Home Diseases and pests Lesson on making homemade buns for kindergarten. Recipe for cheesecakes with cottage cheese made from yeast dough, just like in kindergarten. Bun with cottage cheese or school cheesecake

Lesson on making homemade buns for kindergarten. Recipe for cheesecakes with cottage cheese made from yeast dough, just like in kindergarten. Bun with cottage cheese or school cheesecake

This is how the “Homemade” bun looks like in the layout of the required products. This is technology card number 274.

And these are the requirements for baking technology and the quality of the finished product.

So, in the kindergarten collection of recipes there are several types of dough: butter and simple with yeast and vegetable oil.

The buns are made from butter dough, which is prepared using the sponge method. What does it mean? You need to dilute the pressed yeast in a small amount of water, heat more water (60-70% of the total amount) to 35-40 C, mix with the yeast, add sifted flour (35-60%) and mix until smooth. Dust the surface of the dough with flour, cover the bowl with a lid and leave in a warm place for three hours. The temperature should not exceed 30C.

Thick dough “ferments” for 3.5 hours and increases in volume by 1.5-2 times, liquid dough (with 100% water) - 1.5 hours and increases by 2 times. And the initial appearance of the buns is as follows:

Dissolve salt and sugar in the rest of the water, mix everything with the prepared dough, then add the remaining flour. At the very end of the kneading, add vegetable oil and knead into a soft satin dough. Its temperature is 28-30C. Cover the bowl with a clean cloth (lid) and leave to ferment for 2 hours.

During this time, the dough must be kneaded a couple of times to “drive out” carbon dioxide. This is important to do if you want to end up with baked goods with a beautiful porous crumb. The dough before cutting looks like this:

During the second kneading, cut the dough into portions weighing approximately 55 grams. Roll the dough into “homemade” balls.

Grease a baking tray generously with oil. First dip the prepared buns in melted butter, then in sugar. Place on a baking sheet at a distance of 8-10 cm and leave for 30-40 minutes.

The spaced buns are already closer to each other. According to technological requirements, buns should be baked at a temperature of 230-240 degrees for 5 minutes. However, at home these parameters are somewhat different. And the temperature should be set lower and the baking time should increase slightly. Cover the finished buns with a clean towel - they need to “rest” after baking.

In kindergarten, a “Homemade” bun is given with compote, milk and another vitamin drink for an afternoon snack.

Remember the buns in kindergarten that were so fun to unwrap before eating? I know how to bake them!

When we were given these curlicue buns for afternoon snack in kindergarten, the most exemplary children would bite them off, as exemplary children should bite off - from a whole bun. Honestly, it’s not that tasty, I tried it! It was much tastier and more interesting to eat such a bun, gradually unrolling it like a snail and turning it into a long fragrant ribbon. And then bite off pieces of it and wash it down with tea. The buns smelled absolutely fantastic and melted in your mouth just as unrealistically. Some children liked this fabulous aroma so much that they put the unwrapped bun to their nose and... And they got long mustaches, like a hussar or a cockroach.

The nannies were terribly infuriated by this method of eating buns. They swore like kindergarteners and swore never to give more buns to those who would eat them incorrectly. Magic buns were baked in the garden once a month, and we looked forward to this day like a little one. And each time the story of unwrapping the buns repeated itself. Otherwise, why is the bun rolled like a snail? I wouldn’t be surprised if it turns out that, secretly from us, the nannies themselves ate these buns this way. For example, I still eat them this way, and so do my children. And try it :)

For rich curled buns we will need:

50g fresh yeast (or 1 packet of dry)
1 glass of milk
3 eggs (put 2 in the dough, and set aside 1 for greasing the buns)
50 g butter (melt)
3 tablespoons sugar
3 or 4 cups flour (do not pour it all at once - check the thickness of the dough)

100 g butter
1 cup of sugar
Vanillin or cinnamon

We dilute fresh yeast in warm milk (if the yeast is dry, then it must be mixed with flour). Add butter, eggs, flour, mix everything and knead the dough until it comes off your hands. Flour must be added gradually so that the dough is not tough. If you see that it turns out steep, then it’s better to leave some extra flour. And if you feel that the dough is a little liquid, then add more flour.

Divide the dough into 2 parts, roll each into a flat cake 1 cm thick. Grease the flat cakes with melted butter, sprinkle with sugar and cinnamon (or vanilla). Sprinkle with whatever you want: some people prefer vanilla swirls, others prefer cinnamon or just sugar. And don’t let it seem like there’s a lot of sprinkles and spreads. The more, the tastier the buns turn out.

Now we roll each flatbread into a roll and carefully cut it, like a sausage, into pieces 5-6 cm thick.

For each piece, you need to tightly pinch one side (bottom) so that the sugar does not peek out and then leak out, and place this side on a greased baking sheet. Do not place it close, otherwise the buns will stick together when the dough rises. Spread them out wider, like this:

Leave our sweet snail buns on a baking sheet for about 1 hour. When they are well suited, brush them with beaten egg and bake in an oven preheated to 200’ for about 20-25 minutes. You get curled buns just like in kindergarten.

Remove the baking sheet from the oven, let the snail buns cool slightly, and place them on a dish. These are the buns from childhood... And you already know how to eat them correctly 😉

© Text and photos – Noory San.

And finally - ! Children's thriller with elements of comedy and insanity :)

Pies are a food that both adults and children love. But today's option is for the little ones. Although... it will probably appeal to the biggest ones too.

Since these pies are intended for small children, you should understand that there is little salt in them. They turn out to be sweetish, with a very delicate taste, since our filling is not fried, as we are mostly used to, but poached, almost cooked with the addition of butter. Since I have older children, already school age, I allowed myself to add a little more salt and pepper to the filling. Very tender, pleasant pies.

The eggs are small, these are the ones I bought, homemade. If you suddenly have a large egg, then beat it with a fork until smooth, pour 45 grams into the dough, and use the rest to grease the top of the pies, since very little egg is needed there.

If you have winter varieties of cabbage, which is already harder, then it will not take 15-20 minutes to cook like mine, but rather more. Adjust the time yourself, try it - it’s soft, which means you turn it off.

Total cooking time – 4 hours 0 minutes
Active cooking time – 0 hours 45 minutes
Cost - very economical
Calorie content per 100 g - 181 kcal
Number of servings – 15 servings

How to make pies with cabbage like in kindergarten


Wheat flour - 400 g
Milk - 200 g

Sugar - 30 g
Butter - 20 g
Yeast - 15 g fresh.
Salt - 2 g
White cabbage- 280 g
Butter - 30 g for filling.
Chicken egg - 1 pc.
45 grams.
Salt - 2.5 g Vegetable oil
- 1 tsp.
Grease the baking sheet as needed.
Chicken egg - 0.5 pcs.

for greasing pies.

Wheat flour - 1 tbsp.

for powder.

Water - 150 g


Technological map of pie with cabbage.

Cooking technology.

If you have frozen yeast, defrost it at room temperature. Heat 100 grams of milk to about 50 degrees (30 seconds in the microwave, that was enough for me). Dissolve the yeast in milk, pour everything into a bowl and sift 150 grams of flour into it. Knead the dough dough.

Sprinkle a little flour on top, cover with a towel and place in a warm place for 1.5-2 hours. I put it in the oven (electric), turn on the light bulb, which heats up and keeps the temperature at about 30 degrees.

For almost two hours my dough looked like this.

While the dough is standing, pour the remaining milk into a mug, dissolve salt and sugar in it, add and stir the egg. About half a teaspoon of salt, preferably iodized (I just use sea salt). As you understand, the pies will not be as salty as adults are accustomed to.

Let's start with the filling. Boil a hard-boiled egg.

Shred the cabbage quite finely.

Cover the bowl with the dough with a towel and place it in a warm place again for about 1.5-2 hours. After an hour, take the dough out and look, for me it has more than doubled. Knock it down and keep it warm for another 30-40 minutes.

Sprinkle the table with flour. Take out the dough and divide it into 15 parts. You can weigh the dough, divide by 15 and, having received portioned grams (I had 45 grams per serving), tear or cut and weigh. Let the portions of dough lie down and rest on the table for another 5 minutes.

Turn on the oven at 180-200".

Take a portion of the dough and roll it out or just use your hands to form a circle 0.5-1 centimeter thick. Place a tablespoon of filling in the middle.

We carefully pinch the edges, giving the pie the desired shape. Line a baking tray with baking paper or grease with vegetable oil. Place the pies seam side down.

Brush each pie with an egg (pre-beat and stir the egg with a fork until completely homogeneous).

Place in a preheated oven. The technological map suggests baking for 15-20 minutes. In a normal electric oven, 13-15 minutes are enough for me, no more.

That's it, take it out and cool. All that remains is to wish you bon appetit! Wonderful with broth!

Shanezhka with potatoes is a version of savory pastries that takes a tasty and worthy place in the kindergarten week menu.

And we will take out the treasured notebooks and write down an authentic recipe to please our household with fragrant buns. Shangi is a purely Russian invention.

Once upon a time, the northerners picked up this recipe from the Finno-Ugric tribes. These flatbreads were so loved that their triumphant gastronomic march from Moscow to Siberia did not take long to arrive. And it’s not at all surprising why shanezhki ended up on the kindergarten menu. This recipe is both a culture in the kitchen and its history. Initially, the filling for this pastry was peas - a thick porridge seasoned with onions and lamb fat.

However, then someone very resourceful came up with the idea of ​​putting cottage cheese and potato masher on top of the dough. The last option received the attention of children's nutritionists with great respect.
Total cooking time – 3 hours 30 minutes
Cost - very economical
Active cooking time – 0 hours 40 minutes
Calorie content per 100 g - 182 kcal

Number of servings – 10 servings


How to cook shanezhki according to a kindergarten recipe
Wheat flour - 160 g
Butter - 20 g
Yeast - 9 g
Sugar - 8 g
Chicken egg - 2 pcs.
Potatoes - 300 g
Milk - 50 ml
Sour cream - 15 g
Salt - 1 pinch(s)
Salt - 2.5 g Water - 65 ml

for greasing pies.

Let's see what a scam looks like on paper. Technological card in collection No. 296:

And this is a step-by-step method:

For kindergarten children, they use yeast dough, which is prepared using a straight method. Dilute the pressed yeast in 50 ml of warm water (temperature should not exceed 40 degrees), strain the suspension. Pour a mixture of milk and water heated to 28-30 degrees into a working container - a bowl. Here stir the strained yeast, add salt and add sugar and egg.

Add flour, sifting through a sieve. Knead the dough for 7-9 minutes. As you knead, add melted butter or vegetable oil to the dough and continue kneading until it acquires a silky-smooth structure. A characteristic feature of the finished dough is that it does not stick to your hands and easily comes off the walls of the bowl.

Cover the dough in the bowl with a lid and leave in a warm place with a temperature no higher than 30 degrees. It should “grow” 1.5-2 times in volume, and it should be kneaded to remove carbon dioxide from the fermentation process. Warm-down is required twice.

Work with the prepared dough on a wooden surface dusted with flour. This is another important point, since the dough should not “feel” a sharp temperature change. Roll the dough into a long rope, cut it into portions - balls weighing 40 grams - and place them on a warm baking sheet, greased with oil. Leave to proof for 30-40 minutes.

Prepare the filling. Pour hot water over the peeled potatoes, season with salt and cook until fully cooked. Drain the broth and wipe the potatoes. Divide the remaining egg into two parts. Add half an egg, hot butter and boiling milk to the potatoes. Stir vigorously to prevent the egg white from curdling.

Spread the potato mixture onto the dough, covering the entire surface. Leave for 10 minutes.

Beat sour cream with the remaining half of the egg and brush the surface of the potatoes with this mixture. Preheat the oven to 230-240 degrees. Bake the shanezhki for 10 minutes until golden and creamy crust.

Grease the finished shanezhki with hot butter. For unsweetened baked goods, offer children vitamin tea or juice.

Bun like in kindergarten

Do you know at least one child who would refuse to indulge in “goodies”?! No? So I don’t know! For some reason, baking in preschool seems especially delicious. And so let’s put on aprons and get cooking: we’ll bake “Homemade” buns according to the kindergarten recipe.

In the age of dysbacteriosis, it has become clear why many preschool children love raw dough. The yeast that is part of the dough is rich in B vitamins, and they are necessary for normalizing intestinal flora. True, here nutritionists could start wailing and shouting that yeast dough is pure harm and poison. But experts in children's diets could argue with reason: fermentation within reasonable limits is sometimes extremely necessary for the child's body.

It’s adults who can think about the fuss of diets, but children have their own canons of development. And therefore, moderately sweet baked goods, and even with a glass of warm milk, are very useful. It’s better to give your child a fresh bun than chupiki or skittles stuffed with chemical dyes. Moreover, if you look behind the scenes of the kindergarten kitchen, it turns out that baking these buns is not at all difficult. So, let's get to work!

Total cooking time – 4 hours 40 minutes
Active cooking time – 0 hours 40 minutes
Cost - very economical
Calorie content per 100 g - 349 kcal
Number of servings – 10 servings

Technological map No. 28.

Cooking technology and quality requirements.

Since we have yeast dough, everything will take quite a long time to prepare, but you will put in very little effort.

Dilute fresh yeast in a small amount of water, about 50 grams. If you have it straight from the freezer, then defrost it at room temperature, and only then dilute it.

Sift 200-250 grams of flour into a bowl, add diluted yeast, 120 grams of warm milk and knead the dough. Sprinkle a little flour on top. This is our dough and it goes to a warm place to rise, for about one and a half to two hours.

I always place a bowl of dough in my electric oven, turn on the light bulb, which heats it to 28-30 degrees, and my dough looked completely “ripe” after an hour and a half.

Melt the butter.

In a mug, mix the egg with sugar, remaining milk and salt. Pour this mixture into a bowl with the dough, sift the remaining flour there and begin kneading the dough. When you already see that it is quite homogeneous, but sticks to your hands quite strongly, then it’s time to add butter. Pour in two batches, mixing thoroughly each time until it is completely incorporated into the dough. After this simple manipulation, the dough becomes soft, smooth and not sticky at all.

Cover the dough with a towel and return to a warm place to rise. It will take about one and a half to two hours to rise. During this time, after about an hour, take it out, knead it and let it rise again. For me it more than doubled in volume after 45 minutes. I kneaded it and after another 40 minutes it completely rose again. That's it, the dough is ready.

Now the most convenient way is to weigh the dough, divide it by 15 (that’s how much it’s designed for) and measure it out in portions. I got about 50 grams for each cheesecake.

Line a baking tray with baking paper and place the formed balls (flatten slightly) of dough at equal, considerable distances from each other. Cover everything with a towel and let rest for another 15 minutes. In the meantime, you will have time to prepare the curd filling.

Turn on the oven to heat up to 200".

Grind the cottage cheese through a sieve, it should be tender and homogeneous. I noticed that in stores you can find already ground cottage cheese, which is very convenient. If it is dry, you can add a tablespoon of sour cream.

Add egg, simple sugar and vanilla to the cottage cheese (or take vanilla essence, vanillin, or do without all this), flour and mix everything well.
Let's return to our baking sheet with buns. We take a wooden pestle or, for example, a mug, the diameter of the bottom of which is approximately five centimeters and make a depression in each future cheesecake for the filling.

The dough will rise back up quite quickly, so you can take turns making a hole and immediately filling it. It is also more convenient to weigh the filling, like the dough, and measure it in portions. Place the formed curd ball in the middle and press down. And so 15 times.

Many people don’t like, or whatever, they hate school, but still the memories of these years remain forever in their memory. Even if you didn’t have a great love for lessons, then everyone without exception adored recess, and going to the cafeteria with the whole class even more so. There were even those who took time off from class and ran to the school cafeteria, and all because they were waiting there...warm and fragrant buns, muffins, cottage cheese and pies. Yes, yes, who doesn’t remember the taste of this muffin: sweet, soft, airy and, most importantly, incredibly tasty.

“School” bun without filling

Everyone probably knows a simple soft school bun. It is small in size, without any filling and one of the cheapest in the school canteen.


  • flour – 0.4 kg;
  • yeast (live) – 10 grams;
  • granulated sugar – 10 grams;
  • butter – 10 grams;
  • ordinary water – 140 grams;
  • fine salt – 4 grams;
  • egg for lubrication – 1 pc.

Step-by-step instruction:

  1. Pour the specified amount of water into a deep container (it is recommended to heat it to 30 degrees first).
  2. Add live yeast to water and dilute until completely dissolved.
  3. Pour half of the total amount of flour into the resulting yeast liquid and stir until smooth. Leave this mixture for two hours so that the yeast begins to act and the dough rises.
  4. The butter needs to be melted (a quick option is to put a regular mug with a piece of butter in the microwave for a few seconds).
  5. After 2 hours, pour granulated sugar into the risen dough, add salt and add the remaining second part of the flour. Knead the dough again (by hand) and leave again for the same amount of time as the first time.
  6. Form the expanded dough into balls of approximately the same size. Leave to proof for 1 hour. After an hour, brush each ball with egg.
  7. The buns are baked in the oven quickly, just a quarter of an hour (at 200°).

The finished baking can be sprinkled with powdered sugar.

School bun with jam

Every schoolchild also knows this bun: a fragrant soft pastry with jam inside. The taste of the filling may vary, but basically it is classic apple jam.


  • warm milk (35° C) – 0.3 liters;
  • granulated sugar – 75 grams;
  • yeast (powder) – 10 grams;
  • a piece of butter - 50 grams;
  • 1 tbsp. l. vegetable oil;
  • salt - on the tip of the knife;
  • flour – 450 grams;
  • egg yolk;
  • jam (thick) - to taste.

Recipe steps:

  1. Pour preheated milk into a deep bowl or bowl.
  2. Add 25 grams of granulated sugar (this is a level tablespoon) and dry yeast.
  3. Mix with a mixer until smooth, cover the bowl with cling film or a kitchen towel, and leave for ten minutes. A foamy “cap” should appear on the surface of the milk.
  4. Pour the melted piece of butter into the milk-yeast mixture. Add the remaining sugar here, pour in vegetable oil and add salt. Mix again using a mixer.
  5. Next, add flour to the bowl, but add it gradually, in parts.
  6. At the end of the kneading, you need to change the attachments on the mixer (for thick dough, attachments in the form of hooks are used), this will make it easier to mix.
  7. Place the dough on a work surface, sprinkle with flour and knead for several minutes, after which the dough will be elastic and not sticky to your hands.
  8. Place a piece of dough in a deep bowl, cover and leave in a warm place for up to half an hour. During this time it will double in size.
  9. Then knead the risen dough a little and divide into 20 pieces (about equal).
  10. Roll out each of them, shape into a square (10×10 or 12×12 cm), add 1-2 teaspoons of thick jam. Connect the opposite ends of the square (you should get a triangle), pinch the open edges.
  11. Place the prepared buns on a baking sheet and wait 10 minutes to proof the products. The baking sheet can be covered with either parchment paper or a special silicone mat.
  12. Brush the buns with yolk and bake (200 degrees, 15 minutes).

Sweet bun "Eight"

The fragrant and sweet figure eight bun is remembered by many for its delicate taste.


  • 3.2% milk (heated) – half a liter;
  • yeast (powder) – 11-12 grams;
  • sugar – 9 tbsp. l.;
  • wheat flour – 4 tbsp;
  • chicken egg – 1 pc.;
  • vegetable oil – 150 grams;
  • salt – 5 grams;
  • vanilla - to your taste;
  • confectionery crumbs.

How to cook:

  1. Mix warm milk, two tablespoons of sugar, one tablespoon of flour and yeast. Wait for the dough to foam. Then add the egg, salt, remaining granulated sugar, vegetable oil, vanilla. Mix.
  2. Combine the resulting mass with flour and make a dough. Give it a spherical shape, leave it for an hour in a warm place, during the process you need to knead it a couple of times.
  3. Then divide the risen dough into 16 equal parts.
  4. Roll each piece into a long sausage and twist into a figure eight.
  5. Leave the products for half an hour, they will increase in size, then brush with egg, sprinkle with sugar and confectionery crumbs.
  6. The “eights” are baked for about 40 minutes at t°180.

Bun with cottage cheese or school cheesecake

We first become acquainted with this pastry in kindergarten, and then at school and in college.


  • flour (premium grade) – 2 cups;
  • powdered yeast – 9 grams;
  • 1 chicken egg;
  • melted butter – 3 tbsp. l.;
  • warm milk – 3/4 cup;
  • granulated sugar - 1 tbsp. l. (for filling and dough);
  • fine salt - half a teaspoon;
  • dry cottage cheese – 0.3 kg;
  • vanillin.

Step by step guide:

  1. For the filling, mix cottage cheese, half a broken egg, a tablespoon of sugar and a little vanilla.
  2. Dissolve a tablespoon of granulated sugar in slightly warmed milk, add powdered yeast, leave for a few minutes.
  3. Then, one by one, add melted butter, the rest of the broken egg, salt, and sifted flour. Knead the mixture so that the dough does not end up sticking to your hands.
  4. Roll 10-12 balls, place on a baking sheet and press each one a little with your palm, leave in this form for 30 minutes.
  5. Make indentations in the middle of the swollen flatbreads and distribute the filling into them. For a beautiful crust color, the surface of the buns can be brushed with egg.
  6. Bake at 200 degrees for 20 or 25 minutes.

These buns are good to eat with cocoa or sweet tea.

Poppy seed buns recipe

Many school leavers associate poppy seed buns with their school years. And for good reason: the aroma and taste of this simple delicacy will not leave anyone indifferent.

What do you need:

  • flour – 500 grams;
  • milk (3.2%) – 200 ml;
  • fresh yeast – 30 grams;
  • chicken egg – 1 pc.;
  • butter (melted) – 4 tbsp. l.;
  • granulated sugar – 75 grams;
  • poppy seeds – 150 grams;
  • any milk – 100 grams;
  • sugar – 70 grams.

for greasing pies.

  1. To prepare the filling, combine poppy seeds, heated milk and sugar.
  2. For the dough, pour flour, granulated sugar into a container, beat in a raw egg, and add salt. Pour in warm milk with yeast diluted in it and melted butter.
  3. Knead the yeast dough thoroughly and leave for three hours.
  4. When the time comes, roll it out to about 3-4 mm thick and spread the poppy seed filling on its surface.
  5. Carefully wrap it in a tube and seal the ends on both sides. Cut it lengthwise into rings.
  6. Place the poppy seed buns on a baking sheet, bake for 40 minutes, oven temperature – 180°.

The surface of the buns can be decorated with glaze if desired.

School buns according to GOST (video)

Undoubtedly, the school canteen is one of the places that many remember fondly. Perhaps the food here was not always pleasing with its quality or taste, but everyone liked the baked goods.

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