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Creating an image of a fashionable and stylish beauty is not at all difficult, you just need to follow fashion trends. With the advent of the new season, novelties in design appear, as well as priorities in colors that will show off on the nails. In the fall-winter 2016-2017 season, naturalness will be a permanent trend! Designers recommend modest makeup, light curls in styling and, of course, a simple but beautiful nail design.

A successful approach to fashion design is short well-groomed nails, healthy color. The length of the free edge of the nails can be very short, flush with the fingertips, or maybe 2-3 mm longer. Be sure to design the nail plate in an almond-shaped or oval shape. Let the strict square and long claws wait in the wings, but for now, go ahead for beauty and naturalness!

Designers Jeremy and Scott Tibi have elegantly upgraded the classic jacket with a cross strip in the middle of the nail plate, in a stylish and new way. A prerequisite - nails must be painted with the color of baked milk, ivory or pale quartz.

Design No. 4: Broken glass fall-winter 2016-2017

Designers from South Korea have introduced a new manicure design Broken Glass nails (broken glass) into the world of nail service. The main material for creating such a manicure was a special holographic foil. Geometric pieces of foil create the effect of glare from broken fragments. The color scheme for broken glass manicure is peach, milky white and soft pink. For young and eccentric girls, the masters offer manicures with rich electric shades.

Design No. 5: Bright red fall-winter 2016-2017

Red notes are present in every new season. Marsala was in fashion for several seasons in a row, but now bright red shades are at the peak of popularity. The combination of color on the nails and on the lips looks fashionable and beautiful. The autumn season, the time when you can try the color for those who were afraid of it before.

Design No. 6: Stylish Ombre Fall-Winter 2016-2017

A smooth transition from one shade to another is a successful artistic technique that manicure masters use to decorate nails. can be made from one color or from several. In the autumn-winter period, natural shades or muted pastels (pistachio, azure, gray, lemon, apricot) will become fashionable shades of the gradient.

For the convenience of performing an ombre manicure, you can not mix the colors with a sponge, but mix them on the palette and apply with a thin brush. Very stylish and beautiful. If you don't know how to use a brush, use French strips, an adhesive holographic strip, or plain tape.

Design No. 7: Soft pastel fall-winter 2016-2017

During autumn leaf fall and winter snows, you want to decorate your nails with calmer colors than in summer. Do a manicure with pastel colors, fortunately, in the arsenal of gel polishes and just varnishes there are a large number of them. In the fall, coffee, milky, salmon-colored pastels will be in fashion. In winter, lavender, peach, warm and cold shades of pink, caramel, chocolate ice cream, etc. will be in fashion.

Design No. 8: Oriental color fall-winter 2016-2017

Eastern culture has spread widely among Europeans for a long time. Beautiful collections on the theme of the East, make-up of oriental beauties, menus with oriental dishes, interior decor, etc. The style of the East has reached the design of nails. A beautiful oriental design can be created using gold or silver casting, liquid stones, stained glass techniques, etc.

Design No. 9: Negative Space Fall-Winter 2016-2017

Negative or negative space is not new in manicure, girls who follow fashion trends know about it. Such a manicure was fashionable in the spring-summer season and moved into the new season. The basis for the Negative Space manicure should be transparent, and on it there are patterns and geometric shapes with any varnish. Alexis Mabille offers a trendy black and silver manicure.

Design No. 10: Trendy Dot Patterns Fall-Winter 2016-2017

Dot design has gained popularity as one of the types of creativity, when ceramic accessories, personal items, interior are decorated with multi-colored dots, and now such dots adorn the nails of fashionistas. Manicurists make point design for both young girls and women of age. The technique of applying a dotted pattern involves combining multi-colored dots of different sizes, skillfully combining them into one unique pattern. Handwork and fine workmanship will help you admire the dot manicure in full!

A few years ago, fashion weeks in world capitals brought only new clothes and accessories into our lives. Today, designers strive not only to demonstrate new things, but to create an integral image that reflects the aesthetics of their fashion house. And in this image, everything is important: from the hairstyle to the tips of the nails. And so it happened that designers and stylists began to dictate not only trends in fashion, but also in the beauty industry.

However, this is only for the better, because thanks to this approach, our manicure has become much more diverse. If earlier we chose mainly between red varnish and a classic jacket, now the choice of manicure options is simply huge. In this publication, we will talk about the main fashionable manicures for autumn-winter 2016-2017, fashionable nail colors, popular varnishes of various brands and nail art that is relevant for autumn.

Fashionable form for nails of the season autumn-winter 2016-2017

On the crest of popularity will be an almond-shaped nail plate - soft, sloping, without protruding parts. All proportions in it are just perfect! The slightly ground top will not recede while maintaining the same almond shape. It is definitely worth avoiding a sharp and spatulate manicure - for now it will be out of favor. But lovers of such forms will be able to compensate for this with a specific pattern, simply by depicting them. Although the oblong, refined nails themselves look very chic. For greater effect, stylists recommend covering them with dark, flesh or transparent varnish.

Fashion should be not only beautiful, but also comfortable. Luckily, designers around the world are in full agreement with this statement and do not impose victim-demanding trends on women. In the field of manicure, everything is also greatly simplified: everyone has long abandoned uncomfortable long nails, and gel polish has become an alternative to extended nails, convenient and easy to use, without damaging nails.

In light of these trends, the natural rounded nail shape has now been declared the most fashionable nail shape. And this season, you can abandon the procedures for growing nails, because short nails are in fashion. Square long nails can still be seen on nail bloggers, but let's be honest, round short nails are much more convenient. Many fashion houses went to meet women: Christian Dior, Christian Siriano, Donna Karan, Derek Lam, Rebecca Mincoff, Monique Lhuillier demonstrated short rounded nails on the catwalk.

Actual length for nails of the season autumn-winter 2016-2017

You need to forget about a long manicure: fashion offers medium and short options. They are concise, slightly naive and are an excellent basis for a trendy manicure. For example, with decoration in a primitive style, like a child's drawing. The lack of flashiness and extravagance is more than compensated for by color, shape and decor. Therefore, practical short-cut nails can be easily turned into free casual, evening luxury or office restraint.

The palette of colors of fashionable nails autumn-winter 2016-2017 with a photo

White. All shades from muted matte to light pearl will be in demand. They will add airiness to the image and emphasize the smooth line of the fingers. Notes of ivory will make a woman both defiant and sophisticated. At the same time, trendsetters offer to experiment with both creamy textures and pearly white tones.

Red. His palette does not lose its relevance, being at the top of popularity for several years now. After all, this is a classic that harmoniously complements the image of lovely ladies of all ages. Any of its shades will be in trend in the fall-winter 2016-2017.

Grey. The most trendy color of the season, because it perfectly supports other varnishes, turning a manicure into a completely boring option. Leading fashion brands offer ash-gloss and pearl gray finishes. This coloring is best in harmony with beige coats, cream jackets, light fur coats and cozy knitted cardigans.

Blue. This is the shade of 2016, so it is found not only in the spring-summer season, but also in the autumn-winter season. Ideally maintains a detached, mysterious, intelligent image. No less suitable for business meetings, outrageous parties, discos. Perfectly forms a gradient and is combined with other colors.

Azure. Sea blue usually shimmers with different colors, depending on weather conditions. Image manicure takes into account this fact, offering a whole range of blue-green. Eminent stylists used turquoise, emerald, azure, rich sapphire and indigo variations at the shows.

Violet. It is calm, deep, expressive, cold and mysterious. It is this color that fits into the viscous winter days and bright parties, featuring high versatility. Creates romantic images, light and dreamy. Suitable for retro style.

Blue. Echoes with whitish snow shades. Requires jewelry in the form of sparkling rhinestones. They can be located in a group on one finger or 1-3 pieces on several. This color will support any image in the cold season - even a romantic one, even a business one, even a disco one. Of course, if you choose the right tone.

Black. It echoes the Gothic style, and also serves as a backdrop for creating a manicure with catchy accents. The decor in the form of stones and bright ornament plays wonderfully on it. Suitable for any shape and length of nails.

Autumn is the time for a dark and rich color palette in manicure. Inspiration should be sought in the colors of fading nature: crimson foliage, gray sky, blue cold water of lakes. If autumn nature seems like a weak source of colors for you, then this season designers have offered another source of inspiration - precious stones. On the podium was a manicure of sapphire blue, emerald green and burgundy red tones. Derek Lam, Marissa Webb, Nicole Miller, Kate Spade, Christian Dior and many other fashion houses demonstrated these colors of fashion manicure for autumn-winter 2016-2017 at their shows. Almost all nail polish brands have included these shades in their autumn collections.

Fashion drawings on nails autumn-winter 2016-2017

If you want to diversify your manicure with drawings, then in the autumn season of 2016 smooth lines come to the rescue. They can be bright or natural shades, made on a contrasting varnish or on your nail without a coating. Wavy lines, stripes, a combination of matte and shiny surfaces, a combination of different textures - all this is in trend for autumn-winter 2016-2017.

Fashionable prints on the nails of the season autumn-winter 2016-2017 new trends

harmonic gradient. It is not just a transition of shades of a palette of the same color. This is an ombre-style gradient nail art, so stylists offer to boldly combine completely different colors. This can be seen in the shows of many representatives of the fashion industry.

geometric patterns. In fact, they are a mosaic, which is randomly “scattered” on the nail or drawn on individual fingers. It strikes at the same time with the simplicity of technology and unusual extravagance. The main thing is clear forms with straight lines.

creative nail art. It manifests itself in the form of colored splashes, spots, bright accents. An explosive rainbow adorns the solid base of any trendy color. Allows the use of several large stones and beads or a whole "cluster" of small ones. They can form some kind of pattern or shape (circle, heart, zigzag). Unusual decor will also be interesting: with cupcakes, butterflies, snowflakes, animals, hearts.

Waves. They will be at the peak of popularity in both warm and cold seasons. It is good that such a manicure is easy to apply and does not require professional skills, therefore it is available to all the fair sex. To become super fashionable, it is enough to apply contrasting wavy lines to the base of one color.

Fashionable texture of nails autumn-winter 2016-2017 photo news

In autumn-winter 2016-2017, two trends will begin to prevail:

  1. Matte restraint.
  2. Glamorous shine. The first one is not quite an everyday manicure, as catchy accents can appear against the background of muted shades. Faded matte varnishes with enviable constancy will flicker on the catwalks. Stylists will start actively exploiting such a texture in the summer, and by winter this trend will be significantly strengthened. This is an unfading trend for several years now. The second is cosmic motifs, sometimes coldly distant, sometimes temptingly sparkling. In any case, the gloss will be unusually stylish, giving off a metallic sheen. The main thing is that the surface is flawlessly polished. This coloring perfectly harmonizes with gold and emerald notes, adding luxury to the nails.

Fashionable nails autumn-winter 2016-2017 - almond-shaped nails

This shape was very popular at the spring and summer shows, but it doesn't look like it's going to give up yet. However, why be surprised: rounded nails look elegant, practical and stylish. By autumn, designers offer us a manicure on short nails with a dark color coating or clear varnish.

Fashionable nails autumn-winter 2016-2017 - ultrashort manicure

By themselves, short cut nails are already a trend. Basically, preference is given to dark varnishes that look graphic against the background of natural makeup, relevant for autumn-winter 2016. Julien Macdonald recommends applying a bright red coating on short nails.

Fashionable nails autumn-winter 2016-2017 - space manicure

A lot of interesting things have been prepared for us by nail design 2016. New items include, for example, space manicure: lines or geometric shapes on a transparent coating. Black, red, white, silver and gold polishes will be useful for self-expression.

Trends in manicure autumn-winter 2016-2017

In the upcoming autumn-winter season, several directions will prevail. Manicure will be the most fashionable: with unpainted areas; with a "childish" pattern; with gothic nail art; French classical (lunar); a la french and so on. Unshaded areas will introduce a kind of "negative space" effect. To do this, the surrounding area is lightened or darkened, forming enticing images. Gothic motifs will appeal to those who love dramatic notes. Fashionable blue-black, dark plum and raven color will perfectly fit into them. A distinctive feature of the winter season 2016-2017 will be minimalism in decor. That is, there should not be any extra details - everything is modest and stylish. There will be an incredible amount of fantasies regarding the traditional French manicure. It will be embodied in cosmic directions, abstractionist tendencies, cubic decor, in lines and zigzags, which will gradually begin to take root in French classics. It will be characterized by: the geometric shape of the nail plate with light tips (white), waves, extraordinary combinations of the color palette.

Fashionable manicure autumn-winter 2016-2017 - matte varnishes

Another fall 2016 trend is matte shades. Beautiful shimmer, small glitters and large glitters did not inspire designers this season and have so far gone into the shadows, leaving instead matte surfaces completely devoid of shine. This fall-winter 2016-2017 manicure trend will delight those who don't like glitter, because the choice of matte varnishes this fall will be much wider.

But there is a solution for lovers of sparkles: designers offer to add glitter to the trendy manicure of autumn 2016 in doses, mix textures on nails - cover only part of the nail with shiny varnish, leaving the other part matte.

But for opponents of matte nails, I’ll say: there is one type of glitter that is acceptable on nails this season - metal glitter.

Fashionable manicure autumn-winter 2016-2017: metallic

The sheen of metal on your nails will surely make you look at your manicure often throughout the day, turning it to the light this way and that. Metallic in combination with the noble colors of autumn allowed brands to create a very beautiful palette - metallic blue, green and gold - all these polishes are just a dream of gourmands.

Beautiful varnishes with a metallic effect were presented by the fashion house Dior. In addition, stylist Peter Philips, who created the manicure for the fall Dior show, suggested another interesting trend in fall-winter 2016-2017 manicure: painting nails on different hands with different, but matching colors of varnish.

Here is what the fashion house Dior reports: “The symbol of the new image of a free and liberated Dior woman is nails of different colors. The brightest and most unexpected combinations are possible: black and blue with a metallic effect, gray-green and pink.

Fashionable manicure autumn-winter 2016-2017 - gold

Since the autumn palette is quite dark, you can add gold accents to it - a gold design on the nail, a stamping with a gold pattern, or a gold shimmer polish on one of the nails.

Fashionable manicure autumn-winter 2016-2017 – nude

Speaking of manicure in a nude shade, it is worth remembering the nail design that Christian Louboutin proposed this season (and he is supposed to know a lot about nail art, because he releases his own line of varnishes). Fashionable autumn manicure from Louboutin is a bright accent on the background of a nude nail. This Christian Louboutin manicure was showcased at the Cushnie et Ochs dj show during New York Fashion Week.

You can talk for a long time about fashionable colors in manicure, offer gold and the most incredible patterns and shades, but along with this there is a simple fact - flesh-colored manicure is still incredibly relevant. He fell in love with many women for his simplicity and beauty, and fashion brands are not going to refuse him.

Nude manicure was chosen for their shows by Thakoon, Donna Karan, Alexander Wang, Chanel and many other fashion houses. Moreover, the “flesh” shade of the varnish varies from very light, almost white, to rich beige, so this season you can choose the varnish directly to your skin tone or experiment with different shades of nude. Such a neutral manicure is suitable for all occasions, looks neat and expensive, so do not forget about it in the cold season.

Fashionable manicure autumn-winter 2016-2017 – Negative space

Negative space is not a new trend, but it is very much loved, so it has been relevant for more than a season. The point is that with this version of a fashionable manicure, you use your own nail as a background for nail design without any coating. Whatever design you choose, part of the nail should remain bare. In light of this fashion trend in autumn manicure 2016, it is worth paying extra attention to nail care so that the nail plate is even and beautiful in color.

Fashionable nails autumn-winter 2016-2017 - painting on the hands

Have you ever thought about turning your nails into a canvas for a painting? It can be impressionism like Desigual or contemporary art like Daks and Kenzo. Allow yourself bold decisions!

Fashionable blue nails autumn-winter 2016-2017 new photos

If trendy makeup is replete with shades of blue and blue, then why should trendy manicure (autumn 2016-winter 2016) fall behind? By the way, leading designers often combine azure shades with indigo lacquer. In New York, the Marissa Webb shows featured OPI's intense Light My Sapphire color, which is in harmony with the blue accent on the eyes.

Fashionable matte nails autumn-winter 2016-2017 new photos

As in the spring shows, there were matte varnishes in the autumn ones. In the upcoming season, you can wear it with glossy accents (Antonio Marras, Wes Gordon) or solo, without decor (Marissa Webb).

Fashionable French manicure autumn-winter 2016-2017 photo

It should be noted that the space theme and love for strict forms influenced the nails. French 2016 (photos hint that it can be used with eccentric looks) are wavy and A-shaped lines, a combination of several colors at the edge of the nail, horizontal white stripes on a contrasting (not necessarily beige or pink) background.


Manicure is the final touch that will give your image a complete and harmonious look. Today we will look at the main trends that will determine what the fashionable manicure of the fall-winter 2019-2020 season will be like.

It's no secret that a beautiful manicure is one of the main decorations of women's hands. Today, no self-respecting woman will go on a date, an important meeting, a restaurant or a party without a manicure. Let's say more, even in a casual look, the absence of a manicure is considered bad manners!

Fashionable length of nails autumn-winter 2019-2020

The fashion for short nails has come, protruding beyond the fingertips by only a few millimeters, which has replaced the outrageous super-long nails, was welcomed by most women, since the short length of nails is the most practical and convenient.

Lovers of elongated nails should not be upset either, since beautiful long nails, if they suit you and have an actual fashionable shape, are at all times a symbol of a glamorous and sophisticated female image.

Classic French manicure fashion trends photo autumn winter 2019-2020

The eternal trend is the classic French manicure, but do not forget about the moderate length of the nails and rounded corners. A modern original jacket can be complemented by a lace pattern coming from the painted tip of the nail. Those who like to be the center of attention should replace white in French manicure with dark red, blue or gold. Such nails in the fall and winter of 2019-2020 as a detail of an evening look will definitely deserve the status of the most fashionable in the eyes of others.

Fashionable natural manicure fashion trends photo autumn winter 2019-2020

The fashion for naturalness makes nude shades the most important in the color palette of the autumn-winter 2019-2020 season polishes: delicate pinkish and softened pale peach tones. Among the leaders is also modest and elegant, a beige shade of lacquer that is ideal for any look.

Among nude polishes, whitish tones are less popular than a year ago. Faithful to white Chanel polish. A peculiar transition from the most natural nails to a colored manicure can be considered the most fashionable color of 2019 according to Pantone - marsala.

Fashionable red manicure fashion trends photo autumn winter 2019-2020

Red nail polish never goes out of style. It's a classic color that has been featured in every runway show for Fall/Winter 2019-2020 in one way or another. Of particular note is the trend to combine the color of varnish with lipstick.

Fashionable NEGATIVE SPACE manicure fashion trends photo autumn winter 2019-2020

This fashion trend in nail art for the next season has moved from spring-summer and seems to be delayed for the new cold season. Different variations of the negative space manicure took on different forms in the new season - symbolic crosses and stripes on a transparent base, modest minimalist stripes on the side of the nail, variants of the moon manicure using the negative space technique. In general, see for yourself.

Fashionable manicure in blue shades fashion trends photo autumn winter 2019-2020

Blue nail polishes were the hit of summer 2019, but the same trend is being seen in the fall-winter 2019-2020 season. But in cold weather, it is better to choose dark blue colors. The original manicure of blue shades will look stylish in the snowy winter. Extremely popular colors of varnishes this winter are indigo, emerald, sapphire, cornflower blue, ultramarine, lemon and violet.

Fashionable black manicure fashion trends photo autumn winter 2019-2020

One of the main fashion trends of the upcoming autumn-winter season 2019-2020 can be safely called a black manicure. Absolutely any black varnishes are so relevant. It can be shimmery, glossy or matte. Experts also advise choosing black nail polishes with a variety of interesting patterns or sparkles.

Fashion crazy nail art fashion trends photo autumn winter 2019-2020

While we are enjoying the simple looks of the fall-winter 2019-2020 season, some designers are creating absolutely crazy collections. This also applies to the manicures of the models at the Vivienne Westwood, Christine Phung and Au Jour Le Jour shows: bright shades of polish, a different design of each nail, the feeling that the hand was just dipped in paint, stripes and 3D design - you may not want to embody these ideas. in life, but it looks truly impressive.

Fashionable matte manicure fashion trends photo autumn winter 2019-2020

It is not necessary that a manicure should be radiant. The trend of using matte varnish was outlined in the spring-summer season. Simple matte nails with a minimal amount of nail art have become a trend for the fall / winter 2019-2020 season. This manicure appeared on the shows of Marissa Webb, Antonio Marras and Wes Gordon.

Fashionable painting of nails autumn-winter 2019-2020

The art of decorating nails is gaining popularity at a cosmic pace. At the moment, this is one of the privileged areas in aesthetic cosmetology. This art helps women express their style, status and image as expressively as possible. In addition, well-executed nail art helps to hide the flaws of the nail plates. In the new autumn-winter season 2019-2020, the most popular patterns will be the same geometric compositions, animal motifs, as well as images of lace fabrics transferred to the nails. At the same time, the design can be performed both on all nails at once, and on some one. In addition, you can safely combine several techniques and patterns in one image at once, for example, the French manicure technique and geometric “prints”. In this matter, there can also be no restrictions, it all depends on the imagination and skill of the craftsmen and the wishes of customers.

Fashionable holiday manicure fashion trends photo autumn winter 2019-2020

The autumn-winter season is famous for the fact that during this period of time there are many magnificent holidays, among which is the beloved and long-awaited New Year. Fashionistas prepare for this event almost as seriously as they prepare for their own birthday or even a wedding. Choosing an outfit, treats for the New Year's table, festive surroundings, hairstyle, shoes and accessories, no self-respecting lady will forget about a themed manicure. For this purpose, multi-colored varnishes, all kinds of decorative pebbles, snowflakes, rhinestones, glitter, pictures, etc. can be used. Examples of New Year's manicure fall-winter 2019-2020 can be seen below.

Fashionable geometric manicure fashion trends photo autumn winter 2019-2020

Minimal decoration of nails with geometric shapes: stripes, squares, rhombuses and circles. These figures can be drawn on one or two fingers or cover each nail. In any case, their presence is impossible not to notice, mainly due to the original color schemes. Very original and beautiful manicure.

Modern nail art is capricious and unpredictable, sometimes it changes at the speed of light, sometimes it stands still for several seasons in a row, not offering anything new to fashionistas who follow the innovations in the field of nail design with bated breath. However, despite the absence of global changes, there are always differences, albeit minor ones.

fashion trends

The photo of the fashionable manicure for the fall-winter 2016-2017 season clearly shows a combination of style and elegance, naturalness and bold ideas.

Naturalness is a great opportunity not only to demonstrate an impeccable sense of style, but also to feel relaxed and look elegant and fashionable at the same time. The main trends of autumn-winter 2016-2017 include naturalness - nude style. The color palette of last season, shown in the photo, will not undergo significant changes, shades of beige, pink, peach, coffee with milk are relevant.

The famous French manicure continues to be relevant, everyday, but no less luxurious, emphasizing the thoughtfulness of the image. Next season will make adjustments to the familiar French style. The traditional jacket will be embodied in abstraction, space directions, all kinds of rhombuses, zigzags.

Gothic will appeal to girls who prefer dramatic images, decadence. You can soften the gloomy manicure with the help of gold and flesh shades.

Autumn and winter are seasons that are not conducive to brightness, so every element in the image, including manicure, simply has to be positive and cheer up. In addition to the timeless classics and elegant pastel colors, the trend is bright, original nail art, juicy catchy colors, exclusive unusual prints and, of course, sparkling manicure, a luxurious metallic shade that adds chic and elegance to the image.

In the upcoming season, moon nail art is at the peak of popularity, both in glossy and matte versions. All sorts of stains, zigzags, bright dots will attract attention with originality and originality of performance.

Glitter is still in fashion, original "brilliant" design ideas can transform even the most modest manicure. If a girl wants to draw attention to her nails, it is enough for her to make a few sparkling accents to be in the spotlight.

And yet, the main difference between winter 2016-2017 manicure, as evidenced by numerous photos in magazines, will be the fashion trends of simplicity and minimalism. A laconic style without unnecessary decorative elements will become the most popular among girls.

Stylists note that the highlight will be a contrasting nail art using two colors. For example, black + white, beige + black. The absolute hit of the season is fuchsia lacquer combined with deep black. Such combinations of colors will make a trendy manicure dramatic and sophisticated.

As for textures, both noble matte and mirror shine are relevant.

Shape and length of nails

Even the most trendy nail art looks tasteless on nails that do not have a specific shape. The fashion trends of manicure 2016-2017 suggest an almond-shaped and oval shape of the nail plates.

It is better to forget about the square shape for an indefinite time. The fresh trends shown in the photo suggest women to wear neat rounded nails, soft, sloping, without protruding parts, comfortable and practical, as close as possible to the natural form.

As for the length, the nails can be any, the lack of extravagance and vivid expressiveness is fully compensated by the color and decor. A manicure, even on short-cut nails, can turn into both a stylish everyday and a luxurious evening.

Overview of fashionable nail colors in the video:

Color palette and prints

The fashionable manicure style for autumn-winter 2016-2017 involves a combination of varnish and lipstick, but this is unprincipled.

The most popular color in fashionable manicure will be:

  • All shades of white, from subdued matte to noble light pearl. White will emphasize the smooth line of the fingers, bring romance and airiness to the image, and also serve as a reminder of the hot summer.
  • Red color, from scarlet to aristocratic cherry. A seductive red hue not only declares to others about the decisive nature of the owner of a bold manicure, but also goes well with the color of lipstick.

  • Grey. The hottest color of the season. Modern fashionistas are offered a choice: from ash-glossy to metallic. So that the image does not look boring and dull, the presence of a bright color accent is allowed.

  • The blue color and all its shades will smoothly move from the spring-summer season to the upcoming autumn-winter. This mysterious, slightly aloof and intelligent shade is perfectly absorbed into both casual and romantic styles. Designers advise to combine blue nail polish with eye shadow of the same shade.

  • Purple color is unusually expressive. Calm, mysterious shades fit perfectly not only on cold winter evenings, but also on bright New Year's parties. Violet is one of the few shades that feels comfortable in retro style.
  • Black is the undoubted favorite of the season. It can be used both to create gothic nail art and manicure with original accents. Looks great with decorative elements in the form of stones, rhinestones, sparkles and bright ornaments.

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