Home roses What are the roses talking about?

What are the roses talking about?

Flower language: rose

The language of flowers, the meaning and symbolism of the color of the rose. The color of roses is very important when choosing a bouquet. These flowers are given not only to women, but for a man they carry a different emotional burden. A teacher or a colleague of the stronger sex can be presented with a green, blue and even black rose. Each shade has its own history. There are colors:
- pure and natural;
- exclusive;
- double.

Receiving a beautiful bouquet of roses is familiar and very pleasant, but let's find out the meaning of the color of roses in the language of flowers.

White Rose

In different countries, the white color has many meanings, but most often it means purity, divinity. In Christianity, the symbol of the Virgin Mary is a white rose.
A bouquet of snow-white buds or blossoming flowers, presented to a girl, will mean strong and pure love. This tender feeling is incompatible with passion. White color in this case denotes the sublimity of feelings, innocence. That is why a bouquet of white roses is an essential attribute at weddings.

Red roses

Red has many shades. It is a bright red or scarlet rose that denotes love and passion, sweeping away all obstacles in its path. With a bouquet of red roses, you can express your love without a single word. Red, but more muted dark tones, roses are presented as a sign of respect and admiration.

purple roses

Noble deep-colored burgundy roses are presented as a sign of love and respect to a woman over 35 years old. This color is close to red, but such a bouquet does not mean love for many years. The dark shade of these flowers evokes sadness and reminds of beauty that is not eternal.

Pink roses

The opposite of purple are roses of all kinds of pink shades. This color is the best way to convey feelings. Pale pink buds will speak of a nascent feeling, or rather sympathy for the time being. Bright pink flowers are presented by grateful students or admirers. Shades of lilac are derivatives of pink. Such an exquisite bouquet will appreciate the creative nature.

Yellow roses

The yellow color is ambiguously evaluated by the representatives of the weaker sex. Mistakenly and offensively, cheerful yellow roses are equated with a sign of betrayal or separation.
In the language of flowers, yellow means the sun, life, light, joy. A woman who is happily married is glad to receive such a bouquet from her husband, because this is a sign of recognition and respect for a wonderful family and a calm, happy family life.
As a sign of respect and gratitude to the person, a bouquet of yellow roses will be most welcome.
Many people do not know that a large bouquet of fragrant yellow roses also means a sign of reconciliation in case of a quarrel or omissions.

orange roses

Energetically filled with orange color means life in all its manifestations and is suitable as a gift under any circumstances. It expresses pride in the one to whom it is presented. An orange rose seems to glow from the inside, this color is so strong. Pure orange is quite rare in nature, so roses shimmer with honey, copper, and reddish light. At the sight of such a magical bouquet, no one will remain indifferent.

peach roses

Peach color is much calmer than disturbing orange. It expresses modesty and nobility. A bouquet of peach roses often crowns the successful completion of the work begun. Gratitude and respect are experienced by a person who gives peach-colored roses.

Cream roses

The elegance of a cream rose does not need to be emphasized. A calm and noble color of a darker or lighter shade does not tolerate fuss and youthful ardor. This rose is for adult self-confident people whose relationships are reliable and permanent. The exquisite color of this bouquet will decorate a dinner in a restaurant of a respectable married couple.

Green roses

Exclusive roses, bred recently, have already acquired their place among shocking lovers. A bouquet of such roses in combination with a calm creamy color will be appreciated by a creative artist or businessman, because money loves green.

blue roses

Blue deep color exists in nature, but not in roses. True blue roses do not exist, and colored flowers can be regarded as artificial, which give the height of frivolity or malice.

blue roses

The close to blue color of roses will emphasize the unusualness of the bouquet and give it mystery. It is impossible to achieve a pure blue color in roses due to the absence of a gene responsible for the blue pigment in the composition of the flower. The Blue Perfume rose is recognized as the bluest rose in existence, but it is more of a lilac-lavender. Developments for growing blue roses are underway, but far from mass production.

black roses

Contrary to popular belief about the symbol of sadness, a black rose, like a black tulip, is the fruit of many years of work by breeders and amateurs. Long and painstaking work was crowned with success in the form of a rose "Schwartz Madonna". This is a deep purple rose, but only in bright sunlight can this color nuance be seen. Sadness fades into the background at the sight of this work of nature. Such a bouquet will be appreciated by a strong-willed and purposeful person who wants to achieve something impossible.

The legends surrounding any color are not always fair and often reach the present in a distorted form. When choosing a bouquet, of course, you need to be guided by well-known rules. The language of flowers and you need to be able to understand, but the main thing is the atmosphere and feelings with which roses are presented.

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