Home Vegetable garden on the windowsill Bulletin myip. biological department. Bulletin of the Moscow Society of Natural Scientists Bulletin of my department geological journal

Bulletin myip. biological department. Bulletin of the Moscow Society of Natural Scientists Bulletin of my department geological journal

Log activity period: not specified

  • Other magazine titles: / , , /Bulletin. Moscow Islands tested. nature.department geolshow in full... , Abstract of the report made at the IIP meeting on February 16, BMOIP. Department of Geology, Bull. MOIP. Department. Geology, Bull. MOIP. Department. Geology, issue 5, Bull. MOIP, dept. geol, Bull. MOIP, dept. geology, Bull. MOIP. Dept. geol, Bull. MOIP. Dept. geologist, Bull. MOIP. Dept. geologist. Inlet 1, Bull. MOIP. Dept. geologist. Inlet 4, Bull. MOIP. Dept. geologist. Inlet 6, Bull. MOIP. Dept. geologist. Issue 1, Bull. MOIP. Dept. geolog., issue 5,, Bull. Moscow islands of nature explorers. Dept. geol, Bull. Moscow Society of Nature Testers. Dept. Geol, Bull. Moscow total nature explorers. Dept. geologist, Bull. Moscow Society of Natural Scientists. Dept. geol, Bulletin of MOIP Department Geol, Bulletin of MOIP, Dept. geology, Bulletin of MOIP, Geol Department, Bulletin of MOIP, geological department, Bulletin of MOIP, dept. geol, Bulletin of MOIP, dept. geol., vol. XIX, Bulletin of MOIP, Department of Geology, Bulletin MOIP, Department of Geology, Bulletin Moscow Society of Natural Scientists. Dept. geol, Bulletin MOIP dept. Geol, Bulletin MOIP dept. Geol, Bulletin MOIP dept. geologist, Bulletin MOIP, dept. Geol, Bulletin MOIP, New series, Bulletin MOIP, geology, Bulletin MOIP, dept. geol, Bulletin MOIP, dept. geology, Bulletin MOIP, dept. geological, Bulletin MOIP, Geological Department, Bulletin MOIP, geological department,, Bulletin MOIP, geological department, Bulletin MOIP, ser. geol, Bulletin MOIP. Dept. Geo, Bulletin MOIP. Dept. Geol, Bulletin MOIP. Dept. geol.,, Bulletin MOIP. Dept. geological 2008. T.83, Bulletin MOIP. Department of Geology, Bulletin MOIP. Geological Department, Bulletin MOIP. Department of Geology, Bulletin MOIP. Ser. Geol, Bulletin MOIP, dept. geol, Bulletin Moscow Society of Natural Scientists. Geological Department, Bulletin Moscow islands of nature explorers. Dept. geol, Bulletin Moscow Society of Nature Testers. Dept. geol, Bulletin Moscow Society of Nature Testers. Dept. geol, Bulletin Moscow Society of Nature Testers. Geological Department, Volume XLIV, , Bulletin Moscow islands test nature department of geol, Bulletin Moscow Islands tested. Nature dept. Geol, , Bulletin Moscow Islands tested. Nature, Dept. geol, Bulletin Moscow Islands tested. Nature, Dept. geol, Bulletin Moscow Islands tested. Nature. Dept. geol, Bulletin Moscow Islands tested. Nature.department.geol, Bulletin Moscow Islands tested. nature.department geol, Bulletin Moscow Islands tested. nature.department geol, Bulletin Moscow Islands tested. nature.department.. geol, Bulletin of MOIP, geol department, Bulletin Moscow Society of Natural Scientists. Geological department, Bulletin of the Moscow Society of Nature Testers. Dept. geol, Bulletin of the Moscow Society of Nature Testers. Geological Department, , MOIP Bulletin. Geological Department, MOIP Bulletin. Department of Geology, Bulletin of the Moscow Society of Natural Scientists, dept. geol, , Bulletin of MOIP, geology, Bulletin of MOIP, dept. geol, Bulletin of MOIP, Geological Department, Bulletin of MOIP, Geological Department. Moscow State University Publishing House, Bulletin of MOIP, Department of Geology, MOIP Bulletin. Geology, MOIP Bulletin. Dept. geol, MOIP Bulletin. Dept. geology, MOIP Bulletin. Department of Geology, MOIP Bulletin. Department of Geology, Bulletin of the Moscow Society of Natural Scientists, Geological Department, Bulletin of the Moscow Society of Nature Testers. Geological Department, Bulletin of the Moscow Society of Natural Scientists. Dept. geol, Bulletin of the Moscow Society of Natural Scientists. Dept. geological, Bulletin of the Moscow Society of Natural Scientists. Geol Department, Bulletin of the Moscow Society of Natural Scientists. Geological Department, Bulletin of the Moscow Society of Natural Scientists. Geological Department, Bulletin of the Moscow Society of Natural Scientists. Geological Department T. 73. Issue 2, Bulletin of the Moscow Society of Natural Scientists. Geological department., Bulletin of the Moscow Society of Natural Scientists. Geological Department, MOIP, dept. Geological, MOIP. Dept. Geol, Bulletin of MOIP, dept. Geology


The journal publishes articles on zoology, botany, general issues of nature conservation and the history of biology, as well as reviews of new biological publications, notes on scientific events in the “Chronicle” section, biographical materials in the “Anniversaries” and “Losses of Science” sections.

Mostly materials from members of the Moscow Society of Natural Scientists are accepted for publication. No special directions, examination reports, reviews or recommendations for article manuscripts are required.

Nowadays it is the oldest Russian scientific journal on natural science. Initially (1829-1886/1887) the magazine was published under the name Bulletin de la Société Impériale des Naturalistes de Moscou. Since 1887, the name changed to Bulletin de la Société Impériale des Naturalistes de Moscou. Nouv. Ser. (the so-called “new series”, volumes 1 to 30); The magazine was published under this name until 1917. For five years (1917-1922) the magazine was not published, after which it was divided into two departments:

  • Bulletin of the Moscow Society of Natural Scientists. Department of Biology (resumed in 1922/1923).
  • Bulletin of the Moscow Society of Natural Scientists. Geological department (resumed in 1922/1923).

At the same time, the biological journal became the legal successor of the “new series”, since the numbering of biological volumes began from 31, and geological ones - from 1.

The journal "Bulletin of the Moscow Society of Natural Scientists. Biological Department" pays great attention to compliance with the ethics of scientific publications. Below are the key principles that should guide their relationships between participants in the process of publishing scientific works - authors, reviewers, members of the editorial board. Cases of ethical violations, incl. not described below are considered by the editorial board. Based on the results of the discussion, members of the editorial board develop a common position on violations of the ethics of scientific publications.

Editorial board

The activities of the editorial board are free of charge.

When making a decision on publication, the editorial board of the journal is guided by the reliability of the data, novelty and scientific significance of the work. Members of the editorial board evaluate manuscripts regardless of the race, gender, citizenship, place of work, origin, religious views, social status, sexual orientation or political preferences of the authors. Unpublished data obtained from manuscripts submitted for consideration are not used by members of the editorial board for personal purposes and are not transferred to third parties. Information or ideas obtained during editing are kept confidential and are not used for personal gain.

The Editorial Board does not allow manuscripts to be published if there is reason to believe that they contain plagiarism.


The author (or a group of authors) does not have the right to submit to the journal a manuscript that has been sent to another journal or is under consideration somewhere, as well as an article that has already been published in other journals, books, or collections.

The author is aware that he bears personal responsibility for the novelty and reliability of the results of scientific research. Authors must provide verified results of their research; Knowingly erroneous or falsified statements are unacceptable. Authors must ensure that the research results reported in the submitted manuscript are completely original. Borrowed fragments or statements must be formalized with the obligatory indication of the author and the original source. Excessive borrowing, as well as plagiarism in any form, including unformatted quotations, paraphrasing, or appropriation of rights to the results of others' research, are unacceptable.

The article should provide references to works that were important during the research. Co-authors of the article must include all persons who made a significant contribution to the research. Among co-authors, it is unacceptable to indicate persons who did not participate in the study.

Editorial board

Chief Editor

A.S. Severtsov

Deputy Chief Editor

V.N. Pavlov

Executive Secretary

M.V. Nilova

Editorial team

Yu.A. Dubrovsky,

F.Ya. Dzerzhinsky,

R.D. Zhantiev,

V.G. Krivenko,

M.V. Mine,

E.N. Mirzoyan,

V.G. Onipchenko,

O.P. Poltarukha,

A.V. Sviridov,

A.P. Seryogin,

G.N. Simkin,

D.D. Sokolov,

P.S. Tomkovich.

G. Anachkov (Serbia),

S. Barinova (Israel),

M. Blinnikov (USA),

M. Vorontsova (Great Britain),

D. Herman (Germany),

D. Doyle (USA),

G. Lazkov (Kyrgyzstan),

M. Nobis (Poland),

N. Friesen (Germany),

A. Shipunov (USA),

S. Yazvenko (Canada),

Wu Yan (China).


The activities of reviewers are free of charge.

The reviewer carries out a scientific examination of the author's materials. The reviewer reserves the right to remain anonymous.

A manuscript received for review is considered a confidential document that cannot be passed on for review or discussion to third parties not authorized by the editor. The reviewer is obliged to give an objective and reasoned assessment of the presented research results. Personal criticism of the author is unacceptable. Unpublished data obtained from manuscripts submitted for review should not be used by the reviewer for personal purposes. A reviewer who, in his opinion, does not have sufficient qualifications to evaluate the manuscript, or has a conflict of interest with the author or organization, must inform the editorial board about this with a request to exclude him from the review process.

Indexing: List of Higher Attestation Commission (January 1, 1970-), List of RSCI (January 1, 1970-), Journals of the Russian Federation in RSCI WoS (January 1, 1970-)

Log activity period: not specified

  • Other magazine titles: // Bulletin of MOIP.department. biol, Byulleten" Moskovskogo Obshchestva Ispytatelei Prirody Otdel Biologicheskii, Mammalia, Mustelidae). Bulletin Moscow total test natural, dept. biolshow in full... , Bulletin MOIP Department of Biol, Bulletin MOIP. Department of Biol, Bull. MOIP, Bull. Moscow about-va test. nature, dept. biol, Bull. MOIP, Bull. MOIP dept. Biol, Bull. MOIP dept. biological, Bull. MOIP, dept. Biol., from Moscow. un, Bull. MOIP, dept. biol, Bull. MOIP, Department of Biology, Bull. MOIP. Biology, Bull. MOIP. Department of Biology, Bull. MOIP. Dept. biol, Bull. MOIP. Dept. biol. T, Bull. MOIP. Dept. biologist, Bull. MOIP. Department of Biol, Bull. MOIP. Department of Biology, Bull. Moscow Islands tested. Nature Dept. biol, Bull. Moscow Islands of Nature Explorers, Bull. Moscow Islands tested. nature. Dept. biol, Bull. Moscow islands of nature explorers. Department of Biology, , Bull. Moscow islands of nature explorers. Dept. Biol, Bull. Moscow about-va test. nature, Dept. biol, Bull. Moscow about-va test. nature. Dept. biol, Bull. Moscow. total test nature, Dept. biol, Bull. Moscow Society of Natural Scientists. Dept. biol, Bulletin MOIP, dept. biol, Bulletin of the Moscow Society of Nature Testers, Department of Biol, Bulletin of MOIP Department of Biology, MOIP Bulletin. Dept. biol, MOIP Bulletin. Department of Biol, Bulletin MOIP. Dept. biol, Bulletin Moscow General test nature, dept. biol, Bulletin Moscow obshch. test nature, department of biol, Bulletin M.O. nature explorers. Department of Biology, Bull. MOIP, Bulletin MOIP (department of biology), Bulletin MOIP Biol. Dept., Bulletin MOIP dept. Biol, Bulletin MOIP, Dept. biologist, Bulletin MOIP, dept. Biology, Bulletin MOIP, dept. biol, Bulletin MOIP, dept. biological, Bulletin MOIP, Department of Biology, Bulletin MOIP, Department of Biology, Bulletin MOIP. Dept. biol, Bulletin MOIP. Dept. biological, Bulletin MOIP. Department of Biology, Bulletin MOIP. Department of Biology “Ecology. Natural resources. Rational environmental management. Environmental protection, Bulletin MOIP. Department of Biology “Ecology. Natural resources. Rational environmental management. Environmental protection", Bulletin MOIP. Department. biol, Bulletin MOIP. Ser. Biol, Bulletin Moscow about-va test. nature. Dept. biol, Bulletin Moscow total Test Nature. Dept. biol, Bulletin Moscow total Spanish natural Dept. biol, Bulletin Moscow total test nature, department of biol, Bulletin Moscow total test natural, dept. biol, Bulletin Moscow total test nature. Dept. biological, Bulletin Moscow. the company will be tested. nature. Dept. biol, Bulletin Moscow. total will be tested nature, dept. biol, Bulletin Moscow islands of nature explorers, dept. biological, Bulletin Moscow total test nature, dept. biol.,, Bulletin Moscow Society of Natural Scientists, Dept. biol, , Bulletin Moscow Society of Natural Scientists. Dept. Biol, Bulletin Moscow Society of Natural Scientists. Department of Biology, Bulletin Moscow Society of Testers, Department of Biology, Bulletin of MOIP, dept. biol, Bulletin Moscow general testing of nature, department of biology,, MOIP Bulletin , MOIP Bulletin. Dept. biol, MOIP Bulletin. biology department, , , MOIP Bulletin , Bulletin of MOIP, Dept. Biological, Bulletin of MOIP, dept. biol, Bulletin of MOIP, dept. biology, Bulletin of MOIP, dept. biological, Bulletin of MOIP, Biologist department, Bulletin of MOIP, biological department, Bulletin of MOIP, Department of Biology, Bulletin of MOIP, ser. Biol, Bulletin of MOIP, ser. biol. T. “Physiology and genetics of microorganisms in natural and experimental systems”, Moscow, “MAKS Press, MOIP Bulletin. Moscow, MOIP Bulletin. Dept. Biol, MOIP Bulletin. Dept. Biological, MOIP Bulletin. Dept. biologist, MOIP Bulletin. Dept. biological, MOIP Bulletin. Department of Biology, MOIP Bulletin. Department of Biology, MOIP Bulletin. Department of Biology, MOIP Bulletin. Department of biology. Appendix 1. Part 1, MOIP Bulletin. Department of Biology, MOIP Bulletin. biol, MOIP Bulletin. Department of Biology, Bulletin Moscow General Test of Nature Department of Biol, Bulletin Moscow. community testing nature, dept. biol, Bulletin Moscow. total Test Nature. Department of Biol, Bulletin of the Moscow Society of Nature Testers. Department of Biology, issue 3, 2009, supplement part 1. Ecology. Natural resources. Rational environmental management. Environmental protection, Bulletin of the Moscow Society of Natural Scientists, Dept. Biol, Bulletin of the Moscow Society of Natural Scientists, Biological Department, Bulletin of the Moscow Society of Natural Scientists, dept. biological, Bulletin of the Moscow Society of Natural Scientists, Department of Biology, Bulletin of the Moscow Society of Natural Scientists, Biological Department. Appendix 1. Biotechnology. Ecology. Environmental protection, Bulletin of the Moscow Society of Natural Scientists, Biological Department, Bulletin of the Moscow Society of Natural Scientists. Department of Biology, Bulletin of the Moscow Society of Natural Scientists. Odel biological, Bulletin of the Moscow Society of Natural Scientists. Dept. Biology, Bulletin of the Moscow Society of Natural Scientists. Dept. biol, Bulletin of the Moscow Society of Natural Scientists. Dept. biological, Bulletin of the Moscow Society of Natural Scientists. Department of Biology, volume 114, issue 3, 2009, appendix 1 part 2. Ecology. Natural resources. Rational environmental management. Environmental protection, Bulletin of the Moscow Society of Natural Scientists. Department of Biology. Appendix 1 “Physiology and genetics of microorganisms in natural and experimental systems”, Bulletin of the Moscow Society of Natural Scientists. Department of Biology, Bulletin of the Moscow Society of Natural Scientists. Department of Biology,, Bulletin of the Moscow Society of Natural Scientists. Department of biology. Appendix 1. Part 3. Ecology. Natural resources. Rational use of natural resources Environmental protection, Bulletin of the Moscow Society of Natural Scientists. Department of biology. Appendix 1. Part 3. Ecology. Natural resources. Rational environmental management. Environmental protection, Bulletin of the Moscow Society of Natural Scientists. Department of biology. Appendix 1: “Physiology and genetics of microorganisms in natural and experimental systems”, Bulletin of the Moscow Society of Natural Scientists. Department of biology. Appendix No. 1: Biotechnology. Ecology. Environmental protection, Bulletin of the Moscow Society of Natural Scientists. Department of Biology, Bulletin of the Moscow Society of Natural Scientists: Biological Department, Bulletin of the Moscow Society of Natural Scientists Biological Department, Bulletin – C , Reports of MOIP, Moscow State University Publishing House, Reports of MOIP. General biology, Reports of MOIP. General biology, Reports of MOIP. General biology. Dep. in VINITI. 15.VII.99, No. 2338-B99, Reports of MOIP. General biology. Moscow Society of Natural Scientists. Section of Gerontology. The report was read on December 19, 2004. Deposited in VINITI No. B2005, Izvestia MOIP, News of MOIP. Electronic journal, MOIP, MOIP, department of biol, New aspects of research. biol. flora and fauna of the USSR: Dokl. MOIP for 1986: Zool. and a nerd. - M, RUSSIA. BULL. MOIP. DEPARTMENT OF BIOLOGY, Russia, Bulletin of MOIP, Department of Biology, Proceedings of MOIP, Chronicle of MOIP, zoology and botany, “Bioantioxidants in the regulation of metabolism in normal and pathological conditions.” Proceedings of MOIP
A country

Bulletin of the Moscow Society of Natural Scientists(formerly French), MOIP Bulletin- a scientific journal published by the Moscow Society of Natural Scientists. It has been published since 1829 by the Moscow State University publishing house and is now the oldest Russian scientific journal in natural history.

At first, articles were published mainly in French, less often in German, and occasionally (since 1830) in Russian. It is believed that the French language was chosen as a compromise in a society whose members were mainly Germans and Russians. Beginning in 1896, the number of Russian articles increased, and in the 1930s, articles in foreign languages ​​disappeared from the journal.

Since 1922, it has been published in the form of two departments: biological and geological. Each department is published 6 times a year. Included in the “VAK list”.

International bibliographic abbreviation - Bull. Soc. Imp. Nat. Mosc.

Titles [ | ]

Initially (1829-1886/1887) the magazine was published under the name French. Bulletin de la Société Impériale des Naturalistes de Moscow.

Since 1887, the name changed to French. Bulletin de la Société Impériale des Naturalistes de Moscow. Nouv. Ser.(the so-called “new series”, volumes 1 to 30); The magazine was published under this name until 1917.

For five years (1917-1922) the magazine was not published, after which it was divided into two departments:

  • Bulletin of the Moscow Society of Natural Scientists. Department of Biology (renewed in 1922/1923)
  • Bulletin of the Moscow Society of Natural Scientists. Geological Department (renewed in 1922/1923)

At the same time, the biological journal became the legal successor of the “new series”, since the numbering of biological volumes began from 31, and geological ones - from 1.

Biological department[ | ]

The biological department publishes original scientific articles on:

The section of “Brief Communications” is devoted to notes on observations in nature and new descriptions. In 1997, the circulation of the biological department was 550 copies (in 1970 about 1600 copies), of which 170 were international exchange.

The biological department is indexed in several products of the Web of Science platform: BIOSIS (BIOSIS Previews and BIOSIS Citation Index), Biological Abstracts, Zoological Record

Material from Wikipedia - the free encyclopedia

Bulletin of the Moscow Society of Natural Scientists(formerly French ), MOIP Bulletin- a scientific journal published by the Moscow Society of Natural Scientists. It has been published since 1829 by the Moscow State University publishing house and is now the oldest Russian scientific journal in natural history.

At first, articles were published mainly in French, less often in German, and occasionally (since 1830) in Russian. It is believed that the French language was chosen as a compromise in a society whose members were mainly Germans and Russians. Beginning in 1896, the number of Russian articles increased, and in the 1930s, articles in foreign languages ​​disappeared from the magazine.

Since 1922, it has been published in the form of two departments: biological and geological. Each department is published 6 times a year. Included in the “VAK list”.

International bibliographic abbreviation - Bull. Soc. Imp. Nat. Mosc.


Initially (1829-1886/1887) the magazine was published under the name French. Bulletin de la Société Impériale des Naturalistes de Moscow .

Since 1887, the name changed to French. Bulletin de la Société Impériale des Naturalistes de Moscow. Nouv. Ser. (the so-called “new series”, volumes 1 to 30); The magazine was published under this name until 1917.

For five years (1917-1922) the magazine was not published, after which it was divided into two departments:

  • Bulletin of the Moscow Society of Natural Scientists. Department of Biology (renewed in 1922/1923)
  • Bulletin of the Moscow Society of Natural Scientists. Geological Department (renewed in 1922/1923)

At the same time, the biological journal became the legal successor of the “new series”, since the numbering of biological volumes began from 31, and geological ones - from 1.

Biological department

The biological department publishes original scientific articles on:

  • flora and fauna of Russia
  • systematics, morphology and ecology of plants and animals
  • medical zoology
  • hunting industry
  • plant and animal breeding
  • biological foundations of animal husbandry and fruit growing

The section of “Brief Communications” is devoted to notes on observations in nature and new descriptions. In 1997, the circulation of the biological department was 550 copies (in 1970 about 1600 copies), of which 170 were international exchange.

The biological department is indexed in several products of the Web of Science platform: BIOSIS (BIOSIS Previews and BIOSIS Citation Index), Biological Abstracts, Zoological Record, , , as well as in the Russian Science Citation Index launched at the end of 2015.

Geological Department

The Geological Department is dedicated to the following issues:

  • Geology of Quaternary deposits
  • petrography of igneous rocks
  • hydrogeology and engineering geology
  • regional geology of Russia
  • geology of foreign countries

In 1997, the circulation of the geological department was 500 copies (in 1970, about 1300 copies), of which 130 were international exchange.

The Geological Department is indexed in several products of the Web of Science platform: Chemical Abstracts, GeoRef, Zoological Record, , .

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  • Bulletin of the Moscow Society of Natural Scientists // Great Soviet Encyclopedia: [in 30 volumes] / ch. ed. A. M. Prokhorov. - 3rd ed. - M. : Soviet Encyclopedia, 1969-1978. (Retrieved November 6, 2009)


  • . - list of bulletin numbers available in the Biodiversity Heritage Library. Retrieved August 26, 2012. .

An excerpt characterizing the Bulletin of the Moscow Society of Natural Scientists

On this day, Countess Elena Vasilyevna had a reception, there was a French envoy, there was a prince, who had recently become a frequent visitor to the countess’s house, and many brilliant ladies and men. Pierre was downstairs, walked through the halls, and amazed all the guests with his concentrated, absent-minded and gloomy appearance.
Since the time of the ball, Pierre had felt the approaching attacks of hypochondria and with desperate effort tried to fight against them. From the time the prince became close to his wife, Pierre was unexpectedly granted a chamberlain, and from that time on he began to feel heaviness and shame in large society, and more often the old gloomy thoughts about the futility of everything human began to come to him. At the same time, the feeling he noticed between Natasha, whom he protected, and Prince Andrei, the contrast between his position and the position of his friend, further intensified this gloomy mood. He equally tried to avoid thoughts about his wife and about Natasha and Prince Andrei. Again everything seemed insignificant to him in comparison with eternity, again the question presented itself: “why?” And he forced himself to work day and night on Masonic works, hoping to ward off the approach of the evil spirit. Pierre, at 12 o'clock, having left the countess's chambers, was sitting upstairs in a smoky, low room, in a worn dressing gown in front of the table, copying out authentic Scottish acts, when someone entered his room. It was Prince Andrei.
“Oh, it’s you,” said Pierre with an absent-minded and dissatisfied look. “And I’m working,” he said, pointing to a notebook with that look of salvation from the hardships of life with which unhappy people look at their work.
Prince Andrei, with a radiant, enthusiastic face and renewed life, stopped in front of Pierre and, not noticing his sad face, smiled at him with the egoism of happiness.
“Well, my soul,” he said, “yesterday I wanted to tell you and today I came to you for this.” I've never experienced anything like it. I'm in love, my friend.
Pierre suddenly sighed heavily and collapsed with his heavy body on the sofa, next to Prince Andrei.
- To Natasha Rostova, right? - he said.
- Yes, yes, who? I would never believe it, but this feeling is stronger than me. Yesterday I suffered, I suffered, but I wouldn’t give up this torment for anything in the world. I haven't lived before. Now only I live, but I cannot live without her. But can she love me?... I'm too old for her... What aren't you saying?...
- I? I? “What did I tell you,” Pierre suddenly said, getting up and starting to walk around the room. - I always thought this... This girl is such a treasure, such... This is a rare girl... Dear friend, I ask you, don’t get smart, don’t doubt, get married, get married and get married... And I’m sure that there will be no happier person than you.
- But she!
- She loves you.
“Don’t talk nonsense...” said Prince Andrei, smiling and looking into Pierre’s eyes.
“He loves me, I know,” Pierre shouted angrily.
“No, listen,” said Prince Andrei, stopping him by the hand. – Do you know what situation I’m in? I need to tell everything to someone.
“Well, well, say, I’m very glad,” said Pierre, and indeed his face changed, the wrinkles smoothed out, and he joyfully listened to Prince Andrei. Prince Andrei seemed and was a completely different, new person. Where was his melancholy, his contempt for life, his disappointment? Pierre was the only person to whom he dared to speak; but he expressed to him everything that was in his soul. Either he easily and boldly made plans for a long future, talked about how he could not sacrifice his happiness for the whim of his father, how he would force his father to agree to this marriage and love her or do without his consent, then he was surprised how something strange, alien, independent of him, influenced by the feeling that possessed him.
“I wouldn’t believe anyone who told me that I could love like that,” said Prince Andrei. “This is not at all the feeling that I had before.” The whole world is divided for me into two halves: one - she and there is all the happiness of hope, light; the other half is everything where she is not there, there is all despondency and darkness...
“Darkness and gloom,” Pierre repeated, “yes, yes, I understand that.”
– I can’t help but love the world, it’s not my fault. And I'm very happy. You understand me? I know you're happy for me.
“Yes, yes,” Pierre confirmed, looking at his friend with tender and sad eyes. The brighter the fate of Prince Andrei seemed to him, the darker his own seemed.

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