Home Preparations for the winter Forest with ravines impassable terrain. Unique pagan sanctuaries have been discovered in the Nizhny Novgorod taiga. Strange find on Robber Hill

Forest with ravines impassable terrain. Unique pagan sanctuaries have been discovered in the Nizhny Novgorod taiga. Strange find on Robber Hill

"Hunting and hunting economy No. 5", 1991


Spring. The snow had spread, and in some places it had completely melted. In the forest, in the glades, there are bald patches, on which the first green grass is visible. Darya's day has long passed, and there is almost no snow in the fields, there is a whole water field on the roads, in the ravines. Many streams, murmuring noisily, run to the river; under the rays of an unusually bright sun, puddles glisten like a mirror, and fresh, thawed mud champs underfoot. The larks chirp loudly in the sky.

April. In hunting in the old days, this time was called spray. During the long winter, the hunter's soul yearns for the forest, for the wide field, for the sonorous rut. Hunters liked to go with hounds in pursuit of spray and in the fields with greyhounds to poison, for greyhounds this path is the most difficult, but it is possible to poison, only the dog often slides: softly on top and hard on the bottom. Such a trail in a hunting way was called a junction. It is difficult to catch a greyhound on the road, and the hare at this time is light and frisky. But these fields were very pleasant after a long hunting fast. And in the forest with the hounds you don’t catch up with much, the flair floods. After a long separation from the beast, the hounds often chip off, drive darkly and dugly, through the spray a rare hound skillfully and viscously “holds” the beast. The old hunters-hunters loved to drive. In our time, you rarely hear this word dear to the hunting heart - “splashes”.

Following the spray, when the hollow water passes and the earth dries out a little, the time of persecution "by fire" began. It was the shortest time before the sowing of spring crops. "On fire" the hare runs briskly and quickly grows out of the dogs. After persecution "by fire" hunting stopped until autumn.

Autumn came. Leaves flew. Meadows and fields were deserted, only winter greens were full of bright carpet. As if through a sieve, drizzling light rain. The sky is gloomy, low and unfriendly. All living things succumbed, hid in anticipation of the first frosts and thin ice. Around withering, deafness, emptiness. One word - blackthrope, black in the forest. The leaf was caked on the path, it's time to hunt.

In the past, this time was especially loved by many Russian writers-hunters. So, Yegor Eduardovich Dryyansky wrote in the story “Amazon”: “This depressing day is dear to a hunter alone. He alone hears a special aroma in the musty smell of decaying bark, rotting leaves, wet straw.

Leo Nikolayevich Tolstoy in his novel “War and Peace” described an autumn hunting field with a lingering premonition of good luck: “The peaks and forests, which at the end of August were still green between the black fields of winter and stubble, became golden and bright red islands in the midst of bright green winter. The hare was already halfway lost (molted), the fox broods began to disperse, and the young wolves were larger than the dog. It was the best hunting time."

This time in central Russia falls on October, when the forest is not sharp, moderately damp and the voices of the hounds play especially melodically and brightly. Bad, difficult conditions are considered when a leaf falls at the beginning of autumn, in warm weather it is dry in the forest, the hare especially lurks and often sinks. A fallen beast is difficult to rouse a hound. In order for the hunt to be productive, scented, viscous dogs are needed, and an amateur racer must be able to choose a hole and stand dead silently on it. So, all experienced efficient hunters advised to take a hole on the animal trail. A well-known writer and expert in hunting in the past, V. V. Deconnor, pointed out that any animal, be it a hare or a fox, always follows its own paths. He wrote: "The path is the path along which the beast makes its transitions in the island itself or leaves it to get food for itself."

There is a hunting path, that is, in what condition is the cover of the earth, and an animal path. The path along which the beast makes transitions is easier to find in a strong place. Chopped flattened grass, rumpled leaf - signs of an animal trail. A dry leaf that has fallen from a tree is noticeable on the path, as it lies on top; if you carefully consider the path, you can clearly see the trodden path - this is the true manhole of the beast.

The course of the animal depends on the state of the hunting trail, the age of the animal, and the time of year. On a different hunting path, the beast, although it leads dogs in circles, but its course is incorrect and the size of the circle is different. So, in deep snow, the hare makes smaller circles than along the black trope. The most unfavorable weather for the rut is when there is still no snow, and the frost will seize the ground with a thin crust of ice; in the fields, the hound drives along the ice crust like knives. An efficient hunter will not make a lap on such a path. The best conditions for the rut are when it is moderately humid on the black trope, the fallen leaf is tightly beaten down by rains; a soft path - it's time to throw the hounds into the little things, where the white hare lies densely.

Leaf fall-October is replaced by cold November. Frost bound the earth. There was no snow for a long time. And at the end of November, the first fragile, tender fluffs fell. They fall on the black trope easily and silently. By evening, the snow is falling in heavy flakes. Winter lay down in white powder. She is the first and therefore the most long-awaited. In the forest, on roads, glades and in ravines, a clean, white, like a tablecloth, powder spread. Then there will be more powders, printed, when traces are especially clearly visible, but this first one is the most expensive.

The old Russian word "powder" sounds easy, fresh, and for the hunter, like the call of a horn. But the hare on the first powder will not stand up for fattening. Afraid of the scythe of the first snow. For a day or two he will lie down, soak up, and at night on fresh snow, along a white path - fatten, feed, that means, confuse traces: double, triple, craft with his discounts, estimates.
Good morning on the first powder! The first winter covered the ground tightly with a white carpet. All around in white fluff, only in the distance the roofs of neighboring villages loomed with dark dots - Vlasyevo, Gorodna, Ilyasovo. The sky is wide and high, rare clouds cast blue. Nice day! And not a single trace in the forest. Hiding oblique, he is afraid of the first snow. “Dead powder,” the hunters say, “you can’t induce a hare in the forest.”

In the hunting sense, powder is snow that fell in the evening or at night and stopped by morning, so only fresh traces of animals (maliki, narys) and birds (nabrods) remain on the surface. Powders are long, short, fine, deep, dead printed, blind. If the front paws of a hare are imprinted in the snow no deeper than the lower joint, such a powder is fine. With deep powder, snow falls from 8 to 10 cm, with dead powder - 18-20 cm thick. This powder is also called printed. In warm weather, if the snow did not last long, the powder is long. When the snow is short, it stops by morning, as a result of which the animal leaves a short trail, along which it is good to trail.

The condition of the white trail greatly influences the rut of the dogs and the speed of the animal's command, and this determines the success of the hunt.

The white path is fickle. It is bad when there is no snowfall for a long time, as the trail is covered with a dense grid of tracks. It is difficult for a hound to induce the beast, and it is even more difficult to understand hare tricks. Such a path is called a single track. Even worse, when frost strikes after a thaw, an ice crust forms, which holds a hare or a fox well, and the hound constantly falls and cuts its legs - it drives, as if it is suffering. The dogs work marovato along a motley path, when in some places the snow melts during the thaw or partially covers the ground and in the forest, bald patches form in the fields, and then suddenly it grabs the soil even with frost - it’s quite a disaster. Dogs should not be allowed on such a path, especially in the field. The hounds also work poorly in deep, loose snow, and in severe frost it is even worse - the snow falls asleep on the trail.

During thaws and closer to spring, a crust often forms. Dog hunters poisoned the beast on the crust, if the snow held the horse. Usually, during the snowstorm, hunting with hounds stops, as often the snowstorm keeps the dog in the field, and in the forest the hound falls through and cuts his legs. A very dull rut in heavy frost, especially when it falls from the trees, and in deep autumn it will cover the black trope with a shaggy veil. Often, many hunters explain the dull work of their hounds by the poor condition of the trail: either the hound’s flair is flooded, or it’s a bit dry, so such a “messenger” drives rough, dark, weak and stingy.

However, there are master hounds who work in any weather. P. M. Machevarianov wrote about such messengers in his book “Notes of a dog hunter of the Simbirsk province”: it will climb where the animal lies, and, pushing from the lair, it will rush (drive), and then it will drive with its upper instinct (raising its instinct upwards): which cannot have a hound of a fallen, receding, remote animal, which will not break and climb past the beast, if he wakes up even across the river or runs through wet and rocky places, ravines, then falls on a large stone - such a hound is a master. The signs of a “working” messenger are a faithful and viscous rut ​​in dry weather along a dusty road, on arable land, in a swamp. Hounds are especially valued, which will always encourage a sunken and made hare. I had to see the excellent work of the Russian survivor Dobor L. A. Titov at the Pushkin field trials. A white hare, trying to knock down a dog, crawled along the trail of a herd that had just passed, got out onto the road, doubled and fuse. Regardless of these tricks, after a quarter of an hour, Dobor got the hare and drove the blast.

There are hounds who especially like to drive along the white path. The best trail is when the temperature is just above zero and the freshly fallen snow covers the old maliki (footprints).

It’s good for powder early in the morning with a bow of hounds to hunt for whites! Shine, sparkle boundless snow. Blue shadows lie along ravines, slopes. And here are the first maliki - hare footprints in the snow. In a small peg (island of the forest) a white hare made money. Why white? Because the hare's paw is larger and rounder, and its imprint on the snow is wider than that of the hare, whose paw is narrower, which means that the imprint is more elongated. The trail of a hare cannot be confused with the traces of other animals. The hare puts its hind legs in parallel and takes them out at the same time, so they are always imprinted in front, and puts its front paws one after the other. “He ate with a scythe,” say the hunters. To induce a hare, you need to find the exit track from fattening to lying. On the fat pad, the prints between the front and hind legs are small, sometimes they almost merge. Before lying down, the hare begins to confuse the track (cross its old track), dodge, then it doubles or builds, that is, it passes the same track twice or thrice - it makes a “two” or “three”, as the hunters say. Following the trail of a hare, you suddenly saw an oncoming trail, don’t go further, look at the discount - sweep this deuce to the side. This tracking hunters call trailing. A two usually means that the hare has tracked back and this double track back and forth is called a "two" by the hunters. If the hare went back along the “two” and laid a third track in the same place where it doubled, then this track is already a “three”. The hare does not always “troit”, but it “doubles” before throwing itself on the bed, constantly. "Twos" and "threes" are a sure sign of the proximity of a sunken beast.

In addition, during the rut, trying to confuse the dog, the hare also doubles the track. A skillful and instinctive hound never follows these tracks, but immediately looks for a discount. Sometimes you are simply amazed how our messengers are able to unravel such tricks of a hare, which sometimes remain a mystery even for an experienced racer.

A sweep (discount), or, as they called it in the old days, “estimate”, means that a hare jumps far to the side from a double track, leaving, as it were, one large paw-hole in the snow. Estimate comes from the word "sweep" - to throw off to the side, that is, to show quick wit - a natural mind.

As a rule, after several discounts, the hare lies on a bed in a secluded place, under a fallen tree, under a Christmas tree, and the like.

In the old days, canine hunters called the trail of only arrived hares, late deciduous - very small. The word "malik" was formed from the word "small" - a small footprint of a hare. The track of early hares, arrived - nastoviks, born on the crust, and seasoned canine hunters called the "hare track".

Nowadays, all hunters call hare tracks in the snow maliks.

For the first time in hunting literature, we meet the word “malik” in S. T. Aksakov’s “Essay on a Winter Day”: “Russian maliks rattled before my eyes.”

Time changes hunting terminology. Now they don’t ask: “How many bows do you have in your lap?”, Because rarely does anyone hold a bow of the hounds. Unfortunate expression, sometimes used even by experts, "the hare has gone." Hares never walk, but jump. In the old days, they said "breathe" or "flow away", leaving an odorous trail that the hounds drain.

Previously, canine hunters chasing the trail of the hare that prompted it was also called "pudak". These traces differ from night fat traces in that the trace line is more direct and is also indicated by prints alternately - two next to each other and two directly in the direction of the trace, but spaced at a greater distance from each other. The word "pudak" was formed from the verb "spook", frighten away. Another thing is fox footprints in the snow - naps.

For a true racer, fox naps are especially tempting. Like blue beads on an even thread they play in the rays of the bright sun, then an even chain glistens with a scarlet reflection, going into an unknown distance, then with bluish colors, then it suddenly breaks off on a shiny road beaten by sledges and again for many kilometers a fox runs away to the threshing floors, ravines and copses narysk.

In the past, canine hunters called only fox tracks that are hard to see in the snow, and then they said: “I saw one nap.” This meant that he did not move out the fox (did not poison). If the imprints of fox paws were clearly visible in the snow and it was possible to move the beast along the trail, then the dog hunters said that they had seen a fox trail. All this is forgotten and lost by us, as an unnecessary thing. Therefore, all hunters consider the traces of animals in the snow to be naryska.

If the fox footprints in front of the bed cross each other in different directions, this pattern was called crosses in the old days.

The fox trail always causes in me a hidden long-standing anxiety. It happened to me in my youth, when I was alone far from home, in a frosty field before sunset, throw the hounds on these patches. Dogs will grab this pattern in the snow - and in addition. A string of cunning tracks slips to the ravine along the slope, spins around the frozen hummocks of winter and runs further - winds through the frozen fields to some Semenkov or Gorenki. Winter twilight is quickly melting, frost tingles, as if warning of trouble. I had to blow the horn more than once until the pain in my lips, trying to remove the hounds. Where there! The dogs got messed up. The rut has gone from hearing for miles into an unfamiliar distance. The fox knows all the meadows, islands, copses and has led the dogs ... Sometimes she is lucky - a longing echo of the rut will be heard in the distance. Joy will light up in the soul: maybe it will turn? No, it's quiet. This frosty silence of the impending night oppresses the hunter. It used to be for weeks, stupidly looking for dogs in villages and villages. And what happiness if you managed to find your favorite hound, more often, as the hunters say, "with the ends." That's why I don't like those fox tracks in the foggy frosty haze, when dogs disappear in the burnt sunset of the forest and you are left alone in a clean white field with an empty bundle in your hands. To this day, my memory keeps good about those matings of hounds-masters who have gone forever along the distant sparkling patches.

There were days when a fox, aroused by a walking hound, circled exactly at the ear. Then the lucky hunter freezes on the animal path and sometimes until the pain in his hands wait for the cunning gossip for a sure shot. With the field to you, lucky hunter! ..

Reading and rereading the yellowed pages of old hunting publications, it seems that not a single hunt in the world had such a well-aimed, folk language, such glorious traditions as Russian hunting.

3. Tactical terrain classification

Tactically, the area is divided into:

According to the conditions of patency;

Under the conditions of observation and camouflage;

By degree of intersection.

According to the conditions of patency the area can be:

Walkable terrain almost does not limit the speed and direction of movement of tracked vehicles, allows repeated movement along one track. The movement of wheeled vehicles of ordinary cross-country ability is somewhat difficult.

Difficult terrain accessible for the movement of tracked vehicles, but at a lower speed than on passable terrain. The movement of wheeled vehicles of ordinary cross-country ability is almost impossible. Difficult terrain has a negative impact on the speed and ability of the movement of police officers in the performance of their service and combat missions.

impassable terrain inaccessible for the movement of caterpillar and wheeled vehicles without work on laying column tracks.

According to the conditions of observation and camouflage, the terrain is divided into:

open area is a flat or slightly hilly treeless area, up to 75 % the area of ​​​​which is clearly visible from the commanding heights in all directions.

semi-closed area is transitional from open to closed. The area occupied by natural shelters is about 20% , from commanding heights it is visible up to 50% area. Provides good disguise for police officers and criminals.

closed area is a territory covered with forests, shrubs, gardens, with frequently located settlements, with mountainous, hilly or flat terrain. The area occupied by natural masks is 30% and more, and the area viewed from command heights is less 25%.

In a closed area, observation, orientation and target designation, control of forces and means of ATS, organization of interaction is difficult. The closed area is an ideal hiding place for criminals.

According to the degree of intersection with ravines, gullies, rivers, lakes, ditches and other natural obstacles, the terrain is:

Slightly rugged terrain has a small number of natural and artificial obstacles, easily overcome by military and special equipment in any direction. Natural obstacles take less than 10 % area. The relief is usually flat, rarely hilly. The terrain provides a good overview and the use of equipment in all directions.

medium rough terrain has about 20 % area occupied by natural obstacles. On such terrain, the massive use of equipment is difficult. The relief is usually hilly, rarely flat. Such terrain contributes to protection against the damaging factors of nuclear and conventional weapons.

rugged terrain It is distinguished by a large number of difficult obstacles - mountains, ravines, gullies, rivers, canals, ditches and swamps. The area under natural obstacles is more than 30 %. It is characterized by mountainous regions, territories with ravine-gully and valley-gully relief. The use of technology is possible only in certain areas. Such terrain complicates the conduct of special operations and the search for criminals.

The ravines were indeed the eternal enemy of the peasant farmer, taking away arable land from him, disfiguring the fields and making them unsuitable for any use. But forest ravines served our ancestors to mark the border lines between the principalities and individual estates, and sometimes became a natural refuge during the invasions of real enemies. Probably, few people can imagine that there are ravines, whose age is calculated for many centuries, and they are contemporaries of the events of the distant Middle Ages. There are such natural objects in our Vladimir region.

Debrishin enemy

According to legend, it was the ravines that saved the squad of Prince Ivan Vsevolodovich Starodubsky and the inhabitants of the city of Starodub on the Klyazma in the winter of 1237-1238, when the hordes of Batu Khan attacked Vladimir-Suzdal Rus. When a large detachment of the Mongol army approached the fortress, its defenders, having beaten off the first assault, went through the rear gate at night into the forest through one of the ravines on the slope of the steep Klyazma bank. And in the morning, the enemies again rushed to storm the abandoned walls and were left without prey, since the Starodubs took everything of any value with them.

Another ravine - Debrishin, or Kondrovskiy - is located about a couple of kilometers north of the village of the Krestnikovo station of the Gorky railway. As an "enemy of Debryshyn" he was mentioned in the spiritual charter (testament) of Prince Ivan Vasilyevich Romodanovsky, most likely written at the end of the 15th century.

The name "Debrishin enemy" comes from the toponym "Debri", which denoted the forest region to the north of this ravine. There, even now, at the beginning of the 21st century, impassable and impassable jungles have been preserved in some places, and the forest churchyard located above the ravine with an abandoned stone church is designated as Nikolo-Debri or simply Debri.

Black Dol

Another old ravine, the remains of which can still be seen, was called "Petrushinsky" and began approximately at the western border of the Kovrovsky district, south of the current M7 Volga highway. It goes almost strictly from south to north in the direction of the village of Rusino and eventually reaches the right bank of the Klyazma. According to a legend recorded back in the middle of the 19th century, near this ravine during the events of the Great Troubles of the 1600s. a detachment of interventionist Poles was killed by local peasants, whom the unknown guide, like the famous Ivan Susanin, lured into a pre-arranged ambush. The grave of the conquerors under a low mound could be seen in the forest near the Petrushinsky ravine as early as the reign of Emperor Nicholas I.

Sometimes a large ravine eventually became a valley and was called a valley. Under Kovrov, the Black Valley is well known to the townspeople. In the old days, this place was notorious - there, in the dark dense forests, robbers hid, attacking those passing along the post road. Around the 1960s Black Dol has become a place of mass celebrations of the Kovrovites, skiing and skiing from steep slopes in winter.

bygone river

Sometimes the channels of rivers that disappeared or went underground due to karst phenomena became ravines. An example of this is the multi-kilometer ravine Kolp, leaving the forest southeast of the village of Krasny Mayak, Kovrovsky district, into the Sudogodsky district. According to the testimonies of old-timers recorded earlier, since the end of the 19th century, Kolp has gone underground, eroding the soil, and now the “Kolp ravine” in the place of its former channel is indicated on all topographic maps.

The presence of large ravines was sometimes imprinted even in the names of settlements. For example, in the Vladimir province, two villages are known at once, which were called Krutoy ravine and Krutoy dol. The first of them was hiding in the forests on the border of Sudogodsky and Vyaznikovsky districts between the Ilyinsky churchyard and the large village of Butorlino. Steep Dol belonged to the former Pokrovsky district and was located about a dozen kilometers northeast of the current city of Petushki. Both of these villages turned into tracts in the last quarter of the last century, but they are still marked on the maps.

The territory of the current Melenkovsky district near the banks of the Oka is replete with deep ravines. So, near the villages of Voyutino and Okshovo there are not even ravines, but entire canyons, overgrown with forests, with streams flowing along the bottom. Near Okshovo, along one of these formations, there is a road to the banks of the Oka, since a huge ravine cut through an almost 20-meter steep bank and became a natural “highway” convenient for people. But another deep and narrow ravine near the same village divides the vast field in two with an almost insurmountable barrier, which even pedestrians cross with difficulty only along a narrow bridge and ladders, and any equipment is forced to follow a detour for several kilometers.

To the point:

Mysterious ravines of Russia

Located near Kolomna. They say that it is under it that one of the faults of the East European Plate passes. They say that in the mid-1990s, scientists from the Institute of General Physics worked in this place. According to their data, electromagnetic radiation in the ravine exceeded the background radiation by 12 times. There are also two large boulders on the territory of the ravine, near which the excess was 27 times.

Chertov (Pskov region)

Enjoys a bad reputation. Allegedly, in 1928, seven people disappeared there at once - a brigade of lumberjacks. In 1931, there was another case when nine people disappeared in a ravine. In 1974, a group of mushroom pickers from Leningrad allegedly disappeared in the Devil's Ravine. Two of them were found a week later. Exhausted, they could not tell anything about the fate of their comrades.

Sivinsky (Mordovia)

Since the beginning of the 18th century, the Sivin ravines have become famous as a real robber nest. Bandits robbed and killed passers-by and hid treasures here. In the 1870s, according to local historians from Krasnoslobodsk, the Sivinsky robbers robbed a convoy carrying a soldier's salary for several years to Siberia - 20 barrels of gold coins! The robbers did not divide the booty, they killed each other, and the gold disappeared somewhere in a ravine.

Sosnov (Ulyanovsk region)

There is a spring there. According to legend, the remnants of the Razin army defeated on the Kandaratka River stopped at this spring. Razintsy lived here for a short time. Fleeing from persecution, they went further north and took refuge in the tract known as Melovatka, and further - in the Pomaevsky forests. Even now, you can see the remains of a fortified Tatar settlement, which was used by the Razintsy, and one of the hollows in the Pomaevsky forest is called Stepan Razin's ravine.

Ovda-korem (Mari El)

Translated as "river witches". It was here that, according to legend, ovds lived - forest creatures covered with wool and with their feet turned back. They say that relatively recently - in the 50s of the last century - at the bottom of the ravine they found round, about half a meter in diameter, entrances to the underground dwellings of the police department, and at the very beginning of the 60s, the ovds moved from here, went away from civilization, into the forest jungle Kirov region.


Kolodezhnoye, the village, stretching into the depths of a wide log, leaving the eastern outskirts to the Don. The name, apparently, was altered from the word well, as in the old days a ravine or a log with beating springs was called. Small rivers were sometimes also called wells. The settlement in such a place was named Kolodeznoye, Kolodezhnoye.There are several such names in the Voronezh region.

This is the same origin of many villages and villages Krinitsa, Krinichnoe. Only here is the Ukrainian basis. Kolodezhnoe was a large village in the middle XVIII century. In 1758 a stone church was built there. In 1782 there were 1443 inhabitants in the village.


Sloboda /now the village/ Kolodezhnoye was founded by Ukrainian Cossacks at the end of the 17th century and is one of the oldest villages founded after Ostrogozhsk.

The first inhabitants of the settlement were settlers from Little Russia /Ukraine/, who fled from the Polish oppression and were looking for free places /sloboda/. The first settlers built their huts on the high bank of the Don River. To this day, residents call this place "Gorodok".

The church used half of the income from the ferry across the Don River up to 30 rubles a year, since the parishioners from the villages of Pokrovka and went to the Kolodezhanskaya church, there were no churches in neighboring villages at that distant time.

The first settlers of the village of Kolodezhnoye were eyewitnesses of the peasant uprising led by Stepan Razin, since his brother Frol Razin in September 1670 with his detachment sailed along the Don past Kolodezhnoye to the city of Ostrogozhsk along the Quiet Pine. There were 3000 people in his detachment.

In 1798, a brick church was built in the village of Kolodezhnoye.

Brick was made in the so-called "Factory Yar" not far from the outlet mill of the village. There was a stone wall around the church, its height was 2 meters, there were 2 benches near the wall.

By 1798, 1170 people lived in Kolodezhnoye. With the growth of the population, the number of yards increased, the village grew. Two parallel streets to the west of the church were settled: "Lower" and "Upper".

Arable land was developed gradually. In 1718 there were only 33 acres, and by the middle of the 19th century there were several hundred acres of arable land.

The population by 1862 was 998 men and 1,084 women, for a total of 2,082 people. 295 yards. Each family had an average of 7-8 people.

25-30 people lived in separate families

2400 inhabitants lived in the village of Kolodezhnoye in 1902. At this time, on a high place around the village, on windy days, windmills flapped their wings. Such stranded There were about 30 in the village.

In the village, 2 fairs were held daily: in the winter on January 6/20 and in the summer on May 9/23. These days, carousels were arranged on Gorodok Square, and private merchants praised their goods to customers. Livestock, manufactured goods and foodstuffs were sold at the fairs. Fairs were held until the early 20s of the 20th century. According to the 1906 census, there were 443 households in Kolodezhnoye. The population was 1372 men, 1381 women. There were two schools: zemstvo and parochial. There were 67 boys and 24 girls in the Zemstvo school. parochial 43 boys and 7 girls. In total, 141 people studied at both schools.

In 1914 2 brick buildings for elementary schools were built. Both buildings were destroyed as a result of the war of 1941-1945.

Kolodezhnoye from the October Revolution to the Great Patriotic War.

They learned about the October Revolution in Kolodezhnoye in January 1918.

In the winter of 1918, the first body of Soviet power, the Revolutionary Committee, was formed here. The first representative of the Council was Opryshko Nikita Aleksandrovich, and the first communist was Makarenko Anton Borisovich. During the civil war, Kolodezhnoye changed hands 3 times: from the Red Army to white guards until the latter, in the winter of 1919, were finally driven out by units of the troops under the command of Molakhovsky, in whose regiment the Kolodezhans Andrei Pavlovich Korotchin, Ivan Dmitrievich Sklyarov, and Prokopy Samsonovich Skachkov served.

In the winter of 1929, the thousand-man Fedot Panteleevich Kotsarev arrived in the village. Together with the chairman of the village council, Kopylova Matryona Petrovna, they began to organize a collective farm in Kolodezhny. After a heated dispute in the winter of 1929 - 30, the collective farm was organized and named "Red Don". Kotsarev F.P.

In the spring of 1930, collective farmers for the first time went through the spring sowing together. The harvest has been good. In 1935, a seven-year school was opened in Kolodezhnoye. The first director was Mikhailov.

The teachers were: Opryshko E.K., Ryndina E.A., Zubkovy N.S. and V.K.

In 1932, after the departure of Kotsarev F.P., a resident of the village of Litvyakov Fedor Vasilyevich became the chairman of the collective farm, a few years later - Orekhov Vasily Trofimovich.

In 1936 the collective farm "Red Don" was divided into 6 collective farms: "Quiet Don", "named after Dimitrov", "Pravda", "named after Kaganovich", "Precepts of Ilyich", "8th Congress of Soviets". Their unification took place after the war of 1941-1945.

From 1934 to 1957 Kolodezhnoye was part of Belogorevsky district, after 1957 - as part of the Podgorensky district.

Kolodezhnoye during the Great Patriotic War.

At the end of the 30s, the village of Kolodezhnoye grew prettier and richer. There was a club in the village, a seven-year school, an elementary school, 2 farms adjoined it: Kolovert and Garusenok, there was a post office and a savings bank in the village. Some residents had radios. There was a ferry across the Don River.

But menacing clouds have moved in on our country. The war has reached Kolodezhnoye. 283 people were drafted into the army to defend their homeland. The difficult year of 1942 began.

On July 12, 1942, the Germans occupied the village. Part of the families from Kolodezhnoye were evacuated to the left bank of the Don, to Vorobyevsky and other areas.

On January 19, 1943, units of the Soviet Army liberated Kolodezhnoye and other villages in the region. During the occupation, the village was completely destroyed and burned. Not a single school, club, collective farm building, or residential building remained. The inhabitants of the village, who were evacuated or expelled by the Germans from the village to the forests "Kolybelskaya", "Oliy" or the village of Saguny, returned after liberation and saw only ashes instead of the village. It was difficult for women to restore the collective farm and build their own homes. The men were still at war.

146 people returned from the battles as winners.

The feat of heroes - Komsomol members .

During the occupation of the village, performing a combat mission, Komsomol members - wells died: Opryshko Anatoly Efimovich, Tarasenko Nikolai Alekseevich, Malchenko Ivan Fedorovich, Sergienko Vladimir Ignatievich .Everybody they were posthumously awarded the Medal for Military Merit.

In the front-line village of Petrovka, Pavlovsky district, at the headquarters, which prepared people for fighting behind enemy lines, there were 4 comrades of true friends: Volodya Sergienko, Tolya Opryshko, Vanya Malchenko, Kolya Tarasenko. They received a task from the commander for subversive operations. All of them took heavy pieces in their hands for the first time, but quickly learned how to handle explosives.

In October 1942, the guys were preparing to be sent behind enemy lines. The group was headed by communist Ivan Dmitrievich Zhuravlev, former party worker and chairman of the village council, who knew the conditions of the region well. For almost a week they were looking for a safe crossing. The crossing was determined between the villages of Babka and the farm of Kovalev. In this place, on the right bank of the Don, four kilometers away, the forest "Garus" begins. You can hide in the forest until the next night, and from here it’s not far to Kolodezhnoye.

On the night of October 21, 1942, the boat silently swam to the right bank. Dragging explosives, ammunition and a small supply of food on their backs, they slowly climbed up the steep slope. The night was cold. We walked, crawled in the direction of Garus, from where you can get to the village of Garusenok, where Vanya Malchenko's home was. You can hide your comrades there. They climbed one by one. The senior group Zhuravlev crawled first. The darkness is impenetrable. Around ... a strong mine explosion. Fell, slain by fragments of the commander. They caught the wire of a German mine. The guards raised the alarm. Hiding in a hollow, disguised with earth, they lay all day, and when it got dark, they reached the forest. But there was a new danger, the enemy transferred his troops and equipment into the forest. Opryshko Tolya went to investigate. Suddenly, an enemy car swooped up. Throwing a grenade, the young man rushed to the side.

But the Nazis captured him. They beat me mercilessly, demanded information, the number and location of partisans. Anatoly didn't say a word. The half-dead was taken to the Sagunov hospital. The Nazis hoped that, having treated him, they would be able to make him speak. On the eve of the 25th anniversary of October. A. Opryshko died from wounds and beatings without saying a word.

The rest were captured after the grenade explosion, as the Germans organized a raid. Malchenko, Sergienko, Tarasenko were taken to x. Wide, where they were subjected to terrible torture. Having not received an answer, they were sent to Saguny, to the commandant's office. For 6 days the brave Komsomol members were in the basement, they endured torture for 6 days. On the seventh day, they, together with the prisoners of war, were driven to the farm Atamanovka in the Evdakovsky district, where the headquarters of the gendarmerie was located. There they were awaited by reprisals. Relatives found out about this. there was a familiar dark jacket, a white striped shirt. The mother, crying, rushed to her son, but the butts of the Germans blocked the way. Berezovo. By a cry in the crowd, Volodya found his mother. Their eyes met, the son waved his hand to his mother.

Mid-November 1942 they were shot by the Nazis. They ordered everyone to undress, go down into the pit, lie face down on the ground.

The executioner shot him in the back of the head. waiting execution looked at the execution. Only two months the young heroes did not live to see the liberation of their native region.

Kolodezhnoye during the reconstruction of the economy after the war.

The victorious war is over. The men returned from the Army, but it was difficult to restore the economy destroyed by the war. There were no building materials, no draft power, / not a single pair, oxen, not to mention a car / was not.

Women had to carry the seed fund for sowing on cows or on themselves from Belogorye /brick/. But little by little the economy developed. Gradually, the collective farms acquired draft power - several horses and oxen in each k-ze.

In 1953 Until 1956, the united collective farm "Kolodezhansky" was headed by Tretyakov Nikolai Aleksandrovich. On the initiative of Tretyakov N.A., a radio center was built and from November 7, 1953. radio began broadcasting.

The construction of the collective farm power plant began in 1955 and ended in 1960.

If the radio appeared in every home in 1953. then Ilyich's bulbs lit up in the village of Kolodezhnoye in the autumn of 1960.

1) The construction of the school continued.

2) The walls of the economic building to the school were laid out.

3) The construction of a brick calf building has begun.

There are 2 clubs in the village: at the village council and at the collective farm. Each club has film equipment. Films are shown three times a week. Projectionist Primenko I. M.

The collective farm has 3,056 ha of arable land, 16 tractors, 7 grain combines, 4 beet harvesters, and 5 corn combines.

The income of the collective farm is 452, 067 rubles.

The collective farm has: cattle - 1479 heads, pigs - 1112, sheep - 1537. The second power plant in the village was put into operation - near the pigsty.

Some residents of the village purchased televisions. The signal was received from the Pavlovsky repeater / in Kirpichi / from November 6, 1965.

1) A bathhouse has been built.

2) A new building of the Village Council was built.

The construction of the barn continued. Boats go along the Don 2 times a day, they stopped at the landing stage.

A new monument was erected to the soldiers who died in 1943 in the battles for Kolodezhnoye.

1300 inhabitants lived on the territory of Kolodezhny, / including x. Garusenok /. The number of yards is 442.

The net cash income of the collective farm is 1975 thousand rubles. The school has 124 students (in the eight-year) and 32 students in the elementary.

In the village there are: a library, a stationary film installation, a club, a post office, a savings bank and a first-aid post.

During the war, the village was on the front line for six months. Only a few houses remain, including the mill, although it was partially destroyed. The old log house was already unusable and in 1950 they decided to rebuild it. For logs they went to the Shipov forest.

A mill was built on Zaluzhny, on the site of the present pigsty. Made a complete frame and top. Carpenters: Tarasenko A.S., Reshetnikov F.V., Prostakov I.A. In July, they cleared the site of the old mill and began to install a new one. There were wooden piles of 4 meters long wooden "Baba" in the fourth. They made scaffolds.

Based on the remains of Tarasenko A.S. and Kurochkin I.I., made a new wheel. The very first wheel was made by a man from Stupino.

The mill worked around the clock. Miroshnikov worked at different times: Kopylova E.I., Maltsev, Sklyarov A.D., Isaenko and others.

And personally in 1989. on the initiative of the chairman of the collective farm "Kolodezhansky" Domnichev A.M. and the Regional Department of Culture the mill was restored.

Material taken from here http ://kolodezhnoye. people. ru / istoria. html

Caused by the runoff of scattered streams of water, ravine erosion occurs when these streams are concentrated into relatively powerful water flows. Such a concentration occurs when water flows from the slopes of the catchment into a natural hydrographic network or into an artificial hollow. Such hollows are formed as a result of plowing along the borders of fields, as well as along arable furrows and road ditches. The water flow, if it is with the existing slopes of the earth's surface, has a sufficiently large destructive force, washes the channel along the bottom of the hollow or beam, and carries the soil and soil into the rivers and seas. Since the surface runoff of melt or storm water periodically repeats, the ravines continue to grow in depth, length and width every year. Consequently, a ravine is a negative landform formed relatively recently by a periodically flowing water stream. In the ravine it is necessary to distinguish peak, mouth, cone removal, bottom, curb and slopes.

On the left - a diagram of the ravine. Designations: a - peak; b - screwdrivers; c - brow; g - thalweg; d - slopes; g - alluvial cone; g - the edge of the beam.
On the right - types of ravines. Designations: b - primary coastal and secondary; in - top; d - bottom; g - beam; a - watershed line; g - hollow; g - field boundary; arrows - water flow.

The ravines are confined to the hydrographic network. Each link of this network has a bottom, banks and slopes of the catchment area. Ravines by origin are divided into primary and secondary. The primary ones are ravines, which for the first time cut through new surfaces of the earth, the secondary ones are ravines that deepen the existing hydrographic network.

Primary ravines, as a rule, are formed as a result of the concentration of water runoff along artificial hollows on the slopes of a catchment area of ​​some element (beams, etc.). A concentrated stream of water, rushing along such a hollow down the slope, eventually breaks through to the bank of a beam or river valley and erodes it. Here begins its development of the primary ravine. Therefore, primary ravines are also called coastal. Since these ravines in the future, as they develop, are introduced into the adjacent slope of the catchment area, they are also called slope. More precisely, they should be called primary slope ravines.

Secondary ravines are formed as a result of erosion and deepening of the bottom of the hydrographic network, therefore they are also called bottom ravines.

The ravines growing along the bottom of the hollows located at the tops of the beams and hollows are called summit ravines. In addition, ravines growing along the bottom of the side hollows should be distinguished. They begin their development on the banks of the gully and then move up the water-carrying hollow, dissecting the slope of the gully catchment area. These ravines can be called secondary slope.

The rate of growth of the ravine in depth is determined by the kinetic energy of the water flow and the resistance of the soil to erosion by water. When these forces are balanced, the growth of the ravine in depth stops. Other things being equal, this can occur either with a decrease in the mass of flowing water, or with a decrease in the flow velocity due to a decrease in the longitudinal slope of the channel bottom.

Let us consider the reasons for the formation and features of the growth of primary ravines. The most typical case is the formation of a primary ravine along the boundary of a field or road that is incorrectly laid relative to the slope. Along such a boundary, due to plowing, an artificial hollow is formed, which intercepts small streams of scattered runoff from the overlying slope and concentrates them into a more powerful water stream. This water flow reaches the banks of the gully (hollow), where the slope of the surface increases sharply. At the same time, the flow rate and its destructive power increase, resulting in soil erosion. A ravine is formed on the bank of the beam, which grows annually down its bank and up the slope.

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