Home Flowers Sew a straight skirt with an elastic band with your own hands. How to sew a half-sun skirt with an elastic band with your own hands: patterns. Fabric consumption for a long skirt with elastic

Sew a straight skirt with an elastic band with your own hands. How to sew a half-sun skirt with an elastic band with your own hands: patterns. Fabric consumption for a long skirt with elastic

Even the most inexperienced seamstress can create a pattern for a skirt with an elastic band. This skirt is useful for walking, relaxing, and can be sewn for children. This A-line skirt without fastener is very easy and quick to sew.

Required measurements

To create a pattern, measurements are required:

  • measure hip circumference About= 96 cm
  • length of the product Di= 40 cm

The increase in freedom of fit at the hips is 4 cm (you can take more). In total, the volume of the skirt along the hips with an increase is 100 cm. To construct the drawing, we use 1/4 of this value, that is, 25 cm.

Creating a pattern for a skirt with an elastic band

Layout on fabric

Below are two options for laying out a skirt pattern with an elastic band on the fabric.

1 way- for small sizes, fold the fabric with the edges towards the middle, cut out both parts with a fold - Fig. 5.

Method 2- if the width of the fabric according to the first method is not enough, fold the fabric with the edges to the right. The front part will have a fold, the back part will have a seam in the middle - Fig. 6.

An elasticated skirt is simply irreplaceable in summer. It is suitable for both plump and thin people - it is only important to choose the right fabric and style. Even a novice needlewoman who takes up a needle for the first time can make this, and even silk scarves can be used as the starting material if they are large enough. How to sew a skirt with elastic? Read about it in our article.

What models are there?

To make your own elasticated skirt highlight the best aspects of your figure, first select a style. Straight skirts made of thick fabrics with such a belt are usually not made. Suitable for you:

  • Sun;
  • half sun;
  • “Tatyanka”.

Important! None of these models require a pattern - all markings are done directly on the fabric:

  • The circle skirt is a circle with a notch in the middle.
  • The half-sun is a semicircle, the notch is made at the edge.
  • “Tatyanka” is simply a rectangle sewn into a ring, to which an elastic band is sewn on top or a drawstring is made.

Choosing fabric

The elasticated waist allows for multiple gatherings. Accordingly, the material should be thin enough and drape well. The following fabrics are perfect:

  • natural or artificial silk;
  • chiffon;
  • chintz;
  • satin;
  • gauze;
  • crepe de Chine;
  • fine wool;
  • wool with lavsan and other thin mixed fabrics;
  • knitwear

In short, you can easily find something suitable in the store.

Important! As for the drawing, when sitting down at the typewriter for the first time, choose one that does not need to be adjusted:

  • A cage and large flowers are definitely not suitable for a beginning needlewoman.
  • But a motley sieve with some small butterflies, stars or leaves is just what you need.
  • You can also handle plain materials. In this case, the main color should match the wardrobe items with which you are going to wear this skirt.


Perhaps this is the simplest DIY elastic skirt. One or two seams, fold the bottom and top, insert an elastic band - that’s the whole science. However, even such a simple skirt can have a top that can be decorated in different ways:

  • on a wide elastic band;
  • on the drawstring;
  • on a sewn-on belt with an elastic band inserted into it.

Important! The cutting will be the same, but in the first and third cases, a minimum allowance is left along the upper cut to sew on a wide elastic band or a belt sewn separately, and in the second, double the width of the drawstring and an allowance must be added to the total length.

Fabric calculation

A do-it-yourself summer skirt with an elastic band is made from one or two parts, depending on the width of the cut and the circumference of the hips. First you need to take a few measurements:

  • hip girth;
  • waist circumference;
  • product length.

Hip circumference is measured by the most protruding parts of the body - the buttocks and pelvic bones. In this case, great precision is not needed, since the skirt will be quite loose.

Important! This measurement, like the length of the product, is needed in order to determine the amount of fabric.

There are several options:

  1. If the hip circumference is less than the cut width and you want a not very wide skirt, one length is enough, plus 10-15 cm for the drawstring and hem.
  2. If the hip circumference is greater than the width of the fabric, you will need 2 lengths, plus 20-30 cm for processing.
  3. A cut in two lengths of the product will also be required if you want to sew a very full skirt or make folds.

Important! A skirt made of gauze is sewn in 2-3 layers, and accordingly, the material consumption increases.

Direct “Tatyanka”

The number of gathers and folds in this case will be minimal. Cutting such a skirt is extremely simple:

  1. Fold the cut in half, aligning the edges.
  2. Decide where the top will be and where the bottom will be, and from the top cut, set aside an allowance for the hem of the drawstring and the width of the drawstring.
  3. Draw a line perpendicular to the edges across the entire width of the cut.
  4. Set aside another width of drawstring and draw a line parallel to the previous one.
  5. From this line, lay down the length of the product along the edge or along the fold.
  6. Draw another line perpendicular to the fold.


This skirt has only one seam - it can be located at the back or side. If the fabric is slippery, it is better to sweep it or pin it. The further procedure will be as follows:

  1. Sew the main seam.
  2. Iron the seam allowances and overcast them (by hand or with an overlocker).
  3. Fold the drawstring allowance to the wrong side and iron.
  4. Fold the upper part of the drawstring to the wrong side and iron it too.
  5. Sew the drawstring.
  6. Make a hole in it from the wrong side and overcast it.
  7. Fold the bottom of the skirt by 0.5 and 1 cm, hem it with a blind seam or stitch it.
  8. Insert a regular elastic band.

Lush “Tatyanka”

To sew a fluffy skirt with elastic, you need to take more fabric. This tatyanka is cut almost the same way as the previous one, only there will be two seams, and it is better to place them on the sides.

Important! If you leave edges, there is no need to overcast the seam allowances.

How to sew a pleated skirt with elastic?

Beginning needlewomen are often scared off by folds. This seems incredibly difficult. In fact, sewing such a skirt is not much more difficult than a straight one. If desired, you can even make pleating if you try hard enough. The most important thing is to calculate the amount of fabric and mark the folds:

  1. Determine how many pleats you need.
  2. Measure your hips.
  3. Add the allowance to this measurement.
  4. Divide the result by the number of folds - this will be the width.

Important! For such a skirt, of course, you will need a cut of 2 lengths of the product with a width of 140-150 cm.

The belt is sewn on. It is an elastic band or a strip of fabric folded in half with an elastic band inserted into it. The first option is more convenient in many respects.

The skirt consists of two identical panels. It is better to cut directly on the fabric. If you fold the cut in half lengthwise, it will be more convenient to work:

  1. Set aside an allowance from the top cut and draw a perpendicular line to the edges.
  2. From this line, set aside the length of the product, draw another perpendicular to the entire width of the cut.
  3. Set aside hem allowance.
  4. Mark the second panel in the same way.


Start by stitching one of the side seams and finishing the allowances if necessary. Then mark the folds - divide the upper cut into equal sections, their number equal to the number of folds:

  1. Fold the panel like an accordion and place a basting stitch along each fold.
  2. Sew the second side seam.
  3. Sew the elastic tape into a ring.
  4. Baste it to the top of the skirt, stretching it slightly.
  5. Sew the waistband using a zigzag stitch.

Important! Folds can be ironed immediately.

How to sew an elasticated belt for a skirt?

The belt is not necessarily made of elastic tape. It can also be sewn from a strip of fabric, and only then insert a regular elastic band.

Important! Since the skirt will be without a fastener, its length should be equal to the circumference of the hips, otherwise you simply will not be able to wear your creation.

Here is a simple procedure for sewing an elastic waistband for a skirt:

  1. Cut a strip of fabric, the length of which is equal to the circumference of the hips, the width is twice the width of the future belt, plus 1 cm allowances on all sides.
  2. Fold the strip right side out, aligning the long edges.
  3. Iron the fold.
  4. Fold the allowances on the long sides inward and iron them too.
  5. Sew the workpiece into a ring along the wrong side.
  6. Place the top section of the skirt between the allowances and baste.
  7. Sew the waistband close to the edge with a finishing stitch.
  8. On the wrong side, make a hole for the elastic and overcast it.

Making a variety of skirts at home.

Now many mothers remember labor lessons in order to prepare a costume for their princesses. If you are comfortable with a needle and thread, then sewing a skirt will not be difficult. Moreover, the only thing easier than sewing skirts is an apron. Yes, perhaps this comparison is a little exaggerated, but in this matter everything is really insanely simple and elementary.

How to sew a skirt with elastic from tulle, chiffon, mesh with your own hands: models, recommendations for beginners

Children are very easy to learn and train with. Even at special courses (not all, because the curriculum is different everywhere) they start with children's things. Firstly, material consumption is low. Therefore, in case of an error, you can safely redo it (the costs will be minimal). And secondly, the sizes are small, so sewing is faster and easier. Moreover, the female figure already has rounded shapes that can be shaped correctly.

Okay, let's get a little distracted. Let's return, at the beginning, to our tulle skirts. These skirts are perfect for beginner seamstresses (or just hobbyists). As a rule, they are made curvy, so they have the same pattern for all body types and different ages. And yet, it should be noted that tulle is an incredibly light fabric.

What we need to sew a tulle (or mesh) skirt:

  • Of course, the fabric itself is tulle
  • lining fabric - any fabric of your choice, but satin is best
  • rubber
  • bias tape (optional, it all depends on how beautifully you can finish the bottom)
  • You may also need satin ribbons, feathers, rhinestones, beads and flowers

Material consumption depends on the following criteria:

  • length of the product
  • waist circumference
  • number of layers (that is, the size of the pack itself)

Let's look at how to sew a tulle skirt in order:

  1. Of course, we are taking measurements. We have already made a reservation that the waist circumference is needed (plus 2-3 cm for the seams), it is also necessary to measure the estimated length (add another 5 cm).
  2. Fold our fabric in half along a horizontal line. Then, fold it again, but along a vertical line. That is, it does it like the sun.
  3. Some people only fold the fabric twice. But, you must agree that it is easier to work with smaller dimensions. Especially if the skirt is intended for an adult and is quite large in size.
  4. We take 1/6 of our waist and put it from the upper corner (let it be point A) along the fold line down and to the side. And, of course, we set aside the length itself.
  5. It is better to make a tulle skirt in several layers, so its appearance will be much prettier. You don't have to make it too fluffy. And such a la ballerina tutus just look wonderful on little girls. Tie another big bow on their head and they can be married off.
  6. We cut out the lining using the same principle, but its length should be approximately 5 cm less than the main fabric.
  7. It is advisable to take a wide elastic band that matches the color of the skirt. Sew by stretching the elastic. This is done so that the finished product can be easily put on.

IMPORTANT: For children, the elastic band should not be so tight and preferably narrower

  1. Next, all that remains is to sew on our skirt tiers (as many as you have). The main thing to keep in mind is that you fold the fabric itself, then the lining material, and connect the elastic with right sides together. Then, when the product is turned inside out, the seams will be hidden inside.
  2. By the way, don’t forget to trim the edges. In this matter, everything depends on your tastes and imagination:
    • It is enough to walk along the edge and align everything well. That is, remove irregularities (if any arise).
    • For some, it’s enough just to make a neat and beautiful overlock (in this case, the skirt will have a standing and more pronounced shape).
    • Edges treated with bias tape or wide satin ribbon will look very elegant.
    • Recently, decorating the bottom of a tulle skirt with feathers has become very popular. The result is very beautiful and fluffy flounces.
  3. Ready! All that remains is to decorate the product itself with rhinestones, bows, butterflies or other accessories. If you want to make it more discreet, then avoid any decor.

By the way! You can make a tulle skirt without even using a sewing machine. We take an elastic band, tulle mode into strips and simply tie them to the elastic band (tightly to each other). You can even arrange several colors, or you can make the edges into wedges. And one more little tip - take a rubber mesh for a lush tutu. And tulle will be tied to it in layers.

Chiffon skirt - crazy beauty or a hassle in sewing?

You can’t argue with the fact - such a skirt is very airy, delicate, romantic and elegant. But this model has a small drawback - it is an uncomfortable cut. Beginners or those who are working with such fabric for the first time, keep in mind that the material is slippery. Therefore, it is worth fastening it well with pins, taking precise measurements and cutting out the cut very carefully.

The easiest way:

  1. In order to calculate the material consumption, you need to take into account the fact that a chiffon skirt should be moderately fluffy. Therefore, it is worth taking 2 lengths of the product.
  2. That is, we take the material of the required width (as a rule, they are not sold very wide, so you should not cut it to the measured width) into two lengths. For example, the skirt will be 1 meter long, then you should take 2 meters of chiffon.

IMPORTANT: Chiffon must be ironed well, since it is a very wrinkled material.

  1. Sew the fabric on the sides. An important nuance is to process the edges of the chiffon, as it tends to crumble.
  2. The lining can be made of satin material or staple. In general, whatever your heart desires, take such fabric. The lining itself will be shorter than the length of the chiffon skirt. Moreover, you can even make the lower part to the knee, and the upper skirt will have a maximum length.
  3. At the top of the chiffon rectangle we make a line in which the bottom thread will be loosened. After which, you need to pull the same thread and make an accordion. As a result, the chiffon skirt and the lining will be the same size.
  4. Then, we sew the lining part together with the main fabric. Don't forget to trim the edges of the skirt. It is enough to sew the lining with a zigzag stitch. Chiffon can be made in two ways - a regular overlock or folding the fabric.
    • In the first case (that is, with overlock), the bottom of the skirt will be more airy and free.
    • If you tuck the fabric, then the bottom will be more durable. Although the fabric itself is incredibly light, when folded it creates small waves. This isn't a downside, it's just that everyone has different tastes, so keep that in mind.
  5. You can choose a regular elastic band, or a decorative one - this is also a matter of taste, as they say. Also, its color may match or differ from the main tone. Fold the right side over our skirt part and sew.
    • Important point! We take an elastic band of the required length, which is equal to the waist circumference. We sew its ends. Then, in four places (at equal distances) we cut with a sewn rectangle (or square). And carefully (!), stretching the elastic, we make a line. Thus sewing the elastic band to the skirt itself.
  6. Basically, that's all. The result should be small, identical folds on the skirt. If desired, you can come up with some kind of decoration on the belt.

Option #2:

  • We will not go into details and chew on every step. We have already discussed above how to sew a tulle skirt (sun type, but we will look at the pattern below). Chiffon will also look chic in this version, since it is a very light and airy fabric.
  • But! You should carefully make the pattern! Pin the fabric well so that it does not come apart. It is worth cutting out the part very carefully.
  • In this case, the lining can also be made in a circle, or it can be made clearly according to the figure (but not tight-fitting).
  • The elastic should be sewn on, as in the first option with a chiffon skirt. That is, pin in some places and, stretching, stitch.

DIY sun skirt without seams with elastic for beginners: pattern calculation step by step

This skirt is truly like the sun for a girl. She can turn an ordinary image into an unforgettable image. Moreover, this cut is popular both for everyday wear and for evening dresses. It’s worth adding that this is the easiest way to sew a skirt. Basically, above we looked at an example of a skirt that is sewn according to the sun principle (with tulle).

  • half waist circumference (W)
  • skirt length (Di)

Further actions can be done first on paper. If there is no paper of the appropriate size (after all, the pattern must fully correspond to the actual dimensions), then you can glue together leaves of a newspaper or magazine. If your hand is “stuffed” enough, then you can safely start making a pattern on the fabric itself. To do this, fold it in half.

  1. Draw a horizontal line. On the fabric, this will be our fold.
  2. Place point A in the center.
  3. Three segments are laid off from it - the waist line (AT): left, right and down.
  4. AT is equal to 1/3 of the size PO (that is, the half-waist circumference divided by three), from which we also subtract 1 cm. This is done so that the product fits freely. Although, this effect will be given by an elastic band, so this action is not a strict rule.
  5. Well, let's call the remaining two points AT1 and AT2, respectively. It doesn’t matter where to put which point.
  6. Next, most importantly, from the same points (T) we set aside Di (how much you intended there) and put, respectively, points H, H1 and H2.
  7. Connect the dots with semicircles. Just in case: draw T points between each other, draw H points between each other. That's all! The pattern is ready.

To sew a sun skirt you need:

  • Process the bottom. Depending on the fabric, you can only get by with an overlocker, and in some cases you need to fold the fabric.
  • Sew an elastic band on top.
  • If you plan to make a belt, then don't forget to leave some space. But, in this case, it is more convenient to make such a skirt with a seam (the zipper will be inserted into it).

Half-sun skirt with elastic: pattern

A flared or half-sun skirt is the same name for the model. It is somewhat similar to the sun skirt. But, as you may have guessed, this model consists of a semicircle and has at least one seam (well, making it without seams is something out of science fiction). It perfectly emphasizes the female figure and makes the silhouette look like an hourglass. And also, such a skirt will be a wonderful addition to your everyday wardrobe, and, for example, a mini skirt will become a wonderful evening suit.

You also need two sizes:

  • product length (Di)
  • half waist circumference (W)

We are making a pattern. In the same way, fold the fabric in half. But! Now we get not a circle, but ¼ of a circle. Ideally, of course, first draw on paper and then transfer to fabric.

  1. For example, put point A in the right corner
  2. From it we also set off points T, T1 and T2. They are calculated according to the following scheme:
    • Divide pot by 3
    • Then we multiply this number by two
    • Subtract another two centimeters (for a loose fit)
    • Although, if the model has elastic, then you don’t have to do this. An elastic band will remove extra centimeters
  3. Place point T to the left, T1 – down, and T2 – diagonally
  4. Then (!) from point T2 up along the same diagonal we place point T3 at a distance of 2 cm
  5. Connect points T, T1 and T3 with a bent line

IMPORTANT: These two centimeters are removed because the fabric is stretched in any direction

  1. Well, now, accordingly, from T, T1 and T3 we set aside the length of the skirt. We get points H, H1 and H2, which we also connect with a semicircular line

How to sew a skirt like this:

  • Yes, elementary! Sew the seam (it's the only one)
  • Process the bottom. If necessary, sew the edges with an overlocker (or a zigzag stitch)
  • Fold the top of the skirt so that you can insert an elastic band. That is, tuck it like below, but take into account the width of the elastic
  • And don't forget to leave a small hole for this action
  • After the elastic is inserted, this hole is carefully sewn up

How to sew a long, floor-length skirt with elastic: pattern

A floor-length skirt looks very beautiful, but looks good on tall and slender girls. A very interesting option would be when there is a mini lining under a long skirt (made of translucent fabric). The material can be anything, but preferably light enough. Then the skirt will look more delicate and sophisticated. To make a pattern for a long floor-length skirt with an elastic band, consider several options.

  1. A sun skirt will look great with a floor length. We have already discussed above how to make a pattern for this model. Therefore, we will not repeat ourselves.
  2. We also discussed the second option in detail above - this is a half-sun.
  3. There is another way to sew a floor-length skirt, which is a little similar to a chiffon skirt (also described in detail).

  • If the fabric is translucent, then you should also take lining fabric. If the fabric is not see-through and is dense enough, then you can refuse without a lining.
  • An excellent option would be, for example, viscose. But you can take any material you like. The advantage of this example is that such fabric is incredibly easy to work with. True, when cutting, you still need to fasten the parts well. It does not crumble or wrinkle.
    • We need to measure the waist - along it we cut out the elastic +1 cm on the seam.
    • We measure the hips (Ab) and add 4 cm on each side. This is done so that the skirt fits freely.
    • And, of course, the length of the product itself (Di).
  • Cut out a rectangle. To be on the safe side, we sew a zigzag stitch around the entire perimeter. We make an accordion on top (with a loosened lower thread).

  • We attach the elastic band in some places to the top of the rectangle. And, stretching it, we sew it on.
  • All that remains is to make one more seam to connect the part into the skirt, and finish the bottom (that is, tuck it in).

How to sew a skirt with elastic tatyanka: pattern

This skirt is considered simple, versatile and easy to sew, as well as incredibly romantic and feminine. Thanks to its style, it makes the figure very beautiful and perfectly emphasizes the waist, and the beard makes it stand out.

You can do it without a pattern. More precisely, do it directly on the fabric. Even a beginner can handle this. You only need two measurements (also):

  • hip circumference (about)
  • skirt length (Di)

How to make a pattern and sew such a skirt:

  • We multiply our Ob by 1.6. This is necessary to create the necessary pomp.
  • Fold the fabric in half. Set aside the resulting size and our length. Don't forget about seam allowances
  • We cut out a rectangle and sew the seam, and also overlock the edges
  • For convenience, you can make an accordion, but you can do without it
  • We fold the elastic band (sewn) right sides together with the skirt itself. We chip in some places
  • And then we stretch the elastic very well and make a stitch. As a result, the folds should appear on their own due to such a belt.
  • All that remains is to process the bottom, iron it and the skirt is ready

How to sew a six-piece elastic skirt: pattern

Another model that will perfectly hide figure flaws (especially if they are in the hip area). And also, it will be able to emphasize the graceful waist. Most often, it is made long midi (but no one prohibits maxi and mini). It’s just that in this version it hides a little of the leg, giving more mystery to the image. But, at the same time, it attracts the male gaze.

Required measurements:

  • product length (Di)
  • half waist circumference (W)
  • semi-hip circumference (HB)

How to make a pattern:

It’s worth noting right away that only one wedge is drawn (and cut out too). More precisely, only half of the wedge. She then applies it to the fabric folded in half. Although this is a matter of taste. You can cut out a whole wedge at once. They are sewn together later, so take into account seam allowances.

  1. We put a T point at the top.
  2. We put our length down from it (point H).
  3. Also, from point T, we also lower the size of the hips (where they are located) and draw point B.
  4. From these three points we draw horizontal lines to the sides. And calculate the width of the wedge.
    • At the waist, TT1 will be equal to 1/6 PO. But! If the skirt has an elastic band, then make 1/5 of the size (or just add 1 cm, if there is excess, remove it) so that you can put it on easily.
    • For the hips the calculation is the same. Just initially add 2 cm to the original measurement so that there is a loose fit. And also divide by 6. Set aside the resulting number and put point B1.
    • Then, we connect points T1 and B1 and continue this line until it intersects with the line below (H1). But we measure our skirt length (TN) and put point H2 on the same line.
  5. Next, let's start cutting out the waist. We put 0.5 cm down from point T and put T2.
  6. This is a matter of taste - you can expand the wedge a little (by the desired amount of 3-5 cm). In this case, from point H2 we place H3. We connect it to point T. And then, we set aside the length from it again and put H4.

How to sew:

  • We cut out 6 such wedges and sewed them together. Don't forget to process the edges of the product.
  • We make the top in such a way that you can insert an elastic band. Do not forget about the hole for this purpose, which is then sutured.
  • We process the bottom of the skirt. As a rule, for such models they use thicker fabric, so you only need to fold it once (don’t forget about the overlocker).

How to sew a four-piece elastic skirt: pattern

This model differs from the previous version only in the number of wedges. Therefore, we will not go through the entire process again, we will only point out the difference. This also applies to a skirt with eight wedges (or another number).

  • We divide our measurements of POt and POb by this number (number of wedges). That is, we take ¼ of the size. But don’t forget about seam allowances to make the skirt easy to put on. Then, with an elastic band, it will be tightened to the required size.

  • The pattern can be made directly on the fabric, just take into account the seam allowances. Although, it is correct to draw on paper first.

    • Draw a rectangle that will correspond to our dimensions
    • Fold the fabric in half, attach the template and cut it out
    • Sew the seam, finish the edges with a zigzag stitch
    • We wrap the bottom and top. But do not forget that you will need to insert an elastic band at the waist
    • By the way, this is very convenient to do with a pin
    • Attach the elastic, sew up the hole and you're done.

    How to sew a children's skirt with an elastic band for a girl: pattern, tips

    In principle, the pattern for a children's model differs from the adult version only in size. Therefore, we will not delve into this issue in detail. After all, the most popular options are described in detail above. We can only give some advice and recommendations.

    • For children, the option with an elastic band will be ideal. Moms will understand why
    • Of course, the most successful options would be sun, half-sun, tatyanka and tulle skirts.

    • It is better to choose bright colors. After all, childhood is very fleeting, so let the little princesses have more bright colors. And in pastel or classic shades they will still have time to look like
    • And for children's models, you can give free rein to your imagination and imagination in terms of decoration
    • Also, we are not afraid to add various ruffles, bows and frills

    How to sew a skirt with wide decorative elastic?

    On decorative elastic, the work is no different. Therefore, whichever option you have your eye on, feel free to take it and create. We have already considered more than one option on how to sew on an elastic band. Therefore, we will not “chew” in detail. Let's just summarize:

    • took measurements and cut off the required length
    • sewed the elastic together
    • placed on top of the skirt, fastened in some places and stitched
    • the main condition is to tighten the elastic band well

    It doesn’t matter what model or fabric it will be. We have provided your choice of the main and most popular options. Therefore, create and wear for your health!

    Video: Elastic skirt in half an hour: creating at home

A skirt is a waist-length product, the supporting points of which are the waist and hips. Therefore, before sewing a skirt with an elastic band, you need to create a pattern by taking measurements of the waist and hip circumference. You will also need to measure the length of the finished product.


As a rule, a skirt fitted with an elastic band has greater freedom of fit compared to conventional straight and semi-fitting models. The width at the hips and elasticity at the waist included in the design make it easy for novice tailors to sew an elasticated skirt with their own hands without losing appearance and quality.

Necessary materials for making an elastic skirt

  • For a wide model: fabric 140-150 cm wide and a length equal to the length of the finished product + 5-10 cm for processing the belt and hem. If the width of the canvas is less than 120 cm, two product lengths plus processing allowances may be required.
  • For a straight fit: fabric or jersey with hip width + allowances and seams. The length of the cut parts is equal to the length of the product + allowances for processing the belt and hemming along the bottom.
  • Elastic band, length corresponds to waist circumference minus 3-5 cm.
  • Centimeter tailor's tape for taking body measurements and working with a pattern.
  • Chalk or pencil for drawing patterns on fabric.
  • Cutting scissors and pins.


  • Sewing threads for assembling the product to match the fabric.
  • Sewing machine and overcasting machine - overlock (can be replaced with an analogue or zigzag stitch), needles for them in accordance with the thickness and type of fabric.


Lightweight fabrics designed for dresses and skirts with good drape, that is, forming flounces and easy to fold, are suitable. You can choose a material with elastane or synthetic fibers. For long skirts, synthetic or silk chiffon or light tulle are suitable.

A good fit and fit for straight silhouettes will be provided by medium-thick knitted fabrics in weave, ribbed weave, or a more stable combination.

If the composition contains fibers of natural origin that shrink, before cutting it is necessary to decate the fabric: moisten it with a spray or high-pressure steam and iron it.

How to sew a skirt

  1. Draw the details of the two panels on paper or tracing paper. For ease of manufacturing, the parts will be equal in width: a rectangle with the length of the finished product and a width equal to half the half-circumference of the hips.
  2. Place the pattern on the fabric, folded in half along the grain line.
  3. Add seam allowances depending on the type of finishing. Cut out the first piece.
  4. Having placed the resulting panel on the fabric, cut out the second part.
  5. Sew the side seams of the pieces, placing them right sides together.
  6. Finish the edges with an overlocker or zigzag stitch. Press the seam reserves or press them onto the back panel.
  7. Fold the top edge to the width of the elastic, adding 0.5cm of room. Secure it with an iron, pins or running stitch. Sew the drawstring using a sewing machine, leaving a small hole near the side seam on the back panel side.
  8. Insert the elastic band inside, secure the ends of the tape and sew up the hole.
  9. Try on the skirt to determine the length.
  10. Hem the bottom of the skirt using a machine with a double hem or by hand.

Options for skirts with elastic

Skirt silhouettes depend on the intended design and silhouette, the type of material and even its color design. There is one general technological technique in the method of sewing a skirt with an elastic band - processing the upper edge of the product with a drawstring and elastic braid. At the same time, the design, technology of cutting and processing of fabric depend on the type of model.


The easiest way is to sew a straight model from ready-made knitted fabric. In this case, the increase in hip circumference is minimal or even negative. Before cutting, it is recommended to wrap the fabric around the maximum volume of the body (around the hips) to feel the degree of extensibility of the fabric.


Design consists of accurately calculating the width of the product and its length.

Assembly requires minimal effort: sew the side seams on the overlocker, folding them right sides inward.

Making an A-line skirt is similar to the straight version with elastic. The silhouette of this skirt widens at the bottom and does not fit at the hips. The width of the upper cut, however, is equal to the measurement of the half-circumference of the hips with allowances for freedom and seams.


Fluffy half-sun skirt with elastic

A wide, luxurious skirt is cut on the bias across the entire width of the fabric. The length can be just above the knee or reach the floor. The consumption is quite large and amounts to approximately two lengths of the product with an increase for processing the bottom and top cut.


It is convenient to create a pattern for a wide semi-sun skirt directly on the fabric.

Using modeling principles, you can create your own design for a skirt with an elastic band.

Modification options:

  • counter fixed folds;
  • wide stitched belt;
  • decorative stitched elastic braid;
  • two-layer transparent chiffon.

A skirt is one of the oldest items of women's (and in some countries, men's) wardrobe, the basis of which is a rectangular piece of fabric fastened at the waist. Simple skirt models require minimal effort and time in order to turn a piece of fabric lying around in the closet into a stylish new thing.

Tutu - dancer's skirt

The word tutu, which is unusual for our ears in English, refers to a ballet tutu, as well as fluffy tulle skirts that have become very popular. You don't need a sewing machine to make this outfit. All you need to create a spectacular skirt for a children's party, dance class, photo shoot, and, if desired, for a ballroom or even a wedding dress is about an hour and a half of time, a sufficient amount of tulle cut into strips, an elastic band for a belt (2-3 cm wide ) and decorations.

It is best to use narrow tulle in strips 15 cm wide. If it is unavailable, cut fabric of regular width into strips. The most convenient way to do this is using a cardboard template. The length of such a template should be equal to the length of the skirt plus 1 cm.
Creating a skirt begins with a belt. Pulling lightly, determine the desired waist size, add 4 cm and sew (Fig. 1).

After this, using a template, cut strips of tulle, the length of which will be equal to twice the length of the skirt plus 2 cm. For a decorative effect, their ends can be cut off with a corner.

Then a ring made of elastic is put on the back of the chair and strips of tulle are attached to it (Fig. 3). To do this, fold the strip in half and pass both ends through the resulting loop. All knots must be made the same, without tightening the elastic in any way, otherwise the skirt will slide down.

For greater beauty, several colors are alternated in the skirt. Approximately 70 strips are needed for a waist size of 60 cm. The finished skirt is decorated with ribbons, artificial flowers and other decor (Fig. 4)

Romantic "Tatyanka"

The Tatyanka skirt is well suited for thin women with narrow hips. This model does not require the creation of patterns and fitting to the figure; it can be sewn, knowing how to perform only a straight stitch.

For “tatyanka” you will need a wide elastic band and dress fabric (not too thick). First, measure your waist using a thick elastic band, stretching it slightly. Add two centimeters to the measured length and cut it off.

The ends of the elastic are sewn together, the resulting ring is stretched as much as possible and the resulting length is measured - this will be half the width of the finished skirt (in ordinary patterns, the width of the “tatyanka” is equal to one and a half times the volume of the hips). The fabric is folded in half along the measured width (Fig. 5).

Then the sewn belt is fixed at the waist line and the desired length of the skirt is measured. Add hem allowances and attach the waistband, and cut out a rectangle of the desired size.

The cut out rectangle is folded in half with the right sides inward, the side seam is pinned and stitched.

Next, the bottom is tucked and processed, after which they begin the most difficult operation - attaching the belt. To do this, mark 4 main points on the skirt and elastic band with pins - 2 side lines, the middle of the back and front, and then combine them.

Pull the belt evenly, pin the skirt and belt at intermediate points, and then sew them together, stretching the elastic as much as possible. It is best to do this with a zigzag stitch.

For children's and beachwear, you can simply stitch the folded top of the skirt and thread the elastic into the resulting tunnel.

Pleated skirt

Bell skirts

Flared skirts suit any figure. They look simple and elegant, are often constructed directly onto the fabric, have minimal seams and require only two measurements - waist and length. The design of such skirts is based on a circle (sun), with a central hole for the waist. This circle, in turn, is cut out from a square, which, with a large length, requires a lot of fabric consumption. More economical are skirts that are sewn from part of a circle, for example, a quarter-sun skirt. It is based on a square folded twice diagonally (Fig. 9)

The top section of the skirt corresponds to the waist line. Its length should correspond to the waist size, so the radius of the upper circle is determined as twice the waist size divided by three. For example, with a waist size of 60 cm, this radius will be 60 * 2/3 = 40 cm. To this value you need to add the length of the skirt, for example, with a desired length of 110 cm, you will need fabric with a width of more than 150 cm and the same length.

On a folded piece of fabric, mark the boundaries of two partial circles with chalk. This is conveniently done using a ribbon secured with a pin in the upper left corner of the fabric. The radius of the first part of the circle corresponds to the waist volume, as calculated above, the radius of the second is equal to this value plus the length, add seam allowances.

Since the fabric can stretch when cutting, it is recommended to take the length of the upper radius a little less and adjust the size when sewing and trying on. This skirt has a small extension downwards, so you need to control the length of the arc corresponding to the volume of the hips; its radius will be 20 cm greater than the radius of the upper cut. If the hips are wide, you need to lower the line of the top cut by 1-2 cm, and when sewing, adjust it. The skirt is connected along the back seam, into which a zipper is sewn, and a belt is sewn on top, the length of which is 4 cm greater than the waist circumference.

The half-sun skirt is easy to cut and sew, it suits any figure and looks simple and elegant. Its basis is half a circle (Fig. 12), and the radius of the upper semicircle is calculated as the waist volume divided by 3, that is, with a waist of 60 cm, the radius of the upper semicircle is 20 cm. To determine the radius of the lower semicircle, the length of the skirt is added to this number. That is, for a skirt 110 cm long, you will need a rectangular piece of fabric, the width of which is more than 130 cm and the length is more than 260 cm.

You need to cut such a skirt on a piece of fabric folded in half using half of the pattern or by marking directly on the fabric.

The flowing circle skirt is very impressive, it is suitable for slender women. It is cut on the basis of a full circle. The radius of the inner circle is calculated as the waist volume divided by 6 (10 cm for a waist of 60 cm); for the radius of the outer circle, the length of the skirt is added to this value.

A short skirt can be cut from a square of fabric without side seams; in this case, its top is placed on an elastic band. Long skirts are cut from two semicircles; in this case, the fabric consumption can be determined only by placing the pattern on it as tightly as possible.

For those with a thin waist, sewing can be simplified by tying the top with an elastic band (as in a Tatyanka skirt). However, in this case, for the radius of the upper part, it is necessary to take into account not the waist volume, but the hip volume, which, accordingly, will increase fabric consumption.

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