Home Vegetable garden on the windowsill Million dollar girl! How to look stunning? Advice from the famous model Kira Arsenina! Conversation with family

Million dollar girl! How to look stunning? Advice from the famous model Kira Arsenina! Conversation with family

04/24/2018, 19:45 Society

Million dollar girl! Who is she? Why do men talk about her like that? And how much does gloss actually cost?

There are a lot of rumors surrounding the secret of success of sought-after women! What kind of person do you need to be to be noticed by men, respected by your colleagues, treated well by your competitors...

The famous model, socialite and regular TV heroine Kira Arsenina, at whose feet men, fame and money fell, told her tricks and methods of how to always stay on top!

1) The most important mistake that modern women make is that they reshape themselves beyond recognition! In my opinion, natural beauty is always in fashion! This does not mean that you don’t need to go to a cosmetologist! No, you need it - clean and healthy skin reveals your well-groomed appearance! Even a face without makeup should look perfect! And this can only be achieved with perfect skin! Girls often forget about healthy hair! Simply healthy hair, not weighed down by styling products, looks better and more expensive than any hairstyle! And, of course, a slim figure! Believe me, everyone associates a good figure with a more significant concept - health, and health in our time is expensive. This includes fitness, proper nutrition, relaxation, and much more! You automatically appear in the eyes of others as a dear, beautiful woman who takes care of herself, takes care of her health, and therefore will transfer this to her family. And this greatly elevates you!

2) “Diamonds are a girl’s best friend,” proclaimed the American sofa imitator Marilyn Monroe! In the modern world, you can make friends with jewelry and less expensive ones. For example, family jewelry, as I call them, or products of the Soviet jewelry industry.

3) Your wardrobe will also have to be “combed” if you are running for the TOP! Nowadays, elegance and simplicity are the choice of even the richest and famous! For example, a pencil skirt, just below the knee length and a white or blue shirt will give you gloss and intelligence. And a turtleneck, white T-shirt, straight jeans - sexy and modest at the same time!

4) Important fact! Neatness and cleanliness are an integral part of the image of a modern lady! You should always smell fresh!

5) Do you want men to be under your heels? Then choose these heels with passion! Shoes with a bright accent, pumps, have been very popular for several seasons now! And attract the attention of others! Every girl should have these.

6) Looking like 1,000,000 does not mean wearing a million! All the best at once - many people do this! This is mistake! Believe me, your name does not depend on the name of the brands! Be it Chanel or Dolce, they will not add beauty to you if you do not comply with the above points... And vice versa, any other designers will not yield to them if you are otherwise excellent!

7) There is nothing worse than a pretty girl who thinks only about her appearance and absolutely does not know how to behave properly. Sometimes I feel sorry for those women who spend a lot of time and money on care in order to achieve the perfect hairstyle, manicure and makeup, but are completely lost due to the total inability to behave and carry themselves with dignity.

8) Communication with men is almost the most important skill that any girl should master perfectly. We all know that sometimes it is better to remain silent and appear smarter than to talk nonsense without closing your mouth. I often observe a picture when a woman in a couple fills the entire space! This is also a mistake! A worthy companion only occasionally inserts phrases and agrees with what is said above, nodding her head in agreement with her chosen one. This shows that her man is in the lead in the conversation. And in relationships! At least it should be like this in society!

9) Emotional state! Everyone likes a good mood and a smile! Cheerful people with good energy are very attractive! Have you noticed this? We kind of feed off such people. Take this into account - always smile, enjoy every day, the little things... Bring positivity and joy to the world... But without fanaticism! You shouldn't laugh like a horse! Yes, you can smile a little without opening your mouth wide. It's inviting, not annoying!

10) Sense of humor! This is the most valuable thing! Respond to jokes, be able to defuse the situation, exchange an anecdote somewhere, in society... Such women are not forgotten.

That's all the secrets for today! Be queens and never lower the bar!

The Village continues its New Life Week. Over the course of five days, we talk about how to change ourselves and our habits, and also try to change jobs and listen to the advice of a mentor. This material is about how life turns out after plastic surgery.

Natalie Nevedrova

TV presenter, 25 years old

Cost of rhinoplasty: from 130 to 380 thousand rubles*

Up to a certain point, there were no problems with my nose, but as I grew older, it became larger. I wasn't very happy with his new form. I think another incident at school affected her when I was hit in the face with a basketball. I thought about plastic surgery. The operation did not cause fear, but rather curiosity - it was very interesting to see what I would look like in the end. As soon as the opportunity arose, around 2008, I went to see a surgeon. I was about 19 years old, I was in my second year at the time and was already working on television, albeit behind the scenes.

I didn’t look for a doctor for long, I went to the one my friends recommended. During the examination, I was told that the operation was also necessary due to a shift in the septum (the doctor was surprised at how I could breathe at all). That is, the operation was necessary for medical reasons, this added to my determination. Sooner or later I would come to surgical intervention, the only question is whether I would change the shape of my nose or not. No one from my family dissuaded me at all, however, my friends said: why do you need this, you are already beautiful, you have everything. But they knew that I was stubborn, and if I was up to something, they couldn’t convince me. My mother supported me, as she always does.

I vaguely remember my feelings during preparation for the operation, I only remember that I was really looking forward to it and wanted it. Operation was successfully completed. They say that I tolerated the anesthesia and the operation itself well. After the operation, you wake up and fall asleep again, everything is like a fog (some people recover from general anesthesia for more than one day). I remember friends came to me and left without my attention - I was simply knocked out. And when dinner was brought, it turned out to be a real torment: it was difficult to eat without breathing through the nose and in a state of general weakness.

After discharge

The next day after the plastic surgery, I was discharged. I remember walking to my car along Arbat and some teenagers shouting after me: “Mummy, mummy!” Mom, seeing a mummy moving along the wall instead of her daughter, began to cry. But everyone was glad that everything was over.

Then came the stage of care, when it was necessary to clear the nose by sticking a long stick with peach oil and some other drugs into it. Now it’s even somehow scary to remember and nausea sets in just thinking about it, but then I just did it! I was in a state of euphoria, which helped me cope with the adaptation with ease. When you first see yourself with these terrible swellings and bruises, it’s scary, although I knew that this was normal, they broke a bone in my nose. The nose didn’t scare me with its tiny size and the fact that it was very upturned - I knew that in a week it would be different, and in a month it would change even more. In general, I really liked how tiny he was.

But because my nose was turned up so much, my upper lip was twisted a little. I couldn’t move my lips so as to smear the lipstick, and they became simply enormous. I corrected my lips a little with hyaluronic acid, which dissolves after six months, because they began to sag in the corners, but for the last two years I have not done anything, and they still ask me if I do something with them. They also tend to swell in the morning if I drink fluids at night. I’m also often asked if I’ve had my breasts done, but that’s how I naturally have them.

Two weeks after the operation, my cast was removed and the tampons were taken out. The bruises are already gone. I left the doctor’s office, got into the car, and while driving from Arbat to Ostankino (where I worked at the time), about five men tried to get to know me in a traffic jam. I didn't understand what was happening. Of course, people have tried to get to know me in traffic jams before, but not so much in one route. I think I was just very pleased with myself, I was all glowing and smiling. It seemed to me that the world had become different.

Colleagues did not recognize me at all when we met, sometimes they shouted in surprise. For the first week, the nose was very tiny, far from what it is now. And people I knew, when I sat in profile, did not pay attention to me until I turned around.

I was blown away
from euphoria. This is probably why the girl feels
don't stop
in one operation,
and they continue to do more and more

I have always been mega-confident in myself, did not suffer from a lack of attention from men, and strived to get into the frame. My real nose did not prevent me from realizing myself, but after the plastic surgery I felt that I had even more strength. And thanks to this double confidence, of course, the results began to increase. Now I understand that at some point I fell out of life then, either it was due to anesthesia, or to an emotional state, but only the personal diary that I kept helps me remember a lot. I was blown away by euphoria. Probably, it is precisely because of this feeling that girls do not stop at one operation, but continue to do more and more, turning into completely different people. I'm glad I didn't go too far at some point. Although, to be honest, sometimes thoughts came to me to improve something else.

About reoperation

Now I need a second operation. After some time, the nose became deformed - this is almost invisible in person, but when exposed to certain light or from the wrong angle, it is visible, especially in the photo. I notice this and get a little upset, but it doesn’t make me depressed. I know that all this can be fixed. Rhinoplasty is a complex operation; no one is immune from deformities. I was immediately warned: no one knows how the nose will behave afterwards. During the operation, the nose is deliberately raised a little more, because after a while it drops. Many people do the operation twice, at least they convinced me of this so much that I immensely believe in this, possibly a myth.

If my life were not connected with television, I probably would not have done plastic surgery again, but my face is my job, so I am looking for a doctor, going to consultations and looking forward to new changes.

About choosing a doctor

Now I took the choice of a doctor much more seriously than the first time. I recorded several video blogs where I talked about the operation, and many girls ask questions. I advise everyone: please go and consult several doctors.

Different doctors have different attitudes towards surgery, there are those who make these disproportionate female dolls that we see in photo reports from social events. When I came to my surgeon, I was surprised that they didn’t try to dissuade me from the operation, but, on the contrary, they suggested changing something else about myself, but then I had no time to think about it. And after a while, maybe somewhere subconsciously, of course, I’m a little upset that it didn’t work out perfectly the first time. And besides, from the operation on my nose I had scars on my forehead - they simply didn’t put enough cotton wool under the plaster. That's why I'm looking for my new doctor, someone I can completely trust. During consultations with different specialists, I have the opportunity to listen to different professional opinions and opinions on the work of the first doctor.


socialite, 50 years old *

Cost of bandaging: from 75 to 200 thousand rubles


It's hard for beautiful women to grow old. I was always the most beautiful everywhere - in class, at college, won beauty contests, and then I began to hear compliments less and less often. I stopped liking myself. I am a public person, I write a blog, and I participate in the filming of a TV show. I remember how I once saw myself on the TV screen next to young girls and was horrified. I thought I looked like a Shar Pei.

At the time of the operation, I was 46. I had not planned plastic surgery before, but immediately became obsessed with the idea of ​​having it done urgently. This is a character trait, I am an adventurer, I am used to taking risks.

The doctor I went to was very hyped, he had just returned from abroad and called himself an international specialist. At the consultation, we decided to give me a circular lift of the skin of my face and neck (rhytidectomy), as well as eyelid surgery (blepharoplasty). Of course, I doubted many things when deciding on the operation. I asked the doctor if maybe I shouldn’t rush and just lose weight first. But the doctor confidently told me: “No, in a week you will be my little inch!” I also didn’t want to rush, because I had the operation before the New Year, I was afraid that then all the doctors would go on vacation. But the doctor promised that there would be no problems and he was always on the phone. In general, I’m used to trusting professionals, so I agreed. I had surgery on December 25th. On New Year's Day I looked like a homeless person. My face was swollen, blue, and covered in bandages.


Today, to compliments about how I have become prettier and younger, I answer: you don’t know what I had to go through for this. Now I think that I rushed with this operation, I just grabbed onto the idea because I was ignorant. Today I would not make these sacrifices for anything in the world; I would solve the problem in more gentle ways that exist on the market.

I think that everything was unnecessary, there was absolutely no need to drag anything out. Firstly, my lower eyelids were pulled tight, my eyes became nightmarish due to a contusion of the right nerve. The large ear nerve was cut - I still don’t feel anything in the area near the ear when I touch it. There are still some cords and tissues under the skin that shouldn’t be like that.

The doctor, who at first said that I had great skin, when the problems started, began to think that my skin was somehow different. To my tears he answered: “It’s okay, and you can live with a distorted face.” It’s good that I didn’t listen to him when he suggested that I raise one eyebrow with Botox. The chief neurologist in Moscow later told me that if I had been injected with Botox, the nerve would have died within seven months and my face would have remained asymmetrical for the rest of my life.


I underwent rehabilitation in another clinic, where many stars were treated. It seems that no one complained. They convened a whole council from Sweden for me, and as a result they came to the conclusion that we would restore the nerve - by injection, with a drip, microcurrent, massage, etc. - and if there is a result, the face on the right side begins to move, then we we can do without surgery. Everything worked out, after two months I was able to move my eyebrow.

My face got completely in order only a year ago; it took me three years to get in full shape. Now I even look in the mirror without makeup and I really like myself. I look like this not because of the operation, but because cosmetologists work on me once every two weeks. I regularly do skin moisturizing procedures, LPG massage, lipofilling, mesotherapy - special vitamin cocktail injections that nourish and tighten the skin.

One day when
I cried, that I'm a freak, my youngest son came up to me and said: but you beautiful inside

My most important psychologists are my family. They supported me for three terrible years, they said that I was the most beautiful. One day, when I was crying that I was a freak, my youngest son came up to me and said: but you are beautiful inside. My eldest daughter talked me out of the operation, my mother too, but I didn’t tell my husband because he wouldn’t allow it. When I called for him to pick me up from the clinic, he saw me in bandages and silently took me by the arm and led me to the car. He is the kind of person who never throws hysterics at me.

Gastric banding

Fortunately, despite the bad experience, I did not stop in the process of improving my beauty. I still really wanted to solve the problem of excess weight and turned to a nutritionist. His advice helped me lose the first 10 kilograms, but it was not enough. I began to think about liposuction, even went to consultations on this issue. But the doctor explained to me that I have a proportional figure, so I need to lose weight entirely. And liposuction helps pump out fat from a specific problem area, which will harm my figure.

When I was in rehabilitation after facial plastic surgery, I told the doctors that I wanted to somehow lose excess weight. The same clinic offered me a solution to the problem, quite radically, but once and for all - to do a gastric band. Here again my adventurous nature came into play; life, apparently, teaches me nothing. True, this time I approached the procedure more competently, went for a consultation, and studied all the forums. The risk seemed minimal, the operation was bloodless and took 20 minutes.

No one knew that I was going there - neither my mother, nor my daughters, nor my husband. I told my family that I went to see a friend and returned the next morning. I was ready to return the same day that I had the gastric band done, but the doctors asked me to stay until the next morning to be on the safe side.

Life after

I don't regret the stomach surgery at all. If I went back to that time again, I would do it again. Four years ago I weighed 106 kilograms, I lost it to 66. True, I now constantly monitor my nutrition, and have eliminated the wrong carbohydrates from my diet - ice cream, sugar, bread, carbonated drinks.

It seems to me that my husband and I now have a new phase in our relationship. After all, we already had a period of routine: together for so many years, the children grew up, the grandchildren went, the same sofa, the same mug, the same TV. And now there’s so much attention, so many compliments, he’s taking care of me! Even my daughters envy me and ask how I did it so that their dad loves me so much.

Kira (Kirill Sadovy)

MGUKI student, 20 years old

Cost of vaginoplasty: about 200 thousand rubles

I noticed feminine traits in myself and began to emphasize them in the seventh grade. Four years ago I moved to Moscow to study, then I went to a modeling agency, where I tried acting as a woman for the first time, then I put on heels and realized that I liked it. I started wearing makeup, growing my hair and wearing women's clothes. But as an androgyne, I spoke of myself in the masculine gender. A year ago, a psychotherapist advised me to talk about myself in the feminine gender so that it would be easier for me to socialize.

I thought that my femininity and sophistication would remain with me forever, but when I turned 19, I looked at myself in the mirror and realized that I was turning into a man. I even went for hair removal, which cost me a huge amount of time and money. It was useless: I was turning into a man, testosterone was boiling in me. It was unpleasant for me to look at myself in the mirror, I understood that I did not want to be like that. I already felt like a girl, and in the reflection I saw a man.

I began to read forums and websites, figure out what medications to take to make the feminization process safer, and began to take hormones on my own without the insistence of endocrinologists. I somehow felt the right dose myself (ten months later I went to the endocrinologist, and she told me that I calculated the dose absolutely normally, she didn’t even change anything for me). Within a month, I felt that my stubble had practically stopped growing, my breasts began to hurt, I felt that they would soon begin to grow. I saw that I had become more tender in general, and decided to move further along this path - to have sex reassignment surgery.

Conversation with family

I made the final decision in February of this year. I went to visit my family in the Vologda region; it was important for me to get their approval and support. I, of course, did not have financial resources, but I was sure that if I wanted, something would help me.

When I told mom and dad, dad got down on his knees and begged for God’s sake not to have the operation, saying that it was a demon inside me. Mom was in solidarity with him, she wanted to take me to church so that I would confess, she wanted to take me to a psychiatric hospital and cut off my hair.

My sister called me on the phone and said: “I don’t need such a relative, I’m giving up on you.” Then my brother came and beat me. At that time, dad was lying on the sofa, mom tried to help, but it was no use - in the end I got a concussion. I ended up in the hospital for a week.

At that moment I was incredibly sad, but I felt that my mother pitied me. She went to the hospital and asked not to be offended by her brother. But I wasn’t offended, I understood that we live in a small town, society is pressing. When I left the hospital, I felt that my mother accepted my decision, and eventually my father too. The financial issue was resolved on its own; I was offered to take part in the filming of a documentary about transgender people. The company that rents it paid the expenses.

Recovery will be longer: you cannot move for a week. And sit in a familiar position You can’t do it for a month, you can only do it sideways. In three months after operation I can study full sex


Gender reassignment surgery is not performed without indications. First, I had to consult a psychotherapist so that he could give me a conclusion about the presence of F64.0 syndrome - gender identity disorder, transsexualism. I was advised to have an operation, but I first had to undergo a urologist, a surgeon, a tripartite psychiatric examination, and pass a certain number of tests.

Gender reassignment surgery takes place in two stages. The first stage is orchiectomy (removal of the testicles). The operation lasted an hour and a half and the next day I was allowed to go home. It took me four hours to recover from anesthesia; during the first day I had tolerable nagging pain in the groin area, but I didn’t even need painkillers. I immediately felt that something foreign had already been removed from me. I will have to take hormone therapy for the rest of my life because my body will no longer produce testosterone. But in this regard, I am an obligatory person - this is my health, my appearance.

I still have to undergo the second stage - vaginoplasty - in January. Recovery will be longer: you cannot move for a week. But you can’t sit in your usual position for a month, you can only sit sideways. Previously, vaginoplasty was done differently, roughly speaking, everything was cut off and drilled. Now doctors have reached a new level. I will have an absolutely female vagina, but there will be no uterus. Three months after the operation, I will be able to have full sex, and I will experience an orgasm, and there will even be natural lubrication.

When I first thought that I wanted to have an operation, I called all the sperm banks, but I couldn’t afford to save the sperm - they have to leave 15 thousand for storage every month, and I had to give up this idea. Even if I can’t have children naturally, I don’t think it’s a big sacrifice, because there are a lot of abandoned children on Earth.

Although I recently found out that such an operation as a uterine transplant is already being done. Even one of my friends is planning to do it. True, transsexuals have not yet been given birth in practice, but I am sure that this process will begin soon. If, of course, this is not all a hoax and such an operation can really be productive, then I will be torn, but I will do it.

About studies

I informed the teachers at the institute personally, and they all reacted differently. Despite the fact that I study at the Department of Psychology and Pedagogy, where teachers should be savvy in such matters and treat people with gender identity disorders with loyalty, many are rude to me. One teacher shows open aggression towards me: she constantly makes comments about my appearance. For example, she doesn’t like my manicure. The teachers call me Kirill on principle. They said: until I change my documents, I will be Kirill for them. I understand teachers and I’m not offended - they are older people, it’s hard for them. The only teacher who treats me well is the one who decided to be my thesis supervisor.

Since the first year, my classmates have treated me normally; by the time the decision to undergo surgery was made, much less attention was paid to me. They call me Kira and address me as a girl.

After receiving my diploma, I will not work in my profession. I never wanted to be a psychologist, it’s not profitable. I want to work in beauty, make people more attractive, go into the field of makeup, image making, but this requires additional courses. But even before graduating from university, I need to find at least some kind of job, because soon I will have to move out of the hostel and rent an apartment.

Even when it comes before kissing,
the men have no suspicions. But if it's all about sex, I say that I transsexual. Naturally they are scared

About relationships

I am often invited on dates on various websites, in clubs, and constantly approached on the streets. It often happens like this: I was invited to a movie or we went to a cafe, we walk, talk the whole evening, and men all this time do not realize that they are not with a girl. Even when it comes to kissing, they have no suspicions. But if everything goes towards sex, I say that I am a transsexual. I’ve come across more conservative men, naturally, they get scared and start asking questions: “How can this be?”, “Where did you get your breasts, your face, and those lips?” There was no aggressive reaction, no one started getting hysterical about kissing a man. Because where am I, man? I don’t even look like a man, since childhood I have felt and behaved like a girl.

I had a relationship with one man for almost two years. We met on the train. As it turned out later, he saw me on a social network and read in my notes that I was traveling from Vologda to Moscow. That day at five in the morning he arrived at the station to pick me up. And when I went to take the train to Khimki, he followed me, entered the carriage, sat next to me, started complimenting me and invited me to go with him in the car. I denied it for a long time, then I believed that his intentions were good, and I was not mistaken. I fell in love with him, he treated me with such nobility and tolerated my betrayals. But he didn’t like children, didn’t want a family, so I immediately told him that I would be with him until I met a man who was ready for a serious relationship with me. For me this question is very important. I dream of getting married and finding a man with whom I will be happy; I am already mentally ready for children, but not financially ready.

*Prices are approximate, based on information from the websites of Moscow plastic surgery centers

*Irina refused the photo shoot, she is not in the picture

Photos: Semyon Kats

Million dollar girl! Who is she? Why do men talk about her like that? And how much does gloss actually cost?

There are a lot of rumors surrounding the secret to the success of sought-after women! What kind of person do you need to be to be noticed by men, respected by colleagues, treated well by competitors...

The famous model, socialite and regular heroine of television broadcasts Kira Arsenina, at whose feet men, fame, and money fell, told her tricks and methods of how to always stay on top!

1) The most important mistake that modern women make is that they reshape themselves beyond recognition! In my opinion, natural beauty is always in fashion! This does not mean that you don’t need to go to a cosmetologist! No, you need it - clean and healthy skin reveals your well-groomed appearance! Even a face without makeup should look perfect! And this can only be achieved with perfect skin! Girls often forget about healthy hair! Simply healthy hair, not weighed down by styling products, looks better and more expensive than any hairstyle! And, of course, a slim figure! Believe me, everyone associates a good figure with a more significant concept - health, and health nowadays is expensive. This includes fitness, proper nutrition, relaxation, and much more! You automatically appear in the eyes of others as a dear, beautiful woman who takes care of herself, takes care of her health, and therefore will transfer this to her family. And this greatly elevates you!

2) “Diamonds are a girl’s best friend,” proclaimed the inimitable American diva Marilyn Monroe! In the modern world, you can make friends with less expensive jewelry. For example, family jewelry, as I call them, or products of the Soviet jewelry industry.

3) Your wardrobe will also have to be “combed” if you are applying for the TOP! Nowadays, elegance and simplicity are the choice of even the richest and most famous! For example, a pencil skirt, just below the knee length and a white or blue shirt will give you gloss and intelligence. A turtleneck, white T-shirt, straight jeans - sexy and modest at the same time!

4) Important fact! Neatness and cleanliness are an integral part of the image of a modern lady! You should always smell fresh!

5) Do you want men to be under your heels? Then choose these heels with passion! Shoes with a bright accent, pumps, have been very popular for several seasons now! And attract the attention of others! Every girl should have these.

6) Looking like 1,000,000 does not mean wearing a million! All the best at once - many people do this! This is mistake! Believe me, your name does not depend on the names of brands! Be it Chanel or Dolce, they will not add to your beauty if you have not followed the above points... And vice versa, any other designers will not yield to them if you are otherwise excellent!

7) There is nothing worse than a pretty girl who thinks only about her appearance and absolutely does not know how to behave properly. Sometimes you feel sorry for those women who spend a lot of time and money on care in order to achieve the perfect hairstyle, manicure and makeup, but are completely lost due to the total inability to behave and carry themselves with dignity.

8) Communication with men is almost the most important skill that any girl should master perfectly. We all know that sometimes it is better to remain silent and appear smarter than to talk nonsense without closing your mouth. I often see a picture where a woman in a couple fills the entire space! This is also a mistake! A worthy companion only occasionally inserts phrases and agrees with what has been said above, nodding her head in agreement with her chosen one. This shows that her man is leading the conversation. And in relationships! At least it should be like this in society!

9) Emotional state! Everyone likes a good mood and a smile! Cheerful people with good energy are very attractive! Have you noticed this? We kind of feed off of such people. Take this into account - always smile, enjoy every day, the little things... Bring positivity and joy to the world... But without fanaticism! You shouldn't laugh like a horse! Yes, you can smile a little without opening your mouth wide. It's inviting, not annoying!

10) Sense of humor! This is the most valuable thing! React to jokes, be able to defuse the situation, exchange an anecdote somewhere, in society... Such women are not forgotten.

That's all the secrets for today! Be queens, and never lower the bar!

Dutch beauty Loisa Lamers
The winner of the reality show "Dutch's Next Top Model" (analogous to the American television program "America's Next Top Model") in 2015 was 20-year-old transsexual Loisa Lamers.

“I want to gain worldwide fame and I will do everything in my power to achieve this,” she said in one of her first interviews. In order to start a career in modeling, she interrupted her training as a hairdresser.

Jenna Talakova from Canada
Canadian Jenna Talakova had sex reassignment surgery at the age of 19. Due to her transgender status, Jenna, who was recognized as the most beautiful girl in Vancouver in 2012, was banned from participating in the Canadian stage of the Miss Universe pageant.

With the help of lawyers, the model managed to defend her rights. Having taken part in the national selection, she entered the top 12 most beautiful women in Canada.

Australian model Andrea Pejic
Andrea Pejic is an Australian model of Serbo-Croatian descent. For several years at the beginning of his career, then Andrei demonstrated both men's and women's clothing. He decided to undergo gender reassignment surgery only at the age of 23, in 2014, already being a famous model.

Kira Sadovaya from Moscow
Kira Sadovaya, former Kirill, is called by the tabloid press the Russian Andrei Pejic. Kira also works in the modeling business.

However, in a country that has a law banning LGBT propaganda, it is not easy for her to make a career. A graduate of the Moscow University of Culture makes a living as a dancer and model in three Moscow

How Kirill became Kira
Kirill came to Moscow from the small town of Kadnikov in 2011 to get an education and become a model. He underwent gender reassignment surgery in February 2015. “I have not undergone any other plastic surgery on myself and am quite happy with what nature has given me,” Kira Sadovaya emphasized in an interview with Deutsche Welle.

Brazilian model Lea Tee
Lea T is considered one of the most famous transsexual models in the world of high fashion. Leonardo was born into a strict Catholic family, but very early on he realized that he wanted to devote himself to fashion, walking down the catwalk in high heels.

After meeting the Italian designer Riccardo Tisci, Lea Ti became a sensation of the 2010 season. She had her last sex reassignment surgery only in 2011.

Filipina Gina Rosero
Gina Rosero is an American fashion model of Filipino descent. For many years she managed to hide from friends and modeling agents that she was once a man. Gina had sex reassignment surgery in the Philippines at the age of 17. The girl admitted that she was transgender only in 2014.

Transsexual icon Amanda Lepore

Amanda Lepore is a symbol of transsexuals, a famous American freak diva. The outrageous model achieved success in the fashion industry, becoming an advertising face for such brands as M.A.C., Swatch, CAMP Cosmetics.

The model did not stop at gender reassignment surgery: she pumped silicone into her breasts, hips and buttocks three times. In addition, Amanda Lepore changed the shape of her eyes and enlarged her lips.

Dana International - singer from Israel

Dana International is a famous Israeli singer. In the past she went by the name Yaron Cohen. The boy began studying music as a child.

After the release of the hit "Dana International", which made its way into the American charts, Yaron managed to earn money for his main dream - gender reassignment surgery. Dana International gained widespread fame after her victory at Eurovision in 1998.

Amanda Lear - muse of Salvador Dali

Amanda Lear is a French pop singer and model who became popular thanks to disco music. She was the muse of the artist Salvador Dali.

According to rumors, it was he who, in 1963, paid for 17-year-old teenager Alain Tapp for a sex change operation, secretly performed in Casablanca. Amanda Lear truly became famous thanks to the patronage of David Bowie.

Alexis Arquette - American actress
Alexis Arquette, formerly Robert Arquette, became known for her appearances in many Hollywood films. Her first serious work was the role of transvestite Georgette in the 1989 film Last Exit to Brooklyn.

The role turned out to be prophetic: soon Robert had sex reassignment surgery. In 2007, Alexis starred in Robbie Williams' "She's Madonna" video. Today she is an actress, singer and producer.

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