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How to quickly pump a character in panzar. Character classes in Panzar - who's the best

How to play as Tank in the Panzar MOBA client game.

The tank is distinguished by a huge supply of health and strong nerves. He refers to and looks like a berserker, but his character and role in battle are completely different. This character is strong, but kind and the main role for him is to protect teammates and hold the key point.

While playing as a tank, it's easy to become the best player for helping the team, but the best player for the damage done is unlikely to be. But tanks are killed less often than others, and if you play carefully, you can go through the team game without ever dying.

Game tactics: How to play as a Tank in Panzar

The whole game for the tank comes from defense. It makes no sense for him to run around the entire playing field after the inquisitor, or, his opponents themselves will come to him at the key point. The main ability of the tank is to hold a magic shield, which protects everyone who is hiding behind it from ranged attacks. And half a team can easily hide behind him.

When it comes to hand-to-hand combat, the tank's main trump cards are a strong block and immeasurable health. For protection in close combat, the tank has several techniques for pushing and scattering enemies.

A blow with a shield knocks down anyone who did not have time to block, however, unlike a berserker, a tank does not have a finishing blow, and a beaten enemy often remains alive (of course, if he did not stand on the edge of a cliff). But it is not so easy for him to escape and heal: a special ability to throw a chain helps to drag the enemy back.

The goal of the tank game is to occupy and hold a control point. Whenever possible, physically pushing enemies out of it and protecting allies with a shield. Ideally, a paladin is hiding behind the tank, who constantly heals him, and enemies knocked down are achieved by a berserker.

The use of a chain is effective in cases where there is a swamp or an abyss between the tank and the enemy, in this case the chain drags the poor fellow straight into a deadly trap. In addition to blows with a shield, the tank uses a kind of protective magic: it can reflect back some of the damage to the enemy, and at high levels of pumping it even becomes temporarily invulnerable.

The transition from holding a magic shield to sword strikes does not require additional button presses, so it happens quickly and easily. So an armored orc is far from harmless, although it specializes in defense. And even if the tank is left alone on the battlefield, he can go into a block and hold on until his teammates come running from the respawn.

Tank skills

Sword wielding

The main weapon of the tank is a sword, which deals medium damage on impact.

Magic shield

The orc holds in front of him a magical shield that protects against shock magic and ranged attacks. For allies, the shield is not an obstacle.


The tank knocks itself on the shield and with each blow its strength grows. After using this ability, the damage from hits is increased. It looks gloomy from the side.

Shield bash

This is the ability to knock down and knock the enemy back if he opens up.

Core ownership

Like a berserker, a long-range attack in a tank is throwing a heavy weight - a core. It hits squares, so it's good to throw a weight into a crowd of enemies.


A chain is hidden under the shield of the tank, which can be useful in different situations. She can be dragged away from an ally of an enemy berserker or prevented from escaping a wounded enemy.


Another technique for wielding a shield. The tank takes cover behind him and scatters enemies on the run.


Magic protection that temporarily takes all the damage. A useful ability if you are left alone against several enemies.

Deafening scream

Doesn't leave enemies indifferent. The camera of all opponents automatically turns to the orc. Perhaps at the same time someone will miss a blow or fall into the abyss.

Reflect damage

Another magic with a shield. When using this ability, some of the damage from the hit is reflected back to the enemy if the hit hits a block.


The tank scatters enemies that are nearby. Allows you to skip the line or free a checkpoint.

How to pump a Tank (Build)

Like other characters, the tank has the ability to pump up to level 30 and spend 29 talents in the altar menu.

For the first three skills, there is no choice: it is an onslaught, a shield strike, and a chain. At the fifth level, there is a possibility of choice, but it is highly recommended to immediately study the passive skill initiation, which adds health and skill. At the next 4 levels, it is possible to study the 2nd and 3rd level of the battle rage, all the levels of the master of blocking and damage reflection.

New levels are reached quickly at the beginning, so in what order it is not very important to learn it, but it is more interesting to try different tank abilities. At level 10, it is worth learning the passive skill the path of a warrior, but then you should think about it.

If your style of play involves improvisation, then you can fully explore the line of possession of the chain and the reward for a kill, and if it is easier for you to play from a block while standing on a point, then you need a line of skills of the master of blocking.

For fans of experiments, there is a paid option for resetting skills so that they can be built in a different way. It is a pity that invulnerability is available for the tank only from level 29, when all other skills have already been learned.

How to play Tank against other classes

An armored tank was born for hand-to-hand combat. Therefore, only other orcs have a chance against him one on one. You need to play carefully against the berserker and, after waiting for a power attack, go into the block. After it, it is easy to knock down with a blow of the shield and finish off the fallen enemy. Reflecting damage usually forces the berserker to retreat and look for another victim. By the way, here.

The battle of two tanks between themselves is for a long time. And there is little sense in it, usually the one who is promptly helped by teammates wins.

Inquisitor and Paladin
The paladin is unlikely to enter into battle with a tank, but from the inquisitor, you need to be wary of a powerful blow in the back and keep the shield at the ready. If the enemy inquisitor is sick (he is preparing to throw a plague), then you need to turn on the magic shield to repel the infection.

Minesweeper and Cannoneer
Against the gunner's turret, a magic shield helps a lot, the main thing is to be able to hold it. And it is convenient to recharge energy from the enemy Tesla with the help of the blocking master. The tank must neutralize the traps and mines of the sapper without removing the block, then there is almost no harm from them. Detailed for those who like to play as engineers.

Sister of Fire and the Ice Witch
The Ice Witch poses a serious danger to the tank if it can freeze it. You can prevent it only if you pull it out in time with a chain or knock it down with a shield, at the same time you will help your comrades. Against the attacks of the Sister of Fire and the Ice Witch, the magic shield helps well, so there are fewer problems with her.

Should you play Panzar as Tank?

The playable class Tank is a serious and solid character that is well suited for those who do not like unnecessary fuss. He is able to protect allied characters with a small supply of health, but is also strong in attack. So a competent tank, whose shield grows from the right place, greatly increases the overall chances of winning.

Panzar is an MMO action game from Russian developers with excellent graphics, a large number of classes and dynamic battles. What could be better? The following review of the Panzar game will acquaint you not only with the gameplay, but also with the character classes, tell you about cheats and mods for successful passage ..

Panzar review - the best creation of Russian developers

From the first seconds Panzar amazes with its graphics - this is not for you with a cubic world. The game is made on the CryEngine3 engine and fully justifies its weight (8GB). The player gets gorgeous landscapes, elaborate models and new player faces, crisp textures and landscapes, as well as many effects. Naturally, you have to pay for such beauty, so ... take a look at the table below.

System requirements for playing Panzar

Parameter Requirement

Windows Vista / 7


Intel Core 2 Duo 2.4GHz

Video card



Disk space

4 GB

Someone will have to upgrade their PC to play Panzar.

The genre of the game is very difficult to define. Most likely, Panzar is an MMO action game with RPG elements. The gameplay is a team-on-team shootout (10v10) using unique weapons and abilities. There is no PvE mode in Panzar, as, for example, in. Here the player is immediately thrown onto the battlefield, where he fights with other opponents. You can play in three modes - team battle, assault and point hold. After the battle, the player drops out various things, chests, ingredients for crafting.

There are 4 races in the game - people, gnomes, elves and orcs. Each race is represented by 2 character classes. In battle, each class fulfills its role. In Panzar there is no typical confrontation, when, for example, orcs are always against the dwarfs, but - everything is here for one. You can create a character from scratch, or buy one that has already been pumped for crystals (1 crystal = 1 ruble).

Character classes in Panzar - who's the best

Newcomers to Panzar often ask on the Internet who is the best character, who is better to play for, who is stronger from such and such. In fact, everyone chooses a hero to their liking and for their style of play, but now we will try to analyze the strengths and weaknesses of each of them.

  1. Tank - represents the orc race and takes all the damage in battle on itself. Has a large supply of HP and armor, as well as a unique ability that protects against bullets from gnomes.
  2. The berserker is the same orc, the owner of a huge club, which deals huge damage. In addition, Berserker takes an attack on himself well because of his strong armor.
  3. Paladin is a person who is responsible for healing allies in battle. You can also fight for the Paladin, but his main task is to restore HP.
  4. The Inquisitor - the second of the human race - is a quiet assassin, capable of becoming invisible and delivering sudden blows from behind. It is quite difficult to play with this class, since the Inquisitor has a small reserve of health, but after gaining experience, you can carry out cunning attacks and go behind enemy lines.
  5. Minesweeper and Cannoneer are two fighters from the dwarf race. In battle, they are responsible for the equipment: they place mortars and machine guns, use traps and cunning traps. Their fairly high speed allows them to dodge orc attacks.
  6. The Ice Witch is an elf who freezes opponents and leads the battle exclusively at a long distance due to the low amount of HP.
  7. Sister of Fire is another elf who knows how to shoot balls of fire at opponents. Also a ranged hero.

Cheats and Codes for Success in Panzar

After registering in the game and reaching a certain level, many people have a question: will I not be able to pump faster? And here cheats for Panzar come to the fore. And although Panzar is similar, there are also a large number of dishonest players who want to get the cherished crystals for free (however, there are promo codes released by the developers for this). There are a lot of ways to hack a game on the Internet, but many of them, according to user reviews, only spoil it: after some programs, the game gives an error or does not start at all.

In any, there is a place for cheats and mods. However, their use remains entirely on the conscience of the players, and the developers themselves do not bear further responsibility for the cheater's account.

Walkthrough of the shooter Panzar - guides for the game

There is nothing difficult in the passage of Panzar - crumbs of rivals to the left and to the right! However, in order to do this, you need to properly pump your character.

A small guide to the Cannoneer:

Some more tips. Use the forge to forge items. First, purchase all available artifacts, and then level 10 things. Increase the chance of upgrading items with runes. Also, to increase the chance of successful crafting, use the ability that can be pumped in the Altar. Craft only at 100% chance, otherwise you can lose a lot of ingredients.

How to quickly level up in Panzar

If you decide to go through Panzar without donation, then it will take about 2 or 3 weeks. With a stable high-quality game and skillful pumping, this period can be reduced to a maximum of 1.5 weeks.However, the fastest way to level up in the game is to buy levels and weapons for real money.

Unfortunately, in this regard, Panzar is not surprising - if you want to be the strongest in a short time, invest real money. This is understandable - after all, the game is free to play, you can easily download it torrent or from the official site. Someone this method suits, but someone continues to fight hard and earn precious experience.

Dear Readers! What do you think: is it worth using donate in Panzar or is it better to play without it? We are waiting for your answers in the comments. Have a nice game!


Everything that will be written below is the personal experience of the players, me and the reviews on YouTube. In this guide, I will help you decide who to choose as a playable character: human, elf, gnome or orc. It is equally important to choose the class of the hero - there are a total of 8 classes in the game, 2 for each race. Each class has its own characteristics that must be used on the battlefield in order to become as effective a player as possible. After reading the characteristics of each race and each class, you can roughly decide who to play for.


1) General characteristics: The cannoneer in Panzar is both a powerful shooter and a support character. As in the case of the sapper, his specialization is the creation of various buildings and structures, but they are more designed for a massive attack of the opponent.
The main weapon of the Cannoneer is the turret, which is capable of firing at opponents at a fairly considerable distance. But this turret will often be attacked by Berserkers and Inquisitors, so you need to install various protective mechanisms around it: an adze, a mine or a trap.
2) Skills: The Turret is a very powerful cannon with a very high range of fire. True, this design is quite large and will certainly attract the attention of enemy Berserkers and Inquisitors.

"Beacon" is an ability that allows you to move a turret to a new location. It is very important to use this skill correctly, then your efficiency will increase several times. For example, if a turret is being fired at by enemy Sorceresses from afar, move it to another place so that it can attack them.

"Trap" is a device that inflicts damage on those opponents who step on it. Suitable for protecting a turret. The trap works very well against Inquisitors if you place it on the approach to the point or next to the structures of the Dwarves.

"Armor" strengthens the turret. Moreover, immediately after using it, the health of both the turret and the Cannoneer himself is restored.

"Buck" is a skill for enhancing the Cannoneer's attack from a long distance. This skill is not popular because of the great return.

Barrel Cooling is very useful when the turret overheats. Thanks to this skill, she starts shooting continuously.

Barrel Swap changes the shells the turret fires to cannonballs. This increases the damage and attack radius of the turret.

Tesla is an electric shock device for protection at close range. Can deal damage to multiple enemies at once. Great for rear protection of a turret and is inexpensive.

The "Construction Golem" is the Gunner's assistant, who repairs all of his structures, as well as builds new ones.

The "gravity mine" hangs in the air for 10 seconds those who are in its area of ​​action. Works well next to the point in conjunction with Tesla.

3) Tactics: In order to increase the level of protection of the Cannoneer, constantly develop his equipment. Do not forget about improving items with the help of "Blacksmithing". Pump over the parameter "Mastery", it directly affects the damage done by structures.

1) General characteristics: Due to the fact that the Minesweeper does not stand out with any physical parameters, he is a support player. The amount of life for this character is at an average level, as well as the amount of damage dealt and the speed of movement. The main specialization of the gnomes is the construction of various auxiliary buildings. This Panzar Minesweeper guide will let you know how to take advantage of this feature most effectively.
2) Skills: "Totem" - a building that restores the energy of allies. This structure is very sturdy and can withstand two powerful berserk attacks.

"Teleport" speeds up the movement of team members from the point of respawn to the place of battle.

"Barrier" is a wall that blocks any damage done by the enemy.

The "blinding grenade" for a few seconds deprives everyone who fell into the field of its action, absolutely all visibility.

"Anti-personnel mine" is effective against Sorceresses and Paladins, neutralizes all spells for 10-15 seconds, and simply does not allow the opponent to pass through itself. It is destroyed quite quickly, but it does a good job of holding back the onslaught of the enemy.

"Tank" is a rather effective attacking structure, it sends projectiles in an overhang. Removes a lot of health from enemies, but is quickly destroyed.
3) Tactics: Totems are best erected near the points that need to be captured. So your allies will be able to recover without leaving the battlefield. Do not ignore the teleporters, because the faster the team gets from the respawn to the point, the higher the chances of winning. Of course, teleports need to be installed in places that are hard to reach for the enemy, but, at the same time, near the point.


1) General characteristics: it is worth starting with the fact that this class is a huge attacking force both in one-on-one battles and in battles against several enemies at once. The number of kills of the whole team largely depends on this character. For a successful and effective game for the Berserker, you need to pump all points in the "Rage" branch, and then develop at your own discretion.
2) Skills: In combat, Berserker uses two main skills: a regular strike and a powerful strike.

Projectiles are ranged weapons that explode wherever you throw them. An excellent skill for using on the approaches to a squad of enemies.

"Dastardly Strike" takes energy and opponents and transfers it to the Berserker.

"Big Jump" helps very well if you need to get to a certain place as quickly as possible in the absence of a teleport.

"Mortal Blow" kills opponents who are on the ground, deals damage to standing opponents.

"Dash" - thanks to this skill, you can become invisible for a while and increase your movement speed. Great if you need to quickly escape from a dangerous place.

Destructive Strike can penetrate enemy blocks, except for the Tank block.

With Whirlwind of War, Berserker becomes even stronger than usual and destroys all enemies in the vicinity. This skill requires a lot of class points and mana, so its use is not always advisable.

Rage - This skill allows the Berserker to increase his attack speed with each enemy killed.
3) Tactics: The most effective is the Berserker who uses his skills wisely. You need to quickly figure out whether to use "Slam", "Fury", or you can just put a block.

Power Strike is very useful against an opponent with his back to you. But if you use it to strike "in the forehead", then the enemy can block the strike and conduct a counterattack.

Do not forget that after the Berserker has applied the skill, he cannot attack and put blocks for several seconds.

1) General characteristics: A tank is an orc who is armed with a shield and a sword and has a very large supply of health. Moreover, with the help of a shield, he can block not only physical, but also magical attacks. The Tank's close combat is at an average level, but, having mastered the Kern, he is able to scatter several enemies at once, causing damage to them.
As a member of the squad, the Tank needs to always be in the forefront in order to draw back the main attacking force of the enemy and allow teammates to attack the opponent's support players.
2) Skills: "Sword Mastery" - allows the Tank to attack enemies with a sword. The attack can be both fast and powerful. A powerful attack, in addition to good damage to the enemy, also gives class points.

Throwing Balls give the Tank the ability to attack opponents from a distance. Moreover, one projectile can attack a whole squad at once. It is best to use this skill to attack fleeing opponents or sorceresses standing at a distance.

The "magic shield" protects the Tank itself, as well as nearby allies and allied buildings. Only three spells can pierce the shield: "Sorka's Curse", "Vizki" and "Heavenly Fire".

Block Master is a passive skill with which you can restore energy while holding a block. This effect only works if someone hits the block.

Shield Master is an ability to improve skill and movement speed when blocking.

Shield Bash allows you to knock the enemy backwards. Suitable if you need to quickly leave the battlefield or if you are attacked from behind.

"Battering ram" is an ability, the essence of which is that the tank gets the ability to break through a squad of enemies. It goes well after the Ice Witch has frozen the opponent's squad, or Berserker has used the "Whirlwind of War".

Onslaught allows you to use energy from holding a block to attack. The skill is best used when the team needs to attack urgently.

With the help of the "Target" you can pull the enemy towards you and throw him.

Kern is a skill that allows the Tank to use long-range projectiles. Suitable for finding invisible Inquisitors, attacking retreating units and enemy fighters standing on the edge.

"Invulnerability" is the most powerful, but also the most expensive skill of the Tank. Thanks to him, the Tank is invulnerable to everything except gravity mines and chains.
3) Tactics: Especially it is not, but in short, always be close to the team and support them with your damage, when capturing points and battles.


1) General characteristics: The Inquisitor is a very interesting class, but rather difficult to master, you need to learn how to quickly and in time become invisible and strike. The main targets of this class are support characters - Sisters of Fire and Ice Witches, Sappers and Gunners. When playing as the Inquisitor, do not forget about the block, because it is very effective for him.
2) Skills: The Inquisitor has an excellent skill called Dust in the Eyes. Under the influence of this spell, the enemy is deprived of the ability to conjure for a while.

Backstab is a passive skill that increases damage from, in fact, backstab.

At early levels, Wolf Instinct simply regenerates health from the damage dealt. Later, with the help of this skill, it will be possible to restore energy and mana.

Blacksmithing is a passive skill that increases the chance of successfully improving items in the Forge.

Kill Bounty is also a passive skill that speeds up the gain of class points.

"Plague" is a skill that is capable of mass destruction of the enemy. Opponent players are slower and weaker under the effect of Plague. But this effect can hurt you too, so use it from a safe distance.

With the help of "Righteous Wrath", the attack speed of the Inquisitor is increased, and "Shackles" will help to delay enemy players.
3) Tactics: First of all, you need to try to attack stealthily due to invisibility, but if this fails, use the almost impenetrable block of the Inquisitor. Do not forget about the massive defeat of the enemy from a distance. Pump over skills that restore energy and health.

Sister of fire.

1) General characteristics: Sister of fire, as you guessed it, is a Magic witch with fire balls, which has the largest magical ranged damage. If you like to shoot from afar then this class is for you. The sister has powerful fire skills, a good team will always take a couple of fire witches with them.
2) Skills: Fireball is the main magic skill of the Sister of Fire, it serves to accumulate class points (CP). You won't scare a fully dressed and experienced player with a fireball, but fleeing wounded players should be wary of him

Hail of Fire (Skulls) - a spell with fast aiming, after its activation, large caliber fire shrapnel will fly at the enemy. In the event of a hit, the enemy will be thrown back and significantly wounded.

Fiery Curse is an intricate skill that is best thrown at a group of enemies. Then, any of the damned, after parting with his life, will explode like a bomb, causing damage to the surrounding environment.

The fiery stream released from the head of Sorka's magic staff is deadly. In the event of a hit, he will not spare either Tank or Inca in the block. Given the duration of the spell's formation, it is best to cover the rear before using the stream.

Ball Lightning fires a single charge that has an increased area of ​​effect compared to Fireball, but less damage.

Heavenly fire is the most powerful, costly and long-lasting skill for the Sister. The elf emits a single fiery projectile that will travel in an arc trajectory, while scattering fiery spray. The enemy who catches this "ball" will go to the forefathers, and those who grab the liquid fire will be engulfed in flames. Usually used in the case of attacking group targets.

A kill reward allows you to quickly gain class points for killing an enemy.

Fire magic is a passive skill that improves the skill of the character and the number of HP points.
3) Tactics: If two teams collided on the battlefield, then the Sister can either take a direct part in it, or stay on the sidelines. In the first case, Sorka's main trump cards are Shockwave, Fire Curse, Ball Lightning. And in the second - priority for shooting Paladins and deactivating Turrets. Also, do not forget about the high-level skill Heavenly Flame, it is equally good for defense and attack.


1) General characteristics: In Panzar, Palladin is necessary for every team, since it prolongs its vitality and removes the negative spells of opponents. It is for this reason that everyone who is not lazy hunts for the Paladin's head, but first of all - the Sisters of Fire, Inquisitors. The Paladin himself is a support character, so he was not given special fighting qualities or a powerful block. As a result, in order to have time to heal your own and not fall under the fire of other people's warriors, you need to have a fair amount of skill. And first of all, to know what the Paladin is capable of.

Our hero is equipped with a scepter as a melee weapon and an icon lamp suspended from chains (censer). In the course of pumping the character, it will be possible to shoot from a bow.
2) Skills: Scepter - activates healing abilities, and in combination is a weapon of the Paladin. In combat, the Scepter makes a regular attack or a powerful strike. The latter option takes time and stamina of the character, however, it promises a lot of damage to the enemy.

The bow appears a little later and allows Pal to shoot enemies from a distance. It is good for the healer himself, but bad for the team, since the experience will not be spent on healing skills. In addition, during battles, such a Pal will actively fight, and not heal

Healing is a skill that allows you to restore a larger number of health points at the expense of your own mana. This is a last resort tool, if you need to quickly distract a bending comrade. Remember, a Paladin without mana is useless!

Sacrifice is a special mark that marks one or a group of allies. If the owner of the brand dies, then the seal is dispelled by the healing powder, and Pal receives several class points.

Mana powder - has an effect similar to the healing one, only restores the mana pool of allies.

Blacksmithing is a passive that increases the percentage of successful points (improvements) of items in the Blacksmith.

Circle of Immortality is Paladin's most powerful skill. It protects the hero from external damage in a small circle. Pal will be able to move, but will not be able to conjure anything.
3) Tactics: be behind the back of the most powerful fighters (Berserker, Tank, Inquisitor), healing them as needed;
do not stay in one place, constantly move in order to complicate the task of the Incas and Sorkam;
making sure that the enemy is targeting your hero, try to escape, but do not leave your comrades for a long time;
you can hide behind the block, however, without fanaticism, it quickly breaks through;
light the Healing Powder more often, it heals not only the team, but also Pal himself;
support Tank with mana, use Manna Powder near him;
before the fight, you should activate the powder of strength, it will increase the speed of casting other spells;
keep the required number of class points for Purification, since sometimes only this can save an ally from harmful magic;
you will have to resurrect allies only as a last resort, when there are few of our own at the control point, and the enemy is already backing up. This skill is eating too many class points that will be useful for other purposes;
The circle of immortality is a very expensive thing that, if desired, can be neutralized by almost every warrior, do not get carried away with it. Only as a quick escape from the Ice Witch's spell;
The main task of the Paladin is to heal, so do not get involved in a fight, do not particularly advertise your presence. Place Fell in the middle of the battlefield, behind Tank, Bers, Inca, and not the front line.

Ice witch.

1) General characteristics: The ice witch, affectionately nicknamed Vizka, has weak indicators of physical damage, movement speed and HP. The main charm of this lady is in powerful spells of control and damage. Vizkas bring a lot of trouble to opponents, shooting artisan gnomes, as well as their buildings. Therefore, the Inquisitors and furious Berserkers hunt for the heads of the Witches. In order to somehow resist the onslaught of the enemy, the Vizkams organized a fairly strong block (about 80% damage).
2) Skills: Mastery of chakrams is the starting ability of the Witch, thanks to which she conducts melee attacks and casts enchantments. A simple punch with chakrams is good when hitting in the back, a more effective thing is to use Powerful Attack (PA). Blocking enemy attacks is also carried out with the help of these magic rings.

Freeze is the most common Wizka spell. It generates an ice front around the elf, gradually freezing enemies. The user must have enough endurance to activate Freeze at the most opportune moment and hit the maximum number of opponents.

Ice ball - when activated, it looks like a weighty piece of ice. Launched by Vizka, the ball is sent flying and when it collides with an obstacle of any kind, it splits, causing damage to everyone who gets close.

Protection from fire - provides immunity to the magic of the Sisters of Fire. The spell absorbs the effect of powerful fire spells (skulls, stream), but the fireballs are reflected from Vizka and fly back to the Sister of Fire.

Water magic, Protective magic, Blessing of water - passives that improve the skill of the Witch, as well as her health reserve.

Curse of Ice is an interesting spell that falls on opponents at medium range. The ice mark will hang on them, until death, and after its onset, ice jets will shoot up into the air. Thus, the killed enemy inflicts damage on nearby allies.

Ice - allows you to freeze some space around Vizka. Opponents in a hurry to hit the elf will not be able to quickly move around this skating rink. A good spell to stop someone's swift attack or attack from behind.

Siren's Scream is a spell that goes well after Freeze. The witch shrieks, causing the ice that bound enemies to crack. Such an execution inflicts great damage on the enemy. The skill is worthwhile, but requires a lot of class points, use it wisely! Suitable for mass use.
3) Tactics: In melee combat, the Ice Witch does not have much chance of winning, more or less you can compete with the dwarfs. In general, however, remember that the Ice Witch has good spells that work at a distance.

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Anonymous comments ...

Ooooh, it got through to the developers, when, with a seemingly suitable toy, for some reason, no one plays in it and for some reason they say about it not quite flatteringly. Well, nothing, the main thing is that they caught themselves and began to level them. Now, figuratively speaking, they walked with a sledgehammer, after half a year with a hammer and a chisel, after another half a year with a plane, and then, look and get to the sandpaper. But this is all irony, well, and a little sarcasm (crowds of hays cutting out everyone in the sandbox, half of the team consisting of engineers or clerics, confusion on the maps, when you don't know where to run the respawn field, a chic "new" crafting system when you put on your lvl it's just not possible, all this is cool and most importantly, a lot of fun). In fact, the balancer nada was not something to equalize, but to present to competitors in WoT and make a new one a year ago, you need to pick up mushrooms (or whatever he smokes there) from the developer of the crafting system, kick the ass to the map developers, then everything will start to play bright paints.

January 23, 2014 10:10 AM Anonymous comments ...

Bravo, I said well, I support, I have always felt sorry for Panzar, it seems that everything is in the game and everything is individually done great, but when you play it, it does not cling to for a long time, very tedious and slow quality in the sense of clothing, the feeling that it lacks the norms of balance, the player's motivation. But in my opinion they realized they were too late, no matter how old she was, 4-5 years, until they put it in order, it will no longer be relevant, and all the greed, all the dough is not enough, everyone was waiting for how to complicate the life of the player so that the crowds would run to donate, and the crowds ran not to donate, but get out of the game, in the end the game is good (technically), but no one plays it :)

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