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» What is a system type bet?

What is a system type bet?

System bet- this is, roughly speaking, a complicated hybrid of an “express” type bet. To put it in smart words, this is a certain combination of express bets of a certain size from a previously defined number of events, in which each combination will be calculated as a separate express bet. But we’ll talk about how to calculate “system” bets a little lower.

Compared to express bets, the system bet has some significant advantages. For those who are not familiar with express bets, I recommend reading the article first . When we place an express bet on a certain series of outcomes, all the odds for our chosen outcomes are multiplied and we get the final express odds. Only if at least one event from the express bet is lost, the entire bet will be lost. The main difference between a “system” bet and the latter is that in order to win it, it is not necessary that all the outcomes included in it be correct!

Let's look at the calculation of the "system" bet in detail using an example. For example, let’s take a bet using the “System 2/3” system, or as it is also called “System 2 out of 3”. In fact, it consists of three results. Of these, for your system to win, two of the three selected outcomes must be correct.

For example, consider a ticket from the BWIN bookmaker:

The amount of possible winnings for your “system” bet in this coupon is the maximum amount that can be won, provided that all outcomes from the “system” are accepted. If one of them fails, the winning amount will be less. In general, in a “system” bet, various combinations of outcomes are formed. To understand how the “system” type bet is calculated, let’s look at the following example:

You have chosen four outcomes and placed a bet on the 2 out of 4 system. This means that you have made six bets, since from the four outcomes you have chosen, six combinations will be formed, each of which will have two outcomes.

In fact, all options for pairs of outcomes from these four will be taken into account when calculating the bet. In them, each pair of outcomes will have its own coefficient, which in turn will be calculated by multiplying the coefficients that are included in this pair. For a better understanding, I recommend looking at the diagram in the figure below:

In this bet, the system will have only 6 options. The system bet is calculated when all events have completed. As a result, all options that were included in it are processed. The coefficients of each option are multiplied with each other, let's call this the result of the option. After that, all the results for each option are added together and ultimately form the result of your “system” bet. It may seem complicated at first, but let's look at it with an example:

You made a bet of 6$ on the above system, for each option in the system there will be an equal distribution of the amount of your bet (that is, according to 1$ for each of the 6 options) . If all options are played with a positive result, then their bet amounts (equal to $1) will be multiplied with the corresponding odds: 2.66; 3.325; 4.845; 2.45; 3.57; 4.4625 and then add up to the total winnings, as shown below:

2.66*1 + 3.325*1 + 4.845*1 + 2.45*1 + 3.57*1 + 4.4625*1 = 21.3125$, in total we will have a winning amount of 21.31$.

If one option in the system does not work, then the result for it will be equal to zero. Let's look at an example of the same system, only taking into account the fact that one option did not work in our system.

As you already understood, the outcome with the coefficient 1.4 did not enter, as a result, all odds in which this outcome is present will be equal to zero. The result will look like this:

0 * 1 + 3.325 * 1 + 4.845 * 1 + 0 * 1 + 0 * 1 + 4.4625 * 1 = 12.6325$, in total, the profit at this rate by the system will be 12.63$. By the way, I’ll say right away about the express bet, if we had made such a bet with one express bet, we would have lost ours long ago 6$ , but with the help of a system in which if one event is lost, the entire “system” bet is not calculated based on zeros, we were able to double the amount of our bet. But all types of bets have their own nuances and rules.

Today, 1C software products are a kind of standard for accounting, management and other types of accounting in small and medium-sized businesses. Employers require their employees to have the necessary skills to work with this particular software product. If the issue of integrating an online store and automation systems (remains, prices, orders, etc.) arises on the agenda, the office usually also has a 1C database with which integration needs to be carried out. Similarly in many other cases: any automation process for small and medium-sized businesses traditionally begins with 1C products and continues with their use.

As a business consultant, I quite often come across questions about what 1C is, what structure this software product may have, and in general how this whole system works. They are usually asked by web developers who are forced to deal with integration issues site and 1C, programmers specializing in mobile applications and other specialists who, due to the nature of their work, have to deal with 1C programs infrequently.

In this article, I decided to collect answers to the most common questions that constantly arise in my work. Therefore, I want to warn you right away: the article is intended for people familiar with IT technologies; businessmen, accountants, people far from the IT sphere will most likely find it difficult to understand some of the nuances. Of course, I will try to write as simply as possible, and I do not plan to delve into technical nuances at the code level, but still, certain terms and concepts may seem complex to non-specialists.
A few words about my experience with 1C
At one time, I worked as a 1C programmer in a large project, then I took the position of project manager, and for quite a long time I was the head of the project department, which dealt exclusively with tasks in 1C.

Now, as I have written more than once, I work as a business consultant in the field of small and medium-sized businesses. I am constantly faced with various tasks related to work automation, and, as a result, with 1C software products. Most often, as a business consultant, I hire 1C specialists to solve certain problems, I have a permanent team, and I also attract third-party specialists, including freelancers. In very rare cases, I write something in 1C myself, most often if I urgently need to solve a small problem.

On the other hand, I am moving further and further away from constant work with 1C products. If at the beginning of my career working with 1C programs brought me 100% of my income, today the implementation of some 1C solutions takes up no more than 20% of my work, everything else is websites, CRM systems, etc.

Therefore, while I have not yet strayed too far from issues related to the 1C program, I decided to systematize my knowledge, collect and record important aspects and nuances of working with these software products

A little more about 1C and why I’m writing all this
I myself know that I am about to, as they say, embrace the immensity. Therefore, another warning:
  1. I plan to create a whole series of articles about 1C, where I will talk about this software product from different points of view. This article is intended primarily for programmers. That’s why I’m posting it on Habré. The following will cover a wider range of concepts, including those of interest to businessmen and users of 1C software products, and therefore they will be posted on Megamind.
  2. I will not delve into the nuances of using the code or other technical details, which each of you can read on your own on the official 1C website, on support sites, on well-known forums, etc.
  3. I will not discuss the nuances of how this or that version of the platform works. Moreover, most often I will talk about platform 8.3 as the latest one at the time of writing, as well as about typical configurations that are most in demand among my clients (medium and small businesses).
At the same time, I don’t just want to help a web programmer or other specialist understand where to look for the right piece of code, I want to help them understand what it is – 1C.
Today, the 1C company on its own has introduced so much confusion into product descriptions, into the requirements for the level of specialists who will configure the system, into the choice of platform, configuration, plugins, add-ons, versions, etc., etc., that the 1C system personally begins to remind me of the old TV series “ Octopus". If anyone else remembers, in this film the commissioner fought a criminal group, part of which was a banking group. And this banking system was so confusing that it was very difficult to understand where the money came from, where it went, how this or that division worked and, most importantly, why.

In the 1C system, efforts to “confuse” the user, it seems to me, are aimed at one thing: you don’t need to understand anything, you just need to pay. And many businessmen actually end up paying without understanding whether they need this update, whether they need this product. They just pay and that's it.

I will try to untangle the “tentacles of the Octopus” and structure a general understanding of how the 1C system works.

We would also like to remind programmers that you can find any technical information on the 1C website. I don’t plan to dwell on these nuances at all. I will write in simple language, as far as possible, about fundamental issues.

And if you need any specific technical nuances of 1C, then you can always use the following resources:

  1. 1C website and partner forum. http://www.1c.ru
  2. Other resources
In the vast majority of cases, the answers to your questions will be found on one of these resources. There are many more forums and other things, but most of the solutions are there.

1C as an ecosystem

When a businessman, lawyer, accountant, seller and other user encounters 1C programs, very often there is a misunderstanding of what it is. Some people think that 1C is a convenient accounting system, others think that it is a system for automating an online store, others don’t really understand what we’re talking about. Some even think that with the help of this or that 1C product you can solve any business problem, you just need to choose the right product and, perhaps, modify it a little.

The reason for such clearly erroneous perceptions is that no one understands what 1C is from a platform point of view. Everyone sees something different, specific. 1C itself brings even more confusion, since it actively supports all these misconceptions due to its marketing, which tries to position 1C as a solution for all occasions and for any purpose.

In the article Why 1C is bad and why 1C programmers don’t like it so much, I already said that in fact 1C should be perceived as an entire ecosystem. It is this approach that will help you understand what 1C is and why it is needed.

So, from the point of view of the technical ecosystem, 1C consists of the following components:

  1. The 1C platform is the basis on which configurations are written, with which programmers work, etc. It is updated from version to version, and therefore can be: 6.0, 7.7, 8.0, 8.2 or 8.3.
  2. Configuration. This is the next level of specificity. Configurations are written on the platform using 1C code. Users work with configurations.
  3. 1C Bitrix. A system for working with websites, it’s worth talking about separately.
Another aspect in which 1C work can be structured is the organizational level. And here there are 2 parts that also do not work without each other:
  1. The 1C company itself and its staff of specialists.
  2. 1C partners (franchising) and specialists involved in system maintenance. They are also worth highlighting as one of the components of the eco-system. Without specialists who finalize and implement 1C, the system will not work. These could be 1C partner companies or single freelancers, it doesn’t matter, they just have to be, otherwise the system will not be viable.
Next, I propose to take a closer look at the parts of the 1C eco-system.


The platform is the very basis on which 1C programmers, using the 1C programming language, write ready-made programs (configurations) for users. The platform is the basis without which not a single component or configuration will work. At the same time, the platform itself without configuration may be of interest exclusively to a 1C programmer; for all others (users, various specialists) it is useless.
You can work on different versions of the platform. I know that in practice, versions 8.2 and 8.0 are used, as well as the rather old, but still popular 7.7, sometimes even the first successful release 6.0 is used. But I will talk exclusively about version 8.3, as the most recent at the time of writing. Many of the things we will discuss are equally relevant for previous versions. But some were added only in the latest releases. I would like readers to take this fact into account.

It is important to understand that users most often do not need the full range of capabilities that 1C provides. This statement is especially relevant for small and medium-sized businesses. But the quality and reliability of work are extremely important for users. And in this regard, unfortunately, quite a lot of problems arise with 1C software products.
When working with 1C, programmers use a special programming language that was created by 1C developers to work with the 1C platform. Today it is available in Russian and English, but was originally written in Russian, and therefore standard configurations are also written traditionally in Russian, although it is always possible to use English versions of operators in the right place if it is more convenient for the programmer to work. This language is a mixture of BASIC and C+ with the addition of SQL for writing queries. In addition, it provides the ability to use various constructors and plugins.

One of the features of the 1C platform is the lack of modularity. The platform is something whole; it is impossible to clearly indicate which piece of code (module) is responsible for which capabilities. Of course, during installation you can specify which components should be installed and which not. But this option is only present at the time of installation, and, in fact, offers a very small number of options.

One more note that will hopefully help avoid flames and disputes:

I understand that the 1C platform is a powerful and very flexible tool. And if you, being an experienced 1C programmer, set out to write something special on it, most likely you will end up with excellent software. And for different cases, you can find a solution here precisely thanks to the richness of the platform’s capabilities. But most often I come across the use of standard configurations (Accounting, Trade Management, Payroll and HR, Production Management), most users work with them, especially when it comes to small and medium-sized businesses. Therefore, I will write about the choice of platform and about some problems associated with the work of 1C mainly from the point of view of working with standard configurations.

At the same time, I also understand that with a great desire and a sufficient level of knowledge of the programmer, many issues can be resolved, but the problems will not be relevant. Therefore, if you use some unique developments, the problems and issues that I reveal may not be at all interesting to you. For everyone else, I continue.
Platform delivery options
When choosing a platform, it is very important to pay attention to the solution delivery options. The first thing that is important to you is the method of organizing work with data:
  • File solution
  • Client-server option
In a file-based solution, all work information will be stored in one common file. It doesn't matter which configuration you install. In any case, you will receive a service file with a CD extension (1C internal format), in which everything will be stored: directories, documents, registers, etc. If the number of users of your program does not exceed 4 people, most likely, this option is quite suitable for you. Moreover, setting up a file system is much easier; here you can even do without the help of a 1C specialist. The speed problem can be partly solved using RPD (Remote Desktop Protocol), but only partly.

But for using 1C in companies with a fairly active document flow and a fairly large number of system users (more than 4 people), the file system will not work satisfactorily. Users will access the same file almost simultaneously, which will constantly increase in volume. In addition, constant synchronizations will be required, which will slow down the work even more.

To solve this problem, the 1C company is trying to try data caching, but this method so far brings even more problems. If someone is interested in this topic, just type “1C cache problems” in the search engine; in the search there will be a lot of forums and discussions about this with a variety of problems, which ultimately boil down to the fact that caching does not always work correctly.

Client-server organization of data storage is the organization of databases in tables on the server. This could be MSSQL, Oracle or another database organization option.

The advantages of this option are obvious: no matter how many users access the databases, problems with speed and access will not arise. This is the option that most medium-sized businesses use, and it is the one I usually recommend to clients.

In most cases, companies install a Windows server on which both the program itself and the database are stored. Sometimes applications and databases are separated on different servers, but these cases are complex and quite rare, and therefore I will not dwell on them.

Versions of 1C for different platforms
Today you can choose different versions of 1C software to work on different platforms. Here it is also worth figuring out what is worth buying in what case.

So, there are versions of 1C:

  • for Windows,
  • for Linux.
At the time of writing, no version has been developed for Mac OS.

The 1C program, which runs under Windows, was developed from the very beginning; it is a powerful tool familiar to everyone, which is sufficiently refined to use it without any problems. The Linux version today is considered still new, and therefore quite “raw”; it still has a lot of errors, as in any new software product.

Entrepreneurs and any business representatives are quite conservative people; the most important thing for them is stable, reliable work. Most often, a business is not so interested in high speed or a huge list of capabilities as it simply requires stable operation. In addition, Linux is not in great demand in domestic business today. Therefore, one encounters this version very rarely.

Component base 1C
The 1C component base is very extensive, it contains a huge number of capabilities, while 1C is constantly splitting and adding functions. Those. when 1C developers need to create something new, they almost always create a new type of object. For example, when web services were required, the developers did not create some kind of plugin, but simply introduced the concept: web service. Similarly, for many business processes in a 1C company, a new component is most often created, even in cases where the existing one could simply be modified.

What can we say about the components of the 1C platform:

  • Some components have been working for a long time, some since the creation of the software product. They are stable and reliable.
  • Some components have been added recently, others are being added right now. Most of them are very poorly tested, and therefore you need to work with them with extreme caution.
When choosing a component to work with, you should always pay attention to when it was added. Professional 1C programmers have this rule: when developers add a new function, if possible, avoid it until a sufficient amount of time has passed. Those. they wait until the component has been tested in practice, the main “bugs” have been identified and fixed, and only then they begin to actively work with it.

One of the components of 1C’s negative reputation is the company’s practice of constantly adding new, untested solutions. Despite the fact that often already implemented components work poorly, bugs have not yet been fixed, and developers are already adding something new. These can be not only components, they can be new functions for existing objects, new methods, etc. All programmers who work with 1C will face this problem - the constant presence of “crude” software, constant “bugs” and their constant corrections.

Users may also encounter this problem - errors and unstable operation of the software when working with the platform. There is a certain set of 1C maintenance functions that a user can perform. There is a platform user interface for this purpose. And here it’s worth returning to the different versions of the user interface.

The 1C platform consists of many different components that are constantly being added, expanding the capabilities of this product. In addition to documents, directories, various registers, there are also various components for input/output of information, i.e. user interfaces.

Based on this feature, you can choose:

  1. Native 1C client. This is a traditional software interface when 1C is accessed from 1C.
  2. Work through a browser.
  3. Work through a mobile application.
Each of the options has some limitations; you can read more about them on the official 1C website.
Native client
The native client is also divided into a series of sub-clients, which introduces additional chaos into the software selection process. The most important thing here is to choose a “thick” or “thin” client option. At first glance, the choice here is not critical, especially for a programmer. In fact, when working with the configuration through the interface, problems may arise due to selection errors.

What is the difference between these sub-clients?

“Thick” requires a wide (thick) communication channel, “thin” needs a minimum. The vast majority of my customers use a “thick” client, since everyone now has good local or Internet channels, and there are no problems with their “width”. On the other hand, a “thin” client has certain limitations in its operation; there are things that cannot be done in it.

Web client (work via browser)
The Web client is work with the 1C program through a browser. Those. you use a certain technology that allows you to access the database via the Internet, using a browser convenient for you. In this case, the interface is completely outlined directly in the browser.

This option imposes certain restrictions, you need to constantly remember this. On the other hand, working with the Web client is quite stable, well-debugged, and brought to a certain logical conclusion. That’s why quite a lot of people use this interface option. Working with 1C online can be very convenient and even necessary.

mobile version
This version of the client from 1C appeared relatively recently and is not yet in great demand. Reasons for this attitude:
  1. The client turned out to be very difficult. In order to set up this program, a person must know both 1C and mobile technologies, and quite deeply at the code level. It is clear that finding such a specialist is quite difficult, which does not contribute to the popularity of the software solution.
  2. The technology is still very “raw” and poorly debugged. I personally tried to use this solution for my clients, talked with colleagues who also became familiar with this technology, and at the moment my opinion and the opinion of my colleagues coincide: it is easier and more convenient to create some kind of mobile application than to use the option from 1C.
The mobile version must combine a lot of things; it requires the work of several specialists who will work together and help each other:
  • Setting up access to the database from outside;
  • Solving security issues;
  • Setting up a server to work with mobile applications;
  • Setting up 1C software products;
  • Setting up web applications (if necessary).
All this is necessary to ensure the correct operation of the 1C mobile application. It is clear that assembling such a team of specialists is difficult and expensive, and therefore this solution is not popular in small and medium-sized businesses.
Platform 1C: summary
The 1C platform is very functional; it has a huge list of various capabilities. And this quantity naturally turns into complexity. As a result, the barrier to entry into working with 1C for a programmer is very high. Clients hear about various 1C capabilities and ask a programmer to help implement them. This means that a specialist must be constantly aware of updates, understand and know a variety of things.

It is very difficult to find a programmer who can understand everything at the program level at once: working with 1C, web programming, working with mobile applications, etc. This is possible on a conceptual level, i.e. on the one where I am now sharing my knowledge.

But clients usually don’t understand this, and begin to demand that the 1C programmer implement a variety of capabilities.

On the other hand, the 1C platform is constantly changing, it has a huge number of options, many different solutions, and as a result - a huge number of bugs and their fixes.

All this together leads to a positioning problem:

  • On the one hand, there is the 1C company, which tells clients that 1C is simple and convenient. They do not write anywhere that maintaining 1C will require a specialist with special knowledge, that it is difficult for programmers to work with modern 1C.
  • On the other hand, in reality the client faces all these problems. And it’s good if he gets help from either a well-working team involved in implementing 1C, or a business consultant with my level of knowledge who can find the right specialists and assign them the right tasks. In other cases, the user will face a lot of problems during the implementation process.

So, briefly about the 1C platform: a huge number of possibilities, a high degree of flexibility, a lot of different solutions. And at the same time: low quality of implementation, constantly growing complexity of the solution, a huge number of bugs in each version.

On a conceptual level, I think there is enough information. And you can always find technical nuances on the 1C resources that I recommended above.


1C configurations are ready-made software solutions that are created on the basis of a specific version of the platform. Configuration is what users directly work with, the software environment in which they keep current records, work with document flow, directories, etc. Users may often not know what kind of platform they have. But they always know what specific configuration is used.

There are configurations:

  1. Standard - written by 1C company. They are all present on the 1C website.
  2. Atypical – written by partner companies.
At the user level, the two types are distinguished as follows:
  1. Standard configurations are created and maintained by 1C. In most cases, they are of higher quality, in these configurations work with the code is better organized, optimal solutions are most often used, and errors are quickly corrected. Of course, everyone constantly hears about “eternal bugs” in typical 1C configurations, and they are indeed constantly present there, but still, it’s worth giving credit to the company’s specialists. They fix critical errors really quickly.
  2. Atypical configurations are written by 1C partner companies, and it is quite difficult to say anything definite here. Such configurations are very different. Most often they are written on occasion: industry-specific (for a specific industry) or written for a specific occasion (a specific company). And here it is necessary to understand that 1C partner companies for the most part have a fairly high staff turnover. And therefore the configurations in them are written in a rather unorganized manner. One programmer starts writing, another continues, and a third finishes. At the same time, each of them brings something of their own, their understanding, solutions, ideas. And it applies the developments of its predecessor as it is convenient, and not as it was intended.
Maybe you remember the funny cartoon “Three from Prostokvashino”? There, the boy Uncle Fyodor wrote a letter to his parents, but did not finish it, he got distracted, and his friends took turns finishing it for him: a cat and a dog. And each of them talked about their problems. As a result, the boy’s parents were surprised to learn that his “paws were hurting and his tail was falling off.” This is the principle used to write non-standard configurations very often.
The lack of continuity in writing non-standard configurations, and often lack of sufficiently detailed documentation, leads to the fact that for all questions of implementation and modifications you will have to contact the company that developed this configuration.

Non-standard configurations also come in two types:
  1. Written based on standard ones. These configurations are created by adding functionality to some standard one. For example, there is such a product as 1C: Trade Management and CRM. Here we combined the standard configuration of the Trade Management and the CRM system. It is interesting that the creators of the configuration, the Rarus company, call the Trade Management subsystem, although in fact it was the basis on which the entire configuration was written.
        pros such configurations - they are more functional in comparison with standard ones, often very necessary features are added to them.
        Minuses– the developers of these configurations often do not have time to create their updates in a timely manner. Thus, it may very well be that the 1C company has already posted its update options, and the user of a non-standard solution will have to wait some time until the developer creates a similar update for a specific solution. In addition, such modifications can also be quite “raw” and may contain many errors.
  2. Configurations written from scratch. When creating them, standard configurations are not used at all; solutions are written for specific tasks.
        pros: the configuration was written exactly according to the customer’s needs, there is everything necessary and almost nothing superfluous.
        Minuses: Usually, when writing such solutions, code standards are not observed; it is very difficult to modify such software products; most often, only the author can do this quickly enough.
If I came to clients and saw that there was an atypical configuration written from scratch, I try either not to touch it at all, or completely change it to a convenient and universal solution. Quite often such solutions are not actually required, especially in small and medium-sized businesses. At the same time, standard products are easier to maintain and, as a result, cheaper, which is always important for business.


It is important to understand that entrepreneurs are usually looking for configuration. For example, to automate the work of the accounting department, they need 1C.Accounting, and to organize work with clients - 1C. Trade management. It is these products that are understandable to them and therefore interesting.

Thus, it is important for the programmer to know which platform he will need to work with. The user is interested in the configuration. At the same time, without the help of a 1C programmer, a business in most cases will not be able to set up the desired configuration. That’s why I call 1C specialists an integral part of the 1C eco-system.

Let me remind you that 1C specialists are also different. Some are engaged in the development of the platform and standard configurations (employees of the 1C company), others are its partners and are involved in implementation and modifications, while others privately help solve certain problems related to the implementation of 1C. Add tags

The 1C:ITS information system was created specifically for 1C:Enterprise users. It provides recommendations on the taxation of business transactions, step-by-step instructions for reflecting them in the program, instructions for drawing up accounting, tax reporting and reporting on insurance premiums and sending them electronically directly from 1C:Enterprise, as well as news, comments and consultations specialists in accounting, tax and personnel matters.

Uniqueness of the 1C:ITS information system is that the authors of all included materials are the developers of the 1C:Enterprise programs, auditors and methodologists of the 1C company.

1C methodologists daily monitor changes in legislation and develop methods for accounting for a particular business transaction, accounting for taxes, filling out declarations, and so on. Then programmers, based on these techniques, make changes to the programs, and methodologists write materials for IS 1C:ITS. Thus, all business situations, materials on taxes and reporting are considered from two points of view: from the position of legislation and from the position of application of legislation in 1C programs, taking into account the methodology embedded in these programs.

The 1C:ITS information system is intended for managers, personnel officers, economists, accountants, accountants and IT specialists.

For more information about the contents of the 1C:ITS information system, see Sections of the 1C:ITS information system.

For information on which sections of the 1C:ITS information system are provided with access depending on the concluded agreement, see:

  • Access to the 1C:ITS IS under the 1C:ITS Construction and Housing and Communal Services agreement

The 1C:ITS information system is updated daily and supplemented with new materials. It includes:

  • Information about new significant materials of the 1C:ITS information system;
  • The most interesting questions from users;
  • Demonstration of the capabilities of the 1C:Enterprise program.

Along with the “Note to the User” review, a video presentation of new release materials is posted. It contains:

  • Information about all new significant materials created over the past month;
  • Screenshots of new materials from the site;
  • Indication on how to find material on the site site.

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  • How is the bet system calculated in 1xbet and on what criteria does the client’s main profit depend?
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There is no win-win strategy for 1xbet. Don’t try to look for more “secrets” on websites or social networks. There is no need to do nonsense and pay money to the authors of miracle courses. In our instructions you will find many times more useful information than in paid training materials. The site has articles about betting strategies using systems + express strategies + secrets/tricks/tactics of chips. You can use the bet to bet on tennis, table tennis, basketball, football, handball, volleyball, curling, sailing, chess, eSports, cricket, golf, water polo, beach soccer, beach basketball and dozens of other options. You can add any markets to the coupon: totals, handicaps, Asian handicaps, double chances, exact scores, yellow/red cards and dozens of other options. Below we will tell you about

What is the 1xbet system and how to understand it correctly?

For it we go to section 4 of the bookmaker’s rules (https://1xbet.com/information/rules/). They describe the main points, and we will supplement the information with real examples. System is a set of express bets that are compiled automatically from a specified number of outcomes. The bookmaker's client only needs to specify how many outcomes there will be in 1 express bet (2, 3, 4, 5, and so on). You already understand: the more outcomes there are in one “locomotive,” the higher your risks. You may not even notice how you lose your deposit and end up in the red.

ON A NOTE! If you are going to bet with express bets, then the number of outcomes in 1 express bet should not be more than 2-3.

Example of system 2 of 3

For example, we took 3 events and made up a 2 out of 3 system from them. See for yourself.

  • Event No. 2 – 2.00.
  • Event No. 3 – 7.66.

If we bet 600 rubles, then the amount is divided by the number of options.

System 2 of 3 looks like this:

  • Express No. 1. Event No. 1 * event No. 2 * bet amount = 1.99 * 2.00 * 200.
  • Express No. 2. Event No. 1 * event No. 3 * bet amount = 1.99 * 7.66 * 200.
  • Express No. 3. Event No. 2 * event No. 3 * bet amount = 2.00 * 7.66 * 200.

Profit according to the system = express number 1 + express number 2 + express number 3.

System 2 of 4

If we add 1 more outcome, then the system will have 6 express trains with 2 events each.

  • Event No. 1 – coefficient 1.99.
  • Event No. 2 – 2.00.
  • Event No. 3 – 7.66.
  • Event No. 4 – 10.00.

If the amount remains the same 600 rubles, then it will have to be divided into 6 options. This means that the bet amount on 1 = 600 / 6 = 100 rubles. What will our express trains look like?

  • Express No. 1. Event No. 1 * event No. 2 * bet amount = 1.99 * 2.00 * 100.
  • Express No. 2. Event No. 1 * event No. 3 * bet amount = 1.99 * 7.66 * 100.
  • Express No. 3. Event No. 2 * event No. 3 * bet amount = 2.00 * 7.66 * 100.
  • Express No. 4. Event No. 1 * event No. 4 * bet amount = 2.00 * 10.00 * 100.
  • Express No. 5. Event No. 3 * event No. 4 * bet amount = 7.66 * 10.00 * 100.
  • Express No. 6. Event No. 2 * event No. 4 * bet amount = 2.00 * 10.00 * 100.

But our 4 outcomes can be added to the 3 out of 4 system. If the amount remains the same 600 rubles, then it will have to be divided into 4 options. This means that the bet amount on 1 = 600 / 4 = 150 rubles. What will our express trains look like?

System 3 of 4

  • Express No. 1. Event No. 1 * event No. 2 * event No. 3 * bet amount = 1.99 * 2.00 * 7.66 * 150.
  • Express No. 2. Event No. 1 * event No. 2 * event No. 4 * bet amount = 1.99 * 2.00 * 10.00 * 150.
  • Express No. 3. Event No. 2 * event No. 3 * event No. 4 * bet amount = 1.99 * 2.00 * 7.66 * 150.
  • Express No. 4. Event No. 1 * event No. 3 * event No. 4 * bet amount = 1.99 * 7.66 * 10.00 * 150.

The bookmaker 1xbet offers you other system options: 3 out of 5, 2 out of 7, 2 out of 4, 2 out of 4, 2 out of 8, 2 out of 10, 2 out of 12, 4 out of 8, 4 out of 10, 4 out of 12 and so on.

How to place a bet using systems at a bookmaker?

  1. We go to the official website 1xbet.com (if it does not open via direct links, use alternative ones). Disable the “1-click betting” section in the upper right corner. Otherwise, any click on the odds will automatically lead to the conclusion of a bet (single bets).
  2. Select the “Line” section, go there, see a list of available events and sports. For example, on https://1xbet.com/line/ we have selected 6 outcomes from the world of football, hockey and others.
  3. Click on the odds located next to the outcomes. All of them are automatically added to the right side of the site - to the coupon.
  4. Let's move on to the coupon registration. In the “Bet Type” section we indicate the system and its size: 2 out of 6, 3 out of 6, 4 out of 6 or 5 out of 6 (in our example).
  5. We write down the transaction amount, indicate the bonus code (if you have one). We click on the “Place a Bet” button and see that our bet has been accepted. A corresponding notification appears.

You will either receive a profit on your account, or you will be forced to accept losses. On December 19, 2017, we went to the bookmaker’s website and selected 6 outcomes in the line, which turned out to be:

  • NHL, Toronto Maple Leafs - Carolina Hurricanes. Between 1X2 we choose P1, the bookmaker’s odds are 2.04.
  • "Euroleague (with OT)." Panathinaikos - Maccabi Tel Aviv. We have 1X2, choose P1 again, the odds are 1.43.
  • "NHL" Dallas Stars - Washington Capitals. Handicap 1 (-1.5), odds will be 3.28.
  • “Spain Championship. Example." "Levante - Leganes". We have an individual total of 1 1 B with odds of 1.92.
  • "NHL" New York Islanders - Detroit Red Wings. Individual total 1 3 M with odds at 2.13.
  • "NHL" Nashville Predators - Winnipeg Jets. Double chance 2X with odds of 1.79.

Option #3. 2 outcomes (No. 1 and No. 2 did not live up to our hopes)

This means that even more expresses will be in the red, and you will have to do something with them. Profits are falling rapidly. We indicate in the calculator which outcomes we lost, and then click on “Make calculation”. The bookmaker automatically sends us the results.

  • Express No. 3. (3.28 * 1.79) * 1,000 = 5,870.
  • Express No. 7. (3.28 * 2.13) * 1,000 = 6,980.
  • Express No. 10. (3.28 * 1.92) * 1,000 = 6,290.

System 2 of 6 brings less profit, but we still have a reserve. See for yourself: 3,810 + 3,430 + 5,870 + 0 + 0 + 4,080 + 6,980 + 0 + 0 + 6,290 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 0 = 30,460 rubles. We bet 15,000 and won 30,000, i.e. recouped the investment 2 times.

It turns out that betting at a bookmaker’s office is profitable even if we didn’t guess 2 outcomes. What happens if you fail to predict the outcome of 3 events? Profits will become even smaller, and the number of unprofitable express trains will increase. How will the system behave in this situation?

Option number 4. 3 outcomes (No. 1, No. 2 and No. 3) brought losses

The system is collapsing before our eyes, but you still have a chance to recoup your investment. To avoid unnecessary questions, read the instructions. Place a checkmark next to the losing outcomes and click on the “calculate” button. After 2-3 seconds, the bookmaker automatically throws out the result.

  • Express No. 1. (2.13 * 1.79) * 1,000 = 3,810.
  • Express No. 2. (1.92 * 1.79) * 1,000 = 3,430.
  • Express No. 4. (1.43 * 1.79) * 1,000 = 0.
  • Express No. 5. (2.04 * 1.79) * 1,000 = 0.
  • Express No. 6. (1.92 * 2.13) * 1,000 = 4,080.
  • Express No. 8. (1.43 * 2.13) * 1,000 = 0.
  • Express No. 9. (2.04 * 2.13) * 1,000 = 0.
  • Express No. 11. (1.43 * 1.92) * 1,000 = 0.
  • Express No. 12. (2.04 * 1.92) * 1,000 = 0.
  • Express No. 13. (1.43 * 3.28) * 1,000 = 0.
  • Express No. 14. (2.04 * 3.28) * 1,000 = 0.
  • Express No. 15. (2.04 * 1.43) * 1,000 = 0 rubles.

If you don't guess 3 out of 6 outcomes, you lose money. From the example above, you can see that you will receive 3,810 + 3,430 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 4,080 + 0 + 0 + 6,290 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 0 = 11,320 rubles. You invested 15,000 rubles in a bet, but earned only 11,320. This means that almost 4,000 rubles went to the bookmaker. This arrangement is definitely unlikely to suit you. I’m glad that not all of your money went to 1xbet, but only part of it.

Option #5. 4 outcomes did not pass (No. 1, No. 2, No. 3, No. 4)

You don't have to take out your calculator to calculate your profits. It turns out that you have landed in a serious disadvantage.

  • Express No. 1. (2.13 * 1.79) * 1,000 = 3,810.
  • Express No. 3. (3.28 * 1.79) * 1,000 = 0.
  • Express No. 4. (1.43 * 1.79) * 1,000 = 0.
  • Express No. 5. (2.04 * 1.79) * 1,000 = 0.
  • Express No. 7. (3.28 * 2.13) * 1,000 = 0.
  • Express No. 8. (1.43 * 2.13) * 1,000 = 0.
  • Express No. 9. (2.04 * 2.13) * 1,000 = 0.
  • Express No. 10. (3.28 * 1.92) * 1,000 = 0.
  • Express No. 11. (1.43 * 1.92) * 1,000 = 0.
  • Express No. 12. (2.04 * 1.92) * 1,000 = 0.
  • Express No. 13. (1.43 * 3.28) * 1,000 = 0.
  • Express No. 14. (2.04 * 3.28) * 1,000 = 0.
  • Express No. 15. (2.04 * 1.43) * 1,000 = 0 rubles.

3,810 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 0 = 3,810 rubles. These 3,810 rubles are unlikely to console you and set you up for profit. They put 15,000, took almost 4,000 from the system, i.e. 11,000 rubles were left to the bookmaker. The systems calculator does not make mistakes and does not lie. But if you have doubts, you can check everything manually and do the calculations.

Option number 6. 5 out of 6 outcomes were predicted incorrectly (No. 1, No. 2, No. 3, No. 4, No. 5)

Go to the section with the calculator, put 5 checkboxes opposite the outcomes. After a couple of seconds, the system itself will give you disappointing results.

  • Express No. 2. (1.92 * 1.79) * 1,000 = 0.
  • Express No. 3. (3.28 * 1.79) * 1,000 = 0.
  • Express No. 4. (1.43 * 1.79) * 1,000 = 0.
  • Express No. 5. (2.04 * 1.79) * 1,000 = 0.
  • Express No. 6. (1.92 * 2.13) * 1,000 = 0.
  • Express No. 7. (3.28 * 2.13) * 1,000 = 0.
  • Express No. 8. (1.43 * 2.13) * 1,000 = 0.
  • Express No. 9. (2.04 * 2.13) * 1,000 = 0.
  • Express No. 10. (3.28 * 1.92) * 1,000 = 0.
  • Express No. 11. (1.43 * 1.92) * 1,000 = 0.
  • Express No. 12. (2.04 * 1.92) * 1,000 = 0.
  • Express No. 13. (1.43 * 3.28) * 1,000 = 0.
  • Express No. 14. (2.04 * 3.28) * 1,000 = 0.
  • Express No. 15. (2.04 * 1.43) * 1,000 = 0 rubles.

0 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 0 = 0 rubles. Your bet loses completely, even though 1 outcome was predicted correctly. You already know that this is due to the peculiarities of express bets: if at least 1 outcome is “milk”, the bet goes to zero (and you lose money).

Option No. 7. All outcomes predicted incorrectly

There is no need to guess here: the rate is completely negative. Your system is not making as much money as you would like. There is no point in once again “slowing down the calculator” or calculating everything manually. It’s a minus in Africa too, and nothing can be done about it.

  • Express No. 1. (2.13 * 1.79) * 1,000 = 0.
  • Express No. 2. (1.92 * 1.79) * 1,000 = 0.
  • Express No. 3. (3.28 * 1.79) * 1,000 = 0.
  • Express No. 4. (1.43 * 1.79) * 1,000 = 0.
  • Express No. 5. (2.04 * 1.79) * 1,000 = 0.
  • Express No. 6. (1.92 * 2.13) * 1,000 = 0.
  • Express No. 7. (3.28 * 2.13) * 1,000 = 0.
  • Express No. 8. (1.43 * 2.13) * 1,000 = 0.
  • Express No. 9. (2.04 * 2.13) * 1,000 = 0.
  • Express No. 10. (3.28 * 1.92) * 1,000 = 0.
  • Express No. 11. (1.43 * 1.92) * 1,000 = 0.
  • Express No. 12. (2.04 * 1.92) * 1,000 = 0.
  • Express No. 13. (1.43 * 3.28) * 1,000 = 0.
  • Express No. 14. (2.04 * 3.28) * 1,000 = 0.
  • Express No. 15. (2.04 * 1.43) * 1,000 = 0 rubles.

0 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 0 = 0 rubles. We can only sympathize and wish that next time your transactions will be more correct and winning.

What do people mean when they talk about a system? After all, most of us use this word intuitively, without thinking about its meaning. In this article we will talk about what a system is in a general sense.

Definition: what is a system

Due to the fact that this concept is used in various fields of human activity and scientific disciplines, it has many definitions. The use of one or another definition depends on what kind of system we are talking about (domain of knowledge), and in what context the system is considered. However, all definitions boil down to the fact that a system is a clearly ordered collection of several elements that represent a single whole; all elements of the system obey the same laws and are interconnected. Also, the system can be part of a larger system, and in this case it will act as an element of the larger system.

Another concept follows from this definition – “element”. And, therefore, another question arises: what is an element of the system?

A system element is a component of a system. Various objects, organisms, phenomena, information, knowledge can be part of the system.

Many of us have at least once heard such phrases as: “political system”, “information system”, “nutrition system”, “nervous system”, “education system” and so on. All these are systems of different areas of knowledge.

Signs of the system

In order for an object to be considered as a system, it must have certain properties (features):

  • Integrity. First of all, the system is considered as a collection of elements. The elements included in the system may differ in functions and properties, but at the same time they are compatible and function as a single whole.
  • Structure (set of connections). Creating a single whole from disparate parts without a clear structure is impossible, therefore the next important feature of the system is the interconnection of elements. Depending on how the elements are interconnected in a system, the properties of the system will be different. That is, the same elements, with different connections, will form systems with different properties. In addition, the connections between the elements of the system are stronger than the connections of these same elements with the external environment.
  • Emergence. A system may have properties that are not inherent in any element of the system, that is, not each element of the system individually determines the properties of the system, namely the connections between these elements.
  • Synergy. The functionality of the system and its properties exceed the total capabilities of all elements of the system.

System classification

There is a fairly wide variety of system classifications. Let's look at some of them:

  • Based on their origin, they are divided into: natural, artificial and mixed systems. In different situations, the same system may belong to one or another type. For example, an ecological system is a natural system formed by natural forces, possessing certain characteristics, and inhabited by various living organisms. If we are talking about a lake, then this is a natural ecological system, and a reservoir is already an artificially created ecosystem.
  • Based on the number of elements and the complexity of their connections, they distinguish between simple and complex systems.
  • Based on their relationship with the external environment, they distinguish between open and closed (closed) systems. For example, an Antarctic subglacial lake is a closed system, and there is virtually no environmental impact on it. But if we are talking about lakes on the surface of the Earth, then they are all open ecosystems that are influenced by precipitation, rivers flowing into them, people and other elements of the external environment.
  • According to the ability to develop: static and dynamic. Static systems do not change over time, dynamic systems do the opposite.
  • According to the degree of organization: diffuse (poorly organized), self-organizing (developing), well organized. Thus, economic entities (system) working in the same area achieve different goals, and to a greater extent their success depends on how effective the management in these organizations is, how quickly the system reacts to changes in the external environment (for example, the state of the market, for a trading organization).

What is system type

Different types of systems are systems consisting of similar elements that are in different connections and perform similar functions. An excellent example is the types of nervous systems of various organisms: the diffuse nervous system, the stem nervous system and others.

Now you know what a system is, and you can safely use this term in your speech.

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