Home Trees and shrubs When is the next starfall. The most spectacular meteor shower of the year: when and where is the best time to watch the Perseid meteor shower. Why Starfall Happens

When is the next starfall. The most spectacular meteor shower of the year: when and where is the best time to watch the Perseid meteor shower. Why Starfall Happens

The inhabitants of the Northern Hemisphere are waiting for the most spectacular meteor shower of the year, the "culprit" of which in August is traditionally the Perseid meteor shower. It will be possible to observe star rain throughout Russia.

When will the August meteor shower

The Perseids appear in the sky every year between July 20 and August 20. The maximum intensity of the meteor shower this year is expected on the night of Sunday, August 12, to Monday, August 13.

Where is the best place to watch the stars?

The best way to observe the passage of meteors through the Earth's atmosphere is in the countryside or in parks. Special devices are not needed for this: the particle flux will be quite high. According to the International Meteor Organization, about a hundred celestial bodies are expected to pass per hour.

In the north of Russia, it is best to observe the Perseids from 03.00 to 04.00 Moscow time, in the southern regions - the peak of starfall will be around five in the morning.

The moon also “took care” of the convenience of observing the Perseids - on August 11, the natural satellite of the Earth passed the phase of the new moon, so that the moonlight will not interrupt the brightness of the Perseids.

What are the Perseids

The Perseids are a stream of tiny particles of interplanetary matter - meteors, formed as a result of the passage of the Earth through the trail of comet 109 / Swift-Tuttle, discovered in 1862. The Perseid radiant (the imaginary point from which meteors fly out) is slightly above the constellation Perseus. Therefore, the meteor shower got its name in honor of this constellation.

At the time of entry into the Earth's atmosphere, the speed of meteors reaches 59 km per second, which is a very high rate. Once in the earth's atmosphere, meteors burn out almost instantly, leaving a bright trail in the sky, which creates the effect of "starfall".

The Perseids are also of interest to scientists - it is believed that the solar system consisted of meteoric matter at the time of its formation.

Many people like to watch the stars falling from heaven, however, not all witnesses of this bewitching and unforgettable phenomenon think about its true origin. In order not to miss the meteor shower in August 2018, as well as to find out the exact date of this event, we suggest that you read the review of our "star" experts.

What is starfall?

In the language of astronomers, starfall is nothing more than a meteor shower, consisting of cosmic dust and ice - the remnants of comets moving in outer space. Approaching the orbit of the Sun, these particles heat up. As a result, their active splitting and dispersion occur, which form the so-called dust cloud that accompanies the comet along the entire path of its movement. Its individual fragments invade the earth's orbit, thereby causing the illusion of falling stars in the planet's atmosphere.

As a rule, trails of comets flashing in the night sky have an incredible charge of energy that can adversely affect the Earth's magnetic field. In this case, everything depends on the constellation and the configuration of other cosmic bodies that are in the path of the meteor shower.

Separate attention deserves not only astronomical definitions, but also folk signs associated with this cosmic phenomenon. For example, our distant Slavic ancestors believed that a wish made during a starfall would surely come true. The sign is not forgotten even today.

What date and in what part of the sky can you see the Perseid stream?

According to preliminary calculations by Russian scientists, star rain will fall in the Northern Hemisphere of the Earth on the night of August 12-13, 2018. It is during this short period of time that the densest cluster of meteors, which are aliens from the Perseid constellation, is expected in the sky above our country. In total, flashes of burning particles will remind of themselves from the 9th until the middle of the last summer month.

More than 10,000 burning cosmic particles, which are fragments of the comet Swift-Tuttle, will light up the night sky over Omsk, Irkutsk, Novosibirsk and Tomsk. Not only Urals and Siberians, but also residents of the capital will be able to enjoy the spectacle. In Moscow, stellar flares will be observed at the same time as in other regions of Russia, although they will not be as intense. The only thing that can interfere with the observation of this cosmic miracle is an overly bright Moon or cloudy weather.

It is worth recalling that the Perseid meteor shower is one of the “big three” of the largest meteor showers recorded in the Northern Hemisphere and will not appear over our country for the first time. The last time Russia was under the Perseid comet shower was quite recently - in August 2017.

What does starfall signify?

At all times, this cosmic phenomenon was perceived as a kind of sign from above. At present, the attitude towards meteor showers has not changed much. Many people still tend to perceive it as an omen of important historical or geopolitical events. According to astrologers and psychics, the space guests, named after Perseus, the son of the mythical Zeus and Danae, symbolize the eternal struggle between the Light and Dark sides of the universe. Some experts in the field of medicine warn: during the starfall, as well as during the period of the full moon, chronic diseases can worsen. Thus, during the days of meteor showers, conflict situations should be avoided, which can lead to stress and depression.

Useful information:

  • the period of the August meteor shower of 2018: July 17 - August 25;
  • area of ​​observation: Northern hemisphere;
  • the highest activity of the meteor shower: August 12 - 13.

Annually last Saturday in March environmental action is being carried out around the world " Earth Hour organized by the World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF).

The meaning of the action is voluntarily refusing to consume electrical energy for one hour. Thus, society is aware of the importance of taking measures to reduce the negative impact of human activity on the environment.

For the first time this great idea was implemented in Sydney, Australia in 2007. Then about two million residents of the metropolis took part in the action, and energy savings amounted to about 10%.

Inspired by the example, every year more and more new cities began to join the action "Earth Hour". It is expected that in 2020, residents of more than 7 thousand settlements of our planet (more than 2 billion people) will take part in a voluntary power outage for 1 hour. Among the countries participating in the action, of course, there is Russia.

What date and time is Earth Hour 2020:

As we wrote above, the event is held annually last Saturday in March, except in those years when the last Saturday in March comes before Easter.

This year's Earth Hour is scheduled for Saturday. March 28, 2020. Promotion will start at 20:30 local time and will last for an hour, until 21:30.

That is, the action Earth Hour 2020 - what date is held and what time:
* Event date - March 28, 2020
* from 20:30 to 21:30 local time.

The Draconid meteor shower will cover the sky on the night of October 9, 2018. This stellar stream is one of the spectacular starfalls of autumn. In a meteor shower, celestial bodies will appear in bright colors with a predominance of yellow and red.

According to astronomers' forecasts, the orbital region of the meteor shower will be located far from the Earth, and the speed of the stream will not be significant, namely, no more than 20 km per second. Therefore, a large number of meteors will not be observed. However, on the night when the starfall is expected to peak, the sky can light up to 15 falling meteors per hour.

The Draconid meteor shower will traditionally illuminate the Earth in the first ten days of October

On the night of October 9, the Draconids star shower will cover the sky. A meteor shower will sweep over the Earth, which, according to scientists, is the densest and most unpredictable. Its peculiarity lies in the fact that the trails of an individual meteor are visible for several seconds or even minutes.

Starfall can be observed in open space, in the mountains or as far as possible from populated areas with their artificial lighting. Under the condition of clear and cloudless weather, it will be possible to observe shooting stars flying across the sky in all directions from the area where the head of the celestial constellation Draco is located. To clearly see shooting stars, you need to look towards the constellation Ursa Major, namely to the northwest or north.

Draconid Starfall will please with its annual show

The Draconid meteor shower has earned a reputation as the most unpredictable celestial event. Every year in the sky, at the peak of starfall, you can observe up to 15 falling meteors per hour. However, over the past century, the Draconid meteor shower has struck with its saturation with meteors. In 1998, meteors at the zenith reached 700 celestial bodies per hour and turned the sky into a luminous element, with grandiose shining showers falling down to the Earth.

It is worth noting that the upcoming meteor shower differs from other meteor showers in its color, namely, a bright reddish-yellow glow. This is explained by the fact that the Draconids seem to be catching up with the Earth and the speed of entry of the particles of the stream into the atmosphere is relatively low, only about 20 km per second, which explains a more clear picture of starfall during the study.

Scientists are carefully preparing for this event and are fully preparing robotic telescopes for the start of the star show. They can be used to determine the chemical composition of comets that give rise to meteors. The quintessence of this action is the starfall, which once a year illuminates the Earth with an incredible show.

Starfalls have attracted the attention of people since ancient times. In September, you can admire the next meteor shower and make your most cherished wish.

Starfalls occur at regular intervals when a planet is caught in a stream of particles burning up in its atmosphere. During starfalls, you can make a wish or just enjoy the beauty of the night sky with bright flashes. Site site experts recommend taking advantage of a unique opportunity to spend an unforgettable evening or arrange an open-air date for your soul mate.

meteor showers in september

The Capricornid stream was discovered in the second half of 1871, and this discovery belongs to the Hungarian astronomer de Concolli. At the beginning of the 20th century, scientists found that meteor showers consist of three parts, so they can be observed from all over the globe.

In September, the meteor shower will not be so colorful, but many will have time to watch shooting stars until the 15th. Astrologers predict the Capricornid meteor shower, which will take place in the constellation of Capricorn. Despite the fact that its peak is in July, in September you can see bright flashes in the night sky. This stream is considered the brightest and even with its low intensity the spectacle will be beautiful. FROM 1 to 15 September in the period after 23 pm and up to 4 am, you will see about 5 flashes per hour. Taking into account the fact that the combustion of particles in the atmosphere will be accompanied by bright flashes, many will be able to make a wish in time.

The downside of meteor showers is the deterioration in the well-being of some people who are susceptible to weather changes. During intense starfalls, they may feel slightly unwell, dizzy, and apathetic. However, in September the meteor shower will be weak, so those who are worried about their well-being can limit themselves to simple prevention of ailments. With the help of effective herbal infusions, you can get rid of the symptoms of malaise and prevent headaches.

During the falling stars, many cannot make a wish due to lack of time. Prepare in advance and clearly formulate the thought so that your phrase is as succinct as possible. So you can send an impulse to the Universe and get what you want. Good luck and don't forget to press the buttons and

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