Home Potato Indicators of celibacy in a woman's natal chart. Celibacy Crown: Myth or Fate? Causes of the celibacy crown

Indicators of celibacy in a woman's natal chart. Celibacy Crown: Myth or Fate? Causes of the celibacy crown

Very often women come to astrology, trying to solve their problems in their personal lives, because for women this topic is practically the main one. The question of marriage is one of the most frequently asked questions in the practice of a consulting astrologer. He is very worried about the female half of the population. Women who did not marry at the time their peers did, begin to be very worried about this. Such a girl begins to wonder - what is wrong with her, and why is this happening to her? There can be many reasons for this. For example, she cannot fall in love in any way, and she just cannot marry someone. Secondly, her heart may not be free, however, for one reason or another, her beloved cannot, or does not want to marry her. Some girls, having suffered in this way for some time (sometimes years), still give up everything and marry the first person they meet. Sometimes you have to regret it later. Others will be more fortunate, and they finally meet their true partner. The reason for celibacy can be a rather rare case - when a girl is not called to marry even those who are indifferent to her, that is, no one. This is not often encountered, but if there is, then you should take a very close look at yourself and work on yourself thoroughly. Because nothing happens by accident. And a very rare reason for celibacy for the fairer sex is the lack of desire to get married. The unwillingness of marriage is unnatural for a woman's nature. Life is arranged in such a way that the main task of a woman is to be a mother, and a child should have a full-fledged family. Nature created a woman for love and motherhood. And, no matter how well her life turned out in all spheres, except for personal, if she did not start a family, she is unlikely to feel happy. If this happens, then as an exception to the rule. There may be some kind of pathology - psychological trauma, unconventional orientation, etc. It so happens that, having been burned in the first marriage, a person loses faith in the fact that the marriage, in principle, can be happy, and deliberately refuses the second. But in this case, there will be no indications of celibacy in the horoscope.

In men, the reason for celibacy is often the unwillingness to start a family, take responsibility, and tie the knot. This is especially true of those men who in childhood saw enough of dysfunctional families (as a rule, the family of their parents), or whose parents were overly freedom-loving. For a man, being unmarried is not at all the same as for a woman. Since marriage for a woman is also a social realization. Especially if she lives off her husband. A man can become a father outside of marriage, without any problems. For a woman, the role of a single mother is very difficult. Yes, and acquaintances of an unmarried girl are tormented by questions and admonitions that she cannot be pleasant to anyone. For a man, this question is not even worth it. There are other reasons for male celibacy - love for an inaccessible woman, excessive picky, or, very rarely, no one wants to marry him.

There are many reasons for celibacy. For the astrologer, the main thing here is that, in any case, the card will contain an indication of problems with marriage (marriage means the official partnership, registered relations). That is, celibacy is the absence of an officially registered marriage. This article will focus on exactly what signs in the horoscope indicate the likelihood of difficulties with marriage. These conclusions are based on my extensive astrological practice. Let's consider in detail what these instructions are.

First of all, celibacy is a problem. And, therefore, in such a horoscope we will see precisely the difficulties with the establishment of harmonious, stable relationships, obstacles, a complex character, etc .:

Aspects of the planets to the ruler Dsc.

One of the most important pointers to barriers to marriage is the stressful aspect of Saturn towards the ruler of Dsc. Opposition can be seen especially often (despite the fact that statistically opposition is a rarer aspect than quadrature). And this is understandable, because Saturn limits (in this case, opportunities for marriage), reduces, creates obstacles. In addition to Saturn, the ruler Dsc often has a defeat from Mars, as well as aspects with Mercury and Pluto (more often harmonious).

Dsc sign.

Very often, in the horoscopes of people who have not had a marriage, Dsc falls into cardinal as well as mutable signs. This is especially true for signs:

  • Aries,
  • Aquarius,
  • Twins.
  • This occurs noticeably more often than average statistical indicators, even despite the fact that in our latitudes many Asz are in Libra, since this is a slowly ascending sign. Nevertheless, in the cards of people inclined to stable and stable, long-term relationships, Dsc in Aries is rare, but often in a fixed sign. In the case of celibacy, we are dealing with a person who cannot build such a stable, serious relationship, when people do not even reach the registry office. By the way, Dsc in cardinal and mutable signs is most often found in polygamy horoscopes - after all, in the case of a large number of marriages (three or more), we also deal with difficulties in establishing stable relationships, but, unlike celibacy, people manage to get to the registry office ...

    As for the fact that Dsc in celibacy horoscopes is in barren signs, as is commonly believed, in practice I have not found confirmation of this. With the exception of Gemini, but this sign is expressed here not so much because of its sterility, but because of mutability and frivolity. But in fertile Pisces, Dsc is found much more often than in barren Leo and Virgo, for example.

    In celibacy charts, you can rarely see Dsc in Scorpio, Sagittarius.

    The sign of the ruler Dsc.

    Often these are signs of Air (but not Aquarius), as well as Earth, especially:

  • Twins,
  • Capricorn.
  • If you look at the higher planets, then Virgo and Libra are also added to the above signs, for obvious reasons, given that I worked mainly with the maps of our contemporaries, who had higher planets in these signs.

    House of the steward Dsc.

    The eastern hemisphere stands out very clearly here (except for the 12th house). That is, houses: 1, 2, 3, 10, 11. But houses 5, 9, 12 are rare.

    7th house planets.

    Here we can most often meet the asexual planet Mercury (as a rule, in an air sign, or fiery). Often, in the 7th house of celibacy horoscopes, the evil planets Mars (especially air), Saturn, Uranus, Pluto, and also, quite logically, the South Node, have their constellation. But Venus in the 7th house is almost never found in such charts. Venus in the 7th house helps to get married. As rarely we see it in celibacy charts, just as often in polygamy horoscopes.

    Marriage planets Sun, Moon, Venus, Mars.

    There is not much difference here between male and female cards, contrary to what is expected. The only exception is that the Moon in the barren sign of Leo is often found in the charts of men. Basically, in practice, there is no difference here between fertile and sterile signs. The moon is most commonly found in Gemini, Taurus and Leo. Least of all - in Virgo (oddly enough). Venus is in Gemini, Sagittarius, and the fixed Leo and Scorpio. Mars is in Sagittarius and Libra (very often in female charts). Sagittarius is actively manifested for all four planets. But in Cancer, these planets are rare (especially the Moon and Venus), and Mars is rare - in Leo, Aquarius.

    Marriage planets in celibacy charts are most often located in corner houses (the Sun - except for the 1st, the Moon - except for the 7th, Venus - except for the 7th and 10th, Mars - except for the 10th). The 5th house is often manifested (for the Sun, Venus, Mars). And also the 8th (for the Moon, Venus).

    Aspects of the planets.

    The tense aspects of the Moon to Saturn (especially in male charts - in every second case, but this aspect is not uncommon for women), as well as the tense aspect of the Sun to Saturn (for women) prevent marriage. Often women have an aspect of Mars to Uranus (both harmonious and tense). And it is not uncommon for everyone - the harmonious aspect of Venus with Uranus, or Pluto.

    Other factors.

    IC is often found in earth signs, as well as in Aquarius, Gemini. Its ruler is in Sagittarius, Capricorn, in the 6th, 7th, and especially in the 1st houses. In the 4th house often - Mars (air - in half of the cases), the Moon, especially in male horoscopes (in half of the cases - air), South Node.

    Stelliums in certain celibate houses are not particularly highlighted. Although more often than usual, 1 house is shown here (about every sixth), then 4 and 7. That is, corner houses are highlighted, except for the 10th (stelliums in which are less common here than all other houses).

    One of the most significant signs of a problematic marriage is a conflict between 1 (I) and 7 (Partner) houses - in almost every third case, you can find an opposition between the planets of 1 and 7 houses. And, of course, one of the main signs of a problematic relationship in a relationship is the conflict nature of the personality itself. What manifests itself in the chart as the defeat of the 1st house by the evil planets Mars, Saturn, Uranus, Pluto - either they stand in the 1st house, or defeat its ruler, or the planets of the 1st house. This situation is found in the vast majority of celibacy cards (70-80%).


    Summing up, we highlight the following signs of inclination to celibacy:

  • Defeat of the ruler DSC Saturn (especially opposition), as well as Mars. There are often harmonious aspects of the ruler Dsc with Mercury, Pluto.
  • Asz in Aries, Aquarius, Gemini. Its ruler is in Gemini, Capricorn, in the eastern hemisphere of houses (except for the 12th).
  • Defeat the 1st house by evil planets. Opposition of planets from 1st to 7th.
  • The location of Mercury (especially the air), and the evil planets Mars, Saturn, Uranus, Pluto, as well as the South Node in the 7th house.
  • The defeat of the Sun by Saturn in the female chart, the defeat of the Moon by Saturn in the male. Aspects of Venus to Uranus, Pluto (harmonious), Mars to Uranus (in women).
  • Marriage planets in corner houses (except for the 10th), in Sagittarius, women in Gemini, Moon in Leo (often in men).
  • The ruler of the IC is in exile and fall twice as often as in the abode, or exaltation, often in Sagittarius and Capricorn (especially in the septener). IC most often - in earth signs, in Gemini, Aquarius. In the 4th house - Mars (especially air), the Moon, especially in men (usually air), the South Node.
  • Stelliums in 1, and generally in corner houses (except for the 10th).
  • It is believed that the burning of the Dsc lord also affects celibacy, and this is understandable. However, in practice, I did not notice any pronounced pattern here in comparison with the rest of the cards. As well as the retrogradeness of the ruler DSc in practice, for some reason, it is not at all as often highlighted in such cards as expected. Nevertheless, these signs should be considered as problematic for the relationship in principle.
  • The main thing that I want to say is that even if you saw many of the listed signs in the horoscope, this is not at all a guarantee that there will be no marriage. Astrology is not prophecy. Similar signs in the card indicate that there will be difficulties for sure, but how a person will cope with them, it already largely depends on himself, on his desire, on the efforts made, on a positive attitude, etc. There are exceptions to every rule. And no one has yet canceled free will.

    Yana Novikova,


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    Answers to questions from astrologer Tatiana Kurchina.

    Answering questions, I used traditional and modern trends in Astrology, I wanted to show that the more we accommodate different knowledge, the less we deny, the more we can get answers to our questions, resorting to synthesizing astrological knowledge.

    Thanks to my dear participants and participants (who read my first articles on the topic of marriage and its absence), this article was born. Without my dear and beloved women, this article simply would not have been born. It was built on their questions and my answers.

    My dear and beloved women dream of personal happiness and we are together trying to make their lives a little happier.

    Thanks to everyone who took part in my past topics, thanks to those who made the effort to read such a voluminous material. The knowledge that astrology gives allows you to first accept your fate, and then change it. Astrology teaches not to change partners, but to change yourself. Astrology teaches not to change men, but to change the chosen one for the better. Everyone knows that problems in any area of ​​life are related to our past sins (karmic problems). The Koran says: "Do not be guided by others, but know your path," and astrology helps seeking souls to know their path. Our sins of the past have got in the way of our personal happiness, and astrology helps to adapt to life's limitations in terms of marriage, helps to accept these limitations, and then change our destiny for the better, and Faith, Love and Hope - (three Christian virtues) help us make life happier and help us follow our individual path. Write to me, my dear participants, and I will try to answer all your questions, and in the answers to your questions, others will be able to find the answers to their questions.

    1. Question: What planets characterize marriage?

    Answer: All rulers7 of the house, their strength, their aspects characterize marriage and give characteristics to partners.

    Each planet of the 7th house in slow progressions (creating an aspect) will initiate a relationship. The onset of the fierd influence of the 7th house planets initiates the period of the relationship. But in firdars, there are harsh rules, you need to know and follow them.

    2. Question: "I am very pretty, why can't I build a relationship?"

    Answer: It's not about appearance, it's about fate and within the framework of fate, in an honest attitude to one's own fate and its limitations.

    Often in letters a woman writes: "I am married, but my husband is not like that." Or another example, women write: "I can't get married in any way, help me, only blonde and skinny ones approach me, but I want a dark one and fat one." In the case of the first example, the astrologer looks at the woman's natal, and there, according to fate, there is only one partner, the one to whom she is married, and there will be no others. And she does not like her husband because the card contains indications of an inability to enjoy life, a tendency to inconstancy, a tendency to frequently change partners. What to do in this case? The second case may be related to the fact that a woman has weak significators of marriage, stricken significators of marriage, and she herself chooses, and then she herself is disappointed. And the relationship cannot work out in any way. But if both women have defeats from Uranus or the elements of the 11th house, then we observe what is called the inability to maintain relationships, the desire to break them off, to break off existing ones. But the woman from the second example has a problem with building relationships, they are not built in any way, they fall apart at the initial stage, if one gives explanations according to S.V. Shestopalov, then we can see in her map the defeat of the significators of the 7th house from Saturn.

    3. Question: If I am affected by the 7th house significator, will I not marry?

    Answer: Such hasty conclusions cannot be drawn.

    You should examine your chart as a whole to get an idea of ​​the number of positive and negative connections of the elements of the 7th house. Are there any defeats by the significator of the 7th house Saturn? How many are these defeats? What is the essential power of the significator 7, including the symbolic ones?

    4. Question: “I like some men, but I don't like those who like me. What to do?

    Answer: You know, I have a wonderful example from practice that shows how our blind adherence to the natal image of a partner ends:

    Two friends had not seen each other for a long time, but met at work, they both worked as salesmen and both of them were over 40. But ... one friend married a brutal brunette and for love, (the brunette did not take place, started drinking), but the second woman left married not for love, married reluctantly, one might say involuntarily. And as a result, after 10 years, friends met, one left the store tired with full bags, and the second was waiting for a bald little man in a good typewriter, in order to take her beloved to the dacha, where he melted a bathhouse for her and had already prepared dinner. The second friend looked pitifully at the first and told her: "You know, I have not regretted my choice for a long time, at first I grieved that it was far from my ideal, but now I look at you and understand that I did everything right , life is difficult ... ".

    5. Question: Are the symbolic significators of marriage subdivided into male and female?

    Answer: There are symbolic sexual planets male and female, they are subdivided into night and day, and there are even more symbolic, not subdivided by gender - this is Jupiter, and Venus is responsible for marriage in men of day birth, but it can also symbolize relationships in both sexes (Libra), but in practice Venus (as a common symbolic significator) in women very rarely causes a relationship, too symbolic. For women who have limitations in building relationships and getting married, even natural individual significators do not work, not to mention the general significator, which symbolizes relations in general without reference to gender.

    6. Question: How to predict relationships using firdars?

    Answer: According to firdars, the theme of partnership is activated on the periods, sub-periods of the planets responsible for partnership and marriage in your chart, including the symbolic significator. But fyrdar reveals the potential of Natal, and what potential? And the potential for partnership is what the significators of your marriage are. If the significators are struck by evil planets, elements of the 11th house, including Uranus, then such a person becomes deprived of the natal's ability to build personal relationships, a person becomes intolerant of his potential partners, tends to destroy existing relationships. But at the same time, a person (all the same) strives for relationships, wants to form them, dreams of them, expects them. What to do in this case? You can force yourself not to break off relationships with those with whom you do not want to create them, but this is reminiscent of masochism. But you can change the location of the domar grid by moving. Then the significators of the 7th house will change, the new significator of the 7th house will no longer have defeats, which means that there will be no negative program, the person ceases to be a hostage of the program of destruction of relations. And can the local change the situation associated with the inability to build relationships? The change of longitudes and latitudes occurs when a person moves, and the map built for a new place of residence will be called LOCAL. When moving, the significators of the 7th house change, as a result of which it is possible to avoid the defeat of the elements of the 7th house from Saturn, as a result of the move, the significators of the 7th house can avoid defeats from Uranus or elements of the 11th house. And the disappearance of these negative conditions, as it were, destroys the "crown of celibacy." (Do not confuse delayed marriage with "celibacy crown".)

    7. Question: How to see harm from a partner, danger to life in the map?

    Answer: It is interesting to look at the relationships 7 and 11 (breakup), 7 and 8 (damage from a partner, including physical harm), 1,3 and 8 (shortening life formula), the ties should be tense. When analyzing such indications, pay attention to the number of such defeats, the more defeats, the topic is more serious than the prevention of fate. If your card contains such instructions, then fate warns you about the possible physical harm from a partner, a danger to a partner, a threat to the life of a partner. But those men who do not have a threat to their lives and have no indications of premature leaving will leave a partner who has an indication of widowhood, only those who can fit into her dramatic history of the fate of partners will remain with her. What does this mean? That, if the woman's card contains indications of the partner's premature departure, then the partner's card should also contain indications of a threat to his life.

    8. Question: Why does my friend have relationship problems, she also has planets in the 7th house, which means a lot of connections?

    Answer: I would say: “I had a lot of connections,” she had two partner periods one after another and have already ended. In this case, the significators of marriage draw attention to themselves: the flawed Mars and the Sun in weak virtues. And the power of the planets and their aspects - this is her choice, these are the qualities of partners, this is a selection criterion among the strong half of humanity. The "harvest" period for the "collection of partners" is over, but what prevented the girl from building relationships in the past?

    I think that the weak 7th field influenced - a small number of positive relationships of the significators of marriage with other houses. There are no three positive connections with any field. Such a subject finds it difficult to establish personal relationships, and having struck up, he cannot maintain them for any length of time.

    9. Question of the participant: I analyzed the potential of the 7th house, and what next?

    Astrologer's answer: An analysis of the potential in terms of relationships is good, but how can one do without the dynamics of revealing the potential of the topic of relationships (according to fidars, this is a sub-period of the Sun and Saturn)? And how to do without an idea of ​​your types of men to whom you are attracted, without assessing your choice, without assessing the strength of the 7th house significators, including symbolic aspects? If the significators are weak in essence (in sign) and amazed, then you are a hostage of your wrong choice, in which you yourself will be disappointed in a short time. Note, we ourselves select and we reject a partner (being hostages of the radix by the type and portrait of the partner).

    In addition, if on the way (you have) the next marital fyrdar period, and this is another and such a rare (for you) chance to build a relationship, then you need to meet it with information prepared. You need to wait not for the image of a partner drawn by society, but to meet “your own”, honestly earned in the past.

    Yes, your Sun is weak, but not at a detriment, it is in the 11th house, but you can “pull yourself together” and not break off the relationship. It is useless to wait for the sub-period of Saturn's influence, he does not create relationships, he destroys them (in your case) during the sub-period of his influence, but if he does, then such relationships will be a “preocles sword” or “fetters on the legs”, such a partner “will be a hand karma. "

    10. Question: I have instructions for moving in connection with marriage, how should this be understood?

    Astrologer's answer: If your chart contains indications of moving in connection with marriage, astrology will tell you:

    Where better to move

    When is the best time to do it

    What this marriage will be, there is no threat from the move, what needs to be done to minimize the threat of the move.

    If problems with marriage are not related to celibacy, but to a tendency to break off relations, then a change in longitude and latitude can remove indicators that tend to break.

    If there are indications of latency in the map, then the locale can remove these latency indicators, the locale is a map built for a different longitude and latitude, keeping the hour, time zone and date of birth.

    In the natal chart there may be indications of the destruction of relations, and you will find the strength (in the case of indications of the destruction of relations) not to destroy relations at the place of residence, then you can not leave, but this rarely happens, since karmic restrictions are stronger than us, they are us make them unable to deal with the reasons that lead to the destruction of the relationship. But on the other hand, karma does not limit us in suffering (from the inability to build relationships), in this it will never limit us, for her the main thing is to pay off debts through suffering. Therefore, the answer to your question will be different for each individual destiny.

    11. Question of the participant: "Does love in Natal look like in the 5th house?"

    Astrologer's answer: Love in natal charts, or rather relationships, are considered around the house of relationships, this was written in the first article "Celibacy, Marriage, Delayed Marriage", this conclusion is rooted in tradition. But the interpretation of the horary is often confused with the natal. Relationships look at the 7th house, including relationships with the opposite sex. In the method of S.V. Shestopalov, the elements of the 7th and 5th houses form the formula of love, while the 5th house does not act as an element of the house of relations. There is a partner without love, but there is love without a partner? Even platonic love needs some kind of image from the 7th house. This is me, trying to fantasize, succumbing to your free reflections. But seriously: all relationships in the 7th house and love ones too. This rule is!

    12. Participant's question: "If I am celibate in Natal, can I move or can I change my name?"

    Astrologer's answer: Problems in marriage are the result of our actions in the past, which created certain karmic debts in this incarnation in the sphere of the 7th house. The world is material, debts are quite material and require extinguishment, if you change your name or change your date of birth, but what will we do with debts? And then chaos arises, in the current period of Kali-Yuga there is already enough chaos. If karma allows (and this can be, if there is a positive karma you have accumulated), by changing the coordinates, improve the fate of marriage, "a flag in your hands," improve, but not everyone can handle such a change, there are fatal cases (complete celibacy), it is impossible to help here, but the debts in this case are of a different scale.

    In the case of celibacy, established by an astrologer (and not by your girlfriend), you can consider moving as a solution to this problem, if karma has not limited you in instructions for moving.

    There are times when your personal karma, limiting you in terms of marriage, protects you, that is, you think that this is a manifestation of negative karma, and this is positive.

    I noticed that no one pays attention to the interpretation of the knots, and the knots denote the "Program of the current incarnation", and not everyone needs to marry or marry, sometimes this is not at all the meaning of the current incarnation. The Descending Node in the 7th house can talk about this.

    13. Question of the participant: Why is the lover in Natal not in the 5th house, but in the 7th house?

    Astrologer Answer: Good question, I try to strictly adhere to those rules that correspond to a particular astrological method. In the tradition of the 12th century, it is strictly indicated: the 7th house is responsible for all relationships, including love relationships (Note not for sex), relationships with the opposite sex imply sex. In addition, there is a place in the partnership and symbolic sex planets, distinguishable by gender. Children walk through the 5th house, how will you distinguish a lover from a child, and the death of a lover from the death of a lover (5-8, 5-12)? Death of partner 7-8, 2-7, this is confirmed by many centuries of astrological observations.

    Why is the attention of modern astrologers so attracted by the astrology of the early Middle Ages? Since the time of the sunken Atlantis in the Middle Ages, humanity has been injected for the second time with occult knowledge, including astrology. After the disappearance of Atlantis, the surviving Atlanteans were able to preserve their knowledge in Egypt, Mesopotamia, in the territories of the Aztecs and Maya. Medieval manuscripts have been translated today, and we can read them. These are the primary sources, these manuscripts were dictated from Above to the chosen individuals, whose task was to accept and transfer invaluable and necessary knowledge to modern mankind from the First Hands. I have no doubts as to the reasons for the veracity of this knowledge. But the Law of Free Will, presented to humanity, allows you not to accept the truth, disagree with it, allows you to have your own opinion, to deny the truth.

    14 Participant's question: “You gave the traditional instructions for celibacy, but these instructions do not work for everyone. Why?"

    Astrologer's answer: here is an excerpt from the text of the 12th century, paragraph 2, Tradition of celibacy of women.

    Abraham Ibn Ezra in the Book of Judgments about the Stars: "If the Sun is next to Saturn or forms an aspect of square or opposition with him, and Venus is burned or retrograde, especially if she is in the 6th or 12th house, such a woman will never marry ". I have cited the traditional judgment of a 12th century medieval astrologer, but here you can see that the author is not limited only to the defeated and burned Venus. To accept such a rule in the 21st century as the ultimate truth is not worth it, but an indirect and additional important indication is worth, in addition, you understand that Venus in a woman's card is a symbolic significator of relationships, very symbolic, symbolism is seen as working, those incarnated in the 21st century who have an essential strong Venus. "I call for the synthesis of many astrological knowledge, he is successful in predicting and interpreting the birth chart, who knows how to contain, who knows how to synthesize knowledge of different eras.

    When analyzing a card for celibacy, you need to take into account both direct and indirect indications, but direct indications are in priority! If there are more compelling indications of celibacy, then indirectly Venus is symbolic in the 12th house - brilliantly completes the picture of celibacy.

    What needs to be analyzed to draw conclusions about celibacy:

    1. Essential nature of the significators of marriage (symbolic and direct);

    2. Aspectation of the significator data;

    3. Including defeat by Saturn, defeat by Uranus and the elements of the 11th house;

    4. Sign on the 7th house cusp.

    5. Absence of planets in the 7th house.

    6. Evaluation of the symbolic significators of marriage: Jupiter, Venus, Sun and Mars for women, Moon and Venus for men. This analysis will give you a complete picture.

    15. Question of the participant: How to determine the duration of a relationship using the firdar method?

    Answer: The duration of a relationship by firdar is determined by the degree of influence (main period, sub-period, sub-sub-period):

    1.the main period of influence is a long-term, long-term relationship

    2. the sub-period, operates within the main period, performing two functions, in terms of the duration of the time of influence on relations, it takes the second place, but long-term and marital relations or other partnerships arise on it.

    3. The sub-period or period of influence of the planet of the third row, this is one of the shortest influences, this planetary influence acts within the sub-period, also performing two functions.

    Relationships that have arisen on the firdary influence of the "third row" planet, provided that this planet is responsible for partnership, and will characterize the emergence of short-term relationships.

    I mentioned the multifunctionality of the planetary firdar period not by chance, since a married woman may experience periods of influence of partner planets (symbolic and natural), they can talk about the emergence of short-term new ones, but they can also make changes in the current marriage relationship.

    For example: there is a period of the marriage planet - Mars (a strong planet), in the sub-period of the evil influence of Saturn, such relations will worsen, in the sub-period of Jupiter (strong) - the relationship will improve. In this case, the relationship is changed for a while due to negative or positive symbolism. Sub-periods break up the main theme, giving it a certain color.

    But there may be another situation, against the background of the main period, which has nothing to do with marriage, a sub-period of evil and weak Saturn, which is an element of the 7th house, begins, in this case, deterioration also occurs, an aggravation of relations with a partner (deterioration acts only within the time of influence of the sub-period ). Therefore, if a woman meets a partner during the period of influence of the planet of the third row (under the period), such a relationship will be short-term. But making such a conclusion, one must take into account the general potential of the partnership theme: a 7th house filled with planets or an empty 7th house (with the 7th house affected by the significators), etc. will give nuances of the development of the scenario for the 7th house.

    It is unambiguous that:

    When the 7th house is empty;

    With a cusp in Capricorn;

    With the symbolic significator struck by Saturn, the fyrdar influence of the 7th house within the period may not give anything. The rules in firdars are general, but it is necessary to interpret the degree of influence taking into account the inherent potential of natal.

    16. Question of the participant: “How does the retrograde of the 7th house significators affect relationships? How does one relate to the significator not related to the septener? "

    Astrologer answer: According to tradition and according to the method of firdars, you take for the ruler of the 7th house with Dsc in Aquarius - Saturn, with Dsc in Pisces -

    Jupiter, their retrograde does not deprive them of the right to be the significator of the 7th house, retrograde affects the quality of relationships. If you consider the card not in the vein of tradition, then Uranus or Neptune will be retrograde elements of the 7th house, along slow progressions they will form aspects, the consequence of which may be relationships. Several methods can be used, but each method is applied subject to strict adherence to its rules. The result of the analysis of slow current progressions does not conflict with firdars. But the rules for these methods are different. That is, in firdars you analyze the 7th house according to Jupiter or Saturn, and in slow progressions, transits, you analyze Neptune or Uranus retrograde. But the rulers of the cusp of the seventh house and the planet in the 7th house do not cancel the actions of the symbolic significators of the 7th house in different forecasting methods.

    17. Participant question: "What role do the planets play in the 7th house, why do I have a relationship with them?"

    Answer: Planets in the 7th house are magnets, strong planets in the 7th house are strong magnets, several planets in the 7th house increase our attractiveness in general. And at the periods of the inclusion of aspects in slow progressions, the inclusion of the fyrdar influence of the marriage planets, this potential of attraction is included. Such inclusion of magnets makes us attractive to the opposite sex on firdar planetary periods, on slow progressions related to the 7th house. The more magnets, the stronger the magnets, the more interesting we are for potential partners. We are as interesting to partners as our natal allows us, if we are not satisfied with its restrictions, then we can look into our 9th house, pay attention to the connections of the 7th and 9th houses. But the abundance of connections and partners is not a reason to be happy (happy), the quality of the planets and their aspect promises us happiness in our personal life. For personal happiness, one strong and harmoniously aspected ruler of the 7th house is enough.

    18. Question of the participant: "How can I predict my partner period for firdars?"

    Answer: To predict the future partnership for firdars, we only need a sign on the cusp of the 7th house, for example: on the cusp of the 7th house, Gemini (one), Mercury in absolute damage (fall and expulsion) (two), (and he is a magnet that should attract the opposite sex, the strength of this planet also affects your choice. There are no planets in the 7th house (three) and the second significator of marriage is the Moon (peregrine), it does not shine with merits. The moon is weak (magnet is weak), but "there is no fish for fishlessness and cancer" , it is necessary to analyze the former period of the fyrdar influence of the Moon, what was during these years? It makes sense to move if the move will make changes in the 7th house.

    19. Question of the participant: "Why is my relationship not working out?"

    Astrologer's answer: If you look at your natal, it immediately becomes clear that the relationship does not develop and cannot develop. It's all the fault of the physical laws: attraction or repulsion. Psychologists are developing methods that solve the problems of celibacy, and if psychology today offers methods that increase magnetism, cause attraction, through internal efforts, I am for such a method. This will greatly simplify the solution of such problems, moving is a costly business.

    The astrologer, analyzing the chart, takes into account these simple physical laws. In your case, a situation has arisen of "not attraction" of partners or repulsion. It is good to fight with oneself on the front of existing relations, when there are conflicts with the other half, when the characters do not agree, when something is not pleasant in the partner. And when there is no one to fight? In this case, you need to fight yourself,

    "it is necessary to work out the internal block", which interferes with maintaining the existing relationship.

    It is necessary to solve the problem that has formed on the basis of existing relationships with women! but how to solve the problem of lack of relationship with a woman.

    It is not by chance that I often mention the laws of physics, astrology explains the problems in relationships, the problem of the lack of relationships with the weak potential of attraction, which is in the sphere of the 7th house. The planets in the natal chart of a person, which are elements of this sphere, act as magnets or anti-magnets (strong, weak), the absence of magnets can be called anti-magnetism. The laws of physics allow (not the laws of astrology), having changed their place of residence, to change the properties of attraction for the opposite sex. This is an absolutely voluntary matter, but one cannot do without taking into account the "framework of fate". The "framework of fate" strictly delineates the territory in which a person is free. If the map does not contain instructions for moving, then it is almost impossible to do this. The instructions to move make a person want to move, if there are no instructions, then forcibly we will not be able to force the person to move.

    20. Question of the participant: "How do the Nodes affect the relationship?"

    Answer: Ancient astrologers believed that the Ascending Node increases the action of the planets, and the Descending Node decreases, we can draw an analogy and draw the following conclusion:

    Connection with Voskh. A knot with a beneficial planet - increases its kindness;

    Connection with the Descent, the Knot of a benefic planet - reduces its kindness;

    Conn. from Voskh. Node of a malevolent planet - enhances malevolence;

    Conn. with Niskh. A knot of a malevolent planet - reduces malevolence.

    That is, the position of the Node in the 7th house and the connection of the planet in the 7th house with the Node - gives different information. Thus, the aspect of connection with the Nodes influences the assessment of the properties of the significator of marriage, in addition to the interpretation of the house of marriage.

    Astrologer's answer: I read from S. Vronsky that the position of the Ascending Node in the 7th house makes partnership a new current task for the newly incarnate, he must undergo a lesson in partnership, endure a new experience. My observations over the years have confirmed this. I observed that people with the Ascending Node did not seek marriage, some were afraid of this (they were afraid of the unknown, new), and there were other reactions. But I found the explanation for this in the following, we do not like what we do not know how, we do not like to start something, we love what we have mastered well in the past. Having learned one nursery rhyme once, we are ready to read it (from a stool), several incarnations in a row :). So it is with marriage. Therefore, the Descending Node speaks of the opposite, the marriage theme becomes a worked-out theme, we have reached perfection in it, this lesson can no longer be passed, "this rhyme can not be read." But the Ascending Node in the 1st house tells us that we need to devote our lives to ourselves, since we already know how to dissolve in a partner, it is no longer necessary. The principle of expediency in our incarnations is in the first place. If we are already perfect in something, we need to move on to the next step, and the Ascending Lunar Node is our pointer, in which area it stands, there is the current program of incarnation, a new "homework".

    22. Question of the participant: "What does astrology say about celibacy of men and the age of partners?"

    Answer: Here is what Abraham Ibn Ezra says about the celibacy of men in the Book of Judgments about the Stars (12th century):

    "... if the Moon is under the rays of the Sun, and Venus is located in a bad place - in 6 or 12 houses, - either retrograde or receives bad aspects from Saturn - all this indicates that such a born will never marry."

    Symbolic significators are struck by Saturn;

    The symbolic significator is burned;

    The symbolic significator is retrograde;

    Symbolic significator in 6 or 12 houses.

    The medieval astrologer does not focus on the ruler of the 7th house and the planet in the 7th house.

    Our medieval predecessors managed (according to the man's natal) to determine the appearance of the future wife, easily predicting to the man the ugliness or beauty of the future wife.

    Recently, a question was asked on the forum about the probable age of a potential partner, but this is how it was done in the Middle Ages: “When the Moon and Venus are located to the West of the Sun, especially if one of them is in the domicile of Mercury, then we are talking about young women. these planets are located in the signs ruled by Saturn, Jupiter, Mars, women will be ... young beauties. "

    Probable age of the husband: "If the significator of the husband is located east of the Sun, then a young man will be the spouse; if to the west, an older person. When the Sun is in its domicile, or exaltation, this indicates that the spouse will be the same age as the one born, and of noble origin. , The sun is in exile, then the husband will be a commoner "" When Saturn forms a square or opposition with Venus, then we are talking about widows.

    If the Moon, Venus and the Point of Women are in the signs of water, the one who is born will have many women; if Venus, Moon, Point Women in fixed signs - there will be few women. "(Abraham Ben Ezra" Book of Judgments about the Stars. ")

    23. Question of the participant: "How effective are the methods of working through negative planets that create problems in marriage?"

    Astrologer's answer: Astrology finds the causes of problems in human relationships in previous incarnations, which is logical. The series of incarnations that a person goes through becomes the basis for the reasons for future problems in various areas of life, including relationships. Man is multifaceted and multi-layered, his numerous bodies have a direct connection with the planet on which he was born, and of which he is a part, but we have no less strong connections with the planets of the Solar System. We are a single whole, we are a part of this system, we depend on each other, we influence each other. Astrology tracks this influence, which is changing and changing our life, moving around our planet, changing not only the nature of relationships, but also the state of health, material wealth, the duration of life itself. This is a fact, this is a given, it is possible, this is one of the manifestations of positive karma, which was deserved, which means it can be used. What you are proposing reminds me of a situation with a sick person who has a headache. You can work out the cause of the headache, or you can take a pain reliever. Another example, a person will have a difficult operation, he can do it without anesthesia, since the pain he will experience will extinguish the karma of ill health, but anesthesia can be done, there will be no pain. In medieval times, there was no anesthesia, mankind was operated under conditions accompanied by terrible pain. Centuries have passed, humanity has acquired a pain reliever or other drug, and this is a manifestation of the earned positive karma of humanity.

    24. Question: "I have no partners, since I do not see them?"

    Astrologer's answer: I think that the problem lies elsewhere, you do not see someone, but you are not seen as a partner. Your card (fate) is to blame for this. But I am not against the psychological study of problems, I am even interested in how psychological techniques change the negative potential of a person's natal chart: endowing a person with physical attractiveness, changing the essential properties of his planets responsible for partnership, harmonizing these tense aspects, forcing a person, despite a certain period, not in charge of the relationship, enter into a lasting relationship. It's like making the rivers flow backwards (this is me about getting married in a period that is responsible for increasing income, and not for getting married). But I am not against constructive cooperation between different sciences of psychology and astrology.

    25. Question of the participant: "Is it better to analyze the 7th house according to tradition or according to modern methods?"

    Astrologer's answer: But you try to analyze the chart according to the norms of tradition (septener) and according to the norms of modern astrology (with the participation of higher planets), the use of old and new methods will make it possible to make an accurate forecast. None of the existing techniques are able to give a complete answer to the question. The answer is always hidden, and does not lie on the surface, so you need to make efforts, you need to turn to different methods (different eras), then you can count on a reward: the opportunity to get an answer to your question.

    The more serious the problem, the deeper the answer lies, the more effort will need to be made! It follows from this that it will be easier to answer for a delay in marriage than for celibacy. Celibacy is a very rare but serious limitation of fate.

    A person's natal chart carries the following information:

    1. Whether or not there will be a marriage.

    2. What will be the marriage (happy or not).

    3. How many marriages there can be.

    4. What will the husband or husbands be, at the same time giving the characteristics of each separately, describing the fate of the husband, giving him an assessment: rich, poor, healthy, sick, good or bad.

    5. Whether there is a delay in marriage, the reasons for the delay (not karmic).

    6. Whether there is an indication of celibacy is the most difficult state of relations, or rather the absence of such.

    But you must always keep in mind that not all people suffer from celibacy, from delayed marriage, some simply do not pay attention to it, some are burdened by marriage.

    Marriage is the prerogative of personal karma, if there are no big debts, or they are paid off in previous incarnations, or there are other tasks in the current incarnation (collective, national karma), then marriage or its absence will not be relevant (for this person). Very often there are people who are hostages of society's attitudes: Everyone should get married, everyone should be married! No, not everything, everyone has their own destiny, their own goal of incarnation, their own accumulated experience, their own program of the current incarnation! And the appeal: "Do as everyone else! Do as we do!" - not appropriate. There is one rule: "If you can't get married and get married, but you want to passionately, then you don't need to. This personal karma warns that bad things don't happen," everything is in Natal, he tells and warns about everything. It must be remembered that Astrology has an exhaustive list of the rules governing relationships, and the stories of past lives in this area are different (each has its own!) And the approach to each fate must be individual, one general scheme cannot answer the question.

    26. Participant's question: “What does it say about other marriages? Why does a person have 3 planets in the 7th house, and he is married once? "

    Answer: Not everyone has "other" marriages, in the 7th house there may be several signs or several planets, but this does not mean polygamy, since there may be no indications of divorce in Natal and with several significators (more than 3) people can live well with a single partner. The reasons for subsequent marriages may be other significators found in the 7th house.

    27. Question of the participant: "How to determine by which signifier I will marry next time?"

    Astrologer's answer: The order is determined by slow progressions, which planet forms the aspect of meeting with a partner, which planet is the turn. And the firdars show the time of the arrival of a certain partner in your life, but within the framework of the septener (7 planets). If the fyrd period of weak Saturn (which is the element of the 7th house) comes, this means a very problematic new relationship will arise or the existing one will worsen. And if the influence of a strong beneficial planet comes, then new good connections in the 7th house will arise, or the existing ones will improve. But it happens that the significators of the 7th house are weak and neutral planets, these will be other scenarios for the development of relations.

    28. Participant's question: "Why am I getting a divorce or breaking up a relationship?"

    Answer: In order to explain the reasons for the breakup, you need to indicate the periods of the broken relationship. But I can roughly explain the reasons, since the fate of relationships is characterized by the significators of relationships: Mars, Moon, Saturn. The quality of these significators already explains the problem at hand. Mars is evil and weak, the Moon is at a disadvantage, but Saturn is in virtue.

    If you explain using the firdar method, then you yourself see that you did not have a full-fledged main period, which would be devoted to relationships. You had to be content with the sub-periods of Mars, Moon, Saturn. Mars is an element of the 11th house, tends to break, and with its malice and weakness, your ability to attract partners and keep them leaves much to be desired. Damaged Moon (another magnet) is struck by Venus (element of the house of ruptures), only Saturn inspires hope, this planet is in merits, but conjunction with Jupiter suggests that the partner is not local. The relationship could have taken place from 2002 - 04, but over Mars! from 2009 - 11, but on the Moon! and ... from February 2011 to 2012 - according to Saturn. And only from 2012, 7 years of your life will be devoted to relationships, which will become the main theme of your life. But Mars is a malevolent planet without merit. And what is the significator of a relationship, so is a relationship.

    29. Question of the participant: “I like beautiful, smart, strong and rich, will I get married?

    Astrologer's answer: No partner who will be attracted to you by Saturn, Venus or Mars will not pass such a casting.

    Answer: You, looking at a man, easily determine: "This is not mine!" Whose? He also came up on the influence of the planet from your map, which planet is such a partner. The marriage should be happy, you argue, but do you have indicators of a happy marriage? Relationships should only be full-fledged, but how is that? The relationship will be what the significators of marriage are in your chart (your destiny).

    30. Question: “How to determine when marriage is possible? "What role does the Progressive Moon play in marriage?"

    Astrologer Answer: Marriage is Coming:

    1.if there are no restrictions for marriage in natal: Signifiers are not affected by Saturn, Uranus by the elements of the 11th house, etc. (all this is described above).

    2.if there is an influence of the marriage significator in the firdars and there are no restrictions (clause 1). 3.At the same time, in slow progressions, there are aspects that indicate marriage.

    The indications of marriage in natal are potential, and the indications of marriage in the current charts are the realization of the potential of natal.

    But besides that, we need to analyze natal, and for this we need to get an idea of ​​you:

    1. What are you? What is the dominant element? What is the predominant cross? Are you in conflict?

    2. What is the framework of fate traced in Natal in the topic of marriage and relationships?

    3. What are the significators of marriage, are they strong? How are they aspected? What is the fate of the first marriage, the second? What is the type of destiny partners, their portrait? We are all hostages of the types of partners in Natal, if the portrait of the type is negative, we will choose negative characters who will not "want" us, but we cannot want positive ones, and even if the plus partner offers us a hand and a heart, then according to the canons of laws astrological genre - we will refuse. Such a woman, a hostage of a negative type, but she also behaves like a hunter: the "bunny" runs away from her - she "wants" him, if the "bunny" jumps into her hands - she does not need this. Continuous psychology, we are hostages of the peculiarities of the significators of marriage in our horoscopes.

    For such an important event, one progressive Moon will not be enough :), if the map has restrictions on marriage, then more weighty indications in slow progressions are needed, a couple more aspects with the participation of planets are needed, and cusps are also possible. The more aspects, the higher the guarantee for the event to happen.

    Rule: The more obstacles in fate in the form of:

    Delays in marriage;

    Divorce tendencies;

    The tendency to break up relations - the greater the potential for slow progressions is needed.

    But the fact that with the arrival of the influence of the progressive Moon in your life, the topic of partnership will come to life significantly - THIS IS EXACTLY !!!

    Everyone knows that every new answer gives rise to a new question, I look forward to your questions!

    Complete collection and description: how to remove the crown of celibacy in the church prayer for the spiritual life of a believer.

    How to remove the celibacy crown and can it be done at home? There are ways, but first you must make sure that the reason for your loneliness lies precisely in the magical curse. We will share proven methods to get rid of bad slander and find happiness in your personal life.

    Prayer for an icon and a scarf

    To perform this rite, wait until the waning moon. It was during this period that the lunar energy is aimed at ridding a person of everything superfluous, unnecessary, bad and negative.

    A week before the ceremony, fasting must be observed: do not consume alcohol, meat, dairy products, do not smoke and refrain from physical intimacy. When you feel ready, go to the store and buy a handkerchief.

    Wait until sunset in the evening. Sit at the table, put a handkerchief on it, place an icon on top. Light the candles, relax and read the words of the prayer three times:

    After that, sit in silence for a while, wait until the candles burn out. Feel how your body becomes calm, relaxed, fears go away. Then wrap the icon in a scarf and place it under the pillow.

    For three nights, the charmed icon should lie under your head. Make sure no one touches her, for example, warn your mom not to clean your room. You should sleep alone.

    After three days, the icon can be removed from under the pillow, and you must always carry the scarf with you. Within a few months, you will meet your love. And as soon as you get married, the scarf can be burned or thrown away.

    How to remove a celibacy crown in a church

    Faith in God is the best help. If you regularly attend church, honor God's commandments and believe in the help of the Higher powers, you can easily remove the celibacy crown on your own.

    What do we have to do:

    • Wait for a major church holiday, during which all-night services and liturgies are held in churches
    • The day before the holiday, you need to go through the sacrament rite. After him, order a mass for the repose of all deceased relatives, relatives and friends. And for yourself you need to order a magpie for health
    • The next day, visit the temple and pray near any 12 icons. You must rely on your own intuition to choose which image of the saint to approach. The soul itself will tell you the right direction. Light a candle at each icon, read prayers and sincerely ask for help

    Collect holy water. When you get home, spray it in every corner of the apartment. For forty days, sip a small amount of water in the morning and recite prayers.

    Pea conspiracy

    To complete this rite, you will need twelve handfuls of peas. Buy it in the store, and on the way home, mentally pronounce the words of the conspiracy:

    When you get home, pour the charmed peas into a natural fabric bag. Take a thread, a needle and sew up the hole so that not a single pea can wake up. After the bag of peas, you need to put it in a secluded place. Make sure no one finds it there.

    Observe austerity for twelve days: fast, abstain from alcohol, bad words and thoughts, physical intimacy. Spend as much time as possible on female household chores, handicrafts and creativity. If there is an opportunity not to work, take a vacation.

    During this time, your soul and body are cleansed. To complete the ceremony, take a knife and on the 13th day, late in the evening, you will go to the crossroads. With a sharp blade, make an incision on the bag of peas and pour the peas on the ground, reading the following plot:

    After you have done everything, immediately go home, drink a glass of clean water and go to bed.

    Watch a video on the signs of celibacy and how to get rid of it:

    Signs of a celibate crown

    Before doing any ceremony, you must know for sure that the cause of problems in your personal life is precisely in the crown of celibacy. There are signs by which this can be determined.

    1. There is no doubt that the girl is beautiful, smart and charming, but for some reason not a single man lingers next to her.
    2. You constantly feel the fear of loneliness, it haunts you all the time, firmly entrenched in the subcortex of the brain. Thinking about lonely old age comes to mind almost daily.
    3. Frequent mood swings: periods of depression are replaced by euphoria, there is no calm and peaceful state
    4. If you do get married, you can do it often, and not one of the marriages lasts more than three years. Either the spouses die - this is the most difficult version of the curse
    5. You cannot have children. Frequent miscarriages, babies die in infancy, or you are unable to conceive at all
    6. If you are in a relationship, constantly pulls "to the side", thoughts of cheating are constantly pursuing
    7. An unhealthy attitude towards sex: either a complete aversion to the physical side of love, or, on the contrary, excessive desire that overshadows all other needs of the body
    8. You seem to get to know men, make dates, but something always breaks down. Communication ends after the first meeting or is canceled altogether

    All of the above reasons can be explained rationally - you may have health problems, or some attitudes in the subconscious interfere. Therefore, be sure to go to a psychotherapist - perhaps he will be able to remove the "celibacy crown" even without magic rituals.

    If more than one specialist does not help, then you can already rely on the power of faith. Read prayers, conspiracies, do ceremonies and rituals. Sooner or later, one of them will work, and you will find happiness in your personal life.

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    The crown of celibacy, we determine the signs and remove it ourselves in the church

    If you have decided that the main signs of a celibacy wreath are on you, you can remove it yourself in the church.

    Literally in a nutshell, let me remind you that damage to loneliness and celibacy crowns represent an inherited or acquired negative.

    The main sign of the "black crown" can be considered your unattractiveness at a subtle level, the literal instability of the most promising relationships, physiological problems and mental disorders that repel all suitors without exception.

    You seem to be well-groomed, take care of yourself, put on tasteful makeup, and meetings are short-lived.

    If you are a man, then almost the same signs can be determined by professional occult or self-diagnosis.

    You can remove the celibacy crown with the help of prayers and inside the Orthodox Church.

    To do this, you need to go to the Church and submit a simple note for the Rest of all relatives whom you have not forgotten.

    Check with your mom, dad, or grandparent to complete the list.

    Your main task is to “throw off” the celibacy crown on church eve.

    This is if it was passed on through the mother or father in the form of a curse.

    Having put 3 candles on the eve, say these memorized lines several times to yourself:

    Let the dead man take away loneliness, and save me from the evil prophecy. Not a crown, but a wedding, not parting, but a date. May it be so. Amen.

    Be baptized diligently and leave the Church.

    On the same day, you visit 2 more Temples, carrying out an independent removal by analogy.

    Let me remind you that these are simple notes about the repose of departed relatives, 3 candles for the eve and a well-memorized prayer.

    In the event that the celibacy crown shows certain signs, but is not inherited, then it is permissible to sin on someone's evil program.

    Maybe the envious tried, or maybe this is not even the crown of celibacy, but a tough damage to loneliness.

    To enhance the energetic effect, leaving the walls of each Temple, turn around and say these prayer lines to yourself:

    Spiteful loneliness remains behind, and not sinful love awaits in front. May it be so. Amen.

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    I am 39 years old, but I have never been married. No matter what prayers I read, wherever I go, nothing helps. What should I do?

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    How to remove a celibacy crown in a church

    Whether you are a man or a woman, you have every chance to remove the celibacy crown on your own in the church. Now I will tell you everything in detail. There is nothing complicated about that.

    Do not rush to spend money on an expensive ceremony.

    If anyone will help you, this is the Orthodox Church, for it is in the power of God to remove the celibacy crown from you.

    I believe that you have suffered. All acquaintances and plans come to naught. Moreover, for no reason at all.

    Men and women, decent and purposeful, cannot keep their love feelings.

    They collapse headlong like a house of cards.

    So let's talk about everything in order.

    Removing the celibacy crown in the church for men

    Put on your consecrated pectoral cross.

    Before entering the Orthodox Church, cross yourself three times.

    Buy 9 Church Candles.

    Of these, put 3 for the commemoration of the dead, 3 for the icon of the Most Holy Theotokos, and the remaining three for the image of Jesus Christ.

    Being next to him, cross yourself 3 times, three times reciting a prayer for removing the celibacy crown from men.

    Lord Jesus Christ, the Son of God. Forgive my sins and relatives, and take celibacy from me. The crown that I carry through life, let it remain in the dense forest. Show me the way to Orthodoxy, if I leave it, punish me again. Thy will be done. Amen.

    Be baptized three times and leave the church.

    Pray to the Lord God from time to time, waiting for the graceful removal of the celibacy crown.

    Be patient, for you are a real man.

    Removing the celibacy crown in the church for women

    Tie a scarf over your head.

    Do not dare to enter the Orthodox Church without a cross.

    Cross yourself three times before entering.

    Buy 9 candles from the church.

    Similarly, put 3 on the eve, exactly the same to the icon of Jesus Christ, the remaining 3 to the image of the Most Holy Theotokos.

    In front of her icon, cross yourself three times and read 3 times the prayer for removing the celibacy crown from women.

    Most Holy Theotokos, Virgin Mary. In tears, I ask, help me, bring me a worthy marriage for life. I have been walking with a crown for a long time, I will not find anyone to be my husband. My ancestors sinned and I, all hope in Christ and you. Thy will be done. Amen.

    Apply the sign of the cross three times.

    You are a woman, which means that the Lord God will have mercy and remove the celibacy crown from you.

    Just do not forget the way to the Orthodox Church, periodically reading the prayer to the Most Holy Theotokos.

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    Celibacy Crown - How to Get Rid of It

    There are more and more lonely people who have not met their soul mate. Therefore, the interest in the topic of how to remove the "celibacy crown" is growing. Here are the proven methods of getting rid of the spoilage of loneliness.

    What is the crown

    The crown of celibacy is a special magical action (usually malicious) as a result of which a long-term marriage relationship is categorically not formed in the person subject to the data. Actually, this is the purpose of imposing a celibacy crown. How it works?

    Esotericists say: any person exists on three levels - physical, intellectual and energetic. The physical level is the most superficial and has the least impact on the success of a relationship. A bond built only on physical attraction is unlikely to be long-term and will be developed.

    Contact on an intellectual level can become the basis for a rational, cold, but long-term and in its own way happy relationship. These are not only marriages of convenience, but also long-term unions of like-minded people and associates.

    Only a connection on an energetic level leads to deep feelings and a happy union. Even if contact at other levels is lost - as the sages used to say: it is not scary if you have nothing to talk about, when you have something to keep silent about.

    What does the celibacy crown have to do with it? Everything is very simple. Our energy shell, like the physical one, has its own sense organs. By imposing the crown of celibacy, the malevolent magician makes his victims invisible, inaudible and intangible at the energetic level for persons of the opposite sex. As a result, even if it is possible to establish a relationship based on physical attraction and common themes, such a union is doomed to superficiality and short duration.

    Is it possible to solve the problem and how to do it?

    How to remove the celibacy crown at home

    One of the most effective ways to remove the curse is to turn to God and higher powers for help. Before reading the prayers, you need to light 3 large candles, put the icon of the Most Holy Theotokos on the table, since it is she who helps in this matter. A small bowl should be placed in front of her image. At its bottom, put a cross and a pinch of salt taken from the temple, pour holy water. At the end of the preparations, read the "Our Father" three times, moisten the palm of your right hand in holy water and hold it over your head, imagining that all negative energy is being removed.

    The celibacy crown for men and women can be removed on their own by performing a ceremony at night on the waning moon. At this time, it has cleansing properties and removes black libations and crowns. You will need a red candle for a woman or a blue candle for a man. The name of the participant in the ritual action is written along its length with a needle. A girl should stock up on a ring, and for a man - a bracelet, a watch will also work. In addition, you need matches and a small bowl of water. It can be a saucer, bowl or rosette.

    For the ceremony, the absence of strangers in the room is required and proceed according to the following algorithm:

    1. Light a candle.
    2. Put 3 drops of wax into the water through a ring or bracelet.
    3. Put a candle to burn.
    4. Looking at the flame, repeat the words:

    As this candle burns and burns out, so personal happiness rushes to me. As drops fell into the icy water, so my crowns cooled down and disappeared into the icy river. He freed his ring, opened the way for a new life. I will meet my couple, such that everyone is envy, and I will be happy. May it be so!

    1. While the candle burns out, it is important, looking at the tongue of the flame, to imagine your future soul mate, rejoicing at the meeting. After the end of the ritual actions, rinse the water with wax with running water. The universe will surely hear and send a betrothed.

    How to remove loneliness with an icon and a scarf

    Before removing the celibacy crown, remember that this is done on the waning moon, and before each ceremony you should fast at least a day. Go to church and buy The seven-shot icon of the Mother of God... On the same day, you need to purchase a headscarf, it must be new. If you are a man, the handkerchief should be a handkerchief.

    The seven-arrow icon of the Mother of God

    The ceremony begins in the evening, after sunset, but before midnight. Lay a handkerchief on the table, put an icon on it. It is on her that the conspiracy-prayer is read to remove the corruption of celibacy:

    The long-suffering Mother of God, surpassing all the daughters of the earth, accept and preserve us under the roof of your mercy. The word bad, evil struck me with loneliness, coldness and melancholy. Protect me with your name, let me fulfill the Lord's destiny. Amen.

    After the slander, wrap the icon in a scarf and put it under your pillow. The package should be there for three nights, you should only sleep on this bed all the time. No one should see the icon, no one should touch it except you. Therefore, it is advisable to sleep alone while you are busy removing the corruption of celibacy.

    After three nights have passed, the headscarf should be worn from time to time. Nowadays, they are rarely used as a headdress. You can come up with a solution - from home wear to choosing a stylish headband that will fit into the image. It is more difficult for a man - a handkerchief should also be worn on the head. It can be put into a hat or other headdress that will not raise questions. In addition, you can wear a scarf at home.

    A way to remove the celibacy crown and become loved is a pea conspiracy

    If you are looking for how to get rid of the celibacy crown and complex rituals do not scare you, you can try the pea conspiracy. To do this, you need to purchase a handful of peas anywhere. After the purchase, go home and talk about peas like this:

    Adam, I'll give you a bride. Go not to hell, but to the blessed garden. Go to Eve, pick an apple there on the Holy Tree, take a bite from it. From my word and deed, a person's body, soul, blood burned up, wake up, ardent love. I crown with the word of God, I bless in the name of the Lord. Key. Lock. Language. Amen.

    While you slander the peas, you can put them in any container. And after a slander it is placed in any bag and sewn up with strong red thread. Leave the bag in the corner of the room, but make sure that no one touches or rearranges it.

    Now you need to fast for twelve days. You will have to refrain from sexual intercourse and noisy entertainment. You can only drink water, eat - bread and lean fish, vegetables and cereals, seasonings are undesirable. It is difficult to hold out for that long, but creativity, reading, prayer, and other constructive pursuits can distract you. You can study and work, it will not harm. It is advisable to wear modest clothes during this period.

    On the thirteenth day, the ceremony must be completed. You will need to go to a pedestrian intersection, which can be noted in advance. Take a knife with you. The time of day - any, choose it depending on the area - the fewer witnesses to witchcraft, the better. You don't need to take other people with you, be distracted by conversations and look around.

    At the intersection, open the bag with a knife and use it to bury four handfuls of peas at the intersection of the roads with the following words:

    Grow, peas, curl, get away from me sadness-longing. Key, mouth, lock. Amen.

    Removing the crown in the church

    If you want to get rid of the celibacy crown, go to church and ask God for help. In this case, a number of rules must be observed:

    1. Buy candles and go to those icons where your soul aspires. Ask sincerely, pleadingly for help. It is imperative to take communion and confess. Pray for deceased relatives, remember them.
    2. Going to church alone is not enough, you have to go regularly. If possible, observe the fasts, attend the service.
    3. Conducting witchcraft rituals in the church, as recommended by some psychics, is strictly prohibited. This refers to sacrilege.
    4. You can order a magpie - they will pray for you every day for 40 days.
    5. Prayer purifies the soul, instills hope. It helps to gain self-confidence, to fill the spiritual emptiness. You can be a person who is not very handsome in appearance, but sincere and benevolent, pleasant interlocutor. This will be the key to success.

    Prayers for celibacy

    A few hundred years ago, girls asked God and the Virgin Mary for family happiness, a successful marriage, healthy children and a good husband. If you are wondering how to remove the celibacy crown with prayers, then this will require an icon of the corresponding saint and the text of a prayer addressed to this saint.

    It is customary to pray to the Mother of God for the removal of the celibacy crown. it Kazan, Fadeless Color, Kozelshchanskaya and many others. You can pray Paraskeva Pyatnitsa, Matrona of Moscow, Andrew the First-Called, and Saint Catherine and Nicholas the Wonderworker... Prayers are especially strong to couples-saints, for example, Peter and Fevroni, Adrian and Natalia... They also pray to them in case of problems in family life.

    The mother's prayer for the fate of her daughter is especially powerful. If you read a prayer from the crown of celibacy and the seal of loneliness, not only you, but also your mother, most likely, the damage will be removed. There are many prayer texts. For example, this is the text of the prayer of the Mother of God from loneliness, the crown of celibacy and damage to relationships:

    Oh, Most Holy Lady Theotokos, Queen of Heaven and Earth, the highest angel and archangel and all creatures, the most honest, pure Virgin Mary, the good Helper to the world, and confirmation to all people, and deliverance from all needs!

    Look now, O All-Merciful Lady, on Your servants, praying to You with a tender soul and contrite heart, falling down to You with tears and worshiping Your most pure and celibate image, and Your asking help and intercession.

    For this reason, O Bogomati, we resort to You, and to Your Most Pure Image with the Eternal Child holding onto Your hand, our Lord Jesus Christ, gazing, we bring you a tender singing and cry: have mercy on us, Mother of God, and fulfill our petition, all of it is Thy intercession is possible, as for Thy glory befits now and ever and forever and ever. Amen.

    Saint Nicholas the Wonderworker will help. To access it you need:

    • Acquire two church candles and place lighted candles in front of the image of the Saint.
    • Turn to the patron saint of all those in need with a request for forgiveness for all unrighteous actions, words and thoughts.
    • To wish health to all loved ones, relatives, friends and enemies.
    • And read the following conspiracy:

    Nicholas, God's servant, keeper of all secrets, crown me not with an iron end, but with a happy crown. Take from me everything that is dark, feigned, uttered by celibacy. Grant me everything that is light, golden, Divine taught, endowed with love. Thank you, the Pleasant of God, the helper of God. I put my trust in you and believe in your great power. Amen.

    The prayer "Our Father", prayers to Matrona, Xenia of Petersburg and other saints help from the seal of loneliness and the crown of celibacy.

    The main thing is self-confidence and the fact that it is necessary to meet the other half, because you are a worthy person. Just do not rush things and rashly rush into the arms of the first person you meet. Everything is in its turn. Your happiness will not leave you anywhere.

    • Fortune telling
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    On this day, there were extensive festivities, people drank and walked. It was believed that it is not a sin to drink a lot if the bins are full. It was not for nothing that they said: "I got rid of it!" On winter Nicholas, it is customary to make conspiracies against alcoholism. You can order a prayer service for the health of a relative with alcohol addiction. On December 19, St. Nicholas brings gifts to children, and relatives read prayers for their health.

  • The crown of celibacy has been on the lips since time immemorial. As soon as a girl grows up and thinks about creating a family, the lack of attention of men, frequent partings, quarrels with partners or the inability to wait for the coveted offer of a hand and heart, is immediately diagnosed by relatives as damage, the evil eye, or even a crown of celibacy, and attempts are made to remove the crown of celibacy ... Is it he? Not by hearsay, each of us is somehow familiar with this concept, but I'll tell you in more detail. In one of the articles on our site, we have already told you about what is celibacy crown, our experts also offer rituals for removing the celibacy crown, and today you will learn how it is in the understanding of astrology, and most importantly, how to diagnose it remove the crown of celibacy on one's own with the help of an experienced astrologer.
    The inability to build relationships, get married, build a strong family, celibacy is one of the most important topics in relationship astrology. Astrology is able to see signs of celibacy in the natal chart.

    Indicators of celibacy in the natal chart

    In the terminology of astrologers, the crown of celibacy is understood as indicators of celibacy, according to the natal chart, it is primarily determined whether there are any prerequisites for marriage at all.
    According to the Globe, celibacy indicators are determined by Saturn and Uranus, as well as the beginning of the seventh house, the cusp of the 7th house falls into the signs of the zodiac that are sterile for marriage, such as Virgo, Aquarius, Capricorn and Leo.
    Signs of celibacy in S.A. Vronsky is the position of the Moon and Venus in the so-called empty signs of the zodiac. These are Gemini, Leo, Virgo, as well as their presence in 3,6,9,12 houses.
    A professional astrologer can draw up a natal chart, analyze the potential of the 7th house, this will reveal you in terms of relationships, the next step will be to analyze the potential, the dynamics of its disclosure, an assessment is given to the powers of the 7th house significators. Astrology is also able to reveal the mating season, the most favorable time for marriage, the firdar period.

    Celibacy crown in personal horoscope

    When drawing up a personal horoscope, a natal chart is drawn up for you, in which it will be visible in which house of the zodiac sign the sphere of partnership falls, this is also called the 7th house.
    The signs of the zodiac can be both potential for marriage and lonely, independent, they are also called empty.
    The next step will be to consider the ruler of the seventh house, after which the position of the Sun and Mars is considered for women, and Venus and the Moon for men.
    The diagnosis of the celibacy crown, the indicators of celibacy, is influenced by many factors, such as the strength of the planet, aspects with other planets.
    Absolute indicators of celibacy are a rather rare combination of all signs, it is best to trust this process to real professionals who use a colossal store of knowledge and techniques for correct diagnosis.
    Contact the professional astrologers of the center of magic of Providence, they will calculate a natal chart for you, diagnose the positions of the planets on your chart, and if you have indicators of celibacy, they will help you cope with them and improve your personal life!

    Every woman dreams of a family: a good husband and beautiful children, like her and her father. But it happens that the years go on and on, and family happiness still does not come, - there are many men around, but the one, the only one that was dreamed of, is still not there. And one day, one suddenly hears behind him: “The crown of celibacy ... What can you do about that?”. Passion.ru proposes not to worry in vain and figure out together what the “crown of celibacy” is and how to get rid of it.

    If a girl has not found herself a husband before 30 years old, does not show others her wedding ring on her ring finger, then she becomes a target for all sorts of jokes, sidelong glances from her friends who are already married, whispers of relatives. Yes, and society crushes with its undeniable authority.

    Where to go from this? Latently, the thought begins to crawl more and more often, like a rattlesnake: maybe something is wrong with me? Friends begin to advise: “Go to a psychic, let him take a look - maybe you have a“ celibacy crown ”?

    "Crown of celibacy" - what is it? What does it mean? Does he really exist? "What do they eat it with?" Can you get rid of it? All these questions plague unmarried women. And the more they are, the sharper these torments are.

    Russian scientists have found the cause of the misfortunes of unmarried women, the newspaper "Life" writes. It turned out that the concept of "celibacy crown", which was previously operated only by sorcerers and witches, has a purely material nature. This is the conclusion reached by scientists studying this phenomenon.

    "The crown of celibacy" in the everyday sense is a person's doom to life-long loneliness, - says Professor Pavel Goskov, head of the Department of Information Technologies at Altai State Technical University. "And from the point of view of science, this is a negative information structure." In fact, this is a generic curse, a super-powerful negative energy impulse with a specific program of action.

    In the aura that psychics can see, such structures look like a cone. And the "crown of celibacy" looks like a crown facing downward with the prongs. Women marked by this curse become, as it were, invisible to men. They are clever, beauties, but gentlemen bypass them almost a mile away!

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    What are the astrological indicators of this phenomenon?

    Let's try to define them and dispel the myth. And maybe, and confirm it with the help of astrology. This is what we will do with you.

    When a young woman comes to an astrologer and wants to know when she will get married, the first thing the astrologer looks at is her potential to have one marriage, two, three or more, or never marry. All of us from childhood were brought up on fairy tales, from an early age we absorbed the plots of many of them into the subconscious.

    We want to be "found by a prince on a white horse", we got married and "lived happily ever after and died on the same day." Note that fairy tales usually end at this moment, but in real life, after the wedding, only the most interesting begins.

    1. In the birth horoscope - for both men and women - first of all they look at which house of the zodiac the sphere of partnership falls into, the so-called 7th house (house of marriage, partnership, cooperation). Zodiac signs can be conducive to marriage, polygamy or loneliness, independence.

    Signs of the zodiac, conducive to marriage:

    Taurus - ruled by the planet Venus, which in all ages gravitated towards marriage, partnership. Venus cannot live without a partner: she views marriage as an integral part of her life and is ready to carry her cross to the end. There are also those who are not ready to be in an unsatisfactory marriage. They are sure that a new love, a new relationship, a new marriage awaits them outside the door.

    Libra is also ruled by Venus. And here Venus has a lighter and more sociable character.

    Cancer - ruled by the Moon, inclined to create a family, responsible for life, real estate, motherhood. The family for such a 7th house owner is not just a need: it is their essence. They want to see a gentle, caring, emotional partner next to them.

    Polygamy is given by the following two-body signs of the zodiac:

    Gemini - ruled by Mercury, the planet of constant search for new, interesting things. As a rule, the owner of such a 7th house does not stop at one marriage.

    Sagittarius ruled by Jupiter - a planet that gives a wide choice of partners for marriage to the owner of the 7th house. As a rule, a person cannot immediately be satisfied with one marriage partner, since a better and more successful contender for the hand and heart of the cardholder appears again.

    Pisces is also ruled by Jupiter.

    The following signs want independence in a couple:

    Capricorn is ruled by Saturn, a planet that cools, cools, crystallizes, cements everything it touches. The owner of such a 7th house can look for a suitable partner for a long time, as his requirements are high. Moreover, women usually do not understand that their excessive demands scare off all potential partners. They do not give them any opportunity to get closer to themselves, to open up, to show their best qualities.

    Aquarius - ruled by Uranus, the planet of independence, revolution and anarchy. The owner of such a 7th house is looking for originality, extravagance, disobedience to generally accepted traditions in a partner. Most often, he is satisfied with civil, unofficial, unconventional marriages. The unusualness of such a marriage manifests itself in each in his own way: each of the spouses can live in different apartments and even in different cities. They can give each other complete freedom of action. It is important that both are comfortable with this relationship.

    Virgo - Getting the 7th house in Virgo gives her owner such a critical choice of a marriage partner. Unbelievably high requirements cannot withstand applicants for a hand and heart, with each subsequent applicant, a person loses hope of finding a mate. The advice to reduce requirements is perceived as a lack of understanding of its essence.

    Signs that are in marriage as in a special state of consciousness:

    Aries is ruled by Mars: a planet that brings conflict, competition, war to any relationship. If the 7th house of the owner of the horoscope falls into Aries, then such a person needs feelings of struggle, competition, and passions in a relationship. Since Mars itself quickly loses its "fiery fuse", the storm of passions in the relationship maintains its interest in the marriage partner. If the spouse does not give such opposition, then the marriage falls apart, ceasing to bring joy and the feeling that he is living. Loss of interest, indifference lead to divorce.

    Leo is the ruler of the Sun, which gives the owner of such a 7th house a desire, if he marries, then the queen, or if he marries, it is imperative for a prince of royal blood. They feel that the tale of Cinderella can happen in their lives. And if life does not provide them with princes / princesses, then they can stay for a long time in anticipation of a miracle, in search of a noble marriage partner.

    Scorpio is also ruled by Mars. Only the events of the owner of the horoscope are not so rapid, but stretch over the years. In Scorpio, the influence of Mars is hidden, but there is hidden power in it. So is the marriage relationship: they can seem to others very strong, ideal. And no one will be able to guess what efforts are given to the marriage partners to preserve these relations.

    2. Do not be afraid if the 7th house of your horoscope fell into signs striving for independence, individuality, loneliness, since the next step of the astrologer will be to consider the ruler of the 7th house. What is this steward? Its position in signs, aspects, strength is considered. All this provides information about the needs of the owner of the horoscope for marriage.

    3. Then Venus and the Moon for men and the Sun and Mars for women are considered. Everything affects: the location in the sign, the strength of the planet, whether or not the aspects with other planets are numerous.

    Aspects from pests do not always deprive a person of marriage, give celibacy, more often - provide a difficult deep painful relationship leading to divorce when the relationship ceases to suit. Aspects from benefactors make it possible to quickly find a suitable partner for marriage and be happy in marriage.

    Venus and Moon in the horoscope of men indicate the type of women who are attracted to this man. If Venus is responsible for an ideal woman, to whom this man "falls", falls in love (you can call her sexually attractive for him, a perfect lover), then the Moon is responsible for a man's desire to receive care, tenderness, and everyday comfort from a woman.

    The sun in a woman's horoscope shows her need for a man-protector who can be relied on, who can be proud and respected. Mars in a woman's horoscope shows her ideal man, who attracts her as a sexual partner, from whom the blood "boils", a chemical reaction of love begins in the body, every cell wakes up, pheromones haunt night and day, the brain is completely turned off.

    Again, what sign do these two planets fall into, their strength, aspects? Everything is an indicator of the needs of a given woman or man in marriage, or, conversely, the desire to be independent.

    There are also other indicators, but this is a deepening into the intricacies of astrology.


    The so-called "crown of celibacy" can be reflected in the horoscope if the sphere of the 7th house falls into the signs of independence and the ruler of the 7th house falls into signs that are not prone to marriage, into their weak points of power. And they do not have a single aspect or have only tense aspects, especially those affected by pests.

    But that's not all: for a woman, the Sun and Mars should also be in signs of loneliness, without aspects, or have only tense aspects. For men are also considered in relation to the Moon and Venus. If all these indicators indicate incredible difficulties in choosing a marriage partner, then we can talk about the presence in the horoscope of a person of the "crown of celibacy".

    From personal experience, I want to say that this is a rather rare situation. Most often, women have overestimated requirements for choosing a marriage partner, an inability to communicate, flirt, and an idealized idea of ​​how a man should look after her. All this does not allow men to open up, show their dignity, mature for marriage.

    Is it possible to somehow change something in order to meet a person and create a family with him?

    Yes, this can be done if you are ready to move to a new place of residence. With the move, the spheres of houses move to other signs of the zodiac. You can find a place on the globe where harmonious planets and signs prone to marriage will fall into your sphere of marriage.

    Astrologer - Natalia Zhukovich.

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    Tags: Celibacy crown, astrology articles, myth or evil fate, partnership, wedding, cohabitation

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