Home Berries Dream interpretation crystal glassware. Dream Interpretation crystal, why do you dream of crystal, crystal in a dream

Dream interpretation crystal glassware. Dream Interpretation crystal, why do you dream of crystal, crystal in a dream

The article on the topic: “dream book of crystal glassware” provides up-to-date information on this issue for 2018.

From this article you can find out why you dream about Crystal from dream books of different authors. An analysis of the dream on the Lenormand cards will tell you what what you see means. And the lunar calendar will help you understand your dream even more accurately.

Why do you dream of Crystal: interpretation of the dream

Why do you dream of crystal in the fall?

Crystal - Your presence will brighten the evening, you will be more extraordinary than ever.

Why do you dream of crystal in summer?

Crystal - Very pleasant news is foreshadowed by this dream, this is the interpretation of what you dream at night.

Why does a woman dream about Crystal, what is this dream about?

Crystal - The appearance of any crystal trinket in a dream is a sign of steadily approaching depression in the social or business sphere. If a woman sees in a dream a richly decorated dining room, decorated with crystal, she will doubt the merits of her chosen one.

Ancient Russian dream book

Why do you dream about Crystal, interpretation according to the dream book:

Crystal - Look in the dream book for the interpretation of the word glass

Why do you dream of Crystal in a dream?

Crystal - Any crystal product seen in a dream means that you are about to experience severe depression caused by dissatisfaction with your partner. Your relationship will begin to deteriorate inexorably. If a loved one gives a woman a crystal in a dream, it means that he will soon give her a reason to doubt his fidelity.

Why do you dream of Crystal:

Crystal – Mental rigidity.

Why do you dream of crystal in spring?

Crystal - Anyone who sees crystal in a dream will experience a bright, beautiful, but fragile feeling.

Dream Book of the Wanderer (T. Smirnova)

Crystal – Mountain – knowledge, spiritual abilities; dishes - family decline, troubles.

If you dream of Crystal, how to understand it:

Crystal – Unsteadiness, fragility, destruction, mistakes

Dream book of psychologist G. Miller

Why do you dream of Crystal according to the dream book:

Crystal - Seeing any crystal thing in a dream is a fatal sign of impending depression in social relations or business. If a woman sees in a dream a richly decorated dining room, decorated with crystal, she will doubt the merits of her chosen one. “and lay down and fell asleep under a juniper bush. And behold, the angel touched him and said to him, “Rise, eat (and drink).” Bible, book. Kings xix. 5

Dream Interpretation of the White Magician Yu.Longo

Why does the dreamer dream of Crystal in a dream?

Crystal - In a dream, you are given an object made of crystal - in reality, your relationship with the donor is very fragile and can collapse at any moment. If this is your friend or someone close to you, then try and how you can meet his expectations. If this is an enemy, then your enmity will soon come to an end, but for this you will have to take the initiative into your own hands. Breaking a crystal object means you will separate from someone close to you. This could be your friend, girlfriend or relative. In any case, this will happen suddenly, and no one will be able to help the grief. You will have to come to terms with this person's decision, understand him and forgive him. And under no circumstances try to change his decision - this will only worsen his dislike for you and kill any hope of renewing the relationship in the future. Giving someone a crystal object in a dream means that in reality you do not have serious feelings for this person. It may seem to you that this is real friendship or true love, but you are deeply mistaken, and not about him, but about yourself. As soon as any troubles happen, your feelings will disappear without a trace. Therefore, do not assure this person of your sincerity, but think: maybe you will be able to find the optimal way out of this situation, and in such a way as not to offend anyone, because other people are not to blame for the fact that you have not learned to understand your own feelings and intentions . Intentionally throwing crystal dishes off the table and disassembling them means you have to make a serious decision that will radically change your life. Maybe you will leave your family and find a new one, maybe you will move to another city or country, or maybe you will start a new business - in any case, your usual way of life will change radically, but this will benefit you, since you have lived for quite a long time captive to cliches and outdated ideas about life. If one of your loved ones allowed themselves such barbarism in your dream, then it is this person who will change yours with his decisive action.

What does crystal mean in dreams, interpretation:

Crystal - There are many desires and temptations, but you will have to be bitterly disappointed, all of them are not available to you. Beat X. - give up excessive claims. This can bring both peace if you are not upset, and depression if you are having trouble coming to terms with it.

Dream book of psychologist A. Meneghetti

Why do you dream of Crystal? Let’s analyze the vision:

why do you dream about Crystal - Since this is a crystalline formation that has a strictly defined structure, this image usually indicates a kind of rigidity, mental rigidity, which cannot be changed without deformation, carries with it a pronounced negativity, stagnation without hope of development.

Crystal is an unfavorable dream and predicts decline in all areas of life. Natural disasters are possible that will cause great damage to a city or country. For a woman, a dream in which a hall full of crystal appears portends serious disappointment in the people she idolized.

Dream Interpretation of Catherine II

Why do you dream of Crystal, meaning:

Crystal crystals. You dream of rock crystal crystals or some crystal products - your joy will be real, although not long-lasting; the one who is next to you will try to do you good.

Crystal ball in a dream - You see a sparkling crystal necklace - the events that will happen soon will greatly surprise and encourage you; hopes will not be in vain - changes for the better have already begun.

Crystal - A young woman dreams that she was given a crystal jewelry - everything in the fate of this woman will turn out well; her happiness will begin with the love of an honest and decent young man; he is not a handsome man, but his heart is a diamond.

Seeing rock crystal jewelry is a sign of a romantic love adventure.

Meaning of sleep by day of the week:

Whether a night vision will come true depends not only on its content, but also on what day of the week and at what time of day the dream occurred.

  • If you dream of Crystal in a dream from Sunday to Monday
  • Why do you dream of Crystal according to the dream book from Monday to Tuesday?
  • If you dream of Crystal from Tuesday to Wednesday
  • If you dream of Crystal according to the dream book from Wednesday to Thursday
  • Why do you dream of Crystal from Thursday to Friday?
  • If you dream of Crystal in a dream from Friday to Saturday
  • Why do you dream about Crystal in a dream from Saturday to Sunday?

Sat November 21, 2015, 04:37:54

Crystal in the dream book. Tell me your dream:

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Without any exaggeration, we can say that our exclusive service Dream Book of Juno online - out of more than 75 dream books - is currently the largest dream book on the RuNet. From October 2008 to the present day, it includes the largest number of interpretations of dreams of all symbols and images from various dream books - both folk and written by various authors, including both well-known dream interpreters and those who are still little familiar, but no less talented and noteworthy authors.

We have carefully selected the best sources for you and combined them all on one website, so using our service is both convenient and most informative. You can find here answers to all questions about the interpretation of dreams, find out the meaning of a dream on any topic by reading dozens of interpretations of the symbols that you dreamed of and choosing from them the one that “hooks” you the most - as a rule, this is the answer to the question - which means a dream that you personally had and specifically at this time.

For even more complete clarity in the interpretation of your dream, if the need arises, in addition to the dream book, you can use additional information in the Juno section - Articles on the interpretation of dreams, where you will find a lot of interesting and useful articles on how to find out the meaning of a dream, in what days do you have prophetic dreams, how to work with a dream, etc. for example, you will be interested to know that the most vivid and memorable dreams occur during the full moon; at this time many dreams occur. Dreams on the waning moon reflect your psychological states and help in self-analysis. What you dreamed about on the waxing Moon requires implementation in reality - pay special attention to this. You will find out which days of the week and lunar days you have empty dreams, and which ones you have prophetic dreams. For example, it is believed that what was dreamed at 3, 4, 7, 8, 12, etc. lunar days come true, but on 29, 1, 2, etc. - practically nothing). Important dreams occur on dates of the month such as 1, 3, 4, etc. Remember also that daytime dreams are almost always empty. Only night ones matter, especially those that were dreamed in the morning.

Our Dream Book of Juno is free and presented in a convenient and beautiful form, divided into paragraphs and subheadings devoted to the interpretation of dreams of certain authors or nationalities, so that it can be used most easily and comfortably. Using the service is simple, namely:


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  • In the case of an advanced search, all words containing the entered combinations of letters will be displayed. For example, with an advanced search for the word “tea”, the program will give an interpretation of the words “TEA” and “CASE”.
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The collection of our service includes more than 75 dream books, many of which are only available to us, including such well-known and popular sources as Miller’s dream book (the most complete and, in fact, the first dream interpretation in the world), Vanga’s dream book (its name speaks for itself ), the dream book of Nostradamus (a world-famous astrologer and predictor), the dream book of Freud (perhaps the most famous psychologist in the world), as well as interpretations of dreams of different peoples (Russian, old French, old Russian, Slavic, Mayan, Indian, Gypsy, Egyptian , Eastern, Chinese Yellow Emperor, Assyrian dream books), as well as author’s dream books of different nationalities: Islamic Ibn Sirin, Chinese Zhou Gong, ancient Persian Taflisi, Italian dream books of Meneghetti and Roberti, Vedic Sivananda, English Zedkiel. The service includes such excellent sources of dream interpretation as the absolutely amazing American dream book of the famous writer Denise Lynn (according to the recommendation of Junona.org - the best), the Russian noble dream book of Grishina, Tsvetkov, Loff, Ivanov, Aesop, Veles, Hasse, Pythagoras (numerological), medieval Daniel, Cleopatra, Solomon, Zadeki, Azar, as well as modern universal, feminine, masculine, lunar, spiritual, culinary, love, children's fairy tale-mythological, esoteric, catch phrases, symbols, folk signs, mirror psychological states, dream interpreter, dream book - self-instruction book, dream book of health, past and future, psychological, psychoanalytic and many others. As you can see, the range of interpretations is very wide and everyone will find for themselves exactly the meaning of the dream that they were looking for.

The dream book widely presents the topic of love and personal relationships, but other topics are also covered in detail. Have pleasant dreams!

2008-2018 © Dream Interpretations on Juno are presented for informational purposes only. All rights reserved. Copying is prohibited.

Dream interpretation crystal glassware

Oddly enough, crystal in a dream is not the most favorable sign. As a rule, it promises the sleeping person decline, troubles and misfortunes.

Why do you dream of crystal? To answer this question, it is worth having more information. It is important what kind of crystal product you saw, what you did with it, whether there were other characters or symbols in the dream.

What does crystal say?

Beautiful fragile products

Various things can be made from this material. If we take into account that everything is possible in a dream, then there are simply a lot of interpretations of such a symbol.

To find your individual prediction, you need not only to study several popular sources, but also to remember, possibly, a larger number of details.

Variety of interpretations of dream books

At the moment, there are quite a few interpreters who enjoy the respect and trust of users. The dreamer only has to choose the right one.

Esoteric dream book

If you dream of crystal, you have many temptations in front of you, you want a beautiful life, wealth and luxury. Unfortunately, the dream book believes that these delights are not available to you.

To break a crystal product - you will finally realize what the meaning of life is, you will give up the constant struggle for greater benefits, and you will begin to enjoy what you have at the moment.

In a dream, did you experience negative emotions or fear at the moment when the product shattered into pieces? You may become truly depressed about the fact that many things are inaccessible to you.

Longo's Dream Interpretation

The white magician quite carefully examined the dream in which you are presented with a crystal product as a gift:

Receive a fragile item as a gift

  • Seeing how you are presented with crystal as a gift - in reality, the relationship with this person is strained; any carelessly spoken word or action can turn you into enemies forever.
  • When the donor is a close friend or relative, you should treat him more carefully. It is possible that he suffers from your coldness and inattention.
  • Receiving a gift from an enemy means you will make peace, but this will happen solely on your initiative.

If in a dream you accidentally break a crystal vase, wine glass or other object, you will soon part with a loved one. He will simply stop communicating with you, you will have to accept his decision, since you cannot do anything.

Why give someone crystal in a dream? If this is a friend or life partner, then you should analyze your relationship. The interpreter says that your feelings for the recipient are full of insincerity. It only seems to you that you get pleasant emotions and satisfaction from communication, but in reality this is completely not the case. Soon you will be able to see this for yourself.

To deliberately break an object - you are on the verge of change, you will have to make a responsible decision that will completely change your life. The interpreter says that you will begin to live in a completely new way, find a new home or family, job or business, and radically change your social circle. At the same time, these changes will be beneficial.

I dreamed of broken dishes

To see how a friend or relative specifically breaks crystal - it is this person who will influence the future.

Miller's Dream Book

Miller viewed dreams negatively in which the main symbol was crystal. He believed that this was a sign of stagnation in business and the social sphere. A person will be annoyed by constant troubles and obstacles in his path, which can result in prolonged depression and lack of faith in his own strength.

For a woman, a dream in which she is in a beautiful living room, where there is only crystal on the table, is a warning. You will begin to doubt the sincerity of your chosen one.

Wanderer's Dream Book

Seeing rock crystal is a sign of spiritual growth, gaining new knowledge, and self-improvement.

Crystal dishes - troubles in the family, squabbles, quarrels, misunderstandings.

Erotic dream book

Whatever thing made of crystal you see in a dream is negative. Soon you will suffer from a feeling of dissatisfaction with your partner. Against the backdrop of these experiences, depression will begin.

For a girl to receive a crystal gift from her beloved is a negative sign. The other half will give a reason to doubt his motives.

Dream Interpretation of Smurov

According to this dream book, crystal in a dream represents the fragility of your position. Any wrong step can cost your career or social status.

Bright and shimmering thing

The happiness that the dreamer experiences is also illusory. At any moment you can realize that you are, in fact, deeply unhappy.

Breaking a crystal means you shouldn’t think so frivolously about serious things. You do not pay attention to them, but the time will come, and you will bitterly regret it.

A lot of iridescent crystal - you are full of hopes, but it is not a fact that at least a few of them will come true.

Crystal in a dream according to psychologists

Crystal is a very hard, but at the same time fragile substance. This symbol characterizes the dreamer as a tough, critical, harsh person. At the same time, a person is absolutely unprotected in his soul; he can be hurt by any word spoken inappropriately. True, he takes out his grievances in the form of anger and aggression.

At the same time, the crystal also indicates that the dreamer does not want to change his worldview and relationships with people. He is completely disappointed in life and has no intention of moving forward or achieving his goal.

Such a symbol characterizes the dreamer as a conservative person who does not want to make concessions.

Interpretations that give hope

Despite the fact that most dream books view such visions negatively, there are also those who believe that crystal is a positive symbol.

For example, Denise Lynn says that when people who have bad habits dream of such a symbol, they will have a real chance to become free. In general, crystal in a dream represents a person who can boast of spiritual purity and inner strength.

It is also believed that this is a mystical symbol. If there was a lot of crystal in your dream, then you should pay attention to other symbols, they will be of great importance.

A crystal chandelier has a positive interpretation, but only if it shines brightly. Such a vision prophesies a grandiose holiday that will soon come to your home.

Holding a beautiful wine glass in your hands means you are about to meet an interesting person. If it falls out of your hands and breaks, then you will find mutual love.

Antique glasses - a stranger will offer you a good deal. A glass dreams of fame and veneration.

be careful

Still, as a rule, dreams about crystal are warnings. After such dreams, you need to be more attentive and careful.

If you see a glass that is slightly cracked, then thanks to your powers of observation and intuition you will be able to identify the person spreading dirty rumors.

Why do you dream of crystal in modern processing? ? A certain person imposes his company on you, which is why you experience a lot of unpleasant sensations. Try to limit its exposure.

Broken crystal warns you: do not take on everything at once. You should moderate your desires, everything has its time.

Cutting yourself on a piece of glass means a loved one will do the wrong thing, thereby causing you mental suffering.

Putting flowers in a vase means you shouldn’t be so trusting with the people around you; not everyone wishes you well.

Admiring crystal in a dream - promises made to you will not be fulfilled.

Crystal according to the dream book

Crystal in a dream is not the most positive sign. Its appearance indicates an inevitable decline in almost all areas of life. Why else do you dream about this image? The dream book will tell you about all the variations.

Make magic!

The esoteric interpretation of the dream claims that rock crystal symbolizes hidden or obvious paranormal talents, possibly the gift of clairvoyance.

Did you dream of a witch's crystal ball? You can safely practice magical art.

Seeing glass with intricate patterns in a dream means a bright, unforgettable feeling. Hearing the sound of crystal is a sign of a joyful event (the birth of a child, a wedding, an anniversary, etc.).

Who is guilty?

What does the vision mean in which you happened to buy crystal products? The dream book thinks that this is a sign of failures, for which you yourself are to blame.

Selling them in a dream is no better. Your unworthy behavior will cause disappointment to your loved ones.

Accepting a little thing as a gift means that you risk ending up in a natural disaster zone.

Miller's interpretation

Mr. Miller, in his interpreter, claims that any crystal object marks an impending depression associated with stagnation in business and relationships.

Specific transcripts

  • The ball symbolizes a fragile relationship.
  • The tooth is one’s own arrogance.
  • The ring is an illusion.
  • Shoes - new perspectives.
  • The box is empty worries.
  • Castle - doubts, uncertainty.

Everything will work out!

Why do you dream of a crystal vase? Seeing her in a dream means that a period of calm and prosperity is coming. Did you imagine that you were given this product as a gift? You will achieve the implementation of your plans.

According to the dream book, a crystal vase in dreams marks a high, but extremely fragile position. Drinking from it means worries about a secret affair.

Negative sign

Did you dream about crystal dishes? Your dreams are unlikely to come true. But disappointment will become a constant companion in fate for some time.

The dream book is also sure that crystal dishes in a dream signify an imminent break in a love affair. For a correct interpretation, you need to take into account the type of dishes.

Curb your ambitions!

Why do you dream, for example, of a crystal decanter? The dream book predicts that you will meet your soul mate. If you dreamed of a glass, then you are destined for great fame and glory.

But a cup in a dream warns of clearly inflated ambitions, which will lead to difficulties in communication.

Who's talking too much?

If you happen to see antique crystal glasses at night, then the dream book is sure that you will receive a particularly advantageous offer from strangers.

Glasses of a completely modern design warn that someone is imposing their company on you, which creates a lot of inconvenience.

Why do you dream of a cracked glass? Soon you will definitely establish the identity of the one who is spreading gossip and evil rumors.

Changes are coming!

Did you dream about beautiful wine glasses? Expect an invitation to visit, as well as meeting a very interesting person.

If in a dream you dropped a wine glass and it shattered into fragments, then the dream book guarantees happiness and an idyll of love.

Unusual wine glasses also predict a meeting that can completely transform you.

Get ready for the holiday!

Why do you dream of a crystal chandelier? If it is turned on, then a solemn event and a magnificent celebration will soon be coming to the house.

This is a symbol of joy, cure for illnesses, solution to a difficult problem. If there is no light, then all this is postponed indefinitely.

Did you dream of an antique chandelier with pendants? Someone will not fulfill previously made promises.

Peace or worry?

Dreams are one of the familiar and at the same time mysterious manifestations of the human subconscious. The ability to dream is given to everyone, but the fast pace of life and stress over time can deprive you of the ability to remember what you see in a dream. However, learning to remember dreams again and thus receive clues from the subconscious is not at all difficult.

Lethargy - imaginary death or an involuntary attempt to hide from problems

Is lethargy a fake death, a terrible disease, or another mysterious property of the human mind? For centuries, ordinary people feared this disease as a terrible curse, and many great doctors tried to find the answer to this question, but even in our time, despite enormous progress in the study of human psychophysiology, the state of lethargy is still fraught with many mysteries.

Sleep and the human subconscious

A dream is a unique magic that captivates a person’s subconscious into the world of the unknown. By creating problems for ourselves in reality, we hope that sleep, the guardian of our peace, will resolve them.

Why do you dream about Crystal?

Crystal in a modern dream book

Crystal in a dream symbolizes the fragility and instability of your position, this applies to all areas of life. Breaking a crystal in a dream is a sign that your aspirations and hopes will be destroyed without a chance of recovery. If you greatly regret this in a dream, then in reality you will not be able to escape from long-term depression. Breaking crystal with excessive zeal - your ambitions will not be confirmed by anything and you will have to say goodbye to your claims.

Crystal in Miller's dream book

Seeing crystal things in a dream, touching them - in real life this will lead you to doubt your chosen one, his loyalty and decency. A large crystal chandelier seen in a dream symbolizes desires that are beyond your reach. Dreams will remain dreams, and life goals will become unattainable. Crystal seen in a dream may indicate your inability to adapt to circumstances - you are unbending in your decisions and this prevents you from building new useful relationships. Hearing the sound of crystal in a dream is a sign of romantic relationships. Relationships will become easy and relaxed, without tension and obligations. Their duration will depend only on your desire

Crystal in Vanga's dream book

A crystal vase dreams of a successful resolution of all matters, success and financial profit. If there were flowers in the vase, then prosperity will not only be brilliant, but also quick. Breaking crystal glasses or any other utensils in a dream means your family life will collapse, you will not only leave your loved ones and home, but even change your city and country. Admiring the shimmer of crystal in a dream is a sign that you will change your job and start a new, profitable business.

Crystal in Freud's dream book

Seeing a lot of sparkling crystal around you means you will face temptations. Seduction attempts will be made from the opposite sex. If you polish crystal in a dream, it means that you yourself have decided to win someone’s heart. To receive a crystal item as a gift means your relationship with the person who gave the gift is fragile and is approaching its end.

The better the dream, the more you want to wake up in it.

Leonid S. Sukhorukov


Dream Interpretation Crystal Receiving crystal products as a gift means that other people will admire your talent and originality. Giving crystal: a sign of unsuccessful enterprises. Cleanly washed glass seen in a dream predicts that you will have an excellent job, but you will have to come to terms with submission. Modern dream book

Dream Interpretation Crystal In a dream, you are given a crystal object: in reality, your relationship with the donor is very fragile and can collapse at any moment. If this is your friend or someone close to you, then try and how you can meet his expectations. If this is an enemy, then your enmity will soon come to an end, but for this you will have to take the initiative into your own hands. Breaking a crystal object: you will separate from someone close to you. This could be your friend, girlfriend or relative. In any case, this will happen suddenly, and no one will be able to help the grief. You will have to come to terms with this person's decision, understand him and forgive him. And under no circumstances try to change his decision to give someone a crystal object in a dream: in reality, you do not have serious feelings for this person. It may seem to you that this is real friendship or true love, but you are deeply mistaken, and not about him, but about yourself. As soon as any troubles happen, your feelings will disappear without a trace. Therefore, do not assure this person of your sincerity, but think: maybe you will be able to find the optimal way out of this situation, and in such a way as not to offend anyone, because other people are not to blame for the fact that you have not learned to understand your own feelings and intentions . Deliberately throwing crystal dishes off the table and disassembling them: you have to make a serious decision that will radically change your life. Maybe you will leave your family and find a new one, maybe you will move to another city or country, or maybe you will start a new business Dream Interpretation of the White Magician

Interpretation of sleep Crystal Any crystal thing seen in a dream means an approaching decline both in relationships with people and in business. A woman who dreamed of a hall decorated with crystal will doubt the merits of her chosen one. Large universal dream book

Meaning of the dream Rhinestone You dream of rock crystal crystals or some crystal products - your joy will be real, although not long-lasting; the one who is next to you will try to do you good. You see a sparkling crystal necklace - the events that will happen soon will greatly surprise and encourage you; hopes will not be in vain - changes for the better have already begun. A young woman dreams that she was given a crystal jewelry - everything will turn out well in the fate of this woman; her happiness will begin with the love of an honest and decent young man; he is not a handsome man, but his heart is a diamond. Dream Interpretation of Catherine the Great

Dream Crystal Crystal: many desires, temptations, but you will have to be bitterly disappointed, they are all not available to you. Break the crystal: give up excessive claims. This can bring both peace if you are not upset, and depression if you are having trouble coming to terms with it. Esoteric dream book

Dream Crystal Spiritual guide and amplifier. This bright sign indicates spiritual purity and spiritual strength. This is a mystical sign. Take a close look at it. Freedom. Lynn's Dream Book

Dream Interpretation Crystal Any crystal thing seen in a dream means an approaching decline both in relationships with people and in business. A woman who dreamed of a hall decorated with crystal will doubt the merits of her chosen one. Family dream book

Dream Interpretation Crystal Crystal: an unfavorable dream, predicts decline in all areas of life. Natural disasters are possible that will cause great damage to a city or country. For a woman, a dream in which a hall full of crystal appears: portends serious disappointment in the people she idolized.

1. Crystal- (Modern dream book)
Seeing crystal products in a dream is a fatal sign. Such a dream predicts decline in all areas of your life. After such a dream, natural disasters are possible that will cause great damage to the city or country. If a woman dreams of a dining room richly decorated with crystal, then she will have a reason to mercilessly debunk her idols.
2. Crystal- (Miller's Dream Book)
Seeing any crystal thing in a dream is a fatal sign of impending depression in social relationships or business. If a woman sees in a dream a richly decorated dining room, decorated with crystal, she will doubt the merits of her chosen one.
3. Crystal- (Esoteric dream book)
There are many desires and temptations, but you will be bitterly disappointed - all of them are not available to you. Beat X. - give up excessive claims. This can bring both peace if you are not upset, and depression if you are having trouble coming to terms with it.
4. Crystal- (Dream book of Yuri Andreevich Longo)
In a dream, you are given a crystal object - in reality, your relationship with the donor is very fragile and can collapse at any moment. If this is your friend or someone close to you, then try and how you can meet his expectations. If this is an enemy, then your enmity will soon come to an end, but for this you will have to take the initiative into your own hands. Breaking a crystal object means you will separate from someone close to you. This could be your friend, girlfriend or relative. In any case, this will happen suddenly, and no one will be able to help the grief. You will have to come to terms with this person's decision, understand him and forgive him. And under no circumstances try to change his decision - this will only worsen his dislike for you and kill any hope of renewing the relationship in the future. Giving someone a crystal object in a dream means that in reality you do not have serious feelings for this person. It may seem to you that this is real friendship or true love, but you are deeply mistaken, and not about him, but about yourself. As soon as any troubles happen, your feelings will disappear without a trace. Therefore, do not assure this person of your sincerity, but think: maybe you will be able to find the optimal way out of this situation, and in such a way as not to offend anyone, because other people are not to blame for the fact that you have not learned to understand your own feelings and intentions . Intentionally throwing crystal dishes off the table and disassembling them means you have to make a serious decision that will radically change your life. Maybe you will leave your family and find a new one, maybe you will move to another city or country, or maybe you will start a new business - in any case, your usual way of life will change radically, but it will benefit you, since you have lived for quite a long time captive to cliches and outdated ideas about life. If one of your loved ones allowed themselves such barbarism in your dream, then it is this person who will change yours with his decisive action. Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

See the interpretation of the word glass

How to interpret the dream “Crystal”

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

If you dreamed of some crystal objects, you should be prepared for an unpleasant period of life. Crystal is a fatal sign of impending depression in social relations and the business sphere. If a woman sees in a dream a richly decorated dining room decorated with crystal - soon...

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

Unsteadiness, fragility, destruction, mistakes.

I had a dream “Crystal”

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

To depression. A dream about a rich dining room decorated with crystal means that for a woman she will doubt the merits of her chosen one.

Crystal - see in a dream

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

Anyone who sees the crystal will experience a bright, beautiful, but fragile feeling.

I have a dream about Crystal

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

Any crystal thing seen in a dream means an approaching decline both in relationships with people and in business. A woman who dreamed of a hall decorated with crystal will doubt the merits of her chosen one.

Dream - Crystal

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

Your presence will brighten the evening, you will be more extraordinary than ever.

Seeing Crystal in a dream

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

Seeing crystal in a dream means the fragility of your happiness or position. Breaking a crystal in a dream indicates that you are too frivolous about serious things, which you will later bitterly regret. Seeing a lot of sparkling crystal in a dream is a sign that...

The meaning of a dream about Crystal

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

Mountain - knowledge, spiritual abilities. Dishes - family decline, troubles.

Dream Interpretation: Why do you dream of Crystal?

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

To material wealth and well-being.

If you see “Crystal” in a dream

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

The appearance of any crystal trinket in a dream is a sign of steadily approaching depression in the social or business sphere. If a woman sees in a dream a richly decorated dining room, decorated with crystal, she will doubt the merits of her chosen one.

The meaning of the dream “Crystal something”

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

Crystal glass - you will achieve fame.

Dream Interpretation: Why do you dream of Crystal?

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

Mental rigidity.

Dreaming of "Crystal" in a dream

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

Buying a crystal product (vase, dish, chandelier, etc.) in a dream means your dream is unlikely to come true: there are too many obstacles in your way. Drinking wine from crystal glasses - a dream foreshadows joy that will be short-lived. Drinking from a crystal glass -...

Dream Interpretation: Why do you dream of Crystal?

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

Stagnation in business, alienation from friends and lover. Buying crystal or receiving it as a gift means you are tormented by doubts and uncertainty in your relationship with your lover. Giving or breaking a crystal thing means positive changes are planned in all areas of activity.

Dream Interpretation: Why do you dream of Rhinestone

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

Preventing bad dreams.

Decoding and interpretation of sleep Crystal

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

Anything made of crystal is a sign of approaching depression in social relationships or in business. At the same time, crystal symbolizes material well-being and the strength of reputation, which can be destroyed. Cabinets and shelves with crystal dishes, tables with crystal vases - ...

It means a state of mental rigidity, most often irreversible. In addition, this image is a super-hard lattice, crystalline formation and symbolizes an advanced stage of active negativity.

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