Home Diseases and pests Children's camp in Greece. Family camp in Greece Orthodox camp in Greece

Children's camp in Greece. Family camp in Greece Orthodox camp in Greece

In the summer in Greece it is beautiful, warm and somehow especially cozy. Tiny blue lagoons with well-warmed sea water are surrounded by picturesque, intricately indented shores, completely covered with bright greenery. The unique ecology makes any health camp in Greece an ideal place where you can stock up on energy and positivity for the whole year. Warm water, healing pine air, golden sand on the coast are the best companions for children tired of city noise. Sports camps in Greece will provide plenty of opportunities to practice well-known games or learn something new: water polo, parkour, horse riding.

By purchasing tickets to such a camp, parents give their children a chance to increase self-esteem, become more relaxed and purposeful, strengthen the immune system and have a good rest before the next school year. Creative activities based on interests are another important advantage that local camps for children and teenagers can boast of . Acting, dance and vocal classes, participation in intellectual and humorous shows will teach children to behave at ease, be natural, and give them the ability to communicate with peers. Teen camps in Greece are a place where you can have a great vacation, have fun and benefit!

Greetings! Every parent, on the eve of the school holidays, is concerned about an important question: where to send their child. An international, sports, children's camp with the study of English and Greek languages ​​invites children and their parents to a recreational holiday according to a summer sports and educational program, which takes place under the auspices of the international, cultural and educational Association “Modern Argonauts”, with the support of the Ministry of Culture and Sports of Greece.

I bring to your attention a complete overview of the program. All photos were taken by the director, counselors and children.

Family vacations are great, but children at any age need communication with their peers, which parents cannot replace. Greece is famous for its picturesque beaches, clean sea, environmentally friendly products and is one of the most favorable countries for children and family holidays. While staying in another country, it is important that children improve their health, gain new knowledge, impressions and vivid emotions. All this is possible!

The goal of the program is to create the necessary conditions not only for adequate rest for older children and youth in the summer, but also to promote their harmonious and comprehensive development.

Using rich historical material, world-famous ancient Greek literature and poetry, as well as relying on examples from the field of great discoveries of ancient mathematicians, philosophers and ancient Greek doctors, the organizers of the program strive to replenish and enrich the knowledge of its participants necessary in the context of modern educational requirements.

The international, social and cultural organization “Modern Argonauts” (ΟΙ ΝΕΟΙ ΑΡΓΟΝΑΥΤΕΣ), organizing a series of outdoor games, quests, quizzes aimed at creating a healthy psychological microclimate, also pays great attention to the children’s acquisition of communication skills, the ability to live in a team and easily establish contact.


An area rich in historical monuments was chosen for the summer program
Greece - Peloponnese (southern part of the Balkan Peninsula) Corinthian region. The new comfortable route connecting the Airport - Athens and the holiday destination provides all the conditions for bright, lasting impressions that program participants receive from the first minutes of the trip.

The international sports and educational center is located on the shores of the Sardonic Gulf, the Aegean Sea, which today is one of the unique in its purity and composition of microelements.

The camp beach is located in a picturesque bay.

It was not by chance that this picturesque corner, which on the one hand seemed secluded, was chosen for organizing a vacation. Here, surrounded by a wild landscape, you can make the best use of all natural conditions for the health, physical and spiritual development of young children, students and adults.

Separately, I would like to note one more advantage of this region: a eucalyptus and pine forest park area in the greenery of which there is a sports and educational center. Centuries-old giants form a healing microclimate by releasing phytoncides that kill pathogenic microbes and have a beneficial effect on the human body as a whole.

Since ancient times, the Peloponnese has gained popularity due to its legendary history and archaeological sites known throughout the world. This is Sparta - the homeland of the Spartans, and Olympia with its unique museum, and the Corinth Canal, and Kalamata - the center of the liberation movement of the Greeks from the Turkish conquest, and, of course, Epidaurus - the oldest theater in the world.

The sports and educational center “Modern Argonauts” is located at the tourist base. Later I will add photos of the rooms, now preparations are underway for the opening. Each room has all the necessary conditions: shower, toilet, air conditioning, TV. There is a swimming pool on the camp grounds.

Camp Director - Lyubov Danilovna Svitailo

Lyubov Danilovna Svitailo is the general director of international sports and educational programs, a teacher at the University of Athens and Yalta schools, a professor, a well-known public figure in Crimea and Greece, the head of the “Local public organization - national-cultural autonomy of the Greeks of the Yalta urban district “Renaissance””.

Yalta TV - Interview with the director of youth programs at UNESCO Lyubov Danilovna Svitailo.

Camp staff

The health camp employs professional counselors, psychologists, teachers, and health workers who find an individual approach to each child.

The international sports and educational program has been successful for many years, first of all,
thanks to the counselors. These are young specialists, professionals each in their field, who are united by a great love for children.

Reliable and proven over the years, a real family.

“In our understanding, a counselor is someone who is always and everywhere next to the child and will take care of him in a timely manner. We bear full responsibility for the children because some of them are still very young!”

During excursion trips, counselors pay special attention to the safety of children. Walking, moving around historical places, visiting various cities with a huge number of tourists require a lot of attention and caution for children.

The international youth program must be run by young people! Youth and enthusiasm, professionalism and kindness, a sense of new things and responsibility - these are the qualities that have allowed counselors to become winners of international competitions for many years. The best counselors of the season - 2017!

Here is the entry that Lyubov Danilovna made on her page in August 2017.

Leisure and learning


 8.00 – rise
 8.15 – morning exercises
 8.30 - 9.00 - breakfast
 9.15 – 12.00 sea
 10.30 – volleyball
 11.00 - 12.00 Greek language classes
 13.00 - 14.00 lunch
 14.00 - 16.00 rest
 16.30 - 17.30 pool
 17.30 -18.30 sports games
 19.00 - 20.00 dinner
 20.15 – English
 21.30 – dance classes
 22.30 - organizational meeting, summing up, discussion of the next day's program.

This is how the morning at camp begins. A clear daily program includes morning exercises. A ten-minute warm-up before breakfast and the sea promotes good health.
mood, organization and, of course, improvement of everyone’s physical condition.

The center is equipped with a good sports base that makes it possible not only to keep fit and healthy for everyone, but also to hold special training camps in football and gymnastics, basketball and swimming, volleyball and tennis.

Experienced counselors instill in program participants an interest and desire to strive for sports,
harmonious development. In a healing climate and a favorable natural atmosphere, physical development gives special results.

And this is how lessons go. It is not necessary to acquire new knowledge in closed classes. A special place in the international program belongs to English language classes, public speaking, the basics of Greek and history.

Foreign language classes take place in a confidential environment. Modern, non-traditional forms of teaching and the language environment provide an opportunity to improve the level and this very quickly affects the results. Speaking lessons in combination with excursions and conversations are an important preparatory moment for school. Be able to speak, gain attention
audience is one of the components of the program.

And here is Lyubov Danilovna herself conducting a lesson.

The summer international sports and educational program provides:

  • daily classes in English (taking into account the level of training and individual characteristics of the participant) and in an introductory form, with the basics of the Greek language;
  • daily sports activities: morning exercises, swimming, football, volleyball, tennis, basketball;
  • classes aimed at aesthetic development: choreography lessons, dancing (European and ballroom), competitions;
  • trainings, the purpose of which is the formation of a psychologically stable personality, facilitating the acquisition of communication skills in a team, round tables, debates;
  • thematic excursions that contribute not only to enriching the intellectual level of young people in general but also their worldview, aimed at fostering respect for the history and culture of other peoples.

September is the best holiday time for parents with preschool children. The youth center also provides programs for them.

For students

The program for students includes: active participation in the development of topics for discussions, excursions for speaking practice, debates in English.

Students of the Financial University in Athens

and on Lake Vouliagmeni.

Reviews about the camp for students of the Financial University (Moscow). The trip took place in August 2017.

But still, the excursions that were organized by UNESCO left an indelible impression. The Director of Youth Programs at UNESCO, Lyubov Danilovna Svitailo, is a master of her craft; she not only conveyed an array of knowledge about Greece, but also instilled a desire to learn even more about it and its history. We visited the capital - Athens and visited the ancient monument of architectural art there - the Acropolis and the New Acropolis Museum, which houses about 4 thousand exhibits, such as Koras, sculptures from the decoration of the Parthenon, Caryatids, etc. We were amazed by the richness of the city and Greek culture and traditions, and even watched the changing of the guard at the Greek Parliament - an unforgettable sight! Also one day we had the opportunity to swim in the radon lake Vouliagmeni with beneficial properties and amazing fish; meet an incredibly beautiful sunset on Cape Sounion near the Temple of Poseidon, feeling all the historical power of this place: after all, it was from here that the sea began to be called the Aegean. During our trip, we also managed to visit a man-made miracle - the Corinth Canal, a small Greek water park, the island of Euboea with its museums and beauties, feast on Greek dishes and enjoy communication with sunny people.

All reviews from children and parents can be read on the Facebook page, in the entries for 2017. Link at the end of the article.

Excursions in Greece

Participants in the summer program have the opportunity to learn in detail about the rich history of Greece by visiting the best museums and archaeological sites in the country. The entire excursion program is structured taking into account school topics and the age characteristics of a particular group.

group from Kramatorsk to Porto Heli

group from Kaliningrad in Athens

“They come to us as 5-6 year olds, before our eyes they grow and mature... They dream, make plans... move from city to city..., from country to country.. But they always return here where the radiant sea awaits them, the most the bluest sky in the world and of course their counselors!”

Excursion to the island of Euboea.

Excursion trips are organized as one-day or for several days (Sandorini island - 3 days, Crete island -4 days, Porto Heli 2 days, Thessaloniki - 3 days, Spetses island) Depending on the route, they can be both bus and sea. The story during the excursion, for the purpose of language practice, can be carried out in several languages.

Clearly planned routes, with proper dosage when presenting material, make excursion trips not only useful and educational, but also interesting and memorable for both young and adult participants.

Many years of experience have shown that the main success of the program was love for the child combined with rigor. The guys very quickly understand the difference between indifference and demandingness, hypocrisy and true care. And maybe that’s why the days fly by very quickly for the project participants and they don’t want to leave.

Camp motto: We must always remember - there are no difficult children! Every child is amazing! Our task: to find the “key” to his heart. It’s easy to gain a child’s trust...but even faster it can be lost forever!

Control over the implementation of the program is carried out by the person responsible for organizing youth recreation, L. D. Svitailo.

Price - 35 euros per person/day. Prices may vary, so please check with the camp director. All contacts are at the end of the article.

Included in cost:

  • Accommodation in 3-bed rooms. All rooms have balconies overlooking the sea and forested area.
  • 3 meals a day
  • Two excursions for the whole day.
  • Transfer.
Dear Saint Spyridon! Today, December 25, 2017, on the day of your memory, I want to congratulate all Orthodox Christians and tell you that if you give houses and apartments to many, then you gave me an entire country - Greece. Yesterday evening and this morning thousands of people came to churches to ask you for help, and I have no doubt that you will help many. Should I not believe this? Yesterday, the editor of the magazine “Slavyanka”, the mother of three boys, called me and thanked me again for the fact that a year ago, on December 25, 2016, at her request, I prayed in the Moscow Church of the Resurrection of the Word at the icon with a particle of your relics. For a long time, she and her husband could not sell their two-room apartment, in which the five of them were cramped. She called me and shared her joy - it was on December 25 that a buyer for their apartment was miraculously found. It was quickly sold and a more spacious home was bought. This miracle, of course, strengthened my faith - I just prayed once for a friend, and you immediately helped...

Do you remember our unusual acquaintance?

It started with a misunderstanding. Until March 21, 2010, I knew nothing about you, until I read the article “Meeting with Great Miracle Workers” in the Slavyanka magazine. The article was about you and St. Nicholas the Wonderworker.
In those days, my faith, acquired 8 years ago at the bedside of my brother who was dying in intensive care, was crumbling. My brother survived then, and I came to the temple. 5 years ago, on January 28, 2013, another grief happened to me - my house burned down. Until now, my daughter and I do not have our own corner, and this is another test for me.
From the moment I believed in God, many miracles happened to me through prayers to various saints. I visited so many shrines that no one else would ever see in their entire life. But to this day, often during confession I repent of lack of faith and despondency. Thousands of times I prayed to God: “Help, Father!” Thousands of times I read in the Gospel: “Your faith saved you!” But in those dark days I was sure that faith did not save, but destroyed me, that God did not hear me, that He abandoned me, punished me, did not help. I don’t remember with what words I complained that night to Saint Nicholas (and actually to you), not yet knowing that in the same year I would have a meeting with both great miracle workers at once. . Today I would like to remind you of your miracles.

Greece - as a gift

The year 2010 began for me with a fierce cold that reigned in a house without heating. The cold intensified the feeling of spiritual metaphysical hell a thousandfold. “Lord, why have you forsaken me? Take me to Yourself, since I am not needed here on Earth,” I prayed to the invisible God. And He was already preparing a gift for me, an unexpected joy - soon the barely bearable feeling of complete abandonment by God was suddenly replaced by the happiness of being in an earthly paradise - on Greek soil! God, having tested the strength of my faith, which was ready to collapse under the burden of seemingly unbearable sorrows, illnesses and cold, six months later he answered all my questions to Him. Doubting the mercy of God, I, by His holy will, was transported from Moscow, choked with smog, to Greece, where the heat was 40 degrees. Here God warmed both my bones and my frozen soul. When I suddenly found myself on the island of Kerkyra, it dawned on me that It was not just anyone who brought me to Greece, but you. It was you who gave me a meeting with new friends, among whom the main place was, of course, taken by Father Nektarios (Antonopoulos), now Metropolitan of Argolid. His mercy and love for people knows no bounds. He probably cannot be called a saint (too much responsibility, although many call him that), but he can be compared with you and with St. Nicholas of Myra the Wonderworker of Lycia. During your lifetime, both of you became famous as infinitely kind and merciful people. But even after death, you provide help to all those in need. In August 2010, more than a hundred children from Moscow, the village of Alyabyevsky in the Tyumen region, from the cities of Yugorsk, Nyagan, Sovetsky, from the Perm region, Sevastopol, Simferopol, Alushta, Evpatoria, the village Chernopolye. After 10 days of pilgrimage to the holy places of Greece and a week of living in a camp located on the picturesque slope of Mount Parnassus, the children went home, taking away a sea of ​​impressions. The fates of many of them were so complicated and hopeless that I felt ashamed to cry! I note that I was planning a trip not to Greece, but to Switzerland, which did not take place in 2010.

Instead of the Swiss “Blagovestnik” - the Greek “Bridge of Love”

On March 23, 2010, that is, two days after my night conversation with the saints, she called me Olga Alexandre, Director of the Russian children's center "Matryoshka" and the international children's Orthodox camp "Blagovestnik". I covered the work of her children’s camp in 2009, and, remembering the successful experience of working together, she once again invited me to Switzerland as a journalist and teacher. I bought an air ticket, which, according to the conditions, could not be returned. But she got sick and... didn’t fly to Switzerland, losing the cost of the ticket.
A little later I realized that it was God’s providence. I gained incomparably more - a meeting with a Greek monk - Archimandrite Nektarios, who dedicated his life to disadvantaged children and God. God is love. Therefore, the monk called his charity program “Bridge of Love.”
And so I found myself, instead of a children's Orthodox camp located in the Swiss Alps, in a camp on Mount Parnassus... Thank you for the gift of a pilgrimage to the holy places of Greece. Truly inscrutable are the ways of the Lord!

Litany on the island of Corfu

08/11/2010 Under the scorching sun, I stand with a video camera and a camera in front of the old palace on the main square of the city of Kerkyra, merging with a crowd of thousands. Among the believers are pilgrims from different countries of the world, including from Russia and Ukraine, with whom I flew to Greece at the invitation Archimandrite Nektarios (Antonopoulos), now Metropolitan of Argolid, and then - abbot of the Monastery of the Transfiguration of the Lord Sagmata, head of the department for work with youth of the Thebes and Levadia Metropolis of the Greek Orthodox Church.
On August 11, one of the days of your memory, you gave us an unforgettable ferry trip to the island of Kerkyra, where a stunningly beautiful Litany is taking place - one of the largest and most solemn religious processions with your relics.
On this day, the miraculous deliverance of the island's inhabitants from the Turkish invasion in 1716 is remembered. From June 24, the siege of the island of Kerkyra by a 50,000-strong Turkish army lasted 46 days. On their knees, residents prayed in the Church of St. Spyridon, and suddenly on the night of August 10 a terrible thunderstorm broke out. Some Turkish soldiers drowned in streams of water, and those who were captured said that they saw in the stormy sky the figure of a warrior with a lit candle, a sword and a cross in his hands. Together with a host of Angels, he began to drive away the Turks. It was you - the protector and patron of Kerkyra - the only island in the Ionian Sea that was never under the rule of the Turks, which the locals are very proud of.
Since then, your relics have been exhibited annually for three days of veneration (before sunset on August 13), and the festive Litany involves more than a hundred priests and many brass bands performing solemn hymns. The musicians are dressed in ceremonial uniforms of white, blue, red and black. The beating of drums, a procession with icons and banners - it’s unlikely that such a colorful procession of the cross takes place anywhere else! The orchestras are followed by clergy in white vestments. The deacons hold the censer, and four parishioners hold the lanterns. Four priests, surrounded by sailors and priests, vertically in an ark with windows on three sides, carry your relics under a canopy.
It’s as if you are walking around your lands, blessing people. The bottom of the ark is open so that you can kiss your velvet shoes. Once a year, when you are re-clothed, the shoes are trampled, and their pieces are distributed to believers as a great shrine, because in them you walk on earth, giving help to everyone who needs it.
We participated in the Litany, led by the Primate of the Orthodox Church of Greece Archbishop of Athens and All Greece Jerome II(in the world Ioannis Liapis). And although we were not able to venerate the shrine, we all felt the grace emanating from the relics. While the procession was going on, I cried, remembering my night conversation with you.
I held the magazine vertically - straight in front of me, and my tear could not fall onto the page. Therefore, I experienced a real shock when I saw how a tear froze on the face depicted in the magazine and did not roll down. You heard me, sympathized with me and helped me overcome the abyss of despair, despondency and murmuring. I will always thank God and you for giving me the fairy tale.
Having learned that a native of Greece, Father Nektarios, was lucky enough to participate in the Litany for only the second time in his life, I clearly understood that a miracle had happened - we all ended up at the holiday at your personal invitation! It was you who introduced me to Archimandrite Nektarios, whose love is enough for everyone. We swam in it like in a soft fluffy cloud - students, seminarians, adults accompanying children, orphans, children from orphanages and boarding schools, children of parents with many children, children from very poor and dysfunctional families... All of us, by some miracle, suddenly found ourselves on one of the most beautiful Greek islands! Father Nektarios can really be compared to a huge cloud of love that takes you from the harsh everyday life to the magical world of Hellas... Father Nektarios visited in Russia all the places of exile of Saint and Confessor Luke (Voino-Yasenetsky), Archbishop of Simferopol and Crimea. From these places he brought children from disadvantaged families or from orphanages and boarding schools to Greece on vacation.

Relics of St. Spyridon in Moscow

On the island of Kerkyra, I was worried that I was not able to venerate your relics. In other years, Father Nektarios brought the children to the temple to the shrine with your relics and gave each of them a piece of your shoes. But you consoled me once again - Father Nektary flew to Moscow on September 15, 2010, the day when your HAND arrived at the Cathedral of Christ the Savior. On August 11, 2007, this ark with YOUR right hand was carried to Corfu by the abbot of the Danilov Monastery, Archimandrite Alexy (Polikarpov). With his blessing, in 2007, when the shrine arrived at the Danilov Monastery, I venerated it, but did not feel anything. Having bought your life, to my shame, I never bothered to read it. I don't even remember what your icon looks like. That’s why I didn’t recognize you when I read the article in Slavyanka. I confess that I only came to thank you for your trip to Greece on September 28th. At 10.30 I stood in line, and at 10.45 I already venerated the relics. The second time I stood in line and again after 15 minutes I was at the reliquary with the shrine. Although she was not allowed to stay in the temple, she settled down among the people reading the akathist. And so the clergy sang: “We magnify you, we magnify you, Holy Hierarch Father Spyridon, and we honor your holy memory, for you pray for us to Christ Our God!” That day I wondered why so offensively few people came to the shrine, which only is it the second time they are brought to Russia? (They say that in 2007 people stood for 7 hours or more just to touch your right hand for a moment.) But after Andrei Malakhov’s TV show “Let Them Talk” on the topic “Holy Relics,” many people lined up at 5 a.m. and during the day still We stood far from the entrance to the monastery - the queue stretched for several kilometers.
On December 25, on the day of your memory, I congratulate everyone on the holiday of Spiridon of Trimifuntsky! And you, dear Spiridonushka, I really ask you to help me and my family become at least a little better. Now I am going through a very difficult time - I have nowhere to live. I ask you to put in a word with the Lord so that He will help me solve my housing problem and help me find comrades-in-arms and benefactors for the revival of the Society for the Relief of Fire Victims in the name of St. Holy Martyr Elizabeth Feodorovna! Holy Hierarch Father Spyridon, pray to God for us! Glory to God for everything - for sorrows and joys!

Based on materials:

Greece, Stylida, 2 km from the town of Karavomelos

Hotel Tsamadanis is located on the outskirts of the picturesque fishing town of Karavomelos, in central Greece. On a land where majestic mountains, pristine beaches, natural mineral drinking and thermal healing springs are united. Nearby is Thermopylae, where the famous battle of 300 Spartans took place.

A secluded place where bungalow buildings are comfortably located under shady pine trees and eucalyptus trees. On the green area there is a children's playground with swings, a slide and a trampoline for children. There is also a professional 25 meter pool, suitable for water polo, in which water samples are taken 3 times a day. Drinking water flows from the tap.

The rooms have all the amenities, air conditioning, and a refrigerator. Towels are provided and rooms are cleaned daily.


The hotel area is completely fenced and closed, there is video surveillance. There is a lifeguard on the beach or in the pool specifically according to the camp schedule.


There will be Russian chef so that little participants receive nutritious, healthy and familiar food. Especially for our camp, the chef will create a menu and prepare varied, tasty and healthy food, taking into account the local Greek flavor and our Russian taste preferences!

Three meals a day, every day a varied children's and adult menu with daily milk porridges, soups, fruits and desserts. For breakfast there is a buffet, for lunch - soup, main course and salad, fruit, dessert, for dinner - main course and salad, fruit, dessert.

Greece and Greek Islands

Family camp "We are together in Greece: Orange mood", from June 16 to June 30, 2019


A/flight Moscow-Athens-Moscow - regular Aeroflot flight

date Flight Departure time Arrival
16.06.2019 SU2110 SVO 08:20 ATH 12:20
30.06.2019 SU2111 ATH 13:30 SVO 17:20

A/flight St. Petersburg - Athens - St. Petersburg - regular flight of Aegean Airlines on request + individual transfer

date Flight Departure time Arrival
16.06.2010 A3887LED 03:45ATH 07:25
30.06.2019 A3886ATH 23:05LED 02:55

Other, more economical flight options are also possible.

Children's age

Our family camp always has a children's group of different ages. The main guarantee of successful socialization is the presence of a small group of children of different ages. This principle has long been widely used in all leading pedagogical schools as “natural”.

Teachers/Accompanying Managers

Place of residence

Sunny Garden Studios & Apartments is located in a beautiful area of ​​the Peloponnese peninsula on the coast of Gliati. This small aparthotel enjoys a quiet location close to the beach, 500 meters from ancient Epidavros. Guests are offered a comfortable and relaxing holiday 50 meters from Gliati's own beach with free sun loungers and umbrellas. Five hundred meters away there is a small store with everything you need, and eight hundred meters away there is a village with markets, shops and Greek taverns. For those who will cook for the kids, you can order food from the store and have it delivered directly to your room.

This charming complex offers accommodation in a variety of studios and apartments with a private garden of orange trees, from which we will pick the fruit ourselves and make fresh juice. The entire area is surrounded by greenery and flowers. The breakfast, which is included in the price, is simple but delicious in Greek style - fresh bread with butter and Greek cheese, boiled eggs, ham and of course fruit and fresh orange juice.

Almost all studios are located on the ground floor and each has a small garden where kids can play. Some studios have a kitchen located outside, which is sometimes more convenient for preparing food. The apartments are located on the top floor with spacious balconies and sea views. All rooms are equipped with modern amenities: TV, air conditioning, internet access and most importantly, each room has a fully equipped kitchen with utensils. The price also includes bed linen, which is changed every three days, as well as towels, which are changed every day.

Tour description

Summer is here!

We invite you to take a trip to a truly heavenly place near ancient Epidaurus. We will stay in a beautiful apartment with a hospitable host who will help us with everything.

So what are we going to do? Let's all do soft gymnastics together, draw amazing landscapes, and maybe we'll be able to write music and compose poetry. But what is certain, everyone will be able to sleep under an orange tree (and those who wish will be able to pick oranges and make their own fresh juice). And of course, we will have time to swim in the azure sea, and daredevils can dive and find the sunken city...


Program Schedule

Sample program for every day

This summer we will bask under the gentle Greek sun, splash around in the clear waters of the Saronic Gulf, breathe sea air...

Shall we plant our own orange tree? Shall we learn a little Greek? Let's learn how to cook a real Greek salad?

08.00 - 09.00 - Breakfast

10.00 - 12.00 -Swimming together between parents and children - "Let's Swim", joint gymnastics between parents and children - "Gymnastics for Two"

Water helps the baby develop coordination and orientation in space, a sense of balance. The lack of gravity in water makes it possible to exercise your baby's muscles more effectively than on land. Despite the fact that the set of exercises is of a playful nature, each lesson is a workout for the baby, which strengthens his heart, lungs and respiratory tract, which, in turn, promotes brain development.

Constant exercise in warm water has a relaxing effect on babies, and also stimulates appetite and improves sleep. Swimming together is a great opportunity for parents and newborns to strengthen the tender threads of mutual affection, for older children to begin socializing, and for the whole family to have a great time in each other’s company. During the lesson, children study with their parents. Part of the lesson is group, during which the instructor shows exercises common to everyone; after the warm-up, the instructor pays attention to each child.

Sometimes we will divide the kids (and parents) into groups, sometimes we will be together.

from one year to 7 years - Dopochemuchki,

from 7 years old - Pochemuchki.

While some are engaged in swimming together, the second group is engaged in “Gymnastics for two”

We will not force the child to run and jump, but will instill a culture of movement, that is, direct irrepressible energy in the right direction. During this period, the work of parents can be compared to the work of a gardener who forms a healthy tree in the future. Although many movement skills are inherited, there is something to pay attention to: how the child lands after jumping - on his entire foot or on his toes, whether the child tumbles correctly, how he holds his back and torso while moving - his future posture will depend on this how the child breathes and so on.

The fact that a specialist should do physical education with a child is true, but only partly. A specialist is definitely needed (and we will have one) when there are already problems in posture or in the development of the musculoskeletal system. But to avoid these problems, parents should take care of prevention. Who knows the child best - the parents, who the child trusts most - the parents. Activities with a child do not take much time and should be done in the form of a game - this will only strengthen mutual understanding between parents and children.

And also at sea we will have various sports games, creative activities and many, many interesting things...

12.00 - 14.00 - Self-guided lunch

14.00 - 16.00 - Rest - The kids fell asleep. And while they are sleeping, you can drink tea together, considering that almost all the studios are on the ground floor and there is a small courtyard for gatherings... Or maybe we can make orange jam? Or should we organize a Greek cuisine competition? Yummy...

16.00 - 17.00 - And again the SEA

17.00 - 17.30 – Afternoon snack

17.30 - 18.30 Game workshop - "Poznavashka". Creative workshop - "Orange Elephant".

We'll play archaeologists, try to learn how to dance sirtaki, hold small Olympic games, try to speak Greek, and that's not all we'll learn in our workshop.

We came up with a lot of games and fun. Shining eyes, smiles, new friends, delight, a great desire to create beauty with your own hands and, of course, children's creative crafts - these are just a small part of what we will fly home with after our magical workshops. Give your child the opportunity to become a genius!

18.30-20.00 - Dinner

20.00-20.30 "Orange disco" Music, dancing, Greek entertainment and much more

20.30-21.00 - Evening cinema. Cartoons, filmstrips. getting ready for bed.

21.00 - Lights out

An independent visit for those wishing to Epidaurus, the sacred hospital of the ancient world.

Not many even experienced travelers have been to Epidaurus. Known since ancient times as the sanctuary of Asclepius, a prominent figure in Greek mythology.

A little bit of history. The healing god Asclepius was the son of Apollo and a simple girl. He became interested in medicine as a child and was sent to study with the wise centaur Chiron, whom he quickly surpassed in science, so much so that he was able not only to treat the sick, but also to resurrect the dead. As a result, crowds of sufferers flocked to the homeland of Asclepius, to the city of Epidaurus. But, not tolerating Asclepius’ interference in divine affairs, Zeus killed him in his usual way - he struck him with lightning. In general, it is difficult to be a god.

Asclepius left an indelible mark on the life of the city of Epidaurus. Sights associated with his activities have been preserved here to this day. The sanctuary of Asclepius attracted the sick from the most remote corners of Greece, as the fame of his art spread everywhere. Many believed in the divine essence of Asclepius and his miraculous power, but, as excavations show, healing did not always occur miraculously: archaeologists have found entire sets of surgical instruments from the 4th - 5th centuries. Since that time, an impressively sized amphitheater has remained in the city, accommodating up to 14,000 spectators. The acoustics of this structure are striking: a phrase spoken in a whisper in the orchestra (on stage) can be heard in the farthest of the fifty-five rows of seats. However, the first row was reserved for the nobility: here the seats are wider, and the color of the limestone is not grayish, but almost pink.

  • The cost of a group transfer will be calculated when the group is recruited. Individual transfer upon request.
  • medical insurance. We offer travel insurance policies from the company "Renaissance Insurance"
  • visa (we provide assistance in preparing documents for a visa, we are accredited at the Greek Consulate)
  • other services not listed in the Included in price section
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