Home Potato How a major bank is adapting to the needs of people with disabilities. Presentation of the Sberbank and Mastercard project “Special Bank” Project “Special Bank”

How a major bank is adapting to the needs of people with disabilities. Presentation of the Sberbank and Mastercard project “Special Bank” Project “Special Bank”

In the middle of last year Sberbank presented his new projects aimed at helping people with special needs for everyone to see. Project " Special Bank» was created jointly with the company MasterCard. The goal of this project is to create a convenient infrastructure for visiting and servicing the bank, receiving banking services at home, as well as creating an electronic sign language interpreter in branches that will help translate speech into sign language.

This project will provide assistance to elderly, low-mobility and disabled clients. The “Special Bank” project will accommodate all possible areas and methods of servicing the bank with the introduction of new innovative banking products.

At the moment the project " Special Bank» is being implemented in branches of Moscow, the Moscow region and St. Petersburg. But starting from 2017, the bank plans to expand its areas and implement the project in the regions of Russia.

Sberbank has already equipped more than 37% of all branches for the needs of people with special needs. More than 16,000 ATMs were made accessible to wheelchair users, and more than 9,000 ATMs were equipped with Braille. The bank offers visually impaired clients to confirm transactions using a facsimile.

Recently, a service was launched in Zelenograd near Moscow that will allow clients who are unable to get to a bank branch to receive financial services at home.

Note that Sberbank began development in the right direction and provides great assistance to vulnerable segments of the population. We hope to continue to increase the number of equipped branches and introduce technologies aimed at helping our clients.

July 28, 2016, Moscow - Sberbank presented “Special Bank” - a project to adapt banking products and services for people with special needs. The project is being implemented in partnership with Mastercard.

In May 2016, a research program was launched, as a result of which Sberbank, together with its partners, will offer people with special needs solutions specifically designed for them. In particular, such bank clients will be offered a number of services at home. Another pilot project will be the use of an electronic sign language interpreter in departments - software for translating spoken speech into sign language. Test launches will begin in September.

“The mission of the Special Bank project is to give every person the opportunity to live a full and interesting life thanks to Sberbank’s services,” said Vladislav Kreinin, Managing Director of the Sberbank Customer Relations Development Department. – “Special Bank” is an ecosystem of products and services for bank clients with disabilities, built with sensitive attention to their life scenarios and needs. We will design our services together with the best experts from NGOs and our clients.”

“Expanding access to financial services and disseminating financial knowledge are priority areas for Mastercard around the world and in Russia,” said Galina Ganeeva, vice president of Mastercard in Russia. – We are doing everything possible to ensure that our technologies and knowledge are available to Russians, and we pay great attention to the “Special Bank” project. This research-intensive initiative will provide solutions and products that have never been seen before and will enable all citizens to receive modern banking services with the same ease and convenience.”

Today, 37% of Sberbank divisions are adapted to the needs of people with special needs. 16,856 Sberbank ATMs are located at a lower level for easy access by a wheelchair, 9,808 are equipped with Braille. Visually impaired people can complete an operation at Sberbank using a facsimile.

PJSC Sberbank is the largest bank in Russia and one of the leading global financial institutions. Sberbank accounts for about a third of the assets of the entire Russian banking sector. Sberbank is a key creditor for the national economy and occupies the largest share in the deposit market. The founder and main shareholder of Sberbank PJSC is the Central Bank of the Russian Federation, owning 50% of the authorized capital plus one voting share. The other 50% of the Bank's shares are owned by Russian and international investors. Sberbank services are used by more than 135 million individuals and more than 1 million enterprises in 22 countries. The bank has the most extensive branch network in Russia: about 17 thousand branches and internal structural divisions. The Bank's foreign network consists of subsidiaries, branches and representative offices in the UK, USA, CIS, Central and Eastern Europe, Turkey and other countries.
General license of the Bank of Russia for banking operations 1481. Official websites of the Bank – www.sberbank.com (Sberbank Group website), www.sberbank.ru.

MasterCard (NYSE:MA)
www.mastercard.com is a technology company operating in the global payments industry. We operate the world's fastest payment processing network, connecting consumers, financial institutions, merchants, governments and businesses in more than 210 countries and territories. MasterCard products and solutions make everyday tasks like shopping, traveling, running a business and managing finances easier, safer and more efficient. Follow us on Twitter @Masterсard_RU and Masterсard Facebook, join the discussions on the Cashless Pioneers blog and subscribe to our Engagement Bureau news.

The bank has created all conditions to serve clients with disabilities. Photo Interpress/PhotoXPress.ru

October 1 is the International Day of Older Persons. The leading credit organization of the Russian Federation - Sberbank - pays special attention to this category of residents of the country. It is no coincidence that there is even a separate “Special Solutions” division here. Its employees are engaged in adapting the bank's products for older people, as well as clients with varying degrees of hearing, vision and musculoskeletal impairment.

The clients of the “Special Bank” are not only people with disabilities, but also so-called citizens with limited mobility, including older people, people with temporary health problems and other citizens who have difficulty moving independently, receiving services or information. At the same time, special attention is paid to older people, because everything that Sberbank does for clients with disabilities can also suit the needs of older clients. The bank values ​​them in the same way as other clients and makes sure that services and infrastructure are convenient and accessible for them.

A “Special Bank” client is a user of an ecosystem of banking and non-banking products. The division team works primarily on the points of contact between clients and the bank. These are offices, self-service devices, the Sberbank Online website, call center, chats and other services of the bank’s ecosystem.

The banking application and website have already been adapted for clients with hearing and visual impairments. And thanks to the compliance of the office architecture with the principles of universal design, the client enters the office without outside assistance. In addition, he has the opportunity to independently read and sign the agreement, as well as independently withdraw money from an ATM using the audio output and voice guidance program.

Please note that more than half of the credit institution’s branches have been adapted to the needs of clients in the “Special Bank” category. It is no coincidence that in terms of the level of adaptation of branches to the needs of clients with special needs, Sberbank ranks first in the rating of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation.

“We treat elderly people with special care, value their loyalty to our brand and try to introduce services and advantageous offers for them,” says Alexander Torbakhov, Deputy Chairman of the Board of Sberbank. – It is important that older clients note the convenience of working remotely with the bank and modern payment technologies. Already a third of all our pensioner clients use Sberbank Online to receive financial services.”

For elderly clients, Sberbank has additional benefits: a free “Mir” card for receiving a pension with 3.5% on the card balance when receiving social benefits. When paying by card, the client receives increased “Thank you” bonuses from Sberbank partners. There is also a special website SberbankActivno.ru, which was created specifically for pensioners and includes an online magazine, useful courses for older people, advice on financial literacy, health and medicine.

The main thing in the “Special Bank” program is, of course, the adaptation of channels of interaction with the elderly client.

Firstly, the electronic queue at Sberbank offices is voiced, so at the right time you will hear where to go. The manager will discuss the terms of the contract for you before signing, and you can sign without a power of attorney. Moreover, he can switch the presentation of the service on the screen to a convenient contrast mode at any time. Secondly, it is possible to call the Sberbank contact center directly from a mobile phone at 900 and ask any questions. Thirdly, you can use the chat for clients with hearing and speech impairments to contact a bank specialist.

It is very important that both the Sberbank application and the website are adapted for reading by blind and visually impaired clients using VoiceOver and TalkBack screen access programs. You can change the contrast and font size. Graphic elements are voiced and navigation is simplified. You can navigate the pages of the site using one keyboard. Accordingly, these factors are taken into account when setting up Sberbank ATMs. By the way, already 3 thousand ATMs have headphone jacks to make it easier for blind clients to use them.

“We are sensitive to the needs of all our clients and are constantly working to improve services that allow people with special needs to fully use the financial instruments that Sberbank offers,” notes Alexandra Altukhova, director of the Special Solutions division of Sberbank. “To qualitatively test innovations and find optimal solutions, we involve experts with various types of hearing and vision impairments in our teams.”

“This summer, the Bank of Russia, together with sociological agencies, conducted a study on the accessibility of banking services for people with disabilities,” Natalya Milchakova, deputy director of the analytical department at Alpari, told NG. – The results of the study showed that 92% of people with limited mobility have at least one open bank account. And of course, first of all, we are talking about Sberbank, which, since its creation, has historically paid great attention to social issues, including servicing older citizens and persons with disabilities. It is Sberbank that has the most experience in this area among the largest Russian banks. According to a survey conducted by the Central Bank, more than 73% of disabled people surveyed expressed satisfaction with banking services in offline offices and, of course, Sberbank is also recognizable here first and foremost. Sberbank also puts modern technologies at the service of its clients, including people with disabilities. We are talking about providing remote banking services using the Sberbank Online service and a mobile application, as well as the opportunity for people with limited mobility to receive banking services directly at home.”

The geography of the “Special Bank” project will cover not only Moscow, the Moscow region and St. Petersburg, but also other cities of the Russian Federation from 2017, said Vladislav Kreinin, managing director of the department for developing relations with clients of Sberbank, at a press conference at the central office of the Interfax agency. . The project is being implemented jointly with the international payment system MasterCard, the pilot phase will end at the end of December this year.

The “Special Bank” project is designed for elderly, mobility impaired and disabled clients. It is planned to adapt all bank service channels - physical space, digital environment, communications. The bank also intends to introduce new channels of interaction and new banking products for them.

Currently, representatives of Sberbank have joined a working group organized by the Central Bank of the Russian Federation, where the experience of creating a barrier-free environment in the banking environment will be studied. Thus, Sberbank’s pilot project may have an impact on the selection of solutions for equipping Russian bank offices, as well as on the formation of products for a fairly wide, but special category of people, Kreinin believes.

The Special Bank project will operate as a long-term project, and its implementation involves financing within the framework of the general investment plan approved by Sberbank. The project involves creating an accessible environment for citizens with limited mobility, people over 55 years old who face restrictions when using banking services, as well as for people with disabilities in various categories of diseases - with disorders of the musculoskeletal system, visually and hearing impaired.

“Today, as part of a project in Zelenograd, near Moscow, a service is launching that allows people who are unable to get to a bank office to receive banking services at home,” Kreinin said. He added that as part of the pilot project, purchases of ATMs adapted to the problems of clients with visual and hearing impairments are being carried out, and the organization of space in offices is being discussed. Adaptation solutions are planned for the Sberbank website; a font for the blind will be used. In the future, experts set the task in negotiations with insurers to create special services for clients with limited mobility in such business lines as travel insurance, accident insurance and others. (According to standard programs, the onset of disability is considered a consequence of a sudden insured event).

Sberbank on Friday also announced the results of a study conducted as part of the “Special Client” project. According to the study, 40 million people with limited mobility live in Russia, of which 12.7 million are disabled; people with disabilities in Moscow are 1.2 million. According to the Connection Foundation, 2.7 thousand people with disabilities live in the Russian Federation both vision and hearing. According to World Health Organization (WHO) estimates, in the Russian Federation there are from 1.8 million to 5 million people with visual impairments, 1.5 million people with musculoskeletal disorders, 8-9 million people with hearing impairments, with mental disabilities. development - 2 million people.

All these categories of citizens receive about 90% of the financial resources in their lives through Sberbank as social payments.

The main conclusion of the study is that the main barrier to creating an accessible environment lies in the field of communications, the so-called “human factor”. The share of this factor in the list of barriers is 80%. “We are talking about mental and emotional obstacles in communicating with this group of clients,” Kreinin said.

Therefore, according to him, the head of Sberbank, German Gref, recently appeared before the public on the Day of the Disabled in an imitation GERT suit, which allows its wearer to experience first-hand what people with problems in the motor system, vision and hearing problems experience when visiting a bank office. “After I myself spent a short time “in the shoes” of GERT, my speech became quieter and my movements became slower, my colleagues noted this,” admitted Kreinin.

The organizers of the Special Bank project said that the presentation of the project using the GERT suit in St. Petersburg, which followed the Moscow one, was a storm. It lasted three times longer; journalists, bankers, and athletes stood in line to try on the imitation suit. Today, organizations such as the Pension Fund of Russia, Russian Post, and Russian Railways are showing interest in Sberbank’s project for developing an accessible environment and in similar actions, Kreinin told reporters.

The geography of the Special Bank project will cover not only Moscow, the Moscow region and St. Petersburg, but also other cities of the Russian Federation from 2017, said Vladislav Kreinin, managing director of the department for developing relations with clients of Sberbank, at a press conference at the central office of the Interfax agency. . The project is being implemented jointly with the international payment system MasterCard, the pilot phase will end at the end of December this year.

The "Special Bank" project is designed for elderly, mobility impaired and disabled clients. It is planned to adapt all bank service channels - physical space, digital environment, communications. The bank also intends to introduce new channels of interaction and new banking products for them.

Currently, representatives of Sberbank have joined a working group organized by the Central Bank of the Russian Federation, where the experience of creating a barrier-free environment in the banking environment will be studied. Thus, Sberbank’s experimental project may have an impact on the selection of solutions for equipping Russian bank offices, as well as on the formation of products for a fairly wide, but special category of people, believes V. Kreinin.

The Special Bank project will operate as a long-term project, and its implementation involves financing within the framework of the general investment plan approved by Sberbank. The project involves creating an accessible environment for people with limited mobility, people over 55 years of age who face restrictions when using banking services, as well as for people with disabilities in various categories of diseases - with disorders of the musculoskeletal system, visually and hearing impaired.

“Today, as part of the project, a service is launching in Zelenograd near Moscow, allowing people who are unable to get to a bank office to receive banking services at home,” said V. Kreinin. He added that as part of the pilot project, purchases of ATMs adapted to the problems of clients with visual and hearing impairments are being carried out, and the organization of space in offices is being discussed. Adaptation solutions are planned for the Sberbank website; a font for the blind will be used. In the future, experts set the task in negotiations with insurers to create special services for clients with limited mobility in such business lines as travel insurance, accident insurance and others. (According to standard programs, the onset of disability is considered a consequence of a sudden insured event).

Sberbank on Friday also announced the results of a study conducted as part of the “Special Client” project. According to the study, 40 million people with limited mobility live in Russia, of which 12.7 million are disabled; people with disabilities in Moscow are 1.2 million. According to the Connection Foundation, 2.7 thousand people with disabilities live in the Russian Federation both vision and hearing. According to World Health Organization (WHO) estimates, in the Russian Federation there are from 1.8 million to 5 million people with visual impairments, 1.5 million people with musculoskeletal disorders, 8-9 million people with hearing impairments, with mental disabilities. development - 2 million people.

All these categories of citizens receive about 90% of the financial resources in their lives through Sberbank as social payments.

The main conclusion of the study is that the main barrier to creating an accessible environment lies in the field of communications, this is the so-called “human factor”. The share of this factor in the list of barriers is 80%. “We are talking about mental and emotional obstacles in communicating with this group of clients,” said V. Kreinin.

Therefore, according to him, the head of Sberbank, German Gref, recently appeared before the public on the Day of the Disabled in an imitation GERT suit, which allows its wearer to experience first-hand what people with problems in the motor system, vision and hearing problems experience when visiting a bank office. “After I myself spent a short time “in the shoes” of GERT, my speech became quieter and my movements became slower, my colleagues noted this,” admitted V. Kreinin.

The organizers of the Special Bank project said that the presentation of the project using the GERT suit in St. Petersburg, which followed the Moscow one, was a storm. It lasted three times longer; journalists, bankers, and athletes stood in line to try on the imitation suit.

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