Home Flowers Hare horoscope for the year. Rabbit - Pisces

Hare horoscope for the year. Rabbit - Pisces

In 2017, according to the Chinese calendar, the “kingdom” of the Fire Rooster will begin, which will bring many surprises and various surprises. The stars promise a lot of pleasures and various temptations. Of course, not everyone will live so rosy and carefree, not everyone will solve their problems. Luck will smile on some, but it will turn away from others.

But life doesn’t stop there and you shouldn’t dwell on difficulties and give up.

Let's lift the curtain of the near future a little and see what awaits the Rabbit (cat) in the year of the Rooster: horoscope for 2017 for men and women.

In 2017 the Rabbit has a rooster will not spoil you very much with your attention and gifts of fate. The beginning of the year will bring apathy and fatigue, and perhaps even disappointment, to people of this sign. This condition can lead to depression. And all this may be a consequence of the fact that a person does not have a specific goal in life, or any motives and calls to life. If you let everything take its course and indulge only in pleasures, then most likely this will further aggravate the already difficult situation at that time. The person will feel the meaninglessness of his existence.

But if you understand everything well, then not everything is so bad. After all, a horoscope was created to warn about a particular situation, and how to live life depends on the person himself. So everything is in your hands and only you can decide what to do, let everything take its course, or take the reins of your own destiny into your own hands and live so that everything turns out for the better.

Love horoscope for Rabbits

The stars predict for Rabbits an incomprehensible passivity on their part in the love sphere. But in principle, this is not so scary, since their partners show interest in them, if up to this point the Rabbits have managed to find a mate, or simply individuals of the opposite sex are interested in lonely Rabbits.

People born in the year of the Rabbit are distinguished by their attractiveness, both external and internal, which they are well aware of and use this for their own purposes. One can even assume that some representatives of this sign are destined to start a family somewhere in the middle of summer. But here the question arises: will the Rabbits themselves want this union?

In the autumn months, married couples may have disagreements, perhaps even more serious conflict situations. But this forecast, again, is not immediate advice to run away with a divorce petition. You should approach each situation judiciously and learn to resolve all conflicts with minimal damage to the family.

For female rabbits, the Rooster promises easy affairs and attention from the stronger sex. But married women will consider such offers and even compliments unacceptable and will refuse to meet strangers, because they love and value their husbands and, accordingly, will never cheat.
In their careers, women should exercise maximum caution, since there will be many ill-wishers who will watch their every step and try to put a spoke in their wheels.

But rabbits - men will be very lucky in love. Every woman who comes to the attention of a representative of this sign will not be able to resist his charms. Therefore, we advise everyone who plans to build a serious relationship and start a family to safely begin searching for their life partner. In addition, the Rabbit will be given a lot of beautiful candidates to choose from.

The stars also suggest listening to the opinions of loved ones or friends, since their advice can be very helpful and will help you avoid fatal mistakes.

Financial horoscope

And in the financial field, Rabbits will not have much luck throughout the year. It is especially not recommended for those who like this type of income to place bets and gamble. Neither the betting nor the slot machines will bring it to you. Also, stars do not see success in traveling abroad in order to earn extra money, because there may be no income, but even bigger problems may arise.

The only thing astrologers see success in is property transactions. Most likely, the planned sale of a house or apartment will be successful, but according to predictions, this operation should be carried out during the end of winter and the beginning of spring.

At work, Rabbits will deal with their direct obligations without moving up the career ladder. And even if they are asked to lead any group of people, they will immediately refuse the position, since managing a team is not their strong point.

Most likely, a representative of this sign may be visited by the thought of easy money, and perhaps not even through honest means. But this type of income should be abandoned immediately, because this time the stars are not on your side and sometimes it is worth listening to folk wisdom, which says “the slower you go, the further you will go.”

Those involved in business are advised to enlist the support of professional consultants and lawyers. Only in this case will your business succeed.

Rabbits are big fans of spending money; they don’t care whether this item is needed on the household or not. I liked it, bought it and it doesn’t matter how much it costs. Therefore, even with a constant cash flow, their expenses will exceed their income. The stars advise reconsidering the rabbits' needs and comparing them with their capabilities. You should not show your wealth through waste, this is completely unnecessary. It’s better to take a closer look at the people around you and exclude from your circle those who are with you only for your money.

The main cash flow will come from the main source, but you can also look for additional income. This could be working on the Internet. Remember that there is no such thing as extra money.

Health horoscope for rabbit

In terms of health, astrologers also cannot please the Rabbit with anything, since they will not be able to resist various infectious diseases, such as the flu. The only thing that can be advised in this case is to prepare thoroughly for winter. Strengthen your immune system with vitamins that contain fresh vegetables and fruits. As well as a variety of teas with lemon or ginger. It is best to engage in water treatments or visit the pool.

There is also some threat of food poisoning, so you should be careful when consuming foods in your diet. It is recommended to use fresh products and preferably from trusted manufacturers. It is advisable to consume vegetables only those that have grown in gardens and do not contain nitrates. If you have to buy them at the market, then you should remember that each vegetable or fruit has its own time and period.

The stars also warn about exacerbation of chronic diseases, so it will be very helpful to undergo preventive treatment to prevent the disease or at least consult your leading doctor.

What can be added to everything else is that you must always be careful and careful. You shouldn’t be afraid of the future, the main thing is to be prepared for anything. Even if not everything is so rosy predicted for the Rabbit in financial terms or regarding health, but the fact that he will not be lonely and there is an opportunity to find his soul mate means that you can get out of any situation, leaning on someone’s strong shoulder and feeling moral support from a loved one. Any situation can be solved easily if you find the right approach to it.

Horoscopes compiled according to the year of birth are usually indicative. They describe in general terms the situation that will occur in the coming year.

Rarely are the recommendations of such horoscopes specific. More often than not, this is the most likely direction of events. But that doesn't mean everything is overridden. Even if the planets are located in a certain way and influence a person’s destiny, he is able to change it.

The descriptions given by the horoscope simply say that the planets will help or hinder the implementation of what is planned. But in no case does this mean that this is exactly what will happen.

General predictions for those born under the sign of the Rabbit

2017 will be relatively calm for Rabbits. No serious problems, changes or global initiatives are expected. Most likely, this year will be a continuation of previous years. This year is favorable for completing previously started projects. If you have been trying to sign up for a sports club or quit a job you hate for a long time, but still can’t decide to do it, the Year of the Rooster will bring you good luck.

The Rabbits' success at work this year will not be significant. Most likely, everything will proceed as usual. You shouldn't hope for serious promotions, but the danger that you will be fired is not very high. Both to get a promotion and to get fired you will have to work hard.

In the personal life of the Rabbit, the Rooster will contribute to stability and strengthening of relationships. This is a favorable time for establishing connections within the family and resolving protracted conflicts. In 2017, Rabbits will find it easy to make compromises and concessions in family life.

Work and career for those born under the sign of the Rabbit

As mentioned earlier, the Rabbit should not expect radical changes in his career. His position throughout the year will be strong and stable. Colleagues, bosses and friends will help him strengthen his connections at work. If the Rabbit wants any changes from him, it will require significant effort. You will have to work hard, learn new things, and improve your professional level. But at the same time, these efforts will not be in vain; they will improve the situation and add stability to the situation.

If you do not provoke colleagues and superiors with your own behavior, then relations with colleagues will become smooth and calm, conflicts will be minimal.

The Rooster also has a beneficial effect on changing jobs. That is, adaptation to the new team will be easy, quick, and painless. Connections with new colleagues, superiors and subordinates will be established without any problems.

How will relationships with money develop for those born under the sign of the Rabbit?

In terms of money, the Rooster will be favorable to the Rabbit, but not too generous. Don't expect radical changes related to money. Big bonuses, easy money, winnings of large sums, all this is unlikely to affect the Rabbit.

But you should not be afraid of large debts, losses, or failures with money. They will most likely not touch you either.

However, it never hurts to remember to be careful. Don't waste your money, don't waste it in vain. Before you make any transaction, think carefully and calculate it. Being careful this year will bring great luck to the Rabbit. And also, thanks to prudence, this sign can receive small but stable cash winnings throughout the year.

Love horoscope for 2017 for those born under the sign of the Rabbit

In love, the Rabbit will be very lucky during the sign of the Rooster. This time is favorable for starting a family. Love relationships will be full of joy and carefree. Showing concern for your partner will be especially effective. Men should more often please their ladies with gifts, walks together, and tender conversations. Since the return from the partner will be very great. Women are encouraged to cook deliciously, admire, express gratitude, and show tenderness towards their men. This will help strengthen, deepen and trust your relationship with your partner.

In 2017, Rabbits can expect a new addition to their family. Children born under the sign of the Rooster will be obedient and talented, and will bring a lot of joy to their parents in the future.
The second half of the year is favorable for dating. If you are still single, be sure to take advantage of this. In the second half of the year, romantic acquaintances will last a long time, there is a possibility that they will develop into a serious relationship or marriage. Novels will be full of tenderness, passion, emotions.

It will also be easy to make friends. You should not give them up, as they may be useful in the future for building a career or solving any life issues. Be open to new communication, friendly, calm, and show gentleness and restraint when communicating.

Health for those born under the sign of the Rabbit

The Rooster will please the Rabbit with good health. All year round the rabbit will experience a great surge of strength and enthusiasm. This time is very favorable for starting to play sports or attend a sports section. The beneficial influence of such beginnings will bear fruit almost immediately.

If you are planning to lose weight or improve your physical condition, the Rooster opens up all the possibilities for you. Planetary support for such endeavors will be very strong this year. If you have been sick for a long time, have chronic diseases, or have any health problems, look for a doctor and undergo a course of treatment. The likelihood of a positive outcome with treatment is quite high.

The Rooster will not negatively influence the Rabbit, loading his life with stress. If you yourself do not provoke situations that cause stress, then there is a high probability that you will not encounter it this year.

Try to live in harmony with yourself, avoid quarrels, spend more time in nature, listen to calm music, and be philosophical about what is happening. This year does not hold much stress and depression in store for you.

And a little more about those born in the year of the Rabbit - watch the video.

Year of the Monkey for the Rabbit (1927, 1939, 1951, 1963, 1975, 1987, 1999, 2011)

Throughout the entire period, the patron of which will be the Rooster, the Rabbit will successfully implement its plans, achieve success and develop. On the one hand, it will seem that you are in the fairy tale “Alice in Wonderland” and everything that surrounds you is somehow unreal and magical. But this is not true at all. Yes, the Rooster and the heavenly bodies will be favorable to those born under the Chinese horoscope sign of the Rabbit, but everything that the Rabbits will have will be achieved only by their own labor. And it doesn’t matter at all whether it’s mental or physical work. Rabbits will be so lucky in business and personal life that it will be difficult to believe that what is happening is realistic. But when they are finally convinced that they are not dreaming, not delirious, and this is real reality, they will be crazy with happiness, which will even more inspire them to take serious steps towards a bright future and decisive actions. Thus, the Rabbits themselves, without suspecting it, will achieve greater success every day in all areas of their habitat. Innate attentiveness, flexibility and speed will help Rabbits overcome all obstacles and solve all the tasks that will confront them during this period. Representatives of your sign are frank, sincere and tolerant, which is important in building relationships with the outside world. The rabbit is distinguished by its generosity, simplicity, openness, good nature and ability to forgive. It is precisely because of these qualities inherent in the Rabbit that the Rooster is so generous with representatives of your eastern sign.

The Rabbit should expect the greatest success in the year of the Rooster in such areas as education, social activities (teaching, medicine, politics, charity, cultural activities and others). The Rooster will reward with an incredibly powerful flow of energy those Rabbits whose interests and priorities are related to nature, crop production or animal husbandry. This period will be especially fruitful and productive for them. The Rooster will adequately appreciate all efforts and labors and reward for backbreaking work with an increase in capital and stabilization of the financial situation. This year the Rabbit needs to be more attentive and careful than at any other time, since the Rooster will demand hard work and perseverance from all signs, which is contrary to the interests of representatives of some signs of the eastern horoscope. They, in turn, will try to take advantage of the Rabbit's agility and kindness to settle their affairs and problems. Therefore, Rabbits should take a close look at those who surround them and are too actively involved in your life. These could be those same energy vampires.

Rabbits by nature are soft and fluffy, flexible and easy to compromise. Therefore, they do not foresee any tangible or visible problems in their personal lives and relationships this year. The Rabbit's behavior evokes in those around him a strong desire to protect him from all troubles and dangers. Therefore, those born in the year of the Rabbit will be surrounded by the attention and care of their family and friends, which will bring a lot of pleasure. In case of conflicting interests, Rabbits will quickly find a compromise solution that will satisfy the needs of each of the conflicting parties. And such a feature of the Rabbit’s character as the inability to be offended for a long time and the ability to forgive will lead representatives of your zodiac sign to the fact that in their personal lives there will be no conflicts or quarrels at all. The Rooster, as a sign of gratitude and favor, will reward the Rabbits with an addition to the family. Therefore, if you have the desire and opportunity to become happy parents, then it is better to realize this dream now, without delaying until later, because it is unknown how higher powers will deal with your desire to continue your family in the future. Moreover, there is a high probability of a child being born under a lucky star, and what could be the best reward for loving parents if not a happy and successful future for their heirs?! In total, Rabbits will spend 2017 the Year of the Rooster in full view of everyone. They will be constantly noticed at parties, various events, promotions, and establishments. They are so energetic and active that they simply need somewhere to put this energy. Rabbits simply cannot sit still. A beautiful, rich, vibrant and emotional personal life awaits them. Thanks to their dynamism, lonely Rabbits will meet kindred spirits with whom they will begin strong and long-term relationships built on mutual sympathy and absolute understanding of each other.

The Rooster will be too generous with opportunities and prospects in the Rabbits’ professional field. And the scope of future success depends on how effectively they are able to use the gifts of the patron of 2017. This year, representatives of your sign are capable of moving mountains, jumping above their heads, but in order to do this, you need to stop underestimating yourself and underestimating your abilities. To do this, it is important to work on self-respect and self-esteem, which, unfortunately, are a little lame in Rabbits from birth. The Year of the Rooster is favorable for a change of environment, a familiar way of life, for undertakings and reasonable risks. Therefore, if one of the representatives of your sign was dissatisfied with wages, relationships in the team and with management, the work itself or working conditions, there is a great chance to change everything radically.

Some of the Rabbits will discover hidden abilities for something new, some will go to get an education in another specialty, and some will simply open their own business, which will bring a lot of profit and pleasure. The horoscope for the year of the Rooster strongly recommends that Rabbits, at the beginning of the year, get rid of all burdensome circumstances and obligations, as well as everything old and unnecessary, in order to free up enough space for new, positive financial energy. Rabbits can expect significant financial profits in the year of the Rooster, but it is important to be a little more judicious and economical in relation to money, otherwise Rabbits risk eating and spending money on absolutely meaningless little things. For this purpose, it will be useful for Rabbits to have their own notebook or diary, in which they will write down all necessary and planned purchases, and it is better to save the remaining funds either for a new, spacious apartment or country house, or for a brand new car. But the most profitable investment will be if representatives of your sign use the bulk of the money they earn and save to expand their business.

Along with the horoscope for the year of the Rooster 2017 for the Rabbit, the site provides information about the Chinese horoscope sign Rabbit with a detailed description and characteristics of this sign in Eastern astrology:

Also see horoscopes for 2018 compiled for the signs of the Zodiac (zodiac constellations), better known to us, the European school of astrology:

Kirill 2019-07-21 18:22:30

Well, it would be very nice to visit Russia too, he-he-he!

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The Year of the Dog for the Rabbit promises to be a period of achieving goals and the emergence of new opportunities. You will be able to overcome the obstacles that previously stood in your way.

For Rabbits in 2018, it is important to be more attentive to the signs of fate. Every new acquaintance in your life will not appear by chance. Overcoming each new challenge will be an opportunity for you to rise one step higher.

The horoscope for 2018 for people born in the year of the Rabbit (Cat) reports that this year will be a time of change. You can change your life for the better and become truly happy. If you are passive and do not do anything to move forward and grow, then, unfortunately, you will not achieve much. Be more active, work on yourself and boldly go towards your goal.

People born in the year of the Rabbit are calm, self-sufficient, good-natured individuals. They rarely enter into conflicts, do not like to quarrel, and often give in and make compromises. The Chinese horoscope states that these people are welcome guests in any home, it is pleasant to communicate with them, they are reliable and neat.

The horoscope for the Rabbit (Cat) promises that there will be no reason for sadness and worry. The yellow Dog will help you all year. For her, the most important thing is loyalty and devotion. A dog will always provide support to kind, sincere and honest people.

Since Rabbits always strive for comfort and home warmth, they will enjoy harmony in their family all year round. These people rarely commit rash acts, always pay close attention to details, do not make hasty conclusions, and trust their intuition.

The dog will be close to the Rabbits and will become your friend and assistant in all matters. She will protect you and protect you from ill-wishers - listen to the signs that she will give you. It is very important.

The Chinese horoscope for 2018 promises that the year will be promising and successful for Rabbits. You will be lucky in business, interesting people will notice you, and they will pay attention to your talent and skills. Your efforts and diligence will not be in vain.

Set your priorities clearly. Understand what matters most to you. Determine your plan of action. Make a list of important things that you absolutely must accomplish in the Year of the Dog. Then strictly follow the plan and go towards your goal.

The 2018 horoscope promises that Rabbits will have good luck throughout the year. This is a favorable period for those who would like to change jobs, master a new profession, or learn something new.

If you have problems in your family, and you absolutely want to settle everything and restore good relationships with your family, you need to devote all your time to solving this problem. And you will definitely succeed. The main thing is desire, willpower, determination.

Decisions should not be made hastily. Intuition has always helped you before, you listened to your heart, and most often it turned out to be right. So continue to live the same way as before. Be attentive to new acquaintances. Among them there may be envious people, ill-wishers who can create a lot of problems for you in the future. This does not mean that you should not communicate with them at all. Just don’t let these people get too close to you, don’t trust them with your secrets, and don’t let those you know little into your plans.

The Rabbit's horoscope states that in 2018 the Dog will try as much as possible to teach you to be wise and more restrained. You are not by nature hot-tempered or aggressive, but you tend to take everything to heart, which leads to problems with the nervous system. Remember that no problem is worth wasting your health on. Try to ignore a lot of things, take things more simply.

The Dog will be very kind and responsive to Rabbits who strive for kindness, purity and sincerity. She adores hardworking and cheerful people. For such individuals, she will definitely become a great assistant. But for those who are accustomed to doing nothing and at the same time demanding attention, recognition and respect from others, the year will not be very successful. No one will bring you anything on a platter, no one will do your work for you. If you are this type, then definitely think about it.

To achieve your goals and implement your plans, rely only on yourself and your strengths. You will need to work hard and create a positive atmosphere for yourself and your surroundings. Don't expect help from anyone, you don't need it at all. Only by overcoming obstacles on your own can you move forward and grow spiritually.

According to the horoscope for Rabbits (Cats), 2018 will be favorable in terms of changing your appearance. This is the right time to finally get rid of those hated extra pounds. Have you been planning to take care of your appearance for a long time, have you gone on diets several times, but all your attempts are in vain? This is entirely your fault.

Make a decision, go in for sports, review your diet. And you will definitely find the reason why you have not been able to achieve the desired result until today. In the Year of the Dog you will have a great opportunity to do this.

If you want 2018 to be a truly successful year for you and help you achieve your goals, then you should:

  • Fight laziness.
  • Lead a healthy lifestyle.
  • Get your appearance in order (if you've been forgetting about yourself lately).
  • Clearly set your priorities and understand what is truly most important to you in life.

Women's horoscope

For Rabbit women, 2018 will be a favorable period for changes in life. If you want to change your life for the better, then you will have a great chance to do this. If you feel lonely, unwanted and not receiving reciprocity from your lover, reconsider your relationship. You may be dating the wrong person.

Good luck awaits Rabbits in the professional sphere. You will enjoy success at work. To do this, you need to make an effort and try to show your best side.

The horoscope for 2018 warns Rabbits not to stop there. Strive to grow even higher professionally. Communicate less with people who are controlled by negative emotions. You don't need this at all. To succeed, you must receive and give only positive emotions.

If you have long dreamed of starting a family, then in 2018 there is a high probability that you will receive a marriage proposal. If you have long dreamed of having a child, but for some reason it didn’t work out for you, in the year of the Yellow Dog you will have a chance to become parents.

If you are tired of your excess weight, then by all means take care of yourself. Give up strict diets - this, as a rule, does not give anything except health problems and metabolic disorders. Watch your diet. Just focus on foods high in protein, eat less flour and completely give up bad habits. The best solution to achieve this goal is sports. Choose the workouts that suit you and schedule days and times to practice.

The horoscope for 2018 for Rabbit (Cat) - women reports that the fair sex will find their happiness. They will become more successful, gain self-confidence and learn new skills. To achieve this, remember that you and only you control your destiny. Only you can change yourself for the better. And only when you are satisfied with yourself, the world around you will become more colorful, positive and vibrant.

2018 is a period of global change for you. This can apply to both work and personal life. Don't be afraid to take big steps. The main thing is to clearly know what you really want and persistently pursue your goal. And then everything will certainly work out for you. This is what the Chinese horoscope promises.

Men's horoscope

What awaits Rabbit men? What will 2018 be like for them? The horoscope for 2018 promises that the Dog will bring good luck to the stronger sex. They will be successful. Their work, determination and perseverance will bear fruit.

Professional advancement is likely. If you are creative, then perhaps you will grow in this regard, and influential people will know about you. If you are an entrepreneur, then your business will certainly take off. The main guarantee of this is your hard work, willpower and great desire. Don’t be afraid of obstacles, they are created only so that, having overcome them, you will become even stronger and more confident. Rely only on yourself and do not wait for outside help.

In your personal life, be faithful, honest, sincere. The dog appreciates loyal people and always helps them in everything. Don't give in to temptations and temptations. This will be a test for you. If you manage to cope with this, you will be rewarded with happiness and success. And if you still give in, then there is a high probability that you will lose your loved one.

Rabbits should be more vigilant closer to autumn. There may be some troubles at work. There is a possibility of conflict with management. Try to avoid this and show restraint as much as possible and give in. This will benefit you: you will once again prove that you are a self-sufficient, strong and resilient person.

The Year of the Dog is the most favorable period for starting a family. If you have not yet decided to take this serious step, then think about it. What could be more beautiful than harmony and comfort at home? In fact, somewhere deep down in your soul you have been wanting this for a long time. If you make a decision and propose to your beloved woman, you will know the happiness of being a loving, beloved husband and a happy father.

Health horoscope

People born in the year of the Rabbit (Cat) must take care of their health, especially their diet. You need to give up bad habits that have accompanied you for many years. The digestive, cardiovascular, and nervous systems will be vulnerable.

The cause of health problems will be your frivolous attitude towards yourself. Plunging headlong into work and personal life, you forget about basic things that are actually very important. Think about yourself, go to a therapist, let him examine you. Tell him about your complaints. You may need to undergo treatment.

Remember that all diseases arise from nerves. Try not to take any problem or trouble too seriously. Think, reason, but don't panic. Everything will eventually fall into place, everything will work out. And your nervous system will be shaken, and this can cause various chronic diseases.

Love yourself, take care of yourself. Watch your diet, exercise, and spend time outdoors more often. Give up fast food, alcohol, make every effort to finally quit smoking. Try to take the positive aspects out of everything.

Love Horoscope

The Chinese horoscope for 2018 promises that the personal life of people born under the sign of the Rabbit will begin to improve. Many will find happiness when they meet their “other half”; many will tie the knot with their loved one. If there was uncertainty in your personal life before, then the Year of the Dog will give you an excellent opportunity to sort everything out.

There is a possibility that you will meet a person whom you once loved, but for some reason you had to break up. This meeting may turn out to be the most important in the life of Rabbits. Even if at this stage this relationship no longer means anything to you, do not ignore this person, do not reject him right away. Give him time, and soon it will become clear to you why this return was necessary.

Lonely Rabbits (Cats) will be successful. There will be a chance to start a new relationship. Perhaps this relationship will soon become important and valuable to you.

Family horoscope

The family life of Rabbits will be harmonious and calm. Of course, there will be some difficulties, but this is only a temporary phenomenon. Astrologers recommend that Cats spend more time with children, walk with them, communicate, tell them about themselves, and also listen to them. In family life, the main thing is not just to listen, it is also important to hear your loved ones.

When the weather is good, go out into nature together. It will be great if you go fishing or periodically have barbecue picnics.

If your family has not yet had a child, then the Year of the Dog will help you. This will be the most favorable period to seriously think about adding a little person to the family. Author: Irina Polesova

For people born under the sign of the Rabbit, 2017 will be a promising year. First of all, this concerns success at work and possible career growth. But only those “rabbits” who can put in a sufficient amount of effort, diligence and hard work will be able to achieve such heights. Those who prefer to wait for “manna from heaven” without doing anything will not deign the stars with their attention. Already in 2016, this sign of the eastern horoscope took the right position - he began to slowly but confidently advance in his career, earning the favor of his superiors. You shouldn’t stop there next year either - the path chosen by the rabbit is the most correct.

Under the auspices of the Fire Rooster, which has great influence in 2017, rabbits will be able to improve their personal life. After all, comfort, mutual understanding between all family members and the opportunity to create their own nest with a loved one in which they can spend their whole lives are extremely important to them. Thanks to these character traits, rare in our time, rabbits have earned the favor of the Owner, who will help achieve the implementation of all existing plans.

The positions of the planets adopted by them in 2017 will especially strongly influence the professional activities of rabbits. But despite the fact that they will not impede career growth, quite the opposite, as mentioned above - complete immersion in work by the end of the year will bear fruit - career advancement, salary growth, or obtaining a new specialty to master the nuances of which will take some time. Some rabbits will wish to receive a second education. The stars will not interfere with this sudden impulse. This year you can enroll in a higher educational institution, or take simple advanced training courses or courses in a new skill for rabbits, for example, hairdressing or culinary. You can be sure that someday in the future this will definitely come in handy.

The distinctive features of people born in the year of the rabbit are their good nature, ease of making friends and cheerful disposition; for this reason, 2017 promises many acquaintances that will bring pleasure from communication and obtaining new information for both parties.

It should be noted that it is for rabbits that the stars foretell a small number of conflicts with the people around them; on the contrary, settling disputes and finding compromise solutions will be the trump card of all rabbits.

Rabbits' love relationships also develop very well. Men in love will give their chosen one gifts and surprises. Women will give their gentleman such a large amount of affection, care and warmth that it would be enough for several more people. It is quite possible that some rabbits at the end of the year will wish to legitimize their relationship through legal marriage. For married rabbits, the Fire Rooster promises an addition to the family. In general, 2017 is a very favorable year for your personal life. Love and mutual understanding will reign in the family.
Among other things, throughout the year the rabbits will experience such a surge of energy that their desire to work, strive forward, and learn something new will be null and void. They will not have to think about possible failures and health problems.

If we consider the whole year as a whole, then it will be joyfully productive and filled with happy moments. Some of the rabbits will receive a new position or status, while others will simply learn to appreciate and enjoy the things they currently have.

What to expect for male rabbits in 2017

In the year of the “fiery rooster,” the stars promise representatives of the stronger sex born under the sign of the rabbit a calm, measured life, which they have already dreamed about a lot. Under favorable conditions, male rabbits will be able to show all their best qualities - creativity, perseverance, the ability to think outside the box, which will definitely be noticed and appreciated by management.

Many people mistakenly believe that this sign of the eastern horoscope is devoid of perseverance; if necessary, it can show enviable perseverance to achieve its goals, thereby proving the presence of ambitions. But despite such successes, some male rabbits will never be able to fully get rid of frequently occurring depression and a pessimistic attitude.

The distrust of people characteristic of most rabbits, which periodically haunts them, can also have a negative effect on achieving goals. You need to work on this side of your character.

In the coming year, male rabbits will try with all their might to avoid conflict situations both with colleagues and with people close to him. If they notice that with their statements they will offend their interlocutor or somehow hurt his interests, they will certainly step aside. Men born in the year of the Rabbit, as a rule, have a very wide social circle - many friends with whom he will certainly keep in touch throughout his life. Friends are a very important component of life, without which he simply cannot be happy.

Astrological forecast for female rabbits

For a woman born under the sign of the rabbit, 2017 promises to be calm and fairly smooth in all directions. If you believe astrologers from the East, then it is in this year that women are born who are endowed with a gentle character, bringing kindness, warmth and tenderness to others. The man who will be next to her will be incredibly lucky; she will be able to make him truly happy. Wherever such a woman is, at work or at home, she will try with all her might to maintain a complacent atmosphere, showing extraordinary diplomatic abilities. In addition, female rabbits take to heart all the words spoken to them, for this reason, people around her need to be very careful about what they say.

Many may mistakenly believe that the soul of this woman is an open book, but this is not at all the case - she keeps a lot of feelings to herself, without showing them to anyone. The rabbit woman is the real keeper of the family hearth. They will make every effort to give their family comfort, warmth and tranquility. For those closest to her, she will play the role of a psychologist - eliminate all conflicts that arise. At work, a woman born under this sign will be a diplomat recognized among her colleagues.

Whatever field she chooses, she will succeed in everything in the year of the “fiery rooster”, just like men born under the influence of the sign of the rabbit. We can say with complete confidence that this is a very favorable year for those born under this sign. They will succeed in any task - the main thing is to make enough effort and the stars will show their favor.

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