Home Preparations for the winter How to find mushrooms in the forest in autumn. In what forests does white fungus grow? When to collect porcini mushroom? mushroom places. How to find white mushroom

How to find mushrooms in the forest in autumn. In what forests does white fungus grow? When to collect porcini mushroom? mushroom places. How to find white mushroom

In a mushroom hunt, the main thing, of course, is not the result, but the process: warm air, singing birds and unforgettable smells of summer and autumn forests. But if you've never enjoyed wandering through the woods with a basket and leaving with nothing, then you most likely made a mistake in preparation. In order not to miss all the most delicious this season, follow our tips.

Find out the route

You need to choose where you will go for mushrooms in advance. This is called a preliminary search, when you come to the forest specifically for reconnaissance to see where mushrooms may be. True, only very experienced mushroom pickers can understand whether it is worth returning to the clearing in the season.

Therefore, the best preliminary search is word of mouth. Ever since the lessons of natural history at school, everyone remembers that we eat the fruiting bodies of mushrooms, and they grow on mycelium (mycelium), and that underground the network covers several square meters. It is logical that from year to year you need to go to the same good places to collect. If you don’t have such locations in mind, ask those who love to go looking for mushrooms for advice.

These are sellers in the markets, grandmothers, neighbors, users of local forums. Look at which of your friends had a mushroom on Instagram last year. Do not think that if everything is already collected in one place, then you will not get anything. The mushroom picker will not run away anywhere, and in a week the mushroom has time to appear, grow and grow old. You've had enough.

Get up early

So, the rains have passed, there is still a good "plus" on the thermometer, it's time to go to the forest. There are several reasons why you need to get up on a mushroom hunt.

Firstly, it is better to walk through the forest in a mushroom picker's outfit before the onset of heat. Secondly, mushrooms shining from dew are better seen in the grass and leaves. Thirdly, it is better to go through popular places in the forefront, so that by the time you arrive, only legs of mushrooms are left.

Preparing equipment

Shoes must be good. The sole should be dense so that you can not be afraid of sharp knots. Running shoes, with membranes, meshes and ventilation, will let moisture through very quickly if it has recently rained or the morning dew has not yet had time to dry.

It is imperative to take a hat with you, simply because this is an important rule for walking along. The rest of the clothes are chosen according to the weather and the situation. The better you close the body, the less you will encounter insects, sharp branches and other delights of nature.

Take a knife with you to cut the mushrooms. By the way, it is not at all necessary to cut them off, so as not to damage the mycelium. It’s just more convenient: you won’t accidentally break a leg and spoil the mushroom.

You will also need a knife to get yourself a stick. Seriously, if you don’t walk through the forest, namely look for mushrooms, you will need a stick to rake the leaves without bending down to the ground each time. If you don't want to train with bends, you have to walk like Gandalf with a magic staff.

You need to take more and not forget about it, constantly monitor the flow of fluid into the body, if you do not want to pay for a walk with a headache from dehydration.

And take a basket for picking mushrooms. Why a basket, basket or other hand-made? In order not to crush or break the mushrooms, which will definitely happen when using bags or backpacks. Buckets and plastic containers will block the access of air, and this will also affect the quality of the collected mushrooms. And since you already have a stick, you should also have a basket: then you can take amazing photos of what you have collected.

Search system

Unbelievable, but true: you can search for mushrooms using a scientifically based method. A. I. Semyonov collected data and structured them into a system back in the days of the USSR. What to do if you just came to the forest?

Depends on which forest you are in. If you find yourself among trees specially planted by a person, then the “comb” route is suitable, when you can navigate along even rows of trunks and not miss a single meter of the area.

A more complex option is called a "comb with a ledge", but on the ground you are unlikely to align your path to the accuracy of a tree, so just take the principle into service.

Another way to search is a wave, or a zigzag. We walk like this, if the forest is transparent, that is, there are few trees.

When looking at the edge of a forest adjacent to a clearing, use the principle of a stretched spring to look around the space around each tree.

Start combing it using the zigzag method. We take our time, enjoy nature, do not run in search of the first hat. Slower, even slower, one step per second - this way you will see a large area and you will be able to notice the mushrooms.

Did you find the first one? Excellent. Put any beacon (stick or basket) at the place where you found the mushroom, and start moving in a spiral around it.

Choose whether your spiral will twist or unwind, but it is better to go the route in two directions to increase the chances of a successful search.

If you are not going alone (and it is boring to go looking for mushrooms alone), then combine methods. While one person is inspecting the trees at the edge of the forest, the other person follows the same course, but along a zigzag path and a little further into the forest.


Fresh mushrooms will not last long. Tubular (butter, white and boletus) in the refrigerator will last three days, lamellar (milk mushrooms, chanterelles, mushrooms) - a day or two more. Then - for processing.

But even in these couple of days, you will lose some of the mushrooms if you store them together. If it is not possible to immediately clean and prepare everything that you have collected, try to lay the mushrooms in an even layer in a cool, dark place to protect them from mold and insects.

Mushroom pickers are a kind of quiet hunters. Each of them has its own secret and proven places. For some, picking mushrooms is a hobby, while for others it provides an opportunity to reunite with nature.

Many have developed their own special rules: how, where and when to look for mushrooms. Following them, you do not have to idly stagger from one tree to another.

Mushroom hunting is a purposeful outing into nature. It doesn't matter how many mushrooms are in your basket, the main thing is the process. So where to start?
1. First you need to decide on the place to search for mushrooms. To do this, you can do a special reconnaissance in order to assess the terrain. Alternatively, check with friends, acquaintances or neighbors where it is better to go. If these options are not suitable, it remains to ask around those who sell mushrooms from stalls. But, most likely, mushroom pickers will not want to share such a secret with you. Word of mouth is a great way to find out where the best places are.

2. Next, for the mushroom trip you will have to get up very early. There are several reasons for this. Even at the beginning of autumn, during the daytime, the weather is quite warm, so you will get hot in full mushroom picking gear. Early in the morning, when it has not yet descended, the mushrooms can be seen much better. And, of course, the sooner you come for mushrooms, the more likely you will find them, because there may be a lot of people who want to.
3. Do not forget about equipment. It is important to choose comfortable shoes. It would be better if they were sports shoes. A headdress will cover the face from branches, insects and the sun.
4. You will need a sharp knife to trim the mushrooms. Mushrooms should be trimmed, this will help keep the mycelium intact.
5. In the woods or wherever you're looking, don't be too lazy to find a stick. It is convenient for her to rake the foliage in search of mushrooms. Constant inclinations in the absence of training can play a cruel joke on your body the next day.

6. Stock up on water in order to avoid dehydration.
7. Don't forget the basket or basket. Unlike plastic bags, mushrooms will remain in their original form in them.
8. You need to have a little idea about mushrooms. Which ones are edible and which should be avoided.

Where to look for mushrooms?

Mushrooms can be found in various places. It is not necessary to follow them into the forest. Mushrooms grow on edges, clearings, copses and low grasses. Each avid mushroom picker has his own “productive” points. And every year you can pick a lot of mushrooms there. They grow quickly, and the mycelium is able to grow.

Many people ignore places near the roads, believing that all the mushrooms have already been collected there. This is not entirely true. Most mushroom pickers, believing so, avoid looking there. In general, each mushroom has its own "residence". In the pine forests you can find porcini mushrooms, flywheels and russula, as well as boletus.

In spruce forests, mushrooms, chanterelles, forest champignons, porcini mushrooms and russula grow, in floodplain - morels and honey agarics. In meadows and pastures, the choice is small - ordinary champignons and honey agarics

How to collect mushrooms

When to look for mushrooms?

Traditionally, the mushroom hunting season opens in August. This applies to most edible mushrooms. During this period, soil moisture increases, which contributes to the rapid growth of fungi. At the end of May (the first period of fruiting), mushrooms such as boletus, boletus, boletus and white appear. Fruiting lasts about 2 weeks. The next stage comes in July. The yield is small. At the end of September, mushrooms grow abundantly.

Mushroom hunting is a fun activity. If you are not going alone, then it takes on a competitive connotation. Nevertheless, no matter what the result of a mushroom outing may be, the main thing is a pleasant pastime. An amateur should not immediately count on a big catch. Experienced mushroom pickers have developed their own rules. That is why their baskets tend to abound in harvest. The editors of the site hope that our article will help you return from the forest only with full baskets.
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To achieve the art of a true mushroom picker in picking mushrooms is possible only after several years of practice. But learning to entertain yourself with a quiet hunt is very simple!

Mushroom picking places

Each mushroom picker has his favorite places. One walks along the edge of the forest, the other raises the spreading paws of fir trees and finds porcini mushrooms under them. The third one has all the mushroom places registered, and he does not walk in vain through the forest in search of the treasured porcini mushrooms, but moves from one place to another, almost without looking at the ground. Some wait for the autumn mists; to start collecting real mushrooms.

Other mushroom pickers-experts go in the morning to the cattle, where yesterday they grazed cattle, where everything seems to be trampled down, and return from there with a basket of young porcini mushrooms that have grown near the juniper bushes and under the branches of young Christmas trees. Urban mushroom pickers learn about the appearance of mushrooms by dropping in the morning on their way to work at the nearest market.

Forest roads after rains are also examined by mushroom pickers quite carefully and in most cases successfully.

How to pick mushrooms

When harvesting, mushrooms are placed in the basket with their hats down. Mushrooms with long legs (white, boletus, boletus) are best placed sideways. Cut or plucked mushrooms are cleaned of litter and earth with their hands or a knife so that they do not pollute the basket and other mushrooms. All agaric mushrooms going to pickle have their legs cut off. They are kept only in mushrooms, chanterelles, russula and volushki. As a rule, all edible mushrooms are collected together and sorted at home according to individual types or according to the method of further use: for drying, pickling, pickling. By the way, this procedure gives a real mushroom picker no less pleasure than picking mushrooms.

It is very important to know, having entered the forest with a basket, which and where mushrooms can grow at a given time. When the summer is humid, they are looked for where there is less moisture, that is, on dry, elevated places well warmed by the sun, on the edges, clearings, away from tree trunks. On the contrary, in hot and dry summers, they grow more in the shade of trees, under spruce paws, in thick grass, on slopes between hills, where moisture is stored in sufficient quantities.

Mushroom picking should be started as early as possible, even before sunrise (at this time, in the absence of slanting sunlight, they are much more noticeable). After sunrise, the search route is laid so that its rays do not hit directly into the eyes. It is necessary to walk through the forest slowly, carefully looking around all the places characteristic of mushrooms. Having found one mushroom, look around, even sit down to change the angle - and you will be rewarded. A lot of mushrooms grow in families, groups, and even entire colonies, especially mushrooms and mushrooms. It happens that under one old birch you gather 2-3 dozen white ones.

How to extract mushrooms from the ground

Mushrooms can be cut, broken, pulled out or screwed out. Such expressions as “break” and “take” mushrooms are common among the people. They “break” agaric mushrooms, and “take” (cut or twist) tubular ones. If we talk about mushrooms grown under artificial conditions, then practice has shown that it is impossible to rudely pull out mushrooms, violate the top layer of the nutrient medium and tear the mycelium. Probably, this position was transferred to the forest, to natural conditions. Mushroom pickers who uproot mushrooms are called mushroom poachers, and this method of collection is sabotage. And, of course, we can agree with this. As for the harm to the mycelium, this is a moot point. In pastures where livestock is grazed, where the upper soil layer is damaged by the hooves of domestic animals, mushrooms grow especially well (there is, however, a completely opposite opinion).

Near forest roads, where the top layer of soil is damaged and mixed, mushrooms grow more than away from roads. It turns out that the loosening of the soil, the violation of the integrity of the threads of the mycelium does not lead to a decrease in the number of mushrooms, but to an increase. Damage and rupture of the mycelium contribute to the appearance of fungi. On clearings prepared for planting, there are more mushrooms than on untouched areas. After the burning of brushwood and woody residues, more oil cans, whites and other mushrooms appear on forest plots. But frequent visits to mushroom places, trampling down and compaction of the surface layer of soil near cities leads not only to a decrease, but also to the complete disappearance of mushrooms.

So how do you pick mushrooms? Probably, the collection of waves should be left the same, that is, only the hats should be broken off. But, of course, it’s not worth picking up mushrooms from the ground. It is necessary to cut the mushroom with a knife as low as possible so that the remainder of the large root does not rot and does not harm the mycelium. There are other recommendations that it is better to twist some mushrooms out of the soil. It must be assumed that one should not object to this either. One thing is important here - we must carefully treat nature and especially such wealth as mushrooms.

Tips for picking mushrooms:

- Do not take a mushroom in its embryonic state: nothing will be added to the basket, and in two or three days it will grow up and then it will be pleasant to put it in the basket.

It is better to take the mushroom, cutting it at the base of the stem, but not tearing off the moss cover: this leads to the drying of the mycelium and the formation of mushroom bald patches.

- Put the taken mushroom in a basket, having cleared it of rubbish: needles, leaves, earth.

- If you don’t know the mushroom and don’t take it, then don’t trample it: maybe another mushroom picker will take it.

- Choose medium and large healthy mushrooms - without signs of rot and wormholes, but not overripe, flabby, as poisonous substances dangerous to humans quickly accumulate in such mushrooms; for the same reasons, harvested mushrooms should be processed as soon as possible: drying, salting, pickling:

- Fragile, brittle mushrooms (russula, volnushki, etc.) when collecting, if possible, luggage separately from large, heavy mushrooms.

No matter how much advice and recommendations are given on how to look for mushrooms, it is best when you yourself wander, look, look and remember. Until you accumulate your own baggage of knowledge and, having found a mushroom, do a little analysis: why oh grows here, but it doesn’t exist there - your search will be random.

Don't let the observations you make get fixed on paper. But time after time, somewhere in the memory, they will be postponed. Why, for example, did the porcini mushroom hide in a groove or nestle against the very trunk of an oak tree? Why does the boletus "go out" to an open place by autumn, and champignons love manured soil? Each time more and more you will ask yourself questions and each time you will be able to answer more of them. Practically mushrooms grow in the same place, and if the mycelium is not destroyed, then where you found the mushroom, or very close, new mushrooms will appear this season or next. Therefore, while observing, one must memorize places.

Thousands of lovers of mushroom picking on Saturdays and Sundays disperse through the suburban forests. Some go to their own, cherished, only nm-known places, others - just to the nearest forest. Some go purposefully and even in years not rich in mushrooms return with full baskets, others simply wander through the forest, bending down from time to time to cut off a mushroom that has fallen and return home solemnly, carrying several pieces on the bottom of the basket. In our time, it is difficult to count on the fact that in the suburban forests you will collect a full basket of mushrooms.

Therefore, here, in a rough approximation, we can say that the number of found and collected mushrooms is directly dependent on the area examined, and the area is "mushroom", the one where mushrooms can grow. And this takes time, patience and some experience.

Often in everyday life they say: pick mushrooms. However, imagine: you go into the forest and, having gone out into the clearing, collect a basket, two or as many as you need. And believe me, all the charm of mushroom hunting would be gone for you. Perhaps, in places where there are hundreds of kilometers of forest from village to village, this happens. But in the forests adjacent to large cities, in forests densely cut by roads and scattered human habitation, this is impossible.
So what's the best way to look for mushrooms? The search can be conducted in two stages: the first is a preliminary search and the second is a detailed one.

A preliminary search can be carried out if you decide to change the area for mushroom picking. To do this, you need to start developing a new area in advance, even before the start of the mushroom season. First of all, we recommend that you follow the chosen route, set the time required to get to the forest. They do preliminary reconnaissance in the forest: they remember where which trees are and how densely they grow, how they are located, they outline possible collection areas, etc. routes between them in order to exclude "empty" places. Thus, the time for unnecessary wandering through the forest is reduced in advance.

When the mushroom season begins, an inspection of possible places for the growth of mushrooms begins. So you went to the place where the mushrooms "went". Now a detailed search is required. Here, the probability of detecting mushrooms depends on the width of the viewed strip, which, in turn, depends on the speed of your advance, the density and height of the grass cover, the size and brightness of the mushrooms that are being searched for. For example, no mushroom can compare in brightness with the red fly agaric, which screams at you: “I'm here! I'm here!". Smaller than the red fly agaric, but boletus, boletus and even white ones are still clearly visible. And how good snow-white champignon looks on a green background. Can a single-barrel steppe be compared with them in brightness, and even if it is young? You will only find it when you step on it and crush it. In this case, the speed of movement should be reduced by 2 - 3 times, and the width of the viewed band should be sharply reduced.

But the same boletus, boletus, not to mention white ones, become invisible during the period of leaf fall. You look, and around on the grass there are solid yellow and crimson leaves, and you won’t immediately understand where the leaf is, and where the cap of the boletus is.

Thus, the faster the speed and the higher the grass cover, the smaller the mushrooms and the more inconspicuous they are, the narrower the lane being viewed, and vice versa. Each mushroom picker must determine for himself how fast he needs to move in a given forest.

You can often hear: "I looked through the whole forest - there is nothing." Is it all? Let's take a simple example: how do you scan "the whole forest clearing" if you pass through it once. Suppose we have passed through a clearing of 2500 m2. The grass is not high, we are looking for boletus, which are usually visible at 1.5 m, in this case the width of the viewed strip will be 3 m (in one direction and the other). The boletus in the low green grass is clearly visible, and yet we assume that the probability coefficient of their detection will be equal to - 0.8, that is, we will not notice some part of the mushrooms even in the strip we are viewing. In order to determine which part of the clearing we will check, we use the well-known formula from search theory

D \u003d (H * L / S) * P region * 100%

where D is the share of the viewed clearing,%;

H - width of the viewed band, m;

L is the length of the scanned strip, m;

S is the area of ​​the glade, m2;

P obl - coefficient of probability of detecting fungi.

Then D \u003d (3 * 50/2500) * 0.8 * 100 \u003d 4.8%

Thus, passing through the above-mentioned glade, we looked at no more than 1/20 of its area.

You can move through the forest in different ways - depending on the species composition of trees, their age and planting, the place of search and the species composition of mushrooms. The most common case is searching along the edge, clearing or forest road. It is advisable to conduct it according to a certain scheme. Search courses can be arranged in a zigzag, a wave, a comb, a comb with a ledge, a stretched spring, and each of them has its own advantages and each is good for its case.

If the search is conducted along the edge of a forest planted by a person (across the rows facing the edge), then it is best to go with a “comb” (Fig. 1) or a “comb with a ledge” (Fig. 2). In light forests, in the forest, the rows of which are located parallel to the edge, it is more convenient to arrange the courses in a “wave” (Fig. 3) or a zigzag (Fig. 4). If the search is carried out along the edge of an old oak forest, then it is better to follow the course of the “stretched spring”, as this makes it possible to inspect the trees from all sides (Fig. 5).

Rice. 1. Layout of search courses
when searching for mushrooms by a single mushroom picker (Comb).

Rice. 2. Layout of search courses
when searching for mushrooms by a single mushroom picker (Comb with a ledge).

Rice. 3. Layout of search courses
when searching for mushrooms by a single mushroom picker (Wave).

Rice. 4. Layout of search courses
when searching for mushrooms by a single mushroom picker (zigzag).

Rice. 5. Layout of search courses
when searching for mushrooms with a single mushroom picker (Extended spring).

Searching with the help of courses arranged in a “zigzag” or “wave” is more suitable for a preliminary inspection, when a mushroom picker “look closely” at a place or when he is looking for a steppe one-barrel along the road. It is advisable to use the search by "comb" and "stretched spring" in a detailed search.

One detail should be noted here: the narrower the search area, the greater the likelihood of finding mushrooms. And mushroom pickers prefer to look along the edges or roads, not because there are more mushrooms growing there, but because the probability of meeting them is higher.

The first method is “unwinding spiral” (Fig. 6) or “twisting spiral” (Fig. 7), and the edge of the clearing is examined by one of the methods described above (“wave”, “comb”, “zigzag”).

Rice. 6. Layout of search courses
when looking for mushrooms in a clearing (Method of "unwinding spiral").

In all cases, the distance between courses should depend on the speed at which you are walking, the types of mushrooms, the grass cover, and the lighting. A person with good eyesight, walking at a slow pace, with a small grass cover and mushrooms of medium brightness, looks through a strip of 5-6 m, and in a strip of 1.5-2.0 m, the probability coefficient for detecting mushrooms of medium brightness is 0.8-0.9 . Already at a distance of 2-3 m, this coefficient drops to 0.5 - 0.7, and for such mushrooms as the steppe one-barrel, to 0.1 - 0.3.

The search by two mushroom pickers is more effective. In this case, the search courses can be arranged as follows: when examining the edge of the forest, the mushroom picker, who walks along the edge, searches along the “stretched spring”, the second, which goes deeper into the forest, in a “wave” or zigzag” (Fig. 8) . If a clearing is examined, then one examines the edge, and the second examines the clearing itself (Fig. 9).

Rice. 8. Layout of search courses

Rice. 9. Layout of search courses
when searching for mushrooms by two mushroom pickers.

If you find a mushroom, especially a white one, you need to carefully examine the area around it. This can be done neatly and quickly using the “unwinding spiral” method. At the place where the mushroom was found, they leave a "beacon" (basket, backpack or other prominent thing) and have their search courses in relation to it (Fig. 10).

Thus, the knowledge of small secrets significantly increases the efficiency of the search, makes it more targeted, economical and, perhaps, even more reckless, that is, sports.

A. I. Semenov, About mushrooms and mushroom pickers

Useful and fragrant. It got its name due to the cap, which does not change color even after drying. The fungus remains white, although other species gradually turn black.

The nutritional and taste qualities are excellent. From the article you will learn everything about the white mushroom: when to collect them, where they grow, how to distinguish them from inedible ones.

Description of white fungus

Almost every summer, mushroom pickers rejoice in the harvest. How nice it is to look for mushrooms and at the same time enjoy the fresh clean air. White mushroom is in great demand. When to collect it, every person who specializes in this business knows. There is an opinion that the porcini mushroom is from the genus of mushrooms.

The diameter of the hat is most often 25 cm. Sometimes it reaches 27, and even 30 cm. It all depends on the species. As soon as the hat begins to grow, it looks like a hemisphere. Gradually becomes flatter and drier. The color of the white fungus is varied. Depending on the habitat. As the mushroom pickers say, depending on how much light hits the mushroom. It can be either white or dark brown. That is, the lighter the area, the darker the mushroom.

The length of the stem is 15, 20 and even 25 cm. The thickness of the mushroom varies. At first, his leg is thin, over time it becomes cylindrical in shape and reaches 10 cm.

The fungus has a tube on which small pores are clearly visible. As it grows, its color changes. At first it is light white, then yellowish, and at the time of ripening it is green. At the very break of the leg from the hat, the color does not change. This is the white mushroom. When to collect it, you need to know. After all, you can not use it green and overripe.

The benefits of porcini mushroom

Such a product contains carotene, vitamin B, C, D and riboflavin. It is these vitamins that help strengthen nails, hair, skin and the entire body. The high content of sulfur and polysaccharides helps with cancer.

The porcini fungus contains a lot of lecithin, with the help of which atherosclerosis is treated and hemoglobin increases. It has a lot of protein, which gradually disappears when frying. That is why it is recommended to use dried mushrooms. They are better absorbed in the body.

Carbohydrates found in white fungus support, strengthen the immune system and protect against a variety of viruses. Therefore, it is recommended to use them as often as possible. However, mushrooms are heavy food for the stomach. Try to use them dried in soups. Where do porcini mushrooms grow and when to collect them, read the article.

Harm of white mushrooms

People often use toxic substances without even knowing it. Any mushrooms that grow near the highway or in polluted places are strong natural sorbents. They absorb all the toxic substances. Therefore, in order to maintain your health, you need to look for white fungus in clean places. When to collect and where, we will tell further.

Doctors forbid giving mushrooms to children. If there is poisoning, it is almost impossible to save the child.

The child's body cannot cope with the mushroom chitin shell, as it does not have enough necessary enzymes to digest food. Especially the mushrooms.


Many people do not know where white mushrooms grow. Wet and rainy conditions are most suitable for them. Where there is horsetail, porcini mushrooms cannot be found in the forest.

Most often, such a delicacy is found near fly agarics. In what forests do porcini mushrooms grow? Experienced mushroom pickers can answer this question. Often they are located near rivers or streams. Mushrooms love not only moisture, but also heat. In hot weather, they hide under bushes, grass, and in autumn, on the contrary, they look for open places so that the sun warms them.

Mushroom pickers have an idea in which forests porcini mushrooms grow. After all, they can not be found everywhere. Pine forests or birch groves are famous for porcini mushrooms. In these places, they do not grow alone, but in families. Therefore, if you find at least one mushroom, do not go far, there are probably more nearby.

All forests, coniferous, pine or deciduous, are famous for porcini mushrooms. However, only in old places. Young forests cannot boast of the abundance of this glorious delicacy.

Now you understand in which forests ceps grow, and you can easily go in search of them.

Where to collect porcini mushrooms in the suburbs

This wonderful delicacy does not grow in every forest. Such a territory is located in the direction from Moscow to the West. It is there that there are forests with high humidity and all the conditions for the growth of porcini mushrooms.

This is in the Ruzsky or Shakhovsky districts. If you go from Moscow to the north, then you can turn to the suburb of Taldom.

Experienced ecologists believe that it is impossible to pick porcini mushrooms in the Khimki or Lyubertsy forest. These areas are considered polluted, and the conditions in them are unfavorable for porcini mushrooms. Even if they are edible, they can be poisonous only because they have absorbed all the harmful substances.

Now you know where to collect porcini mushrooms in the Moscow region, and it will not be difficult for you to figure out clean and polluted areas. Most often, the harvest for this wonderful delicacy is large, the main thing is not to make a mistake in it and not to pluck the poisonous one.

When to pick porcini mushrooms

In spring and winter, you can not look for this delicacy. It will be impossible to find them anyway. No one can say for sure in which month porcini mushrooms are harvested. They usually appear in June and their season lasts until October. If summer started earlier, in April or May, and the air humidity is high, then the first white mushrooms can be found. However, if the autumn is frosty and the cold has come early, then do not expect them in October.

They grow very fast. From a small one, weighing 3 grams, in a week it becomes about 200-250 grams. Very often you can meet giants who reach 700 gr. As long-term practice has shown, the smaller the mushroom, the better it is absorbed by the body. That is, a very small one does not fit, as it is not ripe. Ideal for eating from 100 gr. up to 300 gr. There is a lot of fiber in too large mushrooms, so it is difficult for the human body to absorb them.

A very useful porcini mushroom. When to collect it, decide for yourself. However, it is always worth remembering that summer is the optimal time for harvesting. White mushrooms are very fond of worms and insects. Therefore, in the fall, you need to try to find a good and undamaged product.

The difference between a false mushroom and a real one

Very often people collect the wrong product that they need. Everything happens out of ignorance. Therefore, they confuse the false white mushroom with the real one. They are found equally under deciduous or coniferous trees. They look almost identical.

The first misconception of people is that the inedible false white fungus grows separately. It can be seen in a warm, illuminated clearing or edge. The false mushroom often overlaps with the real one.

The first difference is the awful bitter taste. The false mushroom is not classified as poisonous, so more experienced people try a very small piece. A very bitter taste appears immediately.

If you are afraid to try the mushroom during collection, then heat treatment will help you. When roasted or boiled, the bitter taste becomes unbearable.

Be careful, as the pulp of the false mushroom contains toxic substances that gradually poison the body. With constant use, the liver is destroyed, its performance, and even cirrhosis can develop.

Symptoms of poisoning

You already know what a porcini mushroom is, when to collect it and where. However, it is necessary to understand what symptoms are in case of poisoning, and what to do in this case. As practice has shown, the first signs appear no later than two hours after consumption.

In case of poisoning, nausea, vomiting and severe diarrhea appear. The temperature rises to almost 40 degrees, and the hands and feet become very cold, and chills begin. In some cases, hallucinations are noticeable.

At the first signs of poisoning, it is necessary to take activated charcoal, drink as much cold water and strong chilled tea as possible. In the meantime, you need to call a doctor or an ambulance. Only with proper and timely treatment does a person have the opportunity to recover within three days.

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