Home Berries Secrets of knitting hats. How to knit a hat for a woman - new items Stylish hat with braids

Secrets of knitting hats. How to knit a hat for a woman - new items Stylish hat with braids

If you like to create beautiful fashionable things with your own hands, then our article with a detailed description and diagrams on how to knit a hat for a woman is especially for you.
Honestly, today every woman must be able to knit, because there is nothing more pleasant than the opportunity to pamper herself and her loved ones with budget new clothes.

How to knit a warm hat for women?

If you are still a beginner, you can start with our first tutorial on how to knit a simple hat for a woman. As a visual aid, you can use the videos we have selected on how to knit a hat for a woman.

How to knit a simple wool hat

Knitting a beautiful hat is not as difficult as it seems. To do this, you need to arm yourself with knitting needles, yarn and patience.


  • wool yarn – 50 g at 135 m;
  • straight knitting needles No. 4 – 2 pcs.;
  • crochet hook;
  • scissors;
  • darning needle.

1. Find out the head circumference of the future owner of the headdress and be sure to make a small square of knitted fabric for the sample - the knitting density is always calculated individually. When knitting a hat with English elastic, an elastic, almost dimensionless product is created. In the described example, with a head circumference of 55-60 cm, a knitwear density of 18 loops for 46 rows, 78 loops are cast on for the headband of the hat. The knitting needles are straight and of medium diameter (No. 4).
You can start knitting a hat with English elastic without making an elastic border. At the same time, you can make the fabric of the product either with or without a turn. Please note: the 1x1 elastic band secures the edge well!

2. Knit the headband in straight and purl rows, alternating 2 knit stitches and 2 purl stitches. When 8 rows are ready, start knitting the hat with an English elastic band. In the first row of the pattern you will need to make even increases, bringing the total number of loops to 95.
To add loops, divide the row into equal sections, and knit an additional thread in each. To do this, grab and twist the transverse threads between adjacent loops.

3. Work the fluffy fabric with an English elastic band until you reach a height of 25 cm from the edge of the rim. To form the main knitwear pattern, alternate stitches in the following sequence. In the first row of the pattern, do only knit stitches; start the second row with the edge loop (it can be removed unknitted); do the front one. Next, repeat the so-called double knit stitches, inserting the right knitting needle into the thread bow of the previous row. The final loops are the front and edge stitches.

4. Start the third row of English rib also with an edge loop, then alternate double and regular knit stitches until there are only a couple of thread arches left on the left needle. Knit the first one as a double knit stitch, the second one will be an edge stitch. Repeat the pattern according to the finished sample of the second and third rows until you have made the main fabric of the headdress of the desired size.

5. Start shaping the crown of the hat. To round the knitted fabric and tighten it at the top, make uniform decreases in the forward and reverse rows: at the beginning, an edge loop; during a row of 3 thread arches are knitted together with a regular knit stitch; at the end - edging. In the next row, make decreases without leaving edges, always knit 3 loops together.

6. Cut the working yarn, leaving a tail about 10 cm long. Pull it over the open loops of the last row and drag it with the hook inside the hat. Form a strong knot.

7. Turn the hat wrong side down, steam the knitted fabric and carefully connect the side edges of the part. Make a neat connecting seam using a darning needle and thread from a working ball. To ensure that the stitching remains sufficiently elastic and the product does not deform, do not make the stitches too tight.

Watch the video “how to knit a hat with an English elastic band”

Stylish hat with braids


  • 150 g yarn
  • knitting needles No. 3.5,
  • knitting needles No. 4, 5

I knitted it on two needles, because I have a large thread on circular needles and it results in a lot of tension and large holes between the loops, and I like it tighter. Then I sewed it together.
I cast on 96 stitches on the knitting needles. Knitting needles No. 3.5. Knitted in 2 threads, yarn with 20% wool, 135g per 50m.

I knitted a 2×2 elastic band about 6 cm.
Switched to knitting needles No. 4.5


  • (p2, k6, p2, k2) - repeat until the end of the row.
  • knit according to the pattern, where from inside to outside, where from faces to faces.

Knit 6 rows like this and in the 7th row make overlaps where there are 6 faces. (YouTube is full of videos on how to knit braids). I did this: I transfer 3 loops to a toothpick, knit the next 3, return these 3 loops from the toothpick to the left knitting needle and knit them too. Then, according to the pattern, 2 purl, 2 knit, 2 purl and again overlaps. So until the end of the row.

After these overlaps, we knit 1 row on the wrong side according to the pattern, I don’t count it.

Knitted hats have recently become a part of the everyday wardrobe of not only men and children, but also women. The store offers a wide range of models. However, depending on the quality, the price can reach the level of the cost of a fur product

However, even a novice craftswoman can knit a hat with knitting needles. There is nothing complicated about this process. We offer you a detailed description of the entire work. We hope that by following our advice, you will be able to quickly and beautifully knit any model of hat for yourself. And in the future we will look at options for making these crocheted accessories.

Choosing yarn and knitting needles

Before you get started, you need to go to a store that sells craft supplies. There we will be interested in yarn, suitable knitting needles and a needle for sewing knitwear. Its distinctive features:

  1. a wide eyelet through which a woolen thread can pass freely;
  2. blunt, rounded end (so as not to tear the canvas);
  3. sufficient thickness and length (at least 8 cm).

First, let's look at the issue of choosing yarn. For beginners in knitting hats, it is recommended to start with fairly voluminous types of threads. It can be mohair or textured yarn. Avoid thin angora or fancy wool threads. You are unlikely to be able to make even and neat rows right away. Therefore, the canvas will look sloppy. Colors can vary from crisp white to radical black. If you plan to knit a hat in one small pattern or with an English rib, then choose dark shades. If you are attracted to patterns with weave or braids, then it is better to take a lighter color. The texture of the knitted pattern is better visible on it.

Which knitting needles to choose? It depends on the yarn. Typically, the manufacturer indicates the size of the recommended tools on the packaging. Look there and go half a size down. This will help you knit a thicker fabric.

Another secret. Don't skimp and buy 2 sets of knitting needles. One should be 1.5 sizes smaller. It is used for knitting elastic, which should be denser than the main part of the hat. It is easier to knit with circular knitting needles on fishing line: this way you will have less chance of “losing” the outer loops, which always strive to roll off the opposite end.

Which model should you choose?

In theory, there is nothing complicated about knitting a hat. The manufacturing schemes for both simple models and complex berets are the same. But for the first experience, it is better to knit a simple hat, without a set of additional loops. For the first pattern, you can choose a simple or English elastic band.

A simple elastic band is knitted like this: knit and purl stitches alternate (they can go in groups of 2,3,4 or more loops). The next row is to knit according to the pattern.

English rib: in the first row, knit alternately 1 purl and 1 knit stitch. In the second row, knit the front loop, and remove the purl stitch as is, with a yarn over over it. Knit every row like this.

Various braids are also not difficult to work with. The simplest scheme:

  • the fabric is divided into *6 purl and 6 knit stitches (repeat along the entire row from *);
  • knit 6 rows in this way;
  • in the 7th row, knit the purl loops, and remove the 3 knit stitches onto an additional knitting needle and leave them before work, knit the next 3 loops and the loops from the additional knitting needle;
  • repeat everything from the first row.

Beginner's Guide: “How to Knit a Hat”

Well, now let's proceed directly to the creative process. The first step is to take measurements from your head. Try to use a measuring tape to draw a line the way you would like your hat to fit in the future. Record your head circumference. Now we need to determine the height. To do this, a measuring tape is laid from the line of the bridge of the nose to the top of the head, and 3 cm is added to the result obtained.

Take threads and knitting needles, cast on 10 loops and knit 10 rows. Measure the resulting sample and, based on the data obtained and based on the circumference of your head, calculate the number of loops you need to cast on for the hat.

Cast on this amount by adding 2 edge stitches to it, which you will remove without knitting at the beginning of each new row. This is necessary so that the fabric of the hat does not stretch out at the edges when knitting.

In the first row, distribute all the loops into a simple elastic band: alternate 1 purl, 1 knit stitch. Knit this pattern 12 cm high. After this, switch to an English elastic band and knit to a height that is equal to the length of your future hat minus 6 cm and minus 3 cm. After this stage is completed, go to the front stitch (outer side of the hat - only knit stitches, inner side - only purl stitches ). In each front row you need to knit every 3 and 4 loops together. When there are 10 loops left on the knitting needles, pull a thread through each of them and pull it into a knot. Tie a small braid at the end and hide it inside the hat. Sew the back seam and your hat is ready.

If you want to knit a hat with braids, then after knitting the elastic, distribute the loops according to the braid pattern (6 purl + 6 knit).

How to knit a hat like a beret?

We won’t knit a full-fledged beret for now, but something similar may well be within your power. In this case, the elastic band is knitted 2 times narrower (6 cm). Immediately after finishing the elastic, cast on additional loops in the form of yarn overs after every second. Next, knit 20 cm with the selected pattern. And after that, begin to gradually decrease the loops in each row of 5 loops.

This way you will get a hat that resembles a beret in shape.

Thanks to some particularly sensitive people, I now know that when you look at someone else’s knitting, done by hand, in order to please the performer, you must say that this is “a very neat job” and also in time to screw up about the “Italian set”.

Among simple non-knitting people, these words have no meaning, as far as I understand. And the word “Italian” is most often associated with expensive fashionable clothes, including knitted ones. Including those knitted ones that are positioned as “handmade,” so for a fairly simple hat with a fur pompom, some business people ask, while others easily shell out 3.5 - 4.5 thousand rubles. But there isn’t even an Italian set!

In light of objective information about prices for finished products, many needlewomen prefer to provide themselves with knitwear themselves. It’s an understandable desire - you choose the color, model, pattern, material. If the yarn is of high quality, then you will not be able to save money, because the costs must include time for calculations, manufacturing work, and fittings. And if the yarn is unpretentious and inexpensive, then the result is often not much different from an industrial product. Can any of you guess by eye the cost and method of production of all the creations presented below? Let's consider and compare?

The final cost of the product and the final appearance are not always identical, by the way.
From me I know what exactly you need to pay attention to in order to understand the level of skill of the manufacturer of this or that knitted item, in particular a hat, for example.
Look, two seemingly similar hats, right?

Only in one of them the vertical stripes on the elastic band thoughtfully transform into the vertical braids on the hat itself, and in the second hat such coincidences look different, that is, they are not so calculated, and therefore thought out, if only random.

In the light of this information, let's look at a couple more hats, both made of smooth yarn, one purchased, and the second - the only one, so interesting, everything has been thought out and the execution is beyond praise.

And here are a couple more hats, one is probably Italian and expensive, possibly hand-knitted, and the second is homemade without pathos, but quite cute. What I like most about the second one is the cheerful owner of the hat)))

There are a lot of examples on the Internet, but I decided to limit myself to these.

And tell me, why do many knitters spend their time and skill to make single piece items that differ little in quality and appearance from inexpensive consumer goods?
You can understand when there are so many ideas, so much untested awesome material and tools, you want to try everything. But with many years of knitting practice, you can learn to make things so beautiful and harmonious that it is obvious that this is a high-quality creation that took thought, time and was performed by very skillful hands.

Natasha knitted me several hats, I was walking in one, and a certain restless citizen caught up with me and overtook me several times, looking at my headdress. It is clear that she is a knitting maniac and she really needed to clarify what it was that was walking down the street, she learned from someone else’s product. At the same time, of course, she embarrassed me, appearing first from the side, sometimes from the front, but she was so enthusiastic that I was patient for a long time.

Just in case, I’ll write here so I don’t forget later.
Any headdress can be good in itself only on a blank mannequin, but on someone real - like a pot or saucepan. If we buy hats or knit hats for ourselves, then at a minimum we must keep in mind a specific person, his whole image, way of life, temperament, color type, in the end. Although even this knowledge, and understanding of everything in general, sometimes does not save you from failures and mistakes. Let's study, study and learn!

Summer beret using fillet technique

Taken from here http://stranamasterov.ru/node/164124

Summer openwork beret with fillet technique is knitted from "Pelican" yarn (composition: 100% double mercerized cotton, 330 m, 50 g.)
It took approximately 60-70 gr.
Hooks No. 1.5 (main part of the beret), and No. 1 (band)

Based on MOD Magazine No. 535
Something has come to change, because... the original is crocheted from thicker threads with crochet number 2

The beret is quite simple, even a novice craftswoman can do it

Diagram of the main part of the beret.
Tie 8 vp, close them with a ring connection. Art. Next, knit 12 double crochets into a ring, the second row - 24 double crochets. Etc. according to the scheme

After the main part of the beret is ready, you need to make a band about 3 cm wide

Summer is ahead, and I really want something bright, airy, positive! Somehow, in one breath, this beret got in touch. Although I planned completely different things. Probably, the coming spring is taking its toll. Well, I can’t knit warm scarves, vests, etc., and that’s it!

When I first learned to crochet, I tried my hand at fillet knitting. At home, many napkins, collars, and even a lampshade were preserved. I still like the technique, I remember it with pleasure.

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