church and immediately to the priest. Sprinkled with holy water and the father asks him:

children: Where, Kolobok, is your red testicle?

children: I do not have, father, a red testicle. My grandparents are poor.

children: Here, take it, Kolobok, take the testicles to grandparents.

1st presenter: And then the parishioners heard the conversation, they gave the Kolobok testicles a whole basket.

2nd leader: Kolobok is rolling back through the forest straight, and a wolf, a bear and a fox are meeting him.

Beasts: FROM happy holiday to you, Gingerbread man, with the coming Resurrection of Christ! We will be than Easter break the fast

1st Leader. Beloved Easter the fun was rolling the eggs. It began on the first day after lunch and continued throughout the week.

2nd Lead: On this day, people visit each other and instead Easter, traditional greetings people, pronounce: "Christ is risen",and be sure to hear back: Truly risen! Here are some easter postcards sent to their friends or relatives.

children: Here the gate creaked,

And here is the trill call...

Easter card

Came from afar.

She is from far away

Nesla easter light

And words "Christ is Risen!" -

A jubilant hello.

She shines good

Like the sun of the Temple, the cross, -

She's like a bird

Carried from distant places.

They hurried with the news

There is no more important:

For us "Christ is Risen!" -

Heavenly life light.

Children sit at tables and decorate ready-made blanks Easter cards.

At the end of the work, they hand over their work to the students.

1st Lead: In addition to colored eggs, they take up space on the table easter yes kulich.

children: On the table fragrant Easter cake,

A pile of colored eggs.

In that celebration, bright, clean

You will not see gloomy faces.

children: Birds settled in nests,

The snow melted like a candle.

The air smells sweet

Golden cake.

Sunny rain dripped

On this day of holy miracles.

And kiss me, mom

He speaks: "Christ is risen! - Truly Risen!

children: They say: "Christ is Risen!"

Yes, he has truly risen!”

Breaking the veil of darkness

He came down to people from heaven.

children: Christ lives and people believe:

If we part with evil,

Life will go on. Will be eternal

Peace with love and kindness!

Song "Spring is red holiday brought»

1st Lead: Beloved Easter games with eggs were fun.

Come out to play soon, roll red eggs.

A game "Egg rolling"

2nd Lead: Almost the whole village gathered to watch how the eggs are rolled.

A game « Easter nest»

2nd Lead: On the holy week they hung swings

And the swing and the carousel are always waiting for guests.

Joke and play, learn a lot of new things.

We always welcome guests with very tasty, sweet tea!

1st Lead: Here is another game, you will like it.

A game Whose egg will spin the longest?

1st leader. (holds willow branches in his hands).

With willow in We welcome everyone to Easter,

We invite you to visit!

Come in quickly

Sing more fun!

The song sounds to the music of R. Glier, lyrics by A. Blok "Verbochki"

2nd leader.

Willow, willow is beautiful,

Come spring, the sun is clear!

bring heat,

Start fun!

Children perform any dance.

1st leader.

Let's meet Easter well,

fun and light:

Cheese, butter and eggs

Yes, a ruddy cake,

good meal,

Song, dance and fun!

A girl dressed in a costume of the Sun comes out to Russian music.

The sun laughs softly

Singing merrily today

I warm the earth

FROM I congratulate everyone on Easter!

Children perform a song by R. Pauls "Sun".

I bring you painted eggs -

Difficult, golden!

Who will take the egg faster

That will get it!

The game is being played.

2nd leader. And it was also considered earlier according to Russian custom: whoever breaks the egg first is the lucky one! Who will try their luck?

The game is being played.

1st leader.

And here are three more eggs,

There will be a new game:

That one will win!

The game is being played.

2nd leader.

That's how much fun we have

In that Easter hour!

They bring out Easter cakes and multi-colored painted eggs on a tray. Sing to the motive of the song "Let's go to the garden along the viburnum":

We are on Easter we all go,

We all go, we all go

We carry Easter cakes in our hands,

We carry, we carry!


sweet cakes,

Take it soon

Appetizing, good

Eat more fun!

1st leader.

Open your mouth wider

Get a piece!

2nd leader.

Kolyada caroled,

She ran under the window

What did grandma bake

I gave it to you all!

Don't pinch, don't break

And for the whole, come on!

1st leader.

Ay, tari, tari, tari,

They brought you testicles:

yellow, red,

Eggs are different!

You eat eggs

Remember our Easter!

Treat children, Russian folk music sounds.

presenter: So ours ended celebration. And may luck always accompany us, a joyful mood will remain in our souls.

Easter cakes, eggs, sweets are taken out on trays

So who is the most famous person to ever exist?

Jesus is currently the most important person in history, according to a new Internet search engine.

I'm not a Christian, but I think it's hard to argue with anyone other than Jesus.

Besides the fact that Christianity is the biggest religion in the world(and predominantly Christian Western society is the most dominant cultural force in the world), Islam - the second largest and fastest growing religion - also has Jesus as a prominent figure. I'm sure there are far more Christians who don't know much about Muhammad than there are Muslims who don't know much about Jesus.

Messenger of the Gods or Prophets are not popular when they are alive, but become more popular after they die. The apostles or followers of the messenger spread the stories, their miracles, their teachings, their newly founded faith, which ultimately makes the messenger more popular. Given the population of Christianity and its spread from Jerusalem to different parts of the world, more than enough to answer your question. Now this does not necessarily mean that conversions were made by people simply accepting the new faith. They were threatened, bloodshed and forcibly converted by the Knights Templar, Constantine and even the popes.

People cannot forget to sacrifice themselves for the sins of others and the torture they went through, and these events were widely spread in different countries with the help of the Apostles, each of whom went his own way to spread the Word of God.

On the other side…

The most famous person, who is he?

A few non-simultaneous and contradictory speculations - nothing modern - nothing written by his own hand - no historical influence during his lifetime - no modern images.

Compare this to Julius Caesar. We have books that he wrote. We have modern images of what it looked like. We have modern works of people who knew him. He made a huge impact on history during his lifetime. As Shakespeare said, he was "the colossus that rules the world!"

It's not even clear that Yeshua Ben Joseph was a real person and not a fictional character. Historians have different opinions. No one can suggest that Julius Caesar could be a fictional character!

But still..

What is the year now? Exactly. Jesus is without a doubt the most famous person and the most important person in history and the greatest person of all time! Or not human! Well, or a product of large-scale Jewish PR?) Who knows.

But one thing is certain: Jesus is the most famous figure of all times and peoples, but no one knows how long this will last. The most famous person is the same.

Maybe there is a more famous person than him? Maybe Adolf Hitler? Leonardo da Vinci? Cleopatra? Julius Caesar? Maybe Obama? Or God forgive Vladimir Putin?

There are many varieties of fame. Jesus Christ was the first to achieve this in the world, wrote Clive James, "without conquering the world with violence." According to W. Auden, the best way for a poet to make money is like cheese from the valley - “local, but valuable elsewhere. And yet, if all fame, like all politics, is to some extent local, how carefully it has been transmitted across the planet and over the centuries has been difficult, if not impossible, to quantify.

The most famous people of the last 6000 years:

1. Jesus Christ

3. Aristotle

5. Alexander the Great

6. Leonardo da Vinci

7. Confucius

8. Julius Caesar

10. Pythagoras

Here are the most ancient characters. They are tested by the history of time, and are saturated with all the human gut.

At the moment, according to a new Internet search program, Jesus is the most important person in history, and the most famous person. It's on the internet. Which is not enough.) In second place on the World Wide Web we have Napoleon and third place was taken by the Muslim prophet Mohammad.

What does it mean to be famous? For example, Chesley Sullenberger was ranked second in the Top 100 Most Influential People of 2009 for just a successful emergency landing of the plane, as a result of which no one was injured. But time passes, and all these rating names are erased and dissolved behind millions of the same rating names. But there are ten people who are known in any part of the globe. They knew, know and will know about them. And we invite you to remember these ten people in the Top Greatest People of All Time. The names in the list are in ascending order, from tenth to the most important, first place.

Greatest people of all time. Top 10. Sir Isaac Newton

If you make a rating of people on demand in Google, then Albert Einstein would be in tenth place, in one month the query “Albert Einstein” gains up to 6.1 million search queries. But many more books have been written about Isaac Newton, and Albert Einstein is unlikely to ever beat him in this sense. Sir Isaac Newton discovered the Law of Attraction, coined the term "gravity", invented the reflecting telescope, defeated the Roman Catholic Church with the justification of geocentrism and determined that any, even the smallest object in the Universe, moves. In his spare time, Newton explored the principles of optics. He lived a long life and died at the age of 84.

Greatest people of all time. Top 10. Leonardo da Vinci

In the case of one of the greatest men in history, Leonardo da Vinci, a Google search can be quite inaccurate. And if you enter only the name "Leonardo", then Google will return a bunch of links to the ninja turtles and people who drowned on the Titanic. But if you type the full name of Leonardo da Vinci, you will immediately find out that he is known to the whole world. A person who could do anything. And all the books about him and his inventions are probably the biggest and most interesting summaries in the world. He was an engineer, inventor, anatomist, architect, mathematician, geologist, musician, cartographer, botanist, writer and sculptor. He invented the rifle, even if it didn't immediately look like what we used to call a rifle, but Leonardo's rifle shot at a distance of 1000 yards. He invented the parachute, 300 years before it was officially invented. He invented the hang glider, 400 years before his official invention. Hang glider Leonardo was based on the work of bird wings. He could imagine what a helicopter should be like, but he could not understand what kind of force it would have to be to lift such a structure into the air. He invented the tank, which was a structure driven by a crankshaft. The structure could move and shoot at the same time and in different directions. He invented scissors by bolting two knives together.

Along with incredible inventions for his time, Leonardo was a great artist and sculptor. The work "Mona Lisa" is a masterpiece of world portraiture, around which controversy does not stop to this day.

Greatest people of all time. Top 10. William Shakespeare

William Shakespeare is a person whom we repeat every day, quoting and not even suspecting that it was he who came up with this phrase or expression. It's amazing, remember how often you say something like this: "not all that glitters is gold", "a pitiful sight", "food of the gods", "all's well that ends well". It's all Shakespeare. And of course, the maestro's most famous phrase: "to be or not to be." Egil Aarvik, a spokesman for the Nobel Prize Committee, once said that Shakespeare would be the only person who could claim the Nobel Prize more than once.

Speaking about the work of Shakespeare, we can say almost nothing unambiguously about him. About his life, about him as a person. We only know that he was a simple actor, and then suddenly became the greatest playwright. This gives rise to an incredible amount of rumors spreading about whether Shakespeare was Shakespeare.

Greatest people of all time. Top 10. Adolf Gitler

Everyone knows who Adolf Hitler is. We all know that this man is the root cause of World War II. He provoked the war for two main reasons, so to speak. One: to become the most powerful person on Earth and in history, and rule the world. The second reason: to generate as much pain as possible against all those whom he personally considered responsible for putting Germany in an insulting and humiliating position after the First World War.

Hitler was a great speaker, and he knew what his compatriots wanted to hear and knew that they felt the same feelings towards the offenders of Germany as he did. Consequently, it was not difficult to raise people to "great" accomplishments and conquests.

The Second World War was the most difficult, bloodiest war in the history of mankind. It led to the greatest human losses. The approximate number of victims of the Second World War is 71 million people. And Hitler is to blame for this. And during the war, he knew about it. He knew that all these victims were his victims, and he was glad of that. He was proud of it. Today, Hitler is in the hearts and minds of people on the same list as the "Devil" and "Satan".

Greatest people of all time. Top 10. Apostle Paul of Tarsus

In sixth place in our ranking of the Greatest people of all time. Top 10 is the Apostle Paul of Tarsus. The Apostle Paul is considered the most important person in the spread of Christianity, its ideology and principles. The Apostle Paul is considered the most important Christian apologist.

The Apostle Paul is the most famous and revered apostle of all the disciples of Christ.

Greatest people of all time. Top 10. Siddhartha Gautama (Buddha)

It may surprise you, but most people who Google the name of the Buddha are not Buddhists. In the Western Hemisphere and throughout Europe, Buddhism is not as widespread as in the Eastern part - Nepal and India. It is known that the Buddha was a mortal man who achieved nirvana and spiritual awakening at the age of 35. To achieve nirvana and spiritual knowledge, the Buddha sat in meditation for 49 days under a tree until he reached the knowledge of what needs to be done in order to end human suffering. Having learned the truth, the Buddha carried his teachings to people so that all those who do could be freed from the torment in their lives. This path is called the Noble Eightfold Path, which consists of: Right View, Right Intention, Right Concentration, Right Speech, Right Action, Right Livelihood, Right Effort, and Right Mindfulness. According to the teachings of the Buddha, if you follow these simple rules, you can become a truly happy person who does not depend on anything.

Greatest people of all time. Top 10. Moses

Moses is revered by all the major modern religions of the world, and Judaism, and Christianity, and Islam. He is the greatest prophet of the Supreme Testament, the liberator of the Jewish people from Egyptian slavery. Moses was a legislator, a judge, a person through whom the Lord passed on his main 10 commandments.

According to legend, Moses was found as a baby, in a basket, floating on the Nile and was raised as the son of a pharaoh. There is no, by and large, accurate information about Moses, except that he grew up in a noble Egyptian family, and one day he saw an Egyptian mocking his Jewish slave, killed the Egyptian and fled into the desert. Here, in the desert, God first appeared to Moses as a burning bush. This turning point inspired Moses, and he, inspired, went to the pharaoh, asking him to let all the Jews go, otherwise, the Lord would send such torment to the Egyptians that they would not stand it. And so it happened. Pharaoh resisted, and the Lord showed his strength and sent unimaginable torments to the Egyptian people. Ultimately, Pharaoh was forced to release Moses along with all the Jews.

Moses led the Jews through the deserts for 40 years, so that they would all be reborn from slavery, here the Lord conveyed his basic laws through Moses.

Greatest people of all time. Top 10. Abraham

Bronze on our ranking of The Greatest People of All Time. The top 10 is occupied by the Biblical Abraham. And this is no coincidence. Abraham is considered one of the first prophets of the Middle East, the first to preach the one God. According to legend, God makes a covenant with Abraham, because he was very pious, unshakable in his faith in God. This covenant is marked by circumcision. Before that, the Lord tested Abraham's faith, demanding that he kill his son Isaac and Abraham had already raised a knife over his son when the Lord said that this was a test.

Greatest people of all time. Top 10. Mahomet

For non-Muslims, Mahomet founded Islam. For Muslims, Islam already existed, but Mohammed revived it in the hearts of people. Muslims believe that the Lord conveyed through Mohammed the basic philosophical principles and revelations, which he wrote down in the main religious book of Muslims - the Koran.

Mohammed was born in Saudi Arabia and had 13 wives. Not a single exact image of Mohammed has been preserved, because he is considered the last prophet sent by Allah in order to teach people the main path of peace and righteousness, and that he is too holy for all of us to see his face. During his life, Mohammed managed to unite the entire Middle East under the name of one God - Allah.

Greatest people of all time. Top 10. Jesus of Nazareth

It would be incomprehensible if some other person took the first place in the Top 10 Greatest People of All Time. Naturally, this is Jesus of Nazareth or Jesus Christ.

We all know the story of the life of Jesus, who was born to a virgin, died at the age of 33, that he was crucified on the cross, that he died and resurrected three days later, ascended to heaven, to the abode of His Father and now sits at the right hand of God.

Jesus Christ is accepted by all religions of the world, both believers and atheists know about him and his life. Perhaps, some of the most primitive peoples and tribes living in the Amazon River Delta or in the impenetrable forests of Brazil do not know the name of Christ. The main book that tells about the life and deeds of Christ is the New Testament Bible, we note that 25 million copies of the Bible are sold annually around the world.

So, even if you are not a believer, you will have to accept the fact that the most famous person in the whole world is Jesus of Nazareth.

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