Home Vegetables Charlotte history. Desktop cookbook The history of the creation of charlotte

Charlotte history. Desktop cookbook The history of the creation of charlotte

Charlotte they are loved all over the world, but somewhere it is a pudding, somewhere a cold dessert, and in Russia it is a simple pie with apples. In this article I will tell you about the history of the origin of this many-sided sweetness, about her travels around the world, modifications and show step by step charlotte recipes with photos.

If you are looking for charlotte recipes with photos , then to save your time, you can follow the following links, where I prepared several types of charlotte

Charlotte- this is a simplified, folk, one might say affectionate derivative of "Charlotte". There are two versions of the origin of the name:
1) Most of the legends associated with the creation of charlotte indicate that it comes from the female name "Charlotte".
2) Some culinary scientists claim (based on English recipes of the 15th century and later, which is credible) that the name of the dessert charlotte comes from the English word charlyt, which means a dish made from beaten eggs, sugar and milk. In the 15th century, in England, by the way, a meat dish with the same name was also popular.

From various sources, I have collected almost all available versions of the origin of Charlotte, some of them are quite funny:

1) Be that as it may, but all modern types of charlotte come from the English pudding. I put this most realistic, in my opinion, version at the very beginning, so as not to confuse you. It was the British who came up with this dessert, and what we have now arose relatively recently. In foggy Albion, it seems that puddings are prepared from everything in the world. The recipe for English charlotte is very simple, although there are also many options. That first and simple charlotte was a cold dessert, the so-called "raw", when moistened slices of bread were stacked in layers, interspersed with chopped fruit.

The basis of both cold / raw and baked charlotte is moistened slices of bread or biscuit, which are laid out in a small form, filling the middle with stewed fruit. The most common and favorite option is apple charlotte. But slices of bread are moistened in everything, and in dissolved butter, and in syrup from under stewed fruits, and in wine, and in Russia they were very fond of moistening bread in a mixture of eggs and milk (Oh, how many centuries have passed, but we have still love to soak bread slices for toast in this egg-and-milk mixture).

2) This version is also English, but with royal participation.

In the 18th century, King George III ruled Great Britain; his wife, Queen Charlotte of Mecklenburg-Strelitz, was the patroness of apple growers. It is believed that it was she who invented the Charlotte apple dessert. Of course, I did not search much, but I did not find any confirmation of this theory. Since this pudding existed before Queen Charlotte, I think she improved the recipe, but again, there is no information about this. But this version is beautiful, I do not argue.

3) Many people know the romantic legend about the creation of charlotte by a certain cook from the UK, who was hopelessly in love with a girl named Charlotte, for whom he created a wonderful apple dessert and named it after his beloved. Name, place of residence or work, but at least the time of life is lost forever, except for a dessert with a beautiful name. A doubtful version, but lives and lives for a long time.

4) The French chef Marie Antoine Karem, who lived in the late 18th and early 19th centuries, is often called the creator of charlotte. But he modified the charlotte, creating its new look, which is now called Charlotte Russe.

Illustration from Karem's book, he is on the right.

How it was: Antoine Carem is said to have modified charlotte in 1802, laying out the form not with bread, but with Savoyardi (“Ladyfingers”) biscuits, filling the middle with Bavarian cream with gelatin. Such charlotte was a cold dessert and was called "Paris charlotte". But in 1814, Russian Tsar Alexander I entered Paris as a winner, for whom Karem prepared his dessert. Since then, this cake has been known worldwide as "Charlotte Russe".

5) I've saved the best and funniest for last.

At the end of the 19th - beginning of the 20th century, there were many German bakeries in Russia that prepared this dessert from the remnants of bread and bakery products. The Russians laughed and said that the wives of the Germans save money and even make pies from crackers, and the wives themselves, summarizing, were called Charlottes behind their backs. The name Charlotte was very popular at the time and became a household name for any German woman living in Russia (Wikipedia).

6) In America, they believe that their national charlotte was invented by a certain chef from the city of Charlotte, which is somewhat doubtful, given the similarity with the English recipe. Most likely, charlotte was brought by immigrants. In the 19th century, a saying appeared in America that is said when talking about a typically American phenomenon or object: "As American as apple pie" ("As American as an apple pie").

Charlotte evolution.

Although charlotte prepared with many fruits, the whole world fell in love with its apple version.
So, initially charlotte- this is a bread pudding, and its cold version, "raw". Those. slices of bread moistened with syrup from under boiled fruits were folded into the form in layers, these fruits were laid out between the bread, everything was covered with slices of bread.
After charlotte they began to bake, the bread was already soaked in melted butter or in wine, and even in a mixture of eggs and milk. But bread slices were already laid out not in layers, but along the bottom and along the walls of the form, filling the middle with stewed fruit.
Antoine Karem made charlotte an elegant and very delicate dessert, replacing bread with Savoyardi cookies and biscuit slices, and apple filling with Bavarian cream.
In Russia, in the 18th and 19th centuries, with the flow of foreign chefs, charlotte recipes, which adapted to our Russian realities, as a result of which rye bread charlotte was born. But Charlotte Russe did not take root. At the beginning of the 20th century in our country charlotte turned into a very simple sponge cake with apples, which every housewife knows. So many generations have grown up easy apple pie recipe. And although our women are so talented that there are a great many variations of the simplest pie at the moment, everyone still dearly loves the classic charlotte recipe, this is not even a recipe, but the proportions that everyone supplements to their liking: 1 glass of flour, 1 glass of sugar, 4 eggs, 0.5 teaspoon of soda, slaked with vinegar. Nowadays, baking soda is replaced with baking powder and vanilla sugar is added.

Despite the fact that Charlotte Russe did not take root in Russia, it is very popular in Europe and America. Speaking of America!
Charlotte came to this continent along with immigrants, but very quickly a legend was born that charlotte was invented by an American chef from a city called Charlotte. To the credit of the Americans, they somewhat modified the charlotte, but for the better, giving rise to a new and wonderful pie, making it truly national and their pride.

Now in the world three main types of charlotte are firmly established, from which all cooks are already dancing.
1. English charlotte- pudding, made from bread slices and apples, can be either "raw" or baked.
Of course, a great many recipes have accumulated over so many centuries, but for myself and for you, and for the sake of curiosity, I took a hundred-year-old recipe from the book "Practical Fundamentals of Culinary Art" by Pelageya Alexandrova-Ignatieva.

2. Charlotte Russe, born of the great Antoine Careme. This charlotte prepared by laying out the form with savoiardi cookies, Bavarian cream with gelatin is poured into the form. Nowadays, Bavarian cream is mixed with various berry and fruit purees or chocolate, and jelly, most often berry, is poured on top of the cake.
I prepared Karem charlotte according to a combined recipe with a Russian bias: I laid out the form with Savoyardi cookies dipped in a mixture of sugar syrup and rum (most often Grand Marnier liquor is used as alcohol), poured Bavarian cream with vanilla, and then added a layer of cranberry jelly on top.

3. Modern Russian charlotte with apples and, which is a classic biscuit with the addition of apples to the dough.

Until the middle of the last century, there was even a special detachable form for charlotte and it was called - charlotte! But, unfortunately, I could not find any photographs or illustrations of this unique form, although some books about it say that it is small, narrow and high with a removable bottom. Now, by the way, this is not tragic, since the stores are full of detachable forms of various sizes. But if you have a photo or illustration of a charlotte and you can send it, I will be extremely grateful to you.

I hope you enjoyed your time reading my article. If you have something to discuss on this topic, your thoughts and research on charlotte, additions to the material, explanations or refutation, please write to me. Share your knowledge :)

P.S. All pictures are taken from Google.

History of charlotte

There are several versions of the origin of the beloved apple pie, three of them are the most plausible. If you believe the first, then charlotte was first prepared specifically for the wife of King George III of Great Britain. Her name was Charlotte. Allegedly, she stood up for the multiplication of apple orchards and patronized apple producers. Therefore, in gratitude, the subjects prepared this dessert and named it after their queen.

The second story is more mundane: the name of charlotte comes from the Old English word "charlyt", which means "a dish made from sugar, milk and beaten eggs."

The third version is the most romantic. They say that a long time ago a young man lived in France. He worked as a cook in one of the local restaurants. Once, having met a charming girl, the young man fell hopelessly in love. And this love inspired him to create a new dish, which he dedicated to his beloved. Her name was Charlotte.

Each version has the right to life. Everyone can choose which of the three to stick with. Incorrigible romantics will like the last legend: the lightness of the dish, the harmonious combination of sourness and sweetness, the speed of preparation, the pleasant but short languor in anticipation of the result. Only a lover could do such a thing.

Such a multifaceted charlotte

After such a backstory, of course, it is worth preparing a charlotte, adopting one of your favorite recipes. What if this dish really contains a certain magic of lovers?

Classic charlotte

1 cup flour, 1 cup sugar, 3 eggs, 0.5 kg apples, 2 tbsp. spoons of cognac, ½ tsp cinnamon

First, prepare the apples: wash, remove the core, cut into slices. Pour 2 tablespoons of cognac and add cinnamon, leave to stand. If you don't want the apples to turn brown, add some lemon juice and cover.

For the dough, beat the eggs with sugar until a homogeneous white airy mass. And gradually add 1 cup of sifted flour to the resulting mixture. Stir gently.

Put the apples in a mold greased with sunflower oil and fill them with the resulting dough. We put in the oven, preheated to 180˚, and wait 35-40 minutes.

Curd charlotte

250 g cottage cheese (you can skim), 1 cup sugar, 4 large apples, 3 eggs, 100 g butter, 1 cup semolina, 15 g baking powder, breadcrumbs.

Wash the apples, remove the core, cut into cubes. Sprinkle with sugar, set aside until sugar dissolves. Mix cottage cheese, eggs and semolina, add melted butter and baking powder last. Mix the resulting mixture with apples.

It is better to line the form with baking paper, grease with oil and sprinkle with breadcrumbs. We put our workpiece in an oven preheated to 200˚ and bake until golden brown.

Charlotte in Polish

3 egg yolks, 200 g butter, 500 g flour, 100 g sour cream, 1 kg apples, 250 g cookies, 15 g baking powder, vanilla and cinnamon to taste.

Mix flour, baking powder, vanilla and butter. Grind the yolks with sugar until white and add to the flour mass. The resulting dough should not stick to your hands. Put the finished dough in the refrigerator for an hour.

After an hour, take the dough out of the refrigerator. We divide it into two parts - one is slightly larger than the other. Thinly roll out a large one and put it on the bottom of the mold, so as to completely close the bottom and get the sides. Sprinkle the dough with a thin layer of cookie crumbs, then lay out a layer of apples, sprinkle the apples with a mixture of sugar and cinnamon. The second layer - repeat in the same sequence. Roll out the remaining dough and close the filling.

In the oven, preheated to 180 degrees, put our future cake and wait about 30 minutes. After that, set the temperature control to 75˚ and wait another 30 minutes or so until it is ready.

Charlotte on mineral water

4 - 5 pcs. large apples, 70 g raisins, 70 g walnuts, 3 eggs, 150 g sugar, 1 tbsp. flour, ½ tsp soda, 1/3 tbsp. mineral water, 3 tbsp. l. mayonnaise, vanillin, cinnamon, lemon peel - to taste.

My apples, remove the core, cut into large slices. We spread it in a form previously greased with oil. Top with nuts and raisins, optionally cinnamon.

Separately, we prepare the dough: mix eggs, sugar, mayonnaise, flour, slaked soda and mineral water. Add zest and vanilla to taste. Mix everything with a mixer and pour into a mold with apples. Bake in the oven at 180˚ until done.

There are so many recipes for your favorite pie that when you hear the name “charlotte”, you can never be sure that you will accurately guess all the ingredients. And why? There must be some mystery to the pie with a romantic past.

Charlotte is loved all over the world, but somewhere it's a pudding, somewhere it's a cold dessert, and in Russia it's a simple apple pie. In this article, I will tell you about the history of the origin of this many-sided sweets, about its travels around the world, modifications and show step-by-step charlotte recipes with photos.

Charlotte is a simplified, folk, one might say affectionate derivative of "Charlotte". There are two versions of the origin of the name:
1) Most of the legends associated with the creation of charlotte indicate that it comes from the female name "Charlotte".
2) Some culinary scientists claim (based on English recipes of the 15th century and later, which is credible) that the name of the dessert charlotte comes from the English word charlyt, which means a dish made from beaten eggs, sugar and milk. In the 15th century, in England, by the way, a meat dish with the same name was also popular.

From various sources, I have collected almost all available versions of the origin of Charlotte, some of them are quite funny:

1) Be that as it may, but all modern types of charlotte come from the English pudding. I put this most realistic, in my opinion, version at the very beginning, so as not to confuse you. It was the British who came up with this dessert, and what we have now arose relatively recently. In foggy Albion, it seems that puddings are prepared from everything in the world. The recipe for English charlotte is very simple, although there are also many options. That first and simple charlotte was a cold dessert, the so-called "raw", when moistened slices of bread were stacked in layers, interspersed with chopped fruit.

The basis of both cold / raw and baked charlotte is moistened slices of bread or biscuit, which are laid out in a small form, filling the middle with stewed fruit. The most common and favorite option is apple charlotte. But slices of bread are moistened in everything, and in dissolved butter, and in syrup from under stewed fruits, and in wine, and in Russia they were very fond of moistening bread in a mixture of eggs and milk (Oh, how many centuries have passed, but we have still love to soak bread slices for toast in this egg-and-milk mixture).

2) This version is also English, but with royal participation.

In the 18th century, King George III ruled Great Britain; his wife, Queen Charlotte of Mecklenburg-Strelitz, was the patroness of apple growers. It is believed that it was she who invented the Charlotte apple dessert. Of course, I did not search much, but I did not find any confirmation of this theory. Since this pudding existed before Queen Charlotte, I think she improved the recipe, but again, there is no information about this. But this version is beautiful, I do not argue.

3) Many people know the romantic legend about the creation of charlotte by a certain chef from the UK, who was hopelessly in love with a girl named Charlotte, for whom he created a wonderful apple dessert and named it after his beloved. Name, place of residence or work, but at least the time of life is lost forever, except for a dessert with a beautiful name. A doubtful version, but lives and lives for a long time.

4) The French chef Marie Antoine Karem, who lived at the end of the 18th and beginning of the 19th centuries, is often called the creator of charlotte, he was one of the founders of modern culinary arts, "haute cuisine", he was called "the cook of kings and the king of cooks". But he modified the charlotte, creating its new look, which is now called Charlotte Russe.

Illustration from Karem's book, he is on the right.

How it was: Antoine Carem is said to have modified charlotte in 1802, laying out the form not with bread, but with Savoyardi (“Ladyfingers”) biscuits, filling the middle with Bavarian cream with gelatin. Such charlotte was a cold dessert and was called "Paris charlotte". But in 1814, Russian Tsar Alexander I entered Paris as a winner, for whom Karem prepared his dessert. Since then, this cake has been known worldwide as "Charlotte Russe".

5) I left the most beautiful and funny for you in the end.

At the end of the 19th - beginning of the 20th century, there were many German bakeries in Russia that prepared this dessert from the remnants of bread and bakery products. The Russians laughed and said that the wives of the Germans save money and even make pies from crackers, and the wives themselves, summarizing, were called Charlottes behind their backs. The name Charlotte was very popular at the time and became a household name for any German woman living in Russia (Wikipedia).

6) In America, they believe that their national charlotte was invented by a certain chef from the city of Charlotte, which is somewhat doubtful, given the similarity with the English recipe. Most likely, charlotte was brought by immigrants. In the 19th century, a saying appeared in America that is said when talking about a typically American phenomenon or object: "As American as apple pie" ("As American as an apple pie").

Charlotte evolution.
Despite the fact that charlotte is prepared with many fruits, the whole world fell in love with its apple version.
So, initially charlotte is a bread pudding, and its cold version, "raw". Those. slices of bread moistened with syrup from under boiled fruits were folded into the form in layers, these fruits were laid out between the bread, everything was covered with slices of bread.

Then they began to bake charlotte, the bread was already soaked in melted butter or wine, and even in a mixture of eggs and milk. But bread slices were already laid out not in layers, but along the bottom and along the walls of the form, filling the middle with stewed fruit.
Antoine Karem made charlotte an elegant and very delicate dessert, replacing bread with Savoyardi biscuits and biscuit slices, and apple filling with Bavarian cream.

In Russia, in the 18th and 19th centuries, with the flow of foreign chefs, recipes for charlotte also poured in, which adapted to our Russian realities, as a result of which charlotte from rye bread was born. But Charlotte Russe did not take root. At the beginning of the 20th century in our country, charlotte turned into a very simple biscuit pie with apples, which every housewife knows. So many generations grew up on a simple recipe for apple charlotte. And although our women are so talented that there are a great many variations of the simplest pie at the moment, everyone still dearly loves the classic charlotte recipe, this is not even a recipe, but the proportions that everyone supplements to their liking: 1 glass of flour, 1 glass of sugar, 4 eggs, 0.5 teaspoon of soda, slaked with vinegar. Nowadays, baking soda is replaced with baking powder and vanilla sugar is added.

Despite the fact that Charlotte Russe did not take root in Russia, it is very popular in Europe and America. Speaking of America!
Charlotte came to this continent along with immigrants, but very quickly a legend was born that one American chef from a city called Charlotte came up with charlotte. To the credit of the Americans, they somewhat modified the charlotte, but for the better, giving rise to a new and wonderful pie, making it truly national and their pride.

Now in the world three main types of charlotte are firmly established, from which all cooks are already dancing.
1. English charlotte pudding, made from bread slices and apples, can be either "raw" or baked.
Of course, a great many recipes have accumulated over so many centuries, but for myself and for you, and for the sake of curiosity, I took a hundred-year-old recipe from the book "Practical Fundamentals of Culinary Art" by Pelageya Alexandrova-Ignatieva.

2. Charlotte Russe, born of the great Antoine Careme. This charlotte is prepared by laying out the form with savoiardi cookies, Bavarian cream with gelatin is poured into the form. Nowadays, Bavarian cream is mixed with various berry and fruit purees or chocolate, and jelly, most often berry, is poured on top of the cake.
I prepared Karem charlotte according to a combined recipe with a Russian bias: I laid out the form with Savoyardi cookies dipped in a mixture of sugar syrup and rum (most often Grand Marnier liquor is used as alcohol), poured Bavarian cream with vanilla, and then added a layer of cranberry jelly on top.

3. A modern Russian charlotte with apples, which is a classic biscuit with apples added to the dough.

Until the middle of the last century, there was even a special detachable form for charlotte and it was called - charlotte! But, unfortunately, I could not find any photographs or illustrations of this unique form, although some books about it say that it is small, narrow and high with a removable bottom. Now, by the way, this is not tragic, since the stores are full of detachable forms of various sizes. But if you have a photo or illustration of a charlotte and you can send it, I will be extremely grateful to you.

Apple charlotte is one of the most popular desserts in August. Summer residents, having gathered a rich harvest, bake this cake almost every day and generously treat their friends and neighbors to it. AiF.ru tried to figure out why the pie got its name.

British versions

Most likely, this pie was invented somewhere in the British Isles, where there is a special attitude towards apples. They believe that this is the fruit that everyone should eat. An English proverb says: “As long as you eat apples, you don’t need the services of a doctor” (“An apple a day keeps the doctor away”).

Charlotte of Mecklenburg-Strelitz

Most Britons are sure that the charlotte recipe appeared at the end of the 18th century thanks to Charlotte of Mecklenburg-Strelitz, the wife of the British King George III. This noble person is known for patronizing gardeners. Maybe that's why various apple dishes often appeared on her table. For tea, she asked to serve a special cake, which was prepared specifically for her taste. At court, this dessert was called charlotte - after the name of the queen, who adored this delicacy.

But there are those in the UK who believe that the recipe for this pie is much older. The name of the dessert comes from the Old English "charlyt". There is no exact equivalent of this word in Russian, it means a dish made from beaten eggs, sugar and milk. If you believe this version, then charlotte was eaten back in the 5th century.

However, the British romantics also have their own version. They say that once upon a time, a cook fell hopelessly in love with the noble beauty Charlotte. Due to poverty and low birth, he did not have the slightest chance to achieve her location. Nevertheless, the lover decided to dedicate his best culinary creation to her - an apple pie.

American version

In the United States, charlotte is considered their national dish. The Americans are sure that this pie was invented by a cook from the city of Charlotte in North Carolina. However, it is much more likely that the British brought the dessert there - the recipe is very similar to the traditional European version. But most US citizens strongly disagree with this argument. After all, they even have a saying in their homeland that they use when talking about a typically American phenomenon or object: “As American as apple pie” (“As American as apple pie”).

Charlotte Recipes

Classic variant

The idea of ​​a classic charlotte was borrowed from the British:

1. Line the bottom of the mold with bread soaked in butter or egg mixture.

2. Put a layer of ready-made apples (boiled with sugar or mashed) on top of the bread and cover with a layer of soaked bread. You can make multiple layers.

⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ Charlotte with apples - a recipe for a delicious and simple charlotte in the oven and slow cooker. In order for a lush charlotte with apples from a simple recipe to turn out tasty and fragrant, it is best to use sour varieties of apples. And only at home you get the most delicious apple charlotte. Is it possible to find a family in our country that does not cook apple charlotte generously in autumn? Despite the variety of options for its execution, the simplest biscuit, to which apples are added, is still classic.

Delicious and easy recipes for charlotte with apples

As for the name of charlotte, there is a romantic story about a hopelessly in love chef who figured out how to cook charlotte with apples and dedicated this recipe to the lady of his heart, Charlotte. This is how charlotte pie was born. Charlotte is prepared using a variety of fillings, among which there may be berries common to Russia and exotic fruits, but charlotte with apples is still a classic option. A simple charlotte recipe will be described below.

The taste of the pie is highly dependent on the variety of apples used. It is very important that they are natural, and not beautiful, chemical-filled. Distinguishing good apples is easy:

  • Firstly, they will not be completely liquid and shiny, some kind of defect is always found (a small wormhole, a crust in various places, etc. - show that insects would also really like this fruit);
  • Secondly, the freshest apples appear in various regions of the country, mainly in late summer - early autumn, when a new crop arrives.

There are a lot of different recipes for baking charlotte on the Internet, but many do not really like to cook dishes that take too much time or have a complex cooking recipe. Many authors suggest separating the proteins from the yolks, but this procedure requires a certain skill so that not a drop of yolk gets into the protein.

Someone recommends degreasing the dishes in which the eggs will be beaten. We will not do any of this, because in this article we suggest you bake the simplest delicious charlotte with apples in the oven, which always turns out. In doing so, we will use a minimum of ingredients that are always on hand.

Charlotte with apples classic recipe

Recipe for classic charlotte with apples


  • 1 glass of granulated sugar;
  • sour apples;
  • 3 chicken eggs (chilled in the refrigerator);
  • Soda (at the tip of a teaspoon), quenched with vinegar;
  • 1 cup sifted flour.

Cooking method:

  1. Break the eggs into a bowl in which you will beat them. Set the mixer to medium speed and beat the eggs until foamy. If there is no mixer or combine, you can do this with a whisk or even a fork, but then the time for whipping the mixture will increase accordingly;
  2. Gradually add sugar to this mass, then soda, quenched with vinegar. Stir the mixture well. Add the sifted flour, continuing to beat for about 1-2 minutes. The consistency of the dough should be like thick sour cream;
  3. Line the form in which you will bake apple charlotte with parchment paper for baking. If you want, you can grease it with butter, but I don’t do this (why do I need extra troubles!). If you are using a silicone mold, no paper is needed;
  4. In the ingredients of charlotte, we did not indicate the number of apples. This is because apples come in different sizes and also because many people like it when there are a lot of apples. But then our pie with apples inside turns out to be wet. If you want your charlotte to be dry inside, take smaller apples, namely 2 medium apples or 4 small ones. The skin from apples can be cut off if desired, but, in principle, this can not be done. We cut the fruit into arbitrary pieces and evenly lay them in the form;
  5. Pour the dough on top, trying to cover all the apples. Level with a spoon;
  6. We heat the oven to 180 degrees and put our pie with apples in it for 30-40 minutes. It is advisable not to open the oven for the first 20 minutes so that the charlotte does not settle. We check the readiness of the cake with a match or a toothpick. If the stick is dry and the crust is browned - charlotte with apples is ready! Let the cake cool for another 15 minutes in the oven and serve. You can turn it over and remove the paper. And you can not turn over, as you want. By the way, you can sprinkle powdered sugar or chocolate chips on top for beauty.

Charlotte with cottage cheese and apples

Unusual charlotte with cottage cheese and apples attracts with its tenderness and softness. By the way, in this pie, the usual flour is replaced by semolina, because of which the charlotte literally melts in your mouth.


  • 1 cup of sugar;
  • 100 g butter;
  • 250 g of cottage cheese;
  • 1 egg;
  • 6 medium apples;
  • 1 glass of raw semolina;
  • A little fresh lemon juice;
  • 1 tsp baking powder.

Cooking method:

  1. Wash the apples, remove the middle with seeds and cut into equal slices;
  2. Sprinkle with lemon juice and sprinkle with a little sugar;
  3. Punch sugar with raw eggs, add melted butter, baking powder to the mixture and mix actively with a spoon;
  4. Wipe the cottage cheese through a sieve and put it into the batter, then pour in the semolina;
  5. Let stand for approximately 10-15 minutes. Arrange apple slices beautifully on the bottom of a greased form, pour the dough on top;
  6. Put the mold in an oven preheated to 220 ° C, after five minutes reduce the temperature to 180 ° C and bake for another 40–45 minutes.

Historically, charlotte was made from white bread, custard, apples and liquor. Theoretically - it can be done with any fruits and berries. But in practice - the most delicious is still obtained from simple sour apples - for example, antonovka or simirenka - and eggs carefully beaten with sugar. In the simplest version, apples need to be thinly sliced ​​and put on the bottom of a baking dish, and topped with a dough of four eggs, a glass of sugar and a glass of flour. And bake at 200 degrees for only 30-35 minutes.

Traditional charlotte recipe


  • Chicken egg - 4 pcs.;
  • Salt - on the tip of a knife;
  • Sugar - 1 cup;
  • Apple - 1 kg.;
  • Soda - 1/2 tsp;
  • Wheat flour - 1 cup.

Cooking method:

  1. Beat egg whites with half a glass of sugar;
  2. Beat the yolks with the remaining sugar;
  3. Combine everything together and gradually add flour;
  4. Add salt and soda;
  5. Add diced apples;
  6. Grease a baking dish with oil and sprinkle with semolina;
  7. Put the mass into a mold and put in the oven, heated to 180 degrees;
  8. Bake 30-40 minutes.

Charlotte lush with apples in the oven

A simple recipe for lush charlotte with apples is bound to settle in the culinary notebook of even the youngest housewife. This pastry is prepared in an elementary way, but it always turns out surprisingly tasty, tender and “airy”. Lush classic charlotte with apples does not lose its taste the next day, solving the problem with an afternoon snack and a sweet snack.


  • Sugar - 1 glass;
  • Green apples - 3-4 pieces;
  • Lemon juice - 3-4 drops;
  • Eggs - 4 pcs.;
  • Flour - 1 cup.

Cooking method:

  1. The yolks, separating from the proteins, beat with a mixer, adding at once the entire norm of sugar. We achieve complete dissolution of sugar grains, as well as a significant increase in the volume of the mass;
  2. Now let's get to work with proteins. To make the mass beat better, add 3-4 drops of lemon juice, this will also help get rid of a possible egg smell while cooking a biscuit. We work with a mixer until a lush white mass is obtained;
  3. We shift the whipped whites to the yolks. Stir gently to achieve uniformity. If you want to make charlotte as quickly and simply as possible, you can beat eggs with sugar in one container at once, without dividing into proteins and yolks. But in this case, the cake will come out less "airy".
    Next, sift the flour into the egg mass in small portions, each time kneading with movements from the bottom up. As a result, the dough should turn out smooth and uniform, without flour lumps;
  4. Grease a detachable baking dish with a diameter of 22 cm from the inside with a piece of butter, first cover the bottom with parchment (you can use a larger container - in this case the cake will turn out not so high, but no less tasty). For charlotte, choose hard green apples of sour varieties. After cleaning and removing the core, cut into thin plates and lay on the bottom of a heat-resistant container;
  5. Pour the apples with the prepared dough and put the mold in a hot oven for 30-35 minutes (until a golden crust appears). We maintain the temperature at 180 degrees. During the baking process, we try not to open the oven once again so that the lush biscuit does not settle.
    You can make sure that it is ready in the traditional way - immerse a match in the dough. If it remains dry, apple charlotte is ready! Slightly cooling the pastries, remove the detachable board. Turn the cake over, remove the parchment and serve;
  6. Lush classic charlotte with apples is completely ready! Happy tea!

Apple quick charlotte

Instant apple pie


  • Chicken eggs - 3 pcs.;
  • Melted ice cream or white chocolate - 150-200 g or to taste;
  • Wheat flour - 1 cup;
  • Large apples - 2 pcs.;
  • Butter - for lubrication of the form;
  • White granulated sugar - 1 cup.

Cooking method:

  1. We clean the washed apples from the peel and core, chop them coarsely;
  2. We melt the white chocolate for a couple. If you want to add ice cream to the cake, then take it out of the refrigerator early and leave it for a while at room temperature so that it has time to melt;
  3. We drive eggs into a bowl, mix them with sugar;
  4. Beat the egg-sugar mass with a mixer for at least 5 minutes;
  5. Pour the flour into the mixture in small portions, while continuing to beat the dough with a mixer. We should get the consistency of not thick, but not liquid sour cream;
  6. Pour ice cream or chocolate into the finished dough, gently mix the mass;
  7. Lubricate the baking dish with butter (can be replaced with vegetable oil), put chopped apples into it;
  8. Pour the fruit with sweet dough, which must be evenly distributed throughout the form;
  9. Preheat the oven to 180°C. You need to bake fast charlotte only in a hot oven so that it can be thoroughly baked;
  10. We bake dessert for 25 minutes at a temperature of 180 °;
  11. After cooking, cool the pastry a little, then cut into portioned pieces and serve warm with tea to the table.

Charlotte in a slow cooker: a simple recipe


  • Eggs - 4 pcs.;
  • Salt - 0.5 tsp;
  • Sugar - 1 glass;
  • Apples - 500 g;
  • Cinnamon - 0.5 tsp;
  • Wheat flour - 1 cup;
  • Baking powder - 1 tsp.

Cooking method:

  1. Wash the eggs with soda and break into a bowl, add sugar;
  2. Beat eggs with sugar - first at slow speeds, then at fast speeds until fluffy;
  3. The more magnificent the mixture is whipped, the better the charlotte with apples will turn out;
  4. Add flour, baking powder and cinnamon and knead the dough to a consistency like thick sour cream;
  5. Cut the apples into cubes and add to the dough. Usually, when preparing charlotte, this is not done. But with apples, charlotte is much juicier and more tender. Here according to taste and desire;
  6. Lubricate the multicooker bowl with butter, sprinkle with sugar a little, just a little;
  7. Cut the apple into slices and remove the seeds. First, put thin apple slices into the slow cooker. Sugar is needed so that the apples caramelize during the baking of the pie;
  8. Carefully transfer the dough to the slow cooker and spread over the surface;
  9. Cooking lush charlotte in a slow cooker in the "Baking" mode for 60 minutes. Usually during this time the cake is baked. In any case, periodically check the cake for readiness;
  10. Let the charlotte stand for 5 minutes with the multicooker lid open and remove. To do this, insert the steam rack and turn the bowl upside down. Bon appetit!

Charlotte with apple and banana

Charlotte with bananas and apples

Another interesting option for making quick charlotte is a banana and cinnamon recipe in the oven. And although the baking technology is simple, a step-by-step recipe with a photo will not be superfluous.

The pie is baked quickly and tasty in the oven, it gives the pastries a beautiful blush, a light crust and a little crunch, which makes the charlotte even more appetizing. A little banana and cinnamon will only “decorate” the dessert, so be sure to add them to the charlotte if you want it to exude a pleasant aroma and have an unforgettable alluring taste.


  • Flour - 1 cup;
  • Sugar - 1 cup;
  • Vinegar - 1 tbsp;
  • Apples - 6-10 pcs.;
  • Bananas - 1-2 pcs.;
  • Cinnamon - to taste;
  • Eggs - 3 pcs.;
  • Soda - 1 tsp

Cooking method:

  1. First of all, we take up the preparation of apples and bananas: we peel them from the skin, we also remove the core from the apples;
  2. We cut the fruit into pieces: we cut bananas into thin rings, apples into slices. If you cook fruit after kneading the dough, then it will have time to “settle”, which is not very good for baking a magnificent pie;
  3. Beat the eggs with sugar (using a mixer) for 1-1.5 minutes to get a thick, bubbly, and most importantly - a lush mass;
  4. We add the sifted flour, soda slaked with vinegar, then carefully mix the mass so that the foam we need does not disappear;
  5. Lubricate a mold or a cast-iron pan (whichever is more convenient for cooking) with plenty of oil, sprinkle the walls and bottom with semolina or breadcrumbs, spread (evenly) chopped apples into it. If desired, sprinkle them with cinnamon to taste;
  6. Pour the apples with part of the dough, put the banana rings on top, pour the fruit with the dough again;
  7. We place the form / pan with charlotte in a preheated oven, bake the cake for 20-25 minutes on fire, a little more than average. From time to time, dessert should be checked with a toothpick for readiness.

After the final preparation, we take out the quick charlotte together with the form from the oven. We give the cake a little time to cool, after which we take out the dessert, cut it into pieces, and then carry it, beautiful and fragrant, to be eaten by our household.

Compared to the standard cooking technology, where the cake is baked for more than an hour, a quick charlotte with apples is made in just half an hour. It is easy to prepare, but has a very refined original taste, for which it is impossible not to fall in love. Prepare your favorite dessert quickly and tasty, and don't let your efforts disappoint you. Bon appetit!

Incomparable CHARLOTTE | The most delicious recipe

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