Home roses Burgundy, peach, soft pink, red roses - what their colors mean

Burgundy, peach, soft pink, red roses - what their colors mean

Roses - burgundy, peach, pale pink, red - are given to men and women, young and old, on occasion and according to mood.

One bud or a luxurious bouquet can say more than many words, because different colors of buds can mean different things.

Figure out, what flowers and in what case it is appropriate to present, knowledge of the "language of flowers" will help.

It is believed that it originated in the East.

Under the conditions of strict rules of everyday behavior, symbolic messages served as the only way to communicate feelings and experiences, to express emotions.

The sentimental alphabet of symbols included flowers, fruits, nuts, leaves, and other plant elements. When using colors not only the color was important, but also the quantity, the shape of the bud, the presence or absence of leaves and thorns.

The culture of flower messages penetrated Europe from Turkey at the beginning of the 18th century, and by the middle of the century it had conquered Russian secular salons.

Poets of the era of romanticism correlated with the shades and shape of the petals a variety of feelings and emotions, the status of the donee and the occasion to present a bouquet.

These descriptions were filled in special handwritten albums and printed editions in pocket and gift formats. There was a copy in every ladies' living room.

The fashion for the "language of flowers" died out by the middle of 19 century and revived towards the end of the 20th. Modern symbolism has united the traditions of the past and the current way of life.

As before, the rose is considered the queen of the garden. A variety of its shades allows you to choose the right bouquet for any occasion.

What can a different shade mean, what flower to give a man and a woman

Pink roses

Traditionally, the pink color of the petals of the Queen of Flowers means:

  • courtesy;
  • Delight;
  • courtesy;
  • tenderness;
  • sympathy;
  • politeness;
  • pride.

The pink color of the petals of the queen of the garden means courtesy, admiration, courtesy, tenderness.

The palette of pink shades is extremely rich. With their help, you can compose a complex, multi-valued message:

  • crimson or hot pink- an expression of gratitude;
  • pale pink- sympathy and nascent love;
  • deep pink with cherry tones- admiration for nobility.

It is appropriate to present light unblown buds to the bride, rich pink - to an older lady, raspberry and cherry on a long stem can be given to men.

bright red

Red roses for a long time are considered a sign of hot sensual love and passion. Therefore, they are not given to young brides.

An unopened bud indicates sympathy or confusion. One red rose means a declaration of love. Three buds given by a husband to his wife - deep affection and pure marital love.

The most popular red hue also speaks of the expression of sincere gratitude and recognition, of admiration and respect for the giver.

It is appropriate to give red flowers colleagues and business partners in gratitude for cooperation and as a sign of respect.

Dark burgundy, black

Dark burgundy, like red, symbolize burning passion. Burgundy, as a rule, is not presented to the young and young.

Tradition ascribes to burgundy colors and such, opposite in emotions, meanings:

  • condolence, sympathy in grief;
  • love at first sight, but not a lasting feeling;
  • "you don't realize how beautiful";
  • outgoing passion;
  • fading beauty.

Very dark, almost black used to denote rejuvenation and rebirth, farewell, hatred and even death.

What do delicate peach and yellow symbolize?

The most cheerful, positive, but also the most controversial shades.

Contemporaries are wary of any yellow flowers as a symbol of infidelity, betrayal, betrayal, jealousy, parting.

However, the language of flowers gives other interpretations of the symbolism of yellow roses:

  • happiness;
  • energy;
  • life force;
  • joy;
  • Delight;
  • delight;
  • worship.

Spouses after many years of marriage give yellow roses as a symbol of peace and harmony in the family, regularity and contentment with family life.

Another meaning of yellow roses is activity, determination, success.. That is why they are often used in official ceremonies.

These flowers also speak of openness, freedom from complexes, the optimism of the giver. About his desire to surround with warmth, care and protection.

Since the time of Catherine the Great, yellow roses have been considered an offer of reconciliation. and the call to "bury the hatchet". Plants painted in the colors of the sun and gold are presented to heroes and winners.

Peach roses symbolize modesty, gratitude, the joy of communication.

Like all light roses, they are given as a sign of friendship. Presented on the occasion of the completion of cases. They are considered a wonderful decoration for a festive feast.

What does the white color of the rose mean?

White roses - originally a symbol of chastity, purity of the Mother of God.

white color says:

  • about pure tender love;
  • about comparing the one to whom they give, with heavenly purity and light;
  • about eternal love, stronger than passion and death.

It is traditionally given to brides and very young girls, decorating the bouquet with white long ribbons.

The white color of the queen of the garden speaks of pure tender love.

The color palette of roses is not limited to the described shades. Also available in purple, orange, blue, black and green.

Aesthetic taste, attention and knowledge of the language of flowers will help you make the right choice and express without words the whole gamut of feelings and emotions, the gift will be appropriate and symbolic.

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