Home Mushrooms How to pickle milk mushrooms in a cold way, a step by step recipe

How to pickle milk mushrooms in a cold way, a step by step recipe

Salted juicy mushrooms with a pleasant aroma are poured over with oil or eaten with horseradish. In terms of calories, they are not inferior to meat. Mistresses salt milk mushrooms for the winter in different ways. The cold salting method is often used; it does not require boiling mushrooms.

Preparing mushrooms for salting

Collect autumn gifts of nature in the forests, which are located far from the roadway and factories. Choose non-wormy, young milk mushrooms for pickling. Before salting, prepare them:

  • remove all dirt with foliage from the collected mushrooms. Use BRUSH;
  • Rinse each fungus thoroughly under cold water. Cut off the wormy parts. Soak very dirty mushrooms in water for a couple of hours, the dirt will come off faster. After that, rinse each of them under running water;
  • put the prepared milk mushrooms in a large bowl with hats down. Fill them with water without salt. You can soak with the addition of salt - take 10 g of salt per liter of water;
  • cover the container and place a small weight on the lid. Option - a jar filled with water. Soak the mushrooms for two to five days. During this time, they will give bitterness. Change the water twice every day.

Make sure that the liquid covers the gifts of nature completely. Try after the expiration of the above time, the slice tastes with your tongue - if bitterness is not felt, proceed to salting.

Preparing a container for salting milk mushrooms

Milk mushrooms are traditionally salted in wooden barrels. Mushrooms will absorb the aroma of oak wood and come out very tasty. But not everyone has barrels and they need a lot of mushrooms. For a small amount, take wide-mouthed glass jars, a ceramic bowl, or an enameled large saucepan.

Getting to the cold salting of mushrooms

For 1 kg of mushrooms, take 40 g of salt. You can cut the mushrooms or salt them whole.

Step by step recipe for cold pickling:

  • at the bottom of the selected vessel, lay out a layer of dry dill, allspice, bay leaves, cloves, garlic, dill and horseradish roots to taste. Do not forget about the leaves and twigs of blackcurrant and cherry leaves. Do not put a lot of spices - they clog the taste of milk mushrooms;
  • on the spices, lay the mushrooms in one row with their hats down. Sprinkle the mushrooms on top and put in a couple of black peppercorns;
  • again put some of the herbs and spices, then put the mushrooms, salt and repeat the process until the container is full;
  • put horseradish leaves in the last layer in a bowl;
  • place sterile gauze on top of the horseradish and cover with the prepared lid. Take a lid smaller than the neck of the vessel;
  • crush the mushrooms with a load. Install it on the lid. This is a small weight filled with water jar or plastic bottle.

Remove salted milk mushrooms in the cellar or refrigerator. After forty days they can be eaten. Under the yoke, milk mushrooms will begin to secrete juice and settle.

Helpful Hints

Do you want to enjoy the taste of salted mushrooms faster? Blanch them in boiling water with a colander. For salting, take ordinary table salt, without various components.

Check the mushrooms regularly during the salting process. They saw the mold - remove it, change the gauze, process the oppression and the lid and put them in place. Remove the mushrooms for testing from the vessel with hands in sterile gloves.

The cold salting method will retain all the useful properties of mushrooms. You can cook delicious dishes with salted mushrooms or serve separately. Don't miss the time to collect the gifts of nature and stock up for the future for the winter.

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