Home Useful properties of fruits Thanks to this, the VFO has covered the whole world briefly. Russian fascists. An excerpt characterizing the All-Russian fascist organization

Thanks to this, the VFO has covered the whole world briefly. Russian fascists. An excerpt characterizing the All-Russian fascist organization

Woody Allen's film character Whatever Works defines entropy in this way: it makes it hard to shove toothpaste back into a tube. She also interestingly explains the Heisenberg uncertainty principle, another reason to watch the film.

Entropy is a measure of disorder, chaos. You invited your friends to a New Year's party, tidied up, washed the floor, laid out a snack on the table, arranged drinks. In short, they put everything in order and eliminated as much chaos as they could. This is a low entropy system

What is entropy in simple words: a definition in which areas this term is used. Clear examples of entropy in life.

You all can probably imagine what happens to the apartment if the party is a success: complete chaos. But in the morning you have a system with high entropy at your disposal.

In order to put the apartment in order, you need to tidy up, that is, spend a lot of energy on it. The entropy of the system has decreased, but there is no contradiction with the second law of thermodynamics - you added energy from the outside, and this system is no longer isolated.

One of the variants of the end of the world is the thermal death of the universe due to the second law of thermodynamics. The entropy of the universe will reach its maximum and nothing else will happen in it.

In general, everything sounds rather dull: in nature, all ordered things tend to destruction, to chaos. But where, then, is life on Earth? All living organisms are incredibly complex and orderly and somehow struggle with entropy their entire lives (although in the end it always wins.

Everything is very simple. Living organisms in the process of life redistribute entropy around themselves, that is, they give up their entropy to everything they can. For example, when we eat a sandwich, we turn a beautiful ordered bread and butter into what is known. It turns out that we gave our entropy to the sandwich, but in the general system the entropy did not decrease.

And if we take the earth as a whole, then it is not a closed system at all: the sun supplies us with energy to fight entropy.

Entropy psychology.

Entropy - a way of interaction of a person with a social environment is determined by the fact that the social environment, on the one hand, and the personality, on the other, can include entropic and negentropic tendencies, and their certain ratio forms combinatorially possible modes of interaction; their wide range makes it possible to go beyond the limited definition of personality as a stable system operating in changing environmental conditions.

If we take the axis “personality - social environment” that is invariant in our conceptual apparatus and imagine its mutual rotation with the axis “entropy-negentropy”, which contains the answer to the question “how is the interaction going?”, Then we have four initial options at our disposal:

1) negentropic tendencies of the social environment;
2) entropic tendencies of the social environment;
3) negentropic personality tendencies;
4) the entropic tendencies of the personality.

It is necessary to briefly dwell on the description of each of them.

1. Negentropic tendencies of the social environment. Even Bacon posed the question of how a person can exist in conditions of a social order and, in general, what this social order is composed of. Most modern sociological theories are devoted to elucidating its nature. With regard to our task in them describing the possible parameters of the system “personality - social environment”, it is enough to note: a person can be included in formal and informal relations, the main quality of which is repetition, clarity and organization, ritual and stereotyped social conditions - situations of individual behavior. It is known that society cannot effectively influence an individual included in a group if the strategy of social influence is not consistent, unanimous and consistent.

2. Entropic tendencies of the social environment. E. Durkheim even considered elements of chaos and disorder, social destabilization and disorganization of the device at various stages of its development, the presence of certain elements of disorganization in it as a necessary condition for the development of society. As you know, he emphasized this point in connection with the study of the nature of social anomie and crime. Without going into details of the critical analysis of E. Durkheim's views, we want to emphasize that entropic tendencies are especially clearly observed in the functioning of small social groups in the microsocial climate of some formal and informal human associations. An example is a drunken company, an agitated crowd during a sports show, a situation in a work collective with an unclear distribution of functions and roles, a random gathering of people not united by a common thread, etc.

3. Negentropic personality tendencies. This refers to the consistency of the views and attitudes of the individual; its consistency and organization in actions. It seems superfluous to consider in detail the mechanisms for ensuring and achieving stability, consistency of organization in the life of the individual, because this issue is widely discussed in the psychological literature and numerous works are devoted to its study. It can only be emphasized that the students and followers of D. N. Uznadze associate the mechanism of stability of individual behavior and characterological traits, world perception and beliefs with the fixation of the attitude, with a certain organization of fixed attitudes, their systemic structure and internal tendency towards consolidation and compatibility.

4. Entropic tendencies of personality. Behavioral dissociation, disorganization, inconsistency in actions and beliefs, emotional instability are manifestations of internal chaos and entropic tendencies of the individual. There is no doubt that the limiting state of entropy growth is characteristic of pathology, however, it would be wrong to simplify in this way the question, allegedly the growth of entropy is associated with pathology, and the growth of negentropy is associated with mental health. Moreover, in many neurotic disorders, overorganization is noted, brought to pathological forms of ritualization, and, on the contrary, in practically healthy individuals, under certain conditions, an increase in entropic tendencies can be observed. This is well demonstrated in the well-known experiments of L. Festinger, T. Newcomb and A. Pepiton, F. G. Zimbardo in connection with the study of the phenomenon of deindividuation, which has already been partially discussed. The fact is that one of the indicators of deindividuation, according to these congestions, is impulsivity and destructive behavior, a decrease in self-control, chaotic behavior and disorganization of intrapersonal states. FG Zimbardo succinctly and clearly formulated the struggle between two moments - chaos and order - in human existence: "In the eternal struggle of order and chaos, we hope for the triumph of individuation, but mysteriously we are in a conspiracy with internal forces emanating from the depths of deindividuation." ...

Entropy philosophy.

ENTROPY (from the Greek entropia - rotation, transformation) is a part of the internal energy of a closed system or energy complex of the Universe, which cannot be used, in particular, cannot be transferred or converted into mechanical work. The exact definition of entropy is done using mathematical calculations. The effect of entropy is most clearly seen in the example of thermodynamic processes. Thus, heat never completely transforms into mechanical work, being transformed into other types of energy. It is noteworthy that in reversible processes, the value of entropy remains unchanged, in irreversible processes, on the contrary, it steadily increases, and this increase occurs due to a decrease in mechanical energy. Consequently, all that multitude of irreversible processes that occur in nature is accompanied by a decrease in mechanical energy, which ultimately should lead to general paralysis, or, in other words, "heat death". But such a conclusion is valid only in the case of postulating the totalitarianism of the Universe as a closed empirical given. Christ. theologians, based on entropy, spoke about the finiteness of the world, using it as proof of the existence of God.

Entropy is growing. Does entropy grow in isolated systems?

Five myths about development and entropy. The third myth.
We keep the money under lock and key, hide the food from the heat in the ice.
But a person cannot live in solitude and locked up completely.
The second law of thermodynamics states that entropy in an isolated system does not decrease, that is, it persists or increases. Can it grow outside an isolated system?
We note right away that the term "system" in the formulation of the second principle is used only for brevity. It means any set of elements, while the system includes connections between them and assumes some integrity. Both connections and integrity can only slow down the growth of entropy, excluding some (possibly undesirable for the system) states. In no other respect, consistency is not important for the second principle.
The requirement for isolation arises from the fact that from an open system entropy can be exported and dispersed in the environment. But, after the isolated set of elements has equilibrated, has come to the most probable macrostate, the entropy, having reached its maximum, cannot grow further.
The growth of entropy is possible only in the presence of some kind of disequilibrium, which will not arise until the inflow of energy from the outside or its outflow resumes. It is not for nothing that we place things in isolated storage facilities - this prevents external influences that contribute to the emergence of disequilibrium and the further growth of entropy. Therefore, isolation, like systemicity, does not contribute to the growth of entropy, but only guarantees its non-decrease. It is outside an isolated system, in an open environment, that the growth of entropy predominantly occurs.
Although the classical formulation of the second principle does not say how entropy changes in open systems and environments, this is not a big problem. It is enough to mentally separate a section of the environment or a group of open systems that participate in the process and do not experience external influences and consider them a single isolated system. Then their total entropy should not decrease. This is how W. Ashby argued, for example, when assessing the effect of one system on another, and I. Prigogine when considering dissipative structures.
Worse, a large class of processes in which entropy grows, namely the processes of accumulation of disturbances in systems under the influence of external forces, seems to get out of the action of the second principle - after all, they cannot proceed in isolated systems!
Therefore, it would be better to formulate the law as follows: any spontaneous process of transformation of energy, mass, information does not reduce the total entropy of all systems and parts of the environment associated with it. In this formulation, the excessive requirement of consistency is removed, isolation is ensured by taking into account all the elements involved in the process, and the validity of the law is affirmed for all spontaneous processes.

Entropy in simple terms. What is entropy in simple words

Most often, the word "entropy" is found, of course, in classical physics. This is one of the most difficult concepts of this science, therefore even students of physics universities often face problems in the perception of this term. This is, of course, a physical indicator, but it is important to understand one fact - entropy is not similar to the usual concepts of volume, mass or pressure, because entropy is precisely the property of a particular matter under consideration.

In simple terms, entropy is an indicator of how much information we don't know about a particular subject. Well, for example, to the question where I live, I will answer you - in Moscow. This is a very specific coordinate - the capital of the Russian Federation - however, Moscow is a rather big city, so you still do not know the exact information about my location. But when I tell you my, for example, postal code, the entropy about me, as an object, will decrease.

This is not an entirely accurate analogy, so we will give one more example for clarification. Let's say we take ten six-sided dice. Let's throw them all in turn, and then I will tell you the total of the dropped indicators - thirty. Based on the sum of all the results, you will not be able to say for sure which figure and on which die fell out - you simply do not have enough data for this. In our case, each dropped out digit in the language of physicists will be called a microstate, and an amount equal to thirty, in the same physical dialect, will be called a macrostate. If we calculate how many possible microstates three dozen can give us in total, we come to the conclusion that their number reaches almost three million values. Using a special formula, we can calculate the entropy index in this probabilistic experiment - six and a half. Where did half come from, you might ask? This fractional part appears due to the fact that when numbering in the seventh order, we can operate with only three numbers - 0, 1 and 2.

Entropy in biology. Entropy (disambiguation)


  • Entropy is a measure of irreversible dissipation of energy, a measure of the deviation of a real process from an ideal one.
  • Thermodynamic entropy - a function of the state of a thermodynamic system
  • Entropy (biology) is a unit of measurement of biodiversity in biological ecology.
  • Information entropy is a measure of the randomness of information, the uncertainty of the appearance of any symbol of the primary alphabet.
  • Entropy is a decentralized peer-to-peer computer communications network designed to be resistant to network censorship.
  • Topological entropy
  • Metric entropy
  • The entropy of a dynamical system
  • Differential entropy
  • The entropy of a language is a statistical function of a text in a particular language, or of the language itself, which determines the amount of information per unit of text.
  • Entropy (journal) is an international interdisciplinary journal in English about entropy and information research.
  • "Entropy" is a 2012 feature film by Maria Sahakyan.
  • Entropy is a 1977 board game from Eric Solomon and 1994 from Augustine Carreno.

Video About entropy

Entropy examples. Introduction


The dictionary of foreign words contains the following definition of entropy: entropy - 1) in physics - one of the quantities characterizing the thermal state of a body or a system of bodies; a measure of the internal disorder of the system; for all processes occurring in a closed system, entropy either increases (irreversible processes) or remains constant (reversible processes); 2) in information theory - a measure of the uncertainty of a situation (random variable) with a finite or even number of outcomes, for example, an experiment before which the result is not known exactly.

The concept of entropy was first introduced into science by Clausius in 1865 as a logical development of Carnot's thermodynamics.

But I characterize this concept as a measure of chaos. In my opinion, this is the most optimal topic at the moment because it is completely connected with life. Entropy is in everything. In nature, in man, in various sciences. Even the birth of a person in the womb begins with chaos. Entropy can also be associated with the formation of the planet, since before the appearance of God on Earth, all natural phenomena and everything that was on the planet was in a high degree of entropy. But after seven days, the planet acquired an orderly appearance, that is, everything fell into place.

Based on my findings, I would like to analyze this phenomenon in more detail and, so to speak, reduce the entropy of understanding this phenomenon.

The quantityCalculation formulaMeaning
The total entropy of the visible portion S (\ displaystyle S)4π3sγlH03 (\ displaystyle (\ frac (4 \ pi) (3)) s _ (\ gamma) l_ (H_ (0)) ^ (3))∼1088 (\ displaystyle \ sim 10 ^ (88))
Specific entropy of the photon gas sγ (\ displaystyle s _ (\ gamma))8π290T03 (\ displaystyle (\ frac (8 \ pi ^ (2)) (90)) T_ (0) ^ (3))≈1.5103 (\ displaystyle \ approx 1.510 ^ (3)) cm-3

The entropy of the Universe is a quantity that characterizes the degree of disorder and the thermal state of the Universe. The classical definition of entropy and the method for calculating it are not suitable for the Universe, since the forces of gravity act in it, and matter itself does not form a closed system. However, it can be proved that the total entropy is conserved in the accompanying volume.

In a relatively slowly expanding Universe, the entropy in the accompanying volume is conserved, and in order of magnitude the entropy is equal to the number of photons.

The law of conservation of entropy in the Universe

In the general case, the increment of internal energy has the form:

Let us take into account that the chemical potential of the particles are equal in value and opposite in sign:

If we consider the expansion to be an equilibrium process, then the last expression can be applied to the accompanying volume (V∝a3 (\ displaystyle V \ propto a ^ (3)), where a (\ displaystyle a) is the "radius" of the universe). However, in the accompanying volume, the difference between particles and antiparticles remains. Given this fact, we have:

But the reason for the change in volume is expansion. If now, taking this circumstance into account, we differentiate the last expression in time:

Now, if we substitute the continuity equation included in the system:

The latter means that the entropy is conserved in the accompanying volume.

Frederick's coronation in the church of Königsberg castle

Friedrich, son of the Elector of Brandenburg Friedrich Wilhelm, nicknamed the Great Elector, was born in Königsberg on July 11, 1657 from his father's first wife, Louise Henrietta. The death of his older brother, Karl-Emil in 1674, opened the way for him to the crown.

In poor health, spineless, easily influenced, he was prone to pomp and splendor. The striking difference between him and his father has been noted by all historians - a difference in character, views and aspirations. Lavis aptly calls Frederick the prodigal son of a miserly family. Along with the passion for luxury stood Frederick III's worship of everything French. The 1689 Deutsch-französische Modegeist says: “Now everything must be French: French, French dress, French cuisine, dishes, French dances, French music and French disease. The proud, deceitful, depraved French spirit completely put the Germans to sleep. " Up to 820,000 thalers were spent a year on the maintenance of the courtyard, that is, only 10,000 thalers less than for the maintenance of the entire civil administration of the state. Frederick II described his grandfather with the words: "Great in small matters and small in great."

The most efficient cycle of a heat engine is the Karnot heat cycle. It consists of two isothermal and two adiabatic processes. The second law of thermodynamics states that not all heat supplied to a heat engine can be used to perform work. The efficiency of such an engine, which implements the Carnot cycle, gives the limiting value of that part of it that can be used for these purposes.

A few words about the reversibility of physical processes

A physical (and in the narrow sense of a thermodynamic) process in a certain system of bodies (including solids, liquids, gases) is reversible if, after it has been carried out, it is possible to restore the state in which the system was before it began. If it cannot return to its original state at the end of the process, then it is irreversible.

Reversible processes do not occur in nature. This is an idealized model of reality, a kind of instrument for its research in physics. An example of such a process is the Karnot cycle. An ideal heat engine is a model of a real system that implements a process named after the French physicist Sadi Carnot, who first described it.

What causes the irreversibility of processes?

Factors that lead to it include:

  • heat fluxes from the heat source to the consumer with a finite temperature difference between them;
  • unlimited gas expansion;
  • mixing of two gases;
  • friction;
  • the passage of an electric current through a resistance;
  • inelastic deformation;
  • chemical reactions.

The process is irreversible if any of these factors are present. The ideal Carnot cycle is a reversible process.

Internally and externally reversible processes

When the process is carried out, the factors of its irreversibility can be within the framework of the system of bodies itself, as well as in its vicinity. It is called internally reversible if the system can be restored to the same state of equilibrium in which it was at its beginning. At the same time, there can be no irreversibility factors inside it, while the process under consideration lasts.

If irreversibility factors are absent outside the boundaries of the system in the process, then it is called externally reversible.

A process is called completely reversible if it is both internally and externally reversible.

What is a Karnot cycle?

In this process, implemented by an ideal heat engine, the working fluid - heated gas - performs mechanical work due to the heat received from the high-temperature heat reservoir (heater), and also gives off heat to the low-temperature heat reservoir (refrigerator).

The Carnot cycle is one of the most famous reversible cycles. It consists of four reversible processes. And although such loops are unattainable in practice, they set upper limits on the performance of real loops. It is shown in theory that this direct cycle converts thermal energy (heat) into mechanical work with the maximum possible efficiency.

How does an ideal gas perform a Carnot cycle?

Consider an ideal heat engine containing a gas cylinder and a piston. The four reversible cycle processes of such a machine are:

1. Reversible isothermal expansion. At the beginning of the process, the gas in the cylinder has a temperature T H. Through the walls of the cylinder it contacts the heater, which has an infinitely small temperature difference with the gas. Consequently, the corresponding irreversibility factor in the form of a finite temperature difference is absent, and a reversible process of heat transfer from the heater to the working fluid - gas takes place. Its internal energy grows, it expands slowly, while doing the work of moving the piston and remaining at a constant temperature T H. The total amount of heat transferred to the gas by the heater during this process is equal to Q H, but only part of it is subsequently converted into work.

2. Reversible adiabatic expansion. The heater is removed and the Carnot gas expands slowly further adiabatically (with constant entropy) without heat transfer through the cylinder walls or piston. Its work to move the piston leads to a decrease in internal energy, which is expressed in a decrease in temperature from T H to T L. If we assume that the piston moves without friction, then the process is reversible.

3. Reversible isothermal compression. The cylinder is brought into contact with a refrigerator having a temperature T L. The piston is pushed back by an external force doing the work of compressing the gas. In this case, its temperature remains equal to T L, and the process, including heat transfer from the gas to the refrigerator and compression, remains reversible. The total amount of heat removed from the gas to the refrigerator is equal to Q L.

4. Reversible adiabatic compression. The cooler is removed and the gas is slowly compressed further in an adiabatic manner (at constant entropy). Its temperature rises from T L to T N. The gas returns to its original state, which completes the cycle.

Carnot's Principles

If the processes that make up the Carnot cycle of a heat engine are reversible, then it is called a reversible heat engine. Otherwise, we have its irreversible version. In practice, all heat engines are such, since reversible processes do not exist in nature.

Carnot formulated principles that are a consequence of the second law of thermodynamics. They are expressed as follows:

1. The efficiency of an irreversible heat engine is always less than that of a reversible one, operating from the same two heat reservoirs.

2. The efficiency of all reversible heat engines operating from the same two heat reservoirs is the same.

That is, the efficiency of a reversible heat engine does not depend on the working fluid used, its properties, the duration of the operating cycle and the type of heat engine. It is only a function of the temperature of the tanks:

where Q L is the heat transferred to the low-temperature reservoir, which has a temperature T L; Q H - heat transferred from a high-temperature reservoir, which has a temperature T H; g, F - any functions.

Carnot heat engine

It is called a heat engine that operates on a reversible Carnot cycle. The thermal efficiency of any heat engine, reversible or not, is defined as

η th = 1 - Q L / Q H,

where Q L and Q H are the amounts of heat transferred in the cycle to the low-temperature tank at the temperature T L and from the high-temperature tank at the temperature T H, respectively. For reversible heat engines, the thermal efficiency can be expressed in terms of the absolute temperatures of these two reservoirs:

η th = 1 - T L / T H.

The efficiency of a Carnot heat engine is the highest efficiency that a heat engine can achieve when operating between a high temperature reservoir at T H and a low temperature reservoir at T L. All irreversible heat engines operating between the same two reservoirs have lower efficiency.

Reverse process

The cycle in question is completely reversible. Its refrigeration version can be achieved if all processes included in it are reversed. In this case, the work of the Carnot cycle is used to create a temperature difference, i.e. thermal energy. During the reverse cycle, the gas receives the amount of heat Q L from the low-temperature reservoir, and the amount of heat Q H is given to them in the high-temperature heat reservoir. The energy W net, in is required to complete the cycle. It is equal to the area of ​​the figure bounded by two isotherms and two adiabats. The PV diagrams of the forward and reverse Carnot cycle are shown in the figure below.

Refrigerator and heat pump

A refrigerator or heat pump that implements a reverse Carnot cycle is called a Carnot refrigerator or Carnot heat pump.

The efficiency of a reversible or irreversible refrigerator (η R) or heat pump (η HP) is defined as:

where Q H is the amount of heat removed to the high-temperature tank;
Q L - the amount of heat received from the low-temperature tank.

For reversible refrigerators or heat pumps such as Carnot refrigerators or Carnot heat pumps, efficiency can be expressed in terms of absolute temperatures:

where T H = absolute temperature in the high-temperature tank;
T L = absolute temperature in the low temperature tank.

η R (or η HP) are the highest efficiency of a refrigerator (or heat pump) they can achieve when operating between a high temperature tank at T H and a low temperature tank at T L. All irreversible refrigerators or heat pumps operating between the same two tanks have lower efficiencies.

Household refrigerator

The basic idea behind a home refrigerator is simple: it uses the evaporation of refrigerant to absorb heat from the refrigerated space in the refrigerator. There are four main parts in any refrigerator:

  • Compressor.
  • Tubular radiator outside the refrigerator.
  • Expansion valve.
  • Heat exchange tubes inside the refrigerator.

The reverse Carnot cycle when the refrigerator is running is performed in the following order:

  • Adiabatic compression. The compressor compresses the refrigerant vapors, increasing their temperature and pressure.
  • Isothermal compression. The high temperature refrigerant vapor compressed by the compressor dissipates heat to the environment (high temperature reservoir) as it flows through the radiator outside the refrigerator. Refrigerant vapors are condensed (compressed) into a liquid phase.
  • Adiabatic expansion. Liquid refrigerant flows through the expansion valve to reduce its pressure.
  • Isothermal expansion. Cold liquid refrigerant evaporates as it passes through the heat exchange tubes inside the refrigerator. In the process of evaporation, its internal energy increases, and this growth is provided by the extraction of heat from the inner space of the refrigerator (low-temperature tank), as a result of which it cools. The gas then enters the compressor for compression again. The reverse Carnot cycle is repeated.

Singularity. Comments (1)

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At the everyday level, entropy is a measure of disorder or a measure of uncertainty.

In physics, entropy is among such fundamental concepts as energy or temperature. Entropy can be defined as one of the basic thermodynamic functions (Clausius was the first to do this).

One of the main fundamental properties of the world in which we live is called the second law of thermodynamics. There are three seemingly dissimilar, but logically equivalent formulations of the second law of thermodynamics. In the Thomson-Planck formulation, it says: it is impossible to build a periodically operating machine, the only result of which would be to lift the load by cooling the heat reservoir. There is Clausius' formulation: heat cannot spontaneously pass from a less heated body to a more heated body. In the third formulation of this fundamental law, the "main character" is entropy: in an adiabatically isolated system, entropy cannot decrease; either increases or remains constant.

It is from this formulation that the fundamental irreversibility of physical processes is most clear, as well as the inevitable degradation of any closed system (all different forms of energy ultimately transform into thermal energy, after which no processes become possible). Generalizing this principle to the entire universe, Clausius formulated the hypothesis of the thermal death of the universe.

This irreversibility of processes, which is a consequence of the second principle, was in apparent contradiction with the reversible nature of mechanical motion. Reflecting on this paradox, Boltzmann obtained an absolutely amazing formula for entropy, revealing a completely new content. Using statistical methods, Boltzmann showed that entropy is directly proportional to the logarithm of thermodynamic probability. This formula is carved on the tombstone of a scientist in Vienna's Central Cemetery. This discovery by Boltzmann is all the more significant because the concept of probability first penetrated the very foundations of physics (several decades before the construction of a new picture of the world based on quantum mechanics).

Thus, according to Boltzmann, the second law of thermodynamics could sound like this: nature tends to move from less probable states to more probable ones.

From the connection between entropy and probability according to Boltzmann, one can proceed to the definition of entropy in information theory, which was done by Shannon. Entropy in information theory acts as a measure of uncertainty. The concept of information is, in a sense, the opposite of the concept of entropy. More precisely, information is defined as the difference between unconditional and conditional entropies, but it is not possible to explain this without formulas.

On the territory of the former USSR, the words "fascist" and "Nazi" are terrible insults. The pain and suffering, carried over to the years of aggression by Hitlerite Germany, affect the attitude of the inhabitants of the post-Soviet space towards Nazism more than seven decades later. It comes to the point that even those structures that are actually neo-Nazi (such as the Ukrainian Azov regiment) are publicly trying to distance themselves from ties with the fascists and Nazis of the 1930s-1940s.

Meanwhile, the concept of "Russian fascism" is by no means arbitrary. In the 1930s, several Russian organizations were created and actively operated at once, preaching the ideology of fascism.

This vile page of Russian history was written by Russian emigres who left the country after the victory of the Bolsheviks.

In the 1920s, the city of Harbin became the main center of Russian emigration in the Far East. Here, within the walls of the law faculty of the local university, Russian students under the guidance of Professor Nikolay Nikiforov created the Russian fascist organization.

Fascist ideology popularized by success Benito Mussolini in Italy, among Russian emigrants, it began to be perceived as an effective counterbalance to Bolshevism.

Fuhrer with a Komsomol past

In 1928, a book was published in Harbin F.T. Goryachkina"The first Russian fascist Pyotr Arkadyevich Stolypin." The author, who called himself an "Orthodox fascist", declared Stolypin almost the forerunner of Mussolini, and saw the origins of this ideology in the works of the Russian Prime Minister.

The fascist organization began to rapidly gain influence among Russian emigrants. Gradually, the leader, who became a native of Blagoveshchensk, was determined. Konstantin Rodzaevsky.

Unlike many of his associates, Rodzaevsky not only managed to live in the USSR, but even was a member of the Komsomol. But in 1925, an 18-year-old boy, unexpectedly for his family, fled to Manchuria, where he joined the ranks of the anti-Bolshevik movement. Having entered the law faculty of Harbin University, Rodzaevsky fell under the influence of Professor Nikiforov, and very soon surpassed his teacher.

For several years, Rodzaevsky was able to create a whole party from a small group of beginning fascists, the creation of which was announced on May 26, 1931 at the I Congress of Russian fascists in Harbin. The organization was named the Russian Fascist Party (RFP), and Konstantin Rodzaevsky became its General Secretary.

Konstantin Rodzaevsky. Photo: Commons.wikimedia.org

The RFP program promised the inevitable death of the Bolshevik system in Russia due to its isolation from the people. The death, in the opinion of the leaders of the Russian fascists, was to have occurred as a result of a national revolution of anti-communist and anti-capitalist orientation.

During the first four years of the RFP's existence, its number reached 20,000. The popularity was promoted by the successes of the fascists in Europe.

"Fascist baby never plays with Jews"

Rodzaevsky's party extended its influence not only to the emigrants of Manchuria, but also to other countries of the world. In 1934, the RFP, the largest organization of Russian fascists, announced a merger with the All-Russian Fascist Organization, created in the United States by Anastasiy Vonsyatsky. Unlike the party in Harbin, the Russian fascists in America were rather small in number, but they had great financial resources.

The unification of Russian fascists into the All-Russian Fascist Party (WFTU) was announced in Yokohama, Japan. The official registration of the creation of the party took place on April 26, 1934 at the 2nd (unification) congress of Russian Fascists, held in Harbin. Rodzaevsky became General Secretary and Deputy Chairman of the Central Executive Committee (CEC), and Vonsyatsky became Chairman of the CEC of the party.

In 1934, Rodzaevsky published the book "The ABC of Fascism", which was a collection of questions and answers - they were supposed to explain the ideology and methods of Russian fascism.

The Japanese, who occupied Manchuria and created the puppet state of Manchukuo, treated the Russian fascists favorably, which allowed Rodzaevsky to develop vigorous activity.

In addition to the main party, subsidiaries were created: the Russian Women's Fascist Movement, the Union of Young Fascists - Vanguard (for young men), the Union of Young Fascists - Vanguard (for girls), the Union of Fascist Youth and even the Union of Fascist crumbs ".

Among the rules for "fascist crumbs" appeared, for example, the following: "A fascist baby never plays with Jews, does not take anything from Jews and does not talk to them."

Such an upbringing was supposed to form a deliberately anti-Semite out of a little "fascist crumb", the same as the party leaders headed by Rodzaevsky.

Russian copy of European contagion

Russian fascists paid a lot of attention to paraphernalia. The party had its own uniform, which consisted of a black shirt, a black jacket with gold buttons with a swastika, a black cap with orange piping and a swastika on the cockade in the middle, a belt with a shoulder strap, black breeches with orange piping and boots; on the left sleeve of the shirt and tunic, just above the elbow, an orange circle was sewn, bordered by a white stripe, with a black swastika in the middle. Party hierarchical signs were sewn on the cuff of the left hand. The party badge was a two-headed eagle that proudly sat on a swastika.

The party greeting looked like this: a party member raised his right hand "from the heart to the sky", exclaiming: "Glory to Russia!"

Fascist supporters could visit a Russian club in Harbin, over which a swastika burned brightly as advertisements in the evenings.

Russian club in the city of Manchuria. Photo: Commons.wikimedia.org

Thus, both ideologically and externally, the Russian fascists did not differ in any way from their Italian and German like-minded people. But with regard to practical success, then, fortunately, everything was much more modest.

With the help of the Japanese, groups were thrown into the territory of the USSR for sabotage and agitation, but most of them were destroyed by border guards. The rest were identified and rendered harmless by NKVD operatives. The Nazis failed to deploy any serious network on the territory of the Soviet Union.

The leader of the Russian fascists condemned the Molotov-Ribbentrop pact

In 1935, Rodzaevsky proclaimed the fascist three-year plan. Its essence was that the national revolution in the USSR would take place no later than May 1, 1938, therefore all the forces of the party members and all sympathizers should be directed towards its approach. The plan for achieving victory consisted of five points: strengthening fascist propaganda, uniting all emigrants in Manchuria under the auspices of the WFTU, close cooperation with Germany and Italy, strengthening ties with Japan and penetrating the USSR to establish contacts with anti-Stalinist elements.

When the deadlines were over, and the "national revolution" did not take place, Rodzaevsky's influence began to decline. The leader of the Russian fascists began to pin great hopes on Japan's attack on the USSR, met with the military leaders of the empire, but after the defeat at Khalkhin Gol, the Japanese postponed such plans on the back burner.

The Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact also came as an extremely unpleasant surprise for the Russian fascists. In the newspaper "Nation" on September 3, 1939, Rodzaevsky condemned the pact and called it a fatal mistake, a retreat from the fight against Jews and communists.

The German attack on the USSR on June 22, 1941 made the fascists perk up. Rodzaevsky and Vonsyatsky, who were constantly in conflict with each other, even decided to unite again "for the sake of a common cause."

However, Japan, which concluded a Neutrality Pact with the USSR in the spring of 1941, preferred not to interfere in events on the Soviet-German front. Rodzaevsky's organization, which by that time was called the Russian Fascist Union (RFU), began to openly interfere with the Japanese with its calls for an immediate war. As a result, her activities were limited.

American and Japanese banned Russian fascism

The further the Second World War went, the faster the riotous life of the Russian fascists went to decline. After the United States entered the war in December 1941, President Franklin Roosevelt ordered his special services to deal with all pro-fascist organizations in the United States. In 1942, the All-Russian fascist organization Anastasia Vonsyatsky was closed by the FBI, and its leader was sentenced to 5 years on charges of espionage.

Vonsyatsky was released in 1946, when relations between the USSR and the United States began to deteriorate sharply. However, the restoration of the fascist organization was out of the question. Vonsyatsky withdrew from active political activity.

The Russian fascist union lasted a little longer. In 1943, the Japanese military authorities arrested Konstantin Rodzaevsky, suspecting him of a Soviet spy. Then, however, he was released, but the activities of the RFU were banned. Uniforms, songs and any gatherings of Russian fascists were banned.

Such a decisive action by the Japanese in relation to the structure that they themselves nurtured is explained quite simply. By the summer of 1943, it became clear in which direction the course of the Second World War in general and the battles on the Soviet-German front in particular was going. For Japan, the non-intervention of the USSR in its conflict with the USA and Great Britain was now becoming fundamentally important. Therefore, it was decided to minimize all annoying factors, including the activities of the Russian emigration, where the guys with the swastika were like an eyesore.

The highest measure

The leader of the Russian fascists himself began to sharply change his views. He stated that Stalin was the main Russian nationalist, and the Soviet regime by the 1940s had degenerated into something that became close in spirit to Rodzaevsky.

Rodzaevsky began to say such things especially often in August 1945, when Soviet troops began an operation to defeat the Japanese in Manchuria. In October 1945, he agreed to voluntarily return to the Soviet Union.

Here, they did not stand on ceremony with the former leader of the Russian fascists, sending him to prison.

In August 1946, Konstantin Rodzaevsky became one of the defendants in the so-called "Semenovtsy" trial. He was accused of active anti-Soviet activities after fleeing from the USSR, in particular, the creation and leadership of the "Russian fascist organization", the conduct of anti-Soviet propaganda among the White Guards who were on the territory of Manchuria, the compilation of leaflets, brochures and books of anti-Soviet content, etc., including active activities in the international arena with the creation of similar organizations and groups in Manchuria, China, as well as in Europe and the United States. In addition, according to the verdict, he was involved in preparing an attack on the USSR together with a number of Japanese generals, organizing and personally participating in a number of provocations carried out by Japanese intelligence, as a pretext for the occupation of Manchuria; organized and trained spies and terrorists from among the members of the RFU, used against the USSR, was also associated with German intelligence and used the funds received from the Germans for anti-Soviet work.

Rodzaevsky pleaded guilty, and on August 30, 1946, he was sentenced to death. On the same day he was shot.

On March 26, 1998, the Military Collegium of the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation issued a ruling No. 043/46, according to which the verdict of the Military Collegium of the Supreme Court of the USSR of August 30, 1946 was determined to change, canceling it in terms of the conviction of Rodzaevsky under Art. 58-10 h. 2 of the RSFSR Criminal Code (anti-Soviet agitation and propaganda), and terminate the criminal case for lack of corpus delicti. The rest of the sentence was upheld.

The works of the leader of the Russian fascists are prohibited in the Russian Federation

The creation of fascist organizations among the Russian emigration is the most shameful page in history. Fortunately, the Russian fascists did not manage to create bloody atrocities following the example of those that were done by their associates in Europe. Not because they did not strive for this - they just were not given such an opportunity.

In the 1990s, they tried to pull the banners of Russian fascism of the 1930s out of the historical rubbish heap and launder them. Some continue to do this to this day. But, as the proverb says, you can't wash a black dog white.

In 2001, a collection of works by Konstantin Rodzaevsky was published in Russia under the title "The Testament of the Russian Fascist." It includes "The ABC of Fascism", party documents of the Russian fascists, as well as Rodzaevsky's monograph "The Modern Judaization of the World, or the Jewish Question in the 20th Century."

The Institute of Sociology of the Russian Academy of Sciences described this monograph as "a typical example of fascist literature, and even though it came out of the author's pen for a long time, the work may well be a textbook for neo-Nazis - our contemporaries."

On October 11, 2010, by the decision of the Central District Court of Krasnoyarsk, the book "The Testament of a Russian Fascist" was recognized in the Russian Federation as extremist material, and the book was included in the Federal List of Extremist Materials (No. 861).

Anastasiy Andreevich Vonsyatsky (June 12, 1898, Warsaw - February 5, 1965, St. Petersburg) - one of the founders of Russian fascism, the creator and leader of the Russian fascist movement in the United States. Born into the family of Colonel Andrei Nikolaevich Vonsyatsky and Inna Plyushchevskaya. The fifth child in the family. After the Bolshevik coup A.A. Vonsyatsky fought in the ranks of the White Volunteer Army. For two years Anastasiy Andreevich fought in Eastern Ukraine and the Don. In December 1919, A.A. Vonsyatsky, being a captain, fell ill with typhus and was forced to leave the front. He was evacuated to Novorossiysk, and from there by steamer to Yalta. In March 1920 he was evacuated to Constantinople, where he was treated in a British hospital in Gallipoli.

A.A. Vonsyatsky on May 10, 1933, together with a former member of the Volunteer Army D.I. Kunle established the All-Russian National Revolutionary Labor and Workers 'and Peasants' Party of the Fascists. For convenience, another name was usually used - the All-Russian Fascist Organization (VFO). A.A. Vonsyatsky became the head of the Volga Federal District. The newspaper "Fashist" became the print organ of the Volga Federal District. The first issue of "Fascist" was published in August 1933 with a circulation of 2000 copies. Subsequently, "Fascist" was published in a circulation of 10,000 copies, with a frequency of about once a month.

A.A. Vonsyatsky in September 1933 went to Berlin to negotiate with the leaders of such organizations operating in Europe - Alexander Kazem-Beck (Young Russians), Pavel Bermondt-Avalov and A.V. Meller-Zakomelsky (ROND). Trilateral negotiations took place at the ROND headquarters on Bleibtreuestrasse in Berlin. Despite the similarity of ideologies and common goals, the leaders of the organizations could not come to an agreement on unification.
Participants of the trilateral conference in Berlin (1933): in the center (with a bow tie) - P.R.Bermondt-Avalov, to the left of him - A.L. Kazem-Beck, to the right - A.A. Vonsyatsky

At the end of 1933 A.A. Vonsyatsky received a letter from K.V. Rodzaevsky, who at that time led the Russian Fascist Party, with a proposal to visit Harbin and unite the VFO and the RFP. A.A. Vonsyatsky accepted the offer of K.V. Rodzaevsky and on March 1, 1934 went to Harbin. On the way to Harbin, he stopped in Tokyo, where he was met personally by K.V. Rodzaevsky. In the Tokyo headquarters of the RFP A.A. Vonsyatsky and K.V. Rodzaevsky held preliminary negotiations on the unification of the organizations they lead. On April 3, 1934, Protocol No. 1 was signed, which proclaimed the merger of the RFP and the WFO and the creation of the All-Russian Fascist Party (WFTU)

April 26, 1934 A.A. Vonsyatsky arrived in Harbin. A solemn welcome was organized for him at the station. Numerous blackshirts of the RFP stood on the guard of honor. Meet A.A. Vonsyatsky also came all the members of the local branches of the subsidiaries of the RFP - the Russian Women's Fascist Movement, the Avant-garde Union, the Union of Young Fascists, the Union of Fascist Crumbs.

Konstantin Vladimirovich Rodzaevsky (August 11, 1907, Blagoveshchensk - August 30, 1946, Moscow) - the leader of the All-Russian Fascist Party (WFTU), created by emigrants in Manchuria, the founder of Russian fascism, one of the leaders of the White emigration in Manchuria. The WFTU, the main and most numerous fascist organization among the Russian emigration, was formed in the Far East, where a large Russian colony lived; the organization originated in the 1920s and officially took shape as the Russian Fascist Party (RFP) in May 1931

Emigrated from the USSR to Manchuria in 1925. In 1928, Rodzaevsky's father and younger brother also fled to Harbin. Nadezhda Vladimirovna and her two daughters, Nadezhda and Nina, were then arrested by the OGPU. In Harbin, Rodzaevsky entered the Faculty of Law. There he met with Georgiy Gins and Nikiforov, who taught legal disciplines, radical nationalists and anti-communists who had a great influence on the development of his political views. Joined the Russian Fascist Organization. On May 26, 1931, he became General Secretary of the newly formed Russian Fascist Party; in 1934, the party merged with the VFO Vonsyatsky, and Rodzaevsky became its General Secretary and Deputy Chairman of the CEC, and Vonsyatsky became the Chairman of the CEC. He tried to imitate Benito Mussolini; the swastika became the symbol of the movement. After breaking with Vonsyatsky at the 3rd Party Congress, he was elected Head of the WFTU.
K.V. Rodzaevsky (seated second from the left), L. F. Vlasyevsky (sitting fourth from the right), to his right - Akikusa Xiong, at a banquet in Harbin on the occasion of the establishment of BREM. December 1934

An international organization of white emigrants was created with headquarters in Harbin, "Far Eastern Moscow", which had connections in 26 countries of the world. Collaborated with many fascists in the world, including Arnold Liz.
Subsidiaries were created under the WFTU - the Russian Women's Fascist Movement (RWFD), the Union of Fascist Youth, the Union of Young Fascists - Vanguard, the Union of Young Fascists - Vanguard, the Union of Fascist Babies.
In August 1945, Rodzaevsky left Harbin, due to the inevitability of the occupation, and moved to Shanghai. He negotiated with the NKVD, as a result of which he wrote a letter to Stalin renouncing his views, to which he received promises of immunity. Upon entering the USSR, he was arrested and transported to Moscow. The trial, which began on August 26, 1946, was widely covered in the Soviet press. It was opened by Vasily Ulrikh, Chairman of the Military Collegium of the Supreme Court of the USSR. The defendants were charged with anti-Soviet agitation and propaganda, espionage against the USSR, sabotage, terrorism. All defendants admitted their guilt. Rodzaevsky was sentenced to death and shot on the same day in the basements of the Lubyanka.
Rodzaevsky after his arrest. Photo of the NKVD. 1945 year.

WFTU emblem.

Russian club in Harbin. 1933

WFTU Congress

Christmas 1939

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