Home Preparations for the winter Internal moral. Moral duty. Central functions of morality

Internal moral. Moral duty. Central functions of morality

How does Schopenhauer understand the thing-in-itself?

Schopenhauer is the metaphysics of will, understood as a “thing in itself,” stated but never revealed by Kant, the very possibility of knowing which he, Kant, denies. For Schopenhauer, will as a “thing in itself” is a blind vital impulse that lies at the basis of being, everything else is “representation,” that is, an objectified, objectified, illusively individualized world of phenomena. Schopenhauer's system, totally pessimistic, is characterized by a bright emotional coloring that denies the basic rule of traditional philosophizing - the attitude of detached, cold, “wise” understanding, the Spinozist “not to cry, not to laugh, but to understand.” Life, generated by the will, proceeds in suffering, hence the motive of Schopenhauer’s ethics - compassion, pity for the innocent fruits and at the same time victims of the blind existential instinct. Wisdom does not lie in abstaining from assessments and feelings, but in avoiding being itself, in denying will, in choosing Nothing, Indian nirvana. Existence is not something that should be loved, there is no love in it, and all these suns and luminaries are nothing.

Essence of Man

The problem of the essence of man is at the center of the philosophical doctrine of man. Disclosure of the essence is included in the very definition of any object, and without this it is generally impossible to talk about its functions, meaning, existence, etc.
In the history of the development of science, its representatives saw the difference between man and animal and explained its essence using various specific qualities of man. Indeed, a person can be distinguished from an animal by flat nails, by a smile, by intelligence, by religion, etc. and so on. At the same time, one cannot help but notice that in this case they are trying to determine the essence of a person not based on the person himself, but by appealing to those characteristics that distinguish him from the closest species, i.e. as if from the outside. However, from a methodological point of view, such a technique turns out to be not entirely legitimate, since the essence of any object is determined, first of all, by the immanent way of being of this object itself, the internal laws of its own existence. Moreover, not all distinctive features of a person are essential.
As modern science testifies, the basis of the historical existence and development of man, determining his essence, is labor activity, always carried out within the framework of social production. A person cannot produce and engage in labor activity without directly or indirectly entering into social relations, the totality of which forms society. With the development of social production and labor activity, social relations of people also develop. To the extent that an individual accumulates, masters and implements the entire set of social relations, his own development occurs.
Let us note that we are talking specifically about the entire set of social relations: material and ideal (ideological), present and past. This position has important methodological significance, because it follows from it that man must be understood not in a vulgar materialistic, not idealistic, not dualistic, but dialectical way. In other words, he cannot be reduced only to “economic man” or only to “reasonable man”, or to “playing man”, etc. Man is a being that produces, and is rational, and is cultural, and is moral, and is political, etc. .d. simultaneously. It accumulates in itself, to a greater or lesser extent, the entire spectrum of social relations and thus realizes its social essence. Another aspect of this issue is that man is a child of human history. Modern man did not come “out of nowhere”; he is the result of the development of a socio-historical process. In other words, we are talking about the unity of man and the human race.
However, man is not only the result of society and social relations, he, in turn, is their creator. Thus, he turns out to be at the same time both an object and a subject of social relations. The unity and identity of subject and object is realized in man. There is a dialectical interaction between a person and society: a person is a micro-society, a manifestation of society at the micro level, and society is “the person himself in his social relations.”

inner, moral strength

Alternative descriptions

In religion and mythology: supernatural creature

Unity with God

One of the cocktails of the alcoholic poet Venechka from Erofeev’s creation “Moscow-Petushki” is called “... Geneva”

The determination of a true player

Consciousness, thinking, mental abilities

Philosophical concept meaning the immaterial principle in contrast to the material

A big man in a healthy body

What does a dying person emit?

Billy Wilder's film "... of St. Louis"

Combat... teams

He is overwhelmed with delight

Russian people often called him Russian, although they had to translate it, and at the end of the 20th century, many in Russia began to perceive him as a Muslim

. "genie" translated from Arabic

Who was the mythical Viy?

Ethereal supernatural creature

He is healthy in a healthy body

On... can't stand it

Wow it's amazing

Player Determination

Father, Son and Saint...

New recruit after oath

Film novel with Leonidov

Moral strength

Lowest rank in hazing


Who was the mythological Viy?

Who is the genie?



. "interlocutor" of the spirit

It is caused by spirit

Afghan mujahideen

. “It’s Russian there... it smells like Russia”

Healthy in a healthy body

One of the Holy Trinity

Manitou among the Indians

Astral origin of the world

Inner, moral strength

Ethereal supernatural creature


. Spiritualist's "interlocutor"

. "It's Russian there... it smells like Russia there"

And souls are separated here into different articles only for convenience when looking for derivatives.]

Who was the mythical Viy

Who was the mythological Viy

Who is the genie

M. incorporeal being: inhabitant of the immaterial; and the essential world; an ethereal inhabitant of a spiritual world inaccessible to us. Referring this word to a person, others understand his soul, while others see in the soul only that which gives life to the flesh, and in the spirit the highest spark of the Divine, mind and will, or the desire for the heavenly. Good spirit, angel, spirit of light, pure; evil spirit, spirit of darkness. devil unclean spirit. Holy Spirit, third Person of the Holy Trinity. The Spirit of God, grace, inspiration, influx, revelation. A vision, a ghost, a shadow, a specter, an incorporeal phenomenon on earth. Strength of soul, valor, strength and independence, courage, determination; cheerfulness. I don't have the heart for it. Distinctive property, essence, essence, direction, meaning, strength, reason, meaning. Spirit of Christian faith. He is troubled by the spirit of superstition. With a spirit of meekness, and not with a stick to the bone. Breathing. Let me take a breath. Fled, captured or laid the spirit. Visible breath, steam coming out of the mouth. this meaning spirit, like life, is lower than the soul; and in the highest sense. sparks of the Divine, the spirit is higher than the soul and distinguishes man from animals. Smell, stench, smell. The Russian spirit smells here. Until now, the Russian spirit has never been heard of, not seen in sight, but now the Russian spirit is in sight. He can't stand him. horn air blown into smelting furnaces. Heat; free spirit, moderate heat in the oven, after scooping out the heat or after baking bread; *direction in people towards will, freedom. Give up the ghost, die. Burn in spirit, be filled with zeal, zeal. Be in the spirit, follow the spirit, confess. Gather your courage, give someone spirit, courage. There is a smell, the meat is smelly, spoiled, rotten. It's fragrant, about a person. proud, stubborn, willful, rebellious. Grab the glass with all your might, spirit, all at once. To be in the spirit, out of spirit, to be in a good or bad mood, in a good mood, to be cheerful or boring. Jump at full speed. The wind is the spirits and dawns of the arch. hills, squalls, gusts. Arrival on reindeer, Samoyeds, small spirit, up to miles; big, up to Ride on spirits, kamch. ride dogs through a place where there are a lot of animals, which is why the dogs, sensing it, suddenly rush headlong after the animal, to the side. Not a spirit, nothing, not at all, not a trace, not a shadow. Spiritually, darlingly, in one spirit, without respite, greyhound, quickly, alive. soon, immediately, instantly. A man of spirit, steadfast, courageous, courageous; a dopey person, stubborn, wayward, proud. We chew the straw, but don’t lose the flavor. Translate, transfer, retell, hear. Take the spirit, about the beast, smell the hunter, or about the dogs, smell the beast. The hounds carried on the spirits. Spirits, ethereal beings; perfume pl. incense, odorous substances and potions made with special art. Perfumes and breaths of Moscow. nostrils, respiratory tract in general, esp. at the horse. As if taken by the holy spirit. As best I can, I will tell you the whole truth. It is said in spirit, so know this about yourself. It is said in spirit, so know the chest and the background. Fast with your spirit, not your belly! I started with the spirit and ended with the belly. It took my breath away with fear. You'll get up and take your breath away; If you go down, they'll hit you hard! Without taking a breath, you won’t get further than the gate. Not a sound, not a breath. Not a word, not a trace. No hearing, no spirit, no news, no bones. No huhu, no spirit, no third heat! I will do it with the Spirit, soon. Spirit and spirits pl. Zabaikalsk catchers, beaters, sedge-makers, porskun boys. Spiritual, disembodied, incorporeal, consisting of one spirit and soul; everything related to God, church, faith; everything related to the human soul, all his mental and moral powers, mind and will. Refers to the clergy and this title. Spiritual kinship is more important than carnal kinship. Spiritual father, confessor, to whom you confess. Spiritual son, daughter, who goes to confession. in relation to to your spiritual father. Spiritual testament or charter, old. a waiver, or a will or a spiritual written, legally drawn up order about goods, one’s property, in the event of death; last will. Fortunately, neither spiritual nor strength. Duchoven Psk. one who, in a serious illness, has already been admonished by the Holy Mysteries to death. Spiritually, or church. spiritual adv. disembodied, disembodied, with one spirit, mentally or mentally: with spiritual eyes. or feelings. Spirits Day, the Feast of the Descent of the Holy Spirit, the next day of Pentecost; Sunday is popularly called Trinity and Trinity Day; and Monday is Spiritual day. Brass, relative to breath, to air, or to smell. The spirit vein, the larynx, or rather the windpipe. Brass music is the opposite of string music: sounds are produced by blowing air. A blowpipe or blower block, used to conduct air, a blower pipe. A blowgun that fires using compressed air. Spirit fish. meat or vegetable steamed in a covered or covered container. Spirit grapes, astrakh. a breed of delicate, fragrant grapes consumed locally. Oven m. south. liver, gander, heart, root, breast entrails of beef. Spiritual week, Trinity, green. Spiritual herb, which was in the church on Trinity Day; Peasants use it to smoke their cattle when they die. Dukhovskoy lower Edinoverie, blessed church, from the Spiritual Monastery. Spirituality g. comp. spiritual; spiritual part, department. Dukhovina, dukhovina, -night. Psk. an hour, a minute, a moment. Stuffiness spirit Psk. strangling and sib. stench, strong nasty odor; stale, stuffy air filled with suffocating fumes; hot, heavy air, sultry time. Dukhovshchina collect schismatic talk besponovschiki. Clergy cf. collect the class of priests and clergy; church hierarchy; in general, people of clergy. White clergy, non-monastic; black, who took a vow of monasticism. Confessor m. spiritual father, confessor, sleeper, to whom they confess their sins. Don’t hide from your confessor or your doctor. Lower Sem. spiritual son. Chicken a vent or vent in a furnace. Spiritual priest old building for various church supplies. Dukhovnikov, personally belonging to him; Spiritual, characteristic of him, characteristic of them. Dushmyany, dushmyany Psk. perfumed tul. thief. Ryaz. fragrant, fragrant. Spring is spirity, summer is stuffy. Doukhoborets, Doukhobornik m. rejecting the divinity of the Holy Spirit; a sense of schismatics of priestlessness, rejecting all dogmas of faith and the institutions of the church, accepting only spiritual prayer. Doukhobor, Doukhoborn, related to Doukhobors. Doukhoborny, related to Doukhoborism, to this heresy. To fight against the spirit, to adhere to this heresy. A spirit seer is a woman who sees spirits, visions, ghosts. Spiritual, powerful over spirits. Spiritual-educational, related to spiritual teaching or schools. A spiritualist is a person who knows the spirit, spiritual meaning, spiritual secrets. The spirit meter was equipped to measure the density of air blown into the smelting furnace. Theology, science of spiritual beings, pneumatology

One of the cocktails of the alcoholic poet Venechka from Erofeev’s creation “Moscow-Petushki” is called “... Geneva”

Billy Wilder's film "...St. Louis"

Each person, as a member of society and a member of collective relations, has a certain duty. After all, it is duty that binds a person to society and other people.

Debt concept

The concept of debt in the modern sense is quite broad. First of all, it should be noted that we constantly enter into relationships with the people around us and thus acquire objective responsibilities. Due to the fact that modern man lives an active social life, he is constantly burdened with responsibility.

And it doesn’t matter who exactly you work for or what your status is. Responsibility manifests itself even in simple actions - if you go on a trip, then in any case you need to buy a ticket, provide documents, board a train or plane, follow the rules of conduct in a public place...

Each person has close people, family, colleagues - and we are connected with all of them by a certain duty and objective responsibilities. The latter means that these duties do not depend on our desire. It’s hard to imagine life in society any other way; in any sphere it is necessary to act according to duty and conscience.

Social and moral duty

Often, the concept of duty distinguishes between two sides - moral and social. Public duty name the objective duties that a person needs to perform. This type of debt manifests itself in all areas of a modern person’s life - at school, at home, at work, among friends and in society.

Moral duty should be understood a little differently. This means that a person independently turns the requirements of morality and duty into a personal task. There can be no instructions from superiors or parents here; this is an individual choice of a person. Then a person is not only aware of the laws of morality, he himself sets himself the goal of following them - making such a demand for himself.

It often happens that such a view is difficult for a person for a long time - he experiences many internal contradictions and does not know which duty to follow in the first place. But when a moral duty is formed and it becomes an integral part of the individual’s consciousness, strength and courage are manifested, which only a person with a moral duty is capable of.

The highest manifestation of moral duty is the process of overcoming one’s internal conflicts and discord, and choosing in favor of morality and conscience. Then a person boldly and confidently moves towards his goal.


Most of the choices in our lives are internally checked by our conscience. Duty and obligation are of great importance to a civilized man, but it is conscience dictates to the individual what to do correctly. Therefore, conscience is defined as a deep knowledge of one’s responsibility and duty, as internal moral self-control.

It is believed that conscience is a personal feeling of each person; it cannot be attributed to the arguments of reason. And a person is not always able to soberly realize for what reasons his conscience allows him to do certain things, and why certain actions are strictly prohibited. It is internal moral self-control that allows a person to feel harmonious and calm, because when he is guided by his conscience, he is sure that he acted honestly and fairly.


The social system of the 21st century presupposes the presence of a set of certain legal and moral laws that create an unbreakable hierarchical system of moral and state standards. From childhood, caring parents explain to their child the difference between good and bad deeds, instilling in their offspring the concepts of “Good” and “Evil.” It is not surprising that in the life of every person, murder or gluttony is associated with negative phenomena, while nobility and mercy belong to the category of positive personal qualities. Some moral principles are already present at the subconscious level, other postulates are acquired over time, forming the image of the individual. However, few people think about the importance of instilling such values ​​in themselves, neglecting their significance. It is impossible to coexist harmoniously with the outside world, guided solely by biological instincts - this is a “dangerous” path, invariably leading to the destruction of personal appearance.

Maximum happiness.

This facet of human morality was examined and proven by the utilitarians John Stuart Mill and Jeremy Bentham, who studied ethics at the US State Institute. This statement is based on the following formulation: an individual’s behavior should lead to an improvement in the lives of those around him. In other words, if you adhere to social standards, then a favorable environment for the coexistence of each individual is created in society.


A similar principle was proposed by the American scientist John Rawls, who argued for the need to equate social laws with internal moral factors. A person occupying the bottom rung in a hierarchical structure should have equal spiritual rights with a person at the top of the ladder - this is the fundamental aspect of the statement of the US philosopher.

It is important to think about your own personal qualities in order to engage in self-improvement in advance. If you neglect such a phenomenon, then over time it will develop into betrayal. A variety of changes that cannot be avoided will form an immoral image that is rejected by others. The main thing is to take a responsible approach to identifying life principles and determining the vector of your worldview, objectively assessing your behavioral characteristics.

Commandments of the Old Testament and modern society

When “understanding” the question of the meaning of moral principles and ethics in human life, in the process of research you will definitely turn to the Bible to familiarize yourself with the Ten Commandments from the Old Testament. Cultivating morality in oneself invariably echoes statements from the church book:

the events taking place are marked by fate, suggesting the development of moral and moral principles in a person (everything is the will of God);
do not elevate the people around you by idealizing idols;
do not mention the name of the Lord in everyday situations, complaining about unfavorable circumstances;
respect the relatives who gave you life;
Dedicate six days to work, and the seventh day to spiritual rest;
do not kill living organisms;
do not commit adultery by cheating on your spouse;
You shouldn’t take other people’s things and become a thief;
avoid lies in order to remain honest with yourself and the people around you;
Don't envy strangers about whom you only know public facts.

Some of the above commandments do not meet the social standards of the 21st century, but most of the statements have remained relevant for many centuries. Today, it is advisable to add the following statements to such axioms, reflecting the features of living in developed megacities:

don’t be lazy and be energetic to keep up with the fast pace of industrial centers;
achieve personal success and improve yourself without stopping at achieved goals;
When creating a family, think in advance about the feasibility of the union in order to avoid divorce;
limit yourself to sexual intercourse, remembering to use protection - eliminate the risk of unwanted pregnancy, which results in abortion.
do not neglect the interests of strangers, going over your head for personal gain.

13 April 2014, 12:03

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