Home Flowers Thyme early minor planting and leaving. Varieties and types of thyme with photos and descriptions. Thyme infusion recipe

Thyme early minor planting and leaving. Varieties and types of thyme with photos and descriptions. Thyme infusion recipe

Bogorodskaya herb (better known as thyme) has long been revered by our ancestors as an aromatic, spicy and medicinal plant.

She "worked" as a doctor, cook, flavoring agent. And in modern gardening, it is given a place in the decor of the landscape.

For me, thyme is a basic garden plant because:

  • unpretentious
  • grows rapidly
  • is evergreen,
  • Smells stunning.

Briefly on each item. After sowing thyme, you can forget about it. Virtually no maintenance is required - maximum cutting off the tops to renew the bush. Thyme (another name for this herb) adores sunny areas and tolerates drought and frost equally easily. The exception is some, moreover, rare varieties.

Thyme is also referred to as: Muhopal, Borovoy pepper, Frankincense, Cebrik, Chavor.

Thyme grows really fast. Twigs in contact with the soil take root, self-seeding sprouts densely and productively. Seedlings transplanted in spring can easily take root in a new place and by autumn they form branched bushes.

Thyme does not freeze in winter and does not shed foliage. He hibernates under the snow. True, in frost, the color of the foliage acquires a gray-purple hue.

This aromatic plant is simply created for garden paths, paths and resting places.

Be sure to plant it so that when you walk, you step on the ends of the branches. And then a walk through the garden will be enveloped in the aromas of the Mediterranean, and you will want to inhale deeper the air saturated with spices.

And thyme, along with other "culinary" herbs, are planted somewhere near the barbecue or summer kitchen, so that they are always at hand.


Thyme ordinary (Thymus vulgaris L.)

  • Growth area: northwest of the Mediterranean, south of France, Krasnodar Territory.
  • Flowering period: June July
  • Color spectrum:pale lilac.
  • Height: up to 50 cm.
  • Growing conditions: sunny places, light fertile soil.
  • Peculiarities:perennial shrub, is a spice, a source of essential oils, a medicinal plant, a valuable honey plant.

Creeping thyme(Thymus sepryllum L .), thyme, Bogorodskaya grass.

  • Growth area: temperate climate of Eurasia.
  • Flowering period: end of May - August.
  • Color spectrum:lilac flowers.
  • Height: up to 15 cm.
  • Growing conditions: sandy soils, sunny locations.
  • Peculiarities:perennial shrub, spice, medicinal plant, honey plant, source of essential oils, spreads along the ground.

Lemon-scented thyme (Thymus x Citrodorus (Pers.) Shreb ), lemon scent.

  • Growth area: natural hybrid originally from France.
  • Flowering period: June August.
  • Color spectrum:leaves are green with yellow or white edging, flowers are light pink.
  • Height: up to 30 cm.
  • Growing conditions: sun, light fertile well-drained soil.
  • Peculiarities:not frost-resistant, requires shelter for the winter,

Early thyme(Thymus praecox Rseudolanuginosus)

  • Growth area: Europe, Caucasus, Turkey.
  • Flowering period: all summer - depends on the variety.
  • Color spectrum:lilac, pink, white.
  • Height: up to 5 cm
  • Growing conditions: fertile, drained, alkaline or neutral soils, sunny locations.
  • Peculiarities:dwarf perennial with small pubescent leaves, used as an ornamental crop has more than two dozen varieties.

Thyme loves the sun, although it can grow in shaded areas. But then its branches will be very elongated, and the curtains will be loose and shapeless.

For tea and flavored oil, thyme inflorescences are harvested, and for use in cooking, only the greens are cut, dried, tied in bunches.

As a spice, only leaves (without stems) are used in dishes.

Thyme is contraindicated in pregnant women, children under 2 years of age and people suffering from thyroid diseases.


The ideal background for thyme is stones.

The color of the stony background is chosen depending on the color of the inflorescences: for lilac and white - dark and red stones, for pink - gray.

In the garden, thyme is a frequent visitor of alpine slides and rockeries. It is planted on the south side of the stones.

Since thyme is a ground cover, its place is in the foreground of the mixborder and in the curb landing. In the photo above: a blooming lilac thyme bush is located in front of an equally fragrant bush .

If your alpine slide is lined with simple crushed granite, then creeping groundcover, including thyme, will be the best plant for it. For a year or two, they will creep over the stones and veil too sharp corners, giving the exposition a more noble look.

Just like chickweed, thyme can be planted on retaining walls, but it is recommended to moisten the masonry with watering from time to time during dry periods.

The photo above is an ideal place for relaxation: the site is lined with stones, in the crevices between which a dwarf species of thyme was planted. Ideal for an outdoor evening out.


The invariable companions of thyme in the landscape are undersized ornamental shrubs - varieties of Barberry Thunberg, dwarf thujas and junipers, Forchun's euonymus, as well as clumps of alpine carnation, a close relative of yaskolka, rock alyssum, sedum, bearded iris. They all have similar watering requirements and love sunny hillocks just as much.

Thyme is a shrub from the labiate family. Perennial. Grows in height up to 30-40 centimeters. Stems with flowers are erect. Leaves are elliptical with short petioles. The flowers are small.

Thyme blooms during the warm season: May - August. Fruit ripening: July - September. The fruits are usually small, no more than 6 millimeters. There are two breeding methods: seed and selective. It grows, most often, on slopes, forest edges, sunny meadows. It is mainly found in the European part of Russia, and partially in the Urals, Siberia and Kazakhstan.


To grow thyme on your own, you should know that the seeds of this plant are not resistant to sunlight. Planting thyme should take place without a strong dusting of earth. The first shoots appear within a maximum of 3 weeks after a stable temperature of 20C and higher is established.

In the first shoot, several branches are formed at the shrub. They are small in size. There is no need to weed them regularly. In the next season, thyme will definitely bloom. However, you should not harvest immediately. Sprinkle earth on the shoots to help them take root.

Thyme is also grown by cuttings. To do this, you need to: cut off the shoots with scissors, free the lower part from the leaves, plant the stalk. Detailed photos of growing thyme using cuttings are available on the Internet.

Water the plant every other day until the first leaves appear. Gradually covered with earth. When the roots grow back, a plant transplant is necessary.

There is no need for deep tillage, as the rhizome is superficial. Nevertheless, the area with the plant must be thoroughly cleared of weeds.

Thyme prefers sunny sides with neutral soils. In a shaded area, the plant will grow slowly and will not have a strong scent.

Types and varieties of thyme

In the culinary arts, several types of thyme are applicable: caraway, lemon, ordinary, creeping. Each of the varieties has its own characteristics that emphasize the taste.

Thyme gives a spicy taste, caraway thyme is more piquant. This is a fairly rare variety that perfectly complements meat and chicken dishes.

As for the lemon variety, it has a citrus flavor that is suitable for seafood.

Healing properties

For medicinal purposes, the collection of thyme is carried out in the first two summer months. Collect only the upper, aerial part of the shrub. Active nutrients are found in leaves and stems. Among them: essential oils, resins, mineral salts, etc.

Also, thyme is rich in various useful acids: cinchona, coffee and others. It is thanks to the various components that thyme is used for medicinal purposes. It has antipyretic and sedative properties.

Also, thyme has antibacterial, disinfectant, sedative and many other effects.

The plant has a beneficial effect on relieving fatigue and improving mood. Breathing becomes even and clean due to its disinfecting properties. Thyme preparations are used for the following diseases:

  • cough;
  • bronchitis;
  • asthma;
  • tuberculosis;
  • rheumatism;
  • muscle pain;
  • gastritis;
  • rash.

Experts also mention the benefits of thyme for the stronger sex. It has a beneficial effect on potency, improves erection and reduces the risk of developing prostatitis.

This plant is often used as a mild diuretic. It improves food digestion, bowel movements and appetite. Works great against worms. It is often prescribed for babies with enuresis or dyspraxia.

It is noteworthy that thyme is included in many medicines. Thyme oil is very popular. It is used in aromatherapy, cosmetology, medicine. Used in making toothpaste and soap. Effective in the treatment of skin diseases. It is practical for removing dental plaque, as it contains thymol.

Experts say research shows that thyme is very effective in fighting blood clots.

Thyme also has many beneficial properties as a condiment. It significantly improves digestion and assists in the better absorption of heavy foods such as meats, legumes and potatoes.

It is often used in the manufacture of sausage and cheese products.

Essential oil

The thyme flower contains up to two percent of the essential oil. It is a thick and dark mass. Has a rather pungent odor.

After double distillation, all harmful substances evaporate from the oil. The essential oil retains only useful components that have a beneficial effect on human health and condition. Among them: thymol, carvacrol and others.

Carvacrol has antibacterial properties. It is widely used in the production of synthetic drugs. As for thymol, it is rightfully considered an antiseptic.

Thyme essential oil is actively used in the production of toothpastes and rinses, as it has a healing effect. Doctors prescribe thyme medications for patients with gum disease.

Thyme's properties contribute to the formation of blood cells. Thanks to them, the body is more active and more effective in dealing with infections.

Photo of thyme

Thyme is a perennial shrub plant (5–40 cm high) with thin stems that grow along the ground. The leaves are small, thin, oval, green. The flowers are also small, pinkish purple, very beautiful. They are collected in bunches at the ends of the twigs. The fruits of the plant are 4 nuts at the bottom of the cup. Thyme is very fragrant and attracts many bees and butterflies during the flowering period. Propagated by seeds or vegetatively.

The flowering period of thyme is June-July. The fruits ripen in August-September. This herb grows in the European part of Russia, in the Caucasus, in Kazakhstan, Western Siberia, Transbaikalia, Ukraine. Thyme can be found on the slopes of ravines or ravines, in forests, it loves sandy soil. On the plowed land, it grows strongly, creeping over bumps. In spacious meadows, you can find large thickets of thyme of a very beautiful pinkish or purple color.

Useful properties of thyme

The medicinal properties of thyme have been known since ancient times. This plant contains many useful elements, such as bitter and tannins, resins, gums, fats, ursolic and oleic acids, vitamins B and C. Its beneficial properties are manifested in antiseptic, wound healing and disinfecting effects on the human body. The herb has found its application in cosmetology, medicine, and the food industry.

It is best to harvest thyme at the beginning of summer, because it is at this time that it is most fragrant and contains a lot of essential oils. The collected raw materials are dried in small bunches, hanging heads down in a ventilated place, protected from direct sunlight.

The use of thyme

Thyme is used not only in folk but also in official medicine. It is part of a baby cough medicine called Pertusin. With bee stings, thyme lotions relieve swelling and pain. Decoctions and extracts from the plant are prescribed for asthma and tuberculosis. It is an excellent sedative for depression, fatigue, neurasthenia. A decoction of thyme is good for bad breath. Essential oil is used as an air disinfectant.

Thyme is also successfully used for coughs, bronchitis, asthma, tuberculosis, whooping cough, intestinal atony and spasms, and abdominal distention. It effectively fights diseases such as articular and muscular rheumatism, copes well with the consequences of bruises and rashes on the body of a non-infectious nature. The plant is included in herbal preparations designed to relieve chronic fatigue syndrome.

Thyme preparations are indispensable for men's health. They prevent the development of prostatitis, eliminate sexual impotence and prevent premature ejaculation. In cooking, thyme is added to all products (potatoes, legumes, sausages, fatty meats) when it is necessary to facilitate the assimilation of difficult-to-digest foods.

Thyme tea

Thyme can be combined with other herbs to treat colds. In addition, the thyme tea itself is delicious and has a wonderful aroma.

Recipe 1. Pour 1 teaspoon of thyme into a quarter of a glass of water, bring to a boil and let it brew for 10 minutes. You can pour boiling water right away. After infusion, the tea should be filtered.

Recipe 2. Three tablespoons of black tea and two tablespoons of thyme should be put into a kettle, pour boiling water over and leave for 2 minutes.

Recipe 3. Pour a glass of boiling water over a mixture of lingonberry, St. John's wort and thyme (ratio 1: 1: 1) and let it brew for 15 minutes.

Cough thyme

Infusions and decoctions of thyme have a disinfecting and expectorant effect. They are prescribed for respiratory diseases, colds, asthma and sore throat.

Recipe 1. Pour one tablespoon of dry thyme into one glass of hot water, let it brew for one hour, then strain. The medicine should be taken 1-2 tablespoons three times a day.

Recipe 2. Mix fresh aloe juice with honey with 1 tablespoon of thyme infusion in a 1: 1 ratio. Drink the received medicine.

Recipe 3. 3-4 tablespoons of thyme must be mixed with oregano and mint 1 tablespoon each, pour boiling water over, leave overnight. They drink the remedy like tea.

Recipe 4. The broth or infusion should be left in a container immediately after preparation, without straining, and a towel should be thrown over the head. It is necessary to breathe over the steam for about 15 minutes, then cover your neck with a warm scarf or scarf; it is not recommended to go outside immediately after the procedure.

Thyme for children

Nowadays, many parents prefer to use preparations from natural plants in the treatment of their young children, since synthetic drugs have a lot of side effects and contraindications. One of these beneficial herbs is thyme. It has a calming, disinfecting and antiseptic effect. If the child does not sleep well, then it is enough to make a warm bath with thyme - and the baby's sleep will be healthy and calm. Also, baths are good for rickets and rheumatism.

But when treating with herbs, you should definitely adhere to the recommendations of healers and homeopaths. The correct use of natural medicines gives the best healing effect.

Thyme during pregnancy

Everyone knows that medicines prepared on the basis of natural ingredients, as well as herbal infusions and decoctions, are much better than chemical and synthetic preparations. And, as you know, the expectant mother should think about the health of her child throughout the entire period of pregnancy. That is why pregnant women prefer to use herbs to maintain their health.

One of the medicinal plants is thyme. It gently affects the nervous system of expectant mothers, especially with mood swings. It is also known that some pregnant women eat a lot and often, consuming all foods in a row. Such promiscuity can lead to diarrhea, and this is where thyme decoction can help. If a woman has back or joint pain, then you can make compresses from leaves and flowers.

Attention: pregnant women should use any thyme medications only after consulting a doctor!

Thyme oil

Thyme oil contains tannins, resins, malic and acetic acids, and mineral salts. The oil is obtained from the herb of thyme. The oil also contains thymol, which has antiseptic and antihelminthic properties. Oil is used for various ailments. It is effective for skin diseases, headaches, stomach pains, joint diseases. The oil has a good effect on respiratory diseases, up to tuberculosis and asthma.

Thyme oil is almost indispensable if insomnia, headaches and depression are plagued by. It helps with hair loss, in addition, improves memory and increases attention.

Thyme from alcoholism

Unfortunately, alcoholism is a terrible disease of our people. But it can be cured with thyme. The decoction of the plant contains thymol, which causes vomiting in case of an overdose. This is the basis of the action of the broth of thyme.

Recipe. 15 g of thyme is poured into 250 ml of boiling water, left in a water bath for 10-15 minutes, after which the first infusion is drained and the same amount of water is added again. Take a decoction of 50–70 ml several times a day, after which the patient should be given about 25 g of vodka to drink. Before you drink vodka, you need to sniff it for 5 minutes. 10-30 minutes after the vodka is drunk, a reaction occurs: the patient develops nausea or even vomiting.

Treatment usually lasts 1–2 weeks, and as a result, the patient develops a persistent aversion to alcohol. Be sure to use only fresh broth.

Thyme essential oil

The essential oil is obtained by steam distillation of thyme flowers. Thanks to its expectorant, warming and anti-inflammatory properties, thyme oil has a beneficial effect on respiratory diseases. It is an excellent remedy for the treatment of urinary infections and inflammations.

With its help, you can easily cope with such female diseases as pain and menstrual irregularities. The essential oil stimulates contractions, and the baby is born faster. Thyme is subject to problems with the gastrointestinal tract, and in addition, it improves appetite, improves mood, relieves fatigue, increases alertness and tones the nervous system.

Thyme syrup

Thyme cough syrup
- this remedy is no worse, and maybe even better than the synthetic drugs that we are all used to using, because the syrup is prepared from natural ingredients.

Recipe 1. A small bunch of still flowering thyme should be washed well, finely chopped and allowed to dry. Then the raw materials need to be poured with about 450 ml of water and cooked over low heat, the water should boil by half. The broth should be allowed to cool, then strain it, add about 50 g of garlic (squeeze the juice) and 300 g of natural honey. Mix everything and store in a tightly sealed container. It is necessary to drink the medicine after meals, 1 teaspoon per day. This syrup can be stored for a very long time.

Recipe 2. Finely chop 20 g of dry thyme, pour in about 200 ml of hot water, cook over low heat in a closed saucepan until the water is half boiled away. Dissolve 200 g of honey in a water bath and add it to the broth. The syrup is delicious. Children can be given 1 teaspoonful of this medicine after meals.

Recipe 3. Blooming thyme needs to be cut and folded in a glass jar in layers, alternating thyme with sugar, press down and leave in a dark place for two weeks. Then the syrup is poured into another jar and tightly covered with a lid. Add the agent to tea if you have stomach problems.

Thyme recipes
This decoction of thyme is recommended for stomach cancer. - Pour chopped thyme with boiling water, boil in a water bath for 20-30 minutes. Then refrigerate and strain. The ratio of thyme and water is 1:10.

This broth is used for dysbiosis, headaches, sleep loss and overexertion.... - Put one tablespoon of thyme in 400 ml of water, bring to a boil, cool and strain. You should drink half a glass three times a day.

Infusion for dandruff and hair loss... Pour 250 ml of boiling water over one tablespoon of dry chopped thyme, let it brew for 1 hour and drink 70 g three times a day.

Bath infusion... In five liters of boiling water, you need to pour 100 g of thyme, insist for 30 minutes, pour into the bath. Bathing should be repeated twice a week.

Tincture as prevention of influenza. For 50 g of dry thyme, take 220 ml of 70% alcohol, insist for 10 days in a dark cool room in a glass container at a temperature of 20-25 degrees Celsius, shaking every two days. The maximum shelf life of the tincture is five years.

Prevention of influenza. 20 g of thyme herb, mint leaves and fragrant violet flowers should be poured with 500 ml of vodka, infused for 3-4 days, shaking every day at least twice. Then strain the medicine.

Thyme from pressure

Thyme is often used in herbal preparations for hypertension, so it is useful for people with high blood pressure to drink thyme tea. It dilates blood vessels.

Recipe. Pour one tablespoon of the herbal collection into a glass of boiling water, let it brew for several hours and drink three to four times a day before meals. After drinking, you need to lie down and put a warm heating pad on your feet.

Contraindications to the use of thyme

Despite the many useful properties of this medicinal plant, it has contraindications for use. People suffering from gastritis, diabetes, stomach ulcers and duodenal ulcers - it is undesirable to take preparations based on thyme.

It should be remembered that although thyme is useful for tuberculosis, asthma and pneumonia, as an expectorant, this same effect (expectorant) can provoke complications of these diseases, if the dosage is not taken into account.

Pregnant women need to use the plant in a very metered dose - there may be a threat of miscarriage. Thyme preparations should be treated only after consulting a doctor.

Thyme is grown to decorate the garden and to obtain a useful herb that will cure a runny nose and cough, give strength and energy, and save you from blues. In ancient times, thyme was idolized and considered a miracle cure against all diseases. Today they have not stopped believing in it.

Thyme is a representative of the genus Labiaceae, belongs to the Lamb family. It is a perennial plant that can be cultivated as an annual within the garden. In nature, different types of grass grow everywhere, and large populations are concentrated in the mountains, steppes and river floodplains. This low bush likes sunny calm areas and clear weather. Black thyme is not picky about the mechanical composition of the soil, since it can, thanks to its developed root system, get water from a great depth.

Thyme is unpretentious and viable. The grass does not need feeding and frequent watering. All she needs is space for her long, creeping shoots to grow. Flowering begins early, already in mid-June and lasts until the very cold.


In nature, thyme does not grow as fast as in a cultivated summer cottage. This is because the soil in the garden is more enriched with minerals, which contribute to the rapid growth of creeping shoots. This must be taken into account and timely pruning.

The world of spicy herbs is large and diverse. If we are already accustomed to dill and parsley, then basil, tarragon, hyssop not so long ago ...

Mossy thyme

The lowest representative of the species. The height of the cover is 1-2 centimeters. Creeping thyme. Long curved stems cover the entire surface that comes in the way, braiding foreign objects (stones, fences, other plants). The foliage is small, dark green, growing in a cupped shape. Due to the density of the covering, a dense terry carpet is created, which blooms with lilac flowers in the middle of summer. There are few of them. Mostly mossy thyme is planted as a substitute for moss. Great for landscaping bare areas of the garden.

Crimean thyme

This type of thyme grows on the Crimean peninsula. The bush is a low, highly branching, densely leafy plant. In the south, it can be found in river valleys at the foot of hills and hillocks, next to rocks and mountain ranges. Like all types of thyme, Crimean is unpretentious to soil fertility, so it is safe to plant it where other plants will definitely die. Not good for irrigation and fertilization. Flowering occurs in early June and lasts a month. The fruits are small black seeds that can be used to reproduce the species. All ground parts can be used to craft healing supplies.

Thyme lives in Crimea for several years, and it needs to be covered for the winter, especially in snowless and frosty winters, since fragile shoots do not tolerate cold weather.

Timyan Talieva

The variety was named after the famous Soviet botanist Valery Taliev. It is a spreading shrub up to 15 centimeters high. Centimeter-long leaves are located on long petioles, rarely placed along the stem. Dark pink flowers with purple edging are collected in paniculate brushes.

It grows mainly on stony soils, marls. Flowers bloom in mid-June. The nuts are fully ripe at the end of summer. In nature, it can be found in the Urals in Siberia and the European part of Russia.

Thyme Early Minor

Slow-growing undersized perennial shrub of ground cover type. The height of the cover is only 3 centimeters. Peduncles grow 15 centimeters. Early minor - the owner of a highly developed root system, which go underground to a depth of two meters. The leaves are small, rounded, arranged in pairs on the tiers. The wood of the stems is practically invisible due to the densely dotted leaves. During flowering, loose paniculate inflorescences of pink color, smelling of honey, bloom over the greens. Flowering lasts four months (June to September).

Grows well in sunny areas, but not against partial shade. Drought-resistant, not susceptible to diseases and pests. Low sensitivity to cold, needs shelter for the winter. The variety is well suited for decorating an alpine slide.

Thyme variety Red Carpet

It is characterized by abundant, long-lasting aromatic flowering. Burgundy flowers completely cover the stems and leaves. The height of the casing layer is only 5-7 centimeters. Shoots are long and flexible, growing rapidly. Leaves are silvery green, cornerstone. Ideal for garden decoration. Unpretentious, grows well on loams, but shows itself better on sandstones and rocky areas.

Blooms from June to August.

Thyme sprigs Red Carpet are suitable for brewing delicious aromatic tea with a soothing effect.

Dorflera variety

Found in the Balkans. Rare view. Prefers warm edges, has a low sensitivity to low temperatures. The leaves are spiky, pale green, heavily pubescent with white villi. Blooms all summer with gray-lilac flowers. Unsuitable for cultivation, as it is capricious in the central part of Russia, as well as in the North, full-fledged growth is difficult.

Thyme Lemon-Smelling

A hybrid of French selection. Known for its citrusy scent. The plant has an original color of leaves - they are green-yellow. As the plant ages, their color changes to dark green. The flower petals are pale pink. Before flowering, the thyme carpet is light yellow, and during flowering it is pink. Such beauty will save the garden plot from the routine.

Sensitive to humidity and cold. Poorly tolerates life on loams. When growing thyme as a perennial crop, cover it for the winter. Watering should be sparse. Thyme should only be grown in open, sunny areas. The following varieties are used in landscape design:

  1. Silver Qeen is a cultivar with green foliage bordered by a gray stripe.
  2. Bertram Anderson - light green foliage with yellow streaks.
  3. Golden Duarf - blooms with lilac flowers. The stems exude a strong lemon scent.

Archers gold is especially popular. It is famous for its large yellow leaves and purple flowers.

Common Thyme Compactus

The most common. It is successfully used in landscaping. Compact undersized shrub grows no more than 20 centimeters. Its ovoid dense leaves are glossy on top and pubescent on the inside. The color of flowers can be white, pink, lilac, lilac, burgundy, purple. There are bicolor species. Common thyme blooms throughout the summer. Kompaktus has no claims to the composition of the soil, it works well on poor, poorly filled soils.

Common thyme is usually used for decorating garden paths, arranging hedges. The variety belongs to medicinal. It is included in many different medicinal products.

Famous varieties:

  1. Alba - blooms with white flowers.
  2. Splendens - the color of the petals is dark red.
  3. Elfin is a dwarf plant, the height of the stems is no more than 5 centimeters. Blossoms with lilac flowers.

Donne Valey thyme variety

Refers to the lemon-scented thyme group. Compared to other species, it is a tall plant (height up to 35 centimeters). Long curved shoots are decorated with lemon-colored leaves with green veins. At the ends of the stems, multiple flowers are collected in spike-shaped clusters-inflorescences. Donna Valey blooms with purple flowers.

The variety is not winter-hardy, so you need a reliable shelter. Afraid of overflow, picky about the composition of the soil. It is appreciated by gardeners for its decorative effect, which lasts throughout the summer, and a pleasant strong citrus aroma.

Soddy thyme

For a stunted shrub, it is characteristic that even in winter it does not shed fleecy needle-like leaves, which exude a bitter orange scent. Very frost-resistant, never sick, is not exposed to the invasion of pests. It blooms in mid-summer with white or light lilac flowers.

Creeping Thyme

A group of thyme with long shoots creeping along the ground. The branches are densely overgrown with tight glossy cylindrical leaves. Flowers can be of different, unusual colors. There are varieties with white, carmine, pink-purple, coral flowers.

Known for its unpretentiousness. It is easy to propagate with seeds or cuttings. He is not afraid of frost or drought. It shows itself perfectly in well-lit, quiet areas, although it does not mind growing in light partial shade. It begins to bloom in the second half of July. Gives beauty until the very end of summer.


It is creeping thyme that is popularly called thyme or Bogorodskaya grass.

Thyme Subarctic

Thyme of this species is a low semi-shrub with slender thin stems, which form a strong wood at the base by the end of the season. Peduncles are erect, slightly pubescent. The twigs reach 7 centimeters in length. Leaves are elliptical in shape, come across with cilia or whole-edged. Small purple flowers gather in loose, capitate inflorescences. Over time, the flowering inflorescences lengthen, become narrower.

Subarctic thyme is common in the forests of Eastern Europe (Scandinavia). In Russia, it mainly grows in the Murmansk region. Is in a state close to being included in the "Red Book". It grows on sandy soils, along the rocky shores of the seas, mountain streams. Flowering occurs at the end of July and lasts a month and a half. The variety is prized for its high content of essential oils.


Thyme is an amazingly versatile plant. It is appreciated for its decorative effect, long flowering, pleasant aroma and healing properties. And what a floral carpet blossoms in the middle of summer! Such beauty will not be conveyed by any photo! Such a herb will be useful to everyone who has his own garden - it will decorate the garden and cure colds. It is also added to various dishes. Thanks to its unsurpassed aroma and specific taste, this spice will make any treat special. Which thyme to plant in your garden is up to you. Fortunately, there is plenty of choice.

The scientific name of this plant is thyme or thyme, but even within the same country it is called differently. In Russia, in the Arkhangelsk, Kirov, Vologda regions, it is known as Bogorodskaya grass, in the middle lane as a chebarka, hog pepper. Fragrant leaves of a miniature shrub are used in cooking as spices, in folk medicine they prepare infusions for various diseases. The genus of thyme has more than four hundred species and varieties, some of which grow in the wild, and some are cultivated by flower growers. New varieties of plants have been bred (see photo), differing in decorativeness and useful properties.

The name "thyme" is derived from the Greek word "incense", meaning fragrant, fragrant substances. The plant belongs to the numerous Yasnotkovy family, grows everywhere.

Outwardly, all plants are shrubs or semi-shrubs, with a stem height not exceeding 32-35 cm. The stems grow upward, spreading along the ground. The leaves are small, round, oval, linear. The surface is hard, leathery, leaf blades are held on the stem on short petioles. The bushes growing in the Far East have leaves with a jagged edge.

Inflorescences are elongated, capitate, flowers with a cylindrical calyx and a two-lipped corolla. The color range is diverse, in different regions thyme grows with lilac, pink, purple, whitish color. The main flowering period is summer, it begins to produce flowers from the beginning of June and blooms until the beginning of September. By the fall, fruit pods with spherical nuts ripen.

The growing area of ​​thyme is vast, whole clumps are found throughout Eurasia, in the northern part of Africa. Common thyme prefers to grow on the edges of forests, in meadows, along highways. The plant is unpretentious, you can see it in the steppe and on black soil, on rocky rocks and hills, among sandstones.

The leaves and stems of thyme contain essential oils, amino acids useful for the human body. Medicinal decoctions, tinctures are prepared from the dried herb, leaves for aroma are added to tea.

Black thyme is an excellent honey plant, attracting bees and bumblebees to the sites. A low ground cover shrub is irreplaceable in landscape design: for arranging rock gardens, borders.

Varieties and types of thyme

The genus Thyme includes a large number of species. Since 2002, specialists have created a new classification of the genus, where similar varieties are combined into sections.

Thyme purple violet

The beauty and unpretentiousness of this type of thyme was noted by landscape designers. The baby plant barely reaches 8-10 cm, grows quickly and covers large areas with a real green carpet.

At the moment of flowering of the Bogorodskoy grass, the carpet from green turns into lilac-lilac. The sight is beautiful and attractive! Purple-violet thyme needs constant pruning, otherwise the bushes will grow strongly. In the absence of care, the grass suppresses other plants, filling the entire area with itself.

Mountain thyme

In the gorges of the rocks, on the rocky slopes, a beautiful perennial grows with bright pink and purple flowers. Plant with short stems forming an extensive rosette. Height - no more than 15 cm.

The bushes are strongly branched, during flowering, a characteristic spicy aroma is felt. Flowering begins in early June and lasts until autumn. Mountain thyme leaves are an excellent seasoning for soups and meat dishes.

In gardens, it is often planted in rockeries.

On a note!

The plant is drought-resistant. Does not tolerate waterlogging: it blooms poorly and loses its decorative effect.

Chalk thyme

A unique representative of the genus, as it grows practically without soil. It is rarely found in nature, the main growing areas are limestones. Hence the name of the herb - chalky. Blooms late, forming beautiful inflorescences of deep pink color.

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Plant height - 28-30 cm. Few leaves, bare stems. In the conditions of home gardens, they are planted near garden plantings, since the strong aroma of thyme flowers attracts a large number of bees.

Rainbow thyme

A fluffy half-shrub, 18-20 cm high. In the spring it gives early greens very quickly, used as a seasoning for vegetable and meat dishes.

Creeping stems grow widely around. A little more than a month passes from germination to cutting, and the leaves are ready for consumption. The second name is vegetable.

In the plots it is grown as a perennial, but additional shelter is required in winter. In regions with severe winters, thyme bushes freeze without mulch.

Thyme pygmy

The variety got its name for its dwarf growth. In height, thin shoots grow up to 4-5 cm, in dense grasses Pygmy is almost invisible.

Tiny, dark green leaves dot the stems. The plant winters well under the snow, is cold-resistant. The main flowering period is late May - mid July. Undemanding to soils, grows and gives color on poor, poorly cultivated soils. The flowers are pinkish-scarlet in color, form dense cones.

Bedbug thyme

It grows on the territory of the Southern Urals, is one of the plants listed in the Red Book. This rare plant forms a green veil with lilac flowers on the slopes and in the foothills.

The height of the shoots is 13-15 cm, the ovoid leaves are arranged in pairs. Flowering begins from about mid-summer and lasts until September.

Bush thyme

Among its unpretentious counterparts, bush thyme is distinguished by its exactingness to soil fertility. On poor soils, it gives weak rosettes, but on black soil it forms a dark green dense crown.

Height - 20-25 cm, shoots grow up. There are few leaves, but everything is offset by a large number of fragrant flowers. The color of the flowers is white, with a slightly pinkish gleam. This form is recommended for cultivation as a houseplant. Also, bush thyme grows well in containers.

Altai thyme

In Altai, the slopes of numerous mountains are covered with this unpretentious plant. Bushes form a grass cover, plant height - 18-25 cm.

The species is undemanding to soils; it grows better in chalky, calcareous areas. Drought-resistant, prefers to grow in areas well-lit by the sun.

On a note!

Altai thyme does not have lush inflorescences. Lilac and lilac flowers are located separately on the stem.

It begins to bloom early, from about the end of May until September. In addition to being used in cooking, leaves and shoots are used to make medicinal tinctures and decoctions. Valuable honey plant, highly decorative.

Forest thyme

On the edges of the forest, forest thyme grows - a low and unpretentious plant. In height it reaches 18-20 cm, flowers are purple, small in size. The main peak of flowering occurs in mid-summer.

A very aromatic herb that attracts pollinating insects. The honey collected from thyme has an original flavoring bouquet and a spicy aroma. Forest Thyme grows well in shade, but prefers lighted areas.

Pretty thyme

On the slopes of the Caucasus Mountains, in the steppe, a rare representative of the Thyme genus grows - a pretty one. Bushes up to 25-30 cm high. Stems with a large number of small leaves form a green cover. The color of the leaf blades is green, the petioles are short.

Forms inflorescences in the form of panicles, flowers are purple, with a spicy aroma. By the end of July, the fruit-boxes with seeds ripen. The plant is an endangered species, protection is required.

Thyme Sommertime

The variety was bred for cultivation as a pot crop. The plant is compact, with upturned shoots. It reaches 20-25 cm in height.

Shoots are covered with greenish-gray leaves. The plates are elongated in shape, reminiscent of long needles. The variety blooms from late spring to mid-summer, forms luxurious caps of lilac inflorescences.

Mainly grown as an annual, seedling technology is used. It does not tolerate a drop in temperature, when cultivated as a perennial plant, the bushes are brought home for wintering.

The variety is used in folk medicine, cough decoctions are prepared from dried leaves and stems.

Ural thyme

Quite high, up to 30-35 cm, the plant chose the slopes of the mountains of the Southern Urals as its habitat. Unpretentious, growing on any soil, thyme needs a lot of sun. It is often called Siberian thyme. Prefers arid soils, well-illuminated areas. Even with light partial shade, it does not produce inflorescences, it is sick.

In open areas, it blooms magnificently, covering the ground with a fluffy lilac-pink blanket. The aroma of Ural thyme can be heard a few meters before the curtains.

Mossy thyme

A variety of thyme grown for landscaping areas. Feature: low height (2-3 cm), creeping stems. The plant is groundcover, with small, dark green foliage.

The greenery is dense, resembling moss in appearance (hence the name of the culture). The flowering is weak, the plant is mainly appreciated for the dense cap of the leaves. The color of the flowers is lilac.

Crimean thyme

Sensitive to cold snaps "southerner" grows in the valleys between the rocks and mountains of the Crimean peninsula. The unpretentious plant is distinguished by good growth, a strongly branching stem, and a large number of green leaves.

It blooms for only 30-40 days, already by the beginning of July in the Crimea, forming seed pods. When growing on a plot in the middle lane, shelter is required for the winter. In winters with little snow it freezes.

Timyan Talieva

In Siberia, and in the regions of the European part of Russia, this type of thyme is found. The name was given in honor of the scientist, professor of the Petrovsk Agricultural Academy Valery Ivanovich Taliev.

On the spreading, up to 13-15 cm high bushes, there are rare long-petiolized leaves. The inflorescences are collected in a panicle-like raceme, the color is pink with purple blotches. The species prefers stony, rocky soils.

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When used in the decorative design of plots, garden thyme is planted in alpine hills, rockeries. Blooms from half summer to early autumn.

Early Minor thyme

The peculiarity of this variety of thyme is an early set of color and a long flowering period. Paniculate inflorescences with a honey aroma are formed in mid-June, the pods ripen by the beginning of autumn.

Ground cover bushes form a green carpet no more than 3-4 cm high. Long inflorescences rise above the surface of the green bedspread, reaching 12-13 cm. Early Minor is a non-capricious, undemanding variety of thyme. It grows slowly, tolerates prolonged droughts, does not need shelter for the winter.

On a note!

Early Minor more often than other varieties of thyme are used for decoration in alpine slides.

Thyme Red Carpet

A beautiful undersized perennial with elastic shoots and green foliage. Has a strong aroma. In landscape design, they are used to decorate bare areas in the garden.

Plant height does not exceed 6-7 cm. The leaves are triangular, silvery-green. The variety is characterized by fast growth.

Forms numerous inflorescences with large purple and burgundy flowers.

The flowering period is the end of June - August. It is advisable to plant on sandy soils, this guarantees lush flowering throughout the summer.


Belongs to hybrid forms, it is distinguished by beautiful variegated leaves and lush flowering. Feature - rich citrus aroma of inflorescences.

The flowers are pale pink, while the color changes from pale to saturated over the entire flowering period. The plant requires full care: moderate watering, top dressing. It grows better in fertile soil, does not tolerate loam. Gives a lush bloom in sunny areas.

Hybrids with different colored leaves were bred: Bertram Anderson (yellowish-green foliage), Golden Duarf (small green leaves with bright yellow spots in the middle), Silver Queen (green leaves with a silvery border).

Donne Vale

Reaches a height of almost 35 cm, forms multiple shoots of a curved shape. It is appreciated for the decorative foliage - a light salad color with bright lemon and golden spots.

Paniculate inflorescences, purple in color. The hybrid is picky about lighting, soil fertility. It does not tolerate waterlogging, suffers from subzero temperatures, so it must be covered for the winter.

Used in landscape design, planted in rock gardens, as a curb plant.

Ordinary Compactus

Best suited for landscaping the site, as it is considered a non-capricious and unpretentious view. Plants reach a height of 18-20 cm, form a solid green carpet.

Leaves are smooth on the front side, slightly pubescent below. The color picks up in early summer, blooms for a long time, almost all summer. Coloring - lilac, burgundy, pink, lilac, white. In addition to monocolors, varieties with bicolor flowers have been bred.

Dried leaves and shoots are used as a spice, as a raw material for infusions and decoctions in folk medicine. Also, extracts from this variety of thyme are components of various drugs. The most popular varieties: Elfin (purple inflorescences), snow-white Alba.

Creeping Thyme

It combines several types of plants with similar stem structure. Differs in long, creeping shoots on the surface of the earth. The leaves are small, with a glossy surface, bright green in color. On the surface are glands containing essential oils.

Panicle inflorescences, color - white, pink, purple, burgundy, coral. It belongs to unpretentious species, grows on any soil, prefers light partial shade. begins to release flowers from the second half of summer.

Flea thyme

Reclining bushes of this variety of thyme often grow near roads, on hills and mountain slopes. Bushes are dense, with a lot of glossy leaves. The plant reaches a height of 13-15 cm, forms flower stalks in the form of panicles. The color of the flowers is pink, with lilac tints.


Dorflera thyme is found mainly in the southern regions of Europe. The plant is capricious, it loves warmth, a lot of sun, therefore it is not suitable for growing in the middle zone of the Russian Federation.

It grows wild on the Balkan Peninsula. Forms low bushes with strongly pubescent greenish leaves. Flowering is long, inflorescences are small, pale lilac in color.

Thyme Subarctic

On the Kola Peninsula, in the countries of Scandinavia, thyme with numerous purple flowers is found. It is a subarctic species characterized by its hardiness to low temperatures and little illumination.

Shoots grow up to 5-7 cm, leaves with solid edges, bright green. Inflorescences are slightly pubescent, loose. The leaves, flowers and stems of the plant contain a large amount of essential oils.

Refers to rare representatives of the genus, requires protection.


An interesting plant thyme (thyme) fell in love with gardeners and flower growers. It is appreciated for its decorative effect, original aroma and taste of greenery, useful properties. Due to its unpretentiousness, thyme grows in various conditions, so it is easy to cultivate it in summer cottages or at home in pots.

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