Home natural farming Financial horoscope for Capricorn. Capricorn - Snake. Horoscope in the love sphere

Financial horoscope for Capricorn. Capricorn - Snake. Horoscope in the love sphere

Despite the fact that 2016 for Capricorn can only be called a gift of fate, the beginning of the year will be quite difficult in all areas of life. This can have a particularly strong impact on marriage and family, slightly less significantly catching working moments. The desire to rebuild almost everything in your life can play a cruel joke with the representatives of this sign. However, it is precisely the difficulties that give rise to change something in the worldview, which Capricorn will have to do at the end of the summer of 2016.

Most Capricorns during this period will begin to gain even greater strength and authority, at the same time gaining greater flexibility and a sense of inner freedom. The pros and cons of everything that happens, Capricorns will be able to fully appreciate only closer to the end of the year.

Health status:

The general physical condition of Capricorn in 2016 can be determined not bad, but it will not reach the mark of excellent. Anxiety, fears, daily stresses do their job, systematically undermining strength throughout the year. However, the stars do not provide a strong health threat for Capricorns. All the expected energy problems for the health of Capricorns can be solved with the help of the right approach in choosing food, good rest. Meditation, interaction with nature and any relaxation techniques, as well as doing what you love (hobbies) will help you not get involved in nervous experiences and excessive emotionality, which will prevent diseases from taking root.

Family relationships and love:

An almost impossible task for practical Capricorns is set by the Year of the Monkey 2016. Demonstration of emotions and feelings, so unusual for Capricorns, will become forced. Resisting emotions is useless. That is why you should not make global decisions regarding love, relationships, creating or breaking relationships.

If Capricorn does not have a willingness to “think with his heart” openly, then forced nostalgia for past love or previously experienced emotions will be transformed into secret longing and constant thoughtfulness. In 2016, for Capricorns, there is a kind of turn into the past, to the fact that they have not completed in a relationship. Unfortunately, the causeless and uncontrollable stubbornness of Capricorn can interfere with the correct completion of the situation and untie the previously tied karmic knot. The desire of the representatives of this sign to wait until everything is decided by itself will also contribute to “doing nothing”. Nostalgia will really pass in the second half of the year, leaving memories and slight sadness.

2016 is a kind of retribution for excessive stubbornness, impulsiveness and practicality in relationships, to which representatives of this sign were inclined last year.

Work and financial growth:

Surprisingly productive will be 2016 for Capricorns. The illusory perception left over from last year will gradually pass, making room for unexpected opportunities and reaching a higher level. Permanent employment, extending to all spheres of life, will not deplete vital resources, since the opening of a second wind falls on the summer months. It is during this period that Capricorns will begin to reap the fruits of their labors, which will surprise, but not upset. The feeling of stability will grow until the very end of the year.

The financial opportunities provided by fate to Capricorns in 2016 are so chic that the year can be safely called one of the best for the representatives of this sign. The time is right for starting long-term projects and growing "in breadth" - expanding the business. Establishing the right connections, teamwork, refusing to pull the blanket over yourself are the main conditions for success for Capricorn in 2016 Monkey.

For Capricorn, the year of the Monkey in 2016 will be a rather positive time, full of new acquaintances and bright, one might even say epic accomplishments. It is important to note that travel will bring you especially a lot of positive things now. It can be business trips, moving or trips to interesting places. The more you move, the more the world around you will help you achieve what you want. In addition, in 2016, your zodiac sign will be able to change a lot in your life, so for someone the coming stage may well become fateful. The main thing here is not to burden yourself with unnecessary worries, you will need, let's say, pure perception in order to clearly identify really important, priority areas. Build your future without thinking about the consequences, now many will hope that in the future your plans are not as positive as they seem. Do not believe such speeches, you know better than others what you need.

Love horoscope for 2016 Capricorn

Probably, the first months of 2016 for the zodiac sign Capricorn can be quite a difficult test. In the sense that your personal relationships will go through a stage of significant metamorphosis. Do not be afraid of a break, if you understand that this can no longer continue, take the first step yourself. Now you need sincerity and open-mindedness. Of course, someone may be offended by you, believing that you are straightforward to the point of cruelty, but in reality such speeches will be extremely biased, know this. Closer to the summer period, new connections are likely to be established. In general, in this sense, the year of the Monkey will be entirely on your side, but only for the time being. Until you decide that your personal desires must always take precedence over the goals of others, everything will work out for the best. That is why now it is worth saying goodbye to your egoism (if this is the case) and focus on absolute reciprocity, the current stellar trends do not suggest any other option. And yes, this is true, to be honest.

Horoscope for 2016 Capricorn (family)

Home for Capricorns in 2016 will be of particular importance. This is probably due to the fact that representatives of this zodiac sign, who already have a family, will transfer their relationship, as they say, to a fundamentally new level. Of course, most likely, we are talking about replenishment. If you were not ready for this, then you should not particularly “strain”, everything will go well. Now it is very important that there is absolute mutual understanding between you and your passion. By the dawn of spring, try to resolve all current conflicts, if any. If everything is in order for you, then, as they say, relax and have fun. By the way, towards the end of the year, the Monkey may try to test the strength of your feelings. Do not be afraid of this, sincerity and honesty will allow you to easily overcome these trials. If at that moment everything is really not so good for you, then you do not need to lie to yourself or others. Do what you think is right, but remember that the heart cannot be deceived, it will always tell you how to do the right thing.

Horoscope for 2016 Capricorn (business)

In general, 2016 will be a successful career year for Capricorn. Moreover, the situation will gradually acquire dynamics, from the beginning of the year to its end. The apotheosis of this situation will come just for the summer period, which means that it is in the “warm” months that it is desirable to give all the best. Spare no effort, do not waste a minute of time, do not hesitate, all your expenses (primarily energy costs) will pay off, and many times over. It is only important to note that the vector of application of forces is of key importance now. That is, do not act thoughtlessly, plan using your strategic abilities. Circumstances will be on your side only if you yourself are clearly aware of what and why surrounds you. It is worth listening to the opinions of others only in the sense that we are talking about some significant rearrangements in the workplace. If you work for yourself, then you should also focus only on yourself now.

Horoscope for 2016 Capricorn (finance)

The financial situation of Capricorns in 2016 will improve in proportion to working success. But there are a few important things to note here. Firstly, the dynamics will be inconsistent, at the end of spring and in the first winter month, a "subsidence" of the graph is possible. There is no need to be afraid of this, it is a necessity that will allow you to accumulate resources and pay attention to your “pain points”. Secondly, as in the case of a career horoscope, the stars indicate that the maximum influx of finances awaits you in the warm season. In the summer, you will be especially good at making money. It is important sometimes to focus on the desires of those who are close to you. Do not rush to satisfy your every whim, you probably have enough resources for everything, but there will be no real need for this. It is better to be calm in this regard. 2016 is good in terms of earnings, but not very good in terms of large waste.

Horoscope for 2016 Capricorn (health)

Perhaps, in 2016, only the sphere of health will become a more or less difficult direction for Capricorn, in the sense that here you will need increased attention and concentration. If you have never worked on hardening your own body before, now is the time to pay attention to this activity. Moreover, it is advisable to start from the first months of the year, because later the year of the Monkey may not give you the opportunity. Nothing terrible, in principle, will happen, just in the summer and autumn periods, the likelihood of colds is high. By this time, it is desirable to strengthen your body as much as possible, while drug options (like vitamin complexes and immunomodulators should be relegated to the background) should be excluded. For those Capricorns whose work is not physically active, the horoscope recommends enrolling in yoga courses or something similar. You do not need heavy loads, but you need to keep yourself in good physical condition.

Attention, the above horoscope for 2016 of the Red Monkey - describes only the general trends inherent in the owners of the Capricorn zodiac sign in the new 2016. Due to your uniqueness, the general horoscope for 2016 for the Capricorn sign may not reflect real events. An accurate astrological prediction can only be obtained by compiling a personal horoscope for the upcoming 2016. You can get an accurate personal horoscope by clicking on the link below.

The exact personal horoscope for 2016 of the Monkey for the sign Capricorn:

Dates of birth of Capricorn: 22.12 - 20.01

Ruling planet Capricorn: Saturn.

Element of Capricorn: Earth.

Capricorn Symbols: goat, ladder, tower clock.

Lucky days for Capricorn: Saturday, Tuesday.

Bad days for Capricorn: Monday Thursday.

Metal for Capricorn: lead.

Gemstone of Capricorn: diamond.

capricorn plant: Apple tree.

Numerology Capricorn: number 4.

The most inspiring color of Capricorn: black and brown.

Opposite sign of Capricorn: Cancer

The beginning of 2016 for the representatives of the sign will be associated with some slowness and severity of actions on their part. However, at the same time, there will be a tendency to strive for material well-being, because from a very early age, Capricorns came to understand that they must achieve everything in life on their own. It is for this reason and a long-standing habit that representatives of the sign will believe only in their own strengths and capabilities.

In 2016, they will face a situation where it will be problematic for them to express feelings, especially for close people who may feel left out. It may happen that representatives of the sign will hear all the accumulated claims from relatives addressed to them. Such a conversation will not pass without a trace, Capricorns will be wounded in the heart, they will try to withdraw into themselves in order to sort out their feelings.

Also on this railing, representatives of the sign will "acquire" another not the best character trait as property, they will make every effort to protect their own, this can lead to misunderstanding on the part of others. Such recklessness of Capricorns will be completely unacceptable, it will be necessary to change your mind and analyze your actions in time.

In the middle of the year, problems associated with court cases are not ruled out, this can relate to both work and personal life. Therefore, the stars advise Capricorns to be more careful and prudent during this period. It is quite possible that in 2016 representatives of the sign will be deceived, in this regard, you need to take a closer look at the people around you. In general, Capricorns can be spoken of as responsible and prudent people, but everyone can get into an unpleasant situation. The main thing is to try to immediately understand what this or that person is, how "dangerous" he is and what can be expected from him. This approach will protect not only yourself, but also your family.

Capricorns will be able to relax a little at the end of the year, bright and eventful days will replace gray everyday life. Representatives of the sign will work actively, thanks to which they will earn the respect and recognition of colleagues and partners. Women will enjoy male attention, gifts, surprises, compliments and invitations will spin so much that young representatives of the sign can feel like in a fairy tale. In general, no major changes or special problems of the star in 2016 are predicted by Capricorns. You just need to perceive everything that happens adequately, solve problems as they arise, a calm and measured pace will minimize the possibility of miscalculations and make the right decisions.

Jobs for Capricorn in 2016

Expects a fairly busy year professionally, sometimes it will even resemble a kind of fever. The period promises to be extremely active, numerous negotiations and business meetings are expected. Capricorns should not miss this time, because it will allow them to climb the career ladder, reach new heights. The main process will be all matters related to money, but the most pleasant positive moment in 2016 will be success and good luck in the professional field. Representatives of the sign will be smart to solve all problems, luck will be a constant companion in all matters, the main thing is not to sit back, but to act actively.

The middle of the year will also be busy and active, there will be many events at work, significant changes and achievements await Capricorns. The stars in the sky will be in favor of the representatives of the sign, so all the dreams that Capricorns have cherished for a long time will begin to come true. An increase is likely, it is possible that many representatives of the sign will be lucky enough to sit in the chair of the head. If this happens, then the representatives of the sign will be responsible not only for their actions, but also for the actions of their subordinates and partners. Therefore, slips and mistakes should not be allowed, as they can cost a lot. Success and luck will accompany, but at the same time, Capricorns must act confidently.

At the end of the year, the situation in professional captivity will not change, everything will happen rapidly. At such a working pace, representatives of the sign should not forget about their loved ones, because attention and love cannot be replaced by material goods.

Financial horoscope Capricorn 2016

Confidence in their material stability and financial independence will come to Capricorns along with the onset of 2016. The period will be financially stable, but at the same time, representatives of the sign will constantly look for new ways to generate income. The situation at the beginning of the year will develop in their favor, and sometimes it will take very wonderful turns. So, the stars do not exclude the possibility that fate provides Capricorns with a good chance to win a large sum of money. Therefore, you should not miss such an opportunity, but it is worth taking advantage of it. How? Representatives of the sign can safely purchase lottery tickets, the reward will certainly wait for the winner. In addition, Capricorns will be asked to move to a new position, with an increase in pay, of course. No major expenses are foreseen during this period, which will also favorably affect the safety of the budget.

The middle of the year will not bring any unpleasant surprises, nothing will threaten material well-being, good luck will accompany them, allowing them to realize their plans, which will bring results. The financial situation will flourish, and it will happen so rapidly that many Capricorns may even be afraid of such success.

Representatives of the sign can have no doubt that the end of the year will be so fruitful and prosperous. Even at the end of the year, material well-being will be at its best, if the work is done only with a positive attitude, then this will have the most favorable effect on everything that happens. Capricorns do not even need to doubt that luck accompanies them, at some point it will even seem to them that money is pouring on their heads like manna from heaven. But everything will happen just like that, the money will stick to your hands.

Love horoscope Capricorn 2016

For representatives of the sign, 2016 has prepared many remarkable events on the love front. For those Capricorns who live in a civil marriage for a long time, the time will come to formalize the relationship. If this alignment of events does not suit them, then you will have to prepare for a conversation with your soulmate, this topic will certainly be raised.

Lonely people will be able to find out what real passion is, exciting adventures and incredible experiences await them. Many singles will meet their love in 2016, but you should not immediately trust a stranger, first you should find out his true intentions. It is quite possible that Capricorns will face a situation where they will take deceit for love, when a person will seek only benefit from a relationship. The subtle and sensual nature of Capricorns will undergo a serious blow, so as not to experience pain and disappointment, it is worth taking a closer look at the opposite sex in search of a soulmate.

In the middle of the year, life will go in a more calm and measured rhythm. Strengthening feelings with loved ones will contribute to tender feelings, the manifestation of attention.

The end of the year will be eventful, Capricorns will be drawn to love adventures, all undertakings will be successful. Family Capricorns will experience their former passion and desire. The end of the year will delight lonely representatives of the sign with numerous new meetings, interesting acquaintances that can develop into relationships with a good end.


Personal life

The general background of relationships with loved ones and loved ones among Capricorns next year will be very good. True, some not particularly pleasant particulars are possible. For example, representatives of this sign will have to face an overly (as it will seem to them) critical attitude towards themselves. And besides this, not always the relationship of Capricorns will be transparent and unambiguous.

However, if problems arise, they will be related to things of secondary importance, insignificant. Fundamental disagreements in the global between Capricorns and their partners, most likely, will not arise. And this means that they will not give reasons for parting or for big grievances. Well, at the household level, as you know, no relationship can do without disagreements and discontent. The most problematic time for Capricorns will be the period from autumn to the end of the year. Although, if you exercise sufficient caution in words, then they will be able to live it more or less calmly and without conflict.

I especially want to please the lonely Capricorns. In 2016, luck will smile on them almost certainly. Moreover, they will meet their soul mate, most likely in the first half of the year and, presumably, unexpectedly, when they have no thoughts about it.


The professional sphere, for the most part, will please Capricorns. Favorable Jupiter takes them under its protection for two-thirds of the year (almost until mid-September), so they will definitely have enough time to turn around and realize what they want.

So, in the first half of the year, Capricorns can safely start new projects, and those of them who are counting on a promotion will have every reason to get it before the end of the summer.

The year may turn out to be rich in travel. And this circumstance should only please Capricorns, because it is on trips that they will be able to meet interesting and promising people, learn useful information, etc. However, curiosity in general will become a hallmark of the representatives of this sign, providing them with the opportunity to be aware of everything that they need for successful professional activity.

And one last piece of advice: don't retire for a long time and don't rest on your laurels when success comes. Moreover, this is especially true for the last months of the year.


The financial side of life will go on increasing for Capricorns. At the beginning of the year, financial difficulties may arise. You may have to make urgent payments, forced to make purchases that are significant in amount. By spring, Capricorns will pay off all their financial obligations. But at the same time they will remain with a zero balance. That is, spring can be a period for them when they have to be patient, tighten their belts and try to calmly, without panic, exist modestly for some time and without pretensions to material abundance.

For those Capricorns who do just that, the situation will gradually return to normal. With money it will become easier, it will be possible to save or invest (a very good option in this case is real estate).

By autumn, Capricorns will be in a very advantageous position. The results of their efforts in the professional field will begin to bring them good dividends. And if in 2016 they have debtors, then it is during this period that they decide to pay off, so that the representatives of this sign will also receive money, which they probably did not count on.


In 2016, Capricorns, apparently, are not going to bother with their well-being. They prefer to forget that the resource of their body is not unlimited. And one way or another, it will make itself felt. Some of them will fail the cardiovascular system, someone will feel that immunity has decreased ...

Capricorns in 2016 are unlikely to be able to force themselves to take care of their health seriously and consistently. However, it is still desirable for them to adhere to the necessary minimum. It consists in the recommendation to start your day more actively, as well as in the mood for positive. It is desirable for them to convince themselves that all problems are temporary and passing. And if they succeed in this, then their troubles will indeed end and be replaced by positive moments and events quickly enough.

January 2016 will give Capricorns the opportunity to relax and enjoy socializing with friends. However, towards the end of the month, keep your finger on the pulse of events: they can accelerate at any moment and require you to be attentive and completely immersed. Be prepared for the fact that major changes can occur in the work team that affect you personally, and at the same time, carefully monitor what comes back into your life: the past can be more useful than ever.

February will require you to pay off your debts: finish the unfinished, close projects, return the once borrowed and, if necessary, ask for forgiveness from the offended. This is a month of purification, albeit sometimes difficult, but necessary. The beginning of March will return you optimism not only in work, but also in personal relationships. Do not waste a moment, try to express your feelings more frankly than you are used to - and you will be reciprocated even by those people who treated you with emphatic restraint.

April will inspire you with a rise in strength, health promotion, small and big joys associated with family life. Single Capricorns may meet a person with whom they want to create this very life; Capricorn family shines with a significant warming of relations with a partner; Capricorn parents, like Capricorn children, will find that they have finally reached out to their children / ancestors. The astrologers advise to strengthen the discovered love and mutual understanding with joint picnics, fishing and other pastimes in nature.

May 2016 will delight Capricorns with order at home and at work, as well as gifts: you can finally buy what you have long wanted. And if the desires are very large - for example, an apartment or a car - the stars do not forbid even borrowing: the return of funds will be easy and almost imperceptible. True, Capricorns would still not hurt to carefully calculate this step.

June and July are intended for hard work (from the workplace to the summer cottage or, for example, volunteer exploits) and parallel reflections on whether this very work pleases you. Consult with friends, discuss your thoughts with relatives, read Internet forums - perhaps your professional happiness is really hidden in a completely different area. The step into change will not be easy. But if you find the strength in yourself and decide, the Fire Monkey will reward you with good luck.

In August, the time comes for changes in personal relationships. Arrange an audit of feelings and act as your heart tells you: take your partner down the aisle, make the final choice between the two options, or even ask for freedom from an old life partner. If you are categorically not ready for changes, give your feelings a facelift by going to family psychotherapy with your “half”.

In September, some housing problems will come to the fore: necessary repairs, replacement of household appliances and furniture, work with communications. Try to have a certain amount in your stash by this time. October can be significant for singles, bringing that very meeting. Well, November and December will finally become months of harmony and balance between work, public and personal. Try not to break it with random conflicts.

Love horoscope for 2016 Capricorn

A powerful surge of sexual desire diversifies personal life and brings harmony.

Even the most secretive and closed Capricorns of the first decade will want to show their feelings, feel the storm of passions. Learn to talk about feelings, connect emotions - it will become easier and more interesting for you. Meet members of the opposite sex, flirt, flirt - and in the spring the stars promise you happiness. Courage on the love front will give you confidence in other areas of life. But be sincere and honest - if you do not experience feelings - do not play, otherwise happiness will pass by.

Capricorns of the second decade are planning pleasant changes in their personal lives, especially for those who have already found their soul mate. According to the astrological forecast, your intimate life will change. Show imagination, experiment, become more liberated - both of you will like it and renew your feelings. One "but" - do not control your partner everywhere and in everything and do not offend with jealousy.

Lonely Capricorns, born in the third decade, in the coming year will want to build the deepest possible relationships based on spiritual kinship. Their very attitude towards sex will change. They will unexpectedly find a kindred spirit in their immediate environment or have a secret romance with an unusually sexy and mysterious person. In the spring, this relationship will capture them entirely, this will be the happiest time of the year. Capricorns who are already in a relationship will rethink their personal lives. Many will understand that their halves are the most desirable and beloved people, that they have someone to live for.

Business horoscope for Capricorn for 2016

Changes will occur in the professional sphere only for those who have started a new business or changed jobs.

Capricorns of the 1st decade (22.12-2.01). Most Capricorns are workaholics, they spend much more time at work than at home, forgetting about household and family issues. Remember: only those who plan their working time incorrectly stay up late. As a result, this can lead to conflict with a loved one, resentment and misunderstanding. Spend time with your soul mate, invest in the development of family relationships - and then the balance will be restored.

Capricorns 2 decades (3.01-13.01). Capricorns of the second decade have a good chance of moving up the corporate ladder. Many of them will be entrusted with a task more responsible than before. And some Capricorns will develop and implement their own new project. Many will be able to lay the foundation for future financial success.

Capricorn 3 decades (14.01-20.01). Capricorns of the third decade will begin to look for new sources of income. The stars warn that if a part-time job harms your regular job, then it’s better not to experiment - you will lose much more, and your bosses won’t like it either. To get things going, some Capricorns will think about a loan. Take only the amount that you can definitely return, and only if the finances are really vital for you. Stars strongly recommend not to borrow money for entertainment, shopping and the like.

Family horoscope for Capricorns for 2016

Help your family and friends, even if they don't ask you to.

Capricorns of the 1st decade (22.12-2.01). A series of New Year holidays and entertainment will cheer you up and set the Capricorns of the first decade in a frivolous way. Do not forget about your duties, otherwise the Monkey will show you where the crayfish hibernate, and your reputation will suffer greatly. And already in the spring, your loved ones will be outraged by your nit-picking, irritation and intolerance. Work on yourself, do not be authoritarian and closed - and by the end of the summer, family relations will improve.

Capricorns 2 decades (3.01-13.01). Capricorns of the second decade will actively engage in children. Enjoy it, treat any situation with irony and optimism. In the summer, you will want to be alone with yourself, evaluate life and your successes. In August, the stars are advised to take care of their health and appearance, but it is better to relax in October.

Capricorn 3 decades (14.01-20.01). The first half of the year will be especially dangerous for the family - quarrels will flare up literally from scratch. If family Capricorns of the second decade do not learn to be silent during a showdown, they will face cardinal changes in the family. Those couples who can forgive and forget grievances will become stronger.

Health Horoscope for 2016 Capricorn

Your pedantry is to be envied, especially in regard to health.

Capricorns of the 1st decade (22.12-2.01). Astrologers advise Capricorns of the first decade to get rid of bad habits. Go in for sports, change your diet - switch to plant foods, especially if you have a problem with being overweight (or at least limit your intake of heavy and fatty foods). This is a favorable period to take care of your figure - do not postpone for tomorrow, develop good habits in yourself.

Capricorns 2 decades (3.01-13.01). Capricorns of the second decade in general may not worry about health. It is necessary to pay attention to possible problems with vision and the spine. Do not sit at the monitor for a long time, do exercises for the eyes, drink vitamins. For the prevention of osteochondrosis, take an iota.

Capricorn 3 decades (14.01-20.01). Capricorns born at the end of January usually do not start ailments. Take care of the prevention of stomach diseases. Drink only filtered water, eat fresh food. Daily walks in the fresh air will save you from diseases of the cardiovascular system and high blood pressure.

Horoscope for Capricorns for 2016 by year of birth

Horoscope for 2016 Capricorn - Rat

Your keys to success in 2016 are restraint and balance in working relationships and complete trust in your “half” in personal relationships. Even if it will not be easy to do this: after all, emotionality, jealousy, the desire to hit the table with your fist and control everything personally beat you out. Such a model of behavior in the year of the Monkey will be fraught with unwanted problems, quarrels from scratch. Try not to let this happen.

Horoscope for 2016 Capricorn - Tiger

The Year of the Red Monkey is an ideal time to bring back into your life people with whom you once recklessly broke up, make peace with enemies and find common ground with competitors. In addition, you have a sense of purpose and a strong romantic mood: by uniting the comrades who have returned to your life around you, you can achieve more than you dreamed of, and also get the much-desired love.

Horoscope for 2016 Capricorn - Dragon

Ahead of you is a period of rest, enjoyment, entertainment and good mood. Crush the beech in yourself and feed sociability - then a circle of pleasant, useful and close-minded like-minded people will very quickly form around you, with whom you can not only have fun and chat from the heart, but also launch a profitable business project, or even turn off mountains in some business.

Horoscope for 2016 Capricorn - Horse

An irresistible thirst for change will awaken in you, the motive for which will be the desire to improve something in your own life. As a result, you will start looking (even if unconsciously) for a better job; think about moving to a warmer or more comfortable city; look at your partner with the thought: “Maybe I deserve better? ..” And the changes will not keep you waiting. Accept them with gratitude.

Horoscope for 2016 Capricorn - Monkey

You, so frivolous and restless, at the beginning of the year of the Monkey, you suddenly catch yourself wanting to settle down and thirsting to build a reliable rear. And the Fire Monkey will give you this opportunity: singles will meet exactly the person with whom they want to create a strong family hearth, and “married” people will remember what marital passion smells like. Care and attention to the partner will not allow this flame to subside.

Horoscope for 2016 Capricorn - Dog

At the beginning of the year, you will find a real fountain of energy in yourself. It would be nice to direct it to a business channel or to self-development - obtaining new knowledge and skills. Unfortunately, there is a risk that you will spend this energy gift on idle pastime and dealing with other people's problems to the detriment of solving your own. But "forewarned is forearmed": the Red Monkey believes in your prudence.

Horoscope for 2016 Capricorn - Ox

You have a chance to become perhaps the main lucky person of the year. And all thanks to the awakened talent to predict events and draw accurate conclusions based on even small portions of information. By trusting yourself and taking the risk of doing what your intuition tells you, you can jump up the career ladder and grab a big cash jackpot. And intuition will tell you how to strengthen a family or where to find a “half”.

Horoscope for 2016 Capricorn - Rabbit (Cat)

The monkey advises you to go in search of harmony and peace. If there is an opportunity to go on a long vacation or temporarily change your habitat, use it: away from home, you can more clearly understand who you are, what is really important to you, and what is trifles... If you can’t leave, start looking stay at home - read philosophers, sign up for yoga, love yourself ...

Horoscope for 2016 Capricorn - Snake

"Love and appreciate yourself!" - the Monkey calls you. Indulge yourself with a worthwhile new thing, go to a beautician or stylist, sign up for a gym or swimming pool to fashion perfection out of yourself, and spare no expense to go on the trip of your dreams ... And also, take care of health prevention, visit specialists (dentist , therapist, psychologist ...), to which everyone had no time to go.

Horoscope for 2016 Capricorn - Goat (Sheep)

In professional and financial matters, the Fire Monkey promises you stability. But the sphere of the personal will make you worry. Most likely, this will be caused by the outbreak of distrust between you and your partner: mutual jealousy will wake up in you, there will be attempts to control each other ... Fortunately, a person will appear in your life who will give valuable advice in time. Intuition will tell you what kind of person it is.

Horoscope for 2016 Capricorn - Rooster

Your determination in 2016 will be the subject of envy: having outlined what you want, you will go to it with leaps and bounds, without being distracted by the little things around. But there is a minus in this: friendly or family relationships can turn out to be “little things”. In order not to get into serious conflicts with loved ones, try to find a balance between work and love.

Horoscope for 2016 Capricorn - Boar

You have a chance to restore the position shaken in the past year and succeed if you comply with two conditions: 1) begin to be active in the work plan; 2) you will not be afraid to take on increased responsibility. This will lead to the fact that you will acquire the image of a valuable employee with all the cash bonuses that come with it. Spend money on gifts for loved ones - and get more personal joys.

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