Home Fruit trees Tatiana's Day: history and traditions of Russian students' day. Tatyana's Day: the history of the holiday and its traditions Tatyana's Day where does this holiday come from

Tatiana's Day: history and traditions of Russian students' day. Tatyana's Day: the history of the holiday and its traditions Tatyana's Day where does this holiday come from

Tatyana's Day is celebrated not only by women named by this sonorous name, but also by all people involved in the student body. This holiday warms frosty January and brightens cold winter evenings. Where did the tradition of celebrating Students' Day come from and why is the name Tatyana closely associated with it?

Tatiana of Rome

Tatiana lived at the turn of the second and third millennia in Rome, during the era of the birth of Christianity. She was raised in a Christian family in an atmosphere of kindness and love. From childhood, the girl said that she loved the Lord and wanted to devote her whole life to him. Having matured, the girl believed in Christ even more and became a deaconess in the Roman community. She helped believers and cared for the sick and poor.

The new state council that came to power forced Christians to worship pagan gods, threatening them with the death penalty. Tatiana of Rome could not betray Jesus and, despite threats, continued to believe in her God. According to legend, the pagans cruelly mocked the girl and subjected her to all kinds of torture, but the next day her wounds always healed, and the offenders were severely punished by unknown forces.

On January 12, 226, Tatiana and her father were executed. The death of a young Christian woman and the miracles that surrounded her during her life and occurred after her death brought many doubting people to the faith. Later, Tatiana of Rome was proclaimed a saint, and the day of her death became Tatiana's day.

On January 25, all women named Tatiana celebrate their name day. On this day, it is customary for ladies to give symbolic gifts and flowers. It is noteworthy that no other name day is celebrated as magnificently and en masse as Tatiana’s Day. Most likely, the date owes its popularity to noisy and cheerful students who also celebrate their holiday on this day.

Student's day

In 1755, on January 12, old style (which corresponds to January 25), Empress Elizabeth signed a historical decree on the founding of the first Moscow university. There is an opinion that the day of such an important event was recommended by her favorite Ivan Ivanovich Shuvalov, whose mother was named Tatyana.

In 1791, on Easter, a small temple of Tatiana the Martyr was opened in one of the university buildings, and a little later, Nicholas 1 ordered to cancel the celebration of the opening of the university and establish a holiday on the date of signing the document on its foundation. So a new holiday suddenly appeared in the capital - the Foundation Day of Moscow University. By the will of fate, his date coincided with Tatyana’s church day. At first, the holiday was celebrated only in Moscow, but everyone involved in the students had fun to the fullest!

The celebration began with a prayer service in the Tatiana Church and a short official ceremony taking place at the university. Guests of honor were invited to the event, and students and teachers were presented with well-deserved awards. Then the students organized noisy celebrations, celebrating the holiday and the beginning of the holidays. Young people walked around the capital in cheerful groups, sang songs and behaved hooliganly, breaking windows and staging cat concerts. The police were sympathetic to everything that was happening and even took the cheerful hooligans home.

Rich young people headed to the Hermitage restaurant. However, the upper strata of society also behaved too violently. Knowing this, the establishment’s employees removed expensive furniture in advance and served guests the cheapest dishes. By the way, not only the students, but also everyone had fun.

With the advent of Soviet power, the student church was converted into a reading room. The Bolsheviks banned the celebration of Tatyana's Day, establishing their own holiday instead - the Day of Proletarian Students.

How modern students celebrate their holiday

Tatiana's day returned to Russia in 1992. The initiator of the return of the student holiday was the rector of Moscow State University Viktor Antonovich Sadovnichy. And in 2005, the president of the country signed a decree establishing the official celebration of Russian Student Day.

On Tatiana's Day, entertainment events are organized for students everywhere. Many cities organize open days at museums and cinemas, discos and skating rinks. Owners of youth cafes give young people discounts and free desserts, and famous artists give students their concerts.

On the streets and in parks there are mass festivities, fairs, competitions, snowball fights and traditional slides. Students fill the city streets with laughter, songs and fun until late at night.

You should know that only Russian students celebrate their holiday on January 25, and International Student Day is listed on the calendar on November 17.

History of the holiday "Tatiana's Day"

Alexandra Obushchak

According to legend, in the 3rd century AD. The abbess of the Christian church, Tatyana, was persecuted for her Christian faith. When she was forced to pray to the pagan deity, Tatiana did not give up her faith and her prayer to Jesus Christ was so strong that the pagan deity fell from the pedestal and was broken. After numerous tortures, Tatyana was executed. Since 235, the holiday of Tatiana's Day has been celebrated, and the martyr Tatiana has been canonized.

The holiday took on special significance in the 18th century, when on January 25, 1755, Empress Elizaveta Petrovna signed the “Decree on the Establishment of Moscow University.” The idea of ​​creating and the project of the University belongs to M.V. Lomonosov and I.I. Shuvalov, who understood how significant the creation of such a scientific institution was for the Russian Empire.

There is a version that I.I. Shuvalov presented the Decree on the University to Elizabeth precisely on January 25 in order to please his mother, who had a birthday on that day. Since then, the celebration of Tatiana's Day, primarily as the founding day of the University, has become traditional and beloved by all who were lucky enough to study in this temple of science.

From the beginning of its foundation, the holiday was not celebrated magnificently and included a prayer service in the university church and small celebrations. However, in the 60s of the 19th century, January 25 became an unofficial student holiday, which was divided into official and unofficial parts. Official celebrations included: lunch in the dining room, a prayer service in the university church on Mokhovaya, the rector’s address to students and the presentation of awards, as well as walks around the university premises: auditoriums and libraries.

After this, the unofficial program began. The students had fun and walked around the center of Moscow in groups, singing songs. Favorite places were: Nikitsky and Tverskoy boulevards, as well as Trubnaya Square. One of the interesting traditions of the holiday was cat concerts under the windows of the editorial office of the Moskovskie Vedomosti newspaper, since this newspaper was founded by representatives of Moscow University. Students often broke the windows of the editorial office in a cheerful mood.

The richest students and graduates could afford to celebrate this holiday in one of the most expensive restaurants in Moscow - the Hermitage. The restaurant workers, knowing with what joy this holiday is celebrated, removed expensive furniture and carpets in advance and replaced them with simpler things.

The police treated the noisy students with understanding, and in the morning the police wrote the address on the backs of the students who had been out for a walk with chalk and took them to their houses. On this holiday, all differences were erased: teachers walked with students, the rich had fun with the poor. The rich students dressed simply and had fun with the other students on the street. University graduates also celebrated this holiday with great pleasure. Thus, the founding day of the university has become the favorite holiday of all students in the country.

The holiday was so fun that everyone who could joined and walked on this day, and a graduate of the University of A.P. Chekhov once said regarding the celebration of Tatyana’s Day: On this day “everyone drank, except the Moscow River, and that was because it was frozen... Pianos and grand pianos crackled, the orchestras did not stop. It was so much fun that one student, out of excitement, took a swim in the tank where the sterlets were swimming.”

After the celebration of the centenary in 1855, a tradition arose to organize an annual meeting of graduates of Moscow University on Tatiana's Day as a regular celebration.

After the revolution, the Bolsheviks considered the holiday too riotous. In 1918, the university church was closed and a reading room was installed in it. The holiday "Tatyana's Day" was replaced in 1923 by "Day of Proletarian Students", and the celebration of Tatiana's Day was banned. But the years passed, the importance of Moscow University grew, and the founding day was also honored and respected as before.

In 1992, after Viktor Antonovich Sadovnichy took office as rector, the tradition of celebrating

On January 25, students of Russian educational institutions celebrate Student Day. The second name of the holiday is well known – Tatiana’s Day. But who is Tatyana, and what does she have to do with higher school?

13 interesting facts about the holiday Tatyana's Day

Fact 1

Tatyana's Day is originally an Orthodox holiday. On this day the church honors the memory of the Great Martyr Tatiana of Rome.

Her life story is amazing. Tatyana was the daughter of famous and wealthy parents, but as a child she accepted the Christian faith, for which she paid with her life. As a young girl, she served in the temple, helping the disadvantaged and sick. In those days, paganism dominated in Rome, and any other religion was severely punished. The Roman mayors learned that Tatiana was professing a foreign religion and demanded that she publicly renounce Christianity. But Tatyana was adamant. She was tormented and tortured, but nothing could make Tatyana give up God. Powerless to change anything, the executioners killed Tatyana, but did not kill her faith. And for more than one and a half thousand years, the church has been honoring Tatyana’s feat. Every year on January 25, services in honor of St. Tatiana are held in all churches in the country.

Fact 2

On January 25, 1755, Empress Elizaveta Petrovna signed a decree establishing a university in Moscow. The idea and draft order were prepared by Mikhail Lomonosov himself and his friend, Lieutenant General Ivan Shuvalov. Subsequently, the day of January 25 began to be celebrated annually at the university as his birthday, and then two holidays - St. Tatiana's Day and the day the university was founded - were combined into one - Tatiana's Day. The people eventually renamed the day of the establishment of Moscow State University as Student's Day, and the celebrations spread throughout Russia. Great Martyr Tatiana was given the status of patroness of students, although initially Saint Tatiana had absolutely nothing to do with teaching.

Fact 3

Why exactly on Tatiana’s Day did the Empress sign the above-mentioned decree? Coincidence? Not at all. According to one version, Ivan Shuvalov, the founder of the country’s main university, timed the day of submitting the petition to sign the decree to coincide with his mother’s Angel Day. He wanted to give her a gift in such an original way.

Fact 4

The symbol of Moscow State University is the Church of the Holy Martyr Tatiana, built on its territory. It appeared in 1791, and since then, every year services in memory of the saint have been held there. Festive liturgies were not held except from 1812 to 1817, when the church burned down along with the university buildings, and during the Soviet era. But in 1944, Patriarch Alexy II held the first service during the long break, thereby resuming the tradition of the university.

Fact 5

The founding day of Moscow State University was widely celebrated by students and teachers. The festivities reached their greatest scale in the 60s. 19th century. First, the official part awaited everyone: congratulations and presentation of awards to the best students, a prayer service in the temple at the university. Then the university fraternity went to the bars and taverns of Moscow, and the extravaganza began! The capital did not know more noisy fun. In bars, the owners removed expensive furniture so that tipsy students would not damage it. Students walked together with professors, the poor, and ordinary residents: on this day, boundaries were erased, everything was allowed.

Fact 6th

Tatyana's Day is the only date of the year when the tsarist police did not touch rowdies. On the contrary, on this day the law enforcement officers were so loyal to the drunken students that they offered them their help. If students were so drunk that they could not get up from the ground, the gendarmes wrote addresses on their backs with chalk and took them home.

Fact 7th

Tatyana's Day is a peasant holiday. St. Tatiana's Day - Tatiana Epiphany or Babi Kut. Women in families baked round cakes, symbolizing the sun, and treated them to all household members. People, tired of the prolonged Epiphany frosts, invited spring into the house in this way. “To see Tatyana,” young girls went to the river, where they shook and washed rugs, which they then hung in the yard. By the cleanliness of the rugs, people judged the housewife - whether she would make a good wife.

And on January 25, unmarried girls made bouquets of feathers, hay and rags, and hid them in the house of a potential groom. If they managed to do this, then marriage is just around the corner.

Fact 8

The student holiday has been celebrated for more than two centuries.

During this time, signs and traditions associated with this day appeared:

  • On Tatiana's day you cannot prepare for the exam - you will fail it.
  • It is considered a good omen to celebrate the holiday with alcohol - the exam will be passed the next day.
  • Well, the favorite tradition of all students is Shara’s call: students open the windows, shout “Shara, come,” and if they hear an answer (usually from fellow students or passers-by), then you don’t have to worry: you will get the easiest ticket in the exam.

Fact 9

Currently, Tatiana Day is an official holiday of all universities in the country. This event takes place most solemnly at the main university in Russia - Moscow State University. Festive events take more than one day. The following must be held: a service in the Tatian Church, awarding the winners of the Lomonosov and Shuvalov prizes, youth forums, a concert and, of course, the traditional ceremony of pouring mead by the rector.

Fact 10

Medovukha is a native Russian low-alcohol drink based on honey, associated with Student’s Day. Why mead? Tatyana's Day began to be celebrated with this drink in the 19th century, during the time of noisy festivities about the holiday. Not all students could buy wine and champagne. Mead is a completely different matter. It was the cheapest, and as a result, accessible alcohol of that time.

Fact 11

Few people know that the idea of ​​bottling mead for Student’s Day belonged to the rector of Moscow State University. In 1992, there were disputes among teachers at the university regarding the celebration of Student Day. Many professors supported the idea of ​​collective swimming in pools, as students did in America. But Viktor Sadovnichy remembered how he once witnessed an interesting scene: after the ceremonial inauguration, the rector of one of the German universities, at the request of a student, poured and served him a mug of beer. This episode was so memorable for the rector of Moscow State University that it became the prototype of a new university tradition - treating students to mead.

Fact 12

The student's day is marked on the calendar. In 2005, President V.V. Putin signed a decree on the official status of the holiday, and in October 2007, Student Day also became a memorable date along with such holidays as National Unity Day and Russia Day.

Fact 13

Russian Student's Day does not coincide with the International Day, which is celebrated on November 17. Unlike the cheerful holiday Tatyana's Day, International Student's Day is not usually celebrated loudly. On this date, young people who paid with their lives for patriotism are remembered. In 1939, in Prague, students demonstrated on the occasion of the anniversary of the founding of Czechoslovakia, not being afraid of the Nazi occupiers. Many of them were subsequently shot or sent to concentration camps. All over the world on this day, November 17, the innocent victims of fascism are remembered.

Tatyana's Day is an unusual holiday. It so happened that both Orthodox and secular traditions organically merged in it. This day will allow everyone to immerse themselves in an atmosphere of fun, carefree and youth. On a cold winter day this is exactly what you need.

As you know, the first of these two holidays was the day of remembrance of the holy martyr Tatiana. And only in the 18th century, a “professional” holiday for students was added to this date. But let's talk about everything in order.

Tatiana's Day - the history of the holiday

According to legend, the holy martyr Tatiana lived in the 3rd century AD. The girl was born into a Roman family and raised in the Christian faith, she was kind and caring, and helped everyone who needed it. In those days, paganism flourished and everyone who adhered to Christianity was severely persecuted and punished by the authorities. One day Tatyana was caught praying, for which she was immediately arrested and sentenced to death. While awaiting execution, the girl continued to pray fervently, and the Lord heard her. Rome suffered a strong earthquake, during which the ruler of the city and all his assistants and priests died. Moreover, during his death, a demon jumped out of the ruler and ran away with heartbreaking screams.

Everyone who witnessed this scene blamed Tatiana for everything, considering her a witch. A terrible lynching was carried out on the girl, she was tortured and beaten, but she continued only to pray and ask the Lord to bring some sense to her offenders. And again a miracle happened - in an instant, everyone who mocked her suddenly fell at her feet and found faith in the Lord. But the story didn’t end there either. The authorities continued to hate Tatiana and tried to execute her in another way - by throwing her into a cage with a tiger. The girl continued to pray stubbornly, and the tiger did not touch her. Instead of tearing her apart like prey, he approached Tatyana and began to lick her wounds.

In the end, the authorities got rid of the girl by ordering her head to be cut off. But until her death, Tatyana continued to believe in God, diligently prayed and preached Christianity. That is why she was later elevated to the ranks of saints and joined the ranks of the great martyrs who suffered for their faith in the Lord. January 25, according to the new style, became the day of St. Tatiana.

Student's Day (Tatyana's Day) - the history of the holiday and its traditions

Much later, in the 18th century, namely in 1755, statesman Ivan Shuvalov brought a document on the opening of a university, modern Moscow State University, to Empress Elizabeth Petrovna for signature. It so happened that this happened again on January 25 and it was the name day of Tatyana, the mother of Shuvalov himself. The document was signed, the university was opened, and Russian students received their own holiday, which fell on Tatyana’s day. From that moment on, the Foundation Day of Moscow University was tied to a religious holiday, and it was believed that Tatyana provided patronage to students.

As the history of the Tatiana's Day holiday says, in the first years this event was exclusively Moscow in nature. On this day, a prayer service was held in the church at the university, after which a small feast was held. And only in the second half of the 19th century did this holiday become large-scale. The official ceremonial part took place at the university, after which noisy youth festivities were announced. Students sang songs and walked the streets. Moreover, everyone who was involved in student life had fun. Even the police were loyal to the tipsy and only asked: “Does Mr. Student need help?”

Later, during Soviet times, the church at the university was closed, and the scale of the holiday itself sharply decreased. And only in 1995 the temple at Moscow State University was reconstructed, forgotten traditions were returned, and the history of the Tatiana Day holiday for children and adults was restored. It was from this moment that Student Day regained its previous form and still remains the most favorite holiday of Russian youth.

Tatiana's Day is a fairly well-known holiday, not only a folk holiday, but also a Christian and church holiday. It has important historical significance, as well as ancient spiritual origins that have passed through time into the modern world.

Tatyana's Day is a church holiday

First of all, Tatiana's Day is a Christian holiday celebrated by all Orthodox believers. Its other name is Tatyana Kreshchenskaya or Tatyana Rimskaya. Tatiana Rimskaya is also revered by the Catholic Church.

The story of the great martyr says that she was born into a rich believing family. She believed strongly in God, took a vow of chastity, for which she was even awarded the title of deaconess. When the persecution of Christians reached its peak, the pagans seized her and wanted to force her to pray to their god, but Tatiana Rimskaya read the prayer, which led to an earthquake that destroyed the pagan temple.

After this, the martyr was tortured for a long time, but the signs of injury disappeared again and again. She was also thrown into prison, locked in the same cell with a lion, but these attempts to kill her were never successful. As a result, Tatyana and her father were executed by cutting off their heads. For her torment, Tatyana was canonized. Tatiana's day in the Christian calendar is celebrated on January 25. By tradition, prayers are read in all churches. At home, people also pray, asking Tatyana to grant them happiness and patience, as well as success in their studies.

Tatyana's Day is a national holiday

The 25th of January 1755 Empress Elizabeth signed a decree establishing the Moscow State University. Almost always, this day was considered simply the university’s birthday, but since 2005, January 25 has been the All-Russian Student Day. In one of the premises of Moscow State University there is even a church dedicated to the Holy Great Martyr Tatiana.

On January 25, all students celebrate this important day for them. They walk, relax, organize concerts and festive events. There are many traditions, signs and rituals associated with this day. According to many students, on this day you can catch good luck for passing exams. There is an interesting custom - going out onto the balcony with a grade book in your hand and inviting good luck with the phrase: “Freebie, come.” If someone shouts from the street in response “already on the way,” then this will be a good sign.

This day has two beginnings that are not related to each other historically, but which were subsequently combined into one day. This is a bright Orthodox holiday and a holiday of knowledge, a holiday of students. Therefore, on January 25, people go to church, asking God to give them knowledge, as well as patience and diligence in their studies. We wish you good luck this holiday and don't forget to click on the buttons and

24.01.2016 00:50

Tatyana's Day is a widely known and beloved holiday by many. This is not surprising, because he is at the same time...

To the ear of a modern resident of a big city, Tatyana’s Day most likely seems to be a student holiday, when everyone...

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