Home Beneficial properties of fruits How to make food for dolls from plasticine with your own hands. Food for plasticine dolls: how to make donuts, pizza and pie. Food for plasticine dolls

How to make food for dolls from plasticine with your own hands. Food for plasticine dolls: how to make donuts, pizza and pie. Food for plasticine dolls

I haven't found any competitors yet. All children are happy to make delicious dishes from bright bars, then set the table and feed the toys. From one small set you can prepare many dishes, believable and appetizing, first, second and third. And the most interesting thing is that the soft mass allows you to divide food into portions. And after an exciting game, the product can be disassembled, put in a box and next time you can make something else. Overall, sculpting lessons can be a great hobby for everyone in the family.

How to make cakes from plasticine

No children's party, sweet tooth or birthday is complete without a sweet cake. The kids simply love the sweet table. While playing with dolls, children will also want to treat them with tasty food. cake. Since all children’s toys are small, their food should also be miniature. The question arises, what to make the sweet from? Doll food can be easily molded from plasticine. In the process of such modeling, children will feel like real chefs preparing a holiday menu. To make it you don’t need to have artistic skills, but you will have to work with very small details. Children of primary school age will be able to do this kind of work.

This lesson provides a list of what you can use to cake sculpting, using the example of three crafts, options for creating the base and decoration of a confectionery product are shown.

What can you use to make cakes?

Naturally, myself plasticine, which in consistency and processing method is very similar to dough, is necessary for such work. It is better to use medium-density bars (not too soft, blurry in your hands, but not dense either).

You can decorate sweets plasticine parts or beads, buttons, snaps, sequins. The basis of a tall confectionery product can be made into a cylinder-shaped lid, but such a cake cannot be cut into portions; it will only become a decoration for the festive table (photo 1). Prepare everything you need, let's start the lesson.

How to make a cake base

To create the crust itself or the body of the cake, you can use plasticine of any color. White or soft pink will become cream, brown will become chocolate, and bright orange, raspberry or green will become fruit cake. For example, roll a white ball (photo 2).

Turn the ball into a cylinder by pressing on both sides. The cylinder should be wide, but not high (photo 3).

If you want to show a layered two-color cake, then prepare 2 shades of plasticine. Cut the bars into portions (photo 4).

Roll each portion into a round cake. All cakes should be the same size (photo 5).

Build a pyramid by alternating round cakes by color. If the outer edge of the cylinder is uneven, roll it with your palm, pressing it against the board (photo 6).

If you use a plastic lid, you will not only save plasticine, but also make your work easier, and the product will be more stable and stronger. Prepare the lid itself and two portions of plasticine of different colors (photo 7).

Stick thin rings onto waste material, alternating colors, and roll out. You will get a striped base (photo 8).

How to decorate a cake

To make cream edging and roses, the most popular decoration for cakes, stretch the clay into thin sausages and flat ribbons (photo 9).

Intertwine multi-colored sausages with each other, creating a two-color braid. Roll the ribbons into spirals in the form of roses (photo 10).

Apply a braid as an edging in a circle. Glue roses to the center (photo 11).

Appetizing creamy cake for dolls ready (photo 12).

If the treat is dedicated to a birthday, you definitely need candles which the birthday boy will blow out. A cream braid can be made from one color - white, and the body of the candles can be combined from two colors. Stick on tiny orange lights (Image 13).

Decorate the top of the craft. Second option cake for a doll's sweet tooth ready (photo 14).

And we will decorate the last cake with beads. Every girl has one, because they make baubles and all kinds of decorations. Glue beads on top around the circumference in one or several layers (photo 15).

Decorate the side of the cake with delicate pink dots as well (Pic 16).

These are the examples of doll food made from plasticine that we have made, but they are inexhaustible. Be sure to try playing chefs in your spare time. The appearance of confectionery products will change if you select other shades of plasticine, other methods of decoration and unusual combinations.

Plasticine cake. Master Class

This lesson explains how to make a birthday cake from plasticine. It will be multi-colored, with white buttercream, decorated with small beads. Such cakes are not uncommon in the store, and toy copies will definitely come in handy for play. Let's study information about what you need for work, how to sculpt and decorate a holiday delicacy.

To make a doll cake, prepare:

  • Plasticine set;
  • Small beads white, yellow, pink;
  • Toothpick;
  • Stack.

Step-by-step modeling of a plasticine cake

1. Prepare materials for work. Choose from a set of white, pink, orange and some other colors. There are no restrictions when it comes to plasticine creativity. And the cake can be chocolate, fruit or cream.

2. Prepare pink and orange pieces for the cake layers, white pieces for the cream. Preparation consists of cutting small pieces from rectangular bars and kneading them with your fingers.

3. Connect the orange and pink balls by squeezing both sides with your fingers. Make a white border in the center - it will be a kind of cream stripe. And make a small cone for the top. For dessert, two layers are enough, but you can do more.

5. Decorate the surface with small beads. This is a great way to add vibrant detail. Pull out the yellow sausage for an extra creamy stripe.

6. Glue the yellow sausage in the center using a zigzag motion, add pink balls, piercing each one with the tip of a toothpick. Now the cake looks really festive.

7. For dessert, you also need to make a large dish to place the baked goods on the surface and serve beautifully on the table. Make a bright cake and prepare a thin plasticine thread of a contrasting color for the edging.

8. Glue a bright thread along the edge of the cake and press the stack onto the dish at an equal distance. You will get a curly edge. This is an easy way to create a dish.

9. Place the dish on the table and place the cake on top. Also, the top of the sweet asks for some other bright decoration. You can make a couple of cherries and attach them to the top of your head. Or come up with another decoration option: strawberries, raspberries, roses.

A great reason to feel like a real cook - modeling a cake from plasticine. When the soft mass hardens, you can easily cut it into small pieces and feed the dolls. Such a beautiful cake, but you can't eat it.

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See also:

Crafts from plasticine: applique "Firebird" and spring bird
Two more wonderful master classes by Elena Nikolaeva on plasticine modeling, with step-by-step photographs...

But in this lesson we will look at how to sculpt charming miniatures of the most popular children's products.

For example, sweets, vegetables or fruits. Plasticine food for dolls is also attractive because it can be created in any quantity, because from one pack of plasticine you can make many different options.

In addition, such realistic dishes and miniature toy dishes can be used to serve a doll’s table; plasticine food can be cut into portions with a plastic knife and treated to dolls.

Girls will be happy to play as daughters and mothers, and boys will not mind playing the chef of a popular restaurant.

In this modeling lesson we will make a cake, pastry, ice cream, pizza and pie from plasticine.

It is advisable to use material in bright, attractive colors; one type of colorful blocks will delight the baby.

Plasticine cake - master class with photo:

1. Take two blocks of plasticine in contrasting shades, for example, red and white. Use a toy knife to cut each of them into thin layers.

2. Connect the layers to each other, alternating them by color.

3. Process the edges so that the cake takes on a triangular shape, and use the remaining plasticine to make a decoration in the form of a rose. The plasticine cake is ready.

Plasticine pie

1. If you plan to make a blueberry pie, you need to make small droplets from blue or purple plasticine. But the dish can be strawberry, raspberry or cherry if you take red or pink plasticine. Make the base of the pie from beige or orange plasticine. Make a thin pancake and thin sausages.

2. Place purple droplets on a thin base, then make a border and a mesh on top. The plasticine pie is ready.

Plasticine cake - how to make it:

1. To create a birthday cake, you can use not only plasticine, but also shiny beads of different diameters. Make several cakes from yellow and orange material.

2. Gather them together, alternating colors.

3. Decorate the finished plasticine cake with beads. The cake made from plasticine and beads turned out very tasty. This kind of food is very interesting to feed dolls.

How to make ice cream from plasticine

1. To create an ice cream in the form of a cone, make a small cake from orange plasticine, draw a mesh on it using a knife. For the core you will need a small white ball.

2. Form a cone by twisting the cake into a cone shape. Plasticine ice cream is ready. Not a single doll can resist such plasticine food.

DIY plasticine pizza for children

1. To create pizza dough, you can mix orange and yellow shades of play dough to create a beautiful marbled effect. Make miniature olives from the blue material, and sausage pieces from the brown and white ones.

2. Connect all the parts to make a plasticine pizza. It is very convenient to cut. Plasticine pizza is ready.

Children will be happy to feed their Barbie or Monster High doll with plasticine cake, pizza, ice cream and pastries, because all the food will be prepared by them personally.

Food made from plasticine for dolls can be varied - this is only a small part of what a child can make for his favorite doll.

Modeling from plasticine is a very exciting activity for children and their parents. Have you ever thought that from such material you can make not only animal figurines, but also various dishes? In appearance they cannot be distinguished from natural ones, however, their small sizes give away a fake. Our article will tell you in detail how to mold food from plasticine.

Making macarons for dolls

Your imagination should tell you how and what kind of food to make from plasticine for dolls. This could be a variety of fruits or vegetables, golden-crusted bread, or a variety of cookies. Like, for example, these wonderful macarons - cookies consisting of two halves and glued together with a filling. The dolls will definitely love this treat.

Necessary materials:

  • plasticine 5 colors: fuchsia, red, white, crimson and brown;
  • tin mold;
  • plastic board;
  • rolling pin;
  • wooden stick;
  • tape or thread.

Process description:

Read also:

Modeling from plasticine is a very interesting activity in itself, and making various dishes is doubly exciting. In addition, as practice shows, such a pastime allows the child not only to develop hand motor skills, but also to become familiar with the intricacies of a particular dish. Often, having mastered simple techniques, children are no longer interested in sculpting only fruits and vegetables. Try to invent something new. This master class will tell you how to make food from plasticine, in particular, delicious ice cream.

Necessary materials:

  • pieces of plasticine in 4 colors: yellow, red, white and brown;
  • plastic knife;
  • toothpick;
  • modeling board.

Process description:

Making a berry cake

Continuing the theme of delicacies, we suggest that you familiarize yourself with a photo tutorial on how to make a cake from plasticine. The principle of operation is practically no different from modeling other dishes, and it will be easy to master even for children 3-4 years old. And the finished cake will definitely appeal to dolls and stuffed animals.

Many parents have already become convinced that modeling with plasticine is a fun activity for children. Today we will focus on girls. Girls love a variety of dolls; to make the game fun, you can have a tea party. Of course, you can buy food, but we suggest getting creative and making it out of plasticine.

Let's start sculpting

Now we’ll tell you how to make food from plasticine that looks like delicious donuts. For such a creative process, you will need multi-colored material and hand napkins. Donut making:

  • we take colors similar to the dough, combine them to obtain the natural color of the baked goods; mix together and get the color of the dough;
  • roll the worm and the ball, press the products;
  • decorate the top of the product with yellow color to get an imitation of glaze;
  • you can attach small drops, they can replace berries or dragees;

Our donut is ready. After spending a few minutes of time, your toy will not remain hungry. Having finished with sweets, we begin to sculpt vitamin-rich fruits.


You've learned how to make food out of plasticine, now let's move on to fruits. We will begin our creativity by making everyone’s favorite banana. For the work you need a color that will be associated with a banana peel. You need to add a little dark shade to the materials to decorate the end of the product. Banana making process:

(Step 1)

Our bunch of bananas is all ready.

Girls often play tea party with dolls, but what tea party would be complete without a delicious pie. We mold him from plasticine. Modeling the cake:

  • start working by making a base for future baking; you can use an orange color or one that best matches the natural shade;
  • We place purple and red berries on the workpiece;
  • twist a thin and long stick to form a rim;
  • We decorate the edges of our pie with a rim;
  • We cut thin strips of white color and lay them on the surface of the workpiece, and they should be a mesh.

That's it, everything is ready for tea. These plasticine crafts for children are the easiest, even a small child can handle them. It is advisable to supervise the child during the sculpting process, because in most recipes there are small parts that the baby can pull into his mouth.

How to make food from plasticine? This question arises very often among girls. After all, it’s the little ladies who make delicious “dishes” from scrap materials. We will now look at how to make food out of plasticine in this article!


Let's start with fruits. Now we will make an orange. For this we need orange plasticine. Tear off a small piece and form a ball. To make the product more similar to a real fruit, take a match or a pin and make notches on all sides.

Vegetables for the doll

How to sculpt It’s easy if you make it according to the instructions. So now we will make the cucumber. It is very easy! Of course, we need a piece of green plasticine. Knead it, then shape it into a cucumber. For greater realism, use a match to create a texture.

If you want to make a tomato, you will need a small piece of red plasticine. Knead it well, then shape it into a ball. Then take a piece of green. We will make a leaf from it. Knead the plasticine, give it the shape you like and attach it to the “tomato”. That's it, you can put vegetables on plates!

Italian pizza

How to make food for dolls from plasticine? Now we’ll tell you using the example of Italian pizza. To make such a dish, we will need plasticine of different colors (beige, white, red and burgundy). First, take a piece of beige and knead it. Roll it out and give it a pizza shape (round). This will be the dough. Next, take the red piece and roll it out. Then we put it on top of the “dough”. Then take a white piece and roll it out. Then we put the red one on top. From the burgundy we form a sausage, which we cut into circles. We put them on top of white “mayonnaise”. Now our pizza is ready.

Loaf for Barbie doll

Take a piece of light brown plasticine and knead it well. Then form an oval, on which, for greater realism, make cuts on top using a plastic knife.

Fried eggs

How to make food from plasticine, in particular scrambled eggs? We will need white and yellow plasticine. Tear off a piece of white and roll it out. Then we take a little yellow and form a ball. Then we attach it to the white piece and press it on top.

Spaghetti with sauce for doll

Now we'll tell you how to make spaghetti. We will need several pieces of plasticine (white, blue and burgundy). First we take the blue one, roll it out, then make a plate. Then we take a white piece and make thin, long spaghetti out of it. We then place them on a plate. To finish this dish we need to make the sauce. For this we need a small piece of burgundy plasticine. Roll it out and put spaghetti on top. That's all, the dish is ready!

A pack of juice for a doll

We have already looked at several options for making food out of plasticine. Now let's tell you another one. We will make a pack of juice with a straw. To make it we need a small piece of red plasticine and a small piece of orange. From the first we make a rectangle. This will be the pack itself. We make a tube from orange plasticine and bend it a little. Then we attach it on top.

for breakfast

Now let’s “cook” a sausage sandwich. To do this we need plasticine in the following colors:

  • White.
  • Red.
  • Brown.
  • Burgundy.
  • Green.

Take a piece of brown plasticine and make a cake. Then, using a special plastic knife, cut out a square (even). Next we need to make a piece of “sausage”. To do this, we mix red and white plasticine. Then we make a flat cake from the resulting mass.

Then, using a plastic knife, shape it into a square. Place the resulting piece of “sausage” on a slice of “bread”. Next, we make crumbs from burgundy and green plasticine, which we sprinkle on the sandwich.

Donut for girlfriends

How to make food from plasticine for Barbie dolls? Now you'll find out. Let's make a donut for Barbie. To create it we need a small piece of beige plasticine. First we form a ball, which now needs to be flattened a little. After which you need to decorate the product. To do this, we take plasticine (a small piece), for example, pink.

Roll it out and place it on top of the beige product. Next, use a match to make a hole. So we have a donut. Now you need to make crumbs from green and orange plasticine. We sprinkle it on the donut.

A little conclusion

Now you know how to make food from plasticine for ponies or Barbie dolls. As you can see, this is easy to do. We wish you good luck in this creative process. May you have the most beautiful plasticine treats!

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