Home Fertilizers Moon in Capricorn for a woman's natal day. Moon sign Capricorn. Lunar Capricorn - Lunar Scorpio

Moon in Capricorn for a woman's natal day. Moon sign Capricorn. Lunar Capricorn - Lunar Scorpio

The moon is considered a luminary that is responsible for the subconscious, intuition and soul of a person. The sign whose “guest” is the Moon in the natal chart can tell a lot about how its owner will protect his living space, satisfy his needs and ensure his life in general. The moon personifies the feminine principle and influences emotionality and receptivity. How does this “female” planet, the Moon, manifest itself in a man?

general characteristics

In this position, the Moon is influenced by Saturn, which changes its usual softness and sensitivity for the worse. People with this combination in the horoscope are secretive, little emotional and tough. They lack flexibility and sincerity in their relationships with others. They have difficulty getting used to a new environment, preferring stability and rigid boundaries. However, you should not think that men with the Moon in Capricorn are not able to feel - their inner emotional life, on the contrary, is extremely rich, but they do not know how to show their experiences and spend too much energy on suppressing them.

Such tension in the subconscious with unfavorable aspects forms unpleasant character traits in people with the Moon in Capricorn:

  • pessimism, tendency to depression;
  • cunning, isolation;
  • aggressiveness and desire to assert oneself at the expense of others.

At the same time, those with the Moon in Capricorn are able, like no other, to concentrate on achieving their goals. They are decisive and efficient, with a developed sense of duty. With harmonious development, they are distinguished by qualities that help achieve success in business:

  • endurance, hard work and the ability to rationally approach work and rest;
  • developed sense of responsibility;
  • practicality.

The Moon in Capricorn makes it clear what kind of woman its owner sees as a life partner. Such men marry reliable, modest and energetic women who respect family values ​​and traditions. A woman's position in society and her reputation play a big role for them. They look closely at their chosen one for a long time, and their trust is not so easy to earn. These people are not those who are ready to discuss problems and share their feelings.

Sometimes it seems that their living soul is buried under tons of ice that cannot be melted. They perceive all attempts to start an intimate conversation as an encroachment on their safety and crawl even deeper into their shell. You can live years of marriage with such a husband, but never hear declarations of love from him.

Girlfriends of men with the Moon in Capricorn need to come to terms with their restraint and coldness. They will be more than repaid by devotion, care and constancy in love. Marriage with such a person is, rather, an alliance of two business partners with a clear division of rights and responsibilities and established rules of the game, for non-compliance with which the vindictive and touchy lunar Capricorn will certainly take revenge. For peace in the family, the wife must be a true diplomat and constantly express devotion and admiration to her husband.

Sexually, they have remarkable stamina and appetite, but are rarely tender and passionate lovers.

The Moon in Capricorn in a man gives him an overly serious attitude towards life. Innate caution and foresight can turn into constant anxiety and nervous tension. He perceives everything material much better than the spiritual, although deep inside he is very sensitive and even vulnerable. If he can soften his own and learn to express feelings, his soul will gain harmony and true self-confidence.

The Moon in Capricorn is an important and interesting aspect that directly affects a person’s character and his relationships with the outside world. This influence extends not only to internal characteristics, but also to a person’s fate - love affairs and health status can be read by the position of the moon in the natal chart. So, what secrets does the moon, located in this earthly zodiac sign, hide?

Capricorn is known for its down-to-earth nature and somewhat secretive behavior. This mysterious zodiac is ruled by Saturn. Saturn is a passive, sedentary planet. Likewise, the owner of the moon in Capricorn is distinguished by a calm, balanced disposition and a somewhat detached view of things going on around him. The moon is responsible for the human mind, which is why the passivity of Saturn has a direct impact on the very mentality of a person whose natal chart has the moon in the sign of Capricorn. Such a person does not tolerate impulsiveness and hates making sharp, spontaneous decisions.

A person with this aspect in the natal chart is often susceptible to depression. This is all due to an overly pessimistic outlook on life and isolation. Often such people are simply very shy. But if you go deeper, they are not at all averse to having fun and opening up to the world. All you need is the right company, and ideally, one person who would understand and accept the vulnerable soul of Capricorn.

One of the positive qualities is hard work. The earthly influence is such that a person endowed with this aspect is not afraid of hard or meticulous work. He is not afraid of responsibility; the opportunity to support loved ones spiritually and financially is a great joy for the lunar Capricorn. Such a person is also distinguished by loyalty and honesty. Does not tolerate intrigue and drama.

So, to summarize, we can note the following characteristics of the moon in the sign of Capricorn:

  • Positive traits: loyalty, honesty, hard work, dedication, independence, responsibility, self-control, piety, perseverance.
  • Negative traits: secrecy, suspiciousness, shyness, tendency to depression, self-flagellation, mistrust.

Impact on money and values

As a rule, lunar Capricorns do not lack finances. Their own qualities help them materially: hard work, perseverance, frugality. Such people are great at professions directly related to money: accounting, accounting and auditing.

Material values ​​are of great importance for a person with this aspect in the natal chart. Such a person experiences stress without having support in the form of a stable job and his own place of residence. As a rule, lunar Capricorns strive to move away from their parents as quickly as possible, since the need to share living space weighs heavily on them. If this is not possible, they become depressed.

The Moon in this zodiac sign makes a person eager for success. Such a person hates defeat and always strives to get the best for himself and his family.

Impact on love and relationships

Since a person whose night luminary is in this sign has such traits as secrecy and mistrust, his love affairs are very difficult. Often such people feel a lack of affection and love.

The Moon in Capricorn in men often accompanies a feeling of dislike by their mother. That is why such men often look at caring, understanding women with trembling in their hearts. They do not need an object to conquer, or a fairy-tale princess. They need someone who is willing to listen and support them. In return, such a person is ready to provide material support and a sense of harmony in the family.

The Moon in Capricorn in women also often gives them the feeling that they are not understood or appreciated. A strong partner is needed, and we are not talking about external data at all, but about inner strength of spirit.

Impact on human health

Of course, the location of the night luminary in the natal chart greatly influences a person’s health. In this case, there is no need to worry too much about your health. Strong, confident Saturn rewards a person with the same good health. Such a person can work tirelessly even with a high temperature, he does not sag under the onslaught of illness. However, he should pay close attention to his nervous system, as well as mental health.

Moon Capricorn is highly susceptible to depression and nervous breakdowns. It’s all because of the habit of silently enduring until the last. Advice in this case: stop carrying all your problems to yourself, learn to share your thoughts and fears with people around you, find a good and pleasant interlocutor who can understand you.

You should also be wary of the transit moon in the sign of Capricorn. At such times, there is a high risk of getting into an accident or getting into a drunken brawl.

What opportunities do Capricorns have?

Despite their secrecy and introverted personality, Capricorns, if desired, can become the real life of the party. In fact, people adore Capricorns and look forward to their radiant smile and sweet jokes.

With a little effort and patience, lunar Capricorns can easily build very warm and pleasant relationships with people, which will ultimately bring them great benefits. They should pay close attention to their colleagues - by showing initiative in communicating with people from their field of employment, they have a huge chance of moving up the career ladder. Great financial success is possible.

Capricorn dark side of the moon

During the period when the night luminary is in its dark phase in a given zodiac, the carriers of this aspect strongly manifest such traits as:

  • Arrogance.
  • Egocentrism.
  • Suspiciousness.
  • Authority.
  • Despotism.

Many of these traits sound threatening, but in moderation they make their owner a brilliant employer and an excellent manager. But with excessive manifestation of the listed characteristics, a person can turn into a real tyrant both at home and at work.

There is another vector of manifestation of the dark moon in a sign. In his case, the owner becomes:

  • Passive.
  • Lazy.
  • Depressed.
  • Without being ambitious.
  • Slave.

Then the owner of this aspect needs to pull himself together and under no circumstances allow himself to simply go with the flow.

Capricorn light side of the moon

This aspect is karmic: its owner, as it were, carries over his responsibilities from a past life. Such a person takes on too many responsibilities and never asks other people for help.

The life of such people is filled with difficult episodes, for which fate then generously rewards them in the second half of their life.

When the black and white moon are in the same sign

When Selena and Lilith merge, the individual will always face a difficult choice between two extremes. Such a person does not see any halftones; the whole world seems to be painted only in black and white. Good and Evil are two concepts that have existed from time immemorial, and everything else is just reservations and unnecessary nonsense.

However, such a choice is not easy. Often a person succumbs to the temptations of Lilith and takes the slippery path leading to addiction. Addiction can manifest itself in different ways: some begin to drink, feeling internal hopelessness and the impossibility of winning the war of good and evil. Others become addicted to the sweet sensation of power and cannot stop at the right moment.

Such people need to be sensitive to their inner harmony, and also listen more often to the words of others.

Moon for a Capricorn woman

This phenomenon is described in detail in Vedic astrology Joytish. There such a woman is characterized as:

  • Thrifty. And it's not just about money. A woman awarded with this position of the night luminary hates waste in all forms: material, loss of time, waste of her emotions.
  • Secretive. It manifests itself especially strongly in emotional terms.
  • Tactful. Such a girl is well aware of the importance of clear boundaries in communicating with people.
  • Thoughtful. A woman with the moon in this zodiac becomes a wonderful mother, ready to give everything for the happiness of her children.

For such women, family comes first: love for her husband and care for children. They put career and self-realization in second place, in which they usually succeed well.

How to win a woman with a Capricorn moon

A girl awarded with this aspect is always very selective in love. Top qualities that repel her in her chosen one:

  1. Cunning and resourcefulness.
  2. Lie.
  3. Frivolity.

Top qualities that attract such a girl:

  1. Confidence.
  2. Kindness.
  3. Honesty.

She is looking for a man in whom she can be one hundred percent confident. Does not accept betrayal, will never forgive betrayal. You can win it by treating it with deep respect and understanding. These girls like people who are confident in themselves and their abilities. She is ready to reveal her whole soul to them.

Night luminary in Capricorn for men

The Moon in Capricorn for men is a strong test for their personal life. Not everyone can stand their gloomy and secretive character. Distance and a cold attitude towards people sometimes cause big problems both in love and in business. A man with a night luminary in this sign is recommended to go out in public more, to practice relaxed and non-binding communication. Learn to flirt and show off your sense of humor more.

A cheerful but wise girl would suit such a man. The one who knows how to listen, but is also not afraid to act. A girl must realize that sometimes she will have to push and motivate her beloved a lot.

The influence of the moon in Capricorn on children

This arrangement of the night luminary in the children's horoscope guarantees parents a calm and obedient child. The child will listen sensitively to parental advice and attach great importance to their words. A child with the moon in Capricorn is also very afraid of disappointing his beloved mom and dad. You should not scold your child too much for mistakes, otherwise he may develop a feeling of guilt.

Parents of such a child will face the following possible difficulties:

  • Poor academic performance. The child is actually far from stupid, but it is difficult to force him to do what he does not want.
  • Stubbornness. If a child has decided to do something, it will be almost impossible to dissuade him.
  • Stealth. If someone has offended a child, he will never lie.

In general, these are very calm and peaceful children. Parents are only advised to have more heart-to-heart conversations with their child in order to become a true friend and advisor for them.

Moon and hair cutting

Capricorn has a very positive effect on hair! A haircut is favorable on this day; after it, the hair will become healthier, thicker, and the ends of the hair will be less split. The appearance will improve. It is also a good day to dye your hair, or tint, or cover up gray hair. You can even try bold options with a new hair color. Perm will cause minimal harm to health during this period. It is recommended to do simple and calm hairstyles on this day.

Moon and vegetable garden

This zodiac sign has average fertility. Seeds planted these days will give a good harvest and excellent, long-lasting seeds. However, the fruits of the plants will be small. Such plants will emerge rather slowly, strengthening their root system, stems and resisting diseases and pest attacks. Plants planted under the sign of Capricorn tolerate cold, heat and drought well; they will bear fruit for a long time and abundantly. About flowers we can say that they have a strong stem and small flowers.

The moon and human character

A person born under the sign of the Moon Capricorn is practical, endowed with abilities, and demanding of himself. Capricorn is sensitive to his inner world and subconsciously controls all his feelings.

The influence of the Moon makes a person strive for reliability and safety in all plans. At the same time, the idealism and impressionability of Lunar Capricorn is always present.

Capricorns hide all their emotions and demonstrate coldness and rigidity of character. Such people should stop suppressing their sensitivity and trust their intuition more. Tight control and focus only on reality deprive Lunar Capricorns of the wonderful experiences that decorate life.

A person of this sign treats people too harshly and critically. He is very serious, but his unique sense of humor can turn him into an interesting and entertaining conversationalist.

Sometimes when communicating with such a person, it seems that he was immediately born an adult. Balanced positions, your own view of the world, confirmed by the logic of reasoning - everything speaks in favor of this. Talking about feelings is a kind of “taboo”. But after Capricorn learns to communicate with his inner self, including intuition among his circle of friends and helpers, new knowledge about his own personality will open up new paths for him.

Positive character traits of Lunar Capricorn: practicality, organization, rationality, seriousness, firmness of convictions, stability and reliability in business, ambition. Negative traits: excessive pragmatism, unresponsiveness, dryness in relation to others, demanding.

The moon and human emotions

People born under the sign of the Moon Capricorn do not know how to pretend. All emotions are written on their faces. In addition, they control everything and plan even their reactions in advance, because of this they often miss natural joy and sadness. His emotions are sometimes artificial, although those around him do not notice this. Capricorn skillfully controlled this process of imitation of feelings.

Hiding their emotions, these people do not even realize how a simple intimate conversation can enrich them. Capricorns are afraid of revealing feelings and beliefs, they are afraid of causing misunderstanding and irritation in other people.

But Capricorn Moons can be just as romantic and passionate as other signs. Having removed all restrictions imposed on external manifestations of emotions, such people, surrendering to the power of romantic dreams, are able to amaze everyone with their charm. If Capricorn trusts his sensitivity, his intuition will strengthen.

Lunar Capricorns often have to overcome pessimistic moods and anxiety caused by thoughts of old age and worthlessness. Capricorn is afraid that he will not be understood, that he will be judged, so he withdraws into himself with such pleasure. Belief in the hidden capabilities of one’s own personality can change his view of the world and make Capricorn emotionally stronger.

Moon and career

People born under the sign of Capricorn feel comfortable if their life is structured and orderly. This also applies to work. Any surprises, surprises, even in the field of professional activity, can unsettle them. Therefore, people of this sign calculate everything and, as a rule, from an early age they know where they will work and what needs to be done to achieve what they want. Their whole life resembles a chain of successive links leading to the intended goal. Capricorn's tenacity, responsibility, and reliability force their superiors to offer them leadership positions.

These people do not need orderliness in order to achieve an effective result. It is necessary to feel confident. Capricorns achieve success in any field solely thanks to the ability to correctly distribute their strength.

These people are very practical, so colleagues often turn to them for advice. They can always suggest the best way to solve problems. On the other hand, they are very ambitious. Knowing that success awaits them, Capricorns go towards it, working tirelessly.

Of all the moon signs, Capricorns are the most career-oriented. They are so dedicated to their work that others may not understand such dedication. For the sake of a career, without knowing it, Capricorns are ready to do a lot.

Moon and love relationships

Love relationships have always been a very serious problem for Capricorns. They are not the type to take their search for the perfect partner lightly. If Capricorn has connected his life with someone, he will make a gentle, attentive and faithful partner. Everything will turn out great if he allows himself to believe that others, and his chosen one in particular, are also capable of being faithful and loving.

For Capricorn, the thought that he could be emotionally dependent on his partner is intolerable. No matter how happy he is with him, he will be pleased with the thought that his partner is obeying, and not he.

It is best when people who love each other have equal relationships, with mutual respect and trust, without a shadow of jealousy. When Capricorn doesn't hold back his emotions, he can seem passionate and romantic, but it's very difficult to force him to be himself.

He is subconsciously afraid that he will be rejected, that he is unworthy of something. Allowing yourself to simply love is the highest happiness, to which Capricorn must go a long way of self-improvement in order to gain confidence. Love in the eyes of Capricorn requires an extremely thoughtful approach. When Capricorn understands himself and understands that the person he has met is his ideal partner, he will completely trust his feelings.

Capricorn is one of the most ambitious signs; no emotions can block his path leading to his goal. He doesn't have time for flirtations, no matter how cute they may be.

The idea that he is not worthy of love and happiness in his personal life may come from a simple belief that he will gain all this by achieving success on other levels, for example, at work. Capricorn is pessimistic about his ability to attract the opposite sex.

So, a person of this sign is a very complex person. He was so used to holding back his emotions that seeming insensitivity had become second nature to him. But, once convinced that love will not only not harm his security, but, on the contrary, will strengthen it, he will open his heart to meet this feeling.

Moon and family relationships

It is difficult for Lunar Capricorn to truly enjoy warm, trusting relationships with family and friends. A conviction had formed in his soul that it was unacceptable to show someone how he really felt. Therefore, it is difficult to know whether he is upset or not. His mood does not in any way affect the relatively stable and stable family climate.

Practical in everything, Capricorn is also practical in feelings. He really values ​​his family, considering it as his rear. People of this sign are sincerely attached to their loved ones and devoted to them. Capricorn likes to stick to traditions that allow everyone to get together. His outlook on life is somewhat conservative, so established family holidays will be the same for several years.

If Capricorn has children, they will experience all the severity of their parent. But the children feel his sincere love under the guise of severity and exactingness. Usually they grow up to be the same pragmatists who do not harbor any special illusions about life, in which it is easier for them to settle down than for students of Sagittarius.

Additional influence. If the Moon is in the sign of Capricorn in the interval:

0° - 10°=> tenacity, perseverance, endurance, patience, dedication, hard work, efficiency, punching power, professionalism in any chosen field;

10° - 20°=> farming, gardening, floriculture, greenhouse farming can bring success;

20° - 30°=> decency, intelligence, practicality. If the Moon has negative configurations with other planets - selfishness, greed, internal division, distrust, indecision.

Such men value calm family relationships most of all, rather than violent outbursts of love. Outwardly, they seem insufficiently emotional and even dispassionate, but this is not so. Behind the external coldness hides a subtle and vulnerable soul. Typically, such men are easily disappointed in love; the main interest in their life is work and career, thanks to which they are truly happy. Such men take a long time and carefully choose their life partner and are distinguished by a heightened sense of justice and property.


  • Seriousness and prudence;
  • Practicality and ability to save;
  • Sensuality and very high sexual potential;
  • Devotion and fidelity in family relationships;
  • High composure and ability to adapt to life.


  • Excessive isolation;
  • Sudden outbursts of anger and aggressiveness;
  • Lack of relaxedness and naturalness in communication;
  • Jealousy and a heightened sense of ownership;
  • Suspiciousness, sometimes cruelty.

A man with the Moon in Capricorn in love

Love for such a man is a quiet family haven and mutual understanding, and not Mexican passions. A person seems too reasonable and cold to fall in love, but in reality he simply carefully hides his emotions and experiences from others. Such a man would rather get married than fall in love, and will provide his beloved with everything she needs.

What kind of woman does he need?

He strives to communicate with a calm, reasonable and not too emotional woman. His ideal lifelong friend should be calm, self-possessed and not prone to jealousy and betrayal; she should provide him with a sense of calm and security. When communicating with this man, you should not expect a violent emotional reaction to your words - he has excellent control of himself and his emotions and proves his love not with words, but with deeds.

In career

Such a man cannot imagine his life without a career and work. He will slowly but surely follow the chosen direction and achieve success in whatever he does. Such a man is attracted to leadership positions, power and money, so he often succeeds in work related to politics, economics, military affairs or public administration.

Moon in houses in natal chart

A person’s character is influenced by the position of the planet in the house. (12 houses in total) Each house in the natal chart has its own purpose, and the planets located in these houses most accurately describe the character and characteristics of a person.

Moon in 1st house

A man with the Moon in the first house is prone to changeability and inconstancy. His mood is constantly changing and he often commits rash acts. This man can quickly lose weight and gain weight quickly; his mother and the well-being of his relationship with his significant other play an important role in his life. This man is subject to the negative influence of others, the evil eye, and damage.

Moon in 2nd house

A man with the Moon in the second house may have inconsistent income and an unstable financial situation. He may strive for great love, but often choose options that are unsuitable for himself and constantly find himself in conflict situations and troubles, and be rejected. This man is prone to worry, especially if troubles concern home and work.

Moon in the 3rd house

This man constantly strives for new knowledge; as a child, he can have very difficult relationships with teachers and classmates. He strives to constantly be aware of all events, receive and transmit information to others, have many friends and communicate. If the relationship does not work out, he is very worried and this takes him out of balance.

Moon in the 4th house

He strives for strong and lasting relationships in the family, becomes attached to blood relatives and strives to make the relationship better, kinder, more gentle. He is very affectionate and has difficulty enduring loneliness or living separately from those who are dear to him. A good family man, a man who treats women well and knows how to forgive. For him there is nothing more valuable than family and family relationships.

Moon in the 5th house

He strives for self-affirmation, sports and entertainment. Everywhere he tries to shine and show his best qualities. This man pays a lot of attention to his hobbies, his interests are varied, he is emotional, but superficial in his emotions, does not strive for high goals and tries to make the world around him kinder, brighter and more pleasant. Attached to children, especially sons.

Moon in the 6th house

This man is very attentive and reverent about his work, and worries about failures at work or the unfriendly disposition of his boss. He is active, hardworking, can be suspicious and suspicious, and constantly finds sores in himself. This man loves pets, children and tries to protect them from everything.

Moon in the 7th house

This man directs his emotions towards new acquaintances, communication, and friendship. It is important for him to constantly maintain friendly relations with a loved one, share news, and make peace with those around him. He emotionally experiences treason, betrayal, tries to delve into family relationships and give advice.

Moon in the 8th house

This man is distinguished by increased caution, fears and prejudices. He may exaggerate the danger and become very worried if everything goes against him. This man is prone to dark thoughts and great experiences, sudden outbursts of anger and aggressiveness. He strives most for security and peace.

Moon in the 9th house

This man emotionally perceives events that happen far from him or everything related to regalia, higher education and achievements in life. He is calm, friendly, rarely subject to mood swings, knows how to control emotions, but sometimes he is unnecessarily scattered on completely unnecessary matters and unpromising activities.

Moon in the 10th house

This man pays a lot of attention to personal growth, work and career. He knows how to get along with influential people and achieve his goals. By nature he is calm, a little withdrawn. Not subject to sudden outbursts of anger and not prone to conflict situations and scandals. He acts calmly, persistently and intelligently, and is not subject to mood swings.

Moon in the 11th house

This man’s emotions depend on relationships with friends and communication with like-minded people. This man believes in mysticism, inexplicable phenomena, he often has attacks of insight or can guess the future. This man is subject to addictions and bad influences, in some cases he may become dependent on alcohol.

Moon in the 12th house

This man has subtle intuition and unpredictable behavior. Sometimes he himself cannot understand what he feels, he is prone to illogical behavior and addictions, both from bad habits and from people. He often becomes a victim of manipulation and deception, extremely rarely behaves aggressively, in some cases he becomes secretive and chooses loneliness.

Why does a man get married? What needs is he trying to satisfy in the relationship? His Moon knows these secrets. It is she who symbolizes the role that a woman should play in a man’s life. Let's ask Vasilisa Volodina, a famous professional astrologer, in addition, she can rightfully be called an expert in relationships between men and women, what you need for a man with the Moon in Capricorn:

Man with Moon in Capricorn, Moon in Taurus or Moon in Virgo psychologically survives in our society with the help of order, discipline. He is trying to give his existence some permanent form. He feels safe and confident in the future only when circumstances do not change quickly, when the established way of life does not involve shocks and sudden shocks. Let everything be inert and the same day after day! This is his main internal need - the constancy of events and affairs, the stability of the established order of things. It is in this that he finds a subtle sense of personal happiness.

Man with Moon in Taurus, Virgo or Capricorn internally afraid of the future, because it can bring changes - who knows what is there, beyond the horizon! And he prefers to stay in the present day, changing very slowly, or does everything to ensure a quiet existence for himself. Therefore he will choose as his wife someone who, through her actions, increases reliability and stability every day we live. In a word, he will choose “Hostess”.

The name of this type does not imply that the woman is necessarily a housewife. She must be the Mistress of his life - be able to organize it rationally, conveniently, understandably. Its appearance should reduce the amount of chaos and randomness in his daily reality and increase the predictability of events. First of all, due to the ability to conduct everyday life. It doesn’t matter whether she irons the shirts, invites her husband to do it himself, or earns money for a housekeeper, but the shirts must be ironed, period. And on time. Children should be clean and well-groomed, with their lessons prepared - that’s how it’s supposed to be. Dinner must be ready at the right time, no matter whether she knows how to cook at all, but there must be food in the house at a strictly defined time.

That is, if you, dear reader, want to build a truly serious relationship with this man, first of all from you you will need the ability to establish life as a well-functioning system- assign responsibilities to all household members fairly and monitor the completion of these tasks. Maintain the regime and discipline that he considers the only correct one. But how to do this - calmly, passionately, cheerfully or very gently - you should have already understood by studying the chapter on the position of Venus in his horoscope. Do not confuse the manner of behavior and the essence of actions.

For example, Arnold Schwarzenegger (July 30, 1947, Moon in Capricorn, Venus in Cancer), being quite recently in a strong marriage with Maria Shriver, demanded strict adherence to order from their four children - waking up early every day, playing sports. Things scattered around the house were thrown into the fireplace. One can only guess what it cost Maria herself for many years to build order in the house of the world-famous artist and politician.

The star of our series “Streets of Broken Lanterns” Alexey Nilov (January 31, 1964, Moon in Virgo, Venus in Pisces) is not so cruel in his demands; it is enough for him that his wife maintains order for him. Alexey was married many times, but ultimately chose a woman who does not pursue an artistic career. In one of his interviews, he says: “Lena takes care of me, takes care of the house. Bills, payments that make me go crazy..."

Keep in mind that from the outside, such men look surprisingly calm and balanced, but only from the outside. Only those close to you know how cynical, evil, indomitable they really are, if the situation unexpectedly changes and stable ground floats away from under your feet. God forbid you throw a man with an earthly Moon out of balance!

A striking example is the singer Philip Kirkorov (April 30, 1967, Moon in Capricorn, Venus in Gemini), imposing, cheerful, balanced and joyful - but only outwardly. As soon as journalist Irina Aroyan asked an unplanned question at a press conference, a storm of insults against her followed. The same thing happened during another sensational scandal with director Yablokova, when the king of pop came to the point of assault.

Of course, men of this type do not always react to surprises this way. More often than not, they try to control themselves, but it is really difficult for them psychologically to cope with any unplanned situations. Therefore, in addition to an established system of everyday relationships, a man with the Moon in the signs of Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn needs a clear understanding of the future. No, no, you are not required to be a fortune teller, but the future should be outlined at least in the form of a plan, then he will be calm.

Therefore, the responsibilities of the Hostess also include a tactical role - planning family goals, purchases, and affairs. Constantly indicate directions of action for him and help him go towards them. Something like: “When you marry me, first we will buy a refrigerator, then a car for you, then a fur coat for me, then we will have children and save up for a dacha.” This may seem funny and boring to you, but for him such a “plan” is the key to inner peace: “ The woman is understandable and predictable, it is clear what she wants, so we are on the same path" He will feel at ease if he knows in advance, for example, where your family will spend the future bonus for six months - on purchasing a house in Portofino, repairing his beloved Lada, or helping relatives from Norilsk.

Make no mistake, such “planning” does not mean at all that a woman can manipulate this gentleman at her own discretion, moving him towards her goals. If a man does not want to become a millionaire and bathe you in gold, you will not force him to achieve this (Jupiter, Saturn and some other horoscope factors motivate him to earn money and social achievements). More likely, you will be entrusted with only formal plans, not basic - those that increase the clarity of life, give a feeling of reliability.

But it also happens differently. For example, US President Ronald Reagan (February 6, 1911, Moon in Taurus, Venus in Pisces) regularly listened to the advice of his wife Nancy about what time to start certain government projects, meetings, public speaking, and did not lose at all from this. The period of his presidency is recognized as perhaps the calmest in US history. Of course, Nancy and the astrologer to whom she turned for these recommendations helped the president not only with tactical planning of meeting times, but also gave recommendations of a higher order - whether it was worthwhile to launch certain projects in principle.

That is, Nancy strategically influenced not just Reagan himself as a man, but also the life of the entire state through him. Many famous men with the Moon in the signs of Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn, their wives devote themselves completely to the household. Well, those who do not yet consider themselves a star more often acquire a spouse with some kind of profession, so that if something happens, the family maintains a certain level of material stability. But performance is required from you in any case, there will be no relaxation!

A very illustrative example of high demands on a life partner is the brilliant writer and thinker Lev Nikolaevich Tolstoy (September 9, 1828, Moon in Virgo, Venus in Leo). He was often attracted to women in his youth. Then, quite rationally, after much thought, he decided to marry Sophia Bers. This is how Sofya Andreevna herself describes her married life and worries in her diary on December 16, 1887: “This chaos of countless worries, interrupting one another, often leads me into a stunned state, and I lose my balance. It’s easy to say, but at any given moment I am concerned about: studying and sick children, the hygienic and, most importantly, spiritual state of my husband, big children with their affairs, debts, children and service, the sale and plans of the Samara estate... new and 13th edition part with the forbidden “Kreutzer Sonata”, a petition for division with the Ovsyannikovsky priest, proofs of the 13th volume, Misha’s nightgowns, Andryusha’s sheets and boots; do not fall behind on house payments, insurance, name duties, people’s passports, keeping accounts, rewriting, etc. and so on. “And all this must certainly directly affect me.”

And although Tolstoy at the end of his life tried to escape from his wife and the comfortable life she had built, it was not a struggle with her, but with himself. With your inner fears and instincts. After all, he chose Sofya Andreevna precisely for the possession of these rational qualities and for many years he was happy in a world where order, comfort and mode of existence were provided by his wife, who bore him 13 children and managed to cope with this household and also help her husband in his writing.

Based on materials from books by V. Volodina.

Each horoscope is as unique as its owner. In addition to the position of Venus in a sign, there are many other indicators in the horoscope that determine how a man will behave in a relationship and what to expect from a woman. Find out from a professional astrologer how your man’s heart opens.

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