Home Vegetable garden on the windowsill The male name Venus origin and meaning. Meaning of the name Venus. What is important to know? Interpretation of the man's name Venus

The male name Venus origin and meaning. Meaning of the name Venus. What is important to know? Interpretation of the man's name Venus

Each of the names is beautiful and sounding in its own way, but there are some that evoke in us many different emotions. For example, the name Venus is strong, courageous and at the same time incredibly feminine.

Women with this name are gentle and affectionate, but at the same time they have a strong character and inner strength. We will learn more about the character of girls and women bearing this name, as well as the meaning of the name Venus in this article.

The first place we will begin to explore the name Venus is its origin. Since this name is often found among Muslims, many believe that it is of Tatar origin. But in fact, the etymology of the name is different, and even if Muslims use the name Venus, this does not mean that it has eastern roots.

So, this name originates in Greek culture and comes from the name of the goddess Venus, who was distinguished by femininity and unearthly beauty. However, some researchers say that it could also have Spanish roots, although this fact is not supported by convincing evidence. This name, unfortunately, is not in the calendar, so it cannot be given at baptism.

Oh women!

Of course, to find out the meaning of the name Venus, it is necessary to turn to the study of the character of the women who possess it, as well as how their character changed from year to year. If you decide to name your daughter Venus, then be sure that you will have a real young goddess growing up, and this means that she will be distinguished by her good disposition and wisdom.

This girl has great potential, and it is the parents' responsibility to see it and help her discover it. It is also important to note that parents should surround their daughter with love, and the relationship between mom and dad will be an example for her, so it should be truly good.

Venus is an excellent student, she has excellent learning abilities, because without unnecessary cramming she is able to understand and assimilate a wide variety of information. The desire for knowledge is of particular importance to her, so Venus can enter into confrontation with some teachers, proving to them her point of view.

In adolescence, as in childhood, Venus loves art - she enjoys reading, visiting theaters and exhibitions. Young Venus is sensitive and emotional, so she often transfers her experiences to paper and writes poetry.

Venus is often attracted to everything otherworldly and mystical, so parents should not be surprised if their daughter becomes interested in science fiction. This girl will look unusual, and sometimes even extraordinary. In behavior, she can also be straightforward and tough. She often worries when she is criticized and can easily rebuff anyone, even if he is older than her.

With age, Venus becomes more balanced, she tries to keep her emotions under control, but her character is still just as complex. She is independent and doesn’t like it if someone tries to infringe on her ability to do everything herself.

She is a wonderful daughter and a great friend, takes care of her parents, and also always helps her friends. Although Venus tries to control herself, she often ends up in an argument or confrontation with someone who does not share her opinion.

This woman is interesting and unique, and we’ll find out what else her behavior hides right now:

  • Venus respects the norms of morality and morality, but has its own subjective system of values, from which it builds throughout its life.
  • This woman is endowed with full health, but to maintain it, she needs to exercise regularly and watch her diet. In winter, she should dress warmer and toughen up, as she is naturally susceptible to colds.
  • Venus thinks great! She is erudite, has a high level of intelligence, well read, and can be called knowledgeable in many areas of knowledge, both scientific and pseudo-scientific.

  • There will be no difficulties in choosing a profession - Venus can prove herself in any matter. But her willfulness and hot temper may not allow her to get along in the team. Therefore, it is best for such a woman to open her own business, where she can set her own rules.
  • Her intuition is excellent; she senses fluctuations in people’s moods, as well as changes on a more global and large-scale level. You can safely turn to her for advice.

Love and relationships

It is important to consider the issue of love separately. Venus is amorous, there are always men around her who truly idolize her. But she is looking for a reliable, strong, brave companion who can conquer her.

For Venus, it is important that her husband has status and respect in society, because it is next to such a man that she can experience female happiness. She is ready to leave work for the sake of her family and devote herself to raising children, which means that Venus can easily be called a wonderful wife and mother.

Relationships can develop with men whose name is Karp. Most likely, marriage will not be easy with men whose names are and.

It will also be useful for all Venus to know something else:

  • Venus does not celebrate her name day, since her name is not in the Orthodox calendar.
  • The forms of the name are Vinera, Venya, Vera, Nera.
  • The talisman stone is diamond.
  • The patron animal is the peacock.
  • Tree totem – laurel.

Names are what determine our destiny, our character and, in many ways, our lives. Without knowledge about the world of names, life would be boring and not so interesting. Author: Daria Potykan

There are several options for the origin of the name Venus. According to the first version, this name belonged to the Roman goddess of flower gardens, spring and fertility, and therefore acquired the meaning when translated as “mercy of the Gods.” Subsequently, Venus began to be associated with the Greek goddess of love and beauty - Aphrodite. The second version claims that the name is of Latin origin and is translated as “love”, “beauty”, “charm”. Another option is the formation from the Latin word “venero”, which means “to decorate” or from “veneror” - “honor”, ​​“beg”, “beg”, “beg”. According to the Spanish version of the origin (from Venera), the name translates as “shell (clam).” It became widespread among the Tatars.

Name Astrology

  • Zodiac sign: Scorpio
  • Patron Planet: Venus
  • Talisman stone: diamond
  • Pink colour
  • Tree: laurel
  • Plant: rose
  • Animal: peacock

Character traits

In childhood, Venus shows herself to be an artistic, athletic, flexible and capable girl. She is wise beyond her years. The reason for this is the constant quarrels that arise between parents. He studies well at school, quickly grasps new material, but often conflicts with teachers.

An adult representative named Venus has a stubborn, independent and fighting character. She is a powerful, confident and relaxed girl. She tends to express her thoughts and opinions and never give up on them. It is difficult to convince her, she is intractable and does not take anyone’s word for it. He is often disappointed in female friendships, so he prefers to choose men as friends. It is easy to communicate with her, she is very charming, but she is surrounded only by people who have been tested over the years and in life. The girl is sensitive to criticism, but constantly follows the advice of her grandparents.

The secret of the name lies in the independence, sensitivity, firmness, determination and temper of Venus. Throughout her life, she tries to learn to control her emotions, but to no avail. A woman can offend a man with her actions or statements. Distinctive character traits are thrift and prudence; she is also endowed with an analytical mind. The absence of complexes allows her to take a worthy position in society.

The winter owner of the name Venus stands out especially. She is distinguished by her complex character, beauty and popularity among the opposite sex. The peculiarity of a winter girl is activity and a good memory. Born in summer is a kind and caring person. She is characterized by modesty and lack of boastfulness.

Interests and hobbies

Venus reads a lot, especially historical novels and poetry. She loves attending theater premieres and concerts. She is talented and shows interest in music. Prefers active recreation. She is passionate about magic and often tells fortunes to her friends.

Profession and business

Venus constantly changes her field of activity in search of the ideal job and stops only when she finds the right place. The professions of engineer, architect, accountant, and designer can suit her. Shows responsibility and diligence in his work. He enjoys respect and authority in the team. He considers himself smarter than others and worries about the success of his colleagues. It is difficult to move up the career ladder, but it happens that he occupies leadership positions. Becomes successful if you decide to create your own business.


Venus is prone to skin diseases. She has a fairly weak immune system. Often susceptible to colds and bronchitis.

Sex and love

This is a very amorous nature. She quickly gets carried away and just as quickly becomes disappointed in her chosen ones. Having fallen in love, he loses his head and completely plunges into a love affair. As a result, he makes many mistakes due to his contradictory nature. He ends relationships with ease, does not worry for a long time and does not even feel pity for his ex-partner. She prefers to choose temperamental men who have a certain financial situation. Never builds relationships with henpecked people.

Family and marriage

Venus marries early, often the first union is unsuccessful. She finds happiness only in her second marriage, having understood and corrected her mistakes. A woman tries and dreams of creating an ideal family, as well as an ideal relationship. The spouse becomes a man who occupies a high position in society and never limits the freedom of the other half. The bearer of this beautiful name is a jealous but faithful wife. She loves her children very much, is attentive and caring. In everyday life she proves herself to be an excellent housewife. She is hospitable and always enjoys unexpected visits from friends.

For all parents, their children are special, and this is understandable. Naturally, this approach forces many to look for rare, beautiful names that will highlight the uniqueness of the child.

One of these names is the Roman name Venus, which came to us from ancient times, which belonged to the most beautiful goddess of Olympus.

The meaning of the name Venus

Before choosing this name, you should, of course, become familiar with the properties that it imparts to its owner, as well as what it means. So, what can you expect from a child named beautifully and very strongly - Venus? The meaning of the name is “love”. And this great feeling will have the greatest impact on the fate of the bearer of the name, but first things first.


In childhood, Venuses, as a rule, cause a lot of trouble for their parents, since, although they are born strong inside, they nevertheless have very poor health. Even a small draft can cause a severe cold, so the child requires increased attention. In addition, Venus may often experience causeless bouts of anxiety. The atmosphere in which the child is located should be as saturated with love as possible. Venus does not like fairy tales with bad endings, sad music and tragic stories. The inner strength that the name Venus gives meaning can become a cause of conflict, especially with kindergarten teachers and school teachers, since the owners of this magical name always know exactly what they want. This quality should be developed and protected, as it will undoubtedly come in handy in the future, because Venuses are born leaders.


The meaning of the name Venus, namely “love,” will determine many actions when entering adulthood. Venuses are usually beautiful and have an innate charm, which attracts men's attention to them. It is quite difficult for very amorous owners of this beautiful name to maintain long-term relationships. Because of this, they often end in divorce. With age, the situation changes and, entering adulthood, they begin to be attentive to the choice of a spouse, which in the vast majority of cases leads to a long and happy family life.

As for professions, the multifaceted essence of Venus allows them to master any type of activity they like. But beautiful appearance and love for sports, especially rhythmic gymnastics, largely narrow the range of professions. Thus, Venus may become an actress, TV presenter, professional model or master of sports, in which field she easily achieves very good results. Also, the choice of profession can be influenced by innate abilities for art.

Winter and summer

The meaning of the name Venus is largely determined by the two most antagonistic seasons of the year - winter and summer. Girls born in winter need approval from others. They lead an active lifestyle, trying to interact more with people around them, especially men. “Winter” Venus is very stubborn and independent.

Those born in the summer are more likely to be modest and kind. It is more pleasant for them to do a good deed and remain unnoticed, since the reaction of others is not as important to them as the internal assessment of their own actions. “Summer” Venus is more flexible and does not go ahead, although one should not confuse their softness with weakness. They know their worth and, having made a decision, will not deviate from it.

Veneria, Venerka, Venya, Vienna, Venerochka, Nera.

Name Venus in different languages

Let's look at the spelling and sound of the name in Chinese, Japanese and other languages: Chinese (how to write in hieroglyphs): 金星 (Jīnxīng). Japanese: ヴィーナス (Vu~īnasu). Armenian: Վեներա (Venera). Hindi: शुक्र (Śukra). Ukrainian: Venus. Greek: Αφροδίτη (Afrodíti). English: Venus (Venus).

Origin of the name Venus

The name Venus has several versions of origin. According to the most common version, the name Venus is the name of the Roman goddess, who was originally the goddess of flowering gardens, spring, fertility, growth and flowering of all fruit-bearing forces of nature. Therefore, some scientists translated the name Venus as “mercy of the gods.” But later the goddess Venus began to be identified with the Greek goddess of love and beauty Aphrodite, who was the patroness of all Romans.

The name Venus is written “venus” in Latin and is translated as “love”, “charm”, “beauty”. There is also a translation option for “decorate”, derived from “venero”. In general, the two options (Aphrodite and Venus) can be considered as synonyms. One of the planets in the solar system was named in honor of the goddess Venus.

According to the second version, the name Venus is translated from Spanish “Venera” as “shell” (namely a mollusk shell, and not other meanings of the multi-valued term). It is this meaning that is reflected in the image of the goddess Venus in the painting “The Birth of Venus” by the Italian artist Sandro Botticelli. The painting is currently kept in the Uffizi Gallery in Florence.

According to the third version, the name Venus in Latin “veneror” means “to honor, reverently venerate”, as well as “to beg, beg, respectfully ask”, “beg, beg”.

In some countries you may hear the name Venus pronounced as Venus. From the name Venus is formed the female name Veneranda, used in Italy, as well as, in a rare case, the male name Venerando, which are translated as “respected”, “honored”.

The name Venus is widespread among the Tatars, so many believe that the name Venus is a Tatar name. In fact, the name Venus is not an original Tatar name, but was borrowed by them.

Diminutive addresses - Venerina, Nerina, Veneria, Venerka, Venya, Vienna, Venerochka, Nera. The name Nera is also an independent name, and Venya is a diminutive appeal to other names (Avenira, Venedicta, Wenceslaus, Venerius, Vendiamin, Venusta, and others).

Personality of the name Venus

Since childhood, Venus has been more like her mother in character and more like her father in appearance. The parents of the owner of this name often quarrel, which affects the atmosphere in the family. From a young age, Venus begins to understand all the complexities of relationships between people.

The girl shows good talent for music. She is very athletic and flexible. Venus is a capable child. At school, she quickly grasps information. Her only problem is arguments with teachers.

Venus, who celebrates her birthday in winter, has a complex character. She doesn't get along well even with close people. She is beautiful and very popular among the opposite sex. Among her friends, she has more men than women. Winter Venus is active, always busy with something. He does everything with diligence. She has an excellent memory. She knows a lot of poems.

She has a domineering character, which Venus often displays. She always boldly expresses her opinion and never refuses it. The girl is stubborn and independent.

Summer Venus is a caring and kind girl. She never gets hung up on money. Usually modest and not boastful. Venus doesn't like to stand out.

The secret of the name Venus

In childhood, Venus is a sickly and weak girl. She may suffer from runny nose. In addition, he often suffers from acute respiratory infections. Outwardly, such a girl looks like her father, but in character she is more like her mother. She learns early the difficulties that happen in life and gains certain experience. At the same time, this is a capable girl; Venus can devote herself to sports, music or gymnastics. Likes to argue with elders.

Winter Venus is incredibly beautiful and loves to spend time in the company of men. She has a difficult character. This prevents her from getting along with others.

Summer Venuses are unusually kind and caring. They do not know how to save, quickly part with money and treat it with disdain.

Such a woman is amorous and can make many mistakes because of her love. Venus often marries twice; the second marriage is usually successful. She is a wonderful mother and an extravagant woman who loves to stand out and be liked.

Astrological characteristics of the name

Incompatibility of the name Venus

A difficult relationship is likely with Silantium.

Those with the name Venus, as a rule, turn out to be trendsetters for a narrow circle. You belong to a rather thin layer of society, whose representatives, regardless of age and social status, claim that they can “afford not to follow fashion.” The way it is. You carefully monitor how your body itself looks, take care of it tirelessly, thanks to which you have the opportunity to change your style at least every day depending on your own mood. That is why you give the impression of youth for quite a long time, each time appearing in a new look, which allows you to influence the tastes of others.

Compatibility of the name Venus, manifestation in love

Venus, the logical conclusion of a romantic relationship for you is marriage and the creation of a family. Therefore, you and people like you have been and remain the target of matrimonial aspirations of at least half of the adult representatives of the opposite sex. You are serious, reliable and honest; reticence, uncertainty, and precariousness of the situation are unacceptable to you. You are determined to take care of your loved one, regardless of the circumstances. And although your sensual manifestations are often devoid of sentimentality, external shine and ostentatious “beauty,” there will always be someone who will appreciate them.


The basis of your spiritual aspirations is the desire to maintain a stable position and existing status. And use every opportunity that presents itself to strengthen your position in life. If you have to work hard for this, well, you are ready for it.

The “ideal” structure of the world appears to you in the form of a heavily armed fortress, capable of withstanding any siege due to the fact that the storerooms are full and the arsenal is maintained in exemplary order. All “military actions” are calculated in advance to the smallest detail, and you are ready to protect yourself and your family from any external attacks.

But what is an “unshakable stronghold” for you can become a prison for others. By imposing your views on life on your loved ones, you limit their freedom of choice, offering to use their own ready-made solution.

Beware! Many impregnable fortresses fell because someone inside wanted to go outside and opened the gates. You should always remember that your choice must be consistent with those for whose sake it is, in essence, being made.

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