Home Mushrooms How fun it is to give gifts for the New Year. Interesting ideas for inexpensive gifts for the New Year. The most necessary gifts. Riding lessons

How fun it is to give gifts for the New Year. Interesting ideas for inexpensive gifts for the New Year. The most necessary gifts. Riding lessons

One of the most pleasant moments of the New Year is, of course, gifts. All people - both small and large - love to receive New Year's surprises. Giving a gift is a whole ceremony and its proper observance leaves a good impression both on the gift and on the giver.

Have you already purchased New Year's gifts for your loved ones? That's half the battle! Ninety percent of success depends on how the gift is presented. New Year's Eve is a time of waiting. All the fun lies in waiting for a miracle.

Children look forward to gifts most of all. For an original congratulations to your child, you can invite Santa Claus and Snow Maiden from companies specializing in such New Year's services. And there is an even simpler option: ask your neighbors to ring your doorbell on New Year’s Eve and leave gifts at the doorstep. Instruct your child to answer the call (refer to how busy you are). Imagine his joy when he finds a gift and a small note from Santa Claus, saying, “Sorry, I’m in a hurry - there are many more children to see, don’t worry, listen to mom and dad.”

If you wish, you can give a gift to the child and all the guests present, taking gifts out of the bag like a good wizard. Only you need to take care of your wizard costume.

When all the guests are seated, call the child and say: “All sorts of miracles happen on New Year’s Eve. So you and I can be magicians!”

The child should actively help you - let him cast magic over the bag and come up with spells. You must theatrically take gifts out of the bag and give them to the person for whom they are intended. Give gifts to everyone present, focusing on the child, appreciating his merits and achievements in the past year.

Adults love pranks just as much as children, and perhaps even more - in their busy lives, less time is spent on games and surprises. Do not rush to hand out gifts prepared for guests from the doorstep. After they have refreshed themselves and are slightly tipsy, give them papers with individual tasks. They must encrypt the location of the gift. For example: “Your gift is where the arctic cold always reigns, but no one has yet died from cold and hunger.” You probably already guessed that this means a refrigerator. This means that the guest's gift is in the refrigerator.

Is it worth reminding that presenting a New Year's gift wrapped in beautiful wrapping paper and tied with a decorative ribbon is not originality, but rather a tribute to etiquette and polite tone? But packaging in three, four or even five layers (based on the matryoshka principle) already claims to be an original presentation. The main thing here is not to overdo it with the number of layers, otherwise the recipient, after lengthy attempts to open the packaging, is unlikely to be happy with the gift itself.

By the way, with the help of balloons you can give a gift to your beloved girl in a very original way. You should attach a gift to a heart-shaped balloon filled with helium: something light, such as jewelry. Place the ball in a box, which is given to the recipient of the gift. Imagine the surprise and delight the process of opening a gift will cause! It is important to give such a gift indoors, otherwise it will fly away in the literal sense of the word.

The main idea of ​​any original way of presenting a gift is to create intrigue and create a positive mood. May your gifts always bring joy and a sea of ​​impressions!

Happy New Year!

On the threshold again New Year, and again parents are concerned about WHAT and HOW to please their baby. After all, this is an extraordinary holiday, all woven from magic, fairy tales, special beauty and the expectation of a miracle. Therefore, the main thing in a New Year's gift for a child is not even what exactly is given, and how this gift was presented.

Packaging is the highlight of the program

It is advisable that they be packaged in a special New Year's way - not at all as if the same thing had been given, for example, for a birthday.

It is known that in the USA the main attention is paid not to the gift itself, but to its packaging - boxes, baskets, cases and bags. The process of unmasking a gift is reminiscent of a riddle about cabbage, and this, in turn, piques the baby’s interest. And here parents must show creativity and imagination: this year’s packaging should not be similar to last year’s.

New Year's gift - personally from Santa Claus

Even if the child is already old, the fairy tale about Santa Claus can be continued, only in a different key and tone, as for adults. This means that a gift either appears in a certain place (in most families - under the tree), but some have their own favorite “Santa Claus places”. It might be worth coming up with something like this, but the child, of course, should know in advance where to look.

There is also such advice: do not put all the gifts under the tree, but extend the pleasure: hide gifts throughout the house (under the pillow, in shoes, mittens, etc.). Or give the child a “treasure map” - let him look for it.

How else can you give your child a gift for the New Year? In Europe, there is a beautiful custom of placing children's shoes on or near the threshold in order to hide some of the gifts there.

Or you can do this: prepare several empty matchboxes and beautiful wrapping paper in advance. Put small notes in the boxes for the child with various easy tasks that he must complete in order to receive a gift. Notes can send him to different corners of the apartment, where surprise “finds”, hidden in advance, await him. In the end, this long puzzle will be solved, and after traveling around his own home, the child will find a gift.

It is better if you ask the children to wait until the morning. If they, like adults, stay up late on New Year's Eve, give them some sweets or the smallest of gifts after the clock strikes. But Main Gift the baby must find it in the morning.

Santa Claus Mail

A surprise telegram is also a great way to surprise children. Take a real telegram form from the post office and write a congratulation from Santa Claus on it. The telegram must be convincing and “real”, addressed specifically to your child. For example: “Dear Andryusha! Sorry that I didn't get to see you. I came in at night and didn't want to wake you up. Happy New Year, hello to dad and mom. Look behind the closet in the hallway. Your Santa Claus." Such a telegram can be discovered “by accident” when someone goes to pick up a newspaper.

You can also ask someone you know to call you in the morning and, introducing himself as a postal worker, call the child to the phone and tell him that a telegram addressed to him is in the mailbox. The gift should already be waiting for its owner in the closet. In the apartment you can lay out several “material evidence” that the overnight guest was here. This could be a mitten that does not belong to any family member or a greeting card to everyone in the family.

Secret door

By the time the child wakes up, the door to one of the rooms should be closed. You need to hang a note on the door, in which you should write that the right to be the first to enter the room and distribute gifts to everyone is given to the smallest member of the family. But this should happen only when he gets up, washes his face, brushes his teeth, puts on festive clothes and gathers everyone at home together.

In the “secret” room, place beautifully wrapped gifts with the names of the recipients. Don’t forget about decorating the room itself: on New Year’s Eve, something in it should change at least a little. When distributing gifts, the youngest in the family should, of course, “command the parade.”

A cherished wish with an element of surprise

Even if the child’s wishes were taken into account when purchasing a gift (which is good and desirable), it is much better if the gift does not contain exactly what he saw yesterday in the nearest store. It would be nice to exceed the child’s expectations at least a little. It's not easy, but it's worth trying!

And to avoid the problem: “he/she already has everything!”, it is best to buy serious gifts several times a year: for a birthday, for New Year’s, or for some other important dates for the family. These gifts should be planned thoughtfully and well in advance. And don’t surprise yourself by buying something that no one needs. Maybe it’s worth buying fewer gifts between holidays, especially toys - children quickly get bored with them.

Finding out what your child would like to receive for the New Year is quite simple. And with big ones, and even more so with small ones, Santa Claus is usually taken as an interpreter. Either they write him a letter - as is customary now, or they simply discuss what they expect from Grandfather as a gift. Also, probably, every family has its own style of such conversation. Well, in others they don’t find out anything - surprise, surprise!

Create a festive atmosphere in advance

For every child (and for most adults too), the anticipation of a holiday is something more magical and wonderful than the holiday itself. Therefore, try to create a festive New Year's atmosphere in your house ten days before its onset.

We have already written about. You can also decorate your house by making a magic tree with your child. Hang candies, nuts, and garlands on dry twigs, fastened together and “planted” in a vase or bucket, wrapped in foil. Here, by the way, the child can leave notes hinting what he wants to receive for the New Year.

How not to ruin the holiday

Think through the details in advance so that you don’t accidentally ruin the New Year’s celebration for your child. Where will the gift be stored until the right moment, how will it get there, how to put it under the tree (or in a chosen place) or give it to Santa Claus. These little things, if they are not thought out (and it would seem that this is all self-evident) - can sometimes ruin a child’s holiday and the mood of everyone else.

Well, if there are several children, how can you be sure that the children will receive exactly their gifts (many cases have been described when the younger one takes a gift for the older one - and there are also tears and problems). So It is best to make the name of the owner of the gift an element of its design .

If you hang New Year's boots, shoes or socks on the tree in which you put gifts, it is advisable to equip each boot with an inscription with the name of the person for whom it is intended (children, parents, guests), so that it is easy and fun for everyone to find their New Year's gifts. The boots can be made from pretty paper, such as colorful gift wrapping paper sold in stores. Or you can, spending a little more time, sew completely unique handmade boots from scraps of fabric available at home.

And may this New Year be as magical as ever in your family!

Large photo: tesco magazine

Note to moms:

New Year is knocking on the door, but you still haven’t bought a gift for your beloved husband? Refer to the classics! A men's wristwatch is a gift for all times. In the World of Watches online store you can choose for your loved one beautiful and high-quality wristwatches from world-famous brands, taking into account your tastes and wishes.

It would be nice if the issue of the number and composition of gifts was not a problem point in the family. Remember, the most important thing for a child is not gifts, but relationships. The baby may forget what Santa Claus gave him, but the way mom and dad fight will be remembered for a long time. If you can’t agree, let everyone give their own gift. Sometimes what dad wants to give to a boy is incomprehensible to mom, and vice versa, what mom wants to give to a girl does not impress dad at all.

How to make your baby “notice” your gift?
Very often a child has so many toys that even the newest and most beautiful ones are difficult to notice. In order for your child to truly appreciate the gifts you spent a lot of time, mental energy and money choosing, before the New Year he needs to miss toys in general and new ones in particular.

Agree with relatives and friends: the second half of November and December - no gifts for the baby. If you want to please, bring something tasty or a new book. And save money in order to buy something of high quality for the holiday. It’s good to choose toys from trusted brands that won’t break a week after purchase. When a toy given by Santa Claus himself breaks, it is especially offensive.

In order for the child to play better with your gifts, the number of toys can be reduced. You can do this this way: divide all the toys you have into 4-5 parts, put each one in a beautiful bag or box, and remove all these boxes, except one, from the free access area. The remaining toys can be placed on a shelf or rack. Every week you can take out a new box, having first removed those toys with which the child played for a week. As they say, “the new is the well forgotten old.”

A few days before the New Year, try to put away what the child was playing with and take out just a few toys. Let the baby miss the toys and take a break from their abundance. Then there will be more joy from gifts and attention to new toys.

What to give?
Remember that you are the ultimate expert on what will work best for your child. Choose gifts in advance, without fuss and haste. It is important that you have the opportunity to focus and think: what will please my child the most? What will he be interested in? What will contribute to its development? What thing do I like and make me happy?

How to give?
It is important not only to choose a gift wisely, but also to give it correctly. Often, in the bustle of the holiday, gifts somehow get lost and end up in a huge pile of toys that are already on the shelf. Therefore, for new gifts it is worth setting aside a separate place, like a display case, so that you can admire not only the gifts, but also the packaging for several days. A high shelf, part of a desk, a window sill or the surface of a piano are perfect for this purpose.

One gift per sitting
A serious gift should be one at a time. Otherwise, the baby’s attention will become unfocused, and, not getting enough of one gift, he will grab another. But the novelty effect of the first gift will disappear.

“Communication stamp” on the toy
In order for a child to enjoy the gift of a toy, you just need to find time - quite a bit. Fifteen minutes with the phone turned off is enough to sit on the sofa or carpet and slowly play with a new toy.

Take the time to play with a new toy with your child, “act out” it, saturate it with your presence. And the baby will certainly recoup this investment of time with independent play.

Language of love
Each child perceives love addressed to him in a special way and in a special language. The main “love languages” are time, help, touch, gifts, affectionate words. The language of gifts is universal for children, but only if the baby already knows how to play and is not yet “gifted.”

Gifts you didn't choose
But it also happens that you cannot control the quantity and quality of gifts from close and distant friends. Guests came and brought a toy - you can’t refuse and not take it. This will be a cruel insult. But if you have serious doubts about the quality of the gift or its composition, think carefully before giving it a place in the nursery. Toys and book illustrations are exactly what have a great influence on the formation of a child’s inner world.

Fortunately, kids don't remember gifts for long. And if you were given something completely unfortunate, do not be afraid to get rid of this thing. Gifts that upset you personally can be removed.

How to give gifts to friends without tears?
Remember that for a small child it is not easy to part with an item, especially one that is beautifully packaged. So if your baby easily gave a gift, you should be happy: it’s a pleasant surprise. It is useful for parents to be prepared for the fact that their child’s behavior at the time of presenting gifts will be far from ideal.

If you are worried that your baby will behave “indecently,” play with him in giving gifts. Start the game 2-3 weeks before the holidays. Let the mother doll give the child doll a gift, and the other child doll behave differently: shouts “Give it back!”, says “Happy New Year and Merry Christmas,” hides and is shy. Options can be selected based on your child's behavioral characteristics.

As they say, “as you live, so do you celebrate” - if your child has not yet learned to share his toys with other children in the sandbox without problems, you should not expect him to easily part with a mysterious object in a beautiful package. Until the baby turns 3.5-4 years old, one cannot expect joy from him at all when parting with things. And this is if we talk about calm children - temperamental children will need more time to realize that giving gifts is pleasant.

If the age or character of your baby makes parting with beautiful gifts painful, do not subject him to excessive trials - give it yourself when your child is passionate about something. Next year he will grow up and understand how nice it is to be the one who gives gifts.

When there is nothing left to give
If your child “has everything,” choosing a gift becomes a problem and the joy from it is minimal. Remember that a child can appreciate little things (colored pieces of glass or small candies) much more than something global.

The longer the baby dreamed of a gift and waited for it, the more valuable the new thing will be.
If the child is not happy, do not be upset; perhaps he is too excited or tired to appreciate the surprise and thank him for it. But if the gift is really good and “hits the mark” – that is, creates a “zone of proximal development” – the child will return to it when the New Year’s fuss subsides.

The pre-New Year bustle is a pleasant state; a lot of holiday souvenirs, decorations, cute gifts and shiny tinsel appear in stores. But, nevertheless, choosing gifts for family, friends, and colleagues often turns out to be difficult, if only because many interesting ideas do not always arise in your head, but everyone needs to be congratulated, and the gift should be pleasant and festive. In this article we have collected as many as 100 gift ideas for the New Year, and among them you will find a variety of options: cheap and expensive, useful or just pleasant, funny and serious. Choose and recharge yourself with the New Year's mood!

100 options for New Year's gifts for everyone

  1. Painting. For example, with the image of an animal symbol of the year, with a winter landscape or a warming still life for the kitchen.
  2. Bathrobe and slippers. A nice New Year gift for both men and women.
  3. Perfume. A good gift for any occasion - of course, if you know the tastes of the person for whom it is intended.
  4. Scales. Kitchen ones are for a good housewife, floor ones are for a person watching their weight.
  5. Relaxation at a camp site, with skiing, ice skating, sauna and other outdoor activities.
  6. A frame for a photo in a New Year's theme, perhaps along with a photograph.
  7. Decision ball. An unusual and stylish souvenir, also useful for an indecisive person.
  8. Cover for passports, car documents, for example, made using scrapbooking technique.
  9. Potholders in the shape of snowflakes, or a mitten in the shape of Santa Claus.
  10. Coffee maker, coffee machine, or a good Turkish coffee pot.
  11. Jewelry stand - for the lover of jewelry and costume jewelry.
  12. Coffee table, breakfast tray in bed.
  13. Gift on the theme of erotica, sex. Kama-sheet (a sheet for making love in a wide variety of positions), the game “Erotic forfeits”, some kind of sex toys.
  14. Master class: on preparing a Christmas goose or pudding, on knitting a warm scarf, on creating Christmas tree decorations.
  15. Player for vinyl records and records for it.
  16. Smart watches for active young or not so active people.
  17. Congratulations from Santa Claus. You can make a congratulation in the form of a letter, a video, or even invite Santa Claus to your house - not necessarily for children, adults will also have fun receiving such a gift for the New Year.
  18. A huge gingerbread in a beautiful box. For example, gingerbread in the form of a symbol of the year or simply large and tasty - several kilograms.
  19. Puzzle - for lovers of logical puzzles.
  20. Snowball. Ball with New Year's composition and snow inside. An excellent universal souvenir for colleagues or relatives.
  21. An unusual mug, a pair of tea or coffee, or a whole set. Another option is a set of two mugs for lovers.
  22. Barbecue set. A whole set: barbecue, picnic dishes, skewers, grill grate, or something from this list.
  23. Stand for pens and pencils. You can complement the gift with a set of unusual stickers for notes or a stylish diary.
  24. Bath set. For a bath lover, this is a good gift.
  25. Wallet. Appropriate in any case.
  26. A bucket for champagne, you can present it complete with a set of beautiful wine glasses and a bottle of a good sparkling drink.
  27. A wireless mouse, keyboard and other small computer accessories: headphones, flash drives with a New Year's design, a mouse pad with snowflakes or Santa Claus depicted on it - an easy way to create a New Year's mood in the workplace.
  28. Snow scooter, tubing and other accessories for downhill skiing.
  29. T-shirt with a funny inscription or winter picture. You can find one ready-made or have it made to order, with a pattern of your choice.
  30. Case for phone. There are never enough of them, and the choice is really great - you can give something cool or just beautiful and stylish.
  31. Umbrella. Despite the fact that it is winter outside, this gift is quite appropriate, because a rainy spring is just around the corner. An umbrella from a good company or just a cool one - with funny images on them, or such unusual things as an umbrella for lovers, or an umbrella in the shape of some character (for example, a minion).
  32. Plant in the pot. A small Christmas tree or thuja, or maybe a poinsettia - a “Christmas star”.
  33. Ashtray. A good expensive ashtray, or one that will make its owner and the people around him smile. A suitable addition to such a gift is a stylish lighter.
  34. Rocking chair.
  35. Electric razor, shaving machine, a set of good men's cosmetics that care for the skin after shaving.
  36. Travel suitcase. Such a gift would be appropriate if a person likes to visit different countries or often goes on business trips.
  37. A car fragrance with a New Year's, winter scent - Christmas tree, tangerines, winter freshness, ginger and cinnamon - so that the aromas of the New Year are in the car interior.
  38. Snowmobiling.
  39. Casket. Musical, New Year's, in the form of a book or handmade from wood - choose depending on the tastes of the person for whom it is intended.
  40. New Year's photo shoot.
  41. Liquor accessories. Convenient corkscrew, bottle opener, set of shot glasses, etc. A more expensive New Year's gift: a wine bar or bottle case, handmade by artisans.
  42. Photo magnets for the refrigerator, made to order from your photographs.
  43. “Drunken” chess or checkers, drunken roulette – sets for games that can significantly raise the temperature of a party in a cheerful company.
  44. Unusual piggy bank. In the form of a symbol of the year, a piggy bank-ATM, a piggy bank-book, a soccer ball, etc.
  45. Underwear from a good brand, or something fun like a thong with Santa Clauses or Christmas trees on it.
  46. Composition of sweets. You can give a woman a bouquet of chocolates and other sweets; for a man it is better to choose a basket with his favorite chocolates or just a custom-made chocolate figurine.
  47. Pillow with photo printing. For example, with your photo or with some unusual inscription.
  48. Projector starry sky. A projector that will draw a lot of multi-colored stars on the ceiling of the room or a more expensive option that will allow you to really study the starry sky - because it shows a map of the real starry sky.
  49. Sleeping bag, travel tent. Even if the person to whom you give these things has never gone hiking, perhaps this is exactly what he dreamed of.
  50. Belt for beer cans. A good idea for a New Year's gift for a beer lover.
  51. Ball pen. Classic, from a good company and in a beautiful case, or unusual, with a joke.
  52. Tabletop biofireplace.
  53. Keychain. For a car enthusiast, a keychain with the license plate number of his car, or a lock defroster keychain is suitable; for a student, you can give a keychain flash drive or just a cool figurine. Another option is a flashlight keychain.
  54. A stand for storing discs, a box or a special shelf.
  55. An unusual journey, trip or hike to an interesting place.
  56. Audio speakers, music center.
  57. Thermos. In the form of a mug or regular, more spacious.
  58. Wristwatches, electronic or mechanical, made of precious metals or plastic – the choice is huge. You can give your child a watch-phone.
  59. Board game set. Poker, chess, backgammon - better than an unusual design, perhaps handmade.
  60. Cufflinks, tie and other men's accessories.
  61. Gift for the collection. If the person you are preparing a gift for is interested in collecting some rare (or not so rare) things, find a new item for his collection.
  62. Hookah. Give it to a person who likes to relax in the company of friends.
  63. Going to a strip bar. A gift for a real man.
  64. Set of auto tools. You can even give it to a car lady - let it lie in the trunk, it won’t hurt. But still, such a gift is better suited for a man.
  65. Massager. For the back, for the head, a massage bath for the feet or even an entire massage chair is a great place for relaxation.
  66. Orthopedic pillow.
  67. Stones for cooling alcoholic drinks. A gift for true connoisseurs of alcohol.
  68. A heated mug from the cigarette lighter, a car coffee maker or a kettle - for a person who practically lives behind the wheel.
  69. Car table. Convenient and practical.
  70. Car navigator, video recorder, radar detector.
  71. Jewelry decoration. Suitable as a gift for both women and men.
  72. Barometer on the wall. Everyone will love the ability to predict the weather.
  73. Uninterruptable power source. A very useful and necessary thing that can save a lot of nerves for a computer owner.
  74. Skis, skates. These are the most perfect winter gifts.
  75. A steering wheel with pedals for racing in computer games - of course, if a person is interested in them.
  76. An air humidifier and purifier is a useful gift for the whole family.
  77. Plaid. A cozy blanket with sleeves, a nice blanket made of velsoft or microfiber, or maybe a product made of alpaca or merino wool - natural and very warm and cozy, although not the cheapest.
  78. Set of New Year's balls. Glass, handmade.
  79. Set of tools for home repair. New Year's gift for male handymen.
  80. Car vacuum cleaner. Helps keep the car interior clean.
  81. Souvenir knives. A beautiful set of knives in a case that can be hung on the wall.
  82. Warming belt made of dog hair. It will become a favorite thing for a person who suffers from lower back pain.
  83. Cuckoo-clock.
  84. Smartphone, tablet, netbook and other electronic devices - for those who keep up with the times and understand technical innovations.
  85. A year's supply of socks in a beautiful suitcase is a useful gift for a man who has a good sense of humor.
  86. Electronic book or regular paper book. For example, a rare publication, collected works, self-instruction manual.
  87. Mittens and a scarf will keep their owner warm in cold weather.
  88. Iron, toaster, microwave, electric kettle and other small household appliances. Although, if you have the desire and finances allow, you can give more serious things.
  89. Quadcopter. A gift for both little boys and adult men - and they rejoice at it equally.
  90. Radio, shower radio.
  91. Electric heater. In the form of a blanket, foot mat or muff.
  92. A snowmaker is a device for making snowballs; it can be given even to an adult if he doesn’t mind relaxing in the fresh air in winter and playing children’s games.
  93. Calendar for the new year. Tabletop, wall, on birch bark, tapestry, wood, stone, etc.
  94. Tea in New Year's packaging, a set of different types of coffee. Can be completed with a box of Christmas cookies.
  95. Lamp. A table lamp, a cozy floor lamp for the bedroom or LED lighting for a computer desk.
  96. Sports accessories. Punching bag, exercise machine, ball,
  97. Hair dryer. As an option - a straightener, iron or other accessories that will help a woman create her image.
  98. Table hockey or football. Both children and adults can play. A good toy for family evenings together.
  99. A sweater with deer, or several sweaters - for all family members.
  100. Disco ball. Twinkling colorful lights will decorate your New Year's party.

Don’t worry about choosing gifts for your family and friends, on the contrary: relax, be positive and go shopping, then inspiration will definitely visit you and the best gift ideas for the New Year will come to mind. Don’t be afraid to be creative and imaginative, because gifts that are different from others are especially memorable. But you can choose the most practical and useful thing, most importantly, add New Year's mood with tinsel, New Year's sweets or souvenirs. Then your gift will sparkle with bright colors and New Year’s sparkles, and the eyes of the person who receives it will shine no less brightly. Happy New Year to you and your loved ones!

We all love to receive gifts, especially on such a magical holiday as New Year. But if you add imagination to gifting, you can surprise not only with the gift, but also with the way it was given. Such stories will then be remembered with no less warmth than the gift itself. So, what are some ideas for the New Year and how to give gifts in an interesting and effective way?

New Year's Ideas: Secret Santa

This type of gifting has become especially popular with the development of the Internet, and especially social networks. But giving gifts to strangers, although pleasant, is a little risky. Firstly, with this approach you will not see emotions, you will not understand whether the person liked the gift at all and how useful it is for him. Secondly, it is much more difficult to choose a gift for a stranger than for a loved one. Thirdly, it leaves an unpleasant aftertaste if you acted as Secret Santa and sent a gift, but received nothing in return. Still, the idea is a mutual exchange of pleasant little things.

How can you use Secret Santa in reality? There may be a couple of options here, either this is an office party, or a large friendly party, which will bring together not only best friends, but also good acquaintances. In both the first and second cases, you should initially determine the budget that will be spent on the gift. This is done so that no one is offended and no one cheats. After all, a keychain and a new dress are completely different types of gifts, so such an exchange is no good.

As soon as the budget is decided, how much is the minimum and how much is the maximum to spend on gifts from Secret Santa, you can proceed to the next stage, become that same Santa and find your own. And the method of drawing lots will help you remain “secret”. After writing their names on pieces of paper, all Secret Santa participants put them in a bag or bag. Then each participant draws out the name of the person to whom he will give the gift. Accordingly, there must be an even number of participants so that no one is left without a surprise.

In an office environment, you can give gifts at the end of the last working day, you can put a gift on the table of the person for whom it is intended during the day or in the morning. But at a friendly party, it will be much more impressive to sign each gift, naturally beautifully packaged, put them in a pile under the tree and feel the real spirit of the festive atmosphere. Among the advantages that you will be able to see the reaction of the person for whom the surprise was intended, a bonus will be bright New Year's photos under the tree with many gifts. Participants in the photo shoot will look like advertising heroes or Hollywood movie heroes.

New Year's Ideas: Find me if you can

This method of giving gifts is known to many, whether from personal experience, or from films or books. The special charm is that the gift is hidden somewhere in the house, or a real treasure map is drawn to find it. Thus, finding a gift turns into an exciting game.

This idea for the New Year is suitable for a large company, a small one, and for family quests. If the company is large, then again, it is worth stipulating a budget, and then hiding the gift as skillfully as possible for the person for whom it is intended.

To make your search more interesting, it is best to use your imagination. For example, hide your surprise in some place that is special to the person or simply unusual. To find it you will need a map or clues that will help you solve this mysterious place.

If the holiday is celebrated outside the city, for example, in a rented house or in a dacha that only the owner knows, then the search will become much more interesting, since no one will be able to navigate this area well enough.

New Year Ideas: Gift Calendar

Anyone who loves receiving gifts or really loves giving them will be delighted with this idea for the New Year. The calendar can be made in any way, for example, a chest of drawers with 31 drawers, 31 sewn pockets in which gifts will be hidden, and which can be hung on the wall. On the Internet you can find different ways to prepare such a calendar.

The main feature of the calendar is the numbering from 1 to 31, so that you can take exactly one gift every day. At the same time, in the first days you can give very minor pleasant surprises, such as chocolate or movie tickets. But the closer to the New Year, the more serious the gifts become. The final one should be a real good surprise.

This New Year's idea is ideal for couples, families or close friends living together.

How to give gifts in an interesting way: Every day is a holiday

The idea is similar to a gift calendar, but here the person who will receive gifts throughout December does not know about it. In order to realize the idea, you should stock up on small pleasant things for all the days of December, and then, every day, discreetly place a gift in the room or on the table of the person for whom they are intended.

A prerequisite is the effect of a fairy tale. To do this, you can buy a roll of wrapping paper, wrap each gift separately, and instead of an epitaph on the surprise card, write “From Santa” or “From Father Frost.”

Of course, the final gift cannot be simpler than all that came before it. Therefore, starting with sweets, you can gradually move on to more significant surprises, or make the final one the most significant.

This idea will also be appropriate only in a narrow family circle, among couples or close friends who live together.

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