Home Vegetable garden on the windowsill Master class "Modeling from plasticine with children: applique "Fish"". Goldfish from plasticine How to make a goldfish from plasticine

Master class "Modeling from plasticine with children: applique "Fish"". Goldfish from plasticine How to make a goldfish from plasticine

Familiar plasticine fish? Of course, this is the famous Dory - the sweet but forgetful heroine of the popular cartoon. Now you can make it yourself to create even more exciting adventures!

Conduct a simple modeling master class with your child to develop his fine motor skills, perseverance and accuracy. The result of your joint creativity is a neat figurine that exactly replicates the original from the big screen.

Plasticine fish “Dory” step by step

To create a craft, prepare ordinary children's plasticine (blue, yellow, black, white, lilac), as well as:

  • plastic stack
  • rolling pin
  • modeling board

To keep clothes perfectly clean, put your child on a children's apron for creativity.

STEP 1. Shape a piece of blue plasticine into a teardrop shape. The sharp tip remains untouched, but the wide one needs to be processed on both sides: make an incision on the left (the character’s future smile), and on the right, flatten it with your fingers and form convex tubercles over the resulting indentations (the eyes will be located under them).

STEP 2. Also try to make the mouth of the fish in relief: carefully sculpt the tongue with a stack.

It is important that the figure is symmetrical on both sides.

STEP 3. Attach lilac and black cakes to the white ball (size in descending order) - you get an eye!

STEP 4. Roll out black plasticine thinly using a child's rolling pin and use a stack to cut out an ornament for Dory's scales. The shape of this pattern resembles the letter “a” with a small loop and a long hook curved to the left. You need to make 2 such parts: attach them to both sides of the craft, so that between them there is a blue comb about 1 mm high.

STEP 5. The photo shows why the above-mentioned blue stripe was needed: using a stack, draw the dorsal fin.

STEP 6. The final decorative touches remain: for the tail, prepare 1 large yellow piece in the shape of a triangle and 1 long black flagellum, and for the side fins - 2 blue cakes, 2 small yellow triangles and 2 short black flagella.

STEP 7. Attach all the listed parts to the toy, as shown in the photo. Using a stack, make characteristic grooves to give the craft maximum realism. Your personal Dory is absolutely ready!

Advice: Try using a hardening modeling compound (for example, Play-Doh, Creatto) or polymer clay as a material. In both cases, your craft will be durable and can be painted to play with friends.

Now you know how to make a plasticine fish step by step, so you can place charming Dory in your home. Start your collection of cartoon characters with it!

Fishes are amazing creatures. They live in water, and we can find them in almost any body of water or keep them in an aquarium at home. There are so many varieties of fish that it is impossible to list them all at once. And people don’t know all the options. Quite often, scientists discover new, previously unstudied species.

We invite you and your child to fantasize about this topic and mold your own little charming fish out of plasticine. The brightest shades from the box with blocks of modeling material are suitable for this. You should buy plasticine, set aside some free time, and move on to the creative lesson, following the instructions below.

Materials for sculpting a fish:

  • bright plasticine of two colors;
  • stack.

Master class on sculpting fish from plasticine:

  1. A cheerful fish can be very bright, for example, yellow and blue. It is these unusual aquatic inhabitants that we can see in aquariums or pet stores. For our work, yellow and blue (blue) blocks of plasticine are suitable.
  1. Make a soft blank for sculpting the body of the fish. Roll a yellow ball.

  1. Next, deform the ball. First, press it down with your palm to get a flat cake, but not thin, but quite voluminous. Then give the resulting workpiece a triangular shape and round the corners.

  1. Using the cap of a ballpoint pen, press a circle for the eye. Do the same on the reverse side.

  1. Stick eyes into the resulting circle. First it will be a white circle, then add blue and black. Make the second eye symmetrical.

  1. Attach a fishtail from blue twigs striped with stack to the back.

  1. Attach the top fin by bending it back.

  1. Add blue decorations to the fish's body.

Children from a very early age begin to sculpt different figures from plasticine. This exciting activity allows them to develop finger motor skills, learn new properties of objects: color, stickiness, shape, and so on. Children love to create various animals, birds, and creatures that they come up with themselves from this viscous material.

Types of plasticine

You can buy different types of plasticine in stores:

  • Classical. Can be soft or hard. When working on paper, greasy marks may remain.
  • Ball. It can be drying, that is, after some time it hardens in air, and non-drying (reusable).
  • Safe. Made from plant materials. If a small child puts plasticine in his mouth, it will be harmless to him. The only thing is that it doesn't taste good. Therefore, the child is unlikely to want to put it in his mouth again.
  • Wax. Very soft, not sticky. The enemy of such plasticine is elevated temperature. In this case, it melts and becomes unusable.
  • Floating. Very light, so it floats easily on the surface of the water. The child will enjoy playing with it while swimming.
  • Fluorescent. Glowing paint of this type will not leave any child indifferent.
  • Pearl. The chic mother-of-pearl shine is suitable for sculpting fabulous products.

How to make a fish from plasticine

From all of the listed types of plasticine you can make original things and animals. Let's look at an example of how to make a molded fish from plasticine.

Depending on the further function of the future fish, suitable plasticine is selected. Choosing a color is not a very important procedure, since the fish can be any. It is advisable to wear an apron to avoid getting dirty. You should definitely check that you have the necessary tools: lids of different sizes, a steak for cutting plasticine, a special knife. You can use a comb to make the fins and tail of the fish.

Take plasticine. A circle is rolled out of it, approximately the size of a fish's head. The resulting ball is slightly flattened. Next, another plasticine is taken, rolled out, flattened and cut into three parts with a knife, from which fins and a tail are made. Using a comb, they are decorated with tooth marks. Next, the resulting parts are attached to the head of the fish. Small balls are then rolled out and attached like lips. The lids make small imprints of the gills. The final touch is to draw scales on the body of the resulting product using the body of the pen. Beads are attached instead of eyes. The plasticine fish is ready.

Then it can be glued to the frame and decorated with various seaweeds also made from plasticine. The resulting picture can be hung on the wall or given to friends. In any case, it will give an unusual look to the room.

DIY goldfish

A handmade goldfish made from plasticine turns out extraordinarily beautiful. It is made according to the same scheme that was presented above, or you can come up with your own.

To make it “golden”, you can use yellow plasticine and make a crown on your head. Then no one will doubt that this is really a goldfish from the fairy tale of the same name by A.S. Pushkin. Or you can paint the resulting figure with appropriate paint. Then you will definitely get a plasticine goldfish.

Making a goldfish from plasticine

Goldfish, making a craft from plasticine. Video for children

Let's make a fish out of plasticine with your child! Children's creativity for 2-3 years

Modeling video. Plasticine figures. Making a goldfish

We sculpt a fish and a crab from Genio Kids plasticine

Modeling from plasticine. Goldfish made of plasticine.

Gold fish. We make a craft from plasticine. Video for children

A goldfish can not only swim in your aquarium, but also appear on the table in front of you. In fact, we are talking about a toy or craft. Plasticine is a unique material that allows you to create any figures, including swimming fish. You can even place your product in water after work, nothing will happen to it. An interesting fish will be golden if it is made using yellow and orange plasticine. And if you wish, you can even add a crown to it, decorate it with glitter, sequins, and beads. Remember the famous fairy tale by A.S. Pushkin about a goldfish with a child, then he will be interested in sculpting this object with his own hands. The beauty caught by the old man fulfilled his wishes, so let it be a kind of talisman that brings good luck and prosperity.

What you need to prepare for sculpting a goldfish:

Yellow plasticine;
- orange plasticine;
- stack;
- a drop of blue and white plasticine.

How to make a fish from plasticine step by step

From yellow plasticine you will need to make the central part of the fish - the body and head, but first you need to knead the mass in your hands. This stage precedes each stage of modeling.

From the prepared yellow piece, pull out a part shaped like a bullet. Using the sharp tip of the tool, make a cut on one side, moving in a circle to separate the head from the body. It is better to make the tail of a goldfish very fluffy, consisting of 4 parts. Prepare 4 balls for the tail. Also prepare additional balls for the fins. In this lesson we will make a three-dimensional fish, leaving the body round, although it should be flattened on both sides over the entire area.

Start pressing and pulling 4 balls prepared for the tail. It is necessary to make oblong cakes out of them, shaped like droplets. Make the top fin triangular in shape and cut it in the right places, showing the characteristic texture, and make the side fins small and flattened, you can also cut them in a stack. When working with plasticine with such a tool, be sure to protect the surface of the table - use a plastic board or at least cardboard.

In the same way, cutting the cakes, prepare all the other orange parts. The more of them there are, the more magnificent the figure will be. Add white specks as eyes in the head area. The eyes can be replaced with real beads.

Use a tool or a stack to make scales. Move in diamond-shaped movements along the entire body, gently holding the fish with your fingers. Make a tight mesh. This is a very easy way; you don’t have to sculpt and attach each part separately.

At the last stage, start assembly. Glue the small fins on the sides symmetrically. Attach one wide fin to the back.


L.V. Nazarova

Director of MUDOD

CDT "Firefly"

G. Rtishchevo

Saratov region.

Municipal educational institution of additional education for children – “Center for Children’s Creativity “Firefly”

Rtishchevo, Saratov region.

Summary of an open lesson on the section “Learning to sculpt”

in the pre-school group "Droplets"

Subject : "Aquarium fish"

Location: Cabinet “Droplets”

Developed and carried out:

preschool teacher

M.A. Sidorova


Goals and objectives:

  1. improve the ability to work with plasticine using the relief modeling technique;
  2. continue to develop creative independence, create a desire to fantasize;
  3. learn to attach plasticine to cardboard;
  4. consolidate skills in depicting fish with plasticine;
  5. achieve a harmonious combination of primary and secondary colors;
  6. to cultivate in children aesthetic taste, imaginative vision, and love of nature.


  1. plasticine diagram (on the board);
  2. pictures of aquarium fish (children's guide);
  3. fish (in the “aquarium”);
  4. scheme of work execution (on the desk);
  5. “aquarium” (on the board)
  6. plasticine, oilcloth, board, napkin, stack (on the desk).

Preparatory work:

Conversation about aquatic and aquarium inhabitants.

Lesson plan.

  1. Org. moment. (1 min)
  2. Learning new material. (5 minutes)
  3. Warm up for fingers. (6min).
  4. Practical part. (10 min)
  5. Physical education minute
  6. Creative work (5min)
  7. Game "Fisherman"
  8. Bottom line. (3 min)


1. Organizational moment

Children enter the office and go to their workstations. The children sit at their desks. On the desks there are oilcloths, planks, plasticine (yellow, orange, white, black, red), stacks, napkins.

Teacher: Guys, today we have an unusual activity. Look how many guests we have. Let's say hello and smile at them.

You will find out the topic of the lesson if you guess the riddle. Listen to her carefully.

Look at the house,
Filled to the brim with water,
Without windows, but not gloomy,
Transparent on four sides.
There are residents in this house
All are skilled swimmers.

– Who guessed what it was?(aquarium) . Right.

2. Introductory part


Look at the aquarium I brought you today.

(showing the preparation of the aquarium)

What's in the aquarium?

(sand, pebbles, shells, algae, fish)

What are they for? (to make the fish feel like they are free).

The fish is sad, why do you think?

(children's answers)

1. Guys, can she be sad because she can eat?

2. Do you think she might be sad because the water in the aquarium is dirty? And now I will teach you how to purify water if it is dirty.


Water can be purified using a filter.

Look, the water in this jar is dirty. We will clean it using a filter that you can make yourself. It consists of cotton wool gauze. I put cotton wool and gauze into the funnel. And I pour out the water. Look what happened? Has the water become clear? And the dirt remained on the gauze and cotton wool.

3. She is sad because she has no friends.

What can you make friends for a fish? (blind, cut out of colored paper, draw).

Today I propose to sculpt fish from plasticine using the relief modeling technique.

Who knows what fish live in the aquarium? (children call)

Look what fish I brought today.

(I show illustrations of aquarium fish and name them)

Angelfish, guppies, gourami, swordtail, golden, catfish, barb.

Before starting work, we will warm up our hands a little.

3. Warm up. Finger gymnastics “Fish”

(The fingers of both hands are folded in a pinch. The hands move in a wave from the shoulder, depicting diving fish.)

The fish swam and dived
In clean, warm water.
They will shrink(On the last word, the fingers are clenched very tightly.)

They will unclench (Fingers spread strongly to the sides.)

They will bury themselves in the sand.(Put your fingers together again and alternately make movements with your hands, as if you were digging up sand.)

4. Practical part

A) Safety precautions explained:

There is an unsafe tool on your desk, which one? ( stack)

Right. Let's remember the rules of safe work when sculpting plasticine:

  1. you cannot play with the stack, it must lie on the edge of the table;
  2. use the stack only when necessary;
  3. You can’t put plasticine on the table, only on oilcloth or a board;
  4. Do not throw plasticine on the floor;
  5. Do not put plasticine in your mouth;

B) You have fish sculpting patterns on your tables.

Analysis of schemes on an individual basis.

Guys, pay attention to the diagrams on your tables. Making a fish consists of 3 parts: head, body, tail, fins and eyes.

So, we got acquainted with the pattern of sculpting a fish.

c) We begin children’s independent work from the first part (from the head).

5.Dynamic pause (10 - 15 minutes after the start of work).


We went down to the fast river,(walking in place)

They bent down and washed.(bending forward)

One two three four,

That's how nicely refreshed we were.(claps hands)

And now we swam together,

You need to do this manually:(circular movements with hands)

Together once, this is breaststroke,

One, the other is a rabbit.

All as one -

We swim like a dolphin.

Went ashore steep(jumping in place)

And we went home.(walking in place)

6. Creative work

a) Individual work with children during independent activities.

b) Product design(with the help of a teacher, children place finished products in an “aquarium”).

7. Game "Fisherman"

The game is played with those guys who have finished their work.

Teacher: The guys who did everything, the fish invites you to play a game. Probably each of you would like to catch a goldfish? (Yes). And today will your dream come true? I need two participants. You need to catch the goldfish the fastest by reeling in a ball, the fish will come closer when it is in your hands, then you are a real fisherman. For this, the fish will fulfill your three wishes.

8. Job analysis. Summing up the lesson

The teacher marks the “+” and “–” of the children’s work, asks who liked the activity and vice versa, who and what difficulties they encountered when making the fish. An exhibition of works (“Aquarium”) is being organized. The guys attach their work to the “aquarium”.

What a wonderful aquarium we have.

What have we learned to do today? (purify water, sculpt fish)

What technique? (relief modeling)

What did we need to make such beautiful fish?

Look carefully at your work, did you do everything correctly?

What did you like about today's lesson?

Does anyone remember the names of aquarium fish? (children's answers).

The fish is very happy. She thanks you for being kind and sympathetic, for trying very hard and making many beautiful friends.

Wonderful work. Your fish look like real ones. Well done everyone, class is over. Line up in pairs.

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