Home Preparations for the winter How to beautifully cut a melon torpedo on the peel. How to beautifully cut fruit and serve watermelon and melon. Edible Rubik's Cube

How to beautifully cut a melon torpedo on the peel. How to beautifully cut fruit and serve watermelon and melon. Edible Rubik's Cube

The fragrant and juicy melon will appeal to many people. But not everyone knows how to properly cut this sweet vegetable. In addition to cutting, it is important to take into account some features, both in the cutting technique and the pulp itself. To make this task easier for you, the ZnayKak.ru website offers a simple way to process vegetables.

Before studying the options and rules for cutting pulp, carefully consider the question of. The taste and aroma will directly depend on its quality and degree of ripening. In this case, take into account the type of vegetable and its size. If there are any damages or stains on the skin, then it is better to discard this melon.

Preparing the fetus

Before cutting vegetables, wash them thoroughly. Since it will be consumed fresh without heat treatment, its skin may contain not only dirt and dust, but also bacteria. Be sure to rinse the fruit in warm and running water.

If you do not have special means for treating the fetus, then use regular laundry soap. Apply a weak soap solution to the skin and rub it lightly. Then, using a stiff-bristled brush, scrub the melon in clean water. Dry the fruit with paper towels to remove any remaining moisture. The cutting board and knife must also undergo a similar treatment.


Place the fruit vertically on a cutting board (sideways). Hold it with one hand and cut off both tops with the other. Move from top to bottom. Don't make them too small, the diameter of the circle should be about 10 cm. Also, don't cut off too much skin, otherwise you will remove the pulp.

Turn the fruit over onto the cut side. Hold the melon and carefully cut off the skin. Try to make the cuts as thin as possible. This way you will preserve the pulp. Work quickly as the ripe fruit is very juicy and needs to be preserved.

Then inspect the melon and cut off any remaining green flesh that remains on the vegetable. Use the knife carefully and cut off as little of the white flesh as possible.

Melon slicing

Method number 1. Once you have completely removed the skin, cut the melon in half. At the same time, move the knife slowly and hold the fruit with your hand. The melon pulp is very slippery and there is a risk of the knife slipping.

Remove the seeds from inside the fruit using a metal spoon. It is ideal for this action, since the depression in the melon is round and cannot be peeled with a knife.

Then turn the melon half, cut side out, onto a cutting board. Cut the pulp into two more pieces.

Cut each piece in half again.

You can leave the pulp in wedges and serve as is. Some dishes or fondues require small pieces, so cut the skibki as shown in the photo.

Method No. 2. If you don't want to spend a lot of time peeling the skin, then cut the melon as follows. Wash and dry it. On a cutting board, cut the fruit in half.

Remove the seeds with a spoon.

Cut the fruit halves again. You will get quarters.

Then divide each part into 2 more with a knife.

Cut the slices into cubes, but not all the way (leave the skin whole).

To separate the melon cubes from the skin at one time, use a sharp knife to cut them off each slice.

Transfer the melon pieces to a plate and serve or use in a dish. Bon appetit!

No celebration is complete without juicy fruits, which will be an excellent addition to alcoholic drinks or cold appetizers. Serving a vitamin dessert will be original if you cut the fruit beautifully. At the same time, it is not necessary to comprehend the basics of professional carving; everything can be done independently at home. You just need to show your imagination, and the tips in the article will help you cope with this task.

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When choosing components for slicing, carefully inspect each fruit. Since the fruit will sit on the table for several hours, it must remain fresh and beautiful. To do this, choose ripe, juicy, but dense fruits without visible damage.

Slice the fruit before serving to prevent the inner flesh of the fruit from coming into contact with air. For example, bananas or apples without peel quickly darken, lose their attractiveness and appetizing. Sprinkle the sliced ​​fruit with fresh lemon juice. To prevent juicy fruits from becoming airy, grease the surface with gelatin solution or cake jelly.

For slicing, use a thin, sharply sharpened knife, then the slices will turn out neat and even. To decorate a fruit plate in an unusual way, purchase a set of special carving tools.

Wash and dry the fruit thoroughly before cutting. Store fruits that produce a lot of juice in a separate container.

There are several rules that will help you properly prepare a fruit dish for the holiday table. Even popular restaurateurs use them in their work, sometimes adding their own additions to the list:

  • Cut the watermelon and melon and place them in small identical slices and only with the peel. It is advisable to remove the seeds, leaving only the pulp;
  • Place apples and pears on a plate in such a way as to minimize contact of the surface of the cut fruit with air. Otherwise, they will quickly become dark. Lemon juice will prolong the freshness of the fruit;
  • Serve citrus fruits (lime, lemon, orange) in circles or cut into slices. If the first option is used, do not peel the fruit;
  • First remove the skin from the kiwi or mango, only then cut into thin slices. Kiwis do not darken when exposed to air, so place them on top of an apple slice;
  • small fruits, such as apricots or plums, are served whole. If the fruits are large, cut them in half, remove the core, and place them on a plate, flesh side down;
  • grapes are served only in bunches. A bunch of berries casually laid on a dish with hanging berries looks beautiful;
  • cherries or sweet cherries are placed together with twigs, strawberries - with tails;
  • First free the pineapple from the prickly peel, then remove the core, cut into neat slices, thin slices, rings or half rings.

Cutting fruits beautifully: step by step photos


Make a swan from a green or red apple:

  • wash the ripe fruit and dry it;
  • cut the fruit into two parts, then divide each in half again, carefully remove the seeds;
  • cut out pieces from one fourth of the apple, as in the photo below;
  • Separately cut out the body and neck of the fruit bird from the pulp of the fruit.

They are cut into half rings or slices:

  • cut the fruit into two even parts;
  • cut into half rings, which can be used to make decorative compositions.

Remove the pulp from the orange and fill the inside of the citrus with sliced ​​strawberries, kiwi or other berries. Garnish with a sprig of mint.

Peel the fruit and cut into neat slices. Arrange beautifully on a plate or use with other fruits.

They can be peeled or cut into slices without removing the skin. Carefully, without damaging the fruit pulp, cut the peel along the banana. Take out the core, cut into circles, which are placed on the skin.

Strawberry roses will decorate a fruit arrangement in an original way. To make a flower, take a ripe berry, make neat cuts on the sides, bend each petal outward. Thread the “roses” onto skewers.

Decorating a fruit platter for a birthday or any other celebration involves many nuances. To serve, use skewers, edible or paper baskets, cones, etc. The photos show examples of design.

Design options:

  • canapes are prepared quickly and will help out if guests are already on the doorstep. Cut squares, rectangles or circles from kiwis, bananas, strawberries to create pieces of different shades. Thread the fruit onto skewers. Make the base from hard cheese, pear or apple. Decorate the composition with a whole berry on top;

  • fruit scenes involve the design of flat or three-dimensional paintings from pieces of fruit. If you prefer the first option, arrange the fruit slices on a plate, for example, in the shape of a hare's face. In the second method, the pattern is assembled from pieces of fruit strung on skewers.

If you want to serve the “kebabs” without a base, place the fruit on skewers on a tray;

  • baskets filled with fruit salads. Chop mango, kiwi, orange, add a little yoghurt, and put the salad in tartlets. Fruit jelly will look no less original.

An additional highlight of the fruit plate will be decoration:

  • chocolate pieces or chocolate chips;
  • candied fruits;
  • powdered sugar;
  • flower petals and mint leaves;
  • nuts;
  • cinnamon;
  • coconut flakes;
  • coffee or cocoa.

Powdered sugar will add sweetness to the dish and disguise the darkened surface of the fruit. “Snowball” will look spectacular on halves of peaches, apricots, and plums. Just sprinkle the skin with powder so that the sugar does not melt from contact with the pulp. Use coconut flakes to sprinkle on juicy fruits.

Marshmallows or marmalades will complement fruit canapés. Sweets are alternated with slices of strawberries, kiwi slices or banana slices.

Use fresh flowers or rose petals to decorate your vitamin dessert. Guests will love this approach to decoration.

Red fruits or berries are combined with chocolate.

Your guests will be surprised by your homemade watermelon pizza. Cut the fruit into thin slices, decorate each with any fruit, sprinkle with coconut or chocolate.

Coffee is an additive for those who love the exquisite taste of their dishes. Sprinkle instant coffee over lemon to serve with ice cream. Place a fruit dish decorated with cocoa powder on the children's table.

Buy special tools for carving - molds, skewers. With them you will create a creative masterpiece faster and easier. At the same time, the components of the original dish can be not only fruits, but also vegetables, sliced ​​meat or cheese.

Melon is a very tasty and healthy melon crop. Melon is recommended for use in cases of exhaustion and anemia, atherosclerosis and decreased immunity. It is best to consume melon raw, cut into slices, and also in the form of vitamin salads.

The main thing here is to choose a ripe and sweet melon. When choosing a melon, remember that a ripe melon will have a sweet smell, with a slight musky tint. The melon itself should be heavy. The tip of the melon at the base of the stem should bend slightly when pressed with your thumb.

Cutting a melon and cutting it into small pieces is not that difficult. But you always want to do it carefully, so that when slicing, all your hands, dishes and table are not splashed with sweet sticky melon juice. It is better to choose a neat method of slicing melon, which is suitable for preparing fruit salads and desserts. Beautiful and even cubes of melon can be served as an independent dish on the holiday table. Everyone will be able to enjoy the melon themselves by stabbing pieces on skewers.

At the end of summer, watermelons and melons become the main items on the menu, both on holidays and on weekdays. And if in the everyday menu the fruits can simply be divided into slices, then on the occasion of a party you can be creative and use some ideas for cutting watermelon and melon for the holiday table, to which we decided to dedicate this material.

How to beautifully cut watermelon and melon?

Let's start with the simplest technique - curly cutting. To bring this idea to life, you don’t have to use sophisticated techniques; you just need to stock up on cuttings of all shapes and sizes, which are sold in confectionery stores.

To beautifully cut watermelon and melon, you can use standard steel cuttings in the shape of stars, hearts or flowers, or you can buy cuttings in the shape of letters of the alphabet and lay out the names of the guests from the cut-out pieces, stringing each of the fruit letters onto a skewer.

You can give the fruit pulp a beautiful shape without the participation of special figured cuttings, but only by using a small ice cream spoon. With its help, you can cut out small balls of melon and watermelon pulp, and then fold them in portions, place them in a common dish, season with lemon juice and mint, or use them as a complement to cocktails, pouring the balls with your favorite drinks.

Sliced ​​watermelon and melon will look impressive if served in a hollow watermelon. After carefully scooping out the pulp and dividing it into pieces of any shape and size you prefer, mix it with the melon slices and place back into the watermelon rind, trimming the edges nicely with a knife. The cut of the watermelon rind can be made wavy, jagged or oblique, and then additionally lightly cut off the bottom of the resulting bowl so that it remains stable.

If you plan to serve fruit at a children's party, then give the watermelon bowl the shape of any animal or cut out a smiley face.

One of the most modern ways to serve fruit slices with watermelon and melon is by making a cake. That's right, you can easily construct a simple fruit cake from pieces of fresh fruit. Divide the peeled melon and watermelon pulp into layers of equal thickness, and then stack them, alternating and covering each with whipped cream. You can decorate this unusual fruit dessert with additional cream, berries, powdered sugar or aromatic herbs, such as mint.

Appetizers are miniature dishes designed to awaken the appetite. It can be meat, fish or any other snack. For example, watermelon.

Using a round mold and a teaspoon, make “cups” from the watermelon pulp and fill them with cream cheese (use a pastry syringe or a bag with an embossed nozzle). Top with a slice of fresh cucumber. A bright appetizer is ready to be served.

Appetizer with cream cheese

Watermelon goes surprisingly well with balsamic glaze. Try making this appetizer. To do this, cut the watermelon pulp, peeled from seeds, into cubes measuring 3 × 3 cm. Make a small depression in the center and fill it with balsamic glaze. Serve on a large platter, garnished with mint leaves.

Appetizer with balsamic glaze


To prepare this Italian appetizer, tomatoes, mozzarella and basil leaves are laid out in a circle. And if you replace tomatoes with watermelon, you get a bright flavor combination.

Watermelon caprese

Cut out stars or any other shapes from the watermelon pulp, depending on what shape you have at hand. Place on a plate in layers: watermelons, mozzarella slices and arugula leaves. Drizzle olive oil and lightly salt each pyramid. Top with one slice of watermelon and drizzle the balsamic glaze over the caprese.

Feta cheese salad

There are many options for watermelon salad with soft cheeses. One of them was suggested by Jamie Oliver. Maestro uses Greek feta cheese.

Feta cheese salad

For 4-6 servings you need 180 grams of crumbly feta cheese, 500 grams of watermelon pulp (seedless), one small purple onion, mint leaves and olive oil. Cut the watermelon and cheese into cubes, and the onion into half rings. Mix all ingredients in a bowl, pour in olive oil and season with a little black pepper. Salad ready!

Green tea

Many people love green tea. But few people know about its watermelon variation, which perfectly quenches thirst.

Green tea with watermelon

Take some watermelon pulp (200–300 grams), grind it with a blender to a puree consistency. Strain the puree through a sieve. Mix the resulting juice with pulp with cold green tea. Add a couple of mint sprigs and garnish with a lime wedge. If you wish, the drink can be sweetened to taste.


Jerky is a popular American snack made from dried meat. But if you have an electric dryer in your home, you can make great snacks for kids.

Watermelon jerky

Simply cut the seeded watermelon into slices about 3-3.5 cm thick and dry them for an hour. Place the watermelon jerky in an airtight jar to prevent it from getting damp, and enjoy it with your family.

Fruit kebab

We have educational infographics. Pay attention to the section on vegetables. Fruits are also grilled in a similar way.

Watermelon and peach shish kebab

Preheat grill on direct heat to medium heat. In a separate bowl, mix honey, a pinch of vanilla, a pinch of salt and lime juice. If the honey is thick, put it in the microwave for 10-15 seconds. Cut the watermelon and peach into slices and place, alternating, on 10–15 cm wooden skewers. It is recommended to first keep the skewers in water so that they are saturated with moisture and do not burn. Fry the fruit skewers for two minutes on each side. Drizzle with honey-vanilla syrup before serving.

Refreshing aqua fresco

Aquafresco literally means “fresh water”. It is a popular drink in Mexico and Central America with added fruits, vegetables and herbs. It is drunk in hot weather to refresh and quench thirst. They say it does this even better than iced tea.

Watermelon aqua fresco

For watermelon aqua fresco you need watermelon pulp (500–700 grams), six tablespoons of honey, freshly squeezed lime juice and one whole lime, a little mint and ice. Make a puree from the watermelon using a blender, strain it through a sieve (this will get rid of the seeds). Add 1-2 cups of water, lime juice and wedges, honey and mint. Mix everything. Place the pitcher in the refrigerator briefly and add ice cubes to the glasses when serving.


You don’t have to be a carving master to present a watermelon to the table in an original way. It is enough to show a little imagination and patience.

To make a cute hedgehog, all you need is a watermelon, a sharp knife and toothpicks. The stages of work are in the following video instructions.

Pie with a surprise

Who said that a pie must be made from dough and needs to be baked? Surprise your guests with an unusual watermelon pie.

Watermelon cake

To do this, you need a piece of watermelon 10–12 cm thick without rind and preferably without seeds. Cover it with thick vanilla yoghurt or cream and decorate with blueberries and strawberries. Sprinkle the sides with toasted almonds and top with chocolate syrup. An unusual cake is ready! Fast and tasty.


You don't have to bake the cakes either.

Watermelon Cupcakes

They can be cut from watermelon: you should get circles 3–5 cm thick. Whisk Greek yogurt with honey and fill a pastry syringe or bag with the resulting cream. Decorate the watermelon cupcakes and refrigerate them for about 15 minutes. Before serving, sprinkle a pinch of sprinkles on top of each cupcake.


We talked about recipes, and. Here's a version of a low-calorie smoothie with watermelon.

Smoothie with watermelon

Take approximately 200–250 grams of watermelon pulp without seeds. Keep it in the freezer for a while. Frozen watermelon will give the smoothie a thicker consistency. Then grind the pulp with a blender and add 100 ml of coconut water (not to be confused with coconut milk!). Add lime juice and mint to taste. Can be served with ice cubes.

Edible Rubik's Cube

Children are not always eager to eat vegetables and fruits. But what if you add a game element? Make an edible Rubik's cube for your child and see with what excitement he will eat modules made from watermelon, kiwi, mango and other fruits. Moreover, it is not difficult. All you need is a square mold and a little patience. More clearly - in the next video.

Jelly Bean

What child (and adult) doesn't love gummy bears or other gummy candies? During watermelon season, you can make them yourself.

Jelly Bean

To do this, you will need two glasses of freshly squeezed watermelon juice, half a glass of lemon juice and six tablespoons of gelatin. If the watermelon is not very sweet, you can also use honey. Dissolve gelatin in half the watermelon juice. Heat the second part of the juice over low heat, without bringing to a boil. Then carefully pour in the juice with dissolved gelatin. Stir until the liquid becomes smooth. Add lemon juice (and honey if you want to sweeten). Stir thoroughly and pour into molds. Silicone ones are perfect - they make it easier to remove frozen candies. When the jelly has cooled to room temperature, place it in the freezer for 30 minutes. After complete hardening, the candies can be simply stored in the cupboard.

Marmalade slices for adults

This dessert will be the king of the party, because it is a drink and a snack at the same time.

Alcoholic jelly

Take a 5-7 kg watermelon. Cut it in half. Scoop out the pulp. The crust will serve as a mold for the jelly. Mix 250 grams of red jelly powder and 60 grams of gelatin and dissolve in four glasses of boiling water. Then add vodka or other alcohol to taste to the mixture. Mix thoroughly and pour this liquid over the watermelon halves. Place in the refrigerator for four hours until the jelly is completely set. Then cut up the watermelon and the fun can begin.


Take the watermelon pulp, remove the seeds and grind it in a blender. Drain off any juice that comes to the surface and drain the pulp through a sieve lined with a paper towel. You will probably have to do this procedure (with a sieve and towels) several times, since you need to get rid of the liquid as much as possible. You should get a thick watermelon puree.

When the goal is achieved, place the puree on a baking sheet lined with baking paper. The layer thickness should be no more than 1.5 cm. Then place the baking sheet in the oven for 6–8 hours. Having taken out the marshmallow and cooled it, cut it with scissors directly with parchment into strips and roll them into rolls. These strips can be used to decorate cakes and, unrolled little by little, are simply eaten.

Watermelon marshmallow

If you have original ideas for preparing or serving watermelon, share them in the comments.

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